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July 27, 1934 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1934-07-27

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The Weather
Lower Michigan generally fair
today and probably tomorrow;
somewhat warmer in north.


4Ait 4 a


The Murder Of Millimetter-
nich ... Inevitable Unemploy-

Official Publication Of The Summer Session

L XV No. 28




artial Rule

University Mourns Loss

Deflared In
,000 Guardsmen Called
By Olson To Prevent An
Outbreak Of Violence
,mployers Reject
Federal Ultimatum

Sex Problem
Is Discussed
By Forsythe
Scores Conservative View
Of Teaching Children
Only Three R's
Problem Deserves
Keen Examination

Truck Transportation At
A Standstill;. Residents
Unaffected By Order
MINNEAPOLIS, July 26. - UP) -
Gov. Floyd B. Olson today placed
4,000 National Guardsmen in control
of the city for preservation of law
and order during the truck drivers'
It was the first time in history that
martial law has been declared in Min-
nesota, the Governor resorting to this
drastic step when employers, con-
demning what they said were "Com-
munistic leaders" failed to accept
without reservations, the peace plan
ultimatum given both sides by Federal
For the most part, residents of the
city were unaffected by the orders,
which prohibited movement of com-
mercial trucks except necessities, un-
less by official permit, and forbade
outdoor gatherings of more than 100
persons unless officially permitted.
Interstate Commerce O.K.'d
City and county law enforcement
authorities were subordinated to mil-
itary. Civil courts will function as
usual. Vehicles moving in interstate
commerce will also be allowed to
Troops in full equipment began
moving into the city in force to pre-
vent any such further outbreak of vio-
lence in which one man was fatally!
wounded and 67 others hurt, most of
them shot, when police fired on strik-
ers attacking a loaded truck last Fri.
Gov. Olson proclaimed, martial rulej
soon after word was received of the
vote on the controversy by both sides,
which had studied the terms of settle-
ment drafted by the Rev. Francis'
Haas and E. H. Dunnigan, Federal,
Employers Reject Plan
The employers rejected the wage-
scale provision, stipulating 40 % cents
an hour for inside workers, helpers
and platform men and 52%/2 cents anl
hour for drivers. .
The employees, on the other hand,1
cheered the vote of their union, No.,
574, when it balloted 1,866 to 147 to I
accept the mediators plan in full and1
without reservations..
When the Employers Advisory Com-
mittee defied the governor's edict that#
the entire plan must be accepted with-
out reservations, or military rule1
would be decreed, the chief executive
acted within an hour.z
Fifth Summer
Session Dance
To Be Tonioht

'* * *
Month's -Illness
Fatal To Prof .
C. H. Fessenen
Body Taken To Hamilton,
O., For Burial; Hopkins
Expresses Sorrow
Professor Charles Horace Fessen-
den of the College of Engineering
died at 8:30 yesterday morning at the
University Hospital following an op-
eration which he underwent last
Funeral services were held at 7:30
p.m. yesterday and the body was tak-
en to Hamilton, 0., for further serv-
ices and burial on Saturday. The
Rev. Henry Lewis of the St. Andrews
Episcopal church officiated. Profes-
sor Fessenden was 49 years old.
Various expressions of deep sorrow
were made throughout the Univer-
hsity. Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, director
of the Summer Session, stated.
"Professor Fessenden was a quiet,
devoted member of the faculty who
always gave his responsibility to the
University first place. Conscientious
and well-informed in his field, it was
a pIeasuie for me to work"With him
intimately for many years as the sec-
retary of the College of Engineering."
Prof. Henry C. Anderson, head of
the. department of mechanical engi-
neering and University director of
student and alumni relations, ex-;
pressed his feeling thus:
"In the passing of Professor Fes-
senden, the University and the Col-
lege of Engineering has lost one of
its outstanding teachers. I have
known him as a close personal friend
for 26 years. The loss of such a
friend and colleague is a great shock
to all of us.
"He was one of the most loyal, co-1
operative and kindest men I have
ever known. He had a brilliant mind
and the ability to use it in a way that
the most difficult problems seemed
easy. He was a true gentleman, kind
and courteous to everyone. His stu-
dents loved him."'
The passing of Professor Fessenden
(Continued on Page 3)1
Women's Educationt
Club To Hear Eich
Members of the Women's Edu-
cation Club will hear Prof. Louist
M. Eich, secretary of the Sum-
mer Session, as their featured
speaker at the regular meeting oft
the club at 7:30 p.m. Monday. I
Professor Eich, a member of the t
speech department, will give a
number of miscellaneous readings.-

Health Service Physician
Says Thinking On Matter
Has Been Too Colored
The problem of sex would seem tc
deserve primary consideration in the
school program, if based upon the
pupils' interest and needs for future
successful living, Dr. Warren E. For-
sythe, director of the Health Service,
told yesterday's audience of the four
o'clock lecture series of the School
of Education.
Using as his subject "The Sex Prob-
lem in the Schools," Dr. Forsythe
opened his address by analyzing the
school's responsibility in sex educa-
tion. "Under conservative influences,"
Dr. Forsythe said, "the school is con-
cerned only with assisting children
to acquire specific information as il-
lustrated by 'readin' and writin' and
It was his view, however, that the
school which recognizes the objec-
tives which recent educational au-
thorities have advanced is primarily
concerned with questions of vital in-
terest to the child and its living.
"Such problems," he said, "involve
instruction relative to the meaning of
sex interest and the proper attitudes
to take relative to such meanings."
This instruction, the speaker said, was
of importance because "the influences!
of- sex urges and the social attitude
toward them have probably damaged
or distorted the personalities of a good
portion of our population."x
Dr. Forsythe mentioned as one of
the difficulties encountered by the
schools, the lack of clear thinking on
the problem, saying that the "think-
ing has been too much colored by un-
scientific points of view."
Dr. Forsythe summarized his dis-
cussion with the opinion that "schools
should be very much concerned as
to their objectives, and give large
place to a consideration of pupil life
problems, present and future, for the
problems of sex cannot be ignored
in a school program which is looking
toward a happy and well-adjusted fu-
ture society."
Drop In Temperature
Brings Relief For City
Relief was marked by a drop of
over 25 degrees in the average tem-
perature yesterday, as cloudy skies
shielded the city from the sun that
has parched the town for the last few
The University Weather Bureau in
the Observatory announced that the
maximum temperature for the day
was 79.8 degrees, with a minimum of
66.1 degrees recorded at 7 a.m., and a
temperature of 73.9 degrees at 7 p.m.
Wind movement for the 24 hours
from 7 p.m. Wednesday to 7 p.m. yes-
terday was 89.3, almost the same as
for the preceding day. Readings on
the heavy rain that fell at 3:30 a.m.
yesterday were not available, but a
precipitation of .03 inches was re-
corded between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.

Anemia Cure
Discussed By
Institute Head Defines The
Disease As Reduction Of
HaemoglobinIn Cells
Fluid Composed Of
Proteins And Iron
Pernicious Anemia, Iron
Starvation Described By
Doctor In Lecture
The story of anemia, which in its
more serious stages was 100 per cent
fatal before 1926 but which at the
present time is highly c.rable in any
stage, was told yesterday by Dr. Cyrus
C. Sturgis, Director of the Simpson
Memorial Research Institute, at one
of the regular Summer Session lec-
Anemia may be defined, stated Dr.
Sturgis, as a condition of reduction of
the red material or haemoglobin in
the blood cells.
The characteristics of the disease
as described by the speaker were pal-
lor, weakness, ease of fatigue, pal-
pitations, shortness of breath,\and in
some cases swelling of the ankles.
The exceedingly important fluid in
anemia, haemoglobin, is composed of
two parts, according to Dr. Sturgis.
They are protein globules and iron-
containing nuclei.
The condition of anemia may be
produced by three factors, namely, a
reduction of haemoglobin, not enough
cells manufacturing haemoglobin, or
a decreased manufacture of haemo-
globin coupled with an increased ra-
tio of cell destruction, according to
Dr. Sturgis.
"Pallor is not necessarily an indi-
cation of anemia for pallor may be
inherited from birth. A pretty good
indication of anemia is when a nor-M
mally ruddy complexioned person
becomes pallid and stays that way."
The speaker said that the amount
(Continued on Page '4)

Austria; Civil

. .

Sent By Hitler As Special Envoy To Vienna

-Associated Press Photo

Italy Continues Mobilization
To Protect Independence Of





New York ............56 34
Detroit ..............57 35
Cleveland ............50 40
Boston ..............50 44
St. Louis .............40 45
Washington .........43 50
Philadelphia .........35 54
Chicago............32 61
Yesterday's Results
Boston 11, Detroit 2.
New York 3, St. Louis 1.
Chicago 9, Washington 0.


Philadelphia at Cleveland, rain.
Games Today
Cleveland at St. Louis (2).
Only games scheduled.


Malloy Reches
Seni-Finals Of
City Golf Meet
Cal Markham, Defending
Champion, Defeated By
Frank Conklin 5.4
Two members of Michigan's Var-
sity golf team were eliminated and
two others reached the semi-finals
with one a favorite to take the title
as a result of second and third-round
play in the eighth city golf tourna-
meny played yesterday dt the Uni-
versity Course.
Cal Markham, captain-elect of the
1935 Wolverine team and defending
champion, was eliminated in the sec-
ond round yesterday, 5 and 4, by
Frank Conklin, and Dana Seeley was
defeated in the quarter-final round,
1 up, by Carol Lovelace.
Woody Malloy, sophomore star and
number two player on the Michigan
team, swept through yesterday's
matches without difficulty, and estab-
lished himself as odds-on-favorite to
take his third city crown and win
permanent possession of the trophy.
Malloy had little difficulty in down-
ing Father J. M. Lynch in the morn-
ing round, 7 and 5, and went on to
defeat Conklin, 6 and 5. Conklin was
far off the game which eliminated
Markham in the morning, but Malloy
played the 13 holes of 'their match
in two over par, after a shaky start
on the first nine.

Identifying Of
Dillinger Made
Micligan Graduate Gives
Testimony At Inquest On
Positive identification of the body
of John Dillinger, notorious despera-
do killed by Department of Justice
agents Sunday night, was made, de-
spite changes in his appearance, by
Earle L. Richmond, a graduate of the
University of Michigan in the class
of 1929.
Richmond, who obtained his A.B.
degree here, attended the Michigan
Law School for two years and then
received his LL.D. degree from Wash-
ington and Lee University, is now a
special agent of the Department of
Justice. Although little has been
known of their activities as Depart-
ment of Justice agents, both Rich-
mond and his brother Lloyd have
been active in federal secret service
He gave the principal testimony
at the, coroner's inquest in Chicago
Monday afternoon, establishing Dil-
linger's identity through fingerprints.
The identification was made in spite
of Dillinger's apparent attempt to
destroy his fingerprint markings by
the use of acids. His efforts proved
unsuccessful as Richmond's exami-
nation established his identity beyond

Franz Von Papen Will Be
Sent As Special German
Envoy To Vienna
Secret Nazi Radio
Message Picked Up
Machine Guns, Artillery
Ruthlessly Used; Report
300 Killed
BERLIN, July 27.- (Friday)
-- riP)--Franz von Papen, the
German vice-chancellor, will be
sent as a special envoy to Vienna
it was indicated in an officially
published message from Chancel-
lor Hitler to von Papen, now in
VENICE, July 27. - (Friday)
- (AP)-Four squadrons of mili-
tary airplanes totaling 48 ma-
chines passed over Venice early
today en route to a point near the
Austrian border.
A rumor that Italian troops had
crossed 'the frontier gained cir-.
culation but it could not be sub-
stantiated as efforts to trace its
source were fruitless.
Official sources were silent since
the announcement Thursday eve-
ning that troops moved toward
the border were being held there.
Reports from Trieste and other
points near the border indicated
that disorder in the Austrian
province of Carinthia were con-
tinuing but mentioned no Italian
troop movepients
Trains from Austria were ar-
riving here several hours behind
Mrs. Emil Fey, wife of the Aus-
trian minister without portfolo,
who is staying here, had three
telephone conversations with her
husband in Vienna during the
last 24 hours. She said he had as-
sured her that the Austrian sit-
uation was under control.
VIENNA, July 27. - (Friday)
- W)- A secret message picked
up by the gendarmerie at Graz in-
dicated today that Nazis operat-
ing a secret radio station had
broadcast a nation-wide appeal
to their cohorts to assist Styria
and other southern provinces in
overthrowing the government.
VIENNA, July 26. - W) - Nazis
and government troops battled in a
desperate civil war in the southern
provinces tonight as the colleagues
of the slain Chancellor Engelbert
Dollfuss carried on his battle against
,the group that took his life.
With machine guns and artillery as
well as small arms the government
forces --regular army and Heimwehr
- fought ruthlessly to dislodge Nazis
from their strongholds, and men fell
dead and wounded by the hundreds.
Reports of the number killed piled
up until it appeared that at least 300
lives had been lost, and many rebels
and loyal soldiers had been maimed.
As Austrians fought rebels within
the borders, across two frontiers for-
eign soldiers stood in warlike ac-
coutrements, watching the conflict.
On the Italian border 48,000 soldiers
of Premier Mussolini were ready to
act, if need be, to protect the inde-
pendence of Austria under the leader-
ship of Prince Ernst von Stahrer-
berg, standing in Dollfuss' stead.
Many of, the Nazis -from the
farms of the hinterland - fought
without knowledge that the govern-
mentwas still in the hands of the
They thought that yesterday's
putsch overthrew the government and
placed Dr. Anton Rintelen, pro-Nazi,
at the head of a new cabinet.
The government was not uniformly
successful against the Nazis, although
it appeared from reports reaching
here that the rebels were losing

In Styria first reports said that 280
were dead, and other casualties were
reported from various sectors.
(Continued on Page 4)
P.G.A. Champion
Loses To Watrous
BUFFALO, July 26. - (P) - Gene
..0o '--a" h CAsnl rin in

New York ..........59. 34
Chicago............56 36
St. Louis ...........54 37
Boston.............46 49
Pittsburgh..........42 46
Brooklyn...........40 52
Philadelphia........40 53
Cincinnati..........30 60
LYesterday's Results
St. Louis 7-3, New York 2-6.


Regular Dance Procedure
To Be Followed; May
Try Innovations
The fifth official dance of the Sum-
mer Session will be given at 9:00 to-
night in the ballroom of the League.
Al Cowan and his band will, as usual,
provide the music for the function
while Charlotte Whitman, '35, will
The same procedure will be fol-
lowed this week, according to Miss
Ethel McCormick, social director of
Summer Session, as far as introduc-
tions are concerned. However, several
suggestions that have been published
in the "Campus Opinion" columns
about the League dance may be tried,
and if successful, will become perma-
nent additions. Students are urged
to come singly if they wish. Admis-
sion is 25 cents a person.
Hostesses this week include: Peg
Conklin, Betty Aigler, Marion Wiggin,
Marian Hymes, Barbara Nelson; Elva
Pascoe, Margaret Robb, Marie Reid,
Lucille Benz, Sue Calcutt, Charlotte
Johnson, Wilma Clisbe, Mary Ellen
Hall, Frances Thornton, Margaret
Seiwers, Kay Russell, and Adele Shuk-

First 'Air Train' Will Embark
On Maiden Voyage Next Week

An "air train," comprising a "loco-
motive" biplane and three glider
"cars" is expected to take off the
latter part of next week - probably
Thursday - from Floyd Bennett Field
with mail for Philadelphia, Balti-
more, and Washington.
The technical arrangements for the
flight are in charge of Prof. R. E.
Franklin, former assistant professor
of engineering mechanics here.
Professor Franklin is a pioneer
builder of gliders who, among other
things, has designed craft of this
type for the Navy to use in experi-
mental flights at Pensacola, Fla. He
also built the "Eagle" -the glider
Frank Hawk towed across the con-
tinent in 1930.
Glider trains have already been
flown successfully in this country as

for an "air train" in the real sense
of the word.
For the "locomotive" he has se-
lected a "Waco J5" biplane because
of its superiorlifting traction powers.
The "cars" will be Franklin T.S. 2
licensed gliders. The first in line will
be hooked to the plane by a 400 foot
towing cable. Behind this glider, at
200 foot intervals, the others will be
towed in line.
The arrangements for the flight are
being made by Jack O'Meara, national
glider champion of 1932. All that is
wanted at present is the -authoriza-
tion of the Post Office department
and O'Meara hopes to obtain that
today when he goes to Washington to
confer with Harley Branch, second
assistant to the postmaster general.
O'Meara had hoped to be able to

Pittsburgh 3-3, Philadelphia 0-5.
Brooklyn 6, Chicago 3.
Cincinnati 12, Boston 5.
Games Today
Philadelphia at New York,
Brooklyn at Boston.
St. Louis at Pittsburgh.
Only games scheduled.
Thirty Plan To
Go On Niagara
Falls Excursion
Approximately 30 people have made
arrangements to make the trip to Ni-
agara Falls this week-end on the
ninth Summer Session excursion, ac-
cording to an announcement made
last night by Professor-emeritus Wil-
liam H. Hobbs, who will conduct the
Twenty-seven reservations had al-
ready been made at 5 p.m. yesterday
and several others had announced
their intentions of making the trip.
Professor Hobbs said that the office of
the Summer Session would accept res-
nr..n- -%" f r,- n f ii 1- ti nm - - a

Niagara Falls Is Called 'Clock
Of Geological Time' By Hobbs

The geological history of Niagara
Falls is a history of a stream of water
and the forces opposing it. Called "a
clock of recent geological time" by
Professor-emeritus William H. Hobbs,
the Falls and the Niagara Gorge be-
low them form a vivid record of the
geological forces that have been at
work in the Great Lakes region in the
40,000 years or more since the forma-
tion of the Falls by the recession of
the Great Glacier.
Recession of the Great Glacier into
Canada left the country tilted east-
ward, so that water from Lake Erie
flowed through a wide river to Lake
Iroquois, a large body of water ly-
ing in the present position of Lake
rrh uranr o a lrn Tnr- wor

ume of the Great Lakes, then Lake
Algonquin, emptied through the Nia-
gara into Lake Iroquois a stream of
water probably greater than the
stream which now pours over the
After cutting this large channel
back into the rock for three-eighths
of a mile, the river lost a portion of
its supply. The Great Glacier, re-
ceding into Canada, had uncovered
the Trent River, which was another
route leading from Lake Angonquin
to Lake Ontario. The water from
the Lakes was therefore drained
through the Georgian Bay region.
With the smaller cutting power
the Falls receded for one and one-
eighth miles in a channel only 60 feet
deep and 500 feet wide. The water
.R . w - .ie !1. - . .. , . - . . _. ... .

Compton To Lecture
da d" . n' 1. ..

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