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June 26, 1934 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1934-06-26

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'33-'34 Session
Shows Decline
In Enrollment
Largest Decrease Is Noted
'in Extension Division
And Summer School 1

Artist's Sketch Of Hutchins Hall and.

(Continued from Page 1)
Michigan was represented by 7,737
students, a total 919 smaller than it
was a Year ago.
New York again ranked first among
the outside states having students
here, with a total enrollment of 906,
an increase of 60 over the previous
year. Other states having compara-
tively large representation here
ranked as follows: Ohio, 713; Illinois,
494; Pennsylvania, 373; and Indiana,
Foreign enrollment dropped only
four from last year's figures, with
256 students enrolled. Forty-three
countries and provinces were repre-
sented as against 50 the previous year.
China, with 78 enrolled, was the
leader. Ontario was second with 45,
Porto Rico third with 16, and the
Philippine Islands fourth with 12.
The ratio of men to women in at-
tendance at the regular session was
approximately five to two, with the
respective totals being 6,287 and 2,486.
Altogether, 8,773 students attended
the regular session. These figures also
decreased proportinately from 1932-
33, when there were 6,461 men and
2,507 women in attendance, with a
total enrollment of 8,968. The per
cent of decrease in the total enroll-
ment was 2.2.
In the 1933 Summer Session there
were only twice as many men as wom-
en enrolled, a total of 2,962 being
divided into 2,005 men students and
957 women students.nThe 1932 Sum-
mer Session had 2,453 men and 1,304
women enrolled, totaling 3,757. The"
percentage of decrease in the en-
rollment of women was surprisingly,
larger than that of the men, being
26.6 per cent to 18.3 per cent.
The Extension Division, during-the
year of 1933-34, declined in total
registration to 1,828 from the total
of the previous year. 2,155. This de-
crease was almost wholly attributable
to the falling off of the number of
women registered, since the number
of men students registered was only
four off the 1932-33 number of 711.
On the other hand, women's registra-
tion receded from 1,444 to 1,121, a
loss of 22.4 per cent.
The total University enrollment,
12,301, was the least since the fiscal
year, 1923-24, when 12,291 were en-
College Teachers
Called To Politics,

x * M
Dedication Of Law Quadrangle
Is Attended By Noted Jurists

Law Quadrangle Roosevelt Is
Set For Trip
To West Coast
)Allocates Drought Relief;
Goes Over Possibilities
For Commission Posts'
HYDE PARK, N. Y., June 25. --- P)
- President Roosevelt began today
a an intensive week to arrange affairs
of state, prior to his departure Satur-
[ day for his long planned cruise to
4 Hawaii and the west coast.
y Before leaving tonight for the Cap-
ital he took up the last of the bills
passed by the recent Congress and
went over the list of recommendations
j for ,the two new important commis-
;? sions to be selected - the stock ex-
change and communications agencies.
He allocated $150,000,000 of drouth
relief funds last night.
Talks To Governor Lehman
~ The President took advantage of his
brief stay here at the family home
to talk with state political leaders.
Governor Lehman and Edward J.
Flynn, state secretary of state and
Bronx leader, were dinner guests yes-
terday. While none of the participants
in this meeting would talk, it was as-
sumed Governor Lehman would run
for re-election this fall on the Dex-
ocratic ticket with the full support
T D Aof President Roosevelt. So far as poli-
J.1~I j tics are concerned, the President
stated on this trip that party affilia-
tions did not count in the federal
WASHINGTON - The department campaign for better days. He is ex-
of justice discussed plans of employ- pected by his aides to give unstinted
ing the United States army and na- support to those aiding in the ad-
tional guard in assisting in the search ministration program, regardless of
for John Dillinger. party.1
Mr. Roosevelt allocated the first of
SANTA BARBARA, Calif.- The the dro.uth relief funds last night in1
condition of Marie Dressler, famous an executive order which specifiede
movie star, was reported 'improved' $56,250,000 for direct aid to the states
by her physician. Miss Dressler has in the stricken area
been ailing from heart and kidney The remainder of the first dis-1
illnesses. tribution of Federal relief for the1
drouth area included $43,750,000 for
BISMARCK, N. D. -- Gov. William purchase of seed, food and live stock;t
Langer of this state closed his cam- $25,000,000 for seed and feed loans;r
paign for choice of the non-partisan $12,500,000 for purchase of lands int
party and. Republican gubernatorial the drought regions; and $12,500,000 r
nominee in the coming primaries. for establishment of civilian conser-t
vation camps in the stricken region.C
CHICAGO --Grain prices on the May Confer With Farley I
Chicago Board of Trade tumbled be- It was expected that Postmastert
cause of the greatly increased move- General Farley, national and state
ment of new wheat in the Southwest. dtmocratic chairman, might come
here today to confer with the Presi-
LONDON - Great Britain re- dent. This offers opportunity for dis-
mained ready for an Anglo-German cussion of the state political situationt
trade war while awaiting peace over- as well as selections for the new gov-t
tures from the latter country in a dis- ernment agencies to be filled this
pute over the German foreign loan week. Farley already has declared for
moratorium, re-election of Governor Lehman.
~-~-~~It is the hope of the President that -
NEW YORK-Edward West (Dad- he will have his desk cleared on Fri- t
dy) Browning, millionaire real estate day night. In that event he will board 1
operator, was reported in a serious the cruiser Houston at Annapolis, t
condition - at a local hospital. He is Maryland on Saturday and begin hisc
suffering from joint diseases, tour of the American possessions, in- .
cluding Puerto Rico, the Virgin t
EX-GOVERNOR HAS STROKE Islands, the Panama Canal Zone ando
CHAPEL HILL, Tenn., June 25.-- Hawaii. Stops also will be made in-
( P)-Suffering from a paralytic stroke, Columbia, South America and in thea
Henry H. Horton, 68-year-old former Republic of Panama.t
governor of Tennessee, was in a criti- Returning to the Pacific coasta
cal condition today at his farm home early in August, Mr. Roosevelt will c
near here. travel overland by rail, and there isb

(Continued from Page 1)
With the dedication on June 15 o
the Law Quadrangle, the University
officially accepted the $5,000,000 gif
of one of its outstanding alumni
Provision for the erection of the
group of buildings which includes
dormitories, class rooms, a library
and the administrative offices of th
Law School was made in the will o:
William W. Cook, '82L, who be-
queath to his alma mater more than
The Law Quadrangle was actually
completed only with the opening of
Hutchins Hall last September: This
building is the Law School proper
for it houses the class rooms and of-
fices of the school. It closes in the
southwest corner of the huge block
which the quadrangle occupies, the
other sides being made up of the
dining hall, the Lawyers Club, John
P. Cook dormitory, and the legal re-
search library.
The value of the new 'group of
buildings in their relation to the
Fred Crandall
Directs, Acts
In Same Play

Registration Is
Continued For


w -

teaching of law and work of the Law!
School in general was expressed by
Dean Henry M. Bates when the final
unit in the group was opened last fall.
The group constitutes an arrange-
ment of working and living conditions
which will stimulate high standards
of work and develop a proper esprit
de corps, he said. Legal research can

CHICAGO, June 25.-(R) -College
teachers were calledI upon today to
forsake isolation and plunge into the
"social and political life of the na-
An appeal circulated as the Ameri-
can Federation of Teachers opened
its 18th annual session asserted that
"teachers. need organization which
will defend their interests economi-
cally and prevent them from being
forced to low levels of work and sal-
ary upon which it is impossible to
maintain any life of culture.
"Unless teachers have an organiza-
tion to protect them they are likely
to be victimized for teaching the
truth, if that truth comes into con-
flict with the interests of powerful
and dominant groups in society."
Wistert, Petoskey
Now Professionals

Has Leading Role In 'One
Hundred Years Old,' Now
Showing Here
(Continued from Page 1)
real work was done, however, late at
night. The Iydia Mendelssohn The-
atre was often occupied until the wee
hours of the morning. Dress rehear-
sal was held Sunday night and the
players rested all day yesterday.
Concerning the play itself, Mr.
Crandall said: "It is a show of ex-
treme delicacy and must be played
with a great deal of restraint. It is
very quiet and demands a fine intui-
tive feeling. Better acting is re-
quired than in a play of a more sen-
sational, faster-moving nature.
"It is a modern Spanish play which
belongs to the new school of play-
writing that Spain has produced in
the last 30 years. It is typical of the
school as a whole. The plays in the
new school have a depth of emotion,
with not much on- the surface. The
plots are usually quite scant, and the
plays stress characterizations which
are usually very finely drawn and
beautifully done.
"They are not influenced by the
Ibsen 'problem' idea, but lean to-
wards romanticism and sentiment.
'One Hundred Years Old' is one of
the Spanish classics. It has played
in London and New York with great
success, and has been translated into
many foreign languages."
Serafin and Joaquin Alarez Quin-
teros, the authors of the play, have
-been successful in drama, their plays
"Women Have Their Way," and "The
Lady Frfm Alfa Que Que" having also
been hits.
Mr. Crandall, who teaches Ad-
vanced Acting and Advanced Dra-

f now be conducted on a wider scale
than ever before attempted by using
a the facilities which have been made
available to the University, Dean
Bates said.
f The dedication of the group at-
s tracted some of the most noted fig-
ures in the judiciary and educational;
fields. The chief speakers for the
event were Justice Harlan F. Stone
of the United States Supreme Court
and former dean of the Columbia
University law school, Newton D.
Baker, Chief Justice Marvin Rosen-
berry of the Wisconsin Supreme
Court, and Dean Bates. Such crowds
attended the ceremonies that the
overflow from the dinner which was
served in the Lawyers Club had to be
accommodated in the Union ball-
A number of prominent educators ,
from other institutions have come to I
'Ann Arbor to take part in the sum-
mer session of the school. Among
these are Hessel E. Yntema, Ph.D.,
S.J.D., professor of law at Johns Hop-
kins University, Albert Charles Ja-
cobs, B.C.L., A.M., associate professor
of law at Columbia University, and
Gustave A. Ohlinger, A.M., L.L.B., of
the Toledo, O., bar. These men will'
supplement the regular faculty of the
Dean Bates graduated from the lit-
erary college in 1890 with the degree
of Ph.D. He received honorary de-
grees from Northwestern University
and Kalamazoo College. Dean Bates
is a member of a number of law so-
cieties and has served on the commis-
sion for uniform state laws since 1921.
He became dean of the Law School in
1910 and has held that position ever
matic Production along with his. di-
recting and acting, has wanted to
produce this play for a, long time. Al-
though this is the first time he has
directed a Repertory Players' pro-
duction, he has done "A Mid-Sum-
mer Night's Dream," "Cradle Song,"
"Outward Bound," "The Enemy," and
"Ice Bound" for the Ann Arbor high
school group.
Mr. Crandall graduated from the
University in 1929, and since that
time has been instructing in Ann
Arbor high school and working on his
Master's degree. During the winter
season he plays in the Bonstelle -Civic
Theatre Group at the Art Institute
Theatre in Detroit, where T. W. Ste-
vens has been directing. This is his
fourth summer with the Repertory

* * *
3 University
Delegates To
Tour Germany
Three representatives of the Uni-
versity, along with three delegates
from each of 15 other Colleges and
Universities will sail Saturday on the
Bremen for a two months tour of
Germany by invitation of the Karl
Schurz society and the American
The three representatives of the
University ,re Vice-President Clar-
ence Yoakum, Prof. James K. Pol-
lock of the political science depart-
ment, and John W. Lederle; Grad.,
former president of the Michigan
Union and the Oratorical Association.
The purpose of the tour, according
to Professor Pollock, is to merely
make an extensive tour of the coun-
try as observers, noting the variols
phases of the government of Germany
under Adoph Hitler. Contrary to
current rumor neither Professor Pol-
lock nor Mr. Yoakum will lecture
Both "Political Parties and Elec-
toral Problems," and "Continental
European Governments," courses that
Professor Pollock was to teach during
the Summer Session will be discon-
HARRIMAN, Tenn., June 25. - P)
-The Harriman Hosiery Mills, one of
the largest industrial plants to lose
the Blue Eagle, closed down its plant
today. A notice said, "The actions
of Gen. Hugh Johnson and the NRA
have convinced us that they intend
to wreck this concern and make its
operation impossible."
a possibility he, will make some
epeeches, probably in Minneapolis,
and Green Bay, Wis., where the ter-
cententary of the state will be cele-

and nieces.


by Factory Experts at
30out State Street

Sport Program
Intra ural Plan Calls For
Competition In Various
Summer Sports
Registration in all branches of the
Intramural sports program will con-
tinue throughout the week, with the
program getting into full swing next
week, it was announced yestet.iay by
Randolph Webster, in charge of the
Intramural sports activities for the
Summer Session.
Activities planned include team
and individual competition in swim-
ming, playground ball, golf, handball,
horseshoes, and squash, as well as
other games adapted to summer play.
All facilities of the Intramural
Building, adapted to indoors sports,
Ferry Field and South Ferry Field.
the University Golf Course and Wa-
terman Gymnasium have been made
Registration for participation in all
departments of the summer athletic
program may be made in the lobby
of the Intramural Building or in the
Intramural offices.
a n.t
John Fischer,
Local Business
Leader, Dies
-John C. Fischer, local hardware
merchant, and for many years ac-
tive in the business and civic life of
Ann Arbor, died early yesterday mor-
ning in St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital.
Mr. Fischer, who was 68 years old,
had been in failing health for several
years, but had continued to take an
active part in his business until 10
days ago when he was taken critically
Mr. Fischer was a lifelong resident
of Ann Arbor and entered the hard-
ware business in 1885 as an employe,
entering business for himself four
years later.
He was the first president of the
Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce,
serving three terms in that capacity,
and was elected to the board of edu-
cation in 1923. He was at one time
active in the Masons, Odd Fellows,
and Exchange Club, and at one time
served as president of the Michigan
Retail Hardware Association.
Mr. Fischer is survived by a sister,
Mrs. Caroline Feldhauser, of Gray-
ling, and a daughter, Mrs. Axel Marin,
wife of Prof. Marin of the engineering
college, as well as several nephews
and nieces.



302 South State Street



Immediately following graduation
Wthitey Wistert, Michigan's All-
American tackle and ace hurler, along
with Ted Petoskey, All-Conference
end, basketball captain and outfield-
er, went to Cincinnati to take up duty
with the Reds, National League base-
ball team.
Wistert, whose salary is rumored at
$375 a month, joined the pitching
staff and Petoskey will continue as
an outfielder.
Avon Artz, baseball captain and
leading hitter, is playing with a De-
troit team, and Herman Everhardus,
All-Conference halfback on the grid
team, has signed with the recently#
formed Detroit professional outfit.
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I ti

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