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June 26, 1934 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1934-06-26

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,ial Publication of the Summer Session

istrator, soldier, and citizen, as the geologist termed
the former Governor-General of the Philippines.
Professor Hobbs has been honored on numerous
occasions. In 1924 he was made Chevalier of the
Legion of Honor; he is a Fellow of the Geological
Society of America, and a Member of the American
Philosophical Society. During the recent session
of the State Legislature, while that body was in the
midst of heated discussions involving affairs of
State, all activity ceased when both houses took
time to pass a unanimous resolution honoring

3A I

Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
r$5ocaidittd otli # e s .
- 1933 NATOAL ,. vciri)1934
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it
or' not otherwise credited in this paper and the local
news published herein. All rights of republication of
special dispatches are reserved.
Entered at thesPost Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
'third Assistant Postmnaster-Genral.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.25; by mail,
$.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by
mail, $4.25.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publications Representatives.
Inc.,. 40'East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Phone 4925
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Charles A. Baird, Clinton B. Con-
ger, Paul J. Elliott, Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H.
Kleene, Willianm R. Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch.
REPORTERS: Barbara Bates, C. H. Beukema, Frances
English, Harriet Hunt, Katherine Miller, Elsie Pierce,
Virginia Scott, Edgar H. Eckert, Bernard H. Fried.
Office Hours: 9-12, 1-5 Phone 2-1214
Professor Hobbs -
A Tribute
has been a member of the Univer-
sity faculty since 1906, when he came here from
the University of Wisconsin to accept the headship
of the department of geology and the directorship
of the geology laboratory, has retired from active
service at Michigan. An internationally known
figure, Professor Hobbs leaves behind him one of
the most impressive records ever established by an
During that period of .the year 1918 which
climaxed the World War, Professor Hobbs, though
essentially a geologist, was one of the leading men
employed with the assembling of material. for
the use of the American delegates at the Peace
Conference. One of the leading publications con-
cerning the results of the War was "The World
War and Its Consequences" with an introduction
by Theodore Roosevelt, which was written by this
same geologist.
That the war work of this man should stand
out with that of leading political scientists, his-
torians, and sociologists, although the matter is
apart from the field of geology, is only an ex-
cellent illustration of his versatility. Although his
work in the geological field has been of such a
nature as to mark him as one of the leaders in
that branch of science, the unusual thing about
Professor Hobbs has been his widespread interest
in all things affecting humanity.
Professor Hobbs, who has had three glaciers
named in his honor, is one of the most widely-
traveled men of this country. In 1921 he made an
extended trip through the Orient, visiting many
islands and carrying on research work wherever
he went. He stopped at Hawaii and Japan, where
he studied mountain range formations, and then
sailed for the Coral Islands on a Japanese gun-
boat, the first foreign civilian to travel on a Jap-
anese war vessel. On this voyage the ship experi-
enced many storns, all of which the grey-haired
professor took with a smile.
In January of the following year he sent this
message to President Marion Leroy Burton of the
University, "I am now on a 4,000-mile cruise skirt-
ing North. Borneo - thence through the Straits
and past Flores into the Indian Ocean. The scien-
tific problem on which I am working has so de-
veloped as to make it necessary for me to extend
my trip." The answer to this letter of course ad-
vised Professor Hobbs to continue his work.
Another experience of this trip - and one which
serves to illustrate the generous explorer's inter-
est in his fellow-men - was the discovery of a ma-
rooned sailor on the shoals of the Kusai Islands.
The man had been there for twenty years, and

Professor Hobbs laid his case before the Acting-
Governor of the Philippines and so arranged for
thesailor's return to his home in Utica, Ohio.
His next important venture was in connection
with the famous Koch of Copenhagen, in the form
of a scientific expedition to Greenland during the
years 1926, 1927, and 1928. His work there was
lauded by Admiral Richard E. Byrd in the fol-
lowing statement, "The work of Professor Hobbs in
the North was most valuable, and what he has done
there must be done in the South. When I reach
the age which he has attained, I am mighty sure
that I shall be glad to retire. Not he. He works
with an untiring energy that amazes all of us."
And, true to the South Pole explorer's prediction,
Professor Hobbs did continue to work actively in
his major field of interest, in addition to expend-
ing his efforts in other directions of importance
to humanity.
His scientific colleagues know him as one of the
leading advocates of the "Panetesmal" theory of
the origin of the earth. His earliest book was en-

Michigan's famed explorer. This resolution came
on the heels of the announcement that Professor
Hobbs, at the age of seventy, would retire from
his University post.
At its most recent session, held in May, the fac-
ulty of the College of Literature, Science and the
Arts passed a resolution which epitomizes the
career of this famous and kind-hearted teacher,
who, though stern, has always shown the utmost
respect for the viewpoints and abilities of his
pupils. The resolution follows:
"There are many careers which make less exact-
ing demands upon those who enter them than
that of the college professor, as we all know.
These are among the things required of its vo-
taries: complete knowledge of one's own field as
a matter of course, and something very nearly
approaching omniscience in addition; the bril-
liance, imagination, energy and love of knowledge
that makes a man a creative scholar; the mag-
netism and enthusiasm that makes him a teacher;
the personality that makes him a leader first in
his own department, then in his institution, and
finally in his profession and in the world outside
the college.
"If one recalls the really great professors of this
and other universities he will, I think, find that
they all possessed more or less of these qualities
and met these demands.
"This faculty is convened in appreciation of the
services of Professor William Herbert Hobbs, who
after twenty-eight fruitful years of scholarly ac-
tivity at the University of Michigan is now retiring,
full of all the honor we can bestow upon him. If
we look back over Professor Hobbs' career we can
all agree that he has nobly measured up to the
demands of his profession and has amply merited
the title of Professor, with all that it implies. Cer-
tainly, his creative scholarship, his leadership, and
his ability to inspire others are traits of which.
we have all had first-hand experience.
"This profession of ours, if it makes harsh de-
mands, seldom bestows its awards in the coin
that the world recognizes. Of monetary rewards
there are few enough; of fame there may be some,
but too often the successful charlatan and political
schemer is better known than the honest and hon-
orable scholar. There is, however, the realization
that one's colleagues know and respect one's worth;
there is the affection of old students; there is the
gratitude of the institution - these are all things
that are not to be bought save by years of tireless
devotion to an ideal. May our good colleague, Dr.
Hobbs, live long to enjoy these rewards and to
realize that he commands the respect and the
regard of us all."
Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be con-
strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors
are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less
than 500 words if possible.

ing our own business, with what we've got. What
do we want with an old sea monster, anyway?
Citizens of Ann Arbor, something must be done.
and done quickly, to remedy this deplorable situa-
tion. While other places much smaller than Ann
Arbor go 'round having sea monsters practically
every day, we sit back and twiddle our thumbs,
content to get along with Huron River bass, sun-
fish, and sewer carp!
But what do you, Mayor Campbell, care if Ann
Arbor doesn't have a sea monster of its own? We
don't count, anyway. All we do is pay taxes and
pay salaries and vote for public officials, so we
don't matter. We can go to the movies if we want
to see one. Don't bother about us, Mayor Campbell.
We've got along so far without a sea monster so I
guess we can get along for another year or two
without one.
But in closing let me say this, Mayor Campbell.
Don't be surprised if when the time for anotherI
election rolls around, the voters elect somebody
who isn't too busy to get Ann Arbor a sea monster.
Yours respectfully,
The Theao-tre-

Publication in th pBultetftn Io conctruciJve nof.ee to all memherRi of the
University. Copy received atthe office orf the Assistaut to the President until
3:30; 11:30 a.min. Saturday.


Excursion No. 1: Tour of the Cam- University are eligible for member-
pus: The students will nake all in- ship.
mpection of the General Library, Cle- Charles A. Sink
ments Library, Cook Legal Research
Library, Law Quadrangle, Michigan The Phi Delta Kappa society will
Union, Aeronautical Laboratory, and hold a luIcheon at 12:10 p.m. today
Naval Tank. Those who wish to at- at the Michigan Union.
tend should meet on the steps of An- School of Education: There will be
gell Hall, Thursday, June 28. at 2:30 1 Sh l of tion Thd wil b
p~m.Thee isno harg fo thi Ian assembly of students and faculty
p.m. There is no charge for this of the School of Education today at
excursion. 4:00 p.m. in the University High
t School Auditorium.
k I 1 WValf Dpnmrfinent, Im


Arrives Late For Speech
But Would-Be Assassin
Doesn't Wait For Him
POONA, India, June 25. -UP) -
Mahatma Gandhi escaped death or
injury by three minutes today as a
bomb was exploded in front of the
Municipal Hall where he was ex-
pected. Five persons were injured
by the blast.

Gandhi Misses
Bomb By Only
Three Miutes


I i

In Review
For the first few years of their existence the
first week or so of the activities of the Summer
Repertory Players schedule was difficult, coming
as it did immediately after the Dramatic Season
with brand new plays and Broadway stars for com-
petition. But that that is a hurdle which has been
successfully crossed was proven beyond question
last night at the opening of "A Hundred Years
Old" in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. This group
has improved tremendously and now the acting in
these plays does not come as an anticlimax
after Mr. Henderson's season. They have a great
deal of talent and the direction is good.
This play, written by Serafin and Joaquin Alarez
Quinteros, tells the story of the hundredth birthday
of a Spanish patriarch and the trials and tribula-
tions attendant upon the gathering of his numer-
ous offspring for the feast. There is trouble in
reconciling the eminently respectable family to the
presence of Gabrielle, a distant relation who has
not lived up to the family standards of morality,
trouble of the invitation of Antonon, another dis-
tant relation who is a truck-gardener and therefore
socially not quite, and the efforts of the old man
to promote the romance of Currita, his favorite,
with Trino, the adventurer of the family.
Many of the characterizations are extremely
good. Sarah Pierce as Dona Filomena, an irascible
old lady only happy in making others unhappy
who gets tipsy in the last act, is extremely good.
Frederic O. Crandall as Papa Juan, the old man
having the birthday, also does well. Barbara Van
Der Vort is a very capable actress and it seems
too bad that she is rarely given more than a bit
part. Nancy Bowman as Dona Marciala and Vir-
ginia Frink as Currita gave capable performances.
James Doll, however, as Don Evaristo was still
James Doll. Charles Harrell portrayed the role of
Trino a little too jerkily to be entirely convincing.
Despite these bouquets the play is not all that
might be expected, not because of the acting, not
because of the direction, and not because of the
scenery; but because of the play itself. It is a
queer play to have chosen for this season. It has
no suspense. It has only occasional humor. Nothing
happens. For the most part it is a series of char-
acter studies with altogether too much moralizing
thrown in. Before the end of the play the audience
gets a little sick of hearing the virtues of Papa
Juan expounded and re-expounded, and of having
one character after another tell about the beauties
of Life.
The production is good but the foundation, the
play itself, leaves something to be desired.
-Brackley Shaw.
Screen Reflections
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.
Playing at the Majestic for the last time today
is Earl *Carroll's "Murder at the Vanities," with the
much-heralded "Most Beautiful Girls In The
World." They're hardly that (although there are
some nice ones), but the show is good, nevertheless.

In fea e eare epatirmux
called to the attention of the Presi-
dent that the first tax payment under
the old age pension law was due De-
cember 1, 1933. Act Number 237 of
the Public Acts of 1933 provides for
the annual payment of a $2 tax
by every ,resident of the State of
Michigan of 21 years of age and up-
The State Welfare Department re-
quests that the tax be paid by each
citizen of the State immediately to
avoid "the necessity of making col-
lections by the enforcement of the
penalties contained in this law."
Niagara Falls Excursion: Students
desiring to go on this excursion should
leave their names in the office of the
Summer Session, Room 1213 Angell
Hall, some time this week, if possi-
Golf and Tennis Classes: Individual
lessons if desired, organized by Coach
Courtright for men and women. If
interested phone 4480.
Faculty, School of Education: A
special meeting of the faculty will be
held today at 12 o'clock noon at the
Michigan Union. At that time Dr.
Bruce. will describe the policies and
procedures of the University in con-
neciton with postgraduate courses.
Attention is also called to the as-
sembly of all students in Education
to be held at 4:10 o'clock. A full
attendance is desired.
C. O. Davis, Secretary
Mixed Chorus: All students inter-
ested in choral singing are invited to
join the Summer Session Mixed Cho-
rus which will meet every Tuesday
evening, from 7 to 8 in Morris Hall,
under the direction of David Mat-
tern. During the latter part of the
Summer Session, the chorus will
participate in a number of Twilight
Charles A. Sink
Men's Glee Club: The Men's Glee
Club will meet for rehearsals in Mor-
ris Hall every Thursday evening from
7 to 8 o'clock under the direction of
David Mattern. All men interested
are invited to enroll Thursday night.
Charles A. Sink
School of Music Orchestra: The
Student Symphony Orchestra will re-
hearse daily except Friday from 2 to
3, in Morris Hall, under the leader-
ship of David Mattern. Competent
students from all divisions of the
802 Packard St.
Open 11 A.M. til 11:30 P.M.
11:30 to 1:45 - 25c, 30c, 35c
5:15 to 7:45 - 35c, 40c, 45c

Women's Education Club will holdt
a garden party and organization
Ineeting at 7:15 Wednesday in the
Michigan League.
Men's Education Club will hold itst
organization meeting at 7:30 Wed-
nesday at the Michigan Union. 4

Educational Conference: Wednes-
day at 4:10 pm m.Professor Clifford
Woody will lecture on "Studying
Study Habits," in Room 1022 of the
University High School.

Pi Lambda Theta will hold its or-
ganization meeting at 8:15 Wednes-
day, in the Michigan League.
Social Dancing: The beginning and
intermediate classes in social dancing
will begin June 28 at 7:30 p.m. at
the Michigan League Ball Room. Six
lessons for $1.50. Students sign up
for classes at the regular class time.
Graduate Students In English:
Those students who expect to enroll
in English 201 and 202 or 207 and
208 during the next school year,
preparatory to taking the prelimin-
ary examination in the English lan-
guage, will please consult me some
time this week.
A. H. Marckwardt
.Mail is being held in the office of
the Summer Session, room 1213 An-
gell Hall, for the following persons:
Miss Barbara Andrews
Misses Florence and Adelaide Hath-
Miss Mabel L. Hannah
Mr. Walter Jones
Mr. J. Lauren Naden
Professor S. W. Spalding
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Waller
Read the Classified Ad column in
The Daily each morning.. It is a prac-
tice which nets many returns.

It was not determined immedi-
ately whether the explosion was di-
rected against Gandhi himself, but
all of those injured are supporters of
the Mahatma.
The bomb was hurled into a motor
car which drew up in front of the
building three minutes before Gandhi
arrived to received an address of wel-
The injured persons were taken to
a hospital. The bomber escaped as
the throng was thrown into confusion
following the explosion.
A boy scout band apparently saved
Gandhi's life.
The Mahatma was due at the hall
at 7:30 p.m. The band thought it
was Gandhi's car and started playing
in his honor.
The welcoming tune apparently
caused the bomber to hurl his explo-
sive into the car.
Gandhi arrived afoot and walked
unmolested into the building.
302 South State Street

"The Talk Of The Town"
Broiled T-Bone Steak
Four Taps --Finest Beer
Ciublike Atmosphere

"" :




School of Social
Taught daily, 10 to 10.
Terrace Garden Studio
Wuerth Theater Bldg.
Phone 9695


Lf dL=

To the Editor:
I have a complaint to make. Already, when I've
only been on campus two days, your paper shat-
tered the peace and quiet of my hitherto pleasant
existence. I came here without a worry in the
world. Now look at me. Just look at me. I've got
the jitters. I'm getting 'em worse every minute.
I suppose I really ought to explain this all to
you, so I will immediately. It all started with your
first Campus Opinion letter. I guess I shouldn't,
blame you. "G. F." is to blame. B'ut you ought to
know about it.
I was calmly enjoying an after-breakfast cig-
arette Monday morning (it's an institution in my
life), when my above-mentioned peace and quiet
was shattered. My cigarette was about half fin-
ished when I came to the paragraph: "Of the
six deadly poisons in tobacco, there are many
others in minute amounts, one is a paint and var-'
nish remover (furfurol), another is an insecticide
(nicotine), and acrolein, found by Edison and
proved to destroy the brain cells of the growing
body . "
Well you can imagine how I reacted. Of course
I spit my cigarette out, expecting to pass into the
other world immediately. Now, everytime I com-
mence to smoke, this passage comes to mind
and of course I can't continue.
But I've been thinking about it. I've been smok-
ing moderately for many years, and the only
obvious harm incurred, as I see it, is a possible
deterioration of the brain cells. Most of my friends
also use the "pernicious weed" and none of them,
to my knowledge have ever ceased respiration due
to its effects.
But I'll never smoke again with quite the same
innocent security I am sure. This awful warning
will always hang over me. And there's nothing I
can do about it.
Mister Jitters. I
Your Honor:
For years Ann Arbor has been known throughout
the state as a progressive community. If we have
not been in the vanguard we have at least been
able to keep abreast of other communities in most
matters. Recently, however, Ann Arbor has fallen
down, and fallen badly. I am referring, specifically,
to the sea monster situation.
Sea monsters have been seen everywhere; in



lw- ----- ',--

.. . . . . . . . . . . MICHIGAN Attend CoolMatinees
"Little Miss Marker"
with the star of the hour, SHIRLEY TEMPLE, Adolphe Menjou,
Chas. Bickford, Dorothy Dell. - Novelties, Tompkins, News
Ends Tonight . . . . . . MAJESTIC . . . ..........
"Murder At The Vanities"
Carl Brisson - Victor McLaglen - Jack Oakie - Kitty Carlisle
Duke Ellington and Band - Earl Carrol Girls

s ''

.® --,il

Matinees 15c . . . .. W U E RTH .. . .....Nights 25c
________Ends Tonight
"Geo. White's Scandals"
Silly Symphony Cartoon - "THE CHINA SHOP"
George Arliss "VOLTAIRE" and Adolphe Menjou "EASY TO LOVE"



The thing that puts it over is the incongruity
of murder and Mr. Carroll's Vanities. The killings
occur during the opening night of the show, and
everyone is suspected from the leading man to the
wardrobe lady. Of course the murder is revealed in
the last part of the last reel.
Jack Oakie is well-cast in the role of the much-
harrassed director. Carl Brisson, as the leading
man, will please you, especially in his rendition of
"Cocktails for Two." Kitty Carlisle plays opposite
him, and Victor McLaglen adds humor to the show
in the role of the doll-crazy investigator.
--C. A. B.
Jack Oakie will be on hand again, along with
Spencer Tracy, Constance Cummings, Arline Judge
and Judith Wood, in the Majestic show, "Looking
for Trouble," which starts tomorrow. The very fact
that Darryl Zanuck, who makes a habit of produc-
ing "hits," is the director of this show assures the
movie-goer of something above the ordinary.
The story is about "trouble shooters" - the
emergency men of danger and catastrophe. Tracy
and Oakie have a series of thrilling adventures as
telephone linesmen when they run afoul of wire-
tappers and gangsters engaged in engineering a
bank robbery.




We are prepared with a generous supply of
for all 'departments - Loads and loads of
which we have priced to your advantage

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