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July 19, 1935 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1935-07-19

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New Deal And
Effect Studied
By Bar Group
Rooseveltian Regime Is
Successor To Huey In
Association's Interest
LOS ANGELES, July 18. - (RP) -
The New Deal replaced Sen. Huey P.
Long and the law school of Louisiana
State University as the potential con-
troversial problem before the Amer-
ican Bar Association today.
The committee named by the fifty-
seventh annual convention last year
to study the "effects of the New Deal
upon the rights and liberties of the
American citizen" was a day overdue
with its report, and there was no defi-
nite indication when it would be sub-
The committeemen, who conferred
in closed session, declined to disclose
what angle of the New Deal was re-
sponsible for the apparent disagree-
ment, and subsequent delay.
Decision Next May
The association's council of legal
education which last May placed,
the L.S.U. law school on a proba-
tionary basis, indicated the matter
might reach an amicable conclusion
next May. The school will be con-
tinued on a status of probation until
Fireworks anticipated at the coun-
cil session on the question were ab-
sent,das council members indicated
Dr. Frederick K. Beautal, new dean
of the law school, had made a "good
impression" in behalf of L.S.U.
Thescommitteenamed to draft the
report on the New Deal consists of
Owen D. Young, New York; C. E.
Martin, Martinsburg, W. Va.; G. W.
Pepper, Philadelphia; W. D. Mitchell,
former United States Attorney-Gen-
eral; George L. Buist, Charleston, S.
C.; C. P. Taft, II, son of the former
president, Cincinnati, and J. D. Clark,
Laramie, Wyo.
Unofficial reports indicated tomor-
row's election of officers might not
be Us routine as generally anticipated,
although bar leaders insisted William
L. Ransom, New York, will be the new
. Others Are Named
From other sources, however, came
the names of Jefferson P. Chandler,
Los Angeles, and James M. Beck, of
Pennsylvania, former solicitor-gen-
eral, as possible nominees from the
William P. MacCracken, Jr., Wash-
ington, D. C., appeared assured of re-
election as secretary.
The name of Huey Long figured
prominently in general discussions of
the Louisiana State University situa-
tion, and the calm with which the
council on legal education handled
the business was unexpected.
R. G. Storey, Dallas, Tex., a mem-
ber of the council, said the council;
members indicated they had "confi-
dence in Dr. Frederick Beutal per-
sonally" as new dean of the L.S.U. law
Most sectional meetings concluded
their business yesterday. The junior
bar conference named Walter L.
Brow, Huntington, W. Va., chaiman.
The section of international and com-
parative law chose James O. Mur-
dock, Washington, D. C. Robert C.
Patton of Minneapolis, was designat-
ed chairman of the real estate sec-
tion. The insurance section elected
William E. Stanley of Wichita, Kan.
The section on legal education which
handled the Louisiana State Univer-
sity question re-elected James Graf-
ton Rogers, Boulder, Colo.
Unitarians Wil
Hear Marley At

Sunday Service
The last service of the summer'
season will be held at 8:15 p.m., Sun-
day at the Unitarian Church on the
topic, "The Essence of Living."
The Rev. H. P. Marley, pastor of
the church, stated that it will be a
modernistic devotional service pat-
terned on the service developed last
winter in place of the morning hour
of worship.
Preceding the service a light sup-
per will be served at 6:45 p.m. by the
ladies of the church to summer stu-
Mr. Marley will speak at the Court+
Street Methodist Church in Flint on
the following Sunday at the evening1
Union Service which is arranged by+
all the churches of that community.1
Life In Police Station Is
Accidentally Broadcast
YAKIVA, Wash., July 18. -()-
Yakima residents who tuned their1
radios in on the police department's;
wave length got an intimate broad-
cast of life in the police station whenf
the transmitter was accidentally;
turned on full blast.
Ringing of telephones, clanging of
keys and voices throughout head-
quarters could be heard as every
sound was picked up and broadcast.
The unscheduled program continuedl
until one of the police squad carsl
rushed back to the station, its crew
tirnfia Irnw "ha+'s inn"

Pictures Receive Recognition From Mrs.Roosevelt

-Associated Press Photo,
"Young Worker," the picture on the left, which now hangs in the executive offices of the White House,
was first hailed by the President's wife. She took her husband and her 'press conference to scje it, then looked
up the artist, Julius Bloch, and learned about the model, a young man who had been without steady work
for years. Later the Corcoran gallery bought "The Striker" (right) -same artist, same model -which Mrs.
Roosevelt again enthusiastically admired.
* " . ' '
The Great Depression Picture' Clicks
--After It Is Spotted By Mrs. Roosevelt

Once FamousI
Ship To Make
'Star Of Zealand' Soon
To Embark For Japan
Carrying Scrap Iron
ALAMEDA, Calif., July 18. - UP) -
The last chapter in one of America's
epics in sail is being written at a load-
ing dock in the Oakland estuary here.
When it is completed, the last of
the great sailing fleet of the Alaska
Packers' association, which for some
30 years made annual six-month voy-
ages for salmon, will be broken up.
One of the ships, the 332-foot steel
bark, Star of Zealand, soon will set
sail for Japan, carrying a load of
scrap iron, and there will be junked.
Three others of the famous "Star"
boats will follow her. The Star of
Finland, however, is expected to be
preserved as a maritime museum.
Steam Defeated Fleet
Steam caused the fade-out of thel
fleet which numbered more than a
score of sail. It reached the height of
its glory in the first 15 years of the
The sailing of the packers' ships
north in March or April of each
spring and the return in the fall, their
holds jammed with cased salmon,
were events in San Francisco for
many years.
Hundreds of men were carried
north each year for the fishing season.
The fleet, made up of barks and full-
rigged ships, cruised even into the
Bering sea. The return was made at
the end of the canning season.
Heroic episodes in the vigorous life
now are hidden in the old log books.
The ships often raced against each
other on both the voyages north and
Ships Met Varied Fates
In 1928 the Star of Falkland was
a total loss after she went aground
in Unimak Pass. Other fates have
closed the active careers of other
"Stars," as steamers, faster and big-
ger, were substituted for them.
The Star of Iceland left for the
Orient with a Japanese crew late in
June, 1921, and was not heard from
until November, when the crew was
taken off suffering from beriberi and
malnutrition after a luckless voyage.
In 1918 the Star of Lapland, one
of those now awaiting the trip to the.
junk yard in Japan, made a speedy
run to Australia with a training crew,
logging an average of 146 knots a
day for 21 days.
Become Marine Museums
The Star of Alaska and the Star of
India were sold to become marine
museums. The Star of England was
taken over for a South Seas scientific
cruise venture in 1932 but ran into
legal difficulties. The Star of Green-

INDIANAPOLIS, July 18.--()-
Since his second year in high school
at New Albany, Ind., Sherman "Shay"
Minton. Indiana's new senator, has
been ''on his own."
He knows what it means to work
on hilly, poorly paying land, to cut
timber, drive stock to riverboat mar-
kets and labor in a packing plant. His
public speaking ability developed in
high school.
At Indiana university, football,
baseball and track drew Minton's at-
tention. He studied so diligently he
was awarded a scholarship in 1915,
enabling him to enter Yale law school.
11e had to work to pay his expenses,
but won his law degree and William
Howard Taft's praise for his thesis on
international law.
Tall, strongly built, square-jawed
and serious looking, Minton has a
keen sense of humor, tells stories
cleverly. He is 44.
He defeated Senator Arthur R.
Robinson, Republican, in the last
election on a single plank platform -
a pledge to support Roosevelt and the
administration's entire recovery pro-
Writing humorous rhymes is his
hobby. Minton has two sons, 18 and
8 years old, and a daughter, 11. He
married a high school sweetheart be-
fore going to France in the. World
War. After attending the University
of Paris, he returned to New Albany,
opened a law office and became active
in the American Legion.
Minton was state judge advocate
and chairman of the Legion's state
legislative committee when he met
Paul V. McNutt. After McNutt was
elected governor in 1932, he appointed
Minton public counsellor to help rate
payers and the public in cases before
the public service commission. In
18 months, the commission wrote rate
reduction orders for $3,200,000 an-
nually to users of utility services.

Radio Phone Service
Extended For Alaska
FAIRBANKS, Alaska, July 18. -
(A") - Alaska's radio telephone service,
operated between the territories' main
cities, is being extended from Fair-
banks to Anchorage.
Equipment at other centers such as
Nome, Ketchikan and Juneau is be-
ing improved to make possible two-
way conversations. A voice-scramb-
ling device will make the conversa-
tions unintelligible to any listeners in
on radio receivers.
VAN LEAR, Ky., July 18. - (R') -
Bodies of the nine men entombed by
a coal mine explosion here yesterday
were found by rescue workers today.
Seven of the bodies were brought to
the surface, one by one, in mine rail-
way cars as police and mine officials
held back the assembled crowd.
land became a Swedish training ship
in 1929.
Capt. Charles A. Watts and a crew
of 28 men will take the Star of Zea-
land to Japan this summer as soon
as she is -loaded with scrap iron. The
veteran of 50 years at sea looks for-
ward to the voyage as "just a yacht-
ing trip."

The Careers And Personalities
Of' Our Senators: Minton, Ind.

WASHINGTON, July 18. - ( P) -
The President's wife, an artist and a
desperate young pavement-pounder
may seem like a queer combination -
but those three caused a canvas to
click as "The Great Depression Pic-
Art critics are calling it just that -
"Young Worker," which hangs in the
office of Secretary Marvin McIntyre
at the White House.
"There is a tremendous amount of
spiritual significance in that paint-
ing," testified Edward Rowan, one of
the Federal government's art authori-
ties. He gave it first rank in its field.
Machine Invented

To Harvest
of Buffalo


QUANAH, tex., July 18.-- (1) -
Buffalo grass seed is being harvested
to resod spots on the Texas plains
made barren by dust storms and
Believing that "a blade of grass
means tons of soil," J. Roy Quinby,
superintendent of the Texas agricul-
tural experiment farm here, built
what he says is the first machine to
harvest successfully the seed of buf-
falo grass, the native range grass of
the plains country.
The "thresher," a suction type ma-
chine operated by a small gasoline en-
gine and moved about on a trailer or
truck bed, has averaged 80 pounds of
grass seed to the acre on tests.
"The logical grass with which to
resod the barren spots is the native
range grass," Quinby said. "Grass
will help hold the soil and if the dust
storms are to be curbed and the farms
are to be held at home in the plains
country, we will have to resod. We
will need seed for that."
Farmers and ranchers have report-
ed that the recent drought and dust
storms killed range grass by the roots
in many spots. One of the main
weapons that soil and wind erosion
experts intend to use in fighting the
ravaging dust storms is the produc-
tion of vegetation.
Hawaii Shows U. S. How
To Keep Youths On Soil
WASHINGTON, July 18.-(A)-
It's about as hard to keep the young
folks down on the farm in Hawaii as
it is in this country, says W. A. Ross,
federal specialist in agricultural edu-
cation, but it is being done there with
considerable success.
Ross, who also is national execu-
tive secretary of the Future Farmers
of America, made a trip to the Pacific
territory just to see how Hawaiian
youth is being trained - and found
Hawaii showing the way to the state.
Ross says Hawaii is proceeding vig-
orously and successfully in counter-
acting the tendency away from ag-
riculture. Young men are being
trained not as general farmers, but
as specialists in large operations.
Youngsters of 21 are being made field
experiment men, landscape experts
and the like for large plantations.
Prof. Wesley H. Maurer of the jour-
nalism department will address the
Men's Education Club at 7:30 p.m.
Monday, July 22, in the Union, it was
announced yesterday by Art Cans-
field, an officer of the club.

When Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt
saw it first in the national exhibition
of the Public Works of Art project of
April and May, 1934, she stopped
stock-still in front of it, and looked
and looked.
Took F. D. R. To See It
She brought the President to see it.
She personally conducted her press
conference thither. Any onlooker
could tell that tohher, that one pic-
ture made worthwhile all the impetus
she had personally given to Federal-
sponsoredartas a depression relief
measure. She and the President
picked that picture among the first in
their choosing of 30 for the new ex-
ecutive offices.
Characteristically, Mrs. Roosevelt
sought out the artist, Julius Bloch, in
his Philadelphia studio, and heard
how he had given a young man, whose
personal plight typified jobless youth,
the job of posing in his own role.
Bloch turned out to, be a German-
born, Philadelphia-bred artist, with
the city and its troubles in his soul,
who had a habit of taking a hote-
book into the sections where people
were crowded together under the most
unfavorable conditions, and coming
out with sketches of polyglot America.
Same Model As 'Striker'
Exactly a year after "Young Work-
er" appeared at Corcoran gallery, the
same youth again went up on its
walls, this; time as "The Striker," in
the gallery's own biennial exhibition
of contemporary oil paintings.
Before the exhibition had ended,
Corcoran gallery had bought "The
Striker" for its permanent collection,
to hang little more than a city block
from "Young Worker."
Again Mrs. Roosevelt was enthusi-
astic. She called the attention of
her press conference to "The Striker,"
said Julius Bloch had achieved a
tremendously interesting study in
contrasts from the same subject.
Edward Rowan, still holding high-
est laurels for "Young Worker," said
of "The Striker:" "It carries the idea
further - bitterness, hurt, disap-
pointment and active resentment."
Mrs. Roosevelt asked Julius Bloch

to lunch at the White House and
caught up on the story of his protege
-the model was turning artist!
Takes Up Drawing
Later, Bloch, in an interview,
frankly told the story which hitherto
had only the private ear of the Presi-
dent's wife.
"My model for 'The Young Work-
er" is Frank Vancore, born in Phila-
delphia of Italian parents," he said.
"He is 27 years old, and was em-
ployed for some years in a shirt fac-
tory. He has had no steady job for
several years, and someone suggested
that he try posing. So he came to my
door, asking for work, and I engaged
him for the painting, 'The Young
"Because of his contact with artists,
studios, exhibitions, he has developed
a keen interest in the work, and has
been drawing and painting during
the last few months, making excep-
tional progress ,and revealing con-
siderable talent."


On the Huron River Phone 9313

Were Made For

______ ____



where To Go


2 p.m. Majestic Theater, "The
Glass Key" with George Raft.
2 p.m. Michigan Theater, "Charlie
Chan In Egypt" with Warner Oland,
and "Orchids To You" with Jean
Muir and John Boles.
2 p.m. Wuetth Theater, "Stolen
Harmony" with Ben Bernie and
George Raft, and "Home on the
Range" with Jackie Coogan.
7 p.m. Same features at the three
8:30 p.m. Lydia Mendelssohn
Theater, "Bird in Hand" by the
Michigan Repertory Players.
9 p.m. Summer Session dance at
the Michigan League Ballroom.
9 p.m. Dance at the Union.
Canoeing every afternoon and eve-
ning on the Huron River, Saunder's
Canoe Livey.
Dancing at the Blue Lantern Ball-
room, Island Lake featuring Clare
Wilson and his orchestra.




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at Our Soda Fountain
Rich, Creamy Malteds 15c
SnarI, , nd m anc - - i-10

Lonvin in

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