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July 17, 1935 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1935-07-17

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A Washington


.WASHIGNTON - The Senate, or at least those
senators like Black of Alabama and Wheeler.
of Montana who are most desirous of delving into
lobby activities which surrounded the utility hold-
ing company bill fight, seems to share the belief of
press galleryites that the House lobby investigation
is not going any place in particular. The Senate
has set the stage for an investigation of its own,
although it was House action in defeating the
"death sentence" provision around which the
whole thing centered.
The chief reason in the galleries for doubting
that the House investigation will go very deeply
is that the rules committee, entrusted with the
task, has too much to do otherwise for a real in-
quiry ino lobbying charges. Many think the only
way for the House show to rival what is proposed
in the Senate would be to create a special com-
mittee, authorized to sit between sessions of Con-
gress. That might come.
* * * *
THE SENATE plan is for such a special commit-
tee from the outset. Since Senator Black
put in the resolution, custom would make him
chairman. Black has a reputation as a committee
inquisitor, as witness his work on ocean and air
mail subsidies. He also is a zealous supporter of
the holding company "death sentence" idea, while
Chairman O'Connor of the House rules committee
is not.
The fact that it is House action on that pro-
posal, rather than what the Senate did, on which
the investigation spot light is apt to center has
its own embarrassments for Senate inquisitors, of
course. It is not in the books for one House to
investigate the other. Just how a Senate commit-
tee would go about the job of finding out exactly
what was done or said off-stake in the heat of the
House "knock-down-and-drag-out" over the
"death sentence" is not quite clear.
A joint special committee would solve the prob-
lem. However it goes; the investigation cannot
be expected to influence handling of the bill at this


Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
To the Editor:
Your "Slap to Trouble-makers" comes at a time
when it is most urgently needed.
In these days when the American people are
beginning to realize that wars are fought so that
bankers and munitions-makers can profit thereby,
it must indeed be a real comfort to the latter to
find out that there still is left at least one real
red-blooded American who is willing to rush off to
defend his native shores from invasion by Haiti
or Nicaragua.
You are to be congratulated on your noble
work! May there be bigger and better wars to
end war, save Democracy, and insure Wall Street's
profits. May the blessings of R.O.T.C. be extended
to the students of the eleven high schools in Chi-
cago and to all the colleges of America.
-Frederic Cornell, Grad.
We feel that Mr. Cornell is wasting his time
in such pursuits as writing letters to the "Soap
Box." Such a vivid imagination, which en-
abled him to read so many things into the
editorial mentioned that were not there,
should presage a great future as a writer of
fairy stories.-The Editors.

As Others See it
Art And The Camera
THE PUBLIC has noted the changed trend in
display advertising methods, which substitute
the photograph for the drawing. In a discussion
to the effect on the artist, "Business Week" quotes
Russell Patterson, illustrator, as stating that "90
per cent of the better advertising illustration and
10 per cent of text illustration have gone over to
the camera." The result has been to create an
individual depression of its own in the field of
illustrative art. It is the old story of technical
pi ogress. The newcomer's meat is the old worker's
Probably the invasion of advertising by the
camera has resulted in more employment than the
old methods of the studio provided. Successful use
of the art of the camera in advertising has relied
heavily on improvement in technicolor process.
The models are still required, but, as far as the
illustrating artist is concerned, he has lost a good
deal of his business and his income. The loss ex-
tends on down to skilled reproducers of garment
designs in fashion books, in whose work the cam-
era is substituting fact for idealism. The conclu-
sion of "Business Week" appears sound:
"In the field of mechanical fidelity, especially
for advertising, the artist appears licked. There is
a trend toward realism which the camera alone
can meet, Probably there won't be many more
such juicy orders as that of the cigarette company
which paid $2,000 each for thirteen paintings.
Where the artist loses, others gain. In pictures de-
manding figures, the camera will create more de-
mand for models. Technicians are needed. Props
and scenery are in demand. Makers and sellers
of all manners of photographic supplies will feel
the stimulus. As always, the class directly hit
makes so much noise that general benefits are apt
to be overlooked.
-Dallas News.
Willy Is TWilling
B ARKIS, it will be recalled, was willing. So is
William of Weid. Remember William? He
is the German princeling who for a very short
period before the World War was king of Albania.,
He got in on a rain check, and went out in the
confusion of war. But he is willing, nay, anxious,
to be king of Albania again.
He turned up in London the other day, talking
like an American congressman at a farmers' pic-
nic on the eve of an election. The Albanians, he
declares are the finest people in the world, cour-
ageous, generous and of noble spirit. Our own
John Sulzmann could hardly spread it on thicker.
So the suspicion is justified that Williapn is eager
to be kinging. "Would you consider returning to
the throne of Albania? he was asked. The ques-
tion was needless. Says William:
"I never abdicated. When I left my country in
1914 I promised my people I would come back if
they ever wanted me. I am at their command."
Nobly spoken. But 1914 was a long time ago.
To date no Albanians have been heard demanding
his return. As a matter of fact that "my" kingdom
and "my" people is a bit synthetic, since the prince
of Weid had never seen Albania until he was thrust
on the throne in 1914. But if one is to be a king,
one should of course use all the words.
Weid was made king by an international com-
mission which had become a sort of receiver for
Albania after several years of strife. There were
two other claimants. Weid's selection was one of
those hotel-room-at-2 a.m. selections. Albania
speedily became too hot for William when it took
the backwash of the Balkan end of the World
War. It has a king, the eminent Ahmed Zog,
ex-herdsman who recently announced he'd like a
beautiful American bride with a few million
lovely American dollars. Some Albanians question
Zog's claim to royalty, such matters have been
pretty well mixed in Albania.
---Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Federal Taxes
T IS SENSIBLE and honest suggestion that
Senator Vandenberg of Michigan makes in his

discussion of the new taxes requested by the ad-
ministration. If we are to have a new tax bill,
he asks, let it be a "real tax bill and not a mere
political appeal to mass prejudice."
'When, he points out, a large number of citizens
will begin to realize that there is no Santa Claus
and the popularity of- loose spending of public
money will suffer a desirable setback. The new
taxes, if broadly spread, will increase both the
pressure for and prospect of economy and a bal-
anced budget.
The government today is financing its huge
expenditures largely by borrowing money and no-
body feels that they are paying for these projects.
Also, our direct taxation for Federal revenues hits
so small a proportion of the voters that complaints
that new schemes will raise taxes are either ig-
nored or dismissed from the mind.
The Federal income tax-structure is astonishing-
ly narrow when an analysis is made of the returns.
In 1932 half of the returns filed reported no
taxable income. The taxable returns were just
under 2,000,000, 4 per cent of the total eligible
voting population or of the normal gainfully em-
ployed, both of which, are now about 50,000,000.
Further, in the 1932 returns less than 10 per
cent of taxpayers, 356,000 with incomes of more
than $5,000, paid 87 per cent of the total tax, while
less than 3 per cent, the 105,000 with incomes of
more than $10,000, paid three-quarters of the tax.
In other words, about one-fifth of one per cent of
the voting population paid three-quarters of the
The personal income tax only accounts for about
one-seventh of the total federal revenues, but the
other six-sevenths is paid indirectly and the peo-
ple are seldom conscious they are contributing and
few meld tell with anv degreenof anuracv iut

Long Dangerous Route I

If Ethiopia were invaded by It
would find the road long and dang
way, a section of which is pictured a
sea level. From the nearest point o
the route to Addis Ababa measures4
tempting this trek would have to cros
Semien mountains, which tower asI
Intentions Of Mu"
As Italian
LONDON, July 16. - (P) - Italian
troops massing by tens of thousands
on the Eritrea and Italian Somali-
land borders, leave little room for
doubt as to Mussolini's intentions in
Ethiopia once the long rainy season,
But, even in this age of 150 M.P.H.
bombing planes, tanks and motorized
cavalry, it is doubtful that any con-
quest of, Ethopia could be carried out
in one swift, smashing offensive. It
might be as extended,tgruelling and
costly a campaign as the Boer war,
when Dutch settlers in the South Af-
rican Transvaal, with a field force of
only 40,000 defied the military might
of Great Britain for three bloody
years, 1899-1902.
The climate, terrain and warfare
methods which harassed the British
in South Africa 30 years ago would
confront Mussolini's legions in East
Africa. The Boers had only 40,000
troops, but it is said Emperor Haile
Selasse could mobilize 1,000,000 men.
Perhaps a better figure would' be
about 600,000bfullstrength and 400,-
000 in the field at one time. But even
the lowest conservative estimates in-
dicate Haile Selassie's warriors would
outnumber Mussolini's.
Italy Has 250,000 Ready
Italy, according to reports reaching
here ,has about 250,000 men, already
on the scene, in Eritrea and Somali-
land, or ready to leave for East Af-
But their path is beset by tremen-
dous obstacles.
Abyssinia, though small in popu-
lation (estimated 7,000,000 to 11,000,-
000), is a big territory - as big as
Cafifornia, Kansas, Illinoisrand New
York state combined - bordered by
flaming lowland deserts and but-
tressed by gaunt, precipitous moun-
tains. Above the arid plains rises the
central plateau - a rich, pastoral
county known as the "roof garden of

Faces Italy In Ethiopia
student and family washings. Will
-' call for and deliver. Phone 4863.
9 0LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. Ix
se PPERSONAL laundry service. We take
individual interest in the laundry
problems of our customers. Girls'
silks, wools, and fine fabrics guar-
anteed. Men's shirts our specialty.
Call for and deliver. Phone 5594.
611 E. Hoover. 3x
STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea-
sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006.
LOST: During first week of Summer
Session, glasses in brown case.-Hex-
agon shaped frames, left lens tinted.
Reward. Box 2.
WANTED: Two college students for
work remainder of summer. Apply
214 Michigan Theater Bld., between
8 and 10. 33
-Associated Press Photo.
aly via Eritrea, Mussolini's troops ONLY TWO ACES FOR JONES
erous. The Massaua-Asmara ral- ATLANTA, July 15. -(AP) --In his
bove, 4limbs inland 6,500 feet above long career of golf, Bobby Jones has
m the Ethiopian border to Asmara, made only two holes in one. He got
n th Etiopan orde toAsmra, one at his home course, East Lake,
450 miles, as crows fly. Troops at- and the other at the Augusta Country
ss or make a long detour around the Club.
high as 15,000 feet.
r l i a_ Today - Thursday
iroops Mobilze "iOn Ve
-- -plus
East Africa." There lies the capital, ,, MARY ASTOR
Addis Ababa. AM A TI4IEF
Only 60,000 Live In Capital Friday - Saturday
Italian-bombers could swoop down "Stolen Harmony"
and blow the capital off the map; but -_-- plus ----
the bombing of Addis Ababa-with "° ome On the Range"
its population of 60,000 - would fall
far short of a death blow. There ------
would remain the myriad, scattered
towns and tribal camps.
By 'land, from Mogadiscio (the M ""°A JEST IC
major port in Italian Somaliland) -MATINEES
troops would have to march more 35C Ma FLC. EVENINGS
than 700 miles to reach Addis Ababa. Today - Two Features
They would have to trek across 250 Big All-Comedy Program
miles of desert, beset by malarial MAY ROBSON
heat, before they reached the moun- PRESTON FOSTER
tains - and there, hidden in theP TE
gorges and perched on lofty crags, "STRANGERS ALL"'
snipers might be waiting. sand
From Eritrea, whene Mussolini ob-
viously plans his main thrust, the Leo Carrillo
prospects of an invading force are Louise Fazenda Ted Heay
somewhat better. But again the "THE WVNHIlNG
route is dangerous and long. T EW N
Even now the Italians are encoun- TICKET"
tering difficulties in the colonies. Dis-
patches from Cairo state they are be- Saturday
ing compelled to send ships from u1 EO G RAFT
Massaua to Port Sudan,s350 miles "TH E GLASS KEY"
distant, to buy water.
Plea Of Insanity Js MICH IGAN
Attacked I rtan2cMATINEES
nBl25c Bcony Evenings
35c Main Floor Evenings
LONDON, July 16. - (P) - Pleas - -Ends Tonight
of insanity in murder cases are re- WILLIAM POWELL
ceiving increasingly cool receptions in
England's courts. In many instances LOU ISE RA INER

they are being disregarded upon in-[ "ESCA PADE"
structions from the bench.
One of the most caustic critics of Tomorrow - Two Features
the device, Lord Hewart of the court ALL-MYSTERY PROGRAM
of criminal appeal, referred to it asWARNER OLAND
"the usual makeweight" in dismissing WANRsLN
a recent appeal from a murder sen- C HAR LI E C HAN
tence. IN EGYPT"
"I notice the prisoner raised the de-
fense that his mind 'went blank,' a JEAN MURan JOHN BOLES
phrase with which the court is be-
coming painfully familiar," remarked "ORCH IDS TO YOU"
Lord Hewart.


"THE JURY," by Gerald Bullett; (Knopf).
CERTAINLY most readers will find Gerald Bul-
left's "The Jury" among the best two or three
books of its type this season; for this depart-
ment, it is without qualification the best.
This in spite of certain disadvantages. Mr. Bul-
lett is telling the story of Roderick Strood's life
with his wife Daphne, Daphne's departure from
"rectitude," Roderick's sudden, unreasoning and
yet rewarding passion for Elizabeth Andersch, a
German pianist, the crash of the Strood menage,.
the death of Daphne, and Roderick's trial for
her murder.
Mr. Bullett does not write a connected nar-
rative. Instead he begins with certain facts about
the Stroods and their friends, and then intro-
duces one by one the jurors. These he paints ac-
curately, often subtly, and from a variety of
angles. The 12 are a fair representation of Eng-
land, just as Roderick and Daphne are fair repre-
sentatives of their class in England.
The second section contains the trial itself,
told not by Mr. Bullett as omniscient author, but
through the evidence of the witnesses, the speeches
for the crown and the defense, and the judge's
comment and charge. And the third part con-
tains the debate in the jury room. It also pulls
together dozens of the strands first marked earlier
in the novel and left (sometimes) hanging rather
Even though the point of the story is less what
v-n-11,, +-p nto nA rhnthnn'f + nahcqt rn- if

Homage Paid Late
To Famed Authors
PARIS, July 16. - (AP) - Balzac,
Moliere, Zola and du Maupassant --
immortalized by time but refused
recognition in their day by the French
Academy - have received belated
homage from that institution.
Part of the ceremonies commem-
orating the founding- of the "Forty
Immortals" by Cardinal Richelieu in
1634 was devoted to eulogies honor-
ing geniuses who were either reject-
ed or passed by the academy.
A list of candidates, accepted, re-
jected or ignored, reveals that more
illustrous Frenchmen were refused
than were ever accorded honors by
France's dictators or "Who's who in
French Literature."
FARGO, N. D., July 16. - (A') -
Retrial of former Gov. William Lan-
ger on charges of misuse of federal



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