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July 17, 1935 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1935-07-17

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The Weather

Generally fair today except
possibly scattered thunder-
showers; somewhat warmer.

. iiT

Official Publication Of The Summer Session

New Bill A Threat of
Get Rid Of Shyster Lawyers. .



Slow And'
Psychology Important In
His Handling, Declares
Professor Schorling
Laggard's Position
Becoming Serious
'Outlook For Educational
Diagnoses' Is Subject
Of Today's Conference
Modern educators who wish to bet-
ter their technique in the handling of
the "dull," "slow," or "laggard" stu-
dents must call increasingly upon
psychology for guidance, according
to Prof. Raleigh Schorling of the
School of Education. Professor
Schorling spoke at yesterday's meet-
ing of the afternoon educational con-
In the latter grades of secondary
schools there is an enormous piling up
of educational laggards, Professor
Schorling said. The problem of the
slow pupil is more serious today be-
cause the economic crisis is forcing
every subject to justify itself, the
speaker stated, and thus the prob-
lem of providing for the educational
laggard becomes more pressing.
"Psychology tells us that our slow
pupils have very low ability in read-
ing," Professor Schorling said.
In Simple English
"Therefore directions for pupils as
well as any other material you wish
them to read must be written in
simple English. If you wish a dull
pupil to understand a word, a phrase,
or a symbol you must provide defi-
nitely that he live through some ex-
perience as a basis for the meaning
of the word."
In xde. ng wth 4Qw pupils. the
conventional classification of subject
matter by grades is futile, Professor
Schorling declared. The teaching of
a task to a slow pupil must be de-
layed as long as it is feasible, he add-
"A definite goal must be substitut-
ed for intentions that are usually good
but vague in directing the study of
a slow pupil," Professor Schorling
said. "Then, remember that it must
not be assumed that the slow pupil is
a lazy ppil. Some other psychologi-
cal pointers are these:
Organization Important
"Organize the dull pupil's mater-
ial so that each step is small.
"Characterize the material by ac-
"Emphasize visual aids.
"Every class period must be char-
acterized by variety. Drill alone will
never accomplish anything.
"The data on problem situations
must be limited to very simple com-
"Every unit of work for a slow pupil
should contain a purpose that a slow
pupil can understand; accept, and ap-
The afternoon lecture today will be
given by Warren R. Good, instructor
in educational psychology, who will
discuss "The Outlook'for Educational
Athletics Win,
8-2, As Tigers

Fail In Pinches
PHILADELPHIA, July 16. - (P) -
George Blaeholder gave the Detroit
Tigers 15 hits today, but the Tigers
could convert them into only two runs
and suffered their third defeat at the
hands of the Philadelphia Athletics
in the present series. The score was
Detroit put men on bases in every
inning, but their only runs were lone
scores in the second and ninth in-
nings. The Athletics took the lead
in the second inning and were never
headed therafter. scoring another run
in the fourth, two more in the sixth,
and their final three in the eighth.
The New York Yankees lengthened
their lead over Detroit to two and one
half games because of the Tiger de-
feat and because Johnny Allen was
pitching a two-hit shoutout over Chi-
cago, 2-0.

Curious And Practical Aspects
Of Wills Are Related By Simes

Advice, not to the lovelorn, but
to those far-seeking individuals who
realize they must die someday and
therefore prepare their affairs ac-
cordingly by drafting a will, was given
yesterday by Prof. Louis W. Simes
of the Law School, who spoke on
"Curious and Practical Aspects of
Wills" in Natural Science Auditorium.
Professor Simes' lecture was the
thirteenth on the regular Summer
Session series.
Included in the list of essential
"shoulds" presented by Professor
Simes for the drafting of wills were
the following points:
"(1) Make your language perfectly
clear, including phrases which have
an accepted legal meaning, (2) revoke
all former wills, (3) name an execu-
tor and if the testator does not wish
him to be bonded he should say so,
(4) mention your children ifi the will
even if the testator does not wish to
leave them anything, (5) it is custo-
mary to include a residuary clause
(6) make some provisions in the wills
of both the man and wife providing
for the distribution of funds in the
case of the common death of both,
(7) it is unwise to have beneficiaries
of a will act as witnesses because they
will not be awarded funds in some.

courts if they do so, (8) avoid inter-
lineations and erasures, and (9) hire
a good lawyer, with special emphasis
on the "good."
Professor Simes said that it was a
fallacy to believe that there is a law
of wills when in reality there are 48
different laws of wills, each based
on the statutes of the respective
state in which it is made.
Describing the "usual type" of will,
Professor Simes said that it is usually
written and attested, and may be
written in any language.
"Wills, however, may not neces-
sarily be written," he said, "and in
fact there are records of wills writ-
ten on everything from an egg-shell
to a petticoat," Professor Simes de-
Wills, according to the speaker,
are usually an excellent record of an
individual's true feelings, heretofore
unrevealed hates and loves many
times being revealed in them.
He cited a number of instances of
this peculiar characteristic in wills,
among which was one reading "Dan-
iel Ross, to my tyrannical wife, I leave
$1 for which she can buy a rope to
hang herself."
Another left to a legatee $5, to be
paid on installments of 10 cents a

air r rrrriin

Women To Be
Entertained At
Wives Of Faculty Members
To Attend First Tea Of
Several This Summer
Officials of the Summer Session
will join with the members of the
Faculty Women's Club from 4 to 6
p.m. tomorrow when they entertain
for the wives of professors from other
colleges teaching in the University
this summer, the wives of the Sum-
mer Session faculty, and women
teaching.t ge fa ulty at a tea in
the gardee of' the Michigan League.
This tea will mark the first in a
series of Summer Session entertain-
ments for the members of the fac-
ulty. Mrs. Louis A.hHopkins, Mrs.
Junius E. Beal, Mrs. Shirley W. Smith,
Mrs. C. S. Yoakum, and Mrs. Edward
L. Adams will receive the guests
Presiding at the tea tables will be
Mrs. Herbert C. Sadler, Mrs. Edward
H. Kraus, Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Mrs.
Joseph A. Bursley, Mrs. Emil Lorch,
Mrs. Ira M. Smith, and Mrs. H. M.
Mrs. Jesse S. Reeves, Mrs. Paul A.
Leidy, Mrs. Carl V. Weller, Mrs. A. H.
Lovell, Mrs. Palmer Christian, Mrs.
Arthur B. Moehlman, Mrs. Arthur E.
Boak, Mrs. Fielding H. Yost, Mrs.
Henry Sanders, Mrs. Shirley W. Al-
len, Mrs. Charles L. Jamison, Mrs.
Peter Field, Mrs. Louis M. Eich, Mrs.
W. E. Forsythe, Mrs. A. H. White,
Mrs. N. H. Williams, Mrs. A. F. Shull,
Mrs. C. O. Davis, Mrs. W. A. Reichart,
Mrs. John W. Bradshaw, Mrs. E. S.
Wolaver, Mrs. H. E. Keeler, Miss Ethel
A. McCormick, and Mrs. John Sund-
wall, chairman of the committee of
arrangements, will assist.
Mourn Deaths
Of Youths Who
Fouoht Canabal
MEXICO CITY, July 16. -(P) -
Mexican students today mourned five
comrades who died for their opposi-
tion to Tomas Garrido Canabal,
strong man of Tabesco state, and said
they would "never cease the battle
against Carrido" until his overthrow.
A powerful student's organization
to intercede Tabesco state elections
in August is being formed, the stu-
dents said. They insisted their in-
tention was to fight with ballots, in-
stead of bullets.
"If we are attacked, however,"
leaders stated, "we will know how to
defend ourselves."
Advice from Villa Hermosa Tabesco
said quiet had been restored there
after last night's gun battle in. which
the five students who returned to
their native states to contest Cana-
bal's rule were killed.
Ghesquire To Enter
Annapolis In Fall

Major League Standings
American League

New York ......
Detroit .........
Chicago ........
St. Louis......

. 49 28
. 49 33
. 42 33
S39 36
S41 38
34 42
33 46
23 54


Yesterday's Results
Philadelphia 8, Detroit 2.
New York 2, Chicago 0.
St. Louis 6, Washington 4.
Only games scheduled.
Today's Games
Detroit at Philadelphia.
Cleveland at Boston (2).'
St. Louis at Washingtm.
Chicago at New York, played
former date.
National League

Telegfrarn In
Lobby -Quiz
Western Union Manager Is
Testifier On Damaging
Senators Witnesses
For 'Death Clause'
Rep. Brewster's Charges
Against Corcoran Heard
In Probe
WASHINGTON, July 16.--
A tale of. anti-utility bill telegrams,,
dictated by a power company repre-
sentative signed with names from a
city directory, and then mysteriously
burned was unfolded today before
the Senate Lobby Committee.
Nervous, but never hesitant, Jack
A. Fisher, Western Union office man-
ager at Warren, Pa., now suspended
from duty, related the story to the
committee in an effort, he said, to
clear himself of suspicion that he
was involved in the destruction of the
The telegrams, 1,300 of them in all,
were among the deluge of messages
which poured in upon members of
the House in the week it voted on
the utility bill clause decreeing aboli-
tion for "unnecessary holding com-
panies. The House voted this sec-
tion out of the Senate bill.
800 Telegrams Received
More than 800 of the batch were
received by Rep. D. J. Driscoll, (Dem.,
Pa.). Also awitness today, he told
the committee that his suspicions
were aroused by the fact that most
o the messages were signed with
names beginning with the letters "A,"
'B,' 'C,' and "D.'
Investigation in five cases, Driscoll
said, brought either denials from
the purported signers that the mes-
sages had been sent, or else a report
from telegraph or postal authorities
tlat theyCbuld not be located.
Fisher's story was plopped into the
committee's lap as it suddenly re-
sumed hearings while awaiting re-
turns from questionnaires sent to
all holding companies asking the
extent, source and manner, and pur-
pose of disbursement of all funds
spent in the battle against the dis-
solution clause.
Senator Wheeler Testifies
Earlier in the day the House Rules
Committee, trying to wind up inves-
tigation of alleged misuse of Admin-
istration influence in swinging votes
for the "death sentence," received
testimony from Senator Burton K.
Wheeler, (Dem., Mont), and Reps.
Maury Maverick, (Dem., Tex.), and
John E. Rankin, (Dem., Miss.), that
they had understood Reps. Ralph O.
Brewster, (Rep., Me.), to favor hold-
ing company abolition until he voted
against it.
Brewster had charged Thomas Cor-
coran reconstruction corporation at-
torney, with threatening to halt the
Passamaquoddy tide-harnessing proj-
ect in Maine unless he voted for
From Wheeler it received a state-
ment that power companies employed
"lying propaganda" to defeat aboli-
tion. He knew, he said, of several
last-minue switches in the position
of senators who previously had been
counted upon to vote for the provi-
5,000 Cards Displayed
Rep. Simon M. Hamlin, (Dem.,
Me.), exhibited part of what he said
was a stack of 5,000 cards, signed

by residents of Portland, Me., all
authorizingsone, Clarence Gady, to
carry to him a protest against the
death sentence.
Fisher, small, spectacled, and in,
middle thirties, leaned back in th'\
witness chair and told the committee
that he knew none of the officials
of Warren's local power company, but
had "met a fellow who was reported
to be a bond salesman for the holding
company." This was identified in
the record as the Associated Gas &
Electric Co.
Fisher identified the salesman as R.
P. Herron, later the central figure in
his narrative.
Ford Plant Will Be
Visited Again Today
The giant plant of the Ford Motor
Co. at River Rouge will be visited this
Alt~nn b 'y Siimpr,.4Cin c-

V ^-^n

New York ......
St. Louis......
Chicago ........
Pittsburgh .....
Cincinnati ......
Brooklyn .......
Philadelphia ... .
$oston .........

. 51 24
, 48 29
46 33
..42 38
,,.38 42
.....34 42
.....32 45
.....21 59


New Deal Will Press Its
Program Until Highest
Court 'Cracks Down'
Constitutional Issue
In 1936Sharpened
Senator Tydings Demands
Return To Fundamentals
And Balanced Budget
WASHINGTON, July 16. -(P) -
Under attack both in the court and in
Congress because of the AAA, the New
Deal plainly indicated today that its
program would be pressed until the
Supreme Court has ruled on more of
the fundamentals.
Should that tribunal agree with the
Boston Circuit Court and toss the
AAA into the discard alongside NRA,
the capital felt that likelihood of the
predicted "constitutional" issue in
1936 would be increased measurably.
The Boston blow, second in as many
days, prompted an immediate de-
mand in the Senate by the Democrat-
ic Millard Tydings, of Maryland, for
a "return to fundamentals!"
He named these, in response to an
inquiry from Senator Alben W. Bark-
ley, Kentucky Democrat, as a bal-
anced budget and the end of attempts
to raise prices and restrict production.
Senator George W. Norris upheld the
Finally the Senate voted, 40 to 38,
to retain the provision of the AAA
amendments permitting Secretary
Wallace, with approval of 50 per cent
of the handlers of any commodity
covered by the bill. to fix a minimum.
price at wich it Would be bought
from the producer and resold by the;
first handler.
Most official and Congressional
quarters were disinclined to comment
on the decision against processing;
taxes and the one in Cincinanti yes-
terday adverse to slum clearance
plans, pending study of the opinions.
Immediate word was that present
policies would be pursued and col-
lection of the disputed taxes would go
'Bird In Hand'
By Drinkwater
Will Be Shown
Cast For Play Announced
By Oswald Marshall; To
Be Given By Repertory
Members of the cast for "Bird in
Hand," by John Drinkwater, the
fourth play of the Michigan Reper-
tory Players' Season which will open
tonight at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theater, were announced yesterday
by Oswald Marshall, guest director.
Mr. Marshall will have one of the
leading roles, playing Mr. Blanquet
one of the guests at the Bird in
Hand Inn. He will be supported by
Mary Pray, as Mary Greenleaf, the
daughter of the innkeeper, and Vau-
die Vandenberg as Gerald Arnwood,
the son of the local squire.
James V. Doll will play the role of
Joan's father, Thomas Greenleaf,
and Edward Jurist will have the part
of Cyril Beverly. Others in the cast
include Mildred Streeter as Alice
Greenleaf, Carroll Bay as Ambrose
Godolphin, Josh Roach as Sir Robert
Arnwood, and Pauline Markowitz as'
the maid.
The action of the comedy centers
around the love affairs of Joan and
Gerald Arnwood, and ends happily
when Gerald's father becomes recon-
ciled to their marriage, and makes a
formal proposal to the inn-keeper
for the hand of his daughter.

"Bird In Hand" will have a four-
day run, closing Saturday night.
Tickets are priced at 35, 50, and
75 cents.
Jamison Lecture Will
Be Delivered Friday'

Yesterday's Results
Cincinnati. 7, New York 5.
Brooklyn 9, Pittsburgh 3.
Philadelphia 7, Chicago 5.
St. Louis 2, Boston 1.
Today's Games
New York at Cincinnati.
Brooklyn at Pittsburgh (2).
Philadelphia at Chicago.
Boston at St. Louis.
Siegfried Will
Lecture About
French Politics
'Frenmh Political Life And
Parties' To Be Subject
Of S>eaker Today
Speaking on "French Political Life
and Parties," a.subject on which he
is internationally recognized as an
authority, Andre Siegfried will de-
liver a special lecture in the regular
Summer Session series at 5 p.m. to-
day in Natural Science Auditorium.
Widely-known as a political scien-
tist and economist, as well as a lec-
turer, he is regarded as an authority
on international affairs and his inti-
mate knowledge of Europe. particu-
larly France, makes his address here
particularly timely, according to of-
Dr. Siegfried is the author of
"American Comes of Age," and many
other books on subjects of economic
and political importance. It was his
"Democracy of New Zealand" which
brought him the Fabian prize of the
French Academy.
The lecturer is a professor at the
Ecole Libre des Sciences Politiques,
and the College de France in Paris.
Prior to his addess in Ann Arbor,
Dr. Siegfried will lecture before the
Economic Club of Detroit at noon to-
day. He and Mrs. Siegfried have
been the house guests of Vincent Mas-
co t nrmr i. nI.n ccnn fr,nm n nv.nrln-

Taxes Levied By
Ruled tUneonstiti;



-Associated Press Photo.
Political Post
Kept By Son
Of Roosevelt
Attempt By Young Texas
Democrats To Oust Him
Put Down
FORT WORTH, July 16. - W) -
Ellioitt Roosevelt, dubbed the "crown
prince and rubber stamp of the East"
by belligerent Texas political foes, re-
tained his executive capacity with the
Young Democrats of Texas tonight
by decisive action of executive com-
The son of the President was up-
held against charges that he had
been illegally elected to the organiza-
tion's first vice-presidency by a 14
to 1 vote.
"I know it is unpopular for me
to make this move," shouted Phil
Overton of Dallas, leader of the anti-
Roosevelt forces, "but I contend that
Elliott Roosevelt was elected, to his
position at ;an executive meeting
where a quorum was not in attend-
Raymond Buck, chairman of the
committee, overruled his plea.
"'This organization is becoming a
rubber stamp," cried Joe Bailey Hum-
phreys, of Crockett, former secretary
of the executive committee. "We are
jumping through the hoop at the
command of the man heading the
band, wagon. Elliott Roosevelt was
elevated to this position in the or-
ganization because of family connec-
tions. The crown prince and the
rubber stamp from the East has not
merited his position."
Adjournment Vote
Fizzles In House
WASHINGTON, July 16. -(UP) -
The big drive in the house to force
an early adjournment of Congress
fizzled today - smothered 61 to 86
by the huge Democratic majority.
Peculiarily, the attempt was ini-
tiated by the Democrats-Rep. Dean
of Ga. But when the roll was called
only 15 members of his party voted
with him and 70 Republicans. On the
other side were eight progressives and
farm minorities. 12 Republicans, and
41 Democrats.
Within a few hours after the House
action, Chairman Harrison of the
Senate Finance committee reasserted
that Congress would stay in session
to pass President Roosevelt's tax pro-
gram and that there was no thought
of returning for a special session this



Loses To Roosevelt

Processing, Floor
Thrown Out In
Court Decision


Improper Vesting
Of Powers Is Cited
Congress Can't Regulate
Products In Control Of
State, Is Finding
BOSTON, July 16.-- (P)- The pro-
cessing tax and floor taxes of the Ag-
ricultural Adjustment Act, under
which the Federal government had
collected approximately $900,000,000
and expected to collect an additional
$700,000,000, were declared uncon-
stitutional today by the United States
Circuit Court.
The court's ruling was based upon
a test case brought by the Hoosac
Mills Corp., which sought to escape
payment of $81,694.
The processing tax and the floor
tax, the latter a levy upon finished
goods on hand when the tax became
effective, were considered the back-
bone of the AAA.
With funds thus derived the Sec-
retary of Agriculture compensated
farmers and growers for curtailing
crops and livestock production.
Says Congress Lacks Power
The Circuit Court found that Con-
gress had no authority to regulate
products which were in the control
of the State; that the tax was an im-
proper delegation of power; that .if
the charge was a tax it was a direct
tax, not apportioned, and if an excise
tax it was not uniform.,
The Circuit Court's ruling was fol-
lowed closely by announcement at
Washington that the government
would take prompt appeal to the
Supreme Court.
Attorney General Homer S. Cum-
mings said the Hoosac case probably
would control more than 200 other
suits on file in various Federal courts
attacking the taxes and seeking re-
funds and injunctions against pay-
The Federal government was moyv-
ing to balk recovery of money already
in the outlawed taxes.
Amendments to the AAA pending
at Washington would throw these
suits out of court and prevent filing
of new suits. The government cannot
be sued without consent of Congress.
Industry Hails Ruling
Approval of the Circuit Court's
opinion was found in the New Eng-
land textile industry. The National
Association of Cotton Manufacturers
issued a statement in which Dexter
Stevens, chairman of the Northern
Cotton Mills Policy Committee, said
he hoped the court's decision would
"go a long way toward halting the
wave of liquidation among New Eng-
land cotton mills, to which the pro-
cessing tax was a big contributing
"Millions of dollars," he said, "have
been drained from New England cot-
ton mills to finance this vast pro-
James Sinclair, president of the
Falls River Cotton Manufacturers As-
sociation, said elimination of the tax
would regulate prices, "and we will
not have price cutting in the future.
Frank W. Dunham, secretary of the
Fall River Chamber of Commerce and
chairman of the New England Co-
mittee on Industry, said the tax had
been "an unfair burden to assist one
group against another."
Interstate Power Stretched
The court held that the power of
Congress to regulate interstate com-
merce did not authorize it to do so by
taxing agricultural or industrial prod-
ucts before they entered interstate
commerce, or to control their produc-
tion merely because their production
indirectly affected interstate com-
"If Congress can take over the con-
trol of any intrastate business by a
declaration of an economic emer-
gency and a public interest in its
regulation," the Court found, "it
would be difficult to define the lim-
its of the powers of Congress, or to

foretell the future limitations of local
The court found that "Congress
h-'nr atton,,,,yifc to 1n vA,- a fiel Arer

Braves Wallop
40-4; Cubs,

Giants Win

' In one of the wildest slugfests of
the 1935 summer intramural season,
the Braves trampled the Tigers, 40-
4, on Ferry Field. Smith, Braves'

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