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July 16, 1935 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1935-07-16

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TUESDAY,. JULY 16, 1935

I TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1935

I Duee Orders
Mobilization Of
Mussolini Also Calls For
Creation Of Additional
Three Brigades
Start Building Ten
New Submarines
'Military Preparation By
Ethiopia Forces Us To
Continue' - Italy
ROME, July 15. - (A) - With war
-between Italy and Ethiopia increas-
ingly regarded as inevitable, Premier
Benito Mussolini ordered today the
mobilization of another regular army
division and the creation of an addi-
tional division of blackshirt militia.
Il Duce also ordered the immediate
construction of ten new submarines.
An official communique which an-
nounced the new preparations for
possible hostilities in East Africa said
"the accelerated rhythm of military
preparation by Ethiopia forces us to
proceed with additional measures of
military character."
Today's orders brings the number
of regular army divisions destined for
East Africa to five. Five blackshirt
divisions also have been created. This
means Italy will have at least 250,000
men for service against Ethiopia,
should war begin.
The communique said Il Duce had
called out spcialists and technical ex-
perts of the classes of 1909, 1910 and
1912, and summoned new quotas of
pilots and specialists for the airforce.
Earlier, the opinion was expressed
that war was certain following Em-
persor Haile Selassie's statement that
Ethiopia would not accept an Italian
zone of influence or construction of a
railroad through Ethiopia.
Authoritative sources pointed out
that Italy wants much niore than
these two concession - namely, a
total protectorate - but that if the
Ehiopian emperor refuses small con-
cessions, he would also reject the larg-
er one.
Retains Post
As Chancellor
Vienna In Mourning For
Wife Of Injured Austrian
Killed In Crash
VIENNA, July 15. - () - Thous-
ands of black flags gave Vienna an
aspect of deepest mourning today for
Frau Herma Schuschnigg as her hus-
band, Chancellor Kurt Schulschnigg,
clung to the leadership of the govern-
The body of the young matron lay
in state at a district church near his-
toric Schoenbrunn palace, awaiting
burial tomorrow.
An undertone of apprehension pre-
vailed that the automobile accident
in which Frau Schuschnigg was killed
might have injured the chancellor
more severely than was. at first ap-
This possibility held prospects of
far-reaching political consequences
and raised a spectre of new uncer-
The chancellor was depressed and
visibly shaken on his return from his
ill-fated holiday. Those near him
reported he feels confident he will re-
cover speedily.

Prince Ernest Rudiger von Star-
hemberg, leader of the Fascist home
guard and vice chancellor who would
step into Schuschnigg's place, hasten-
ed back from a holiday in Italy.
The chancellor's spiritual adviser,
Monsignor Stefan Matzinger, asserted
at Linz that Schuschnigg is determin-
ed to maintain his post.
He was with Schuschnigg for many
hours after the chancellor's automo-
bile plunged from the road near Linz
Saturday and crashed into a tree.
Of State PWA
Rules Is Made
DETROIT, July 15.-- P) - M. E.
Cooley, acting public works director
for Michigan, announced today the
regulations governing PWA partici-
pation in the $4,000,000,000 works
program under the emergency relief
appropriation act.
Cooley said the new rules were de-
signed to speed up action on the pro-
At the same time it was announced
in Washington that the works allot-
ment board would not be able to pass
on the $7,500,000 Michigan setup sub-
mitted by H. Lynn Pierson, state
progress director, until next Mon-
The d1a.v it was ynlinprias

Here's Beach Wear Where It Is Worn To Be Seen

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213
A.H. until 3:30: 11:30 a.m. Saturday.

-Associated Press Photo.
The Misses Jean and Patsy Murray created quite a stir when they
joined the throng of fashionables at the Southampton Beach Club,
Southampton, L. I., all dressed up in these novel new beach dresses
that offer protection from the sun's rays and are soothing to the eye as
Tony Cuts Out The Beer And Up
Goes His 1935_Batting Averaoe

NEW YORK, July 15. - (P) -
When it comes to pooshing those runs
across home plate, the pace-setting
Yankees are finding this year that
one Antonio Michelangelo Lazzeri, the
original "Poosh 'Em Up Tony," is
still one of the handiest fellows to
have around.
The San Francisco signor, long
proud possessor of the label, "a ball
player's ball player," is proving his
right to that tag more than ever this
season, his tenth in the familiar
Yankee flannels, as he stages one of
the year's best comebacks.
Last year Tony, bothered by a bad
knee, a finger infection and some sur-
plus poundage around the waistline,
slumped, along with the whole Mc-
Carthy ensemble. He laid off the
beer-drinking, reported this spring
some 18 pounds lighter, and has been
a bulwark of the team all during its
successful battle through the first
half of the season - afield, at bat,
and in an inspirational capacity.
Now, with an early-July spurt that
has sent his personal batting aver-
age zooming close to the .300 mark -
which happens to be precisely his big
league lifetime figure - Lazzeri is
being figured as one of the answers
to whether the Yanks will continue to
stand off the surge of the rallying De-
troit Tigers.
"Poosh 'Em Up" is not only leading
the Yankees in runs batted in - a
department steadily becoming more
universally recognized as the key to
a player's real batting worth - but
he is outranked in this function only
by two of the league's standout long-
distance clouters, Hank Greenberg
and Bob Johnson.
He's batting around 25 points
ahead of his 1934 pace, and fielding
in the manner that gained him fame
in his early Yankee days when Mark
Koenig, now across the river with the

Giants, was his keystone running
mate. A fellow-Golden Gater, and
a fellow-Italian, Frankie Crosetti, has
blossomed into one of the league's
better shortstops under Tony's guid-
First Round Of
Tennis Tourney
Has One Upset
Gimmy, Lewis Fool The
Dopesters By Eliminating
Holbert And Kasabach ;
But one upset was recorded in the
first round of city tennis tournament
as favored players in the men's divi-
sion promised keen competition in fu-
ture rounds after surviving the initial
The lone upset occured in the mixed
doubles division when Merida Hol-
bert, campus champion, and H. Kasa-
bach were eliminated by the team of
Gimmy and Lewis.
In the men's singles Steve Lewis,
defending titleholder, LeRoy Weir,
ranking Cleveland netter, "Happy"
Sorenson, former Western State net
leader aind Dr. John Dorsey were
among the survivors.
Men's singles and doubles results:
Men's Singles
Steve Lewis, bye.
Wagner beat Webster, 6-2, 6-3.
Raab beat Rivers, 6-0, 6-1.
Hopkins beat McCormick, 8-6, 7-5.
Springer beat Langely, 6-2, 6-1.
Peterson beat Weibel, 6-0, 6-1.
Stallard beat Coleman, 6-2, 0-6, 6-1.
Newsome - Bye.
Kasabach - bye.
Buchols vs. Mindin.
Davis beat Babcock, 6-2, 3-6, 6-1.
Schnap beat Tompkins, 6-4, 4-6,
Brandt beat Tenny, 6-1, 6-2.
McKibbin beat Frisinger, 3-6, 6-3.
Smith beat Berkowitz, 8-6, 6-1.
Sherwood - bye.
Edmunds - bye.
Bush beat Hurley, default.
Srigley beat Rosenbaum, 6-3, 6-2.
Dorsey - bye.
Whitker beat Haver, 7-5, 6-4.
Tener beat Simmons, 6-1, 6-1.
Landon beat Rufino, default.
Sorsenson - bye.
Lane beat Miranda, 6-1, 6-2.
Arolan beat Abinojar, 6-1, 6-2.
Magie beat Martin, 6-3, 6-0.
Spicer beat Guthrie, 6-2, 6-2.
Kolchin beat Jablonowitz, 7-5, 4-6,
Myers beat Wiggers, 4-6, 6-2, 6-1.
Weir - bye.
Men's Doubles
Lewis and Mack - bye.
Lewis and Wiggers beat Schnap and
Tompkins, 6-2, 6-0.
Sorenson and Shoberg beat Weibel
and Mindin, 6-0, 6-1.
Frisinger and Rufino beat McCor-
mick and Myers, 6-1, 6-3.
Boak and Dorsey beat Shroth and
Dolph, 6-2, 6-4.
Lewis and Peirsol beat Srigley and
Bush, 6-2, 6-3.
Whitket and Brandt beat Fuller
and Wilson, 6-2, 6-3.
Sherwood and Lane - bye.
McKibbon and Edmunds beat
Reading and Reading, 6-1, 6-0.
Stallard and Raab beat Beddow
and Jennings. 6-2. 8-6.

VOL. XVI No. 19
TUESDAY, 16, 1935
Excursion No. 6. Second trip to
Ford Plant Wednesday, July 17. This
is an exact repetition of Excursion
No. 4 scheduled for those students
who were unable to go on July 10.
Make reservation before 5:00 p.m.-
today, at the office of the Summer
Session, Room 1213 Angell Hall.-
Party leaves from in front of Angell
Hall at 12:45 p.m. Returns to Ann
Arbor 5:30 p.m. Round trip bus rate
Faculty Concert: Wassily Besekirs-
ky, Violinist, Joseph Brinkman, Pi-
anist, Palmer Christian, Organist,
and Arthur Hackett, tonor, with
Mabel Ross Rhead, accompanist, will
live the following program in the
Faculty Concert Series this evening,
it 8:30 o'clock.
Fantaisie in A, Franck.
Intermezzo (Symphony No. 6).
Prelude, Samazueilh.
Toccata "Thou Art the Rock", Mu-
(Byzantine sketches).
Mr. Christian
Adelaide, Beethoven.
Fruhlingsglaube, Schubert.
Trockne Blumen, Schubert.
Im Zitternden Mondlicht, Haile.
Fruhlingsnacht, Schumann.
Mr. Hackett
El Poema de una Sanluquena, for
violin and piano, Turina.
Ante el espejo.
La cancion del lunar.
El rosario en la iglesia.
Mr. Besekirsky and Mr. Brinkman.
Michigan League Library: This Li-
brary will be closed Sunday, July 14
and Sunday, July 21, but will be open
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
evening of those two weeks which.
follow the Sundays.
The Delta Kappa Society will have
lunch at 12:10 in the Michigan Union
Members of the Men's Education
Club will play baseball at 4 o'clock
today at South Ferry Field.
Educational Conference: SOME-
SLOW LEARNER is the title of the
lecture to be given by Dr. Raleigh
Schorling of the School of Educa-
tion in Room 1022 University High
School this afternoon at 4:10 o'clock.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
U. S. Civil Service Examinations:
Sr. Metallurgist, $4,600.
Asst., Assoc., and Medical Officer,
$2,600 to $3,800.
Asst., Assoc., Statistician, and Sr.
Statistician, $2,600 to $4,600.
Associate Animal Husbandman
(Beef and Dual-Purpose Cattle), $3,-
Animal Husbandman (Beef and
Dual-Purpose Cattle ), $3,800.
Sr. Animal Husbandman (Swine),
Asst. Poultry Husbandman (Prog-
eny Testing), $2,600.
Asst. Poultry Husbandman (Bio-
metrics), $2,600.
Poultry Husbandman (Administra-
tion), $3,800.
Sr. Poultry Husbandman (Admin-
istration), $4,600.
Sr. Poultry Husbandman (Gene-
tics), $4,600.

Assco. Physiologist (Cotton), $3,-
Assoc. Pathologist (Cotton), $3,200.
Assoc. Geneticist (Cotton), $3,200.
Assoc. Fiber Technologist (Cotton),
Assoc. Cytologist (Cotton), $3,200.
Assoc. Agronomist (Cotton). $3,-
These notices are on file in Room
201, Mason Hall.
Michigan Dames cordially invite
the wives of Summer Session student
and internes to attend their meeting,.
and parties this summer. A business
and social meeting will be held at the
League this evening, at eight o'clock.
The first of a series of Wednesday af-
ternoon contract-auction bridge par-
ties will be given at the League, two
o'clock, Wednesday, July 17.
Summer Session Mixed Chorus:
Meets tonight in Morris Hall at 7
p.m. All who are interested are in-
vited to attend..
David Mattern.
Public Health Nurses: All public
health nurses on the campus are in-
vited to a picnic to be held at the
Island Wednesday, July 17 at 4:30 p.
M. Andre Siegfried, Professor at
the Ecole Libre des Sciences Politi-
ques, and the College de France,
Paris, author, of America Comes of
Age, and many other works, will
lecture Wednesday, July 17, at 5:00
p. in., in the Natural Science Audi-
torium, upon the subject. "French
Political Life and Parties."
The public is invited.
Professor Charles L. Jamison of the
School of Business Administration
who was scheduled to speak on Wed-
nesday will give his lecture on Friday
and will speak on the subject "Sal-
aries and Services."
Summer Session French Club: The
next meeting of the Club will take
place Thursday, July 18, at 8:00 p.m.,
in the "Second floor Terrace Room,"
Michigan Union.
Professor Arthur G. Canfield will
give a talk on "Balzac." There will
be charades, songs and dancing.
Graduation Recital: Mona Hutch-
ings, student of Professor Wassily
Besekirsky, will give' a Graduation
Recital, Thursday evening, July 11,
at the School of Music Auditorium, at
8:15 o'clock, to which the general
public, with the exception of small
children, is invited. Raymond Kon-
dratowicz will play the accompani-
Pi Lambda Theta will hold a joint
meeting with the Women's Educa-
tion Club Wednesday, at 7:15 p.m. at
the University Elementary Library.
Excursion No. 7: General Motors
Proving Ground, Milford, scheduled
for Saturday, July 20. Reservation
must be made in the office of the
Summer Session, Room 1213 Angell
Hall not later than this noon, July
16. No charge.
.Tea Honoring Wives of Visiting
Professors: The Faculty Women's
Constantly Changing Water

Bar Association
Criticizes Trial
Of Hanitmann
LOS ANGELES, July 15.-(A) -
In a report for submission at the
opening session of the American Bar
association convention today, the
committee on cooperation between
the press and the bar criticizied the
conduct of the Bruno Hauptmann
trial and demanded steps be taken
to prevent a repetition of "such in-
cidents" as occurred at the trial.
"If press reports are accurate, the
attorneys for the defendant and the
prosecuting attorney as well, took ad-
vantage of the situation and by per-
sonal interviews given to representa-
tives of the press and by talks over
the radio, seemed wholly to disre-
gard all the accepted rules of dignity
and ethics with which the profession
and the courts have sought to sur-
round the trial of a man for his life,"
the report said.
The committee said that to treat
"a simple trial as a public show, as
was done in the sensational trial of
Bruno Hauptmann, is to cheapen
life itself by causing people generally
to undervalue the life of the crim-
inal, and to increase the morbid de-
sires of sensation seekers."
Club is cooperating with the Summer
Session in giving a tea Thursday, July
18, four to six o'clock, in the Michigan
League Garden, honoring wives of
professors from other institutions
teaching here this summer. Wives of
visiting professors and of other mem-
bers of the summer faculty, women
on the faculty, and members of the
Faculty Women's Club are cordially
invited to come.
Peace Poster Exhibit: A collection
of 700 posters, etchings, cartoons, and
photographs dealing with War and
Peace is on exhibition- in Room 316
Michigan Union. Jean Carlu, A.
Daenens, Arthur Stadler, Otto Dix,
B. Nowak, and E. Holarek are among
the artists represented. This collec-
tion was started by Dr. Onderdonk in
Vienna during the World War and is
thought to be the most complete of its
kind in existence. Admission is free;
the exhibit'will be on display till July

That is Deliciously Different!
Our Modern Fountain is with-
out doubt one of the best-
equipped in Ann Arbor.









MILL SPRINGS, Ky., July 15. -
(Special) -Visiting geologists sand
university professors, athletics, and
constructive work in geology and
geography are contributing to a per-
fect summer for the students en-
rolled in the Geology and Geog-
raphy Field Station of the University
Prof. Stanley D. Dodge of the Uni-
versity accompanied by Prof. S. J.
Jones of Bristol University, England,
visited the camp July 4 and 5. The
English professor is in this country
making a study of the geographical
methods under a grant of the Rocke-
feller Foundation.
Prof. Phillip Bursley, director of
Orientation at the University, has
also been a visitor here.
On Saturday last Prof. A. C. Mc-
Farlan, head of the geology depart-
ment of the University of Kentucky,
gave an illustrated lecture on the
geology of Kentucky.
Three TVA officials, Dr. Gibson, Dr.
Parsons, and Leo J. 'Zuber, were
guests of the Field Station on July 4.
Yesterday Dr. G. D. Hudson, head
geographer of the TVA, and L. R.
Schoenmann were in camp to dis-
cuss geographical field methods with
Prof. Preston E. James of the Uni-
With the aid of air-photos taken
at the height of 20,000 feet, Profes-
sor James and Leonard Wilson are
mapping parts of the adjacent Cum-
berland Plateau.
Prof. I. D. Scott of the University
-enloav denartment is studying( the




Large Colonial Home suitable for Fraternity, Sorority or
League House. Comfortable accommodations for at least
25 persons.
Steam heat (oil burner), three baths, caretakers' quarters
in basement, large living and lounge rooms, dining room
will seat at least 35 persons.
Corner lot with beautiful trees and shrubbery, 32 blocks
from University campus, paved street.

All Sodas

L. -

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