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July 14, 1935 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1935-07-14

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The Weather
Somewhat unsettled today;
tomorrow - partly cloudy, little
change in temperature.

- -d

Official Publication Of' The Summer Session

Keep The Gunmen In
The Light Fantastic;
Summer style..,



Soviet And

Vesper Speaker


S. Sign

New Pact

Trade Between Countries
Expected To Triple As
Result Of Agreement
Russia Will Spend
$30,000,000 Here
Debts Of Czarist, Kerensky
Regimes Unmentioned
In New Treaty

Dr. Lemon To

WASHINGTON, July 13. -- (P) -
The United States and Russia today
signed a trade agreement expected by
officials of both governments to treble
the value of trade between the two
That action ended 18 years of what
were considered unsatisfactory com-
mercial relations.
The State Department said that
the trade agreement, concluded in
Moscow through an exchange of notes
between William C. Bullitt, the Amer-
ican ambassador, and Maxim Litvin-
off, Soviet commissar for foreign af-
fairs, pledges -the Soviet Government
to make purchases totaling $30,000,-
000 in the United States during the
next 12 months.
Russia Granted Benefits
In return the United States has
granted Russia all benefits contained
in trade . agreements already con-
cluded with Belgium, Haiti and Swed-
en and will extend all benefits ac-
cruing from trade pacts to be con-
cluded with other countries.
Concessions granted in the Cuban-
American trade agreement are speci-
fically expected.
The new agreement contains no
mention of, and in no way relates
to, the long pending Russian debt
question involving more than $700,-
00,000 in debts contracted by the
C#rIst and Kerensky regimes.e
Negotiations attempting to reach a
mutually satisfactory solution of that
fifteen-year-old controversy broke
down six months ago because of Rus-
sian insistence on cash and credits,;
understood to total $200,000,000, as
an integral part of the debt settle-;
The Russo-American agreement in-
volves no reciprocal concessions in1
tariff rates.
Expect Big Gain'
Although not a part of the Roose-
velt Administration's foreign trade
expansion program, the new agree-
ment is closely related to it and is ex-
pected by American officials to pro-
vide a sound basis for mutually bene-
ficial expansion of trade.
The Soviet Government is virtually
a "trust" and controls all exports and
imports to and from Russia and is in
a position to enforce the agreement.
Officials and the anticipated trade
increase was expected to result in a
gain of more than 100 per cent over
American exports to Russia in 1934
which amounted to $14,867,000, and
to increase by approximately 150 per
cent the average American exports
from 1932 to 1934 inclusive.
"It is the purpose of the trade
agreements program to bring about
an extension of foreign markets for
products of the United States by af-
fording increased market opportuni-
ties for foerign products in the United
Will Complete,
Journey Today
NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y., July 13. -
- (Special) - The gay party of 48
University of Michigan Summer Ses-
sion excursionists who have beep'
"making the rounds" of the spots of
scenic interest today were ready to
revisit spots of paramount enjoy-
ment Sunday before returning to Ann
Several members of the party, how-1
ever, will disport themselves in an1
aeroplane ride over the Falls areaj
while the others are far below taking
last looks at the Falls, the Gorge, the
Whirlpool, the Whirlpool Rapids, the
many parks, and the Cave of the
Advantage will be taken of the ex-
cursion facilities of the railroad lines
in order to get the party back to Ann


Speak At 2nd
Vesper Today
'Wanted - A Religion' Will
Be Subject At Services
In Front Of Library
The second in a series of all-cam-
pus vesper services will be held at
7:30 p.m. today in front of the Li-
brary steps with Dr. W. P. Lemon,
pastor of the First Presbyterian
church delivering the sermon.
The singing will be directed by Prof.
David Mattern, who will be assisted
by a chorus of 50 selected voices and
the University Summer Session Sym-
phony Orchestra. William Miller,
baritone, will be the soloist for the
service. Mimeograph copies of the
hymns to be used will be available
for the audience.
Dr. Lemon has selected "Wanted -
A Religion" for the subject of his
brief address. He has been pastor of
the Presbyterian church since last
October, coming to Ann Arbor from
Iowa City. Previously he had a pas-
torate for some years in Minneapolis
near the Vnivrsity of Minnesota. Dr.
Lemon has written many articles and
book reviews in the Christian Cen-
The campus vesper services are be-
ing sponsored by Dr. Louis Hopkins,
director of the Summer Session. He
is assisted by Dr. E. W. Blakeman,
Counselor in Religious Education and
the Rev. Howard R. Chapman, direc-
tor of the Baptist student work.
The third and last of this series of
summer vesper services will be held
July 28, and will be in the nature of
a sacred concert under the direction
of Professor Mattern.
Fascist Head,
Is Chancellor~
Schuschnigg Is Out After
Automobile Accident In
Which His Wife Dies
VIENNA, July 13.-(P)-The grow-
ing power of Prince Ernst von Star-
hemberg, chief of the Heimwehr, Aus-
tria's Fascist "private army," neared
its crest tonight as the Austrian cab-
inet tentatively decided to place him
in the post of chancellor.
The decision followed by a few
hours an automobile accident near
Linz in which Chancellor Kurt Schus-
chnigg was seriously injured, his wife,
Frau von Schuschnigg, 34 years old,
was killed, and their son, Kurt, Jr., 9
was severely hurt.
Just how seriously the chancellor
may be hurt was not immediately de-
termined by physicians in the Linz
hospital. He was so shaken and his
nervous shock was so severe that they
advised him to give up the responsibil-
ities of office for a while.
The cabine met immediately and
concurred in the medical opinion and
it was regarded as likely that the
ministers would suggest to the head of
the government, that he take an ex-
tended vacation. Prince von Star-
hemberg, as vice chancellor, would
take his place.
The chancellor's heavy car swerved
from the road near his summer home
at Elbesberg and crashed head-on into
a tree. An inquiry showed that the
Schuschnigg chauffeur was overcome
by the heat and lost control of the
It was learned tonight that the

Prof. Hyde To
Talk Monday
In Law Series
Will Speak On Tragedy Of
Words In International
Law At Session
Serving His Fourth
Summer Term Here
Lecture Is Third Of List
Scheduled For Session;
Next Planned For 22nd
"The Tragedy of Words in inter-
national Law" will be the subject of
Prof. Charles Cheney Hyde, who is a
member of the teaching staff of the
annual Summer Session on Teaching
International Law when he delivers
the third in a series of public lectures
at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Room 1025, An-
gell Hall.
Professor Hyde, the Hamilton Fish
Professor of International Law at Co-
lumbia University, is now serving his
fourth summer as a member of the
council and teaching staff of the law
Summer Session. In addition to pre-
senting tomorrow's lecture, he is also
conducting a group conference and
leading several courses.
He is recognized as an outstanding
authority in the field of international
law, particularly in its interpretation
and application.
Previous to 1925 when he first went
to Columbia, Professor Hyde was a
professor of law at Northwestern Uni-
versity's law school.
He practiced law in Chicago and
Washington, D.C. until 1923, when he
withdrew from his law firm to accept
an appointment by President Harding
as the solicitor of the Department of
State. Professor Hyde held this posi-
tion until he went to Columbia Uni-
versity. In addition to his teaching
there, he has practiced law in New
York City since being admitted to
the bar in 1927.
Professor Hyde is a member of the
American Bar Association, the Amer-
ican Society of International Law,
the International Law Association of
London, the Chicago Law Club, and
the Associe de l'Institut de Droit In-
Among the works he has written
on the subject of international law is
"International Law Chiefly As Inter-
preted and Applied by the United
States." He has also made contribu-
tions to legal and other periodicals
on matters relating to international
law and prepared monographs printed
by the Department of State.
The last two lectures of the series
which are a part of the program
sponsored annually by the Summer
Session on Teaching International
Law will be given by George A. Finch,
secretary of the parley and Dr. James
Brown Scott, chairman, on Monday,
July 22 and Monady, July 29, re-
University Alumni
Announce Betrothal
Mrs. Jessie Neilson of Ann Arbor

-Associated Press Photo.
Norman Thomas To
Use Sound Trucks
In Fight With Huey
NEW YORK, July 13. -- (P - Nor-
man Thomas, national leader of the
Socialist party, will lead a sound truck
caravan through Louisiana in October
in a campaign against what he called
the "demagoguery of Huey Long's
share-the-wealth program."
The campaign tour was approved
today by the Nationgal Executive Com-
mittee of the Socialist party. Thomas
had planned the trip ever since his
tour through Arkansas in behalf of
the Tenant Farmets' Union.
"We want it distinctly understood,"
Thomas said, "that the campaign is
not merely anti-Long. It is directed
against the whole demogoguery of
Long's share-the-wealth program.
"We are going to show the people
of the Kingfish's state the real way
of sharing the wealth of the nation
-the way of Socialism."
NEW ORLEANS, July 13.-UP1-In-
formed of Norman Thomas' plans,
-Huey Long said:-.U .. ..
"I've understood Mr. Roosevelt was
heading Mr. Thomas out this way, but
you k~now we share-the-wealtheirs
don't have anything to do with Roose-
velts and Thomases. Anyway, he
(Thomas) won't get three people to
listen to him if he comes."
Mrs. Waley Convicted
For Coast Kdnaping
TACOMA, Wash., July 14.- (P)-
Nineteen year old Margaret Waley
was convicted swiftly on both "Lind-
bergh Law" and conspiracy charges
by a Federal jury today for her al-
legedly unwilling participation in the
$200,000 kidnaping of curly-headed
George Weyerhaeuser.
In four hours, 45 minutes a jury of
10 men and 2 women waited through
legal technicalities to reach the de-
1. The nine-year-old timber for-
tune heir had been taken across
Washington-Idaho by the kidnapers,
thus warranting application of the
"Lindberg Law."

To Battle"uey"Long

Churches To
Offer Variety
Of Services
McClusky Will Speak On
'Religion And Mental
Health' Tonight
Three Fellowship
Hours To Be Held
R. O. Bonisteel Will Lead
Discussion On 'A Lawyer
Looks AtReligion'
Ann Arbor churches will offer a
variety of religious services today for
students enrolled in the Summer Ses-
The Rev. Allison Ray Heaps will de-
liver a sermon at 10:30 a.m. at the
Congregational Church. Annis Dex-
ter Gray will sing "Like as the Heart
Desireth" by Alliten during the morn-
ing service. A reception and fellpw-
ship hour for all students have been
planned from 6 to 7 p.m. in the
church parlors.
In the first Presbyterian church, Dr.
W. P. Lemon will continue his series
of services "Dialogues with God"
when he speaks on "Rich man -
Poor Man" at 10:45 a.m. At 5:30 p.m.
the regular "Get Acquainted Hour"
and supper will be served for the stu-
dents on the lawn of the Church
house. This will be followed by R. O.
Bonisteel speaking . on "A Lawyer
Looks At Religion."
Also at 10:45 Dr. Charles W. Brash-
ares will deliver a sermon entitled
"The Key to Prayer" at the First
Methodist Episcopal Church. This is
the third of a series entitled "Re-
ceive the Keys."
"My Grace is Sufficient for Thee"
is the subject the Rev. Carl A. Brauer
has 'selected for the morning service
to be held at 10:45 a.m. At the same
hour ,the Rev. R. Edward Sayles will
speak on "Freedom Through Truth"
at the Fi'rst Baptist Church.
SAt the Ziop Lutheran Church, the
Rev. E. . St eehorr has ch6en as
the subject of his sermon which will
be given at 10:30, "Daring To Do
The Will of God."
In addition to these services and
fellowship hours, the second all
campus vesper service will be held at
7:30 p.m. on the grass of the Library
steps with Dr. Lemon, pastor of the
First Presbyterian Church, delivering
the service. Prof. David Mattern will
lead the singing, being assisted by a
chorus of 50 voices as well as the Uni-
versity Symphony orchestra. ,
Lare Crowds
Attend Weekly
Summer Fetes
Floor Shows Features Of
Entertainment, Dances,
Songs Offered
A capacity crowd of students and
faculty members attended the regula'r
Summer Session dances which were
held Friday and Saturday nights in
the ballroom of the Michigan League.
Al Cowan and his orchestra furnished
the music for the dances.
In addition toethe specialty num-
bers which were presented by the
orchestra, a floor show consisting of
song novelties, a tango exhibition, and
a soft-shoe dance number was given
at both dances.
Harriet Stuhrberg, a juvenile dance

soloist, presented "Pop Goes Your
Heart" for the opening number of
the floor show. This was followed
by two song specialties, "Chasing
Shadows" and "I'll Never Say Never
Again Again" by Carawanda Sisson.
Continuing, Goddard Light, a mem-
ber of Play Production and the Rep-
ertory Players, sang "Shortenin'
Bread," and Marie Sawyer and Doug-
las Gregory gave a tango specialty.
The floor show was concluded with
Gerry Jerome, formerly with the Casa
Loma orchestra and the Dorsey
Brothers, presenting one of his orig-
inal numbers.
Hostesses for the Saturday night
dance included: Maude Aircy, Janet
Allenston, Ruth Archbald, Dorothy
Armstrong, Kay Bevis, Jean Braesley,
Sally Jane Bronw, Mary Jane Conlin,
Peg Conklin, Muriel Curtis, Thelma
Cooper, Marguerite Dayton, Jeannette
Duff, Ella Easton, Mary Alice Emmett,
Celia Frey, Marguerite Garber, Sue
Gardner, Katherine Marie Hall.


For President

English Hint At Aid
Of U. S. In Stopping

-Associated Press Photo.
"General" Jacob S. Coxey, 81-
year-old veteran of . his famous
"Coxey's Army" which marched on
Washington in 1894, is shown at1
Omaha, Neb., where the "national"
Farmer-Labor party :ominated him
for president.-
Marshall Has
Leadino Role
In Next Play
Noted Actor And Players''
Guest Director Heads
Cast Of 'Bird In Hand'
10 a1
Oswald Marshall, noted English
actor, who is guest director of the1
Michigan Repertory Players this sum-f
mer, will play the leading role in the
Players four production, "Bird in
Hand," which opens Wednesday night
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
He is also directing the play.
Mr. Marshall played in the original
New York production of "The Bar-
retts of Wimpole Street," starring 1
Katherine Cornell, and has been for
many years a leading actor on the
London stage. Among the produc-
tions he has appeared in are "Ready ;
Money," with Allan Aynesworth,
"Wanted a Husband," and "The. Yel-
low Ticket," with Gladys Cooper, and
"Tea for Three" and "Up in Mabel's.
Room," with Charles Hawtrey.
In Shaw Play
He was cast in the original pro-
duction of George Bernard Shaw's
"Androcles and the Lion," which was
produced at the Savoy Theater in
London, and has played with Sir John
Harvey in "The Only Way," and
In 1918 Mr. Marshall opened the
first English theater in Paris, playing
repertory there for eight months, until
he was commandeered by the army
authorities after the armistice to go
to Lille, where he operated a theater
for six months for the entertainment
of the troops.
"Bird in Hand," a comedy by John
Drinkwater, who also wrote "Abra-
-ham Lincoln," was first produced
under the management of Sir Barry
Jackson at the Birmingham Repertory
Theater in Birmingham, England. It
ran more than a year when it was
produced in London and fo, nearly
two years in New York. After the
New York run it was taken on a suc-
seccful road tour for a year.
Action At Inn
The action of the play takes place
in the "Bird In Hand" Inn. Joan
Greenleaf, daughter of the landlord,
is in love with Gerald Arnwood, the
squire's son. She goes out with him
for a drive, when it begins to rain,
and her father hears that the car is
parked in the summer house of the
Arnwood estate.
When he goes to bring back his
daughter, she breaks away and goes
home herself. However, the situation
is straightened out by two of the
guests at the inn, and the next morn-
ing Sir Robert Arnwood makes a for-
mal proposal for the hand of the inn-
keeper's daughter.
"Bird in Hand" will have a four day
run. Ticketsg areprnie~dat 3. 2 5.and

'United Front' Suggested
After Hull's Support Of
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Italian Authorities
Deny Any Violations
Il Duce's War Machine In
High Gear; Supplies And
Men Being Transported
(By The Associated Press)
Moves for peace gained a portion
of the Italo-Ethiopian "war" spot-
light yesterday after Secretary Hull
of the United States issued his state-
ment in support of the Kellogg-Briand
His action evoked comment in Lon-
don circles that a "united front" with
Great Britain against war in Ethiopia
was possible if the United States
joined Great Britain in opposition to
such a war.
In Rome, Italian authorities de-
clared they had "in no way" violated
the Kellogg-Briand Pact.
Military preparations on the part of
Italy moved forward with unabated
intensity. Massaua, the leading sea-
port in the Italian colony of Eritrea,
was described as a city of soldiers
and stevedores, laboring strenuously
to move men and supplies into the
zone where hostilities are expected in
Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia
was reported moving crown jewels and
religious relics out of the Holy City of
Axum to a safer place high in the
interior of Ethiopia.
ADEN, Arabia, July 13.- WP-
From this Persian Gulf port, on the
historic route to India, Great Britain
is anxiously watching Premier Mnass
solini's massing of troops in Italy's
East African colonies of Somaliland
and Eritrea.
Observers said today that they con-
sidered the Italian army the most sci-
entifically-equipped as well as the
largest ever sent into Africa. The
preparations now under way indicate
to military experts that an early as-
sault on the 5,000-year-old indepen-
dent stronghold of Ethiopia is con-
The military preparations at Mas-
saua, Eritrea, across the gulf from
here, are the most easily observed.
That city now is a town of stevedores
and newly-arrived troops, working
without rest to unload the ships
and clear the wharvesalready piled
high with supplies.
Ships Waiting In Line
Four or five Italian ships constant-
ly are standing in the harbor waiting
to disgorge their cargoes. Cranes
creak and clatter throughout the day
as tanks, armored cars, airplanes,
horses, mules, artillery pieces and the
rest of the paraphernalia of war is
swung overboard to start the journey
into Africa.
The heat, frequently reaching 120
degrees in the shade, adds to the
fatigue of the laboring men. The
single railroad line to Asmara, 120
miles inland, at the edge of the Erit-
rean Plateau, is a jumble of confusion
as engineers try to move the troops
and material away from the burning
The young Italian soldiers, arriving
on the crowded troop ships, see a
barren plain which stretches away
into the distance, unrelieved by vege-
On account of the scarcity of water,
the troops at Massaua are allowed
only two pints a day for each man.
With this amount he must do his
drinking and washing.
One Fourth Of
Students See

Nearly one fourth of the 4,000 stu-
dents enrolled in the Summer Ses-
sion took advantage of the oppor-
tunity of being shown through the
Detroit Observatory of the University
of Michigan - and many were refused
admission when the number it was
possible to accommodate was reached
Friday noon.

announced the engagement ofh er
daughter, Evelyn, '35L, to Robert M. 2. She assisted actively in trans-
Cooper, '34L, of Washington, D.C., son porting the boy across the state line.
of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cooper of Phila- 3. She actively conspired, despite
delphia, at a garden party given yes- her protestations to the contrary,
terday at the Neilson home at 1827 with her husband, Armand F. Waley,
Vinewood Blvd. The wedding will and the fugitive William Danard,
take place August 31. alias Mahan, to snatch the boy and
Miss Neilson graduated from the collect $200,000.
literary college in 1932, where she was The plump young woman, described
affiliated with Chi Omega sorority. by her attorney as a child of abject
She is completing her work in the poverty, heard the verdict without
Law School this summer. emotion.
Backfield, Center Of Line Key'
To 1935 Success, Says Kipke
The backfield and the center of and George Marzonie. The fullbacks
the line hold the key to Michigan most probably slated for transforma-
successes during the 1935 grid season, tion is Frank Dutkowski, according
according to Coach Harry G. Kipke, to Kipke, especially if Harry Lutomski
who is spending his summer in Ann becomes eligible for a backfield posi-
Arbor, teaching and worrying about tion.
the status of his ineligible gridders In the backfield Kipke will have a
enrolled in summer school. possible lineup of Cedric Sweet, prob-
With veteran flankers and an out- ably the nucleus, at fullback, Bob
standing veteran tackle returning, Cooper and Stark Ritchie at the
Kipke's problem will be to weld line halves and Captain Bill Renner at
and backfield combinations from a quarterback. This lineup, however,I
wealth of untried material to fill holes will see only occasional service to-
left by graduation. gether, according to Kipke, as he an-
Although almost a score of gridders nounced that Renner would probably
be used as a "threat," playing no more
are taking summer school work, Kipke than a half each game and being
already has fairly definite plans as to hant ahechn e ndtheing
the se o hismateial.shot into the contest when the Wol-

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