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July 12, 1935 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1935-07-12

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License Plate
Sale To Begin
In Two Weeks
LANSING, July 11. - Automobile
license plates for 1935 will 4b on sale
at half price Thursday, July 25, Or-
ville E. Atwood, Secretary of State,
has announced. The plates will be
available from that date on, at the
Department of State, and all branch
offices throughout Michigan.
Cars that have been on the high-
ways without 1935 plates have been
equipped with 1935 half-year per-
mits or "stickers." Cars placed in
operation on the highways prior to
July 25 must be equipped either with
,half-year permits or with 1935 plates
purchased at full price, it is pointed
Owners of cars which have been
equipped with half-price "stickers"
have at all times had available the
privilege of purchasing 1935 plates
upon payment of the balance of the
1935 license plate tax. But in any
event, "stickers" must be replaced
with 1935 plates by mid-night, July
31, Atwood warns. No extension of
time can be granted without express
authorization of the legislature. Mo-
torists are asked to bring their "stick-
er" registration certificates with them
when they apply for their 1935 license

Chronic Irritation Is Termed
Most Important Cancer Cause

This is the sixth of the series of short
articles, sponsored by the Michigan
State Medical Society, in which the
essential facts about cancer are made.
As was stated in the preceding ar-
ticle in this series, chronic irritation
is the most important cause of cancer
from the practical standpoint. Proof
that cancer can be caused in this way
has been available for a long time.
It was recognized for the chimney-
sweep's cancer in. England, and for
the cancer of the skin which develops
in Asiatic shepherds who carry a
basket of smouldering coals beneath
their robes for warmth. These ex-
amples are all the more significant
since the cancers produced in these
particular irritations develop in re-
gions of the body where cancer prac-
tically never occurs otherwise.
The chronic irritation from X-rays
and radium produced cancer in many
of the early students of their action.
Thus the very agents, which in recent
years have proved so useful in the
diagnosis, treatment, and cure of can-
cer, had a cancer-producing effect
upon those who were too long exposed
to them. Also cancer can be pro-
duced in laboratory animals by a
number of methods, all making use of
the principle of chronic irritation.
Men have been known to produce
cancer in their own mouths just as
truly as scientists have produced can-

cer in animals.

The habitual pres-I

ence of a mechanical irritant in the
mouth, such as tobacco, a pipe-stem,
or other foreign material, may have
this effect: Poorly fitting dental work,
jagged teeth, or chronic infection may
accomplish the same result. Work-
men exposed to irritative oils may
develop cancer of the skin. Tar,
pitch, petroleum products, arsenic,
and a long list of chemicals are known
to be responsible for the production
of cancer of the skin. Sores that are
slow to heel, such as may develop
on the scars of burns, are possible
causes of cancer.
Some of these cancer hazards may
be avoided. Others can be detected
and corrected by the family physi-
Johnson & Cushing
at 400 West Washington

How To Pronounce
Names In The News
Here's how to pronounce names of
persons and places in the news:
Guayaqul, city in Ecuador - Gwi-
ah-keel, pronounce the "ay" as "i" in
"ice," accent last syllable.
Didier Poulain, Paris sports writer
who challenged Borotra to a duel -
Dee-dee-ay Poo-lan(h) , accent the
last syllables in each nanie. The final
syllable is pronounced with a nasal
sound which has no English equival-
San Juan, capital of Puerto Rico-
San Hwahn, accent second word.
F of the

Theta Xi


1345 Washtenaw
has additional
for 8 Boarders.
$5.00 A WEEK
Call Runquist, 2-1517

1934 TUDOR
1933 4-DOOR
1931 TUDOR

1930 COUPE
1929 TUDOR

-Associated Press Photo.
By an unanimous vote the Austrian Federal diet revoked the law
banishing the royal Hapsburg family from the country and restored its
vast confiscated properties. ' Picture shows the imperial palace at Vienna
with inset of Archduke Otto, youthful "king" of the Austrian family.

r v







Report 2,000 Dead
In Chinese Flood
HANKOW, China, July 11. -(P) -
Unconfirmed Chinese reports said to-
night that between 2,600 and 3,000
persons had perished in the town of
Yenshih Hsien in western Honan
province, 20 miles east of Honanfu,
when the Lo river rose 20 feet.
Although this report was not con-
firmed immediately, from other
sources Chinese advices said that the
landscape was littered with human
bodies and the wreckage of the once
prosperous community.
China's devastating floods con-
tineud their havoc over wide areas
tonight. The situation in the Yel-
low River valley was regarded as
The Han River in Hupeh province
spread its destruction, Chinese re-
ports stating that the important city'
of Laohokow in northwest Hupeh was
virtually submerged with 10,000 per-
sons homeless and 3,000 houses de-
Housman s

FAYETTE, N. D., July 11. - (P) -
Modern wooden homes and the Fed-
eral Housing act have no appeal for
two pioneer North Dakota families
who still live in "gumbo" homes, two
of the few remaining in the country.
Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Hutch-
macher came here 30 years ago to
homestead, and constructed a gumbo
home in which they still live. Frank,
the eldest son, was married in the
Hutchmacher home and filing on a
piece of land, built himself a similar
Hutchmacher and his son, Frank,
were approached with the idea of
building new homes under the Fed-
eral Housing act.
"No, we won't move," said the elder
Hutchmacher. "My 16 children were
born in this gumbo house, three of
them were married in this home, and
I expect that someone in my family
will always keep this house in repair
after I'm gone."

Twenty-Four Dead
In Japanese Quake
TOKIO, July 11. - (P) - Twenty-
four persons were killed and 58 in-
jured today by a severe earthquake
in the rich Shizuoka district of Japan,
from which America anually buys
millions of dollars of tea and oranges.
A police survey showed that the
casualties and the more serious dam-
age were confined to Shizouka city,
100 miles southwest of here with a
population of 136,000, and Shimizu,
with a population of-56,000.
A total of 47 buildings were re-
ported destroyed with many score
more seriously damaged.
Fires broke out but were subdued
before they spread seriously.
Electric power plants were put out
of commission and the cities were in
darkness at 8 p. m., but authorities
said they hoped to restore the ser-
vice during the night.
The earthquake was felt here.
Hamamatsu reported experiencing a
heavy shock, but only slight damage.
Fragmentary reports said many
houses collapsed at Shizuoka City, on
the south central coast of the main
island, and fires started.
The formerly prosperous toy in-
dustry of Germany has suffered a
severe decline in recent years.

In Only Two and One-Half Days
Over 350 Copies Have Been Sold!
Be Sure To Get Your Copy of the,

I' Where To Go



2 p.m. Majestic Theater, "The Flame
Within" with Ann Harding and Her-
bert Marshall, and "Murder On A
Honeymoon' with Edna Mae Oliver
and James Gleason.
2 p. m. Michigan Theater, "Peo-
ple Will Talk" with Charles Ruggles
and Mary Boland, and "Lady Tubbs"
with Alice Brady.
2 p. m. Wuerth Theater, "Sequoia"
with Jean Parker and "When a Man
Sees Red."
7 p.,m. Same features at the three
8:30 Lydia Mendelssohn Theater,
"Merrily We Roll Along" by the
Mich}igan Repertory Players.
9:00 Summer Session Dance,
League Ballroom.
9 p. m. Dance at the Union.
Canoeing every afternoon and eve-
ning on the Huron River, Saunder's
Canoe Livery.
Dancing at the Blue Lantern Ball-
room, Island Lake featuring Clare
Wilson and his orchestra.


in the
Friday 9-1 Saturday 9-12

Both AGFA and
We check your
KODAK over, set
it for taking

ri !'

Complete List of Names Addresses
and Telep 'hone Numbers of all Stu-u
dents and Faculty Members of the
At the Union, League, Bookstores,
Drug Stores, and the Student Publi-




Established 1863
Oldest National Bank
In Michigan

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