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July 12, 1935 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1935-07-12

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Liquor Control
Group Gives Up
Cash Liberties
Chairman Won't Oppose
Compliance With Act Of
1935 Legislature

Third Of Ransom Cash Is Recovered;
Kidnap Conviction Record Improving

LANSING, July 11.--() - The
state liquor control commission ar-
ranged today a delayed surrender of
its financial liberties to administra-
tive board control.
Chairman John S. McDonald said
he had no intention of opposing the
wishes of the administration by re-
fusing to comply with an act of the
1935 legislature directing the com-
mission to turn over all of its cash on
hand with the exception of a $1,000,-
000 revolving fund for replenishing
liquor stocks..
His statement followed one from
Attorney General Harry S. Toy who
asserted it was the duty of the state
treasurer to gain possession of the
commissions' excess cash and who
said he would give Treasurer Theo-
dore I. Fry legal aid in doing so if
it were requested.
$2,500,000 Available
McDonald disclosed the commis-
sion has $2,500,000 in cash, against
which a check was drawn for $1,000,-
000 and sent to the treasurer late
yesterday. The commission, from the
remaining $1,500,000 must set up its
liquor, purchase revolving fund. In
addition, the commission must be
ready to refund $1,378,000 in liquor
license revenues to municipalities by
August 31. The commission expects
to raise the needed funds in the in-
terim by sales.
The act became a law when Gov.
Fitzgerald signed it, June 8. Mc-
Donald interpreted it as becoming ef-
fective July 1, when the commission
went on a budget like other state de-
partments. The legislature drew the
law to curb the wide financial free-
dom given the commission in the or-
iginal liquor act. It has operated as
a corporation separate from the con-
trol of state officers forming the ad-
ministrative board.
To Dump Surplus
The new act directs the commis-
sionhto dump its surplus overm$1,000,-
000 into the general fund monthly, to
draw its salary checls through the
auditor general's office and submit a
detailed accounting of receipts and
disbursements to the state account-
ing division monthly.
Edward Stevens, the commission's
chief auditor, said the commission has
$1,000,000 - a portion of the avail-
able cash -on deposit in banks
throughout the state as- operating
funds for its various stores. McDon-
ald claimed that really it is in pos-
session of th state, although only the
commission can draw on the deposits.
'he state treasurer designated the,
House Passes
Plans Enlarging
Powers Of TVA'
Eliminates All Provisions
Objectionable To Chief
WASHINGTON, July 11. - (P) -
After eliminating every major pro-i
vision objectionable to President
Roosevelt, the House today passed
legislation to' broaden the power of
the Tennessee Valley Authority.
The vote on final passage was an-e
nounced as 277 to 100.
It now goes back to the Senate for#
action on amendments added by the
House. The differences probably will1
be adjusted by a conference commit-
tee representing the Senate and
Already, the utilities bill has beenc
sent to conference by thehSenate to
attempt to agree on whether to re-
ain the provision desired by President
Roosevelt to eliminate "unnecessary"
holding companies in seven year.
Twice before the final TVA vote the
House affirmed its action in eliminat-

ing a clause that would have given
TVA a limited time in which to-work
out a self-sustaining power develop-
By a 90 to 38 standing vote and
again by a 274 to 102 roll call it
voted down a mocion by representa-,
tive Andrews (Rep., N. Y.) to send
the measure back to the military com-;
inittee with instructions to- insert
language, that would have forbidden
the agency after July 1,1938, to sell
power and chemicals below produc-
tion costs.

(By The Associated Press)
While almost every major kidnap-
ing during the last three years has
resulted in one or more convictions,
only about one-third of the ransom
money paid the snatchers has been
Of the $1,060,000 paid in an effort
'to rescue the victims in 11 cases, ap-
proximately $340,180 has. been re-
turned to the payers or held as evi-
dence, official records show. Addition-
al thousands have been spotted in the
banks after having been passed by
the kidnapers, but the greater part of
the grand total paid is still missing
and unaccounted for.
Penalties so far in these 11 cases
have totaled two death sentences
(one was commuted to life); 15 life
sentences; one sentence each of 50,
45 and 24 years; and a dozen lesser
sentences. In addition, one suspect
committed suicide, one was slain, sev-
eral are being held for trial,and oth-
ers are sought.
Resume Of 11 Cases
A resume of important cases fol-
Charles A. Lindbergh, Jr.: $14,600
of the $50,000 ransom recovered from
Hauptmann, who has appealed from
the death sentence; an additional
$5,115 accounted for but not recov-
Charles Boettcher II, of Denver:
$15,600 of the $60,000 ransom was re-
covered. One life sentence was im-
Peggy McMath pf Harwichport,
Mass.: The entire ransom of $60,000
was found stuffed in a can at the
home of Kenneth Buck who was con-
victed and sentenced to 24 years.
Factor Ransom Unrecovered
Mary McElroy, Kansas City: $16,-
000 of the $30,000 ransom was re-
covered, and of the three men con-
victed two are serving life sentences.
William Hamm, Jr., St. Paul,
Minn.: None of the $100,000 ransom
was recovered, but about $65,000 of
it flowed into the federal reserve
bank at Chicago.,
Jake Factor, Chicago: Of the $70,-
Mentality. Test
For Goodrich
Is Approved
Psychiatrist Of Recorder's
Court Is Selected To
Conduct Examination f



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In these 11 major kidnapings of the last three years, approximatebv
$340,180 has been recovered out of the total of $1,060,004 paid in ransoms.
The shaded portions indicate the amounts recovered in each case.

000 paid, none was recovered; four
life sentences were handed out.
John J. O'Connell, Jr., Albany, N.
Y.: None of the $40,000 ransom has
turned up, but there was one con-
viction and a 50-year sentence.
Charles F. Urschel, Oklahoma City:
Authorities recovered $125,000 of the
$200,000 ransom, and 16 persons were
convicted, six of whom are serving
life sentences.
Edward G. Bremer, St. Paul: Of the
$200,000 ransom paid, only $2,625
was recovered. Several sentences were

meted out for this crime, including
three life terms - and one man was
Alice Speed Stoll, Louisville: $500,
fof the $50,000 ransom was recovered,
and two persons are being held for
George Weyerhaeuser, Tacoma:
$105,855 of the $200,000 ransom was
found. Harmon Waley was sentenced
to 45 years in prison. William Mahan,
believed to have the rest of the ran-
som, is sought.

Amendments To
AAA Discussed
By Legislators
Senator Robinson Defends
Program; Says It Has
Now Gained Purpose
WASHINGTON, July 11. - -(0P) - A
strenuous encounter over another ma-
jor New Deal policy - the AAA -en-
gaged the attention of the Senate to-
day. The fight cut across party lines.
Taking up amendments to broaden
the agricultural adjustment admin-
istration's powers and bulwark it
against court attacks, Democratic
leaders challenged critics to propose
"a better method" of increasing farm
prices. Opponents called it "complete
regimentation of the American peo-
Senator Robinson, the floor leader.
led the defense of AAA yesterday with
the assertion that it has "accom-
plished the fundamental purpose for
which it was designed."
Senators Borah (Rep., Ida.), anc
Byrd (Dem., Va.), proposed a dozen
or more amendments to strike out
major features of the legislation.
Senator Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.),
attacked the Senate agricultural com-
mittee's action in eliminating a House
provision which would have increased
tariffs to offset increases in costs of
The bill is designed to revise the
Agricultural Adjustment act in line
with the Supreme Court's NRA deci-
sion. Among other things it would
provide for an "order" system to set
up marketing agreements among pro-
cessors and producers and specify a
list of commodities for which agree-
ments could be arranged.
Laura Incralls
Seeks New Air
NEW YORK, July 11. -- () - An-
gry because she had to take off in a
cross wind, Laura Ingalls roared to-
ward Burbank, Calif., today in a low-
winged monoplane with the hope of
setting a trans-continental speed
record for women.
Her plane lifted from Floyd Ben-
nett airport at 4:31:30 a.m., Eastern
Standard Time, after a run of 2,500
feet on a 3,100-foot runway.
The trip, if successful, will be the
first east-to-west non-stop flight by
a woman. The women's transcontin-
ental record of 17 hours 7 minutes
and 30 seconds was set west-to-east
by Amelia Earhart on July 8, 1933.
Prevailing winds favor the west-to-
east flights.
When Miss Ingalls arrived at the
airport to supervise the loading of
the plane more than two hours before
the takeoff she proposed to nose her
plane directly into the wind on the
long runway toward the airport's
Because of the plane's heavy load,
F. William Zelcer, aviation commis-
sioner of New York, forbade her to
use the long runway.
The flier turned angrily to Capt.
Kenneth Behr, manager.oftheNair-
port and official timer for the NAA,
and complained:
"I can't express myself. It's un-
Her plane was equipped with a
radio compass and she planned to
follow the radio beams of the TWA
transportroute, which would take her
over Pittsburgh, Cleveland,, Chicago,
Kansas City and Albuquerque, N. M.


President's Youngest Son Will
Find No Roughing On TVA Job

DETROIT, July 11.-(P),- Judge
Christopher E. Stein of recorder's
court approved a mental test for Mer-
ton Ward Goodrich today.
Harry C. Hanley, attorney for the
slayer of 11-year-old Lillian Gallaher,
requested the mental test and asked
that Dr. I. L. Polozker, recorder's
court psychiatrist, be assigned to the
"I am satisfied," Hanley said, "that
this man is mentally competent to
give such information as is required
for the conduct of his defense, but
in view of the widespread publicity
given the case and the peculiar cir-
cumstances, I request the court to
have my client sent to the psycho-
pathic clinic for examination by Dr.
The proceeding was described as
usual, because sanity tests customar-
ily are made after a trial. Hanley
said he wanted information from an
expert before proceeding to trial.
Goodrich, who pleaded not guilty
to a murder charge although he con-
fessed the slaying, has offered his
living body to science as a "human
guinea pig."
Goodrich, who contends it was"the
other side of my life" which impelled
him to assault and kill the girl, ob-
jected strenuously to the prosecutor's
plan to have his wife also undergo
sanity tests.
"The police are trying to frame
her," Hanley quoted his client as
saying. "I know she wouldn't do it
The prosecutor said Mrs. Goodrich
had agreed to the examination.
HONOLULU - ( P)-Lawrence M.
Judd, former governor of Hawaii, re-
turning from a tour of the states, says
seeds for Hawaiian statehood are be-
ing sown throughout the mainland.
Judd said he attempted to further
claims of territorial residents that
Hawaii is ready to enter the union
as the 49th state.

NORRIS, Tenn., July 11.-When
John Roosevelt, youngest son of the
President, comes here this summer
to take a job with the Tennessee Val-
ley Authority, he'll find outdoor life
a-plenty - but there will be no real
"roughing it."
'He will work five and a half hours
a day, six days a week. He will eat
food as good as they have at Har-
vard where he has just completed his
freshman year. He will live in this
town of Norris which nestles in the
woods four miles from the gigantic
$34,000,000 Norris dam, now under
Varied Recreation
There will be almost any sort of
recreation that might appeal to his
liking -horseback riding over moun-
tain trails, fishing, hiking, motoring,
canoeing, swimming and tennis.
The town has numerous tennis
courts and in nearby Bid Ridge Lake,
which the TVA impounded in a moun-,
fain wilderness, the fishing is fine
and so are the swimming and boating.
At night he can attend the movies
at Norris for 25 cents. Or if he,
chooses to read, there are 3,000 vol-;
umes on the shelves of Norris' public
In addition to that, there are fre-
quent lectures, community programs,,
folk dances and old-fashioned sings.-
Like other TVA workers, he may,;
if he chooses, get a lot of practical
training at the Norris trades school
during the afternoons. Courses are
offered in surveying, machine shop
Flood Loss In New
York $26,000,000
(By The Associated Press)
Flood waters in upstate New York
and eastern Pennsylvania were in
leash today as officials reckoned the
cost of Mother Nature's ravages at
53 deaths and property damage in ex-
cess of $26,000,000.
Help for the victims converged on
the stricken areas from a dozen
sources. In New York Gov. Herbert
Lehman personally assumed com-
mand of rehabilitation work with a
survey of the damage done and ,an
estimate of the help needed. From
Harrisburg, Pa., aid was hurried to
communities along the Susquehanna,
Schuylkill and Delaware rivers and
To Hornell, Bath, Canisteo,'tHam-
mondsport, Binghampton and other
New York state cities and towns hur-
ried thousands of Red Cross, FERA,
CCC and other state local relief work-
ment to remove wreckage, clear high-
ways and rehabilitate homes. Fresh
drinking water and anti-toxin were

work, carpentry, automobile repair-
ing, and all types of electrical work.
Practically every worker at Norris
takes one course or more.
Young Roosevelt got the job at his
own request. He will work without
pay and probably live in one of the
375 model dwellings housing the TVA
employees and their families - about
1,500 persons in all.
Will Do 'Field Work'
Aside from the announcement that
he will do "field, work," the nature
of his job has not been disclosed.
There are four labor shifts of five
and a half hours each on the Norris
dam project. If John is assigned to
work there or in clearing the reservoir
of trees, and lives the life of the reg-
ular TVA employee he will arise about
5 a.m. on week days.
If he chooses to take his meals in
the TVA cafeteria, where most of the
workers eat, his breakfast will con-
sist of fruit, cereal, bacon and eggs
or sausage, griddle cakes, coffee or
Day's Work Ends At Home
Then he will pile into a truck with
other workers and drive to the dam
in time to start work at 6:30 a.m.
The day's work will end at noon.
Then back to the cafeteria for lunch
of ham or steak, two vegetables, soup
or salad, cornbread or biscuits and
dessert. Meals at the cafeteria aver-
age about.25 cents each.
After lunch, the remainder of the
day will be his to use as he sees fit.
World rubber shipments in the last
year amounted to 1,010,000 tons, ex-
ceeding all previous years.

Tweeds. . . Cassimeres. . . Worsteds. . . Flannels



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Sizes 12 to 38 at $5.95 at $7.95



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