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July 09, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1935-07-09

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The Weather

Generally fair today; tomor-
row partly cloudy and warmer;
probably showers.


Official Publication Of The Summer Session

'Glorification' Of Womankind.
Supporting Mr. Tibbett .

XYVT No. 13



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Astronomic Divisions As
Natural Boundary
Lines Condemned
Praises Establishment Of
'Artificial' Line Between
United States, Canada
The complete superiority of the
scientific astronomical boundary line
over the so-called natural boundary
line was conclusively pointd out last
night by Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, chair-
man of the Univrsity political science
' "The world has come to realize
that the natural boundary is not
worth very much," he declared in the
second of a series of public lectures
which are a part of the program of
the annual Summer Session on
Teaching International Law. Profes-
sor Reeves, who is acting as dean of
this law parley, spoke on "Interna-
tional Boundaries."
In distinguishing between "as-
tronomical" and "natural" boundary
lines, the speaker pointed out that
the former are determined by longi-
tudinal"and latitudinal lines and are
accurate even to the fraction of an
Continuing his condemnation of,
the natural boundary, Professor
Reeves said that it may give one na-
tion a feeling of security and safety,
on the one hand, but it is just as
likely to bring about a feeling of fear
and insecurity in the neighboring
'artificial' boundary as been brought
to earth, and it has produced results
in international relations, particular-
ly with our neighbor on the North,
which are certainly to the advantage
of both the United States and Can
"That astronomical boundary be-
tween the United States and Canada
is a boundary that represents the
common interests of English-speak-
ing races of the Western Hemisphere,"
Professor Reeves said.
The 45-degree line to the St. Law-
rence River, .running between the
United States and Canada, is the
first recorded boundary line of lati-
tude which is to be found as a part
of any international boundary line,
according to Professor Reeves.
It resulted from the Quebec Act of
1774 which established a line betwen
the French Quebec colonies and the
English colonies, he said. Professor
Reeyes explained that this same divi-
sion was also used in detrmining that
particular boundary of the United
States when it became independent.
A World Of Steel
To Be isited By
Summer Students

Map Showing Area Of talo-Ethiopian Friction
OACK s a
* F
R A v AA ,. IA, ,
a ,
' '-. -
-Associated Press Mvap
It's along the northern border of Ethiopia (area shown in circ le),
adjoining Italian Eritrea, that is the scene of the present friction between
the Abyssinian kingdom and Italy, the position of which in relation to
the territory, is indicated on the map. While Premier Mussolini at Rome
declared war was inevitable, Emperor Haile~ Selassie of Ethiopia said
his kingdom will "fight to the bitter end."
Swimming Stars Developed Here
" 1 ' xmin' rernt Ias' A .A.U. Competition

A. L. Players
Easily Beat
Their Victory Is Third In
As Many Years; Foxx1
Slams Out Homer
Gomez Is Master;
Walker Hit Solidly
Americans Outhit Frankie
Frisch's Squad, 8 To 4;
80,000 Fans Look On
(Daily Staff Correspondent)
CLEVELAND, July'8.- (Special) -
For the third successivetime inas
many years, the picked stars of the
American League triumphed over
their National League rivals in the an-
nual All-Star game today. Before
more than 80,000 cheering fans in
Municipal Stadium here, the Amer-
ican Leaguers pounded out a 4 to 1
From the standpoint of thrills, all
honors went to the victors. Jimmy
Foxx, Philadelphia Athletics slugger,
lined a home run into the lower left
field stands with Lou Gehrig on base
in the first inning to put his team
into a lead which was never threat-
ened. "Lefty" Vernon Gomez, ace of
the New York Yankee's pitching staff,
hurled six innings of glorious base-
ball for the junior loop team in which
he allowed but one run and three
The Americans outhit Frankie
Frisch's team, eight to. four. Most
of the damage was done while Bill
Walker, southpaw star of the world's
champion Cardinals, was on the
mound. In addition to the two runs
which resulted from Foxx's smash he
was touched for another score in the
second inning when Catcher Rollie
Hemsley, of the St. Louis Browns,
tripled with one out and scored on
Joe Cronin's long fly-to Wally Berger.
The victors' final ru came in the
fifth when, after two were out, Joe
Vosmik and Charley Gehringer
singled, Gehrig walked to fill the
bases, and Foxx drove Vosmik home
with a base hit off Schumacher's
The National Leaguers showed their
only signs of life in the fourth when
Arky Vaughan, Pittsburgh shortstop,
led off with a crashing double to right
and later scored on a single by Bill
Terry, Giant manager who was at first
base for the Nationals.
Although Foxx was the outstand-
ing hiting star with his home run and
single in three times at bat, Geh-
ringer and Al Simmons, of the Chi-
cago White Sox, also distinguished
themselves with a double and single
apiece. The Tiger star also drew
a pass.

Sellars Tells
Of Change In
Social Belief
Rival Social Philosophies
Of The Present Subject
Of Lecture
Post-War Fascism,
Communism Traced
Situation At Present Has
Features Analogous To
Those Of 18th Century
Tracing the post-war development
of fascism and communism upon a
background of the superimposed polit-
ical philosophies of socialism, democ-
racy and traditionalism or conserva-
tism of the feudal era, Prof. Roy Wood
Sellars of the philosophy department
yesterday addressed a near-capacity
audience in Natural Science Audito-
rium on "Rival Social Philosophies
of the Present."
Making no distinction between so-
cial and political philosophies, Pro-
fessor Sellars emphasized the con-
stantly changing nature of those ideas
as new situations bring new doctrines.
The period of the present was char-
acterized by him as one of unrest and
skepticism of existing institutions,
bringing the birth of new faiths and
new ideologies or social philosophies.
In that respect the present marks
a return to the situation at the middle
of the 18th century, he said, as need
for over-hauling has become appar-
ent. Not only is there an emergence
of new thoughts, but the re-emphasis
upon 18th century ideologies further
bears out the analogy between the
The historical picture, particularly
characterized by Europe, presents the
ancient feudal hierarchy of which the
dominant philosophy was a respect
for the legitimacy of old institutions,
Prof Sellars pointed out, a hier-
archy which was pushed aside by the
bourgeoise democracy in which the
dominant ideas were of parliamen-
tarism, a minimum of governmental
activity and of economic liberalism
or rugged individualism.
Such a system of democratic lib-
eralism was the expression of the
rights of the middle class, resulting
from its growth and importance, and
its aim the overthrow of the author-
itarian state of feudalism. Govern-
ment in such a state was "by the peo-
ple,' the people being identified in
the middle class.
With the domination of the middle
class there gradually came an as-
sertion of the proletariat from be-
neath, Prof. Sellars pointed out, a
development less important in the
United States than in Europe because
of the shifting of the American fron-
(Continued on Page 3

Training For War

Impasse Is Reached
By. Group Studying
Ethiopian Problem

Collapse Of Netherlands
Parley Foreseen When
Italian Delegates Balk
Refuse To Consider
Ethiopian Witnesses
Rome Believes Way Clear
For Invasion As Foreign

The high caliber of Michigan's
swimming teams -teams which
have dominated Big Ten competition1
for the past six years and which
have won three national crowns -
was pointed out when its individual
members and graduates went to the,
front in the National A.A.U. outdoor
swimming meet held last week in
As a result of showings in the A.A.U.
meet one present Michigan star and
two former stars wre named on a
two former stars were namd on a
under Robert Kiphuth, Yale coach.
Those named were Jack Kasley,
sophomore national collegiate breast
stroke champion, Taylor Drysdale, a
Michigan graduate this year and also
a national collegiate champion in the
backstroke, and Dick Degener, a grad-
uate last year and considered by all
odds the outstanding amateur diver
in the country and a potential Olymp-
ic champion.
The team will sail from San Fran-
cisco July 16 and will meet a team
of Japanese stars Aug. 10 and 11 in
Osaka and will engage in a three-day
international meet Aug. 17 to 19 at
Other selections on the team in-
clude Ralph Flanagan, Miami, Fla.;
Jack Medica, Seattle, Wash.; John
Macionis, Philadelphia; Peter Fick,
New York; Matt Chrostowski, Olney-
ville, R. I.; Jim Gilhula, Detroit; John
Higgins, Olneyville, R. I.; Ray Kaye,
Detroit; Danny Zehr, Chicago; Paul
Wolfe, Los Angeles; Art Lindegren,
Los Angeles; and Russell Branch, 01-
neyville, R. I.
Adolph Kiefer, who set a world's
record in the backstroke at Detroit

and Art Highland, Chicago free-styl-
er, were also named but withdrew to
be replaced by Zehr and Wolfe.
The team championship in the De-
troit meet was won by the Detroit
A. C. largely through the efforts"
of Drysdale, who placed second in
the record-breaking backstrokes event
and Degener, who won the high board
-and )'atfortn diving titles. -Tex Rob.'.
ertson, another 1935 Michigan grad-
uate and a possible Olympic team
member, also earned points for the
Michigan team members who com-
peted in the meet included Frank
Barnard, who placed in the mile,
880-yard and 440-yard events and
Ned Diefendorf, who placed in both
diving events.
"Types of Opportunities for Michi-
gan Graduates," will be discussed by
Dr. T. Luther Purdom, director of the
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information" at
th School of Education afternoon
conference today. The conference
will be held at 4:10 p.m. in Room
1022 University High School.

lands, July 8-(P) -Prediction was
made freely tonight that the concilia-
tion commission meeting here in an
effort to settle the Italo-Ethiopian
dispute would collapse tomorrow.
Its end was foreseen in the refusal
of the Italian members to hear wit-
nesses for Ethiopia.
At this afternoon's meeting it was
reported that an angry scene de-
veloped when Professor Jeze, legal ad-
visor to the Ethiopian government,
declared that Ualual, where the first
major frontier ,clash occured, was
Ethiopian territory.
ROME, July 8. -VP) -Italy be-
lieved tonight that a path from Rome
to Addis Ababa was clear.
Official circles said there was
scarcely a possibility of English in-
France's friendly neutrality, and the
United States has just declared its
Germany is now friendly, they said,
and Russia will be friendly because of
France. England's only 'possible
backer was believed to be Japan,
which has growing commercial inter-
ests in Ethiopia, but Japan apparently
has her hands full with the Chinese
and Manchoukuan situations.
There remained only the League of
Nations, of which Benito Mussolini
has no fear. Before that assembly
Italy does not intend to remain on the
defensive, but will take the offensive
with charges that Ethiopia violated
the conditions under which she was
permitted to enter and should be re-
duced to the rank of a mandate.
If the League should attempt to
condemn Italy, official circles. dis-
closed, Il Duce would not have the
slightest hesitation about leaving
The departure of troops for the
Italian colonies bordering upon Ethi-
opia, Eritrea and Italian Somaliland
I was speeded up. Some 2,000 long-
shoremen were sent to Massaua, Eri-
trea, to hasten the unloading of troop

- -, .--Associated Press-Photo.
(Unofficial reports from Italy have
it that Premier Mussolini's two sons,
Vittorio (above), 19, and Bruno
(below), 17, both of whom have
pilot's licenses, have signed up for
service in East Africa should war
ddvelop between Italy and Ethiopia.
Miss Mc~lung
To Sino Toniht
In 2nd Concert
Program To Include Work'
Of Both Classical And
Modern Composers
The second concert of the Summer

Dangers From Hurricanes Lessened
By Weather Man's Radio Spy Service,

An area of approximately 1,000
acres devoted to blast furnaces, open
hearth furnaces, foundries, steel
mills, rolling mills, motor assembly
units, body plant units, glass manu-
facturing units, and ore unloading
docks will be visited by students of
the Summer Session on the fourth
Summer Session excursion.
The area is that housing the gi-
gantic works of the Ford Motor Co.,
plant at River Rouge, a few miles
west of Detroit. The trip will be
made l etween the hours of 12:45 p.
m. and 5:30 p. m. tomorrow. Reserva-
tions for the trip must be made at
the office of the Summer Session,
Room 1213 Angell Hall, before 5 p.m.
today, it was announced by Prof.
Louis J. Rouse, whis is in charge of
the excursions.

Liter atureOf
Spain Will Be
Lecture Topic
Prof. Charles P. Wagner
Of Spanish Department
To SpeakToday
"Spanish Literature" will be the
subject of Prof. Charles P. Wagner
of the Spanish department when he
delivers one of the Summer Session
lectures at 5 p.m. today in Natural
Science Auditorium.
Professor Wagner acquired both his
B.A. and Ph.D. degrees at Yale Uni-
versity, and he began his collegiate
teaching career there in 1903. He
came to the University of Michigan
in 1916. He has also spent consid-
erable time studying in Madrid and
He is a member of the Modern
Language Association of America, the
American Dialect Society, the Amer-
ican Association of University Pro-
-P- +~nAr~ "nn A41ne.rt o

WASHINGTON, July 8. -(WP)-It
takes a smart hurricane nowadays to
sneak up on American shores with-
out being caught in the act by wea-
ther bureau observers.
No less than 25,000 radio messages
sent during the hurricane season of
June to November inclusive keep the
weather men constantly in touch
with behavior of the "big winds.'
As a result no hurricane of serious
proportions can move far toward
American shores from its source in the
belt of equatorial calms or "doldrums"
without being spotted, says E. B. Cal-
vert, in charge of the weather bu-
reau's forecast division.
Ships Give Information
In the old days the weather bureau
depended entiriely on ships plying the
regular "beaten tracks" of the oceans
to send in weather information. This
left large areas in which a hurricane
might get a head start before being
Now all this is changed. The- wea-
ther bureau can get in touch with
ships in any part of the Atlantic or
Caribbean from which information is
especially desired. This is made pos-
sible by cooperation of vessel owners,
the Radiomarine corporation and the
Puerto Rico sugar company, which
maintains a powerful wireless station
on the island of Puerto Rico.
Tramp steamers, often plying wa-
ters that are unfrequented by vessels

0 C EAN,
Radio messages from ships in all parts of the Atlantic and Caribbean
keep the weather bureau at Washington informed of any approaching
hurricane. In the above charting of the track and wind system of a

Session will be held at 8:30 p.m. today
in Hill Auditorium when Marjorie
McClung, great artist, and three mem-
bers of the faculty of the School of
Music will join to present a program
planned to include a variety of com-
positions ranging from the typically
classical to the more modern.
Miss McClung, soprano, who has
just returned from a two-years period
of study and concert appearances in
Europe, will present an aria and a
group of songs for this Ann Arbor ap-
pearance. Since her return to this
country a few weeks ago, she has sung
the soprano solo role in Verdi's "Man-
zoni Requiem" at the performance in
Grand Rapids under the direction of
Carl Wecker.
She participated in solo parts in
two May Festivals as well as various
other programs during her student
work here. Miss McClung received
her Bachelor of Music and Master
of Music degrees, with voice as her
major subject, from the School of
Included in tonight's program will
be the works of such composers as
Bach, Debussy, Reger, Popper, Cas-
sado, and Schubert.
Stanley Fletcher, pianist, will open
the concert with a study of Bach.
Mr. Fletcher has recently been award-
ed the $1,000 Kate Neal Kinley Me-
morial Fellowship offered annually by
the Fine Arts Department of the Uni-
versity of Illinois. Mr. Fletcher has
been granted a leave of absence from%
the faculty in order to carry out this
Prof. Hanns Pick will continue
with a group of cello solos, and will
be accompanied at the piano by Prof.
Mabel Ross Rhead. Professor Pick
was formerly, the first cellist of the

Education To
'Re-Build' Now
Goal Of Prison
Prof. L. W. Keeler Tells
Of Progressive Change
At Jackson Prison
The story of voluntary education of
inmates, from the illiterate to the high "
school level, at the southern Michigan
prison at Jackson was related yester-
day by Prof. L. W. Keeler of the
School of Education. He spoke at the
afternoon conference of the School.
Commercial concerns hold a stead-
ily decreasing sway over the conduct,
of prison industries, and so prison ad-
ministrators are turning to educa-
tion in an attempt to keep the in-.
mates occupied, Professor Keeler stat-
ed. The growing concern for the "re-'
making" of prisoners has also stimn-
ulated the development of intra-pris-'
on education, the speaker said.
"The departments open within the-
prison school are the regular academic
courses, courses in industrial arts,;
agriculture, and commercial subjects,"
Professor Keeler pointed out. "The
organization of the school is very
much along the line of that in the
regular public school.
"The prison at Jackson has school:
quarters which were built as a part:
of the construction of the new prison.-
All the classrooms and offices for those}
iii charg~e of the school, were con--


Directory Of Summer
Session Selling Today


The Summer Session Directory,
containing the names, addresses,
home cities, and telephone numbers


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