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July 06, 1935 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1935-07-06

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Jones On Lovett...
Thirty-Hour Work Week...

Official Publication Of The Summer Session




_______________________________________________________________ U ~U U

Goodrich Is
Querulous On
Return Home
Keeps Asking Detectives
'When Do We Eat?'; His
Concern Is For Wife
Girls May Identify
Attacker Of Lillian
Police Guard Will Keep
Demonstrators Away On
Arrival In Detroit
NEW YORK, July 5. -(P) -Quer-
ulously demanding "when do we eat,"
Merton W. Goodrich, trap drummer,
was bundled aboard a train early to-
night and taken back to Detroit to
face a murder indictment for the
psychopathic slaying of 11-year-old
Lillian Gallaher.'
With him was his wife, Florence, re-
turned as a material witness.
Accompanying them were two De-
troit detectives, a police matron, and
prosecuting Attorney Duncan C. Mc-
Crea, carrying with him what he said
was a full confession by Goodrich and
a "trunkful" of evidence.
Mrs. Goodrich showed her first
emotion when she bade good-bye to
New York detectives John Kaiser and
Charles McGowan. Tears streamed
from her eyes, saying:
"You've been awful good to us."
Goodrich, pale, nervous and un-
shaven, drummed his fingers nerv-
ously on his knees as he repeated an
admission made earlier to McCrea
that he had assaulted five other little
Goodrich reiterated that he was
glad to go back "and get it over," but
added that his chief worry was to
have his wife freed of suspicion.
Goodrich, minus belt and suspend-
ers but with his shoelaces returned
to him, was placed in a compartment
with Detroit dectectives Harry Scher
and George Brandon. Mrs. Goodrich
was in another compartment in the
same car with Matron Laura Camp-
it ws planned to return the couple
by airplane to Detroit,but Goodrich's
terror at the prospect of going up in
the air caused a change of plan.
Meanwhile preparations wen for-
ward in Detroit to arraign Goodrich
in Recorder§ Court Monday.
A large detail of officers will be on
hand to meet him tomorrow and pre-
vent any demonstration by spectators.
Eleanor L. Hutzel, head of the
Women's Division of the Detroit Po-
lice Department, said Goodrich will
be viewed by a number of girls who
were attacked prior to Lililan's at-
Ho Hum-26 More
Bills For Louisiana
BATON ROUGE, July 5 - to) -
Sen. Huey P. Long, personally driv-
ing ahead his '26 new "dictator" leg-
islative measures, today shepherded
them through a House committee in
42 minutes and listened as the House
put them through first reading.
The same routine precision that
marked six other special sessions of
the Louisiana Assembly within the
past year was in evidence as Long
prepared the road for quick rubber-
stamp action by a Senate commit-
A series of bills included in the
new batch virtually will complete the

Senator's conquest of New Orleans.

Mud Puppies of.
Prehistoric E r a
on Display Here
Two prehistoric mastodons and an
elephant from Michigan, of com-
paratively recent age, and a group of
ancestral mud puppies, a rhinoceros
and a set of dinosaur footprints, the
latter all millions of years old, are
recent additions which may be seen
by summer visitors to the Hall of
Evolution in the Museum Building.
The mastodons on exhibition came
from near Birmingham and Ypsilanti.
These great mammals, in appearance
like shaggy-haired elephants, were
common ini the lowlands of Michigan
up until perhaps 15,000 years ago.
The true elephants were more rare
and were upland dwellers and died
out sooner. The museum specimen
was found near Union, in Cass County.
Amlateur fossil hunters may distin-
guish them most easily by the teeth.
The mud puppies form one of the
most interesting exhibits among the
recent displays. Some 400,000,000
years ago these amphibians were
buried and preserved in a drying pool
in Texas. Today their skeletons are
found to resemble in many respects
the common mud puppy of Michigan
streams. On a slab of rock about a
yard square, brought from New Mex-
ico, are preserved the dinosaur tracks.
The six prints are those of a strong,
almost bird-like hind foot.
Major League Standings

New York . .
Detroit .....
Chicago ....
Cleveland ...
Boston .....
Washington .
St. Louis ....



Yesterday's Results
Detroit 16, St. Louis 1.
Cleveland-Chicago, rain.
New York-Washington, rain.
Games Today
St. Louis at Detroi.
Philadelphia at Boston (2).
New York at Washingon (2).
Cleveland-at Chicago.
New York............47 20
St. Louis............39 29
Pittsburgh..........41 32
Chicago.............38 32
Brooklyn ............32 36
Cincinnati ..........31 39
Philadelphia ........29 39
Boston... .........20 50
Yesterday's Results
Brooklyn 14, New York 4.
Pittsburgh 4, Chicago 0.
Only games scheduled.
Games Today
Brooklyn at New York.
Bostonat Philadelphia (2).
Chicago at Pittsburgh.
Cincinnati at St. Louis.


Party Planks
Explained At
Youth Parley
Representatives Of Five
Groups Are Cheered At
Meeting In Detroit
O'Brien Speaks For
Roosevelt Program
Responsibility For Future
Revolution Rests With
Extreme Right - Tyler
DETROIT. July 5. - (/P) - Dele-
gates to the American Youth Con-
ference listened tonight to expositions
of the principles of the five major
political parties of the United States.
One after another, representatives
of the Republican, Democratic, So-
cialist, Farmer-Labor, and Communist
organizations, took the platform be-
fore 3,000 delegates and visitors at the
Cass High School. Each one was re-
warded with vociferous applause.
U. S. A. Haggablom, an assistant
prosecutor of Detroit, opened for the
Republicans with the statement that
"the party was governed by law and
believesthat wherebminds clash, there
s where progress begins."
Patrick H. O'Brien, a former at-
torney-general of Michigan in a Dem-
ocratic administration, followed with
a. defense of the New yeal as "an at-
itude of hospitality towards every
measure that will improve and uplift
the lot of mankind."
August Tyler, the Socialist speaker,
saw clouds on the politicalhorizo
with the warning that "if the reac-
tonaries insist on letting out only a
little of the fresh air of truth then
the responsibility is on them for the
bloody revolution that will follow."
"We don't want a bloody revolu-
tion," Lester L. Johnson, Farmer-
Laborite, replied in his turn. "We can
organize and have a revolution with-
out bloodshed."
Clarence Hathaway, editor .of the,
Daily Worker, was frank with a pro-
posal of "revolution to end the de-
cayed capitalistic system. We must
choose poverty, slavery, or revolu-
Reporters who were attempting to
judge attitudes of the Conference on
the basis of applause were thrown
off stride when a wild and prolonged
outburst - the most noisy of the
evening - greeted an announce-
ment that the press tables had con-
tributed $2.40 to a collection to de-
fray expenses of the congress.
Cranbrook Tour
To Be Held Today
Summer Session students will have
an opportunity to visit the schools
of the Cranbrook Foundpgtion, in
Bloomfield Hills, Mich., when the
third University excursion leaves at
8 a.m. today from the steps of Angell
The excursionists, who are under
the direction of Prof. Louis J. Rouse of
the mathematics department, expect
to return to Ann Arbor about 5 p.m.
They will view the several schools
and have luncheon at the Devon
Gables Tea Room-in Bloomfield Hills.
Jury Chosen For
Mrs. Waley's Trial
TACOMA, Wash., July 5. - (A)-

Blond Margaret Waley, haggard and
fidgety, went on trial today for the
$200,000 kidnaping of little George
Weyerhaeuser and saw a jury selected
speedily to decide her case.
Fourth Summer Session
Dance At Union Tonight
The fourth in a series of special
Summer Session dances for members
of the Union will be held from 9 p.m.
to midnight tonight in the ballroom.
Tickets will be sold at the main desk
at 40 cents per person.
Bob Steinle and his Melody Men will
furnish the music for darncing. Steinle
has arranged a new group of specialty
numbers which he is presenting for
the first time this week-end.
Stanley G. Waltz, general manager,
announced yesterday that a special
system of cooling the ballroom was
also being attempted for the first
time at last night's and tonight's

She'll Rough It

United States Will
Avoid Delving Into
Ethiopian Matters

-Associated Press Photo.
Undaunted by possible lack of
aesthetic surroundings, Lo Vern
Wilson, Berkeley, Calif., poet, says
she is going to the Matanuska col-
ony and write an epic poem on
American rural life.
Hostesses Are
Announced For
Dane Ton ight


Fifth Social Evening
Summer Session To
Held At League

Roosevelt Men Take Time
Out From Troubles At
Home ToShape Policy
Note Is Dispatched.
To Haile Selassie
U. S. 'Loath To Believe'
That Any Non-Pacific
Means Will Be Used
WASHINGTON, July 5. ---(P)--
The administration took time out
from its domestic troubles today and
sought to take this government out
of possible complications in the cur-
rent Italo-Abyssinian quarrel.
To Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethio-
pia - who had appealed to the United
States to invoke the Kellogg pact -
the State department dispatched a
note making clear this this country
proposed to take no immediate, if any,
part in the controversy.
The note expressed gratification
that the League of Nations was acting
and declared the United States was
"loath to believe that any but pacific
means would be used by either Italy or
London Welcomes Appeal


'Hottest Day Of Year,'
In Many Parts Of Nation
(By The Associated Press)
It was the hottest day of the year
in numerous eastern points yesterday
but thundershowers cooled most of
the Midwest.
Three heat fatalities were recorded
-one in Detroit and two in Ohio -
as the mercury took its 1935 peak for
Boston at 90, Omaha at 95, New York
at 87, Toronto at 86, and Chicago at
A sudden thundershower accom-
panied by high winds tumbled the
mercury 20 degrees within a short
time after the year's high was at-
tained in the midwest's metropolis. In
Boston's suburbs 95 degrees was at-

Hostesses for the fifth Summerc
Session dance, to be held from 9 p.m.
tonight until midnight in the LeagueI
Ballroom, were announced yesterday
by Miss Ethel McCormick social di-1
rector of the Summer Session.
Al Cowan's orchestra, featuring
Mary Morrison, will play for the
dance. Electric fans blowing over t
bowls of ice in the concourse will beb
used to keep the rooms cool.o
The hostesses will include Lenores
Auvand, Katherine Bevis, Jane Bid-
dle, Marion Bertsch, Lena Brammar,s
Henrietta Cherrington, Margarete
Conklin, Margaret Cowan, Murielr
Curtis, Faye Dibble, Dorothy Dorsey,X
Georganna Elson, Beth Emery, Mary
Alice Emmett, Catherine Ferguson,
Dorothy Gies, Frances Hall, Mary El-
len Hall, and Myra Hilbert.C
Others will be Pearl Icheldinger,C
Rosemary Klug, Jean Lillie, Barbara
Lutts,. Helen Menneken, Barbara
Midderdorf, Grace Miller, Louise
Paine, Virginia Pelhank, Mary Eliza-
beth Porter, Shirley Potts, Charlotte
Rueger, Kay Russell, Jean Seeley, El-
laine Shanklin, Clara Sisson, Vera
Smith, Gerda Stanger, Berna ine
Stowe, Julie Taylor, Frances Thorn-
ton, Dorothy Wikel, Jewel Wuerfel,
and Laura Jane Zimmerman.I
Detroit Wins
Over Brownies
By 16-1 Score
DETROIT, July 5 - (Special) -
Detroit's man-eating Tigers, who re-
cently have been gobbling up just,
about everything in their way, gained
a half-game on the league-leading
New York Yankees today when they
lswamped the hapless St. Louis
Browns, 16-1.
The victory - the eighth consecu-
tive for the Tigers - left them only
a game and a half behind New York.
Detroit's barrage of 15 hits included
1 two home runs by Henry (Hank)
Greenberg, the larruping first base-
man; triples by Leon (Goose) Goslin
and Bill Rogell; and doubles by Pete
Fox and Marvin Owen. Hank's hom-

LONDON, July 5. - W) - Great
Britain, obviously relieved to yield the
spotlight in the Italo-Ethiopian con-
troversy to the United Staes, took ad-
vantage of the breather thus afforded
today to seek to dissipate French and
Italian suspicions aroused by her
peace efforts.
Steps were reported being taken to
disabuse Rome and Paris of their ap-.
parent idea that England had already
charted the course she would follow
in trying to force Benito Mussolini
to give up the idea of an African war.
In view of the House of Commons"
vociferous attacks onsCapt. Anthony
Eden's peace negotiations in Rome -
that involved his "tentative offer" to
cede part of British Somaliland to
Ethiopia in reurn for concessions to
Italy that might placate Il Duce -- the
Foreign Office welcomed Ethiopia's
latest appeal to Washingon.
The Foreign Office was reported
planning to use it pi-eparing for next
week's Commons debate fand trying
to check France's drift toward Italy
by convincing Premfer Pierre Laval
of the urgency of collective action to
save the League of Nations.
A lid of secrecy on Britain's future
actions was clamped on tighter than
ever, however,eas result of the hor-
net's nest stirred up in the foreign
press and the House of Commons by
Britain's policy. Officials emphasized
that only through such joint conver-
sations as those going on in Paris
could solution of the difficult and deli-
cate problem be reached.

Sheer Formals And Tailored
Linens Dominate Fourth Dance.

Cotton and sneer informals vied
with tailored linen suits and informal
crepe dresses for popularity at the
fourth Summer Session dance held
last night in the ballroom of the
More than 300 Summer Session
faculty members and students
thronged the ballroom and the con-
course of the League in spite of the
intense heat. Among the faculty
members who were seen was Miss
Ethel McCormick, director of social
activities for the summer term. She
chose for the occasion cool-looking
printed chiffon formal with a floral
design in shades of yellow, brown and

inson in a tailored white linen suit
with a blue blouse.
A light pink crepe formal was worn
by Jean Seeley, president of the
League. Her dress featured a deep
cowl neckline, and with it she wore a
contrasting belt in a magenta shade.
Mary Helen McIntosh selected a
two-piece crepe dress in dusty pink,
with unusual pleated sleeves, while
Jeannette Putnam was seen in the
ballroom in pale yellow chiffon with a
wide sash.
Frances Thornton wore a green and
white checked gingham formal, ac-
cented by a white belt, collar and bow
at the neckline. Checked gingham
has also the choice of Lucille Johnson,
who was seen in blue and white. Her

Enrollment For
Forestry Camp
At Record High
Camp Filibert Roth Opens
Seventh Season With 50
Per Cent Increase
(Special) -- Camp Filibert Roth, the
summer camp of the School of For-
estry and Conservation, has opened
its seventh annual session at its new
camp 17 miles northeast of here with
a record enrollment 50 per cent
greater than that of last year.
The new location is in the Ottawa
National Forest on. United States
Highway 2. The camp itself is an
abandoned lumbering camp on Gold-
en Lake.
Birch, maple, and hemlock trees
abound in this heavily wooded vicin-
ity. Students at the camp report that,
with the nearest "neighbors" six
miles away, "the boys are enjoying a
real forest life." The national forest,
together with the natural environ-
ment, provides an ideal set-up for the
courses offered. Students at the camp

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