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August 11, 1935 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1935-08-11

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UGUST 11, 1935




Anejent Law
Issue Over Enforcing Of>
United States' Neutrality
May Arise'
facial Feeling Is
High In New York
It Is A Crime For Person In
America To Enlist For
Alien War Service
WASHINGTON, Aug. 10. - (P) -
,A trying job that has bobbed up in-
termittently for a century and a half
- enforcing America's ancient neu-
trality laws - threatens to arise again
over the prospective Italo-Ethiopian
Already the tide of racial feeling
is running high in some quarters. In
New York, Negroes are reported open-
ly seeking enlistments on behalf of
This country's officials of state
always dread the sound of drums
abroad, and with good reason. For,
despite anti-recruiting laws called by
some experts the broadest in the
world,. American zealots often have
taken unauthorized departure to the
Law Passed In 1794
Uncle Sam started out in 1794 to
put a stop to recruiting men in this
country for clashes elsewhere, mak-
ling it a crime for any person in this
country - whether or not a citizen
-to enlist himself for alien war serv-
From the earliest days heavily re-
strictive measures against recruiting
in this country have been maintained
but not always effectively, due us-
ually to popular sympathy with the
zealots. One of the most heated of
American diplomatic exchanges with
England came in1856 on the conten-
tion that the British in defiance of
law were recruiting Americans to
fight against Russia.
Sought to Free Colonies
In a broad survey, Dr. Roy Emer-
son Curtis found that the United
States had failed in several historic
instances to enforce anti-recruiting
-measures. Unauthorized expeditions
from $his country against powers
with ,which America was at peace
hve been many and colorful. In
1806, according to Curtis, Francisco
de Miranda organized an expedition
in New York and sailed against Cara-
cas in a plan to free the Spanish col-
onies. Defeated, he escaped. A New
York port official was tried for com-
plicity, but acquitted despite a strong
jury charge by the judge.
rThe Texas war for independence
from Mexico got much natural sym-
pathy and help from citizens of the
United States. After the defeat of
the Canadian rebellion under the
leadership of William L. McKenzie in
1837, the insurgents fled to this coun-
try and got recruits in preparation for
more attacks.
One Lopez, a Spanish adventurer,
sailed openly from New Orleans in
1849, .despite presidential orders for
his arrest, with an expedition which
planned to annex Cuba to the United
States. Driven off by the Spaniards,
he came back to the United States,
was tried and acquitted amid cheers.
He made a second expedition before
losing his life in Havana.
Walker Led Three Attacks
Armed expeditions intervened in a
revolution in Nicaragua in 1855. One
of the most widely known of the 19th

century recruiters was William Wal-
ker, who led at least three major
attacks against other countries in the
fifties, and made three other at-
In 1866 an expedition set out from
Buffalo with the purpose of taking
Fort Colbourne in Canada. Repulsed,
the filibusters fled back to this coun-
try and 375 were arrested, but the
prosecutions were abandoned. They
tried it again,and one of their leaders,
convicted of violating the neutrality
law, was unconditionally pardoned by
the president.
Epidemics Are
Feared In Ohio
Flood Regions
ZANESVILLE, O., Aug. 10.-(UP) -
Health authorities took special pre-
cautions in Ohio's flood area today
to prevent outbreaks of disease epi-
demics as the overflow waters con-
tinued to retreat towar their normal
With the swollen Muskingum Riv-
er still out of its banks south of here,
although subsiding, official estimates
of the flood's damage were still with-
held, but unofficial estimates, based
on reports of the state highway de-
partment and agricultural agents,:

They Want to Fight For Ethiopia

-Associated Press Photo.
As thethreat of Italian invasion looms on the African horizon, Har-
lem hears the beat of Ethiopian drums. Men of New York's Negro dis-
trict are signing up as volunteers for service in Haile Selassie's barefoot
army. Since 1794, America has found it difficult to enforce its law against
recruiting men in this country fox clashes elsewhere.
(Associated Press Sports Reporter)

Old "Iron Man" ,McGinity would
have been in his element with the
San Francisco Seals in the Pacific
Coast-League, writes in Russ Newland
from his California outpost. It seems
that the Seals play with an "iron
That is, the pitchers do. Sam
Gibson, the lanky right hander from
High Point, N. C., former New York
Giant and Yankee, originated the
He figured out that if a batter
gained some advantage from swing-
ing several bats before going to the
plate, thus making the single bat feel
lighter, the same principle could be
applied to pitchers. He decided that
the way to do it was to swing anheavy
ball before, starting to pitch and be-
tween innings.
Manager Lefty O'Doul, a south-
paw himself and therefore wide open
to that sort of reasoning, had two
regulation-size baseballs cast in iron.
He hands one to the pitcher assigned
to work. The pitcher winds up with
it, and snaps his wrist, but does not
attempt to throw it. All the Seal
pit haus use it.
* * *
GWNE 0. K.'s LA
Gene Sarazen, back from a long
tour with Babe Didrikson, is singing
the praises of the lanky girl from
Auto Cavalry Unit
ToGuard U.S. Gold
At KentuckyfCache
FORT KNOX, Ky., Aug. 10.- (') -
A cavalry regiment without horses,
but with $2,500,000 worth of fighting
machinery on wheels, is going through
a period of intensive training on
this 33,000-acre militar.y reservation,
where the treasury will build a rock-
bound vault to protect heavy stores
of government gold.
The First cavalry is the only mech-
anized cavalry regiment in the army.
Not a man in this fast moving unit
is on foot when assigned to active
duty; not one rides horseback except
for recreation.
Backing up the mechanized cavalry
in war department. charts is the 68th
Field Artillery, mechanized, also per-
manently assigned to Fort Knox.
The next development, after an ex-
tensive building program here is
completed, is expected to be the mech-
anism of another cavalry regiment.
At an estimated cost of $2,500,000
for new fighting machinery, this
would give Fort Knox full brigade
strength of three regiments, con-
centrating the mechanized forces in
this growing military center, 31 miles
south of Louisville in the Ohio River
To- mnan their 200 vehicles, which
will be brought up to the minute
this fall with 56 new 17,000-pound
combat cars to replace outmoded
"mosquito" and medium sized ar-
mored automobiles, every soldier in
the regiment has to be a mechanical
Every one of the 200 wheeled fight-
ers, bristling with machine guns,
short-wave radios and armor plate,
and every man in the regiment from
Brig. Gen. Guy V. Henry, comman-
dant, down, is ready, day or night,
to snap into action.
Although the mechanized cavalry,
to use an army phrase, lacks the in-
dividual mobility of men on horse-
back, its speed - officially 45 miles

Texas. Given two steady years of
play and practice, Gene says, and
this young lady would have an even
chance of winning the national open.
"She hits her drives 250 yards at
times," says Sarazen, "and I've seen
her belt them 280. She hits her irons
as crisply, and with all the wrist pow-
er of a man. Only when her putter
fails her - and that's her weakness
now - does she slip into the 80's.
The Babe is no longer the tomboy
of the last Olympics, the girl who
shunned rouge and powder and
dressed like a boy. She's as chic
and well turned out today as any of
the lady golfers, and once she got
started that way, she went all the
way. Her ensembles, as the ladies
say, are quite something to see. It
hasn't hurt her athletic ability any.
* * *
Bill Cunningham, in the Boston
Post, gives something of an inside
picture of the Babe's early problems
in sports, as gained from a discussion
of the situation with the young lady
in person, a fellow-Texan.
Bill writes that the Babe told him
she never did have to report 'for
duty at that insurance company
where she "worked" for $50 a week
while representing the firm in track
and field. She would drop around
half an hour now and then and talk
sports with the boss. He liked that.
This was the kind of amateurism,
Bill points out, that Miss Didrikson
gave up when she became a "pro-
fessional" by endorsing an automo-
bile. He says the A.A.U. wanted to
finance her suit against the automo-
bile firm, a suit that might have re-'
turned her "amateur" standing, let
her go on collecting $50 a week for'
talking to the boss now and then.
She must have been proud of that'
"amateur" standing.
Large Wheat
Crop Reported
By AAA Heads
WASHINGTON, Aug. 10.--(P)-
The AAA took the view today that
there is still "plenty of wheat" de-
spite a drop of 124,000,000 bushels in
the government estimates of that
The Aug. 1 estimate of the de-
partment of agriculture, issued yes-
terday, placed the total wheat crop
for 1935 at 607,678,000 bushels. This
compared with a July 1 forecast of
731,000,000 bushels.
"Radical changes" have itaken
place in the past month, said the
department, which also reported a
corn estimate of 2,272,147,000 bushels,
as against the estimate of 2,045,000
bushels a month earlier. This was
an increase of 228,000,000 bushels in
the 30 days.
AAA officials made plain that the
altered figures for wheat foreshad-
owed no change in their plans to re-
quire that acreage be reduced 15 per
cent next year. The four-year wheat
adjustment contracts also will remain
unaffected by the estimate, said
George E. Farrell, director of the
AAA's grain division.
There was a reduction of 97,031,-
000 bushels in the spring wheat crop
and officials attributed this to black
rust, hot weather and drouth. Winter

To Carry Dkrive
To Berlin Now
Streicher Will Address Al
Overflow Meeting; Even
Press Must Stand
BERLIN, Aug. 10. - (P) - Julius
Streicher, most uncompromising Nazi
foe of Jews, will carry his anti-Se-
mitic drive into Berlin Thursday, it
was learned today, as further reports
were received of religious strife
throughout the Reich.
Both Jews and Catholics suffered in
the latest restrictions.
Foreign correspondents, .applying
for tickets to hear Streicher, were
advised only standing room remained.
This will be the second invasion of
Berlin by Streicher, publisher of the
relentlessly anti-Semitic newspaper,
Der Stuermer, of Nurnberg.
Overflow Meeting
Following an address in the Sports-
palast, Berlin's largest auditorium, the
fiery Stericher will speak to an over-
flow meeting in the Jewish section
of the city. In the current issue of
his newspaper Streicher reveals why
Richard Strauss resigned as head of
the Reich's musical chamber last July
13. At the time Strauss, who is 71,
said he was retiring because of ad-.
vanced age.
Der Stuermer said the resignation
was forced because Strauss employed
Stefan Zweig, a Jew, to write the
libretto of "The Silent Woman,"
played at Dresden June 24, and be-
cause Strauss' son married a Jewess.
Reports of anti-Jewishdemonstra-
tions in Upper Silesia continued to
come across the Polish border to Beu-
then from Korlweska, Huta and Ka-
Nun Is Evicted
A Catholic sister teaching in a
school of the Ursuline order was evict-
ed from the Aachen district by police.
She was accused of imparting ideas to:
children that were harmful to the
Hans Hinkel, Nazi commissioner for
culture, wielded the ax in the theater
field, ousting Franz Eckardt without
explanation from the chairmanship
of a unit of the association of Ger-
man stage members.
Reichsfuehrer Hitler's paper, Voel-,
kischer Beobachter, bitterly assailed
Austria in an editorial captained "the
Inquisition and Dictatorship of Po-
litical Catholicism."
This is the first German attack
on Austria since the chancellor tried
to patch up the demolished German-
Italian friendship.
Gustave Giesecke, peasant leader in
the free state of Brunswick, issued
an order which declared: "Whoever,
as a German peasant, engages in*
trade with a Jew, or otherwise main-
tains a connection with him, com-
mits treason and by his blood gives
comfort to the deadly enemy of the
German people, the Jew."
Seek Early Action
On Guffey Coal Bill
WASHINGTON, Aug. 10. - (P) -
House passage next week of the Guf-
fey bituminous coal stabilization bill
was the goal set today by administra-
tion leaders. '
They were convinced that they had
the votes necessary to get the measure
out of the ways and means commit-
tee Monday with a favorable recom-
niendation. The Senate has yet to
act on the legislation - a "must" bill
on the President's calendar.
The Guffey billhwould set up a little
"NRA" within the bituminous coal
industry. A national coal commission
would be created to regulate wages,

hours, production and trade practices.
Regulations would be enforced
through a tax on producers, most of
which would be returned to those
who signed up to observe them.

Mrs. William H. Shideler (above),
wife of Prof. Shideler of Miami
University, Oxford, O., who is a
visiting member of the geology
faculty for the summer, is active
in club work, both in Ohio and na-
tionally. Mrs. Shideler, who is
taking summer school work, isOhio
Director of the General Federation
of Women's Clubs, a national or-
Long Death 'Plot'
Just Another Story
To HisColleagues
WASHINGTON, Aug. 10. - (P)- -
Senator Huey P. Long's description
of what he considered a half-formed
"plot" to kill him in the Senate drew
scoffs today from some other Louis-
iana legislators.
Long told the Senate about it yes-
terday, reading from what he said
was a transcript, taken down by a
sound-recording machine, of three
conferences of anti-Long men held in
New Orleans July 21 and 22.-
Among others at the first meeting,
Long said, were Mayor T. Semmes
Walmsley, of New Orleans, Rep. Na-
ma F. Montet and Rep. John H. San-
din, both Louisiana Democrats, and
Oscar Whilden, head of the "Square
Deal League" of the state.
The talk of shooting the senator,
Long asserted, came at a later session
at which Whilden was present, but
Walmsley and the congressmen were
When he heard of Long's statement,
Montet said:
"Huey just had another bad
At the opening of the first meet-
ing, Long asserted, the sound-re-
cording device recorded Whilden as
"I am out to murder, kill, bull-
doze, steal, or anything else to win
this election."
Long said it was at the third con-
ference that the talk of killing him
in the Senate was recorded, the rec-
ords being made by a brother of his
secretary and another man.
This was the way the conversation
went, according to Long who said he
was not able to identify the "vocies" :
Voice: "I would draw in a lottery
to go out and kill Long."
Voice: "Single handed?"
Voice: "Yes, that's the only way
to do it ."
Voice: "I haven't the slightest
doubt that Roosevelt would pardon
anyone who killed Long."
Voice: "But how could it be done?"
Voice: "The best way would be just
to hang around Washington and kill
him right in the Senate."
Joe Maniaci, Fordham University
halfback, is faster on the gridiron
than his brother, Sam, of Columbia,
who is intercollegiate 60-yard sprint

Graduate School: All Graduate
School students who expect to com-
plete their work for a degree at the
close of the present summer session
should call at the office of the Gradu-
ate School, 1014 Angell Hall, to check
their records and to secure the.proper
blank to be used in paying the di-
ploma fee. The fee should be paid
not later than Saturday, August 10.
C. S. Yoakum, Dean.
Candidates For The Teacher's Cer-
tificate: The fee for the teachers' Cer-
tificate must be paid by the end of
the summer session. Blanks for this
purpose may be secured in the office
of the Recorder of the School of Ed-
ucation, 1437 U.E.S.
Undergraduate Women: All under-
graduate women who have assisted
in League activities this summer and
wish credit must report their num-
ber of hours of work to the chair-
man of the Merit System Committee.
I will be in the undergraduate office
from 1-2 Monday and from 3-6 Tues-
day and Wednesday of the week start-
ing August 12. Slips and directions
for filing them out will be left in
the undergraduate office for all those
who do not find these hours conven-
Katharine M. Hall,:Chairman,
Of Merit System Comm.
Episcopal Student Group: The fel-
lowship hour for students will be held
this evening at Dr. and Mrs. Louis
Hall's. Cars will leave the #church at
5:30. All Episcopal students and
their friends are cordially invited.
First Baptist Church, 10:45 a.m.
today. Dr. Theodore Trost, Librarian
of the Colgate-Rochester Divinity
School will preach on the subject,
"The Church in These Changing
Times." Dr. Trost had his High

Student Club Woman

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213
A.H. until 3:30; 11:30 a.m. Saturday.

VOL. XVI. No.43

NEW YORK, Aug. 10. -(P) - A llstuaents naving instruments,
Along Broadway they were still talk- music and records belonging to the
ing today of the fighting fury of Joe School of Music must return them
Louis. by Wednesday, 4 p.m.
Back from Chicago and the one D. Mattern.
round knockout of inept King Le-
vinsky, the fight clans gathered to Examination for University Credit:
talk of the sullen bomber who has All students who desire credit for
zoomed to the forefront of the heavy- work done in the Summer Session
weight picture with sensational will be required to take examinations
knockouts over Primo Carnera and at the close of the Session. The
the King. examination schedule for schools and
There was one loud voice, how- colleges on the eight-week basis is as
ever, that failed to sing the praises of follows:
the dusky battler. He was James J. Hour of Recitation
Johnston, matchmaker of Madison 8 9 10 11
Square-Garden who finds the tide of Time of Examination
promotional favor swinging away Thurs. Fri Thurs. Fri.
from his toward Mike Jacobs and the 8-10 8-10 2-4 2-4
20th Century Sporting Club. Max Hour of Recitation
Baerhas agreed to fight Louis for 1 2 3 All other
the 20th Century Club next month in Hours
a joust that is expected to draw the Time of Examination
best gate since boxing started its Thurs. Thurs. Fri. Fri.
comeback. .4-6 10-12 10-12 4-6
Speaking of Louis, Johnston said:
"I don't say he may not be a great
fighter but he's still got to do more JEWELRY and
than whip a panic stricken Carnera WATCH REPAIRING
and a frightened Silly Levinsky for
me before I start bracketing him with HALLER'S Jewelry
Dempsey, Fitzimmoris, Jefferies and j State at Liberty
Corbet." - - - - -
t ha Last Clothes o Summer
-Gives you "Grand Bugs" to finish
the Summer and Late Fall!
Darker Shades of Knits - Crepes.
Sheers in SuiTS and DRESSES--
SIZES 14 to 46
$3.95 to $1675
SUITS and DRESSES Brown and Navy,
Sizes 12 to 44. Corduroy and Crepes
Values to $12.75 White Wools
at at
At 1/2 Off
All White and ,Pastel KNIT SUITS and DRESSES




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