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August 11, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1935-08-11

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The Weather
Somewhat warmer today; to-
morrow partly cloudy, possibly
local showers in north portion.


Official Publication Of The Summer Session

Boon To The
Amateur Standings ,



Will Boost
Taxes For
Senate Finance Committee
Goes Far Beyond Scope
Of Roosevelt Program
Inheritanee Levies
Will Be Abandoned

All-Star American Swimmers
To Face Tough Foes In Japan

TOKIO, Aug. 10. - ({') - The all-'
star team of American swimmers,
here to challenge the Japanese for
world supremacy in a three-day in-
ternational meet in the big Meiji
Shrine pool, Aug. 17, 18 and 19, will
oppose the strongest aquatic con-
tingent this country has mustered
since the 1932 Olympic.
It was at Los Angeles, three years
ago, that Japan wrote a new and ex-
citing chapter in swimming history
by capturing the Olympic champion-
ships for the first time. Since then
the Japanese have concentrated every
aquatic resource on the development
of their best available talent. They
are, consequently, strongly equipped
to meet the friendly American inva-
sion, which is directed by Yale's Bob
Kiphuth and includes holders of six
United States titles.
To oppose the American middle
distance aces, Ralph Flanagan and
Jack Medica, the Japanese rely on

their great veteran, Shozo Makino,
of Waseda University, and a brilliant
newcomer, Hiroshi Negami, of Rik-
ko University. Makino, who holds
the listed world record for 400 and
800 meters, has come back slowly this
season, but Negami has performed
If either team has a decided ad-
vantage in any event it is the Jap-
anese in the breast-stroke races.
Reizo Koike, of Keio University, is a
strong favorite in the 100-meter or
200 meters at 2 minutes 44.9 seconds.
He is better than at any time in his
The absence of either of Ameri-
ca's backstroke aces, Adolf Keifer or
Albert Van de Weghe, gives the Jap-
anese a chance in this specialty.
Against Taylor Drysdale, Danny
Zehr, Russell Branch and Paul Wolf,
they offer Young Kilchi Yoshida, who
this year has bettered listed world
records for 200 and 400 meters.

Married Exemptions To Be
Reduced From ,$2,500
To Only $2,000.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 10. - () -
Going far beyond President Roose-
velt's tax program, the Senate Fi-
nance Committee decided today to
boost taxes on the small income tax-
payer by lowering existing exemp-
tions and to raise surtaxes in the
lower brackets.
The Committee officially an-
nounced that it also had abandoned
the House inheritance levies in favor
of increases in existing estate taxes
-all the changes estimated to boost
$he total revenue by more than $400,-
000,000 instead of $250,000,000 up-
ward in the House measure.
The newt surtax schedule, along
with lowering exemptions for small
taxpayers, was proposed by Senator
Alobert M. LaFollette, Jr., Wisconsin
Progressive. It would reduce present
exemptions for married men from
$2,500 to $2,000 and for single men
from $1,000 to $800.
Would Raise Surtax Rates
It also would start existing sur--
taxes at $3,000 net incomes instead
of $4,000 as at present, and raise the
rates from a range of 4 to 59 per cent
to a scale of 4 to 75 per cent, the last+
to apply to net incomes over $5,000,-
An estimated $220,000,000 in added
revenue from the new income and
surtaxes was announced in lieu of
6,00,000 inder the' Iodse surtax
schedule which applies increases only
on incomes over $50,000.
The new estate levies would begin1
at 2 per cent on net estates up to
$10,000 and run up to 70 per cent on1
estates over $50,000,000. There would+
be a $40,000 exemption instead of
the present $50,000.
Existing estate taxes are based on
two schedules - one under the 1926'
law running from 1 to 2 per cent
and another under the 1934 law run-
ning from 1 to 60 per cent, with a
credit allowed of 80 per cent where
a state estate levy is paid.
'Move Toward President'
Chairman Harrison, in lifting a
publicity ban placed on committee)
changes, said he did not think the bill
"carries out the President's sugges-,
tions, but I think it is a gesture in
that direction."
He said Administration forcesI
would fight for changes on the floor
to make the bill more closely con-'
form with the President's message.7
Conservatives on the Committee,'
led by Senators Peter Goelet Gerry,)
Rhode Island Democrat, and others,
were victorious in knocking out the
inheritance taxes which the House,
had adopted at the President's sug-
Harrison said that the inheritance
levies, which bore the brunt of op-
position from organized business and'
others, presented the "most delicate
ctuestions" for the committee to solve.
"A majority felt," he said, "when
we increased the rates up to 70 per
cent in estate taxes it was a betterI
and simple way to handle it."
Gift Taxes To Be Raised
He said present gift taxes paid by)
donors, which are around three-
fourths of the estate levies, would be)
increased to conform to the higher
estate levies approved.
The Committee rejected 7 to 6 a
Harrison proposal for a wider range
of corporation income taxes and ap-
proved the House rates of 13 to
14/4 per cent on incomes under and
over $15,000, respectively. Harrison
proposed 12% to 151/2 per cent, while
the President suggested 103% to 16%.
Ethiopians Plan Use Of
Civet Cat As War Weapon
ADDIS ABABA, Aug. 10. --(A)--
The malodorous Civet Cat, which;

smells just as bad as the United
State skunk and grows three times as]
big, was drafted today for possible"


Tigers Defeat
Sox For Eiohth
Straight Win

Major League Standings



Rogell's Fielding S a v
Bridges' Seventeenth,
Shutout Victory


DETROIT, Aug. 10. - (Special) -
The Detroit Tigers extended their
current winning streak to eight games
as they again defeated the crippled
Chicago White Sox today, 4 to 0.
The game marked the seventeenth
victory of the season for Tommy
Bridges, ace of the Tiger mounds-
men, as the slim righthander lim-
ited the Pale Hose to three scant
blows for a well-deserved shutout.
For the third time in as many
days, a Detroit pitcher found him-
self backed by superb fielding sup-
port. Bridges' aid came principally
from Bill Rogell who turned into put-
outs no less than three ground balls
which appeared destined for sure
[base hits,.
Tietje Works Wall.
Had it not been for Bridges su-
perior hurling, the Bengals would
have found themselves hard-pressed
for victory as Les Tietje of the Chi-
cagoans had his curve ball working
in most of the spots, but the league
leaders were able to turn on the pres-
sure in enough instances where it
counted most to give Bridges a safe
working margin.
Although Hank Greenberg went
hitless in three times at bat and thus
lost valuable ground to Joe. Vosmik,
of Cleveland, in the race for Amer-
ican League batting supremacy, Char-
ley Gehringer returned to hitting
form by banging out his sixteenth
home run in the sixth inning. The
drive went into the right field bleach-
Despite the win which Mickey
Cochrane and his gang registered
today, they dropped a half game in
the standings * to New York. The
Yankees, by virtue of a double tri-
umph over Philadelphia, moved to
within four and one-half games of
3 Doubles For Soxa
One of the most peculiar aspects
of the contest was the nature of the
Sox' three hits. All were doubles.
Two of these occurred with no one
out but in both cases Bridges bore
down masterfully and retired the side
with the runner remaining on sec-
The Tigers' opening blast occurred
in the third inning. Fox led off with
a two-base smash against the score-
board, the first hit off Tietje. He
scored on Owen's single to center.
After Bridges sacrificed and White
-popped out, Cochrane lined a hit to
left which Radcliffe had trouble re-
trieving. This enabled Owen to score
but Mickey was nipped going to sec-

Detroit ..............65 37 .63
New York ...........59 40 .59E
Chicago ............52 46 .53
Boston ..............53 48 .52
Cleveland ...........50 51 .49
Philadelphia ........41 54 .43
Washington .........43 58 .42E
St. Louis.. .. ....35 64 .35
Results Yesterday
Detroit 4, Chicago 0.
New York 18-7, Philadelphia 7-2.
St. Louis 6, Cleveland 5.
Boston 9, Washington 8.
Games Today:
Chicago at Detroit.
Philadelphia at New York (2).
Cleveland at St. Louis (2).
Washington at Boston.


New York
St. Louis
Chicago ....

.. . ...57
. ...47



Cincinnatti .........46 59 .4
Boston.............27 76 .26
Results Yesterday:
St. Louis 4, Chicago 2.
Boston 6, Brooklyn 5.
Cincinnatti 2, Pittsburgh 0.
New York 6-1, Philadelphia 3-6.
Games Today:
New York at Philadelphia.
Cincinnatti at Pittsburgh.
St. Louis at Chicago.
Boston at Brooklyn.


Roosevelt To
Sign Security
Bill At Once
President Hails Congress'
Blessing On Measure As
A Sign Of 'Good News'
Administrative Body
Of 7 Will Be Formed
Employers And Employees
To Be Taxed 3 Per Cent
On WagesEventually
WASHINGTON, Aug. 10. - (11) -
Quick signing and inauguration of
the Administration's vast social se-
curity program, enacted by Congress
after months of maneuvering and
turbulent debate, is indicated by
President Roosevelt.
Introduced seven months ago, the
legislation received final congress-
ional blessing in the Senate yester-
day without even a record vote.
Shortly thereafter the President hail-
ed this as "good news."
The general expectation was that
he would shortly set up a board of
three to administer old age pensions.
States will handle the unemployment
insurance, although the treasury will
hold the funds. The children's bu-
reau will control disbursements to
help handicapped mothers and chil-
Unemployment Insurance
Under the bill employers and em-
ployes eventually will be taxed 3 per
cent each on wages up to $3,000 an-
nually, to provide for old age pen-
sions. Benefits range from $10 to
$85 a month.
The bill also sets up a federal-state
unemployment insurance system and
calls for an appropriation of $100,-
000,000 next year by the Federal
Government to provide for old age
and grants to the blind, crippled
children and needy mothers. In
addition, the government will offer
grants of $15 a month, to be matched
by the states, for needy aged not
cared for under the contributory pen-
sion system.
The measure, which involves the
largest tax burden ever approved by
Congress, is designed to apply the
old age and unemployment system
to 25,000,000 workers.
Provisions Challenged
Opposition to the legislation
crumpled when Senator Clark (Dem.-
Mo.) dropped his fight for an amend-
ment to exempt companies and work-
ers covered by private pension plans
from the old age taxes the bill pro-
vides. He agreed to a plan to set
up Congressional Committees to
study the subject with a view to pos-
sible amendments next session.
Many sections of the bill have been
challenged as being unconstitutional,
including that levying a tax to set up
the old age pension fund. This fund,
it has been estimated, will total $50,-
000,000,000 by 1980.
Although Mr. Hoover "very seldom
misses an opportunity to fish during
his numerous jaunts about the coun-
try, he said there would be "no fish-
ing" this trip, and added angling was
"lousy" in his home state, California.
Hoover Celebrates
Birthday; Refuses
To Discuss Politics
OGDEN, Utah, Aug. 10. -(P)--The
sixty-second birthday anniversary of

Herbert Hoover found the former
president "on the move" and silent
on national politics.
Headed eastward for a series of
director's meetings in New York, Mr.
Hoover had a 45-minute visit with
former Senator Reed Smoot of Utah
as his train stopped here last night.
Both Mr. Hoover and the former
Republican senator denied they had
discussed anything but "old times."
"We talked of the past, not the
future," Smoot said.
"Mr. Hoover ig looking particularly
fit," Smoot added. "He is the health-
iest I have seen him in years."
Theformer president parried ques-
tions of reporters and shied from
discussion of the national political
63 Are Dead, 10 Injured
In Balongan Landslide
MANILA, P. I., Aug. 10. -(p)-Six-
tv-threp nersons were killed in a

Laval Hints
At Dictator
For France
'Strong Man' Might Come,
He Says, If His Present
Measures Bog Down
Guards Mustered
After Toulon Riots
Socialists, Communists Ask
End Of Bloody Fights In
Official Posters
.PARIS, Aug. 10. - (P) - Premier
Pierre Laval warned today that a
dictatorship of France was not un-
likely if present measures fail in the
enforcement of his recovery decrees,
which have already caused disorder
and bloodshed.
The warning, veiled but unmistak-
able, was contained in his insistent
demands that his unpopular decree
be accepted.
The fate of the regime and the lif
of the country are at stake, he told a
gathering of all but one of France's
86 perfects. Lacking dictatorial
powers himself, the premier made
the provincial governors share the
responsibility of preventing the "dra-
matic -situation."
Fear of further disorders over the
government's effort to find a way out
of the depression through deflation
subsided, however, as investigating
officials blamed a few professional
agitators for the rioting at Toulon
and Brest.
Guards Reinforced
Reinforcements of 1,000 mobile
guards were sent to Toulon to guard
against a recurrence of last night's
rioting when two were killed and
from 50 to 200 injured. Other ports
appeared to have settled down to
normal work.
Trade unions deplored the disord-
ers because they were exploited by
their "adverseries." Appeals to end
the street fighting were nade by the
Socialist and Communist parties in
posters in Toulon. The posters said
there had been "enough bloodshed."
Opposition to the decrees con-
tinued, however, as left wing and
"popular front" posters urged the
workers to hold themselves in readi-
ness t'o fight for their demands. A
meeting of war veterans scheduled
for Sunday at Toulon to protest the
decrees and the cutting of pensions
was officially forbidden.
'Real Workers' Exonerated
It is the government's intention to
use persuasion rather than force to
carry out its recovery program, of-
ficial utterances indicated. The
"real workers" were exonerated from
all blame for the outbreaks in num-
erous statements by officials, while
Laval asked the country's confidence
in decrees designed to revive trade,
reduce the cost of living and stimu-
lated employment.
Whether the decrees will succed is
problematical, say even moderate
commentators, because of their un-
popularity, but they are generally
termed the "first real effort to com-
bat the depression in France." The
government having promulgated them
hajs indicated its conviction that
they must be firmly enforced. Any
alternative would be to risk even more
serious trouble than the recent spor-
adic outbreaks.
The strike of the French line end-
ed with the sailing of the liner
Champlain for New York. More than
800 passengers were held up two days
by the strike. The line agreed to

compensate the sailors for the wage
-uPremier Laval summoned the pre-
fects to organize them in the cam-
paign to see that living costs are re-
duced in line with the wage cuts. A
committee was appointed to set the
tariffs, much in the manner of Great

-Associated Press Photo
Louis Phillippe de Bourbon
(above) has quit his Chicago dry
cleaning business to go to France
wh(re he will attempt to restore
the monarchy with himself on the
throne. He contends he is the
grandson of "the lost dauphin"
secreted in Canada during the
French Revolution.
Local Churches
Plan A Variety,
Of Devotionals
Episcopal Fellowship Hour
To Be Held At 5:30 P.M.
At Home Of Dr. Hall
Local church organizations have
planned a number of morning and
evening devotional programs which
will be held in the respective churches
today for students enrolled in the
Summer Session.
The fellowship hour for Episcopal
students is to be held at 5:30 p.m.
at the home of Dr.- and Mrs. Louis
P. Hall. Cars will leave from the
church at that time.
Two services of morning worship,
will be held at 8 a.m. and at 11
a.m. in the St. Andrew's church. Holy
Communion will be served at the
early service. The Rev. Frederick
W. Leech is to give the Morning
Prayer and Sermon at the later serv-
ice. /
The Rev. Norman W. Kunkel, as-
sociate minister, will be the preacher
for the First Presbyterian Church,
talking on "The Logic of Religion
in a Day of Confusion" for his topic.
Service will be held at 10:45 a.m. in.
the Masonic Temple.
Dr. Theodore Trost, Librarian of
the Colgate-Rochester D i v i n i t y
School, will speak at the same hour
at the First Baptist Church having
selected "The Church in These
Changing Times" as his subject. Dr.
Trost received his high school and
University training here, earning his
Master's and Doctor's degrees in the
University. He is also a graduate of
Eden Seminary, St. Louis.
State Seeks Trial In
September For Zenge
CHICAGO, Aug. 10. - (P) -The
state prepared today to have a
grand jury indictment charging
Mandevillee Zenge with murder
returned Monday or Tuesday and
to seek a September trial date.
Asst. State's Attorney Chas. S.
Daugherty, who obtained 180 year
sentences for the Lang torso mur-
derers Blanche Dunkel and Ev-
elyn Smith, was named to prose-
cute the 26-year-old Canton, Mo.,
carpenter on a charge he com-
mitted the emasculation slaying
of Dr. Walter J. Bauer.

Claims French Throne

New York

Three-Sided Snarl
Among Relief Funds
Loosely Federated Unions
Merging; White Collar
Men PledgeSupport
NEW YORK, Aug. 10. - (P) -
President Roosevelt's order of "no
work, no relief money" for New York's
striking Works Progress adninistra-
tion employees tossed the city's re-
lief administration into a snarl of
confusion today.
The three-sided partnership of Fed-
eral, State and City relief funds led
New York relief administrators into
a maze of considerations. Their hur-
ried analysis of the implications of
the President's ban brought two im-
mediate complications to the fore.
1 - A growing belief that Federal
relief funds can not be separated
from state and city funds, thus deny-
ing any relief under the President's
order, although it applied specifically
to Federal monies.
2 -- The knowledge that if they can
split the three-way knot that ties
relief funds, they will be financing,a
strike against the Federal govern-
Monday Walkout Inevitable
Meanwhile, in New York city, the
walkout of skilled workers employed
on WPA projects, scheduled for Mon-
day, appeared inevitable. More than
15,000 are reported by union or-
ganizers to be ready to walk out Mon-
day, joining the 2,000 already out.
Added to the skilled workmen, white
collar relief workers pledged their
support for the movement for higher
wages and sought to consolidate their'
loosely federated unions into a solid
Before the President's order was
published, officials of the temporary
Emergency Relief Bureau and the
Home Relief Bureau had said con-
sistently that strikers would be placed
on relief.
Frederick I. Daniels, head of the
TERA, in a letter to Miss Charlotte
Carr, of the Home Relief Bureau,
warned her that August relief funds
had been appropriated and that no
further funds would be forthcoming.
The Home Relief funds are supplied
in a ratio of approximately $8 by
the TERA to $3 by the city. Of the
portion furnished by. the TERA, 60
per cent is Federal money. At the
relief bureau it was said that there
was no means of separating the va-
rious funds.
Depended On Help
That the unions were depending on
Home Relief money by the State Fed-
eration of Labor, which recommanded
the strike.
"I have been assured by Miss Carr,"
he said, "that whether a man is on
strike will have nothing to do with
his Home Relief status."
Work on the Astor low-cost hous-
ing project, key project of the WPA,
will be continued Monday, Tenement
Commissioner Langdon W. Post said
Work on the project was discon-
tinued Thursday when some of the
350 men there went on strike.
Post said that any men who re-
fused to work would be replaced from
the rolls of the National Employ-
ment Service and that the only way
for them to get back on the job would
be through the NRS.
Joe Palooka Will
Be Hero Of Opera
NEW YORK, Aug. 10. - (R) - A
new American light opera may have
a bashful prize fighter as its hero.
A New York producer is negotiating
with Ham Fisher, creator of the comic
character Joe Palooka, for the use
of his famous fighter in a musical

If the rights to Joe Palooka and
his manager, Knobby Walsh, and his
girl friend, Anne Howe, are purchased
by the producer, the characters will
appear next season set to music by
a leading composer.
The nrnicer who isnpjntiatina

To Be

Relief Workers
Joined Soon By


Reds Propose
Changed Stand
On 3 Questions
MOSCOW, Aug. 10.- (A) -A three-
point summary of a recommendation
to national communist parties ap-
parently was in the making today as
the seventh congress of the Third In-
ternationale heard four speakers pro-
pose concessions from traditional
stands as a sacrifice to the united
front against fascism.
Next week's sessions are expected
to bring this summery:
1. Support of bourgeois demo-
cratic governments.
2. Collaboration wtih non-com-
munist but anti-fascist political arid
religious organizations.
3. To take the initiative or at
least give full backing to movements
looking toward united front govern-
It has been made clear, however, by
the principal Commintern speakers
that communist participation in any
united front government would be
merely a stepping stone to efforts for
establishment of a Soviet regime.

English Diplomats Rate Odds
For EthiopianWar At 5 To 1

Red For 10-Cent Toothbrushes,
But AmberFor Two-Bit Kind

LONDON, Aug. 10. - (P) - The
odds for war in Ethiopia were rated
at 5 to 1 in diplomatic circles here
today as British ministers put the
finishing touches on a strategy that.
Anthony Eden, minister for League
affairs, will follow at the tri-power
conferences with Italy and France in
Paris next week.
Great Britain, it was stated in au-

lone hope of averting war, with the
possible far-reaching repercussions
over Europe, hinges on a full state-
ment of Italy's plans - a statement
whether Il Duce will limit his activ-
ities to frontier protection or whether
he intends to go farther.
ROME, Aug. 10. - (N') - Italy sum-
moned a new unit of her reserve mil-
itary power to the colors today.

NEW YORK, Aug. 10. - (;') - The
color you like varies with the use of
the object bearing the color.
Nationally, c o lo r preference
changes in waves which sweep whole'
sections of the country, and may vary
with the price of a colored article -
an indication that pocketbooks in-
fluence ideas of beauty.
Thesediscorvperies areshown in an

same size but colored yellow, blue or
This might explain why one sec-
tion of the United States, where many
of the buyers, with substantial means.
for years preferred black for autos.
Objects in bright colors, technical-
ly strong chroma colors of high val-
ues, appear larger than those of ex-
actly the same size, but finished in
I v osereo~n

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