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August 10, 1935 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1935-08-10

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SAY, AUGUST 10, 1935

r J




Prevalence Of
Paralysis Halts
Scouts' Parley
President Roosevelt Stops
Flow Of Youths Toward
Nation's Capital
WASHINGTON, Aug. 9. - UP) --
Boy Scout officials sought today to
turn homeward hundreds of Scouts
already en route to their international
jamboree cancelled last night by Pres-
ident Roosevelt because of infantile
paralysis in this area.'
The jamboree, scheduled to be held
on the shores of the Potomac here
Aug. 21-30, was called off after a
presidential conference with public
health officers and Scout leaders.
The chief executive is honorary na-
tional president of the Scouts.
Temporary encampment with ac-
commodations for 3,500 Scouts had
been completed and foreign contin-
gents were already in the country or
on the high seas when the cancella-
tion was announced.
Prevalence of infantile paralysis "is
not unduly alarming," a White House
statement said, "but the conferees
decided it would be for the best inter-
est of the Scouts and all concerned
to cancel the jamboree."
Public health officers said two cen-
ters of the epidemic are within 100
miles of Washington. The cities,
Charlottesville and Richmond, Va.,
are within "an hour or two's drive"
from the capital, Surgeon General
Hugh S. Cumming pointed out. He
emphasized there is "no undue prev-
alence" of the disease in the capital
President Roosevelt himself a vic-
tim of infantile paralysis 14 years ago,
expressed "very deep regret" in call-
ing off the Scout meeting but prom-
ised Dr. James E. West, chief Scout
executive, he would deliver a speech
previously scheduled for the jam-
boree, over a nation-wide radio hook-

Greenberg Of Tigers Nips Luke Sewell At First Base

-Associated Press Photo.
Mickey Cochrane and his band of Detroit Tigers widened their lead over other American League clubs
by trouncing the third place White Sox, 5 to 2, while the Yankees were being defeated by Philadelphia. Here
is Luke Sewell, Sox catcher, arriving a little late at first base during an early stage of the game.

Rookies Having A Banner Year
At All Positions On All Teams

up Aug. 21 at
ard Time.

8 p.m., Eastern Stand-

Flood Loss In
Ohio Millions;
Crest Reached
Rivers Fall After Week Of
Rain As State Acts To
Ward Off Disease
ZANESVILLE, O., Aug. 9. - (R) -
Ohio tabulated damage approxi-
mnating $5,000,000.today as the state's
worst flood since 1913 passed its
The estimates, which were unoffi-
cial, were based on reports of the
state highway department and agri-
cultural agents.
As fair weather broke more than
a week of violent rains, the Muskin-
gum river, center of the flood, reached
a crest of '33.6 feet, 8 feet above
flood levels, and then began to fall.
The Hocking, Tuscarawas, and Lick-
ing rivers also were falling.
The state health department rushed
three engineers into the area to aid
in restoring water supplies through
Holmes, Carroll, Tuscarawas, Coshoc-
ton, Guernsey, Muskingum, Wayne,
Stark, Perry, Morgan, Hocking, Noble
and Athens counties, Their job was
to make sure that disease does not
creep up on the flood sufferers to
increase the toll of five known dead
and one missing.
Battery E, 134th field artillery,
Ohio National Guard, meantime pa-
trolled streets here and distributed
clothing and bedding to refugees.
Members of three Civilian Conserva-
tion Corps camps gave their aid as
At East Liverpool, Miss Marjorie
McIntosh, 73, who had been missing
since Tuesday night's flood, was
found today wandering in a woods a
mile from Irondale village. She was
suffering from hunger and expo-
Two were drowned by the high
waters and two others were killed by

Usually, along about this time of
year a glance back through the early
April files brings many a blush to a
sports editor's cheeks as he reviews
printed promises of glory ahead for
various and sundry big league fresh-
men - and finds their names now-
adays only after a hunt through the
bush league box scores.
This year, however, the editorial
blushes may be replaced by a gentle
glow 'of pride in rectitude, for a
dog-days check-up reveals the major
leagues nearing harvest time with one
of the largest and most uniformly
satisfactory rookie crops in many
Stirring comeback efforts of such
fellows as Wes Ferrell, Ted Lyons,
Lefty Grove and Bill Hallahan, among
others, have given the old guard
plenty of glory this summer, but
the younger generation - and base-
ball in general - can find plenty to
cheer about in the large array of,
freshmen and holdover freshmen
who have crashed the big show, and
Five Click For Cincinnati
With amazingly few exceptions, the
rookies. who were really countedon
in pre-season forecasts have made
their marks, keynoted by the Cincin-
nati "kindergarten" where no less
than three infielders, an outfielder
and two cctchers have proved them-
sel rs hig leaguers.
Lew Itggs aL third, Captain Billy
Myers at .hors and Alex Kampouris
at 1,oalUi Qoodman in the out-
iield, ard Giiliy Campbell and Henry
Erickson, as frequent relievers of Er-
nie Lombardi behind the bat, are the
cream of the Red crop.
The two Chicago entries each have
found steady employment for new-
comers. Outfielders Ray Radcliff and
Vernon George Washington both have
proved .300 hitters for the surprising
White Sox and John Whitehead is
one of the real pitching finds of the
year (a phrase oft-turned in April,
but not so authentic then as now).
Cub Rookies Fare Well
Phil Cavaretta, 19 years old and
fresh out of high school, has made
good with the Cubs, good enough to
ease Charley Grimm into full time
bench-managership. Frank Dema-
ree, who didn't quite graduate as a
freshman several seasons ago, has
come back to figure largely in the
Cubs' new-found drive; and young
Jimmy O'Dea hasstuck asba reliable
understudy to Catcher Gabby Hart-
nett. Not to mention Augie Galan,
also playing his first full year under
the big top.
George Selkirk and Vito Tamulis
were the Yankees' two hopefuls, and

they've both clicked. Selkirk has
overcome early nervousness at be-
ing stationed in Babe Ruth's old pa-
trol to play brilliantly afield and
keep his bat average above the .300
Babe Dahlgren and Mel Almada are
regular Red Sox at first and in
the outfield, respectively; not great
hitters, but Dahlgren is one of the
marvels of the year at snaring way-
ward throws, and Almada's fielding
and base-stealing make him an ace.
The Cleveland Indians counted on
one rookie - Bozey Berger - and Bo-
zey's come through. The Washing-
ton Senators figured Jake Powell
would make the grade - and he has.
The Pittsburgh Pirates looked for
no help from brand new rookies other
than Cy Blanton - and you know
The Flowers That Bloom
Frenchy Bordagaray - up for a
time with the White Sox last year
-has become a Brooklyn regular.
So has Jim Bucher, an added starter.
The Giants didn't figure on using and
new talent, and haven't, though
Dutch Leiber, who played only, a
third of last year; has proved the
outstanding "sophomore" batsman of
the league.
Joe Sullivan, who was a starting
pitcher for awhile, is Detroit's only
contribution, but the Tigers had no
"bloomers," either. Pitchers Orville
Jorgens and Jim Bivin, while no
world-beaters have stuck with the
Phillies. The hapless Browns had
no standout prospects, thus no stand-
out flops.
Which brings us down to the Ath-
letics, where the only real disappoint-
ment of the whole picture, failure of
Alex Hooks to play first base in the
manner to which Jimmy Foxx had
accustomed Mr. Mack, has been off-
set by the sensational fielding and
hitting of young Wally Moses.
BOSTON, Aug. 9. - R) - The Bos-
ton waterfront * was threatened for
a time this afternoon as fire of un-
determined origin broke out in the
Quincy cold storage plant, a huge
brick structure. Fire apparatus from
all sections of the city brought the
flames under control with the aid of
fireboats. The first unofficial esti-
mate of damage was $350,000.

Harmsworth Boat
Borrows Old Idea
Of Alexander Bell
BADDECK, Nova Scotia, Aug. 9.
- (P)-If the "hydrafoil" boat Bob
and Ed Evans of Detroit hope to enter
in the next Harmsworth race is
built on the design worked out by
Dr. Alexander Graham Bell and
"Casey" Baldwin, the idea is 25
years old, Baldwin commented here.
After helping to give the British
empire its first airplane flight, Bell
and Baldwin, experimenting' on Cape
Breton's Bras d'Or lakes, decided to
apply the idea of the airplane to wa-
ter craft.
They evolved what they called the
"hydrodrome," using an air screw
propeller and an ordinary motorboat
hull, from the bottom of which stuck
out "aerofoils"-the marine equiva-
lent of an airplane's wings.
As the boat's speed increased the
foils cut through the water and lift-
ed the boat up until at top speed she
was clear and there was nothing
touching the water but the lower
edges of the foils.
More than 13 years ago the old
HD2, one of the early models, hit 72
knots on the lakes, and Baldwin, now
a member of Nova Scotia's legisla-
ture, sees 125 knots an hour in sight.
But he has bigger plans than speed-
boat races for the hydrodrome, be-
lieving the idea behind it could be
developed into one of the most potent
weapons in naval warfare of the fu-
ture. What he has in mind is a swift
little craft darting smoothly over the
sea at more than 100 knots an hour,
guided by an invisible hand toward
a far-off enemy ship into whose side
she would fling a ton or more of
death-dealing explosive.

Publication in the Bulletin is con-
structve notice to all members of
the Un'.ersity. Copy received at the
office of the Summer Session, Room,
1213 A.H. until 3:30; 11:30 Saturday.
VOL. XVI. No. 42
Graduate School: All Graduate
School students who expect to com-
plete their work for a degree at the
close of the present summer session
should call at the office of the Gradu-
ate School, 1014 Angell Hall, to check
their records and to secure the proper
blank to be used in paying the di-
ploma fee. The fee should be paid
not later than Saturday, August 10.
C. S. Yoakum, Dean.
Candidates For The Teacher's Cer-
tificate: The fee for the teachers' Cer-
tificate must be paid by the end of
the summer session. Blanks for this
purpose may be secured in the office
of the Recorder of the School of Ed-
ucation, 1437 U.E.S.
Undergraduate Women: All under-
graduate women who have assisted
in League activities this summer and
wish credit must report their num-
ber of hour"s of work to the chair-
man of the Merit System Committee.
I will be in the undergraduate office
from 1-2 Monday and from 3-6 Tues-
day and Wednesday of the week start-
ing August 12. Slips and directions
for filing them out will be left in
the undergraduate office for all those
who do not find these hours conven-
Katharine M. Hall, Chairman,
Of Merit System Comm.
Episcopal Student Group: The Fel-
lowship Hour for students will be
held Sunday evening at Dr. and Mrs.
Louis Hall's farm. Cars will leave the
church at 5:30. All Episcopal stu-
dents and their friends are cordially
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship this Sunday are:
8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 11:00
a.m. Children's Hour; 11:00 a.m.
Morning Prayer and Sermon by the
Reverend Frederick W. Leech.
The preacher for the First Presby-
terian Church next Sunday will be
the associate minister, Norman W.
Kunkel. Mr. Kunkel has announced
as his subject, "The Logic of Religion
in a Day of Confusion." Services
will be held at the Masonic Temple
every Sunday at 10:45 throughout
the balance of the summer.
Faculty, School of Education:
There will be a meeting of the fac-
ulty of the School of Education on
Monday, August 12, at twelve o'clock
sharp, at the Michigan Union.
C. O. Davis, Secretary,
School of Education.
To All Students Having Library
(1) Students having in their pos-
session books drawn from the Uni-
versity Library are notified that such

books are due Monday, August 12,
before the impending examinations.
(2) Students who have special
need for certain books after August
12 may retain such books if renewed
at the Charging Desk.6
(3) The names of all students who
have not cleared their records at the
library by Wednesday, August 14, will
be sent to the Cashier's office, where
their summer's credits will be with-
held until such time as these records
are cleared, in compliance with the
regulations of the Regents.
Wm. W. Bishop,
LA CROSSE, Wis., Aug. 9. -(P) -
The west end of the municipal bridge
linking Wisconsin and Minnesota
collapsed today, plunging two persons
to death in the Mississippi river.
The victims, Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Landrieu, of La Crosse, were drowned
when their automobile, caught on the
bridge, dropped into the river.
Fischer Blinn, 33, of Trempleau,
Wis., and Miss Marceline Patro, 25,
of Minneapolis, were rescued from
the submerged car.

These Two Will Be Trained For Film Roles

-Associated Press Photo.
These very charming sisters, Frances (left) and Virginia Paxton,
who rejected 127 proposals of marriage in New York, are in Hollywood
taking an intensive course in dramatic training at one of the major
studios. One will emerge as the leading feminine player in screen
musicals. The other will become a comedienne in the same picture.

Two Injured Ones
In WreckMay Die
LANSING, Aug. 9.- (41) -Police
officials investigated a motorcar col-
lision today which had cost the lives
of three persons and injured six
others seriously. Two of the injured
may die.
Mrs. Blanche Juers, 52, of Indian
Town, a suburb of Saginaw; Charles
Church, 73, and Mrs. J. Wilson Wal-
ters, of Lansing, were injured fatally
when the cars collided 11 miles west
of here on M-78 late yesterday after-
The injured were Mrs. Winifred
Boyle, 39, of 2306 N. Washington St.,
Saginaw; her son, William,. 17, be-
lieved to have a fractured skull; two
younger sons, Jack, 10, and Pat,
-four, bruised; Mrs. Fern Pohlman, 31,
of 2525 N. Washington St., Saginaw,
who had a fractured nose and severe
cuts and bruises; and F. Wilson Wal-
ters, 63, of Lansing, whose wife. was
killed. Walters was in a critical con-
dition with a fractured right leg, pel-
vis and ribs, and deep cuts.


A Good
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Where To Go


Recommended by the English Department
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They have their social programs and they initiate activ-
ities for the benefit of their members, their Communities
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2. concerns himself with his Class Organization.

2 p.m.Majestic Theater, Clark Gable
and Loretta Young in "Call of the
2 p.m. Michigan Theater, Mary El-
lis and Tullio Carminati in "Paris
in the Spring."
2 p.m. Wuerth Theater, Maurice
Chevalier in "Folies Bergere," and
Warren William in "Case of the Cu-
rious Bride."
7 p.m. Same features at the three
8:30 p.m. Lydia Mendelssohn The-
ater, "The Chocolate Soldier."
9 p.m. Farewell Party at the Mich-
igan League.
9 p.m. Union Membership dance.
Canoeing every afternoon and eve-
ning on the Huron River, Saunder's
Canoe Livery.
Dancing at Blue Lantern Ballroom,



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