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August 10, 1935 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1935-08-10

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As Others See It

Classified Directory


WILLIAMSON. S. C., Aug. 9. - (P)
--Every Saturday afternoon, the Rev.
H. G. Hammett preaches to a large
congregation of men, women and
children in front of a newly licensed
liquor store here. Mr. Hammett was
unsuccessful in efforts to dissuade
the owner from selling liquor.

Good morning!
Cheer up! . . . it's a nice day . . .. and if you'll
.top and think . . . . you'll realize that in one
veek .... summer school is over .. . and you will
be finished . . ah! . . . that word "finished" .. .
has many connotes . . . . some of us . . . will be
Just merely finished . . . . while others . . . . will
* * * *
Last night . . . while wandering around . . . we
stopped in at the bastille on East Ann . . . and
read over the reports of the Sheriff's office . . . we
noted that Deputy Abe Alber had been assigned
to investigate the theft of 50 chickens from the
farm of Andrew Fahrner just outside of Ann Arbor
. at the bottom of the report.... written in the
long-hand of Alber . . . we note the results of the
search . . "No chickens stolen. Were out on a
We hate to cut in on the territory of R.A.C.
and his Daily movie reviews ... but we think he's
overlooked one of the best shows in town . . . and
so we take it upon ourselves to award four stars
C") . . .to the steam-shovel . . . now excavating
on State Street (near Liberty) . . . it has been
playing to a full-house for the last two days ...
the play is simple... but the plot is deep... (about
12 feet, now.).
Shades of all that is past and gone! . . . now
a contributor comes along ... and throws this in
our face . . . and from our own paper, too . . . it
seems that in an editorial ... several years ago ...
the Daily informed the startled world . . . that
... "marriages consumated on the campus are the

sENATOR DICKINSON of Iowa recently called
the attention of his associates to the social-
2stic trend of their purposes. The specific thing in
his mind was the project which has come out of
the protracted and prejudiced munitions investiga-
tions, of which the radical Mr. Nye has been the
chief promoter. Mr. Dickinson was moderate in
his comments but was able to cover the ground.
The tactics of the socialistically minded Con-
gressmen may be recognized as familiar. In the
particular instance of war profits, used as a basis
for the McSwain bill, ostensibly for national de-
fense, an unpopular figure is erected, the war
profiteer. Seeking to arouse and use understand-
able public resentment of war exploitation, the
manipulators of this sentiment then proceed to
lay the ground-work for -an expropriation of all
the resources of the country.
Under the title of the industrial management
provisions of the bill the President in the event
of war, when "inhis opinion" the emergency is
sufficient, may bring under governmental control
all establishments in the country and all persons
connected with them. He may compel the persons
to register. He may take possession of every
plant or establishment which "in his discretion" is
deemed to be required' for the maintenance of
the national interest.
Nothing in the country could escape such a take-
over, nor could any person if it were the desire
of the government to pull him under the blanket.
All activities could be construed as necessary to
the national interest. When enterprises have been
brought into governmental service by proclamation
the Secretary of War may remove the managers
of establishments at will. Wages and salaries
would be fixed by the President and it would be
a felony to accept more.
The President is granted the authority to fix
all prices and rents at which foodstuffs, products,
real estate, materials and commodities may be sold
or contracted for, including transactions between
individuals. He may close commodity exchanges
and prohibit the publication of prices and quota-
tions. He may requisition plants, warehouses and
commodity stores held by any person. He may
limit sales and establish quotas and priorities.
Such a government as outlined above never ex-
isted by law anywhere under the sun, not even in
Russia. It is dictatorship gone crazy. It would
make the worker a bond servant and the farmer
a serf. Possessions would crumble and rights
would disappear. The nation would be one of
Even Norman Thomas, pacifist and socialist,
would fight rather than submit to it. Autocracy
would know that to start the machinery or ex-
propriation, spoliation and compulsion it was nec-
essary only to find a war, anywhere with any
Ten years ago, or less, if a Congressman had
introduced such a bill his friends would have sent
the doctor around to see him. The doctor would
have put him to bed. Times have changed. The
congregation of bear cats, curly wolves and what-
nots occupying the chamber of the national house
of representatives has passed it. It has been
working its way through the various senate com-
It is called "An act to prevent profiteering in
the time of war and to equalize the burdens of
war and thus provide for national defense and
promotepeace." It is an act to express the
rmancors and lunacies of certain members of Con-
gress. It is an act to establish dictatorship and
advance communism. It is an act to make any war
desirable for the seizure of private property and
the coercion of the population.
When it has been passed and signed the United
States should ask Italy to move over a little in

FOR SALE: Scottish Terrier Pups.
Pedigreed. Reg. A.K.C. Sturdy, loy-
al, companionable. Quality dogs,
reasonably priced. 1313 S. State. 1
No. 64.
FOR SALE: Antique jewelry, brace-
lets, brooches, earrings, etc. Rea-
sonable. Phone 8050. 2020 Dev-
onshire Road a5x
FOR RENT: 6 room house on Olivea
Avt. $45 a month. Phone 7510.
No. 62.
FOR RENT: Furnished Apts. with
private bath and shower. Also
large double rooms with hot and
cold running water. Garage. Dial
8944. 422 E. Washington. No. 65.
Wayne County Asked To
Clean Up Beer Gardens
DETROIT, Aug. 9. - (/P) - John S.
McDonald, chairman of the Michigan
Liquor Control commission, described
conditions in Wayne- county beer gar-
dens as "deplorable" today and noti-
fied Sheriff Henry Behrendt it was
his duty to remedy the situation.
Prosecutor Duncan C. McCrea or-
dered an investigation of the beer
McDonald pointed out to Behrendt
a section of the state liquor control
act which requires sheriffs to enforce
provisions of the act and regulations
of the liquor control commission
within their jurisdictions. The act
provides a penalty of 90 days in jail
and a fine of $500 for failure to do

LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned.1
Careful work at low price. 1x
PERSONAL laundry service. We take
individual interest in the laundry
problems of our customers. Girls"
silks, wools, and fine fabrics guar-
anteed. Men's shirts our specialty.
Call for and deliver Phone 5594.
611 E. Hoover. 3x
STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea-
sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006.
2 GRAD. STUDENTS wish single
rooms with garage for two cars.
Willing to live out of campus dis-
trict. Write Box 42.
WANTED: Kitchenette Apt. Close to
campus preferred. Write Box No.
50. No. 61
TYPING WANTED: by experienced
public stenographer. Reasonable
rates. Spelling and punctuation
guaranteed. Call 22050. 537 S.
Division. No. 63.
Cop Was 'Right There'
When Alarm Summoned
SANTA BARBARA, Calif., Aug. 9.
- ('P) - Traffic Officer Hightower set
a record in answering a radio call
in exactly "nothing flat."
Noticing a car parked in violation
of the law in front of the Arcade
bathhouse, he began to write out a
ticket. Just then a call came over
his radio:
"Go to the Arcade bathhouse. A
car in a no p~arking' area."
Hightower finished making out the
ticket, called the police station and
claimed a "speed record" for effi-


11 -_____________


"Cash of the Curious Bride"
Sun. - Mon. - Tues.
OF 1935"
-- plus
25c TILL 6:00
- After 6:00 -
"Call Of The


* * *



Yesterday afternoon . . . we were sitting on the
steps of Angell Hall . . . talking about the merits
of Joe Louis with one of the janitors . . when along
comes a reporter from the Ann Arbor Daily News
who introduced himself to our janitorial
friend . . . and said he was interested in writing
a feature on the manner in which the Building
and Ground men worked . . . and so .. . he quizzed
the man for fully fifteen minutes . . . at the con-
clusion of his interview (if we may call it that)
.. he said "I imagine that my questions sound
a bit foolish . . . although I guess you've been
questioned by dumber fellows than I am, haven't
you?"' . . . he was looking right at us . . . we knew
what he meant ... and it sounded like sarcasm ...
but we said nothing and awaited the reply of our
janitor-friend . . . he, too, gave no answer . . .
the Ann Arbor News man . . . repeated ... "I say,
I guess you've been quizzed by dumber fellows than
I am, haven't you?" ... our love for that janitor
increased.. . when he responded ... "I heard you
the first time. I was trying to think."

MATINEE at 2:30 4
Good Seats Available 4
(There Are No Tickets
Remaining For To-
night's Performance.)
I 1

Off The Record

passed an acid test of his diplomacy at a
gathering of Washington's male notable at the
Over the refreshments Saito made a short and
graceful speech of welcome. A Congressman was
elected to answer. He opened with:
"I am flattered to be called on to reply to the
kind words of the Chinese ambassador."
There was not a flicker of change in Saito's
smile. The Congressman probably doesn't know
ON THE OUTSKIRTS of Washington lies Fort
Mye: where there was a recent change of
commandants Col. Harry N. Cootes was trans-
ferred and Col. Kenyon Joyce took over.
Joyce not only took over the fort, but he in-
herited a tiamp dog which was in the habit of
invading Cootes' office each afternoon for a nap
under his desk.
Now Joyce automatically pushes back his chair
when the dog appears. The dog crawls under his
desk, and Joyce goes back to work.
making a study of the eating habits of for-
mer presidents who were lovers of good food.
She found that Thomas Jefferson first ate waf-
fles in Holland, and when he returned home there
was a waffle iron in his baggage. He also intro-
duced vanilla and macaroni to this country.
George Washington liked the crab soup that
Martha Washington cooked for him.
When those who still hold gold try to find
out how to dispose of it they get the boss
herself on the wire.' Mrs. Nellie Tayloe Ross,
director of the mint, picks up the phone and
gives the directions.
WHEN SENATORS arrive at the Senate Chamber
for a day's work, three youngsters take their
hats: Senate Pages Robert Schramm, John Friant
and Lee Brownfield.
Just at noon the Senators arrive thick and fast.
There is no time to hang up head-pieces. The'
fun begins when the law-makers are all in. The
Republican pages dive for the Republican hats,
and the Democratic pages do the same for their
They never make a mistake, and there are 95
hats to identify. The 96th hat belongs to the
lady Senator, Mrs. Hattie Caraway, from Ar-




Ethiopia and let it march

in alongside.
-Chicago Tribune.

"The House Of Four Winds,"
by John Buchan; (Hougton Mifflin).
T MAY STRIKE many readers as amusing that
John Buchan, who will as Lord Tweedsmuir
become governor general of Canada in a short
while, should be a writer of romances.
But of course, he is a writer of almost everything,
from treatises on law to poetry. It just happens
that his latest novel is a romance of intrigue, deal-
ing with the involved politics of Evallonia, an
imaginary land somewhere between Switzerland,
Austria, Germany and nowhere. It probably will
be his last novel for quite a while, too, because
as governor general he will have no leisure for
creative writing, according to his sorrowful pub-
Buchan is as practiced a romancer as any in
the field. "The House of the Four Winds" is not
only amusing -it flirts delicately all the while
with political satire, and it maintains exactly the
proper distance from that goal. Evallonia is a
republic, but the republican regime is corrupt and
unpopular. Prince John, who is the pretender, is
popular but surrounded by friends who are not
deemed the light advisers for a floundering minor
power. And Evallonia has a youth movement.
Like some other youth movements, Evallonia's
doesn't quite know where it is going. It can con-
scientiously support neither Republicans nor Mon-
archists, and yet it has no candidate of its own.
The situation is an impasse. Into the impasse
rushes a group of English men and women - Scot-
tish rather. These are instrumental in resolving
the problem, as of course they would be. A Brit-
ish romancer could scarcely let his countrymen
do otherwise.


The Michigan oGily offers you an opportunity to
-:ontact the entering freshmen before they arrive in
Ann Arbor by placing an advertisement in the classi-
fied columns of The Daily for Wednesday, August 14.
This paper will be a Special Issue, containing items
of interest to entering freshmen and will be mailed
direct to each of their homes. This will be your only
opportunity to enlist the attention of these students
before their arrival in Ann Arbor.
Ads may be placed only at the office of The Daily

for these advertisements will be Monday at 5:00 P.M.




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