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August 03, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1935-08-03

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The Weather
Scattered showers today; to-
morrow fair; moderate temn-

- --.a
C 14r

Official Publication Of The Summer Session

Demands Paramount .. .



200 Storm
Meat Plant
In Riotgin
Attempt To Seize Storage
Rooms, Destroy Meat
Of JohannCo.
Police Exchange
Blows With Women
Three Women And One
Man Arrested And Taken
To Headquarters
DETROIT, Aug. 2. -More than
200 men, women and children
changed the peaceful picketing of the
J. Johann Packing Co., at 17170
Mitchell St., into a small-sized riot
when they attempted to storm the
storage rooms to destroy the meat
Friday afternoon.
Twenty officers from the Davison
Station broke up the picketers, but
not before blows had been exchanged
between the embattled women, the
packers and police.
It was the latest development in
the uprising of women in protest to
soaring meat prices.
The militant housewives ran into
difficulties when they attempted t6
pour kerosene over the meats of a
wholesale packer and as a result three
of them, in addition to a man, were
arrested, charged with disturbing the
Arrested were Mrs. Hattie Krewik,
45 years old, of 13975 Mitchell St.,
the mother of five children; Mrs.
Gertrude Ross, 40, of 3928 Mitchell
St.; Mrs. Leona Zskowski, 47, of 178
McDougall and Fred Tzko, 51, ofj
13563 Arlington Ave. The women were
taken to Police Headquarters, while
Tzko was held at the Division Sta-
Owner Repels Charge-
Johann, proprietor of the packing
house, who repelled the charge of the
women himself before police arrived,,
locked the doors of the office and re-~
fused to give a statement.-
According to Mrs. Krewik, one of
the women arrested, Johann pusheda
her so hard that she fell to the
ground. She was taken to Receiving
Hospital for treatment, and the arm
which she said was broken was found
to have been but slightly bruised.
Tzko was arrested because he led1
the attack on police. In the course
of the fight the picketers poured1
over the officers the kerosene intended,
for the meat.
The picketers represented an or-
ganization of housewives in the Da-
vison district which has headquart-
ers at 13249 Maine St. Mrs. Mary3
Koza, of that address, is the president
of the group which has declared a,
sympathetic strike in co-operation
with Hamtramck and Lincoln Park
women. They seek a 20 per cent re-
duction in prices.
Dealers In Sympathy
"The dealers around here are in
sympathy with us and are even giv-
ing us meat if we really need it,"
Mrs. Koza said Friday. "There are
about 150 families with us, and we
picketed 20 stores all day. We will
keep it up until we get some kind of
A 20 per cent reduction in most
markets was the chief development
in the Hamtramck strike Friday. A
chain grocery company started the
reduction and other retail dealers fell
in line. two hours after housewives

had started their day's picketing. The
dealers said that the cut was due as
much to competition as it 'was to
pressure from the picket lines.
Jury Inquiry Impends
Lincoln Park women Friday an-
nounced plans for launching a state-
wide campaign against high beef,
veal, lamb and pork prices. All of
the markets which had not agreed
to close during the strike were pick-
eted again Friday. Jewish markets
in the Oakland Ave. and Westminster
Ave. district were closed Friday, while
women in Wyandotte organized to
co-operate with sister strikers all over
the city.
Meanwhile Duncan C. McCrea,
prosecuting attorney, announced Fri-
day that a grand jury inquiry into
meat prices in Wayne County is im-
pending. McCrea said that evidence
that meat retailers had been tamper-
ing with prices by a price-fixing sys-

Mysterious 'Mr. K'

-Associated Press Photo.
When Mayor La Guardia of New
York, refused to issue a license to
Paul W. Kress (above), German
masseur, he precipitated a contro-
versy which has taken on an inter-
national complexion. Kress said he
would appeal to the courts for the
Bachnan Drops
To Second In
Kipke In Fifteenth Place
As Slip Madigan Takes
Lead In Coaches' Poll
CHICAGO. Aug. 2.- Edward Mad-
igan of St. Mary's (Calif.) took the
lead today in the poll to pick a staff
of coaches for the college All-Star
football which meets the Bears Aug.
29 at Soldier Field.
Madigan owes his lofty position to
statewide support in California, which
never does anything halfway in sport.
In San Francisco alone, Madigan to-
day received 94,670 votes. Tiny
Thornhill, of Stanford, for whom 15,-
975 were cast yesterday, has urged
his friends in the remaining days
of the poll to concentrate on Madigan,
the only coast coach who appears to
have a change to win.
Charles Bachman, of Michigan
State, who dropped to second place
in the face of the California land-
slide for Madigan, still is riding high
through Michigan, Florida, Kansas
and several Midwest cities. Thou-
sands of votes for Bachman reached
this office today from radio station
WJR, Detroit, over which Gov. Frank
D. Fitzgerald spoke in Bachman's be-
half Wednesday night. The Florida
Times Union, of Jacksonville, turned
in 2,305 first place votes for Bach-
man, and Grand Rapids added a thou-
sand. The Press, which is handling
the poll in Grand Rapids, expects to
have at least 25,000 before the final
precincts have been heard from. Sev-
eral voting booths have been opened
in the downtown sections for Bach-
Candidates who have more than
500,000 points are:
Edward Madigan, St. Mary's (Cali-
fornia), 839,898; Charles Bachman,
Michigan State, 837,728; Frank
Thomas, Alabama, 835,838; Dr. C. W.
Spears, Wisconsin, 810,384; Elmer
Layden Notre Dame, 810,228; Bo Mc-
Millin, Indiana, 807,631.
Bernie Bierman, Minnesota, 791,-
675;; Francis Schmidt Ohio State,
656,019; Jimmy Phelan, Washington,
609,591; Robert Zuppke, Illinois, 601,-
885; Jock Sutherland, Pittsburgh,
554,841; Dick Hanley, unattached,
539,980; Lynn Waldorf, Northwestern,
537,987; C. E. Stanford, 433,791; Harry
Kipke, Michigan, 382,165.
Marimba Artist
To Appear At
Union Tonimlht
Jim Mulhall, marimba artist of the
National Broadcasting Company, will
make his second weekly appearance at
Union membership dances when he
entertains on tonight's program.
Dancing will start at 9 p.m. and end
at midnight.
Mulhall will present a series of
numbers during the intermission on
his "magic woodpile."
Bob Steinle and His Melody Men
- *, r 1. T3,-. .. ..1-, flO *Ilring

New German
Treason Law
Foreign Correspondents
Confronted By Fresh
Swiss Reporter Is
Law's First Victim
Hitler's Rise To Supreme
Leadership Celebrated
Throughout Reich
BERLIN, Aug. 2. -- (') - A new
and wider definition of treason, start
of a campaign to restrict foreign cor-
respondents, and a statement from
the propaganda ministry that it is
"self-evident" that in Berlin and the
entire Reich "there is complete order"
marked the first anniversary today of
Adolf Hitler's rise to supreme leader-
ship in Germany.
Pilgrims from all parts of the Reich
flocked today to the Tannenberg
memorial to pay, on the first anni-
versary of Paul von Hindenberg's
death, their respects to the war-time
field marshal's memory.
On their day of remembrance,
which is also the day of Hitler's as-
sumption of supreme leadership, the
Nazi leaders not only asserted that
there is peace and order, but also took
steps to preserve it against "state en-
emies," against offending Germans,
if any, and against foreign misunder-
Death For 'Treason'
The new definition of treason, out-
lined by Roland Freisler, state secre-
tary for justice, was complicated but
apparently to this effect: That any
oposition to the Nazi party, by di-
rection or indirection, by commission
of acts or omission of acts, amounts
to the crime of volksverrat, or breach
of faith with the community, and is
punishable by death. Freisler said
that the edict applies specifically to
Germans who owe allegiance, but
added that foreigners who offend in
the same respects expose themselves
to severe penalties.
A campaign by the German pro-
paganda ministry against foreign cor-
respondents who incur its displeasure
claimed as its first victim today Ernst
Klein of the Basie (Switzerland)
Nachrichten, a Protestant newspaper.
He was ordered out of Germany with-
in five days. '
Correspondent Warned
The foreign correspondents gen-
erally were in agreement that their
situation is becoming increasingly
difficult. The Klein case was the first
explosion, but many foreign corres-
pondents who have been in Germany
more than a dozen years received
warnings that their reports on the
German situation were displeasing.
Several dailies have started a fea-
ture under the caption "Daily Lie,"
where in some foreign report is
branded as erroneous. A large French
agency editor (Havas), for instance,
was pilloried therein for reporting
under a Vienna dateline that a Vienna
paper claimed Oberammergau would
abandon the Passion Play and bring
instead a performance depicting a
Germanic girl seduced by a Jew.
Tax Boost On
Incomes Over
$50,000 Near

WASHINGTON, Aug. 2. - (P)-
Swiftly rejecting a series of amend-
ments, some of them radical, the
House all but agreed today upon that
section of the $276,000,000 tax bill
that would boost rates on individual
incomes over $50,000 a year.
A final decision on that point in
the wealth tax measure was post-
poned until tomorrow. But after the
closing of debate on the bill the
rapidity with which amendments
were voted down today indicated lit-
tle possibility of an upset which
would change the measure as record-
ed by the Ways and Means Commit-
In brief, the bill would raise from
30 to 31 per cent the tax on that por-
tion of an individual's income between
$60,000 and $56,000. It then would
set up rates all along the line until

Senate Seeks
More Utility
Roosevelt Says He Is Not
Surprised At Charges Of
His Insanity
President Doubtful
About Death Clause
Letter Tells How Official Of
Electric Bond & Share
Endorsed Campaign
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2. - (P) - A
letter from a utilities official calling
E. P. Cramer's program for destroying
the New Deal "very pertinent" start-
ed the Senate lobby committee today
on a drive to fix responsibility for the
recent whispering campaign against
President Roosevelt.
As a part of his program, Cramer,
a New Jersey advertising man, sug-
gested the utilities launch a "whisper-
ing campaign designated to create
popular suspicion that the New Deal-
ers and especially the New-Dealer-
in-chief are either incompetent or
Asked at his press conference if
he would comment, President Roose-
velt first replied in the negative. Then
he smiled and said that probably the
least surprised man in the United
States at that testimony was him-
self. He did not expand on what he]
meant by that remark.
The President added he hoped the,
utilities bill would be enacted at thisI
session, but declined, to say whether
he would insist on the clause for com-
pulsory abolition of holding com-
panies, declaring that was too much
of an "if" question.
From the files of the Electric Bond
& Share Co., the committee obtained
a reply to Cramer's letter, signed by,
G. G. Walker, assistant to chairman
C. E. Groesbeck. It apologized to,
Cramer for the delay in answering
him, termed his suggestion "very per-;
tinent," and promised they would
be taken up "in more detail" in a few
Groesbeck, in a statenmnt yester-
day, said he had never heard of Cra-
mer. He denounced the idea of a
whispering campaign as "too ridicu-
lous" and said neither he nor any
of his associates would "tolerate"
such a proposal.
100 Battle Police
In N.Y. Relief Riot
NEW YORK, Aug. 2. - () - More
than 100 relief demonstrators en-
gaged in a savage but brief melee with
police today following a verbal tilt
between their leaders and Mayor
Fiarello LaGuardia in front of City
One woman, later identified as
Mrs. Sarah Santer, 50 years old, was
knocked down and trampled on dur-
ing the free-for-all, but not seriously
The disorder began with demands
for a 40 per cent increase in home
relief as the Mayor arrived for the
day's work.
Samuel Insull Denies
Pensions Restoration
CHICAGO, Aug. 2. -(/P) - Reports
that Samuel Insull, Sr., had demand-
ed restoration of pensions totaling
$21,000 a year, brought a formal de-

nial today from the deposed head
of the two-billion-dollar Insull utili-
ties system.
"Any talk about my making a fight
for the pensions is pure bunk," In-
sull said in a brief statement at his


Mrs. Bauer, In Seclusion,
Is Not Told Of Zenge's
Arrest In Chicago
Goes To Cleveland
For Funeral Rites
Widow Is Reported Near
Collapse; Has Not Yet
Met Husband's Mother
CLEVELAND, Aug. 2. - WP) - The
young bride-widow of Dr. Walter J.
Bauer was in seclusion today, un-
aware that her former sweetheart,
Mandeville Zenge, 26, had been ar-
rested in Chicago.
Friends and relatives shielded Mrs.
Bauer, a nurse, from all questioners.
Mrs. Bauer arrived here with her
husband's body last night. William
and Joseph Bauer, brothers of the
slain man, accompanied her from
She is on the verge of a nervous
collapse, the brothers said. William
Bauer said he had spirited the young
woman away and that she did not
go to the home of, her husband's
mother, Mrs. Katherine Bauer.
Joseph Bauer said the women will
meet for the first time tomorrow, at
funeral services for the slain man.
Burial will be in Cleveland cemetery.
"We are trying to keep from my
brother's widow the information that
Zenge has been arrested," William
Bauer said. "She is near collapse.
She is a wonderful girl and she has
our complete sympathy."
He said news of Zenge's capture
was also kept from Bauer's mother.
The doctor, formerly a chemistry
teacher in a Cleveland high school,
was educated here.
Italy Accepts
New Methods
Of Arbitration
GENEVA, Aug. 2. - (IP) - A three-
point agreement among Italy, France
and Britain as to methods for set-
tling the Italo-Ethiopian dispute
without war was announced tonight
by Capt. Anthony Eden of Great
The three points are:
1- Arbitration will be resumed by
setting in motion peace machinery
provided in the 1928 Italo-Ethiopian
treaty of friendship. A fifth, neutral
member will be added to the existing
Italo-Ethiopian Conciliation Commis-
2- England, France and Italy will
hold a conference somewhere in
France as soon as possible to discuss
possibilities of a broad political set-
tlement of the Italo-Ethiopian dis-
3 - A meeting of the League of
Nations Council to consider the whole
subject will be held Sept. 4.
At the Council meeting next month,
Eden explained, Italy will refrain from
voting and from taking part in the
Earlier it had been disclosed that
the three nations were in virtual
agreement on ways to avert war in
Africa, although details of the plan
were not disclosed.

Quizzed In Murder

Local Officer Accompanies
Flint Man To Chicago
For Identification
4 Witnesses Link
ZengeWith Crime
Hotel Guest May Recognize
Jilted Suitor As 'Man In
Dark Glasses'
Identified by four witnesses as the
man who fled the scene of the pen-
knife murder of Dr. Walter J. Bauer,
University student, Mandeville Zenge,
26-year-old carpenter, was in cus-
tody last night, while a man left
here on his way to Chicago to view
the suspect in an attempt to identify
him as "the man in dark glasses."
Oren J. Guiett, of Flint, who was a
guest at the Jennings House here at
the time of Dr. Bauer's abduction
Tuesday, left Ann Arbor early last
night accompanied by Detective Eu-
gene Gehringer of the local police
Guiett stated that he is confident
that he will be able to identify Zenge
if he is "the man in dark glasses"
who registered at the Jennings House
under the name of Jones and who
vanished from the hotel at about the
same time as the kidnaping.
Given Adjoining Rooms
Records at the hotel show that
Guiett, Jones and Dr. Bauer were as-
signed to adjoining rooms on Monday
and Tuesday, the day of the abduc-
tion. Guiett, who said that "Jones"
aroused his suspicionsvbecause he
apparently never removed the dark
glasses, added that although he had
several times spoken to Jones, the
man never replied.
Asked last night if he will demand
that the case be returned to Wash-
tenaw county for prosecution, Prose-
cuting Attorney Albert J Rapp stated
if any suspect is convicted of the
crime in Illinois, he will receive cap-
ital punishment. In this state, Mr.
Rapp said, the maximum penalty
would only be life imprisonment.
Guiett is the only witness who
will go to Chicago from Ann Arbo.
He andtGehringer will arrive there
late this morning, after stopping over
tonight at Sturgis.
Four Identify Zenge
Meanwhile, in Chicago, Capt. Dan-
iel Gilbert announced that both
Charles Mantel, nightwatchman at
a parking area near the scene of the
brutal mutilation, and newsboy Her-
man Eichner, who was knocked down
by the man fleeing from the car, had
positively identified Zenge at a police
It was also reported that Harry
and Harold Anderson, attendants at
the filling station where the death
car stopped in the driveway early
Wednesday morning, had said the
Kirksville, Mo. carpenter resembled
the man who ran from the car and
vanished into the night.
Zenge was seized early Friday at
a taxi-cab garage in the vicinity of
Cicero and Madison Sts., where Chi-
cago ' detectives spotted him after
several hours of waiting.
Anranonymous telephone call from
a Madison Street flophouse informing
police officials that Zenge was staying
there was received at midnight Thurs-
day, Capt. Gilbert said.
Had Checked Out
Hurrying to that address, detec-
tives learned that Zenge had already
checked out. However, a roomer had
heard. the suspect make a telephone
call and had written down the num-
ber. The police traced the call to the
scene where the carpenter was later
taken into custody.
Zenge refused to admit his identity
until confronted with a picture of
pretty Louise Schaffer Bauer, bride-
widow of the mutilated graduate
medical student.

His father, a Missouri farmer, J.
Andy Zenge, also refused to.identify
his son when brought face-to-face
with him. After continued question-
ing, he broke down, however.
At the time he was captured, Zenge
was dressed in clothes which he had
picked up at a second-hand store. In
his pockets, officials found $4, and
5kgfl ,mnrp 1x7Oc r~nnpolodin hi-, chr oz.

Pen-Knife Murder Suspect
Held For Identification;
Bride-Widow Is Shielded

-Associated Press Photo.
Mandeville Zenge (above) was
seized by Chicago police yesterday
and questioned in the murder of
Walter J. Bauer, University student,
and husband of Mrs. Louise Bauer
(below), for whose love Zenge was
Bauer's unsuccessful rival. The
story Zenge, who faked a suicide,
told police was described as "in-
Major League Standings

Campus Queen Will Lead Grand
March At League Dance Tonight

Detroit.............59 37
New York..........53 37
Chicago ............51 39
Boston.............49 45
Cleveland...........46 45
Philadelphia........39 47
Washington.........40 56
St. Louis...........31 62
Yesterday's Results
St. Louis 10, Chicago 8.
New York 9, Washington 4.
Cleveland-Detroit, rain.
Only games scheduled.
Today's Games
Cleveland at Detroit (2).
New York at Washington.
Philadelphia at Boston.
St. Louis at Chicago.
New York ...........61 33
Chicago .............62 38
St. Louis ............56 39
Pittsburgh ...........55 44
Brooklyn ...........43 52
Cincinnati...........43 54


Michigan's first Summer Session
campus queen will reign over the
formal prom to be held from 9 p.m.
to midnight today in the ballroom
of the Michigan League, after patrons
at the dance have cast their ballots
for one of the four nominees an-
nounced yesterday.
Janet Miller, Mary Stirling, Jean
I Coler, and Jane Fletcher make up
the list of representatives in the voting
for the queen. The four were selected

loons decorating the ballroom, it was
announced by Jean Seeley, chairman
of social activities, yesterday. A
large bouquet of flowers will be pre-
sented to the queen shortly before
pictures of the queen and her court
are taken.
Chaperones for the affair include:
Dean Alice Lloyd, Walter B. Rea, as-
sistant to the dean of students, and
Mrs. Rea, and Prof. and Mrs. Ben-
nett Weaver.



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