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August 02, 1935 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1935-08-02

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Offcial Publication of the Summer Session

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ing of its members more efficiently and reward
them according to the value of their work re-
gardless of the social status of their patients and
the standard of medicine will not be lowered by
socialization; they will be raised. Let the doctors
carry on their tradition of professional excellence,
forgetting the distorted values which their wealth-
ier confreres have acquired; if they justify their
pride in the profession by maintaining its high
standards, there will be no room for politicians,
whom society calls upon only when an institution
is not operating satisfactorily. Above all, let them
serve the entire community under a system which
will provide security for both doctor and patient.
Only when medicine is democratic can public
health become a reality.




Rare Operation Cures Heart;
Joe Faces Celebrity Problem'


Publlhed every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
a0oCiated 6o0 tgiatt ros
51934 1935E-

May Pilot Indians


The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
send class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc. 11
West 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. - 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.
Telephone 4925
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H.
'leene, William Reed, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
ASSISTANT EDITORS: Robert Cummins, Joseph Mattes,
Alsie Pierce, Charlotte Rueger.
Telephone 2-1214
Circulation Manager ....................Clinton B. Conger
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Charles E. Brush, Frederick E.
State Medicine
Is A WayOut...

O PPOSITION to state medicine ap-
pears to be founded upon the med-
ical profession's fear of political domination and
upon the apprehension of certain well-to-do doc-
tors that their pecuniary advantages and prestige
would surer from socialization of the profession.
The conservative may not be fully aware of the so-
cial maladjustments arising out of this individual-
istic and pecuniary motivation in the profession..
Could they realize the irony of a situation in which
numerous doctors cannot find practices that will
support them decently because a large proportion
6f the population is too poor to buy their much-
needed services, it might be that medical leaders
would agree to embark upon a policy which would
relegate economic considerations to the realm of
the more or less automatic by means of health
insurance and would find a means of eliminating
undesirable political interference by continuing
to regulate their profession in accordance- with the
high ethical standards for which it is renowned.
Michigan doctors are considering this progressive
step today in many localities.
Over half of the population in the United States
was without adequate medical care in 1929, ac-
cording to statistics published in Survey Graphic
last December. This was the case, not because
all of these families were destitute, but because
illness, being unpredictable to a great extent, can-
not always be provided for in advance.
After several years of relative health, a family
may be burdened with a case of illness the treat-
ment of which involves such a large financial out-
lay that even the savings which they have made
for the emergency will not cover it. Charity agen-
cies do not take care of this situation, just as
they could not provide for the widows and orphans
who would be left destitute if they were deprived of
the life insurance which they draw from a fund
to which their lost ones and millions like them
have contributed regularly. Life insurance takes
care of these, but the sick must often go neglect-
ed, while the doctors whose services they need lead
a precarious and uncertain life trying to support
themselves by small practices among those who
pay them and devoting much of their skill to the
care of those who will never be able to do so.
A system such as is operated by the University
Health Service, whereby all families would pay
regularly for medical care, creating a common
fund which would support physicians comfortably
and provide for efficient care and prevention of
sickness would socialize health risks and would
give to all doctors the security necessary to en-
able them to do their best work. To pool the
medical and financial resources of the community
after the fashion of the Mayo Foundation but on
a state-wide scale which would benefit all members
of society is the objective to be sought.
The medical profession has been becoming more
socialized for generations. Higher standards, codes
of ethics, educational requirements, and coopera-
tion in research have advanced tremendously be-
cause of the interest of most practitioners in the
science of medicine and the service of mankind.
There are vast numbers of doctors who perform
many services without reward and who discrim-
inate in favor of their most well-to-do patients
very unwillingly but because they must support
their own families.
Among them, the individualistic motive is not
primary; remuneration is a secondary objective,
essential to enable them to live fully and decently
but subordinate to medical work for its own sake.
It is among the wealthier few, those who have
acquired highly profitable practices and the tastes
of their patients, that the pecuniary evaluation
predominates. They dwell in those.classes of so-
ciety to whom prestige means wealth and display
over and above the requirements of comfortable
living and for whom professional excellence is
measured to a cnnsiderahl etent hv th inenm

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
Trhe names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributorsaregasked
to be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
Showerbaths For Library Students
Dear Editor:
I am enrolled in your well recognized and highly
rated school for the first time. Before coming here
I attended schools in Oklahoma, Iowa, New York,
and Europe and spent much of my time in the li-
brary, reading. When attending summer school,
you have to do much reading during a short period
of time; but how can you do much reading in the
reserved reading rooms here at Michigan, when the
rooms have to be closed several hours during the
day? I suggest that the reading rooms be kept
open all day, otherwise move your reserved books
into your main reading room in the library, so
that a student with good intentions will not be
wasting his time walking back and forth to locked
and unlocked rooms.
When teaching, I am informed not to assign any
references to the library unless I have checked the
copies and know they can be found there. To do
otherwise is wasting a student's time. Of course
once in a while one of the copies will disappear
when a student becomes so thoroughly absorbed
in a book that it becomes part of him when he
leaves school.
But then, the book "ain't where it used to be,"
and should be replaced. To assign a class of thirty
students for an overnight assignment to one ref-
erence in the library is legitimate, but not cute.
I haven't read Emily Post lately, but I believe it is
improper to talk aloud in the library room unless
you are a very, very important person on the cam-
pus. I can be sociable without talking loud enough
to keep everybody else from studying.
Let us have the libraries organized a little better,
the student will waste plenty of time without
your doing 'it for him. Or are you thinking of the
students' health, and feel he needs a little exer-
cise running back and forth so that he won't turn
into a bookworm? In that case - my error - but
please arrange for showerbaths also.
-A Graduate Student.
Shocked And Disappointed
To the Editor:
It has been a source of no little shock and dis-
appointment to me to note that not a single voice
has been raised in your column in defense of the
fine manly letter penned by "Indignant." Can it
be that Michigan men are typified by "Amused"
and his ilk? All apparently mere soft-pated beer-
guzzling morons.
Regarding the evil effects of this horrid habit,
T quote from a well-known syndicated physician's
column: "For many years medical observers have
noted a gradual approach of the sexes to one
another, that is, men are becoming effeminate, and
women virile. Historically such a change has al-
ways marked race decadence. They are not in-
verts, but just unmanly men, unwomanly women,
weak characters, nonentities, who frequent these
unwholesome drinking places."
What could be a stronger argument against these
cesspools of iniquity, the so-called beer joints,
where even little children in high chairs are per-
mitted to cry for beer? What of the future of our
"Indignant" strikes at the core of the matter.
When such deleterious ads are permitted to de-
face the very covers of our Students' Directory,
how can the flower of youth long remain un-
tainted? -Miss V. Candid.

NEW YORK -- John Van Druten, the handsome
young British playwright, is back in America
for the Summer. After a week in town, he left
for Evanston, Illinois, where he will lecture on the
drama at Northwestern university for two weeks.
Then he will come back to his suite atop the Go-
tham hotel on Fifth Avenue.
No English playwright creates quite so much stir
in New York as Van Druten. He is sincerely wel-
come here. Perhaps if the town didn't look on him
as a guest and insist on whirling him from one
party to another, he might even make his home
in this country. As it is now, he goes back to
England to work and does his playing over here.
FURIOUSLY, he is one of the few people I have
known who prefer New York in the summer.
At this time of year, half the city flies to New
England or the islands or anywhere to be away
from its heat. Van Druten likes it at this time.
He feels there is a "sense of leisure about the
place," a lull, which he never feels from September
to June. Now everyone says, "What are you going
to do?" During the rest of the year the activity
of the city is too trying.
One of the most prolific of the English play-
wrights, Van Druten has another play ready for
our boards. It was written originally for Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Marshall, and is titled, "Most of
the Game." But marital difficulties prevented the
Marshalls from going on with it, so Van Druten
is now casting about for an actor and actress
to play the leads. The play, a comedy, is about an
English family living in New York.
He has a novel on the fire now, too. Over 65,000
words of it are written, and if he can manage to
get three quiet weeks somewhere between now and
autumn, he hopes to finish it.
* * * *
A LONG PARK AVENUE in the early 1900's sev-
eral swanky apartment houses stretched awn-
ings from their doors to the sidewalks in inclement
weather. Since then, almost every apartment
house and every restaurant and hotel in Manhat-
tan has done likewise. Now a glance down the
avenue reveals every color in the rainbow.
But the city is trying to put a stop to this. The
awnings are being used for advertising purposes
and are kept out at all times, so Samuel Fassler,
commissioner of buildings, has decreed that several
trucks go around every day and whenever an awn-
ing is out and no rain falling, the trucks stop and
down comes the awning.
Fire escapes too, are causing more trouble in
town right now than fires. Two years ago, the
department of buildings declared the vertical fire
escapes useless, and notified owners to install a
safer type. The time for alterations is up and few
have been changed. The city is faced with the
problem of enforcing the measure.
For the last two days we've been covering the
Bauer murder . . . and strange to say . . . we
saw a lot of humor in it . . . we think the prize
sight was watching portly "Pat" Conger of the De-
troit Free Press ... cover the case on his BICYCLE
. to see the little fellow puff up and down the
high hill between the Jennings' House and the po-
lice station was a sight for sore eyes . .. but hat's
off! . . . the kid did a good job (even though he
thought he'd scoop everybody by sneaking to the
Jennings House with Prosecutor Al Rapp) - . -
we were the first to enter the "Jones" room, sup-
posely occupied by the killer . . . we couldn't help
but laugh when Detective Smith of the local de-
partment ... kept reminding Chief of Police Lewis
Fohey, that he mustn't touch everything and muss
up finger-prints.
* * * *
While going through the "Jones" room we noted
one little thing of interest ... there was a copy of
"Startling Detective Magazine" . . . lying on the
bed . . . opened to page seventy-three . . . we
read the story . . . the actions of the character of
the story are practically identical with the crime


CLEVELAND, Aug. 1. -- UP) -- Joe
"rchmar wants his public to know
hat he has felt "very good" since the
bleak day five months ago when he
underwent the first sucessful direct
>peration on the heart for angina
"I cannot answer all these letters,"
cKrchmar explains, in talking of the
nail he has received from persons
,hroughout the country, chiefly an-
Iina pectoris sufferers. "You see, I
cannot buy paper and I cannot buy
;tamps with pennies when my leetle
'irl, she needs shoes."
His 'Celebrity Problem'
This pioneering operation saved
Krchmar from what appeared to be
certain death, and won him a modi-
cum of fame.
He explained his "celebrity prob-
lem" as he relaxed from his duties at
Lakeside hospital were Dr. Claude S.
3eck performed the operation and
where Krchmar receives $5 a week as
a member of the grounds crew and is
under surveilance. Krchmar is a prize
patient, though he is so poor his wife
and three children are on the relief
rolls in Chardon, 35 miles from the
From many states the letters have
come, asking most frequently, "How
do you feel?" and "Please tell me
about the operation this Dr. Beck per-
formed on you."
"I wouldn't so much like to answer
these letters,"'Krchmar said wistfully.
Stock Market
Is Unsteady In
Closing Hour
Turn-About Attributed To
Profit-Taking Barrage;
Grains Drop
NEW YORK, Aug. 1. - (/P) - After
holding a steady to firm tone during
the greater part of today's session, the
stock market was unsettled in the
final hour by a profit-taking barrage.
Although scattered specialties were
hesitant, most groups gave ground.
The volume picked up on the late
selloff and transfers approximated 1,-
850,000 shares. The close was some-
what heavy.
Again the turn-about was attribut-
ed largely to technical factors.
Stocks started at a fast pace, blocks
of several thousand shares changing
hands at slightly higher prices. Sub-
sequent trading was quieter until the
last lap when the activity expanded.
Grains proved a negative influence,
wheat dropping more than a cent a
bushel. On the other hand, hogs at
East St. Louis pushed up to $11 a
hundredweight, a new 5-year top.
Cotton was backward. Secondary car-
rier bonds improved. Gold currencies
eased in foreign exchange dealings
and the guilder was noticeably re-
Shares of American Telephone, In-
ternational Telephone, Nash, Hudson
Motors, American Can, Otis Elevator,
R-K-O, Paramount, Allied Chemical,
Sears Roebuck and Timken-Detroit
were a little better than even to a
point or so improved.
Losers of fractions to 1 or more in-
cluded U. S. Steel, Bethlehem, Chrys-
ler, General Motors, Johns-Manville,
Westinghouse, Case, Eastman Kodak,
Western Union, Consolidated Gas,
Public Service of New Jersey, Santa
Fe, N. Y. Central, Delaware & Hudson,
Great Northern preferred and Nor-
thern Pacific. Peoples Gas lost some
3 points.
Governor Shortens
Sentence Of Slayer
LANSING, Aug. 1.-(/P) -Gov.

Fitzgerald commuted today the sen-
tence of Michigan's modern Jean
He reduced the life sentence of
Ralph Thompson to 6 1-2 to 25 years,
making him eligible for immediate
parole from the State Prison of
Southern Michigan.
Thompson killed his landlord, Hen-
ry Pecotte, in Ontonagon county Feb.
6, 1915. He surrendered several
months later and was sentenced on
March 13, 1916, to serve life in the
Michigan branch prison of Marquette.
He escaped from the prison Aug. 9,
1920, and walked 90 miles through the
woods to liberty.
Officials Investigate
Shots AtNavy Ship
LAKEHURST, N.J., Aug. 1. - (/P) -
Navy officials are investigating mys-
terious volleys of rifle fire aimed at
the navy blimp ZMC-2.
Lieutenant Commander Charles E.
Rosendahl, chief of the Lakehurst
naval air base, disclosed yesterday
that unseen snipers fired on the ship
Tuesday as it cruised low over the
ocean at Point Pleasant in search of
a drowning victim's body.

"These people, they say they too have
this trouble."
And he paused and gazed into space
and thumped his heart meditatively.
He recalled the hours of agony
through a 10-year period; hours in
which he tossed and writhed and
clutched his fists until the nails bit
into the flesh. Hours in which he
stared at the ceiling of his humble
home and wondered how he could
throw off those maddening pains,
that "crazinees of the head," and do
something for the three ragged tots
who stood and watched him with
silent awe and terror.
Then his eyes lighted and he
squared his shoulders.
'I Would Have Been Dead'
"Just think," he beamed, "I would
have been dead these five months.
Now Dr. Beck, he says I am cured."
Krchmar admits he gets tired when
he exerts himself for a protracted
period, and as for the operation, he
is somewhat vague about it.
He knows only what the world
knows already - that Dr. Beck' se-
vered the pectoral muscle of the chest
and attached it to the heart wall to
give a new supply of blood to the or-
gan to replace that shut off by hard-
ening of a coronary artery. He knows
that Dr. Beck performed the opera-
tion on animals, and that he lectured
on Krchmar's case before large audi-
ences of surgeons.
Krchmar came from Czechoslo-
vakia 28 years ago, an orphan seeking
only a decent wage as a laborer in
New York and Detroit factories and
in the Ohio coal fields. This he earned
until his heart demanded he turn to
light farming.
Now Krchmar is 48. He weighs 158
pounds, is five feet five inches tall.
He roams about the hospital and
nearly all the nurses and doctors and
internes say, "Hello Joe." He warms
to their friendliness and says he
would try to show his appreciation to
his correspondents if they would send
stamps and paper.

-Associated Press Photo.
Speculation was rife in Minne-
apolis that Donie Bush (above),
fiery manager of the Millers, would
be named to succeed Walter John-
son as pilot of the Cleveland In-
dians. Both discussed the situation
with Billy Evans, general manager
of the major league club, during
the Miller-All-star game at Min-
BERLIN, Aug. 1. -(P) -Adolf
Damaschke, 69, noted advocate of a
single tax system and land ownership
reform and German nominee in 1931
for the Nobel peace prize, is dead.
- Today - Saturday
- Sunday - Monday - Tuesday -
"Cardial Richelieu"
-plus -__
Matinees 25c Nights 35c
Children 14c
Chas. Butterworth
in the Howling Hit
Jesse Matthews




FOR SALE: 1931 Ford de luxe road-
ster. Priced for quick sale. Inquire
R. Read, 610 Forest, Phone 2-1214
or 6539.
FOR SALE: Antique jewelry, brace-
lets, brooches, earrings, etc. Rea-
sonable. Phone 8050. 2020 Dev-
onshire Road. 5x
WOULD COOK and plan for a small
fraternity. Next semester.. Can
supply references, white. Dial 7723.
LARGE Elberta and Hale peaches
will ripen about Aug. 7, special price
to trucks. A. E. Epler, Keensburg,
Ill., Wabash Co.
LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. dx
PERSONAL laundry service. We take
individual interest in the laundry
problems of our customers. Girls'
silks, wools, and fine fabrics guar-
anteed. Men's shirts our specialty.
Call for and deliver Phone 5594,
611 E. Hoover. 3X
STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea-
sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006.
LOST: Gray and black enameled
Evans cigarette lighter in Women's
League Bldg. on Thursday, July 25.
Reward, J. F. Bailey, 822 Oakland,
Phone 2-3872.


that crackles with thrills
-..throbs with romance!
too M-GM Successor to
o i "Big House"

* * *


Four stars - shouldn't miss; three stars -
very good; two stars - an average picture; one
star - poor; no star - don't go.
A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer picture with Chester
Morris, Jean Arthur, Lionel Barrymoore, _ Joseph
Calleia, Paul Kelly, and Lewis Stone. Also a Betty
Boop cartoon, an oddity, and a Paramount news-
Best of all the G-men shows, this has more than
blazing guns and careening cars -it has Lionel
Barrymore in one of the most fascinating perform-
ances of the year and Jean Arthur, who proves
that a young lady can be a knockout without be-
ing "glamorous."
As the perpetually drunken doctor. who has
patched up 17 bleeding members of the Purple
Gang between drinks, only to see all but three of
them killed, and who dies himself as G-men bullets
splatter a bottle from his hand and push them-
selves into his stomach, Barrymore is really superb.
It's been a long time since he's been this good.
Appropriating the best of the newspaper head-
lines, "Public Hero No. 1" is exciting enough, but
it's the ynrt halne hetween aun hattle and

Last night while covering the University ouster-
story ... we saw Joe Feldman ... one of the stu-
dents who has been asked to leave because of rad-
ical activities . . . down at the Allenel Hotel ...
drinking the amber brew with five HEARST re-
porters ... that struck us as being a bit off chord
. . but then we're only allowed to wonder . - .
speaking of reporters ... it was a joy to watch some
of the odd dozen newshawks in town .. .work ...
they're exper ts ... but our definition of an "expert"
is that he is a talkative man away from home.
* * * *
It seems that the other day . . . we took the lib-
erty .. . through this column of saying that half
the democratic party are crooks .. . several people
didn't like it ... so we take it back . . . correction:
half the democratic party are not crooks.
* * * *
We think that Donal Haines . . . teacher in the
journalism department ... took the prize for the
day . . . when he described pedestrians as being
in two classes . . . "the quick and the dead" .. .
. also ... we give a lot of credit to Haines for
his story on his famous canoe . . . that he in-
sists rides so high and easy in the water that he can
take it paddling on mornings when there's a heavy


Performance Tonight




Sir JamesM. Barrie's
Mystery Satire
"Shall W
Join The

Moliere's Satire
on the
Medical Profession
The Doctor
In Spite of
Himself "




'-4 .



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