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August 02, 1935 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1935-08-02

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Te Weather
Partly cloudy: cooler in south
portio~n today; tomorrow thun-

Official Publication Of The Summer Session

State Mfecine
Is AWay Out..

i ..,..




Peace Talk
Is Out For

Effective Eupedic Program To
Be Task Of Future Education

Duce Refuses To
Not To Declare

War On

Laval And Litvinoff
Try For Conciliation
Roosevelt Employs Just
59 Words In Plea For
halo-Ethiopian Peace
GENEVA, Aug. 1. - P) - Benito
Mussolini refused today to promise
not to go to war against Ethiopia but
British and French negotiators, de-
termined to explore every possibility
of peace, pushed ahead with "behind
the scenes" negotiations.
Premier Pierre Laval and Maxim
Litvinoff, Soviet commissar for for-
eign affairs, meeting last night, draft-
ed rough plans for peace. They en-
visaged: revival of the Italo-Ethiopian
conciliation commission; m u t u a 1
pledges of non-resort to war during
arbitration and conversations among
France, England and Italy, signatories
of the 1906 treaty guaranteeing Ethi-
opia's integrity.
Italy immediately objected. I Duce
said he did not want the clause in-
volving pledges against war. He did
not like linking of peace efforts to
the League Council, nor did he fancy
having Italians sit down at the coun-
cil table with Ethiopians as equals,
the latter on the grounds that Ethi-
opia did not sign the 1906 treaty.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1. - () -
Tersely but emphatically, President
Roosevelt today voiced America's
hopes for maintenance of peace be-
tween Italy and Ethiopia.
He employed just 59 words in a
public appeal timed.to coincide with
friendly efforts of the League of Na-
tOtons to settle the war-clouded dis-
pute. Without departing from a neu-
tral position in the controversy, Mr.
Roosevelt said:
"At this moment, when the Council
of the League of Nations is assembled
to consider ways for composing by
pacific means the differences that
have arisen between Italy and Ethi-
opia, I wish to voice the hope of the
people and the government of the
United States that an amicable solu-
tion will be found and that peace
will be maintained."
While merely a statement of this
government's ideals and not com-
municated officially to any other gov-
ernment, the President's move was
regarded as adding prestige to the
League's peace efforts at Geneva.
ADDIS ABABA, Aug. 1. - (') -
Ethiopian fighting men, convinced
war with Italy was almost at hand,
besieged hastily created recruiting
stations today after Emperor Haile
Selassie and his tribal chieftains end-
ed their secret two-day conference.
A royal ovation from the capital's
excited masses greeted the "king of
kings and lesser rulers under him as
they emerged from'their parley, which
began yesterday and continued all
Decisions were not disclosed.
Mass recruiting, however, began
at noon shortly after new troops from
distant mountain and desert strong-
holds had passed in review before the
Emperor. The military parade fired
patriotic fervor to new heights.
Women continued to demand that
they be allowed to bear arms for their
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1.-(P)-
Few persons pronounce Addis Ababa,
capital of Ethiopia, correctly, says
the United States geographic board.
The board, which officially deter-
mines spelling and pronunciation of
geographical names, says it's "Ahddis
Ahwawa," with the accent on the first
syllable of each word.
Women's Golf Play
Enters Semi-Finals

The women's city golf champion-
ship goes into the semi-final round
this morning at the Ann Arbor Golf
Club with Dr. Margaret Bell, Health
Service physician, opposing Mrs. L.
C. Andrews, and Mrs. Forrest Stauff-

To free "eupedic" goals from con-
fusion, sentimentality, and cant, and
to unify them in an effective pro-
gram based upon scientific knowledge
and research, is the educational task
of tomorrow, William C. Trow, pro-
fessor of educational psychology, said
yesterday at the regular afternoon
conference of the School of Educa-
Selecting the eupedics instead of
character education to avoid the un-
desirable connotations that have at-
tached themselves to the latter, Pro-
fessor Trow pointed out that the
bases for an evaluation of education-
al processes from the eupedic view-
point would lie in the sciences which
are primarily concerned with the in-
dividual and social behavior of man.
Question Of Techniques
"If one were to survey a school or
a school system from the eupedic
angle," Professor Trow said, "his first
question would be, not: What tech-
niques are being tried out?, but, What
is the educational philosophy under-
lying the op'eration of the school, and
Bengals Defeat
St. Louis 6-3;
Gain On Yanks
Crowder Pitches Well For
Eight Innings As Tiger
Bats Rain Base Hits
DETROIT, Aug. 1.--(Special) -
The Detroit Tigers pulled farther
away from both New York and Chi-
cago today, when Alvin Crowder and
Chief Hogsett pitched them to their
second victory in the three-game
series with the St. Louis Browns, 6-3.
Detroit plays Cleveland tomorrow.
Crowder shut out St. Louis until
the ninth inning. He had allowed
only four hits when Hornsby's men
staged an uprising that brought in
Hogsett and gave them their only
runs of the game.'
Two runs were scored by the Ben-
gals in each of the first, second, and
seventh innings, and the St. Louis
rally was the only threat to the lead
during the game.
Detroit opened its offense on three
St. Louis pitchers immediately. Fox
walked to open the first, and by the
time that White, Gehringer, and Gos-
lin had singled Van Atta had been
driven to the showers and Detroit had
two runs.
Crowder personally accounted for
the two Bengal runs scored in the
second. After Hayworth had walked,
and Owen had reached first on an
error, the General tripled to deep cen-
ter field, scoring both runners.
There was no more scoring until
the seventh when Detroit scored twice
Besides Van Atta, Walkup and
Thomas pitched for the Browns, but
Van Atta was charged with the de-
feat. Crowder was the winning
Fourteen Detroit hits fattened sev-
eral batting averages, with Crowder's
triple being the most potent blow
of the game. Greenberg singled three
times, and Rogell, White, and Geh-
ringer twice. ,
The Cleveland Indians defeated
Chicago, 8-3, while New York and
Philadelphia were not scheduled. De-
troit is now three and one-half games
ahead of the Yankees and four and
one-half games ahead of the White
Elden Auker, Cleveland's nemesis,
will face the Indians tomorrow. The
Tigers have won eleven out of the
last twelve games with Cleveland.

to what extent are its varied activi-
ties in harmony with that philoso-
An investigation to determine the
soundness and healthfulness of the
children's surroundings would then
follow, the speaker declared, together
with a survey of the more elusive
eupedic factors, such as the emotion-
al life, intellectual and cultural level,
and disciplinary policies of the teach-
Consideration Of Agencies
The difficulty of the school work,
the pupil's attitude towards and lik-
ing for the teachers, teacher-parent
relationships, and variety of the cur-
riculum are other eupedic factors
which would have to be taken into
consideration, Professor Trow stated.
A consideration of the agencies us-
ually associated with a character ed-
ucation program-administrative de-
vices, home rooms, clubs, special
classes, playgrounds -should follow,
he said. How they may effect con-
duct and the best methods to be em-
ployed in their use should be studied,
the speaker declared.
"Like many another dominating
educational ideal, character educa.
tion is in danger of Necoming a fad-.
a magic hocus-pocus for the novices
and conscientious souls in the profes-
sion, and a subject of cackling mirth
for those outside who come upon it
unawares," Professor Trow declared
at the beginning of his talk.
A sound eupedic program to com-
bat this tendency to faddism, he
stated, should not only help an in-
dividual to meet present difficulties
which baffle him, but should likewise
assist in the continuing process of
integration and adjustment so that
his potentialities are realized so far
as may be, and a satisfying Weltan-
schauung emerges.
Major League Standings

Knott Speaks
To Meeting
Of Teachers
Editor Discusses Methods
Of Constructing Modern
Requires Work Of
Pronunciation Determined
By Decision Of Jury Of
Expert Authorities
Discussions at the afternoon meet-
ing of the Michigan Council of
English Teachers, held yesterday:
were lead by Prof. Clarence Thorpe,
of the English department. A former
editor of Webster's New International
Dictionary, Dr. Thomas A. Knott,
spoke on "Building a Dictionary."
Professor Knott presented a kaleid-
oscopic view of the problems of build-
ing a modern dictionary.
Such a task requires the work of
many hundreds of specialists who are
engaged for years at a time in read-
ing new books to find new words, trac-
ing the etymology of new and old
words, making new and more accurate
definitions, and choosing the most
authoritative and carefully condensed
explanations, according to the speak-
Professor Knott said that pronun-
ciations are determined, not without
difficulty, by the decision of a large
and competent jury of experts. Be-
cause of the fact that extremely care-
ful distinctions must be made, it often
becomes necessary to use specially
constructed type. For type alone,
$300,000 were expended on the last
new International Dictionary.
Professor Knott, as well as being
editor-in-chief of the new Interna-
tional Dictionary, is editor of the
"Middle English Dictionary." He has
had experience' in every phase of
American education from elementary
school to university. He was also
an. experienced administrator and
executive in the military intelligence
division of the United States Army.
At 7:30 p.m. yesterday a discussion
of the problem of faulty articula-
tion between various units and the
possibilities of a more integrated
course in English from elementary
school through college. Both the
afternoonand evening discussions
were held in the library of the Uni-
versity Elementary School.
Six Graduates
Will Debate On

Bauer Death Car Examined By Police

-Associated Press Photo.
A disappointed suitor was sought through the midwest for the muti-
lation and death of Dr. Walter J. Bauer, post-graduate at the University,
who was kidnaped here and forced to drive his abductor to Chicago
where the crude operation was performed. Detective Howard Doyle
of the Chicago force is shown examining the interior of the blood-
stained machine.

Hunt Renewed For Jilted
Suitor As Police Question
Validity Of Suicide Note

W. L.
Detroit ...............59 37
New York .. . . ..... . 52 37
Chicago ... .. ..51 38
Boston...............49 45
Cleveland ............46 45
Philadelphia ........39 47
Washington ..........40 55
St. Louis ............. 30 62
Yesterday's Results
Detroit 6, St. Louis 3.
Cleveland 8, Chicago 3.
Washington 9, Boston 5.
Only games scheduled.
Games Today
Cleveland at Detroit
New York at Washington.
St. Louis at Chicago.
Philadelphia at Boston.



New York .............60
Chicago\ .............62
St. Louis ............56
Pittsburgh.. ......55
Philadelphia .........40


U' Forestry Camp
Students Have No
Fear Of Dynamite
BEECHWOOD, Mich., Aug. 1-
(Special) - "The boys" here at the
University Forestry camp, not content
merely with fighting off mosquitoes
and bears, are turning like "Sweet
pea" of the funny papers to playing
with dynamite.
On Friday of last week, a Mr.
Matheson of the DuPont de Nemours
Co. came over to the camp to give a
demonstration of the correct use of
dynamite. Before his demonstration,
which lasted about four hours, he de-
livered a half hour lecture.
In his talk Mr. Matheson described
common types of dynamite and their
usage. He stressed the proper storage
of powder, especially since this has
much to contribute in getting the best
results possible from dynamite.
During the demonstration each of
"the boys" had an opportunity to take
a stick of dynamite and blast away
at his favorite stump or stone. The
foresters-to-be thus received practice
in boring holes, tamping, loading,
priming, and finally in setting off the
blast. Electric blasting machines
were used exclusively.
Several visitors were in camp over
the week end. Among them were
Charles Stoddard, '34, and Carl Hol-
comb, '34.

Huse Lihting
Is Subject Of
Last Lecture'
Higbie Attributes Faulty
Electric Wiring To Poor
Home PlanningI
All phases of residence lighting
were discussed and illustrated yester-
day in the last Summer Session lec-
ture of the year by Prof. Henry H.
Higbie of the electrical engineering
Professor Higbie attributed the
many faulty lighting constructions in
existence to the fact that home-build-
ers do not seek out experts when the
plans for their homes are drawn.
He presented slides differentiating
between houses poorly illuminated
and houses illuminated with modern
appliances. The former reflected
brightly on polished surfaces and was
often the case 'of blindness, he said.
He highly recommended indirect
lighting, the most modern and health-
Professor Higbie suggested that
people make the most out of their
light resources. Shrubs should be
placed in a position in which they
would not interefere with sunlight, he
said, and Venetian blinds should be
used whenever possible.

Home-Town Relatives Of
Suspected Slayer Think
Suicide Authentic
M1rs. Bauer Identifies
Clothing Of Suspect
Bride Of Three Weeks Says
Married Life Lasted But
Three Hours
CANTON, Mo., Aug. 1- ) - The
home town relatives of Mandeville
Zenge, widely hunted for questioning
in the fatal mutilation of Dr. Walter
J. Bauer at Chicago, were convinced
tonight that the 26-year-old carpen-
ter was dead.
A suicide note signed "Mandeville"
and addressed to J. Andy Zenge,
father of the disappointed suitor of
Dr. Bauer's bride, was discovered in
Chicago today.
Mandeville Zenge left his home
here shortly after he received the
news that Miss Louise Schaffer, his
sweetheart of seven years, had mar-
ried Dr. Bauer. Relatives said they
did not know of his whereabouts un-
til the note was found in Chicago
CHICAGO, Aug. 1. - (A) - The
search for Mandeville Zenge, jilted
suitor sought for questioning in the
mutilation slaying of Dr. Walter J.
Bauer, was renewed Thursday night,
despite indications that he had leaped
to his death in Lake Michigan.
The hunt had been halted tem-
porarily after Zenge's bloodstained
coat and hat and a note announcing
his suicidal intentions had been de-
livered to authorities by a taxicab
chauffeur who had driven Zenge to
Navy Pier Wednesday night.
Mrs. Louise Bauer, 23 years old,
pretty brunet widow, identified the
garments as those of Zenge, twenty-
six-year-old carpenter, whom she had
spurned, established the authenticity
of the "farewell note"-then ex-
"Oh, that poor thing. He's gone
Sobbing hysterically, she fainted in
the arms of her father, W. J. Schaf-
Brands It a Ruse,
But Lieut. Otto Erlanson, head of
the Homicide Squad, announced:
"Indications point to suicide, but
he might well have conceived a sui-
cide hoax to throw officials off his
trail. Until we have something more
tangible than a note and a coat and
hat we will exert every effort to find
Capt. William Russell, in whose
south side district Dr. Bauer, a Uni-
versity of Michigan student, was
fiendishly emasculated early Wednes-
day, asserted his belief that Zenge
had destroyed himself. Capt. John
Stege branded it a "ruse."
Capt. John Anderson assigned two
coast guardsmen to patrol the waters
near the pier. He announced that
dragging operations would be started
Friday if no body had been found in
the meantime.
Three Hours of Married Life
The inquest was continued to Aug.
15, to permit further investigation
after the widow, nervously twisting a
handkerchief, had testified she knew
of no hard feeling between Zenge
and Dr. Bauer.
Her married life, Mrs. Bauer tes-
tified, lasted three hours. She mar-
ried Dr. Bauer in Kirksville, Mo., on
July 14- "nineteen days ago"
"I had known him five months,"
she said. "He left three hours after
the marriage. I have not seen him
since then."
She is night superintendent of
nurses at Laughlin Hospital, connect-
ed with the College of Osteopathy
at Kirksville. Dr. Bauer, 38, was a

professor in the college. He was on
leave of absence, finishing graduate
work at Ann Arbor.

Arms Aug.


Ysterday's Results
Pittsburgh 6, Chicago 5.
Brooklyn 4, Boston 2.
St. Louis 7, Cincinnati 5.
Games Today
Boston at New York.
Chicago at Cincinnati.
Brooklyn at Philadelphia.
HUNTINGTON, Ind., Aug. 1. -(P)
- Dr. Oscar R. Stilson, member of
the faculty of Adrian, Mich. College
for 25 years, will become dean and
professor of philosophy and religious
education Sept. 10 at Huntington Col-
lege, maintained by the United Breth-
ren Church.

Committee Selects Candidates
For Campus Queen Contest

A demonstration debate between six
graduate students enrolled in two
speech classes of the Summer Ses-
sion, will be held at 7:30 p.m., Wed-3
nesday in Room 4203, Angell Hall, it
was announced yesterday.
The debate will be on the question
"Nationalization of Munitions," which
is to be the debate question for all
contests in the Michigan High School
Forensic Association next year.
The six students debating are mem-
bers of two classes taught by Prof.
G. E. Densmore and James H. Mc-
Burney. Mr. McBurney is also chair-
man of the Michigan High School
Forensic Association, which yearly
holds an extensive debating contest,
the finals of which are held in the
spring at Hill Auditorium. Professor
Densmore has for a number of years
been executive secretary of the Na-
tional Assocaition of Teachers of
The question to be debated upon is
one which has the chief support of
Senator Gerald P. Nye of North Da-
The critic judge of the debate will
be K. G. Hance of the Albion College
speech department.
The names of the six participants
will be announced tomorrow, accord-
ing to Professor Densmore and Mr.
Wiley Post Starts
On Siberian Flight
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 1. - (P) -
Wi Dr Pct n.nd hi,-, wife hnn o Aff

Galaxy Of Entertainers To Be
Featured At New Union Dances'

Janet Miller, Mary Stirling, Jane
Fletcher and Jean Coler have been
selected from a list of 28 women by
the central committee to represent1
the campus in the contest for an
all-campus queen who will reign at
the Summer Session Prom to be held
from 9 p.m. to midnight Saturday
in the ballroom of the Michigan
League, it was announced yesterday.
Members of the committee who se-
lected the representatives are: J. Car-
elton Healey, Van Dunakin, Jean See-
ley, Louise Paine, Laura Jane Zim-
merman, and Fred Norton. Each sor-

grand march at the Prom. The com-
mittee presumably selected the repre-
sentatives on the basis of personality,
beauty, and scholarship.
The Prom will mark the first formal
dance to be held during the Summer
Session. Tickets will be on sale at
the door for twenty-five cents a
In addition to the entertainment
planned by Al Cowan's orchestra, a
special floor show has been arranged
for tonight's dance and will be re-
peated tomorrow night. One of the
highlights of the program will be

Dancers, vocal soloists, and various
other entertainers will be featured in
the galaxy of floor show attractions]
planned for the Union membership
dances to be held tonight and to-
morrow night in the specially-cooled
ballroom of the Union.
Enthusiastically received by a large
crowd at last Saturday night's dance,
Jim Mulhall, National Broadcasting
Company marimba star, will return
to the Union tomorrow night to fur-
nish the headline attraction on his
"magic woodpile."
Another new dance team will ap-
pear with Bob Steinle and His Melody
Men for both this weekend's dances.

star, will be the featured vocal soloist
with the band. She has announced
that she will present "I Couldn't Be-
lieve My Eyes" and "Sweet and Slow."
Fred Shaffmaster, '36, another ac-
tor, will also appear in the role of
vocal soloist, singing "Tobacco Road"
and several numbers from the pro-
duction, "The Vagabond King."
Van Miller, a graduate of the
School of Music of three years ago,
will sing selections including
"Rhythm Is Our Business," "My
Friend The Milkman," and "And
Then Some."
The entire casts of both "The Doc-
tor In Spite of Himself" and "Shall
We Join The Ladies" will go to the


Mercury Steadily Rises
In Mid-Western States
(By The Associated Press)
After another sizzling day, the

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