JULY 28, 1936
Baldhead Olympic Champion Wins Brush
Consul Asks Help
Kaye DonWants To
Race Here i. '37
DETROIT, July 27.--(A)-Kaye
Don said today he would like to de-
fend here in 1937 the Gold.Cup he
won for Detroit in a lonely victory at
Lake George Saturday after the only
other starting boat was forced out
of the race.
The English sportsman was at the
wheel of Horace E. Dodge's "Impshi"
in the Gold Cup race. He came to
Detroit today and said he would be
glad to drive again "if invited."
Regretting the lack of competition
in Saturday's race. Don said "most of
the boats did not arrive until the day
or night Rbefore the race, and of
course couldn't get ready in time.
They should be on the scene at least
a week before, in my opinion."
Of The
(From The Associated Press)
Gallagher Voices
Danger Of Communism
ROME, July 27. -()-Bishop
Michael Gallagher of Detroit
talked gravely of the problems of
America's farmers and of 'Father
Charles E. Coughlin today; then
rubbed his white hair and ex-
"However, that has nothing to
do with Father Coughlin's stand-
ing as a priest!"
The Bishop was commenting
on the radio priest's views, as ex-
pressed in Chicago, concerning
debts which tle farmers face.
First of all, Bishop Gallagher
madeit plain "Father Coughlin
is running a political campaign:
I am not. He is much better in-
formed on political trends than I
He continued:
"There is one thing I do know.
It is a fine thing for a man like
Father Coughlin to call the peo-
ple's attention to the grave risks
we are undergoing, tending to-
ward Communism.'
"Farm mortgages are being
foreclosed at the rate of 3,000 a
day. How long can that last be-
fore they all belong to the insur-
a'nce companies?
"How long can that go on be-
fore the people take things into
their own hands and give us an-
other Russia, another Spain?"
60 Loyalists Are
Shot In Spain
LONDON, July 27.-()-The
Reuters (British) news agency
reported tonight from Gibraltar
that 90 members of the Spanish
popular front, which the govern-
ment represents, were executed in
the public square at San Roque,
Spain, in groups of ten.
They were found during a
search of houses by the insur-
gents after loyal forces had been
beaten in adbattle, the agency's
dispatch said.
Spanish Moroccan troops were
said to be singing and dancing in
the streets of San Roque in cele-
bration of the victory.
Survivors Of Plane
Crash Reach New York
NEW YORK, July 27.-(P)-
Eight weary and bedraggled sur-
vivors of a plane crash of Nan-
tucket Lightship landed here to-
day, thankful to reach land after
plunging to the water in the
wake of the liner Queen Mary.
One man was fatally injured in
the accident.
A throng of friends and well-
wishers met the American export
ship Exermont as she docked
with the Boston men whose holi-
day jaunt to greet the Queen
Mary Sunday turned into
tragedy. The tired men smiled
their thanks despite painful cuts,
lost teeth and bandages.
Those brought here were Cap-
tain Win. H. Wincapaw, veter-
an New England pilot, William
G. Rueter, Boston business man;
Ezra S. Eaton, head of a Boston
SPA; Leslie R. Cain, mechanic on
Captain Wincapaw's plane; Wal-
ter S. Jordan and Herbert Stier,
photographers, George W. Mason,
Jr., and Francis Carpenter.
Major Leagues
-Associated Press Photo.
A comb and brush set with a mirror thrown in was the prize awarded
Charles Melvin (right) of Racine, Wis., after he won the 16-mile mara-
thon, feature event of the world's bald-headed Olympics held in that
city. Owen McKivitt, president of the club, is shown making the award.
Bates Urges Public Control Of
Huron River Valley Facilities
Explains Legal Rights Of
Citizens Interested In
Recreation, Navigation
(Dean of the Law School)
Americans are beginning to learn
that making a living is not all of
life. They are appreciating that the
proper use of leisure time for recrea-
tion of one kind or another promotes
mental, as well as physical, vigor and
health conduces to sounder judg-
ments and the development of char-
acter. Moreover, the present world-
wideconditions, including unemploy-
ment, have made it clear that it is
vitally important to the health of
the nation that we give serious and
intelligent attention tothe develop-
ment of the opportunities for whole-
some recreation of various kinds.
Southeastern Michigan is fortunate
in shaving in its midst the beautiful
Huron River valley, offering so many
opportunities for rest, recreation, and
various types of physical exercise.
The public interest and public right
in our lakes and rivers have been
too much ignored in the past, but it is
not too late to save this beautiful
river valley, with the lakes which feed
it, for the benefit of the public.
Everyone Interested
Of course, it must not 'be assumed
that the public's interest lies wholly
in recreation or sports, or the enjoy-
ment of beautiful scenery. All of the
public, rich and poor alike, are in-
terested in the proper use of navi-
gable waters for transportation, in-
dustry, and the production of power.
But in the past these commercial
interests have been allowed to dom-
inate. It is high time that the citi-
zens of Michigan should address
themselves to the task of securing a
proper adjustment of these varied
interests in our rivers in order to
secure the best results for all.
Five rights of the public in its
navigable streams are recognized by
law. These are navigation, power,
civic and industrial uses, recreation
and irrigation. In Michigan only the
first four of these are important.
In current legal discusson the word
navigation is being used in two dif-
ferent senses, in Federal law it refers
to commercial transportation but in
some states the term is coming to
cover pleasure boating on small
streams as well. This latter use is
much more important than the for-
mer on the inland waters of Mic.
gan. To safeguard this right re-
quires the maintenance of channel,
passageway under bridges and over
dams and a certain minimum flow of
the stream.
Rainfall Maintains Flow
The flow of streams is maintained
by rainfall. This is the primary public
wealth of every country, on which its
very existence depends. The power
companies have taken possession of
this public wealth, without compen-
sation to the public. In general
their developments have been to the
public advantage, but there are cer-
tain conditions that the state may
well prescribe for any populous area.
Among these are: that dams should
be safe (nearly all the dams on the
Huron have gone out in floods in the
last twenty-five years) ; that stumps
should be removed from impounded
waters; that passageway be provided
under bridges and over dams; that a
certain minimum flow of the river be
maintained at all hours; and that
x-r ta .- rac c ntl h .ain Qin l n
animal and bird life and the organ,
ization and improving its opportu-
nities for fishing, swimming, skating.
camping, picnicing and other forms of
To Secure Rights
To secure and safeguard these
public rights and values to the people
requires first of all a clear state-
ment in the law and in the second
place the giving of some state de-
partment the unquestioned authority
to enforce the law and develop these
If we apply these principles to the
valley of the Huron, the conditions
suggest that over and above state
legislation and control there is need-
ed a local governmental unit or valley
authority to safeguard, plan and de-
velop these public interests.
It is believed that the railroad
companies concerned, the Edison
Company, and perhaps others, are
willing to cooperate along the lines
indicated.mThe public should be bet-
ter informed as to its rights. In
Michigan the public has the right of
access to navigable streams, the
sight to fish, and to indulge in boat-
ing, swimming, and other non-injuri-
ous activities. But something more
thanknowledge is necessary. There
should be vigorous and prompt at-
tention given to beautifying the
Valley and to making the stream it-
self more fully available for pleasure
One present difficulty is the lack
of any unified control or regulation.
The Huron River runs through five
counties, and there is no one county,
or any other local governmental unit
which has any effective control over
the Valley as a whole. Perhaps it is
not too much to hope that in the not
distant future a regional governmen-
tal unit, including this valley, may
be organized in order that the pe-
culiar needs of the region may be
properly considered and served.
Revolt Crushed,
Loyalists Claim;
Fort Is Seized
(Continued from rage
battle there. The rebels lost 60 of
their own men, the report stated,
while not a loyalist escaped.
(Gen. Francisco Franco, rebel com-
mander, gathered reinforcements
from Morocco for an attack on the
seaport of Malaga. Seaplanes shuttled
the men across the strait from Ceuta1
to Algeciras.
(Trucks brought wounded from Es-
tepona, northeast of Gibraltar, and
the countryside was reported in
Anti-aircraft guns blasted a rebel
airplane over Malaga, reports said
here, and it disappeared in a cloud
of smoke.
The Americans and British who
fled Madrid were provided by the
government with a special train. It
was expected they would board a
British destroyer at Alicente.
(A courier made his way secretly
to the French border with the dis-
patch relating flight of the refugees,
who had made their government em-
bassies a haven for a week.)
For the new march on Zaragozan
through Cuenza and Teruel, former
Minister Alvarez Mendizabel was or-
ganizin new forces.
VOL. XLV No. 24
TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1936
The fourth of the lectures on R. A.
Fisher's contributions to mathemati-
cal statistics will be given by Prof.
C. C. Craig today at 2 p.m. in Room
3011 Angell Hall. The subjects will
be "Analysis of variance" and "Fidu-
cial probability."
American Federation of Teachers:
Members of all locals who are at-
tending the Summer Session are
asked to meet today at 5 p.m., in
the office of Professor Shepard, 2122
Natural Science Bldg.
N. E. Nelson, president, local 284.
At 4:05 p.m. today in the University
High School Auditorium Dr. Arthur
B. Boehlman, Professor of School
Administration and Supervision, will
speak on "The More Effective Or-
ganization of Teachers."
The Summer Session mixed chorus
will meet this evening at 7 p.m. in
Morris Hall. All students interested
in singing are cordially invited.
The Michigan Dames family picnic
scheduleq for this evening at the
Ann Arbor Island has been postponed
until Tuesday, Aug. 11.
This evening at 8:30 p.m. the
School of Music Trio consisting of
Prof. Wassily Besekirsky, violinist;
Hanns Pick, 'cellist and Joseph Brink-
man, pianist, will join with Prof. Ar-
thur Hackett, vocalist, in the program
of the Faculty Concert Series in Hill
Auditorium. The general public, with
the exception of small children, is
cordially invited.
Pi Lambda Theta picnic at Portage
Lake, Wednesday, July 29. Meet at
4:30 p.m. at the University Elemen-
tary School Library. Please make
reservations with Margaret Behring-
er, phone 9533 by Tuesday noon.
When making reservations, indicate
whether you will furnish transporta-
tion or whether you will need it.
Excursion No. 8 Greenfield Village,
Wednesday, July 29. This is an exact
repetition of Excursion No. 6, sched-
uled for those students who were
unable to go on July 22. Make res-
ervation before 4:30 p.m. Tuesday,
July 28. Busses leave at 1 p.m. from
in front of Angell Hall, State St., and
will return to Ann Arbor at about
5:45 p.m. Round tripAbus ticket, $1.
Entrance fee at the village, 25 cents.
The Physical Education Weekly
Luncheon will be held on Wednesday,
July 29 at 12 noonat the Michigan
Union. Dr. Cox, Director of Physi-
cal Education and Recreation, of Al-
bany, New York, will be the speaker.
Mathematics Club: The second
summer meeting of the Mathematics
Club will be held Wednesday, July
29, at 4 p.m. in Room 35 Angell Hall.
Prof. H. C. Carver will speak on
"Common ground in the infinitesimal
and finite calculus" and Prof. R. L.
Wilder's subject will be on "On
solvability of mathematical prob-
lems." All interested are cordially in-
The Michigan Dames will hold the
second in their series of bridge teas
Wednesday afternoon at 2 p.m. in the
League. They cordially invite the
wives of all students and internes to
attend. Contract and auction will be
played. As the galloping prizes last
week met with so much approval
there will be more of them this week.
Mrs. Joe Wagner will have charge
of the bridge, and she will be as-
sisted by Mrs. Paul Crampton, Mrs.
Kenneth Hodge, Mrs. Newton McFad-
en and Mrs. Ford Graham. After
the bridge tea will be served. Every-
one should be there promptly at 2
p.m. and avoid losing part score.
The Southern Club: The Southern
Club picnic will be held in the Michi-
gan League Garden on July 29.
Summer Session French Club: The
next meeting of the club will take
place Thursday, July 30, at 8 p.m. at
"Le Foyer Francais," 1414 Washte-
naw. Prof. Warner F. Patterson of
the rench Department will talk on
"Louis XIII." Miss Mary Lou Mitze,
Grad., will play French music. Songs,
games, refreshments.
Tickets for Visitors' Nights at the
Observatory, Thursday and Friday,
July 30 and 31, and Saturday, Aug.
-Associated Press Photo
Lynn W. Franklin (above), Amer-
ican consul at ,Barcelona flashed
word to the state department that
"all communication is threatened"
in 'that rebellion torn Spanish d6ty,
and asked that the cruiser Quincy
go to the rescue of marooned
Americans there.
1, are available in the office of the
Summer Session, Room 1213 Angell
Hall. There is no charge for these
tickets. Only a limited number can
be accommodated.
Graduation Recital: Alma Abbott-
Lundgren will play the following pro-
gram in Hill Auditorium, Thursday,
July 30. 8:15 p.m., in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the
Master of Music degree, to which the
general public, with the exception of
small children, is cordially invited
to attend.
Pelurdio ....................Corelli
Sonatina "God's Time is Best" .Bach
St. Anne's Fugue ............. Bach
Chorale in B Minor..........Franck
Carillon ................... Sowerby
Finale (First Symphony) .. . . Vierne
Sportive Fauns .......... d'Antaliffy
Primavera ................ Bingham
Noel ........................ Mulet
Carillon-Sortie ............... Mule't
Comprehensive Examination in Ed-
ucation: All candidates for the
Teacher's Certificate (except gradu-
ate students who will have received
an advanced degree by August) are
required to pass a Comprehensive
Professional Examination covering
the Education courses prescribed for
(Continued on Page 4)
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