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July 22, 1936 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1936-07-22

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Nudists Beat Hasty Retreat As Farmer Shakes Fist

Of The

(From The Associated Press)
Released From One Jail
Only To Enter Another
MARQUETTE, July 21._-( )_
Charles Roberts, one of three in-
mates of the Marquette prison
named in warrants charging
them with the murder of Warden
T. B. Catlin and Deputy Warden
Fred C. Menhennit during a pic-
ture show in the prison in 1921,
was released from the prison to-
day and taken to the county jail
by Sheriff Rudolph Franson.
Roberts will remain in the county
jail until September when his
case is scheduled for trial in the
Marquette County circuit court
before Judge Frank A. Bell.
The prison term of Roberts,
sentenced to Marquette in 1920
from Detroit for robbery, expired
today and prison officers turned
him over to the sheriff. It was
because the end of Roberts' term
was near that the State At-
torney General's department last
April reopened the murder cases
that have been pending since
1922 against him and Arthur
"Gypsy Bob" Harper and Jasper
Perry, the three men who are said
to gaveled the attack upon the
prison officers.
Murphy Takes His Last
Trip To Washington
DETROIT, July 21.-()-
Frank Murphy, candidate for the
Democratic gubernatorial nomin-
ation; said today he would make
his last trip to Washington to-
morrow before devoting his full
time to his campaign.
Murphy said he expected to
return here Friday. "I will re-
main in Michigan until the pri-
mary and devote all of my at-
tention to the campaign," he said.
The Philippine high commis-
sioner has been spending much
time in conferences at the capital
on insular affairs, and at first
planned to devote only his week-
ends to the campaign until it
was well under way.
Young Adventurers Leave
For South Seas Cruise

-Associated Press Photo.
In this unusual and very much unposed photograph, Bill Searles, farmer living near Long Valley, N. J., is
shewn shaking a-meznaring fist at two male nudists from a nearby camp who wandered close to the border
of his property. And from the way the nudists are running it seems that they are taking his threats to keep
away seriously.
KanesF4 SineActing In'.Strife' Led
Galsworthy To Write T'The Pigeon'

McCrea Obtains
Of Accusation
Says Unsuspecting Negro
Shot For Entertainment
By Terrorist Group
DETROIT, July 21. -- (P -Prose-
cutor Duncan C. McCrea said tonight
he had obtained corroboration of an
accusation by Dayton Dean, Black
Legion "executioner," that an un-
suspecting Negro was lured to a lonely
swamp and shot to death for the en-
tertainment of a group of terrorists
on a Saturday night drinking party.
The prosecutor said that James
Roy Lorance, named by Dean as one
of the witnesses to the "thrill" slay-
ing, had admitted he was present
when Silas Coleman,42-year-old
Negrc World war veteran, was killed
in a swamp near Pinckney, Mich.,
late in May, 1935.
Accuses Others
Others accused by Dean are Harvey
Davis, reputed Black Legion "colonel,"
Ervin D. Lee and John Bannerman,
all awaiting trial for the Black Le-
gion slaying of Charles A. Poole last
May 12, and Charles Rouse, charged
with being an accessory after the
fact in the Poole case.
Dean said Coleman was killed
because Davis "wanted to see what
it feels like to shoot a Negro."
The prosecutor made public a state-
ment he attributed to Lorance. It
said :
"I was at the cottage at Strawberry
Lake (near Pinckney) with Banner-
man and Lee when Davis came out on
Saturday afternoon and said a Negro
would be brought out later. Dean
came out later with the Negro and
Davis, told us to get our guns. He
said it was to be a one-way ride."
Took No Part In It
Then, the statement said, the men
took the Negro to as wamp and,
killed him.
"I saw the shooting," the state-
ment said, "but I took no part in it.
The gun I had was registered and
Davis advised me not to shoot for fear
the bullets would be traced."
Warrants charging the five men
with kidnaping and murder were is-
sued late today. The prosecutor said
they would be arraigned tomorrow.
The formal charges brought to 57
the number of men held in three
Michigan counties in connection with
Black Legion crimes ranging from
assault to murder.
Second Murder
The slaying disclosed today was the
second in which members of the
hooded band have been explicitly
accused. The other, the roadside ex-
ecution of Charles A. Poole the night
of May 12, set in motion the inves-
tigations which brought existence of
the night riding band to light.
Dean said the victim was Silas
Coleman, 42-year-old World War
veteran. Coleman's bullet-pierced
body was found late in May, 1935,
propped against a post in a swamp
near Pinckney, Mich. The crime is
listed as unsolved on Livingston
County records.
Dean, who has pleaded guilty to a
murder charge in the Poole killing,
said he was instructed to bring a
Negro-"it didn't matter where he
came from as long as he was black"

-Associated Press Photo.
Joseph Giral Pereira (above) be-
came the third premier of Spain in
two days while riots rocked the
country and the province of Moroc-
co. Pereira followed Casares Qui-
roga, in power when the revolt
broke, and Diego Martinez Barrio,
who held the premiership only a
few hours.
Explains Relations
Between Languages
(Continued from Pane 1)
Prof essor Sturtevan, by diagrams,
compared words of -the same meaning
in Latin, Greek (both known to have
developed from Indo-European) and
Hittite with the Indo-European word
they are thought to have developed
from. He compared each of the syl-
ables of the, word, and explained the
differences which appeared obvious
to the layman.
Professor Sturtevant expressed
hopes that more young scholars would
devote their efforts to the abundant
material now available for linguistic

Newest In Spain

Grand Rapids
Asks Court To
Act On Order
Object To 50-50 Mixture
Of Gas Ordered By State
Utilities Commission
LANSING, July 21.-(A)-The city
of Grand Rapids and the Grand Rap-
ids Gas Light Company asked the
Ingham County circuit court today
to invalidate a public utilities com-
mission order limiting the company
to the distribution of a 50-50 mixture
of natural and manufactured gas.
The suits charged the order was
"arbitrary, capricious and discrimin-
atory" and in violation of the plain-
tiffs' constitutional safeguards.
Circuit Judge Charles H. Hayden
set Aug. 3 for a hearing at which the
defendant commission must show
cause why a temporary injunction
should not be issued depriving its
order of all effect.
The Public Utilities commission and
its members are named as def end-
ants individually and collectively.
The company contended in its bill
of complaint that it has the right to
supply its customers with whatever
m-ixture "seems right and proper
without let or hindrance by these de-
fendants, as long as it does not com-
mit physical waste of said gas."
The city of Grand Rapids charged
the commission with failure to abide
by a promise that Grand Rapids be
given prior consideration in the with-
drawal of gas from the so-called tri-
township field that supplies Lansing
and is to supply Grand Rapids.
It contended, also that unless the
Grand Rapids Gas Light Company
were permitted to withdraw gas from
the field in the same proportion as the
Consumers Power Company which
now supplies Lansing and vicinity
with 100 per cent natural gas, the
Grand Rapids-owned gas would flow
into the wells from which the Con-
sumers Power receives its supply.

MONROE, July 21.-(A)-Four
young. adventures, whose marine
experience has been limited to
the Great Lakes, sailed today in
their 43-foot Ketch Intrepid for
a year's cruise on the South Seas.
Accompanied by former State
Senator Tracy W. Southworth,
who aided them in their plans,
the crew cast off at noon for Buf-
falo. They will go through the
New York barge canal to Troy
and down the Hudson to New
At New York they enter salt
water for the first time, heading
for the Panama Canal and on
to the South Sease where they
plan to enter the inter-island
trade with their small vessel.
The four young men, all in
their twenties, are Nathan
Reaume, Ray Stein, Ronald
Sayles and Harlow Ohr. They
went through high school togeth-
er and all were acvtive in ath-
Southworth planned to accom-
pany them only as far as New
York. City officials gave the ad-
venturers a sendoff, and present-
ed them with a letter of intro-
duction to be used on their voy-
Reaume, leader of the expe-
dition, said they planned a year's
cruise in the sturdy, German-
built ketch, and then expected to
purchase a larger boat in which
to continue their island trade.
Although the company's ex-
perience has been limited to fresh
water sailing in Lake Erie, the
Intrepid has had salt water ex-
perience. Built in Germany 18
years ago, she was sailed to this
country before being brought to
the lakes.
It carries auxiliary power, a
four-cylinder marine engine.

(Continued from Page 1I
build castles and don't speak of it
but let me know, and keep your
engagements elastic, till we can
say more.
Yours sincerely,
John Galsworthy."
August 21, 1911, Mr. Galsworthy
"Dear Kane:
I'm heartily glad to have got
you for the part of Wellwyn (pro-
nounce Wellyn). Don't be
alarmed! It'll be all right. You
shall certainly have a copy of the
play well before first rehearsal. I
shall be in London for some
weeks now, if you would like to
come in to tea some day to chat
the part over. Good greetings
from us both."
Though Mr. Kane was overjoyed on
receiving the part he soon found that
it entailed several difficulties. For
example, Wellwyn was to be con-
stantly puffing away at a hand-rolled
cigarette throughout the play and
Mr. Kane discovered that unfortun-
ately enough, two of his fingers were
too fat to hold a cigarette comfort-
ably. Finally, he and the author
compromised on a more congenial
looking pipe. Then Mr. Kane began
to feel that he wasn't interpreting
the character properly and became
very depresed and discouraged but
Mr. Galsworthy, understanding Mr.
Kane's mood, wrote to him during
one of the most trying periods of the
rehearsals. His letter immediately
enlightened Mr. Kane on the type of
character that Christopher Wellwyn
was. It was dated January 21. In
it he says :
"Dear Kane:
Now that rehearsals have got
so far I wanted to tell you what.
little things I can to help you
make the utmost of what must be
a very trying part. The first
thing, especially in Act I, is not
to hurry or let it run away with
you, as for instance, at the en-
trance of Ferrand, and of Tim-
son. The keynote of your part
is that you are like an uncorked
bottle of ;mineral water, into
which Ann and the recollection
of her, and to a certain extent
the reformers, are continually
putting a cork, and which goes
off again from sheer force of
your natural geniality and love
of your neighbor. I advise you to
get rid altogether of the little
running way you have and to
make yourself as erect and square
as you can, in your movements,E
and to be generally as utterly
genial, except for your bewilder-
ments and consternations. In
fact, so long as you don't hurry
anything, you can broaden all
round. You know, I think, how
tremendously good I think your
playing is, and how it has quite

spoiled me for the idea of any-
one else in that part."
Later, with Mr. Galsworthy's per-
mission, Mr. Kane did "The Pigeon"
in Chicago and New York and met
with immediate success and enthus-
iasm. Now he has been kind enough
to bring the play to Ann Arbor, be-
cause, as Mr. Kane said in the Irish
brogue of Sean O'Casey, "I think
Ann Arbor is a darlin' place!"
The last time any of the Gals-
worthy letters from Mr. Kane's pri-
vate collection were published, Mr.
Kane was able to write to him and
ask his consent. He wanted to-use
them in his book of reminiscence,
"Are We All Met," in which he has
written lucidly, not only of his inti-
mate friendship with the great au-
thor, but of his own fascinating ex-
periences on the stage.
When Mr. Kane wrote to Gals-
worthy and asked him if he might
play "The Pigeon" in Chicago, Mr.
Galsworthy answered:
"Dear Whitford Kane:
How nice to hear from you
again. I shall like your doing
Major Leagues

'The Pigeon' and other of my
plays at Chicago, if you ar-
range with Curtis Brown and can
cast and rehearse well. My wife
joins in best wishes and remem-
brances to you."
This letter was postmarked April
10, 1927. In the upper left hand-
corner of the stationary he has writ-
ten rather wistfully:
"What an immense time it
seems since 'Strife' at Notting-
Mr. Kane is spending his first sea-
son with the Repertory Players as
guest-director. He had been invited
to Ann Arbor several times, but each
time his theatrical engagements in-
terfered. Last year he was prevent-
ed from coming because of a mo-
tion picture engagement in Holly-
wood. He claims that he is having a
narvelous time this season because
lie would rather teach than act. The
next show that he will direct here will
be Sean O'Casey's "Juno and the
Paycock." He is extremely fond of
Shakespeare and as he says: "I have
played 21 Hamlets and I've played
the drunken grave-digger every
time! "
He would have been in Ann Arbor
sooner to play the gravedigger in Ian
Keith's "Hamlet" had he not been
occupied on tour with "Parnell" at
that time. He plans to do the grave-
digger to Leslie Howard's "Hamlet" in
the fall, however.
"The Pigeon" is the fifth play of
the summer season. It marks the
first time for so distinguished an ar-
tist as Mr. Kane to appear with the
Repertory Players.


W. L.
New York... ......58 31
Cleveland ...........50 39
Detroit .............48 40
Boston ..............48 42
Chicago .............46 41
Washington .........46 41
St. Louis ............28 58
Philadelphia .........28 59
Detroit 8-9, Philadelphia 0-8.
Cleveland 6, Boston 5.
St. Louis 5, New York 4.
Washington 6, Chicago 5.
Philadelphia at Detroit.
Boston at Cleveland.
New York at St. Louis.
Washington at Chicago.
W. L.
Chicago .............54 31
St. Louis ............53 34
Pittsburgh ...........45 41
New York ...........46 42
Cincinnati ..........43 41
Boston ..............41 47
Philadelphia .........33 53
Brooklyn ............30 56
Chicago 5, Brooklyn 3.
New York 2, St. Louis 1.
Pittsburgh 17, Philadelphia
Cincinnati 3, Boston 2.
Cincinnati at Boston.
Chicago at Brooklyn.
St. Louis at New York.
Pittsburgh at Philadelphia.





Closes for the Summer!
Saturday, in the Final Day of a
The Entire Stock of Ready-to-Wear and Accessories
Has Been Reduced for Clearance.
Formerly $10.95 and $12.95
Reduced to
Smart two-piece styles knitted of imported genuine angora
yarns. White and Pastels . . . sizes 12 to 18.
Greatly Reduced
15 DRESSES Reduced to $5.98 and $8.98 ... formerly
$7.95 to $12.95 Values.
25 DRESSES Reduced to $2.98 and $4.98 . . . formerly
$3.95 to $6.95 Values,
7 EVENING GOWNS Clearance Priced at $8.98 and
$10.98 . .. formerly $1 0.95 to $16.95.
10 BLOUSES and SKIRTS Reduced to $1.98 each
Values to $5.95.
Clearance Priced at
$1.98 and $.9
5 SATIN NIGHTIES Reduced to $2.98... sizes 14 and
1 6 . . . formerly priced to $6.50.
SLIPS Reduced to $1.98. .. lace trimmed and tailored
styles. . . $2.25 and $3.00 Values.
Rhinestone,.Crystal, and Pearl earrings, clips, bracelets, and /
necklaces to be sold at half price. Evening bags of seed pearls,
gold or silver kid, jet beads and rhinestones.
Reduced to 69C ad 89C .pair
This is the entire summer stock of Gotham Gold Stripe and
Vanity Fair stockings in desirable light and dark shades.

Ii .9

Rains Come To Aid Of
State Forest Fire Fighters
NEWBERRY, July 21.-GP)-
Light rains came to the aid of an
army of fire fighters tonight and
enabled them to hold in check a
fire north of the Tahquamenon.
River that had burned over 2,000
Green hardwood timber on the
North is keeping the flames from
reaching the highly inflammable
Betsy Lake region.

P resent

news was scarce in the time of
Charles the First. Throughout
Europe the Nouvelliste, or Reader
of the news, was the only authorita-
tive source of information at that
time. It was customary for him
to read the news in public places,
that the inhabitants might enjoy
knowledge of recent happenings.
THE PEOPLE of modern towns
would not tolerate the meager, in-
accuratea reports of the 17th century.
They demand complete, accurate
and interesting dispatches of the
world's events.





4 An nriutriP j lr n

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