The Weather
Generally fair in north, scat-
tered thundershowers in. south'
today; tomorrow fair.
t gan
The Tuition Fee ...
Like Two Brothers...
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
Is Debated
Education Conferees Hold
That Indoctrination Is
Teachers Opposed
To Regimentation
Social Obligations, Factual
Bases, Individual Types1
Should Control Teaching
Academic freedom is a real issue
in education today in the opinion of1
the great majority of teachers, super-
intendents and other school officials
who yesterday afternoon filled the3
Union ballroom for the sixth session1
of the Summer Education Conference.
Prof. Stuart A. Courtis of the edu-
cation school conducted a test de-
vised to secure the reaction of mem-
bers of the audience to the question
of what academic freedom really
Although opinion was widespread,1
more people were of the opinion that
a teacher should be in a position in ,
which he could indoctrinate pupils
to a certain extent. This indoctrin-
ation was to be controlled, however.
Four basic principles were included,
in the program of the man who held
The topic for the eighth ses-
sion of the Education Conference,1
which will be held at 10 a.m. to-
day in the Union, will be "Select-
ed Programs and Policies of the
State, Department of Public In-
struction." Dr. Eugene B. El-
liott, State Superintendent of
Public Instruction will conduct
this session.
"Does the Present Program of
the. School Fail in its Emphasis
on the Development of Pupil
Personality?" will be the subject
of the session to be held at 2 p.m.
today, also in the Union. Prof.
Howard Y. McClusky of the ed-
ucation school will present the
issues and the discussion will be
led by John M. Trytten, alsoof
the education school.
this typical view of "controlled in-
The first was that "improvement of
the condition of living, and of all in-
dividual and social activity, is both
possible and desirable." The second
principle, prepared by Professor
Courtis, was "that the individual's
chief social obligation in life is to
work for the betterment of society by
cooperative and creative planning
and action."
The third plank in this platform
was "that the only practical basis
for cooperative action is factual
knowledge derived from scientific in-
vestigations; that group decision and
planning should rest on a fact basis."
(Continued on Page 3)
Weekly Dance
To Be Held In
Michigan Union
The regular Friday night dance will
be held at the Union- this week in-
stead of at the League.
The Men's and Women's Education
Clubs are, sponsoringthe danceand
will use the same plan as has been
used previously at the League. Al
Cowan will play for dancing.
Members of the committee are:
Evelyn Stephen, chairman, Mrs. Al-
valyn Woodward, Mrs. A. R. Morris,
Eleanor Welsh, Guy Hill, H. M. Wood
and E. M. Boyne.
The hostesses are: Noma Reid, El-
eanor Reid, , Asmah Orcutt, Lois
Woodard, Genevieve Wilkowski, Mar-
garet Roeser, Irene Raver, Adelle
Kleineche, Karin Ostman, Claudine
Steffek, Marietta Elder, Alice John-
son, Adeline Hollis and Elizabeth Le-
Huge Mirror Is Poured Again
For New University Telescope
96-Inch Reflector Will Be
World's Third Largest;
First Attempt Failure
Against a background of blinding
white heat, and with painstaking
care and skill, asbestos-clothed work-
men of the Corning Glass Works
Monday poured the great 96-inch re-
flector for the proposed University
observatory at Base Lake.
This, the second attempt at pour-
ing the mirror, which will be the
third largest in the world, was at-
tended by success as far as can now
be discovered. Professors Heber Cur-
tis, W. Carl Rufus and Hazel M. Losh
motored to Corning, N. Y., to attend
the operation, which was conducted
with the heat at 102 degrees, and
the temperature of the great ovens
holding the special pyrex glass at 1,-
600 degrees centigrade.
The process of pouring the molten
glass into the mold was carried out
by a large squad of men wearing as-
bestos aprons and sleeves, with light
boards slotted with blue glass pro-
tecting their faces and eyes. The
liquid was carried from the ovens to
the mold by a great ladle, which
dipped up about 500 pounds each
time. The eight men on the 15-foot
handle of the ladle then swung it
across to the mold after impurities
had been skimmed off, carefully in-
serted it through a small door which
was opened at just the right moment
for them by another worker, and
slowly poured the thick, white-hot
glass. The filling of the mold re-
quired 29 ladlings from the ovens.
After every time that the ladle had
been emptied, it was cooled in wa-
ter, so that it could not become hot
enough to permit particles of the met-
al to mix with the glass, a small er-
ror which would ruin the mirror, and
which could not be discovered until
it had cooled to room temperature,
Isaacs Tells
Anemia Cause
And Treatment
Outlines The Developnment
In Perfecting The Cures
For Blood Disease
Substituting for Dr. Cyrus C. Stur-
gis, director of the Simpson Memo-
rial Institute, the assistant director,
Dr. Ralphael Isaacs yesterday out-
lined the causes and treatments of
anemia before an audience of'200 in
Natural Science Auditorium.
Anemia is a manifestation of a de-
ficiency of red blood corpuscles, he
said. These are produced in the mar-
row of the bones and pass through
five stages in -their growth. Per-
nicious anemia. the most common
form according to Dr. Isaacs, occurs
when the red corpuscles are arrested
at the third stage due to a lack of
enzymes. These combine with the
food to produce a secretion in the
liver which supplies this factor for
red corpuscles.
Treatment was first made by con-
sumption of one-half a pound of liver
a day by the patient, but Dr. Isaacs
said, the patient frequently found this
remedy worse than the disease. Soon
liver extract was developed and the
dose was reduced to a few teaspoons-
full a day. The latest development
came six years ago with the per-
fection of a concentrate which is
given every month in intervenous or
intramuscular injections.
Iron deficiency anemia, where the
hydrochloric acid fails to take enough
iron from the blood to change the
corpuscles from the third stage, is
treated by doses of pure metallic iron
in powder form. Aplactic anemia
which arrests the cells in the first
stage is now considered the most
dangerous, Dr. Isaacs said. The only
treatment is continuous blood trans-
Dr. Isaacs showed slides of a num-
ber of patent medicines and cure-alls
which made various claims concern-
ing anemia cures. They were univer-
sally useless though for the most part
harmless. One compound which re-
tailed at $2.50 for 12 oz. would have
to be consumed in gallon quantities
every day to give the results it
when it is examined for the first time.
The mold itself, 97.5 inches in di-
ameter, resembles nothing more than
a great igloo. It had been heated
since the night before by ten roaring
jets of natural gas, and during the
pouring, other jets were played over
the material in the tank. The noise
made by the jets was so great that
most of the operations were carried
on by sign. While the mold door_
was kept closed during pourings, the
door of the oven was occasionally
swung open so that the "hot gang"
could skim off impurities floating on
the surface of the molten pyrex.
In all, about 10,750 pounds of the
liquid glass was poured into the mold,
the small quantities which clung to
the ladle each time being discarded.
Tuesday, the gas jets were turned
off in the mold, which is now heated4
by a system of electric coils. In the7
"annealing oven," the disk will slow-
ly be cooled, at a rate of one and
three-quarters degrees per day, and
(Continuea on Page 3)
Capacity Crowd,
Witnesses First
Night Of Play,
'Mary Of Scotland' Draws1
Prominent Members Of
Summer Session Faculty
A capacity crowd filled the Lydia
Mendelssohn theatre last night to+
witness the opening performance of
Maxwell Anderson's "Mary of Scot-
land," the fourth play of the Summer
Session to be presented by the Michi-
gan Repertory Players.
In the audience who gathered to
see the tragic drama of Mary Queen
of Scots, a Broadway success of last
year with Helen Hayes in the title
role, was Whitford Kane, disting-
uished English actor who is guest di-
rector for the Repertory Players this
summer. Next week Mr. Kane will
make his first appearance as a di-
rector this summer in John Gals-
worthy's "The Pigeon," in which he
will also play the leading role.
Many other frequent first-nighters
of the faculty were present, among
them Prof. Louis Hopkins, director of
the Summer Session, and Mrs. Hop-
kins, Prof. Herbert Kenyon of the
Spanish department and Mrs. Ken-
yon, Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the po-
litical science department, and Mrs.
Reeves and Charles E. Koella of the
French department and Mrs. Koella.
Also present were Prof. Max Hand-
man of the economics department
and Mrs. Handman and Mr. and Mrs.
Frederick P. Jordan. Mrs. Jordan is
dean of women-emeritus.
Prof. Louis Eich of the speech de-
partment, secretary of the Summer
Session, attended with Mrs. Eich.
Prof. Earl V. Moore, musical director
of the School of Music, who recently
returned from England where he
tested out the bells for the Baird
Carillon, was seen with Mrs. Moore.
Prof. Arthur E. Wood of the so-
ciology department and Mrs. Wood
also attended the opening, and others
who were present were Prof. Robert
P. Briggs of the economics depart-
ment and Mrs. Briggs, and Prof.
Hugo Thieme of the French depart-
ment and Mrs. Thieme.
Sundwall Cites
Need Of Humani
An urgent need for "human con-
' servation" was outlined last night by
Dr. John Sundwall, professor of hy-
giene and public health, in an ad-
dress to students and faculty in Uni-
versity High School. "The time is
not far distant," he said, "when all
children in America will be attend-
ing nursery schools. This will help
increase the percentage of good
health in later years."
Various forces have shifted the in-
terest toward a better health move-
ment, according to Dr. Sundwall
who pointed especially to the greater
scientific knowledge of psychology
and physiology in the past century.
"There is a need for human con-
servation and particularly adult con-
servation," the hygienist declared ir
his lecture, "Trends in Health Edu-
cationThroughout the Nation." He
nnatinsp wt pPnhTru u ns i:,tht
Landon, Knox
Chart Course
For Campaign
Knox To Travel Northwest
On First Tour; Landon
Will LikelyTake East
Both Welcome Aid
Of Breckenridge
Frank E. Gannet Pays Visit
To Landon In Topeka
Governor's Mansion
TOPEKA, Kans., July 15.-(3)-
Gov. Alf M. Landon and Col. Frank
Knox compared notes on their accep-
tance speeches today and charted an
anti-New Deal campaign which gave
Knox the Northwest for his first
major speaking tour.
Datesdand exact itineraries were
not fixed. Some observers felt Lan-
don would strike first in the East.
possibly with an aGaress at West
Middlesex, Pa., his birthplace.
At a desk in Landon's study they
discussed the acceptance addresses
they will deliver when formally noti-
fied of their nominations. Rep. Ber-
trand Snell of New York, permanent
chairman of the Cleveland conven-
tion, will notify Landon at Topeka
July 23; Sen. Frederick Steiwer of
Oregon, temporary chairman and
keynoter, will notify Knox at Chi-
cago July 30.
Knox said the campaign itineraries
would be arranged so he and Landon
would not be in the same territory at
the same time, but emphasized none
had been set up definitely.
"I am returning to Chicago tonight
for a couple of days," Knox said. "On
Friday I will go to New Hampshire
to get in 10 days of solid work on my
"After my notification, my first
speech will be at an Indiana Re-
publican meeting at Connersville
Aug. 8. I will address a West Vir-
ginia rally at Huntington Aug. 13."
On some date after these speeches,
Knox said he would make his north-
west trip.
"Do you think your campaign plans
will prove effective," Knox was asked.
"I'll say I do," the Vice-Presiden-
tial candidate replied.
"I expect to get into the Maine
campaign sometime before the elec-
tion Sept. 14," he said, "but no date
has been fixed yet."'
Another Topeka visitor today was
Frank E. Gannett, Rochester, N. Y.,
publisher, for whom former-Sen.
Henry J. Allen entertained at dinner.
Gannett supported Borah in the pre-
convention campaign.
Individually, both Landon and
Knox expressed gratification at an-
nouncement of Col. Breckinridge,
anti-New Deal Democrat who con-
tested President Roosevelt's renom-
ination in several states, that he
would "vote" for the Republican
Urge Law For
Old A e Pay To
State Workers
LANSING, July 14.-(A)-The State
civil service study commission asked
Gov. Frank D. Fitzgerald today to
present to the next legislature the
problem of providing pensions for
veteran State employes.
The commission asserted in a re-
port to the governor that pensions
not only would be fairer to those whc
spend years in government service
but actually would result in econo-
Prof. James K. Pollock, of Anr
Arbor, the commission chairman, saic
780 full-time State employes are
more than 60 years old-443 of their
between 61 and and 65 years of age;
225 between 66 and 70; 79 betweer
71 and 79; 27 in another group arl
between 76 and 80, and six are past
'"It will pay the State government
to make a constructive attack on thi
problem," Pollock said in a prelimin.
ary report to the governor." Fo:
1 years superannuated employes hav
been carried on the State payroll be-
e cause it seemed inhuman to dismiss
them. The difference between th(
Lewis Faction
Will Be Tried
By A. F. Of L.
Executive Council Decides
To Try Twelve Unions
For 'Insurrection'
Lewis And Hillman'
Withhold Comment
Green Accused Of Uniting
With Steel Industry To
Block Unionization1
WASHINGTON, July 15. - () -
A threatened split in the American
Federation of Labor was averted for
the time being, at least, today when
the Federation's executive council de-
cided to give 12 unions a trial August
3 on formal charges of "insurrec-
The council took this step instead
of immediately suspending these
unions so as to give Federation peace-
makers an opportunity to try to heal
the breach between the rebel faction
favoring the organization of all the
workers in each big industry into one
big union and the faction which
thinks skilled workers should be or-
ganized into craft unions.
John L. Lewis, president of the
United Mine Workers, heads the
rebels who have banded together in
the committee for industrial organi-
I zation., William Green, A.F. of L.
president, is spokesman for the craft.
unions which control the council.
John P. Frey, president of the fed-
eration's metal trades department.
Ibrought the five charges upon which
the 12 unions are to be tried.
Briefly, they were:
Setting up a "dual organization"
(the committee for industrial organ-
ization) which has "competed" with
the A. F.of L.; insurrection; viola-
tion of contracts with the A. F. of L.,
and violation of the Atlantic City
convention's declaration of organiza-
tion policy (drafted by the craft
union majority).
Neither Lewis nor Sidney Hillman,
president of the Amalgamated Cloth-
ing Workers and another leader of
the industrial union faction, would
comment on the council's decision.
Both just smiled.
Green speculated at length on the
outcome of today's decision. He said
he was not sure that the rebels would
appear for the trial. If they did and
the trials were concluded, the council
would have three courses to choose
from: To suspend the unions, to de-
cide on "other penalties"-he did not
elaborate-or to "forgive and forget."
Shortly before the council decided
to hold the trial, an editorial in the
"United Mine Workers Journal" ac-
cused the council of joining hands
with the steel industry to block union-
Education Club To
Hold Picnic Today
The Men's Education Club will pic-
nic at Portage Lake this afternoon,
it was announced yesterday by Dr.
Luther Purdom, director of the Bu-
reau of Appointments and Occupa-
tional Information, who is in charge
of the picnic. He expects an at-
tendance of more than 200 persons.
Cars which will transport club
members to Portage Lake will leave
regularly from the University High
School between 4 and 4:30 p.m.
Reservations for tickets, which will
cost 75 cents, must be made in the
office of the dean of the School of
Here Wednesday
Fifty sun-tanned campers from the
Fresh Air Camp will campaign for
$1,000 in contributions, Wednesday,
July 22, to defray the expenses of the
300 boys at the Fresh Air Camp.
The campers will take their posts
on the campus and in the business
district at 7 a.m. and remain there
until 3 p.m., when they will return to
camp for a promised swim.
George Alder, camp director, ex-
pressed hopes that citizens of Ann
Arbor would respond to the campaign
as they have those in the past. He
explained that the camp "is pressed
for funds. New expenses have arisen.
Some expenses have increased."
Counselors of the camp will ac-
company the soliciting campers in
the drive.
Yanks, Tigers
Split In Opening
Day Of Series
Winds Cool
Thunder Showers Between
Missouri River And N.Y.
Relieve Torrid Condition
Substantial Crop
Recoveries Likely
And Corn Rise
Prices Go Up
Of Shortage
Goose Goslin Stars At
Detroit Takes First,
Loses Second, 7-4
NEW YORK, July 15. - (/) - The
League-leading Yankees and second-
place Detroit Tigers divided honors]
today in the doubleheader opener1
of their "crucial" series, as MickeyI
Cochrane returned to his job as man-
ager of the world's champions. j
Goose Goslin's homer with two
mates on base, and Schoolboy Rowe's
seven-hit pitching gave the Tigers
the first game 5 to 1, but the Yanks
came back to score early in the sec-
ond game, and behind Pat Malone's
tight relief pitching pulled out a 71
to 4 decision.
The split left the Yanks' league
lead at nine games, despite their re-j
cent slump.
A crowd of 50,000 turned out.
Rowe Takes Mound
In the opener, Rowe and Charley
Ruffing hooked up in a pitching duel
for most of the way, with the De-
troit hurler taking the edge in the
fourth when Goslin's three-run
homer climaxed a four-run spree.
Charley Gehringer wound up the scor-
ing with a circuit clout in the eighth.
The only Yankee run came in the
third, when Rowe walked three men
to force the tally.
In the nightcap, Victor Sorrell, the
Tigers' starter, was unable to go
through the third inning, largely be-
cause the Detroit infield fell apart.
Two runs in the fourth, on Joe
Di Maggio's double, two walks, a wild
pitch and Frank Crossetti's long fly,
and another tally in the eighth on
singles by Di Maggio and Tony Laz-
zeri wound up the New York scor-
Tigers Route Gomez
The Tigers clubbed Lefty Gomez
off the mound with a three-run bar-
rage in the fifth inning, featured by
.Goslin's triple with the bases loaded,
but were unable to get to Malone
from there on to the finish.
Rowe opened the Tigers' four-run
attack in the third inning of the
first game with a single. It was the
first hit off Ruffing. Then Burns
singled and Rogell beat out a bunt,
filling the bases. Rowe scored on
Gehringer's fly and then came Gos-
lin's homer, his thirteenth of the
season. Walker flied and Simmons
grounded to end the rally.
The Yankee run came in their half
of the same inning. Ruffing singled,
but was forced by Powell, who
promptly stole second. Rolfe walked
and so did Gehrig, filling the bases.
(Continued on Page 4)
CHICAGO, July 15. - (P)-- A re-
rigerant air mass from the Hudson
ay region routed the heat wave on
wide Mid-Western and Great Lake
ront today but drought maintained
s sway on western plains.
From the Iowa-Nebraska border as
ar East as New York, living and
orking conditions were more toler-
,ble as the cool air, aided by scat-
ered thunder showers, got in its wel-
ome work.
But another day was chalked up
or the record stay of higher than
00-degree heat-its 13th-in sec-
ions where the cooling breezes failed
o penetrate and fatalities ascribed
o the torrid spell, though their rate
vas reduced somewhat, passed 3,750
or the period.
Early in the afternoon, Quincy, on
entral Illinois' western boundary,
eported a 112-degree maximum.
)ther "hot spots" were Indianapolis,
.02.9; Clarendon, Tex., 110; Welling-
,on, Kans., 111; Falls City, Neb., 106;
Cansas City, Mo., 102; and Ponca
ity, Okla., 108.
Approaching '34 Severity
In the latter state, K. D. Blood,
ederal crop statistician, said the
irought situation was approaching in
everity that of 1934. He said most
armers had feed and water for only
Lbout ten days more. Grasshoppers
vere additional crop destroyers.
In Washington, the Federat crop
eporting board estimated that this
'ear would be second only to the
'great drought"-1934-in reduced
'eed grain yields, that hay yields
would be as light as other drought
rears excluding 1934, and that a sub-
itantial recovery for the nation's corn
rop would be realized for "a consid-
rable portion."
New relief measures announced
luring the day in Washington added
portions of a 13th state, Colorado,
o the drought emergency group and
included additional counties in Okla-
ioma. Seven states in the southern
dry belt were allotted $624,000 by the
resettlement administration for sub-
istence provision.
Market Goes Up
While residents of Michigan, parts
of Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minne-
sota-among the states which have
suffered the heaviest losses in life
from heat-revelled in cooler wea-
ther disappointment of the grain
trade at the failure of a general
onslaught on the drought to ma-
terialize was reflected in higher
prices. Corn led the bulge with a net
gain of around three cents, Septem-
ber closing at 82/8-83. Chicago wheat
prices were up over two cents, Sep-
tember's finish was at $1.04/8-/.
Milk prices were advanced in at
least two additional cities, Pittsburgh,
Pa., and Freeport, Ill., because of the
drought reductions in the flow. Con-
cern was beginning to be manifested
in other food lines as to the ultimate
effect of the dry spell on retail prices.
Minnesota's total fatalities from
the heat wave were counted at 733,
highest of any state; Michigan's at
566; Illinois' at 461, up 95 over yester-
(Continued on Page 4)
Guest Teacher
To Give Leceture
On Humanism
Prof. H. S. V. Jones of the Univer-
sity of Illinois will lecture on "Integ-
rity in Humanism" at 5 p.m. today in
Natural Science Auditorium.
Professor Jones, who is a member
of the Summer Session English de-
partment faculty, specializes in Ren-
aissance literature. He has been
managing editor of the Journal of
English and Germanic Philology since
Graduated from Harvard Univer-
sity in 1901, Professor Jones began
his teaching career at the University
of Missouri in 1901. He returned to
Jamison Sees Threat Of Unions
As Beneficial To Steel Workers
The anti-union hostility of steel
industry employers, at present the
object of nation-wide concern in re-
gard to threatening labor disturb-;
ances at Homestead, Pa., was ex-
plained, partially justified and par-
tially criticized by Prof. C. L. Jami-
son of the business administration
school, himself a former executive
in that industry, in an interview yes-'
Important to an analysis of this
anti-union hostility; in the opinion of'
Professor Jamison, are these factors:
1) The long-cherished hope of a
"partnership relation" between non-
unionized steel workers and their
and the profound belief in the vulner-
ability of even reputable unions to
the promotional efforts of racketeers
-which beliefs almost define the
thinking of those in control of the
steel industry.
Imbued with this hope for a "part- '
nership relation," realizing the sus-
ceptibility of their unskilled laborers,
mindful of the bankruptcies which
accompanied unionization of coal en-
terprises, hating John L. Lewis and
his cohorts as a bull hates a red flag,
steel employers stand ready to fight
unionization with all the resources
and all the ruthlessness at their com-
This, the attitude, in brief, of steel
leaders, is not wholly indefensible,
Freida Grand, Mrs. Helen Field,
Florence Jubb, Irene Schreiber, Mar-
ian Cameron, Rowena Harrison, Er-
ma Scott, Mary Elizabeth Ward, Mar-
tha Kosanke, Johanna Illisner, Syl-
via Marttinen, Faye Nixon and Mar-
ian Grimm.
The hosts are: Paul Hartley, Carl