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July 12, 1936 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1936-07-12

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fJLY 12, 1936~



Of The

(From The Associated Press)
Mrs. Owen Weds
Danish Captain
HYDE PARK, N. Y., July 11.-
(A)-While President Roosevelt
beamed his approval, Mrs. Ruth
Bryan Owen, United States min-
ister to Denmark, was married
today to Captain Boerge Rohde,
a gentleman in waiting to Den-
mark's King Christian X.
The blue-eyed Captain stooped
gallantly at one point in the cere-
mony and picked up a handker-
chief Mrs. Owen dropped. ,
Between 70 and 80 guests were
present in James' Chapel, the
Roosevelts' family church when
the Rev. Samuel Shoemaker, pas-
tor of Calvary Episcopal church
in New York, read the brief serv-
Captain Rohde clasped the
hand of his bride, who is the
daughter of the late William
Jennings Bryan and the United
States' firs} woman envoy, and
kissed her at the end of the cere-
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, in
flowered blue chiffon and a big
hat, greeted many of the guests
at the door and told them "sit
where you please."
Mayor Misses Date
With Extortionist
ROCKFORD, I11., July 11.-(P)
-Mayor George S. Brydia, of
Prophetstown, was late tonight
for his rendezvous with an ex-
tortionist who threatened to blow
up the village's business district
unless he was paid $1,000.
Brydia, who has served 16 years
in office and is one of the prin-
cipal grocers of the town of 1,-
500, drove here with Sheriff Em-
ery Thornell of Whiteside Coun-
They joined Sheriff Paul John-
son of Winnebago County and the
three dined leisurely at a res-
taurant, a half mile away from
the Rockford Public Library
where Brydia was to have met
the man who sent him the extor-
tion letter Wednesday.
Flanked by the two sheriffs,
Mayor Brydia drove pastethe hi-
brary several times, both eyes
peeled for the man who said he
was from the "Lamorra Society,"
and "meant business" when he
instructed the mayor to collect
$10 apiece from 50 Prophetstown
business men.
The extortionist was not in
The mayor and his body guards
did not get out of their automo-
bile and it could not be deter-
mined immediately whether he
still carried the empty shoe box
adorned with red cord which was
the receptacle in which the ex-
tortioner ordered the money
Mickey Cochrane
To Leave For Detroit
CODY, Wyo., July 11.-(')-
Mickey Cochrane, manager of the
Detroit Tigers, packed his grips
for departure from Cody tonight
to rejoin his team after a three-
week rest cure on a dude ranch.
Hearing at his hotel room that
Washington defeated Detroit in
today's game, Mickey said:
"They're a great bunch of boys
and Baker (Coach Del Baker) is
doing a swell job. Those Tigers
are getting lined out and will give
some team a lot of trouble."

Commenting on the lead of the
New York Yankees in the Amer-
ican League race, Cochrane said
"bigger leads than that have been
wiped out in a short time, and
there is still lots of time."
The Tiger manager expects to
resume play shortly after his re-
turn to Detroit, after the New
York series.
Call Is Issued
For WPA Projects
DETROIT, July 11.-A'P)-A
call for Michigan communities to
submit new WPA projects for
consideration was issued today
by Harry L. Pierson as the state
administrator made plans for the
second year of the Works Pro-
gress Administration in the state.

Summer Term
Sports Events
Summer Seson Program
Opens With Swimming
Competition At 5:15
The first of a series of summer
school intramural sport tournaments
will begin at 5:15 p.m. tomorrow when
the swimmers will complete a 25-
year free style swim.
The swimming contestants will
meet every Monday and Wednesday
until all 10 events in the meet are
completed. Up to today, 15 persons
have signed up for this sport.
With a half dozen other sports
scheduled to get under way Wednes-
day, Ernie Smith, director of the
summer program ,announced that the
deadline for entering any sport is set
for Monday afternoon at 6 p.m. No
entries will be received after that
A complete announcement of pair-
ings and programs in the various in-
tramural sports will be announced
in Tuesday's issue of the Daily. The
leading sport, tennis, will have at
least 64 entries; table tennis, a new
sport here, 19; handball, 18; golf at
least 30. These figures may be larg-
er after Monday's registration.
Golfers in the meet may purchase
regular student tickets at 50 cents
for 18 holes, or 10 tickets for $4.00.
Ribbons will be awarded to winners
and runners-up of all sports, with the
privilege of buying a .trophy througt
the intramural department, Smith
said. Despite the hot weather the
past few days, many handball en-
thusiasts have been practicing up
for the tournament, he stated. Tennis
players also have been warming up
under the hot sun.
Kemutz Plans
Great Future
For Movement
(Continued from rage 1)
sale houses in central points, as the
one we anticipate in Lansing," he
said. "We will follow with factories,
when the demands of the coopera-
tives' membership is sufficient, and
after a time one can walk into a co-
operative and know that he is getting
the best product on the market."
Speaking of the local cooperative
movement, Mr. Kemitz said that it
will develop "slowly but surely. After
all," he said, "the people's money
will be better taken care of if we grow
(At present, the cooperative gro-
cery store is being begun in the gar-
age of Mr. Hill).
There is one of every five families
in the world today in a cooperative
and one out of every 20 persons is a
member of a cooperative, Mr. Kem-
nitz said.
As a world movement he believes
it cannot be stopped because it is too
firmly entrenched in Europe, where
he said the largest businesses in Eng-
land and Sweden were cooperative,
and growing too rapidly in this coun-
As encouraging signs Mr. Kemnitz
pointed to Henry Wallace's "Who's
Constitution," which favorably sug-
gests the. cooperative system as the
"way out," and President Roosevelt's
recently-appointed committee of
three to study the movement in
It is his hope that his Wednesday
lecture will take the form of a dis-
cussion and that some of those at-

tending will form a permanent sum-
mer society for a study of the move-

Gov. Landon Conf ers With Frank Lowden

Frank O. Lowden (left), former governor of Illinois, and Governor
Alf M. Landon of Kansas, Republican presidential nominee, are shown
as they conferred on agricultural problems at Topeka, Kas. Gov. Landon
is expected to discuss the farm question in his acceptance speech July 23.
Story Of Graduate Imprisoned
As SpFor Two Years Is Told

(Continued from Page 1)
avoiding giving direct information as
to the type of position he was going
into with the statement that it was
"merely statistical work." Several
months later, word was received
from the Jacobsons in Berlin. And
then, in the fall of 1933, came the
surprising news of his arrest in Hel-
sinki as a Commusist spy, along with
a gang of Soviet agents, ranging from
the Finnish capital to Paris.
Friends in Northville finally suc-
ceeded in securing the release of Mrs.
Jacobson, and then raising money for
her return to the United States. She
immediately protested their inno-
cence, and told her story this way:
Jacobson was, admittedly, a Com-
munist "sympathizer," she said, and
he obtained a position as a statis-
tician for the Communist party in
New York. Then he was transferred
to Berlin, where he went willingly be-
cause he could study at the Uni-
versity of Berlin. All of this time,
Mrs. Jacobson claims, her husband
did not know that the true nature
of his work was espionage, and he did
not discover it until they were sud-
denly transferred to Helsinki.
As soon as he found out that he
was really a red spy, according to Mrs.
Jacobson, he asked Communist lead-
ers to release him from his work. This,
they told him, they could not do im-
mediately, but would try to oblige hin)
Then the trap was sprung, and the
Northville school teacher found him-
self within the shadow of a Finnish
firing squad.
His case aroused considerable at-
tention. Sen. Arthur H. Vanden-
berg, through the state department
in Washington, looked into the sit-
uation, provided Jacobson with coun-
sel and stood by to see that he had a
fair trial. He decided to tell the Fin-
nish authorities all he knew, provid-
ed they gave him a light sentence. Hei
received five years ,while some of his
alleged accomplices were sentenced to
20 years, life imprisonment and
Mrs. Jacobson, in Michigan, de-
nounced the whole trial as trickery.
And then, when her husband refused
to eat a year ago, she became ill with
fear. Again, her friends urged the
American legation in Helsinki to in-
tercede, which it did, finally getting
him to take food after more than a
week of "striking."
. Jacobson was well treated in the
Turku prison. He was'allowed to do
mechanical drawing, despite the fact

Publication in the Thiletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy reeceived at t he ofice of the Summer Session, Room 1213
Angell Hal" until 3:30: 11:00 a.in. on Saturday.

he was sentenced to "hard labor," and
to all appearances he was a model
prisoner. But he only could write
and receive one letter a week, to
and from his wife, and he wanted
his freedom.
Now that he has it, what the future
holds for him in the United States
no one knows. He is, more or less,
on the spot. The Communists are
against him for "squealing," and the
anti-reds are against him for being
hooked up with the Communists. He
has not indicated his plans, and Mrs.
Jacobson, at last reports studying in
the University of Chicago, has not yet
been reached.
There is a possibility, his friends
believe, that he may enroll as a grad-
uate student here at the University
of Michigan.
Varied Sermons To
Feature Services
(Continued from Page 1)
speak on "An Untried Religion: The
Old Testament." This is the first of
two lectures to be given by Professor
Waterman on the Old and New Tes-
"The Wisdom of the Human Body"
is the subject of the sermon to be
given by the Rev. Allison Ray Heaps
at 10:45 p.m. today in the Congrega-
tional Church.
The Rev. Theodore Schmale, pastor
of the Bethlehem Evangelical Church,
will preach on "Increase of Faith"
at the service at 10:30 a.m.
The Sunday morning service of St.
Andrew's Episcopal church will be
conducted by the Rev. Henry Lewis.
A special evening entertainment is
planned for Summer Session students
at the summer home of Mr. F. J. Da-
vidson at Whitmore Lake. Cars will
leave the church aG 5 p.m.
"Creative Personality" is the sub-
ject of the sermon to be given by
Dr. Walter S. Ryder at 11 a.m. at the
Unitarian Church.

(Continued from Page 2)
sing Hamblen's "Cast Thy Burden
on the Lord."
A special invitation is extended to
Congregational summer students.
Summer School Students: The reg-
ular Sunday evening meeting for
Episcopal students will be held this
evening at the cottage of Mr. F. J.
Davidson at Whitmore Lake., Cars
will leave St. Andrew's Church at 5
p.m. All students and their friends
are cordially invited.
Stalker 11all: Wesleyan Guild meet-
ing Sunday at 6 p.m. Prof. Preston
Slosson will speak on "Christianity's
Answer to International Questions."
Fellowship hour and refreshments
following the meeting.
First Methodist Church: Morning
worship at 10:45 a.m. Dr. William
E. Harrison, Superintendent of Ann
Arbor District, will preach on "The
Mood of Emancipation."
First Baptist Church, Sunday:
10:45 a.m., Morning worship. Ser-
mon by minister, Rev. R. Edward
Sayles, on "The Difficulties of Faith."
The Church School meets at 9:30
Roger Williams Guild, student or-
ganization, 6 p.m. in the parlors of
the Guild House, 503 E. Huron St.,
opposite the church. Prof. Leroy Wa-
terman will give the first of two spe-
cial addresses, speaking on "An Un-
tried Religion: The Old Testament."
Next Sunday evening the second de-
velopment will be, "An Untried Re-
ligion: The New Testament." Op-
portunity for questions will be given.
A social.period and refreshments will
follow the program.
Church of Crhist (Disciples)
10:45 a.m., Morning worship, Rev.
Fred Cowin, minister.
12 noon, Student Bible Class, H. L.
Pickerill, leader.
8 p.m., Dr. Wilhelm Pauck of Chi-
cago will address students at the Con-
gregational Church on "Critical Is-
sues of Contemporary Culture." The
picnic that had been tentatively
planned for Sunday evening is post-
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship today are: 8 a.m.
Holy Communion; 11 a.m., inder-
garten; 11 a.m. Morning prayer and
sermon by The Rev. Henry Lewis.
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet at Lane Hall on Sunday, July
12 at 3 p.m. sharp where they will be
taken to Base Lake for a swim and
picnic supper. The approximate cost
will be 45c. Those who have cars
should bring them in order to pro-
vide transportation for every one. A
refund will be made to those furnish-
ing cars. All graduate students are
cordially invited to attend this and
other meetings of the club during
the summer.
Library ,Science Department: Fac-
ulty and students of the department
of Library Science are most cordially
invited to attend a Get-Acquainted
Tea to be served in the Garden of

the Michigan League, Sunday, July
12, at 6 p.m. Tickets may be pur-
chased from Mrs. Smith at the Study
Hall desk until this noon. Price 35
Foreign Student Reception and
Tea: All foreign students enrolled in
the Summer Session are invited to
an informal tea to be given by Prof.
J. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor to
Foreign Students, and Mrs. Nelson in
the Grand Rapids Room of the Mich-
igan League next Sunday, July 12
from 4 to 6 p.m. Students enrolled
for the first time are especially urged
to avail themselves of this opportuni-
ty to meet other foreign students and
members of the faculty in the inter-
national groups.
J. Raleigh Nelson.
Conference on Religion, July 12, 13
and 14:
Prof. Wilhelm Pauck, Chicago
TheologicaluSeminary, will deliver
three lectures-the opening lecture,
Sunday at 8 p.m., at the First Con-
gregational Church upon "Our Cul-
ture and the Outlook for Christian-
Two lectures upon "Unrealized
Spiritual Resources of the Bible" will
be given by Prof. Leroy Waterman,
one of the translators who produced
"An American Translation," (1927),
2 p.m. Monday and Tuesday.
A Symposium by men representing
Medicine, Religion and Psychology
will discuss "Common Problems of
Religion and Mental Hygiene." 3 p.m.
Rare manuscripts will be exhibited
Monday by Prof. Henry A. Sanders
who will give two lectures upon "The
Epistles of Paul in the Third Cen-
tury," Monday and Tuesday at 11
Most of the sessions will be in the
Grand Rapids room at the League.
Open to all members of the Summer
E. W. Blakeman, Counselor in Re-
ligious Education.
There will be a joint meeting of the
Men's and Women's Education Clubs
in the ballroom of the Michigan
Union Monday at 7:30 p.m. Dr. Pres-
ton Slosson of the department of
history, will speak on the American
"Pirates of Penzance." Final try-
outs for both chorus and principals
at 4:30 pm. Monday at the Mendel-
ssohn Theatre. Everyone interested
in being in this musical to be given
by the Michigan Repertory Players
and the School of Music should re-
port at this time.
At 4:05 Monday afternoon Dr. H.
C. Hutchins of the staff of the Edu-
cation Policies Commission, will lee-
ture on "Appraising Human Re-
sources," in the University High
School Auditorium.
Niagara Falls Excursion: Reserva-
tions for the Niagara Falls excursion,
July 17 to 19, which is open to all stu-
dents of the Summer Session and
friends, should be made at the Sum-
mer Session Office. These reserva-
tions should be made preferably by
Tuesday, July 14, in order to assure
hotel accommodations, but will be

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