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July 12, 1936 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1936-07-12

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VNDA.'Y', StJ;CtY 12, 1936

TWd ~UNflAY, JULY 12, 193~

Official Publication of the Summer Session

Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.50, by mail,
$2.00. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
Offies:nStudent Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York City. - 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago,, Il.
Telephone 4925
diitoria Director ..................Marshall D. Shulman
0ranatic Critic ........................ John W. Pritchard
Aslistant Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Ralph W. Hurd,
Joseph S. Mattes, Elsie A. Pierce, Tuure Tenander, Jewel
W. Wuerfel.
eporters: Eleanor Bare, Donal Burns, Mary Delnay, M. E.
Graban, John Hlilpert, Richard E. Lrch, Vincent Moore,
Eaie Roxborough, William Sours, Dorothea Staeber.
Telephone 2-1214
CREDITS'MANAGER ....................JOHN R. PARK
Circulation Manager-...-..-..........J. Cameron Hall
Owve ;Maager.............................Robert Lodge
The Poor
Filipios. . .
'T HE DAILY remarked during the
regular session that the Republican
party nationally was as badly disorganized as the
Democratic party in Michigan. That is no longer
true, for the Republicans are strongly consolidated
behind Governor Landon. But the Michigan Dem-
ocrats are still in a sad state.
-First of all, let us look at the candidates for gov-
ernor. The New Deal high command has, for some
reason or other, picked Frank Murphy to head
the ticket. George Welsh, Grand Rapids Re-
publican turned Democrat, has picked himself.
The old guard Democrats, led by former Governor
Comstock, seems to favor Welsh. But the real
party wheel horses, such as Edmund C. Shields
obediently accept the orders of President Roose-
The Roosevelt strategy in picking Murphy is du-
bious. The Philippine high commissioner has
never been tremendously popular throughout the
state. As mayor of Detroit he did passably well,
but even at that Wayne County as a whole did
not fall completely in love with him. And voters
throughout the state may hold his religion against
him. But nevertheless, the President has picked
him for apparently the same reason as he picked
Governor Lehman to run in New York-to carry
the state for the New Deal in November.
Murphy will probably get the nomination, and
if he does Welsh will probably support him. But,
again, if Murphy does win it, Comstock p'obably
will not back him, and there are any amount of
old guard Democrats who will "take a walk."
While the election here may be close, an impartial
observer will be forced to give the well organized
forces of Governor Fitzgerald the odds at present.
And who do the Democrats have to run for
United States senator? They endorsed half the
male population of Michigan at their convention
in Grand Rapids, including Professor Muyskens,
Governor Comstock and Frank Picard. But the
point is that they also endorsed Senator Couz-
ens, G.O.P. incumbent, who,. independent though
he is, is always a Republican at election time.
The Republican convention endorsed Senator
Couzens too. And although the Republican ma-
chine seems to favor the none-too popular Wilbur
Brucker for the post, Couzens is going to make a
strong and victorious run for the G.O.P. nomina-
We say probably victorious again impartially.
Brucker was never a popular governor. And Couz-
ens, as stubborn as he may be at times has
gained prestige from the charitable uses on which
he has spent his millions. Also, if the. Democratic
senator candidate is but a straw man (as seems
to be likely) who will resign in favor of Couzens
should the Detroiter win the Republican nomina-
tion, many right wing democrats may vote the
Republican primary just to endorse him.
It (would have been better for everyone, we feel,
if President Roosevelt had kept his hands off the
Michigan situation. As it is, Michigan is a doubt-

ful state in the national election. Welsh, a strong
New Dealer, even a converted one, would have
served the purposes of the White House well
enough. And a large group of Democrats that
resent Washington interference would not have
been alienated, as they may be now.
Incidentally, even though The Daily is not sure
that Governor Fitzgerald should be defeated, Mr.
Welsh is a capable man, as he demonstrated during
his service as Republican lieutenant governor,
speaker of the State House of Representatives and
city manager of Grand Rapids, and a skillful poli-
And finally, we think it should be clearly under-
stood that simply because Murphy is the New
Deal's handpicked candidate for governor, is no
reason why self-respecting citizens are required
fn .rfaf fa a Ulnnim- z, hia -nnmmic-" .A0

Rotarian, it developed had been instructed by the
national organization either to invite ministers in
his city to speak in opposition to the cooperative
movement, or, if they were favorable to it, to en-
courage them to be silent in the pulpits on the
The minister declined the invitation to oppose
the movement before the commercial club, but
it is not likely that he will actively plea for co-
operatives from his dias on Sunday mornings. His
city is industrial, and many of the wealthy church
members are owners of industries and business
establishments. To champion a movement which
is making significant inroads in capitalism's tradi-
tional profit economy would be to alienate those
who support his church and his own economic
existence. He must choose between spreading the
gospel of an ideal which is essentially more Chris-
tian than the present economic system-the pro-
duction of goods for use, instead of production
for profit of a few--and the preaching of a re-
ligion which ignores or rationalizes the incon-
gruities of the present economic society. To follow
the first path might force him from the min-
istry which gives him a living; following the latter
path, however, will more certainly secure his job
This minister's position epitomizes the predica-
ment of religion in the midst of a capitalist society.
Two conflicting forces are at work in organized
religion today: the pressure of an environment
motivated by profits which tends to make the
church conform if it is to exist, and the pressure
of the spirit and ideals of Christ's teaching which
preach the cooperative .spirit and the superior
value of human personality over property values.
The Christian church today is confronted with the
task of making these two concepts compatible and
workably harmonious. And the task is difficult
and heart-breaking at times. Nurtured and sup-
ported in the atmosphere of big business and com-
petitive economy, it is little wonder that the church
is criticized for lack of sympathetic consideration
for the dispossessed and the economic derelicts. If
capitalist leaders have forgotten this great mass
of people, it is understandable why an institu-
tion which is dependent on, and a part of this
order has forgotten them too, even though such
forgetfulness would be decried by the founder
of Christianity.
The tragedy of the Christian church today is
that it has reduced and modified the gospel of
Christ from a high ideal to a creed which apolo-
gizes for, and is harmonious with the tenets of cap-
italism. In the face of diametric differences be-
tween Christianity and the philosophy of free en-
terprise and competition, the church has bravely
fostered a sort of double social morality. In
fairness to Christianity, however, it must be said
that some church bodies and sincere, prophetic
ministers are breaking away from the traditional
acquiescience of the church and are taking a
definite stand against excessive private ownership,
and the exploitation of one group by another. The
Federated Council of Churches in 1932 ventured
a hesitant step and declared this should be the
rule of life: "Practical application of the Chris-
tion principle of social well-being to the acqui-
sition and use of wealth; subordination of the
profit motive to the creative and cooperative
spirit." Recently the Congregational and Christian
Churches took a firm stand against the present
economic system and scored private enterprise for
its creation of industrial and social strife and
perpetuation of insecurity.
These indications of religion's awakening to its
social responsibility, however timid, are encour-
aging to those who believe Christianity is a prac-
ticable, workable philosophy. There is need, how-
ever, for far greater activity on the part of
churches in spreading the gospel of a better eco-
nomic life. All churches, in spite of admonitions
from commercial clubs should actively support
those economic reforms which will bring society
a little nearer the precepts of the religion they
profess to teach.
AN ALL VICTOR HERBERT program will be
featured at 11:30 a.m. today by the Radio
City Music Hall symphony orchestra. Robert
Weede, baritone, Edwina Eustis, contralto, Jan
Peerce, tenor, and Viola Philo soprano will be the

guest soloists. The varied program will include
Moonbeams, from "The Red Mill"; Sunset; Va-
quero's Song from "Natoma"; Kiss Me Again, from
"Mademoiselle Modiste"; Tarantelle, from the
"Suite for Cello," opus C; and the March of the
Toys from "Babes in Toyland." The program will
be broadcast over the NBC-WJZ network.
Also on the air today over both NBC and CBS
will be the broadcast of the Olympic tryouts from
Randall's Island, New York. Both networks will
broadcast at 1 p.m., NBC only at 2 p.m., and CBS'
at 3 p.m. NBC will also carry a resume of all past
Olympic games, naming all the winners of the in-
ternational competitions, at 5:30 p.m.
B ENNY GOODMAN, who moved into the Palo-
mar ballroom in Los Angeles when Isham
Jones moved out, is broadcasting regularly from
the coast on a sustaining program. Needless to
say, these dance broadcasts are all that could be
asked for. His star trombonist, Joe Harris, has
left Goodman's orchestra, but the new man, we
don't know his name as yet, sounds very good.
Benny is on the air Thursdays and Saturdays over
CBS and on a commercial over the same network
on Tuesdays at 8 p.m.
Despite all the anxiety widespread at the present
time regarding the coming shortage in the wheat
and grain crops because of the drought, there will
be plenty of corn available to all radio listeners
while Henry Busse is on the ether. He of the
steam lip certainly plays a mean trumpet in every
sense of the word. However, if you want to hear
for yourself, Hank is on the air from the Chez
Paree in Chicago every night except Saturday at
11. But don't say we didn't warn you.

Program Notes-
Tuesday evening, July 14, 8:30 p.m.
CHER, Pianists; E. WILLIAM DOTY, Organist.
r HE PROGRAM for the second concert in the
Summer series is extremely light and varied,
having been planned with regard for the comfort
of the audience, and will be but approximately
an hour in length. In spite of its brevity in re-
spect to time, the program includes works of al
dozen different composers, representing all periods
of musical composition from the seventeenth cen-
tury to the present.
Mr. Fletcher will open the program with the
playing of Beethoven's Sonata in D Minor, Op. 31,
No. 2 ("Recitative"). This work is a notable one
in the life of both Beethoven the Man and Beet-
hoven the Artist. It was completed sometime dur-I
ing the fall of 1802, while the composer was livingt
in the little village of Heiligenstadt, near Vienna,
where he had gone for rest and seclusion under
the affliction of his advancing deafness. There,
on October 6 of that year, he wrote the famous
Heiligenstadt Testament, addressed to his brothers
Carl and Johann, and to posterity as well, in which
he poured out his bitterness and sorrow at theI
fate which was fast overtaking him, and in whichI
he plead to be remembered, not as "morose,;
crabbed, or misanthropical," but as "inclined to
beneficence" and full of "love to man." The D
Minor Sonata is a musical counterpart to the
Testament, expressing something of its tragicness
and philosophic resignation. In the first move-
ment, the frequent recitative passages (from which,
the work derives its popular name) are the elo-.
quent and impressive utterings of a distressed soul,
and when expanded and developed in the recapitu-
lation, faintly suggest the similar though brighter
and more majestic passages at the opening of
the choral movement, of the Ninth Symphony.
The Sonata is also interesting because it marks,
as nearly as any one work can do so, the end
of the composer's first period and a transition to
the second. On the whole, the style is that of
the Beethoven of the first two symphonies, but
such passages as the above-mentioned recitatives
bespeak the composer of the mighty Eroica, which
even then was looming large on th composer's
creative horizon.
* * * *
Following the playing of the Beethoven Sonata,
Miss Lewis will sing a group of six numbers, all
chosen from the works of 17th and 18th century
composers. The first is an arietta by. Mozart, be-
ginning with the words "Un moto di gioia mi
sento" (Joy thrills my being), and xlas originally
intended as an aria for Susannah in Act II of
The Marriage of Figaro, but was later discorded.
The next two selections, "O del mio dolce ardor"
(My sweet passion) and "Spiagge amati" (Beloved
shores), are by Gluck, the 18th century Wagner
who retrieved Opera from the depths of triviality
and insincerity into which it had declined. "Char-
inant papillon" (Bewitching butterfly), which fol-
lows, is a song by one of the early French opera
composers, Andre Campra (1660-1744); following
Lully and preceding Rameau, the light of his
genius was overshadowed but by no means oblit-
erated by that of those two stalwarts of early
French music. The two concluding numbers of
the group are Le Petite Gardeur de Chevres (The
Little Shepherd), by another French composer,
Lenormand; and Brunette, by Rameau. The
latter has to do with a gay cavalier, who "on leav-
ing the city of Luneville meets a pretty young
maiden. 'Good morning, beautiful one. You cer-
tainly are the pearl of this district. Nevertheless,
you do not compare to my Fleurette.' On the
outskirts of the city he meets a country maid on
her way to sell flowers. 'Good-day, beautiful one.
You are most charming in your short petticoats,
but even so you can't compare to my Fleurette.'
Many miles from Luneville he says: 'I have walked
so far that here I am, and 'twould be useless to
go further, for 'tis here my beloved one awaits me.
So farewell to all the beautiful maidens, for none
will ever compare to my Fleurette, my love of
* * * *
Continuing, Mr. Doty will play a group of three
organ numbers, including an impressionistic piece

entitled Mist, of his own composition. A second
impressionistic piece, Autumnal, is also by a Mich-
igan composer, Miss Dorothy James, of Ypsilanti.
A native of Chicago, and a pupil of Adolphe Weidig
and of Howard Hanson, Miss James is considered
by the latter to be the foremost woman composer
living in America today. Her style is thoroughly
modern, but marked by a conservative sensitive-
ness and delicacy of feeling. The third organ se-
lection is a Ronde Francaise in the Aeolian mode,
by Leon Boellmann, a French composer and or-
ganist of the late nineteenth century.
The concluding portion of the program consists
of a group of piano numbers, to be played by Mr.
Fletcher, and comprises a set of six Chopin etudes,
Debussy's La Fille aux Cheveux de Lin (The Girl
with the Flaxen Hair), and the popular Malaguena
of the modern Spanish composer, Lecuona. The
Debussy piece is frequently heard in the orches-
tral transcription, but it was originally written
(1910) as one of a group of twenty-four descriptive
piano pieces which the composer classified under
the general title of "Preludes."
This heat wave offers us, in the almost verbatim
immortal words of U. S. Grant, no terms other than
an air-conditional surrender.
-New York Tines.
Sir Samuel Hoare said there will be a British
fleet in the Mediterranean for another 300 years.
But it surely ought not to take the Baldwin Cabinet
that long to decide on a definite policy.
-The New York Times.

VOL. XLV. No. 12
SUNDAY, JULY 12, 1936
Bethlehem Evangelical Church.
South Fourth Ave. Theodore'
Schmale, pastor.
9 a.m., Early service (conducted in
9:30 a.m., Church School.
10:30 a.m., Morning worship with
sermon by the pastor on "Increase of
FirstPresbyterian Church:
Meeting at the Masonic Temple,
327 South Fourth Ave. Dr. Robert
Worth Frank, of the Chicago The-
ological Seminary, is the preacher for
the period of the summer school. He
will speak every Sunday morning at
the worship service at 10:45 a.m. This
Sunday his topic is 'The Recoil of
Summer Session Students are re-
quested to reserve Sunday evening,
July 12, at 5:30 for a complimentary
plate supper to be given on the lawn
of the new church site at 1432 Wash-
tenaw Ave., just belond the intersec-
tion of South University Ave. Prof.{
Howard Y. McClusky will speak on
the theme: "Our Immediate Past."
Congregational Church:
Service of worship at 10:45 a.m.
Mr. Heaps will speak on "The Wisdom
of the Human Body" with particular
reference to the recent pronounce-
ments of Dr. Richard Cabot.
Grace Johnson Konold ,soloist, will
(Continued on Page 3)

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The Faculty Wives' Club will hon-
or the wives of visiting professors at
a Garden Party from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday in the League Garden, it
was announced yesterday.
Eye Glass Frames
Lenses Ground.
HALLER'S Jewelry
State street at iberty

ed. Men's shirts 10c. Silks, wools,
our specialty. All bundles done sep-
arately. No markings. Personal sat-
isfaction guaranteed. Call for and
deliver. Phone 5594 any time until
7 o'clock. Silver Laundry, 607 E.
Hoover. 3x
EXPERIENCED laundress doing stu-
dent laundry. Called for and de-
livered. Telephone 4863. 2x
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 1x
LOST: A Gardner's book of Public
Health Nursing. Reward. 206 S.
MUSKEGON, Mich.,. July 10. --W)
-Bathers recovered tonight the body
of George Hylen, Jr., 8, drowned in
the Lake Harbor channel.
Class & individual in-
struction in all types
of dancing. Teachers
course. Open daily 'dur-
ing Summer Session
10 A.M. to 9 P.M.
Phone 9695
Terrace Garden Studio
Wuerth 'Theatre Bldg.




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