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July 04, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1936-07-04

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The Weather
Lower Michigan: Generally
fair in extreme north, scat-
tered showers in central and
south, warmer in west.


B t


Murphy And Lehman ...
We're In The Money ...

Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Tests Reveal
Human Flesh
In Snappers
Dr. Bugher Finds Clue To
Boy's Death In Analysis
Of TurtsStomachs
Fragment Of Shirt
Is Also Disclosed
Autopsy And Examination
Of Water Specimens,
Clothing, Continue
TAWAS CITY, Mich., July 3.-UP)
-Sheriff John Moran anhounced evi-
dence tonight that at least part of
the mutilation of the body of 10-
year-old Bobby Kenyon occurred af-
ter his lifeless form was tossed into
the Augres River where it was found
last Saturday.
Dr. John C. Bugher, University of
Michigan pathologist, reported to the
sheriff and to State Police that ex-
amination of the intestines of a large
snapping turtle taken from a deep
river pool near where the boy's body
was recovered, showed.:
A section of bone missing from the
boy's neck; fragments of human hair
and flesh, and a piece of Bobby's
shirt. .
The sheriff and Detective Sergeant
Philip L. Hutson of State Police said
they retained their belief the boy was
slain and his ears and tongue severed
by a sharp instrument wielded by the
killer. The youngster disappeared a
week ago Monday from the home of
his uncle and aunt where he had been
University hospital pathologists
yesterday added another angle to
their already extensive laboratory in-
vestigation of the murder of 10-year-
old Robert Kenyon near Tawas last
week when they began an "autopsy"
yesterday on several large snapping
turtles killed by officers in a pool of
the Au Gres River, near which the
body wa found.
Try To Find Ears
Aim of the investigation was to
see if the stomach contents of the
turtles would reveal the slain boy's
ears, missing from the body when it
was found on the river bank just .be-
low the pool last Saturday.
Already under analysis by the
scientists are. the boy's body and
clothing, together with water speci-
mens from all water supplies near
the scene of the crime. Dr. John C.
Bugher, hospital pathologist, and Dr.
Carl Weller, head of the department
of pathology, have been making a
microscopic and chemical analysis of
the boy's body since Sunday, and
their final report is expected in the
near future by authorities in charge
of the investigation.
Sent To Moran
The water specimens were sent
here by Sheriff Moran of Iosco Coun-
ty reportedly to see "if anything from
the stream could have gotten into
the boy's body," but caused officers
here to see a left-handed parallel to
the similar slaying of Julius Streich-
er, nine years old, in Ypsilanti March
7 last year, when the investigation
of the crime received a set-back
through destruction of the clothing.
A Ypsilanti undertaker burned the
clothing before the water in it could
be analyzed to show whether it had
come from the Huron River, on whose
bank the body was found, or if the
boy might have been immersed or
drowned in city water instead.
The clothing in the Kenyon case
is also being microscopically analyzed

for bloodstains. Blood left on the
clothing from the killer's hands
might, according to the pathologists,
have been washed away in the five-
day immersion the body is thought to
have had, but heavier stains from
the boy's slashed throat would prob-
ably be revealed by microscopic ex-
Business Position
On Daily Is Vacant
Robert Lodge, officer manager of
the Summer Daily, announced late
yesterday that the position of assist-
ant office manager has not been filled
as yet.
Any one desiring practical exper-
ience in advertising and sales meth-
ods and advertising layout should
apply at the business office, Student
Publications Building, AMonday af-

Degener Secures
Place In Olympics
CHICAGO, July 3. - () - Three
rivals of long standing won places
on the United States' 3-meter spring-
board Olympic diving team and com-
petition in the water polo advanced
to the semi-finals in Olympic trials
at Burnham Park lagoon today.
Dick Degener of Detroit came
through as expected in the 3-meter
diving event, leading a field of six
artists with 163.7 points. Al .Greene
of Chicago was second with 159.69
points and Marshall Wayne of Miami,
Fa., took the third place on the
team with 159.26 points.
Tigers Continue
Winning Streak
Against Browns
Gehringer's Hitting Leads
Way To Detroit Triumph
Over St. Louis, 9-4
ST. LOUIS, July 3. -(P)- The
rampaging Tigers, led by the heavy
hitting of Charlie Gehringer, mauled
the St. Louis Browns 9 to 4 today
for their seventh straight victory.
Gehringer slammed out a first-in-
ning home run with Jack Burns on
base, and added a double and a single
in four trips to the plate. Burns,
traded by the Browns to the Tigers
for Elon Hogsett when Hank Green-
berg was injured, got a double and
two singles, and Marvin Owen three
singles. ,
Roxie Lawson, who has appeared
in more games this season than any
other Detroit hurler, mostly in a re-
lief role, went the route despite four
shaky innings, and won his third
The triumph trimmed the New
York Yankee's lead in the league to
ten games, and strengthened the
Tigers' hold on second place with a
half-game lead over the idle Wash-
ington Senators.
The Tigers raked Les Tiete, Russ
Van Atta and Glenn Liebhardt, St.
Louis pitchers, for sixteen hits, build-
ing up an early lead which the Browns'
never were able to match.
Gehringer's circuit smash to the
top of the right field pavilion scor-
ing Burns who had doubled started
the Detroit team off to victory in the
first inning. Charlie brought in an-
other run in the third with his double
after rogell had singled.
Bejama's error accounted for an-
other Tiger run in the fifth. Geh-
ring'er cracked out his third hit, and
Goslin walked. Clift took Walker's
grounder and threw Goslin out at
second, but when Bejama tried for a
double play he threw over Bottom-
ley's head and Gehringer streaked
The Browns countered with another
run on Lary's triple and Clift's infield
out, in their half of the inning.
Van Atta took up the hurling duties
for the Browns in the sixth and re-
tired the side hitless, but in the sev-
enth Burns and Rogell singled, Geh-
(Continued on Page 2)
Koella Speaks
On Issues Of
French Scene
Summer Session French
Club Selects Officers

Charles E.. Koella of the French
Department, director of Le Foyer
Francais, Summer Session French
Club, Thursday addressed the first
meeting of the club on the subject
of present political issues in France.
An audience composed mostly of
graduate students, teachers and sum-
mer visitors from foreign countries
heard Mr. Koella describe the pecu-
liar position now held by France in
athe European situation.
French songs were sung after the
talk and refreshments were served.
Officers of the Club were an-
- nounced yesterday by Mr. Koella
Gertrude Gelman, Grad., a teacher
of French in Chicago was chosen
t president. Vice-president is Walter
- pelier, Ohio. May Czajkowa, Grad.
a Detroit French teacher, was se-
larf.Prl ar.ro m ffiP of

University Will Offer course
In Religion, Ethics Next Year

'God-lessness' Criticism Of
University Advanced As
One Reason For Program
The fourth inter-departmental de-'
gree program instituted by the Uni-
versity will get under way next fail
with a prescribed course offered in
the field of religion and ethics.
In response to a demand for a
program of study which would en-
compass the broad field of religion
specific department of the Univers-
and ethics, unattainable in any
ity, the new organization of these
related subjects hasjust been com-
Prof. Leroy Waterman of the de-
partment of oriental languages and
literature, chairman of the adminis-
trative committee and one of the pro-
moters of the plan, reported in an in-
terview yesterday. that one of the
reasons for the adoption of the
course iles in the "opprobrium of ir-
religiousness" or "God-lessness"
which has somehow attached itself,
to the University.
Students may enter the program
after having completed two years
work, or 60 hours credit with at least
as many honor points as hours. A
reading knowledge of French or Ger-
man or the equivalent of two years of
Latin in college are required, and
Philosophy 31 or 32 and Psychology
31 are strongly recommended.
The degree program is divided into
three groups, and students are re-
quired to complete a minimum of 15
hours from courses in each group.
The first group bears upon religion
as an aspect of civilization, the sec-
ond upon religion as an aspect of
thought and the third upon religion
as an aspect of social relationships
and institutions. Subjects are drawn
from the departments of anthropol-
ogy, Greek, history, Oriental lan-
guages, philosophy, sociology, Latin,
Shull Continues
LectureS e rie s
Here Next Week
'Lore of Tree Rings And
Sun Spots To Be Topic
Of Zoologist
"Trees, Sun Spots, and History"
will be the first of the Summer Ses-
sion lecture series to be given next
week, and will be delivered by Prof.
A. Franklin Shull of the zoology de-
partment at 5 p.m. Monday in the
Natural Science Auditorium.
Professor Shull is expected to dis-
cuss tree rings as indicative of the
climatic conditions which the trees
studied have undergone in their
growth. Professor Shull said last
night that by the study of rings in
trees one could tell fairly accurately
the nature of the seasons during the
lifetime of the trees. This is being
done to a great extent in the south-
western regions, he said.
To Discuss Sun Spots
The cyclical fluctuations of sun
spots, and their relation to rainfall
will also be discussed by Professor
Shull. The historical aspect will come
into Professor Shull's talk in the dis-
cussion of old log structures that can
be studied for the rings contained
in- the logs. By careful scrutiny of
the rings in the logs, the date when
the structures were built can be ascer-
Tuesday the Summer Session lec-
ture will be given by Prof. Edward B.
Reuter of the sociology department
of theUniversity of Iowa. Professor
Reuter's subject will be "The Decline
in Population Growth."
"The Common Cold" will be the

topic of Wednesday's lecture and will
be given by Dr. Nelson G. Smillie, pro-
fessor of Public Health Administra-
tion at Harvard University. Professor
Smillie will describe the importance
of the common cold in the daily lives
of everyone. He is giving courses
in Community Health Problems and
Public Health Law and Administra-
tion during the Summer Session.
Greene To Lecture
Prof. Edward B. Greene of the psy-
chology department of the University
will describe the advancement being
- made in the various stages of applica-
r tion of mental measurement in the
1 lecture on Thursday.
In a statement to The Daily last
, night, Professor Greene said that
rapid advancement is being made at
f--- n Vacntt ime in mental measure-

psychology and the School of Educa-
The primary purpose of the de-c
gree program, according to Professor
Waterman, is to give students a
chance, now now available, to study
the subjects of religion and ethics in
a scientific, comprehensive manner.
No additional subjects have been1
addedutothose now available in the
various departments of the Univri
ty, but an organization of existing.t
subjects has been perfected in thist
program so as to guide students in
the development of a more adequate
conception of religion.
At one time the University hada1
temporary School of Religion, but
this existed only for a short time and1
did not prove overly successful. The
only other inter-departmental de-
gree programs now provided by the I
University include those in Americant
culture, urban and rural communi-
ties and Oriental civilization. 1
The whole idea of such programs
has developed only within the last1
few years, Professor Waterman said,
and those now in operation are de-
veloping slowly. Professor Waterman
expects additional inter-departmen-
tal programs to be worked out in the
near future.
Sports Building
Will Be Scene
Of Open House
Athletes To Participate In
Many Demonstrations;1
Will Be Held Monday
In order to give Summer Session
faculty members and students an {
opportunity to inspect the Intramural 3
Sports Building for men, and see it
in operation, the Department will
hold its first summer Open House
from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Monday, July
6. Exhibitions of minor sports, such
as badminton, codball, and squash
will be shown.
Varsity Coach Johnstone will have
some of his fencers performing in the
small gymnasium and tennis players
demonstrating indoor tennis in the
large gymnasium.
Plan Demonstration
An extension' class in swimming,
under the supervision of Harold
Copp, will be seen in action in the
swimming pool. Dereland Johnston,
National Low-Board Intercollegiate
Champion, will give the two 10-min-
ute exhibitions of diving, one at 7:30
p.m. and one at 8:30 p.m.
Ernest Smith, runner-up in the
Michigan State Squash tournament
last year, will demonstrate the game
of squash and promote a number of
matches in the squash courts.
Badminton Scheduled
Badminton will be demonstrated in
the large gymnasium by such local
stars as Miss Margo Goodrich, wom-
en's singles champion of Ann Arbor
and a member of the women's doubles
and the mixed doubles championship
teams; Chris Mack, Ann Arbor's
men's singles champion and a final-
ist in both the mixed and mens
doubles tournaments; and Harry
Kasabach, the University men's
singles champion. Warren Chanter,
Ann Arbor's novice champion will be
matched with Dave Larnin, an ex-
perienced player from Montana.
Other go6d players from the Ann
Arbor BadmintonClub will also play.
Handball will be played and ex-
plained by Winfred Nelson and other
physical education majors.
Balkan Writer
Shoots Self As

League Meets
GENEVA, July 3.-(P)-Death
climaxed tonight a dramatic pistol
shot of protest, fired in the assembly
of the League of Nations.
Stefan Lux, Czechoslovakian Jew-
ish newspaperman, died at 9 p.m. of
the bullet wound he inflicted in the
Assembly Hall today while states-
men expounded this proposal and
that to ward off European war.
An internal hemorrhage, caused by
the wound just above his heart
proved fatal.
Lux fired the shot into his ches
t while standing in the gallery ad
t joining the benches of the delegates
- and slid to the floor.

IReception Draws
3,000 Attendance
Faculty of the Summer Session ex-
tended a welcome to more than 3,000
students last night at the annual re-
ception of the summer held at the'
The receiving line headed by Dr.
Louis A. Hopkins, director of the
Summer Session, and Mrs. Hopkins,
formed at 8:30 pm.in the Ethel
Fountain Hussey Room.
Dancing was held from 8:30 p.m.
to 1 am, in both the Ballroom and
the Grand Rapids Room. Al Cow-
an's Orchestra played and Jean See-
ley, '36, sang several specialty num-
bers. Both contract and auction
bridge contests were held in the
Alumnae Room on the third floor.
Fortune telling was offered in the
Dining Room.
Members of the Women's Educa-
tion Club introduced students to fac-
ulty members in the receiving line
and a group of students acted as
hostesses to assist in the ballroom.
The evening proved to be an open
house of the League as well as a
mixer for the faculty and students.
Prof. H. C. Carver Gets
91 Round With Putter
Prof. Harry C. Carver of the math-
ematics department toured the Uni-
versity Golf Course yesterday after-
noon in 91, using only a putter, on a
bet with a student here.
The faculty man had bet Bruce
Forbes, '39, five cents a hole on the
outcome, but both players scored 47's
on the first nine and 44's on the sec-
ond to tie with final scores of 91.
Professor Carver used to set up a
prize of an "A" grade to any student
in his course who could defeat him
at chess, checkers, pool, billiards, or
a variety of track events.
Social Ills Are
Subject Of Tall
By Braslhares
Rev. R. W. Frank Will Be
Guest Speaker At Local
Church Tomorrow
Paramount issues before the na-
tion today will be considered by the
Rev. Charles W. Brashares in his ser-
mon at 10:45 a.m. tomorrow in the
First Methodist Episcopal Church
when he speaks on the subject "Dis-
ease, Poverty and Crime."
At 6 p.m. Dr. Brashares will speak
on "Christianity and Personality De-
velopment" at the Wesleyan Guild
meeting in Stalker Hall. Following
the devotional service there will be
a fellowship hour and refreshments
will be served.
Dr. Walter S. Ryder, minister of
the First Unitarian Church in Flint
will preach on "The Genius of Re-
ligion" at the service beginning at
11 a.m. in the First Unitarian Church.
A reception will be held at 4:30 p.m.
at the church.
Visiting Pastor To Speak
"The Word of God" is the. topic of
the sermon to be given by the Rev.
Robert Worth Frank of Chicago at
the service at 10:45 a.m. in the First
Presbyterian Church.
At 10:45 a.m. the Rev. R. Edward
Sayles of the First Baptist Church
will speak on "My Country, Its Peril."
A meeting for students will be held at
6 p.m. in the guild house. Refresh-
ments will be served.
The service in the First Congre-
gational Church will be held at 10:45

a.m. with a sermon by the Rev. Al-
lison RayMHeaps on "A Confession 01
Faith." Mrs. Mason Konold will be
soloist for the service.
Plan Holy Communion
Holy Communion will be held at
8 a.m. tomorrow in St. Andrew's Epis-
copal Church. At the 11 a.m. service
Holy Communion and a sermon by
the Reverend Lewis will be given
A student meeting will be held at
7 p.m.
Holy Communion will be held at
9:30 a.m. in St. Paul's Lutheran
f Church and at the 10:45 a.m. serv-
eice the Rev. Carl A.' Bra-uer will
preach on "Building the Church."
"The Two Prodigal Sons" will bi
the subject of the sermon to be giver
Y by the Rev. E. C. Stellhorn at 10:3(
a.m. in the Zion Lutheran Church.
t Bridge Victors Given
, : League Playing Card
The- four winners of the doubl

Peso,'Dark Horse
Rattlesnake,' Wins
Derby By A Fang
CARLSBAD, N. M., July 3.-(P)-
The "world's first rattlesnake derby"
came close to being the last today
as Peso, strictly a "dark horse," came
through a free-for-all fight to win
by a fang.
Amid the whirr of rattles and the
shouts of "foul" the slendeir young
diamond-backed entry slid across the
finish line to victory in the slow time
of six minutes fiat.
The triumphi was worth $500 to
Peso's backer, Jack Chaney, of El
Paso, Texas. Merwin Campbell, rac-
ing steward, overruled protests of
three owners that Peso had slain
their entrants in the wild, writhing
Among the victims of the event to-
day was Buttercup, a scaly 12-rat-
tled veteran that had been a post-
time favorite. Buttercup who, his
owner, claimed, had astrain of blue-
racer in its bloodlines, was mortally
injured at the start and had to be
exterminated. Whether he was the
victim of the one-button colt Peso,
could not be immediately determined.
Steward Campbell jumped into the
racing arena at the start to disen-
tangle the combatants-only to leap
out as promptly.
The event was marked by the com-
plete breakdown of broadcasting at-
tempts. The unruly Peso, \still full
of fight, coiled and struck the "mike"
with his fangs, shattering the delic-
ate membrane.
To Hold First
Vespers Sing
Sunday Night
H. A. Van Deursen To Sing
Solo; Summer Session
Chorus WillAppear
The initial Vesper service of the
1936 Summer Session will be held at
7 p.m. tomorrow in front of the Main
Library, the feature of which will be
songs by Hardin A. Van Deursen,
'baritone, of Albion College.
A traditional function of University
Summer Sessions, Dr. Louis A. Hop-
kins, director of the Session will of-
ficiate as chairman. The music, par-
ticipated in by the Summer School
Chorus, will be under the direction of
Prof. David Mattern of the School
of Music.
A devotional address and prayer
will be given by the Rev. Henry Lew-
is, rector of St. Andrews Episcopal
Mr. Van Deursen will sing a num-
ber appropriate to Independence Day,
entitled "I Have a Rendezvous with
Life-The Cry of Youth," the words
of which were written by Walter N.
Thayer, Jr., and the music having
been composed by Geoffrey O'Hara.
The hymns which will be sung at
the service include "Glorious Things
Are Spoken" by Newton, "How Firm
a Foundation" by Keith, "America,"
"We May Not Climb the Heavenly
Steps" by Whittier and "Now the Day
is Over" by Baring-Gould.
The Summer School Chorus will
sing "The Battle Hymns of the Re-
public." The service will conclude
with a benediction by the Reverend
In case of rain the service will be
held in the First Congregational
New Strike Riot

In Cincinnati
Causes Injuries
CINCINNATI, O., July 3. - (P) -
A half dozen persons were beaten, on
woman's clothing was ripped off, and
windows were broken from a dozen
automobiles late today in a figh
at the entrance to the Norwood plan
of Remington-Rand, Inc., wherea
strike is in progress.
Police said a crowd of about 50(
persons gathered at the entranc
when some 230 employes, who re
turned to work today under protec
tion of a court injunction, left fo
n the night.
0 As they drove out the gates in auto
mobiles, members of the crowd start
ed hurling stones and iron bolts.
Miss Mino Hitchcock, an employe
charged that two women striker
S pulled her from a car and strippe
off most of her clothing while tw
e men struck her in the face. Sh

George Wilson
Will Speak On
Modern Laws
First In Lecture Series To
Be Held Monday Night
In AngellHall
International Phase
Will Be Discussed
C. C. Hyde From Columbia
Will Be Second Speaker;
To Talk OnNeutrality
The fifth annual series of public
lectures, sponsored by the Summer
Session on Teaching International
Law, will be opened at 8 p.m. Monday
in Room 1025, Angell Hall by Prof.
George Grafton Wilson of Harvard
University, speaking on "Twentieth
Century International Law."
Dr. Wilson is now serving on the
council of the international law par-
ley fof the fifth time.
In addition to his lecture, he is
teaching Summer Session Interna-
tional Law courses in Territorial Wa-
ters; Neutrality; and International
Law and the Constitution. Professor
Wilson is also leading group confer-
ences on Problem Cases in Teaching
International Law and Seminar
Method of Teaching.
Others To Follow
Professor Wilson will be followed in
the lecture series on succeeding Mon-
day nights by other members of the
teaching staff of the International
Law Parley, who will discuss various
aspects of the subject.
Prof. Charles Cheney Hyde, Ham-
ilton Fish professor of International
Law at Columbia University, will de-
liver the next in the series Monday,
July 13, on "International Coopera-
tion for Maintenance of Neutrality."
Professor Wilson is internationally
recognized as an outstanding author-
ity in his field. He has on numerous
occasions represented this country at
international conferences including
the International Naval Conference.
of 1908-09 and theInternational
Commission of the United States and
the Netherlands in 1928.
Is Editor A'nd Author
As a publicist Professor Wilson has
served on the board of editors and
as editor-in-chief of the American
Journal of International Law. He is
also the author of numerous authori-
tative textbooks and manuscripts on
the subject.
He has served on the political sci-
ence faculty at both Brown Univer-
sity and Harvard University, as well
as the United States Naval War Col-
Local Rooming
House Ruined
By Roof Blaze
A 15-room house owned by J. Fred
Wuerth, theatre owner, at 517 E.
Washington Street, was destroyed by
fire yesterday afternoon when a
faulty chimney set fire to the room
after Mrs. Grant Terwilliger, who
maintains a rooming house there, had
burned papers in the furnace.
Fire Captain Herman Krause res-
cued John M. Erwin, a University of
Michigan graduate of 1915 and later
a Law School student, from his blaz-
ing room, and turned him over to the
police, who jailed him on a drunk

first a cigarette he had been smoking
might be responsible for the blaze.
Mrs. Terwilliger told them he had
been drinking heavily since receiving
his bonus money.
e According to Mr. Wuerth, the
d house was insured for $6,000, and
a Mrs. Terwilliger's furniture was also
t covered. The Terwilliger family had
t planned to move to Charlotte Mon-
a day.
SSecond Repertory
-Play Closes Tonight
"Squaring the Circle," the second
- play of the Michigan Repertory Play-
- ers season, will close tonight with a
performance at 8:30 p.m. in the.
e, Lydia Mendelssohn theatre.
s No performance was given last
d night because of the annual Faculty
o Reception for Summer Session stu-
e dents.

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