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July 03, 1936 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1936-07-03

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T H V, i -C h A i t,

MIDAY, JULY 3. 1934

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Official Publication of the Summer Session

Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Mcmber of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for rep)blication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper, and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assstant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.50, by mail,
$200. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
mnall, $4.50.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Represei tatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York City. -400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director..........Marshall D. Shulman
Dramatic' Critic.............John Pritchard
Assistant Editors Clinton B. Conger, Ralph W. Hurd,
Joseph S. Mattes, lie A. Pierce, Tuure Tenander, Jewel
W. Wuerfel, Josephine Cavanagh, Dorothea Staebler.
Donal Burns, Mary Deinay,. Richard E. Lorch, Elsie
Roxborough, Eleanor Barc, William Sours, John Hlpert,
Vincent Moore, M. E. Graban, J. Spegie,
Telephone 2-1214
CREDITS MANAGER....................JOHN R. PARK
Circulation Manager.J. Cameron Hall
Office Manager................ Robert Lodge
TheeHarva rd
WVay . *

only yesterday .... In the mysterious ebbing and
flowing of the tides of public opinion, the moment
has come, or nearly come, when the case of busi-
ness is going to get a mighty respectful and sym-
pathetic hearing. Those of you who speak for
business cannot afford to let that moment pass
. . . . To do that would be to permit old, blind
forces to prevail--forces of action and reaction, of
excessive reform and excessive private license,
forces destructive to precious values which are
the products of reason in a world of chance and
passion. Business has the right to look to men
of your profession to make these delicate adjust-
ments of sentiment and to shape its course in
terms compelling and reasonable and suggestive."
To the general thesis of a growing conservatism,
of which we have talked before, Mr. Moley adds
the injunction to advertising men to put the case
of business before the public, something which
should, in our opinion, be guarded against.
"The excesses that set into motion the leftward
drift," in Mr. Moley's words, "were excesses of
business on a spree in -a period when American
public opinion was dominated by industry." To
prevent such excesses from recurring, public opin-
ion was set for reform, one of the great tasks of
President Roosevelt. But reform could not be
achieved simultaneously with recovery, and was
postponed. Now that business is improving, it is
forgotten, and should these advertising agencies
put the ease of business before the public in "com-
pelling terms," any hope of changing the condi-
tions which made for business' own excesses will
disappear. For what hope can there be of suc-
cessful regulation of public utilities for example,
when they run a constant stream of full-page
advertisements (paid for out of our own funds)
which state in "compelling terms" the benevolent
functions of utilities?, or monopolies? Where will
the sympathy of the public be in the steel con-
troversy--with the laborers, or with the steel in-
dustry, which tells its side in full-page advertise-
ments in newspapers from one end of the country
to the other? What chance does labor legisla-
tion stand if advertisers declare that higher wages
are reflected in higher prices to you, the con-
The advertising industry isn't one that ought to
be charged with responsibility for moulding pub-
lic opinion along the lines of economic philosphy.
Its interests are not synonymous with the ulti-
mate public good.
AsOthers See I
How Strong Is Steel?
(From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch)


"THE JEWS OF GERMANY," by Marvin Lowen-
thal; (Longmans, Green).
r HE last few years have been scarred by a ter-
rific lot of propaganda out of and about Ger-
many. The pro-nazi propaganda (as might be
expected from Germany's earlier blunders in the
same field) has been clumsy, un-subtle. The
anti-nazi propaganda has been more subtle, but
equally out of balance. It has been conducted
largely by Jews who (most of us feel) have right
on their side. But the fact that it can be stig-
matized "Jewish" plus its pervasiveness and the
inevitable confusion of religious with moral, racial
and financial questions, weakens this propaganda
as well.
Perhaps Marvin Lowenthal's "The Jews of
Germany" is a lesson to both sides. As a popular
history of German Jewry, the book is a triumph
of lucidity. But its greater triumph is the author's
dignity and the clarity and force of his style. A
polemic is no more successful in the long run than
a pogrom, and a good many writers on German-
Jewish questions might find that out profitably.
Lowenthal makes a number of points very tell-
ing. One is the fact that nazis did not bring about
"Jew-baiting," but that (probably) Jew-baiting
brought about nazism. There have been Jews in
Germany nearly 2,000 years. The first recorded
abrogation of their rights was in 321 A.D., and the
:Emperor Constantine was guilty. Although the
Jews never were formally expelled from Germany
as from England, Spain and some of the other
countries, there was never a period when absolute
freedom was granted them. In Prussia, Lowenthal
points out, civil rights were not granted them
until 1869. Jews were expelled by various towns
in Germany, but only moved on to the next.
Lowenthal relates the Jewish problem to the
problems of minorities everywhere. Minorities
never save themselves at the expense of one an-
other, he indicates. Neither is a majority ever
free as long as it keeps a minority enslaved.
Thus the book is not only a history of German
Jews, but in a sense a history of world Jewry, and
a valuable addition to the discussion of the prob-.
lems of all minorities.
about 8,000 in an industry employing about 500,-
000 men.
Charges and epithets are flying thick and fast
from both camps. To the industry, the organizers
will "employ coercion and intimidation and fo-
ment strikes." To the unionists, the employers
are "the royalists of steel."
What is occurring is, of course, an attempt by la-
bor to use its economic strength to bring about
unionization and obtain concessions from the
employers. Labor's right to do this is undeniable.
The public's concern is to see that the laws of
the land are maintained with fairness to both
The impending test of strength is an important
one for a major industry, for the working condi-
tions of its employes and also for the success or
failure of the "vertical union" plan which Lewis
is pushing with all the energy at his command.
The latest and certainly not the wisest under-
taking of Massachusetts' heroic Prof. James M.
Curley, who also happens to be the governor, is the
utilization of WPA funds for the building of side-
'walks along all types of thoroughfares, including
country roads that are impassable. It would
seem to us that the farmers of the Bay State
would much rather transport their produce to
markets along repaired roads than carry them
on their backs on the new sidewalks.
In order to avoid departmentalizing the work
of counselling students, Northwestern University
this week abolished the offices of dean of men and
women, substituting a full-time board of person-
nel administration to consist of eleven members.
The water drained from a steam radiator is
just as palatable a beverage as a cup of coffee or-
dinarily prepared by the house-wives in this
country.-Prof. Ames, Economic Botany, Harvard.
Contemporary literature can be classified under
three headings-the neurotic, the erotic, and the
tommy-rotic.-Prof. W. Giese, University of Wis-

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LXPERIENCED laundress doin stu-
dent laundry. Called for and de-
livered. Telephone 4863. 2x
ed. Men's shirts 10c. Silks, wools,
our specialty. All bundles done sep-
anately. No markings. Personal sat-
isfaction guaranteed. Call for and
deliver. Phone 5594 any time until
7 o'clock. Silver Laundry, 607 E.
Hoover. 3x
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. Ix
OFFER wanted for lot twenty-one
Eastover Hills. Write W. T. God-
dard, Commerce Bldg., St. Paul,
LOST: Black ania white mottled
,dound notebook. Reward. C. R.
Trcadwell. Phone 5671 3

FOR RENT: 2 lovely suites for two
or for a married couple. Private
bath. 508 Monroe. Also double room,
COOL, nicely furnished single room.
Coil mattress, shower bath, con-
tinuous hot water, reasonable rent.
Call 8741. 912 Monroe, across from
Architcture School. 6
FOR RENT: Room in apartment, one
block from campus. For graduate
student. Call 2-2139 after 4:30.
FOR RENT: Cool, nicely furnished
roon with adjoining lavatory.
Shower bath. Continuous hot
water. Garage. Phone 8544. 422 E.
Washington. 1
3:30 p.m.: Matinee peijormance of
"Squaring the Circle" given by-Mich-
igan Repertory Players, Lydia'Men-
delssohn Theatre.
7 p.m.: Theatres: Michigan, "For-
gotten Faces" with Herbert Marshall;
Orpheum, "Clive of India" with Ron-
ald Colman and Loretta Young and
"Anne of Green Gables," Wuerth,
"Woman Trap" and "The Moon's
Our Home" with Margaret Sullivan;
Majestic, "Champaign Charlie" with
Paul Cavanagh and "13 Hours By
Air" with Fred MacMurray and Joan
I Bennett.
8:30 p.m.: Faculty Reception,


Ti'cdwel, Phne 571.v

Weller U' rges
Knowledg~e As
Caner 'Cure
(Continued rom Page 1)
ulcers; (c) Radio-activity (d) tinic
rays of the run; and (e) chemical_-
crude oil and tar aniline dye.
Cancer, according to Dr. Weller, oc-
curs most frequently in the mouth,
esophogus, breast, liver, stomach, in-
testine, rectum, bladder, prostate,
uterus and skin.
He presented figures to show that
in wovien, 33 per~ cent of all cancer
appeared in the breast and 26 per
cent in the uterus, while in men, the
greatest percentage of cancer was
found in the prostate gland and in
the mouth.
The danger signals of the disease,
he said, are "any skin blemishes, a
lump in the breast or anywhere, es-I
pecially if the lump grows and
spreads; any sore which does not
heal; prolonged hoarseness; any un-
usual discharges or bleeding from
any part of the body, and loss of ap-
petite or indigestion beginning in the
cancer age area.
Dr. Weller concluded his lecture by
warning his huge audience to be wary
of advertised cures for cancer. "There
are absolutely only three methods of
affecting cancer cure," he said, "and
these treatments are surgery, in-
cluding electro-surgery, radium and

GOP Chairm ian Hits
Ihiicraiic Slutid
(Contmined from Page 1' j
the demonstration accorded President
Roosevelt when he arrived at the
Democratic convention in Phila-
"Of the throngs which gathered to
hear and applaud," said the Repub-
lican pilot, "it has been reported that
50,000 were brought down by truck
and bus from Jersey City, under con-
tract with Democratic Boss Mayor
"How an acclamation so carefully
planned could have been accepted
as the voice of the people is difficult
to understand, except upon the well-
known theory that fifty thousand
henchmen can't be wrong."
' Class & individual in-
,.'~ struction in all types
of dancing. Teachers
course. Open daily dur-
ing Summer Session.
10 A.M. to 9 P.M.
Phone 9695
Terrace Garden Studio
Wuerth Theatre Bldg.

r HE PROCEDURE of Harvard Uni-
versity in appointing a committee
of distinguished alumni to report on whether or
not the economics department was teaching prop-
aganda, to silence complaints, is a sensible an-
swer to red-baiting, and the report of that com-
mittee, issued this week, is sound and encouraging.
Distinctly liberal is the point of view taken by
the committee, composed of Walter Lippmann,
Walter S. Gifford, Winthrop W. Aldrich, George
F. Baker, Richard Whitney, Barklie Henry, New
York financier, Orrin G. Wood, Boston financier,
Charles M. Storey, Boston attorney, and Rep.-
Christian A. Herter, of Boston. Their viewpoint
is meaningful in view of the fact that the biggest
business interests of the country are represented
on the committee.
....in the task of recruiting a new member
of the faculty, the question of his views on con-
troverted public issues is now, and we believe,
should continue to be left aside; in so far as. it
arises at all, the question is whether or not he
arrived at his views by thorough scholarship and
by intellectual processes which command the re-
spect of his peers."
"While there is a popular impression that the
selection of teachers of economics raises acute is-
sues over irreconcilable questions of public policy,
we are glad to report that this is not a troublesome
problem in the university today.
"We ascribe this condition of affairs to two
circumstances: the first that the principle of free
inquiry is so deep-rooted and profoundly re-
spected at Harvard; the second is the fact that
the criteria of scholarship are so high.
"It is our belief that acute issues about the
substance of teaching in economics need not arise
where these conditions exist and that the acute
issues do arise only where the governing authori-
ties do not respect the principle of free inquiry
or where teachers do not respect the criteria of
The committee refuted completely charges of
propaganda in the teaching of economics at Har-
vard. It also declared that professors active in
public affairs "may at times become involved in
partisan political controversies," but while. the
university should not impose limitation upon out-
side activity as such, it suggested that resignations
be requested from those to whom teaching was
only incidental to outside activities.
Not every school c.an declare themselves in fa-
vor of a policy of non-interference; not every
school can afford to be liberal. It requires, as the
committee states, that the principle of free in-
quiry be deeply rooted in the faculty, the ad-
ministration and the people of the state; it re-i
quires a high criteria of scholarship, high entrance,
requirements and rigid scholarship demands;'
moreover, and this is something not mentioned
by the committee, it requires that the school bef
free from the necessity of being answerable' tot
groups not inculcated with the spirit of free in-

BATTLE lines are being drawn on the steel front
for what may prove to be one of the bitterest
industrial conflicts in the country's history. The
John L. Lewis organization, seeking to unionize
steel workers on an industrial basis, is entering a
field where unions have always been weak, and
where the employers have always taken a de-
termined stand to keep them so. The steel in-
dustry, throwing down the gage of battle to the
organizers' plans, is taking on a doughty an-
tagonist in Lewis, a veteran of many engage-
ments, who has waged a vigorous campaign with-
in organized labor for the industrial as opposed
to the craft concept of unionization.
In its challenging statement that it will "use its
resources to the best of its ability" to prevent
unionization, the steel industry is continuing its
former policy. It successfully resisted efforts to
organize the workers in 1892, but only at the cost
of bloodshed. A more ambitious effort toward
organization, in 1919, under the direction of
William Z. Foster, later a Communist leader, also
One example of the industry's strategy in the
impending struggle has come to light, in the form
of extra pay, vacations with pay and rumors of
wage increases. The intention, of course, is to
weaken the organizers' assertion that better work-
ing conditions can be had only through union-
Lewis and his Committee for Industrial Organ-
ization have shown their strength in the launch-
ing of this unionization drive. ,For two years, they
had sought to induce the American Federation of
Labor to undertake such a campaign. When it
hesitated and delayed, the C.I.C., composed of 10
unions, raised a $500,000 fund and launched the
effort itself. Nucleus of the campaign is the
Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin
Workers, which at present has a membership of

Heavy Malted Milks
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Delicious Sodas 10C
Fruit Sundaes.. 1Oc
Fresh Orangeade 1Oc
Fresh Lemonade 1Oc
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Come in and refresh
Yourself at our Soda Bar.
340 S State St.
Phone 3534 Delivery Service


Now !



Politics In'The Air Service


--From the Milwaukee Journal-

it Pays
To Advertie..

SEVERAL days ago we commented
editorially upon the suggestion that
public opinion in this country is tending away
from economic planning and toward the restora-
tion of free private enterprise through the regu-
lation of monopolies. This view has received
further confirmation and an unfortunate twist in
an'address this week by Raymond Moley, former
adviser to President Roosevelt and editor of


THE Senate Committee on Air Safety, after
months of investigating the catistrophe of May
6, 1935, in which Senator Cutting and four others
were killed, produces a report damning to the
Bureau of Air Commerce.
Secretary Roper is called upon by the committee
to reorganize and reform the bureau. .He is asked
to get politics out of it and cfficiency into it, to
the end that people traveling on the air lines may
have safety.
The crash near Kirksville, Mo., the committee
finds, was caused by failure of three aids that had
been set up to promote safety.
The first was the failure of the radio service to
give pilots a continuous beam when they were
approaching the Kansas City airport in overcast
skies. The Cuting plane and one immediately
preceding it were delayed because, just as the
first plane approached the port and needed the
continuous beam, it was cut off while weather re-
ports were broadcast..
Second, the beam at the Kirksville field, to
which the Cutting plane was finally ordered, was
not working properly, because the Air Commerce

were discharged to make way for others. One of
the best men ever with the bureau, T. B. Bourne.
protested and was told that he "should be willing
to step out of the Government service after nine
years and give some of the boys on relief a
chance." He was also told that he "was not in'
accord with the New Deal."
The investigators conclude, after hearing the
cases of five key men who lost their jobs, that "in
the last two years, the man who worked each day
sufficiently to get by that day had less chance
of being dismissed than the one who, as a member
of the bureau, would energetically work long hours
to carry out the functions prescribed in the Air
Commerce Act."
This is devastating--politics and favoritism used
to play with people's lives. Nowhere could that be
worse than in the air service. It was doubly un-
fortunate because it occurred in the transition
period of aviation, when the old method of ground
guidance was being supplanted by instrument fly-
ing. All the technical skill in the world was need-
ed. And politics took charge of the air service!
The Cutting plane was not the only one. There
was this year's crash of the Sun Racer in Penn-
sylvania, presumably because the Pittsburgh beam

Today and Friday!
"13 Ho
By Air"


IN THE 16TH CENTURY when the
harbor of Venice was filled with
ships from every land, and the city
itself was a center of bustling com-
mercial activity, the populace were
forced to pay one "gazetta". each
for the privilege of reading the days
news, displayed poster-fashion in
the public square. Printed periodi-
cals thus came to be called "Ga-
THE modern Gazettes-the daily
newspapers-are read in millions of
homes daily. Hundreds of the bet-
ter ones contain The Associated
Press ;dispatches from all parts of
the world. Read the local news and




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