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July 03, 1936 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1936-07-03

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'The Weathier
Lower Michigan : fair, cooler
in extreme southeast today;
tomorrow unsettled, warmer.




The Harvard Way...
It Pays To Advertise

Official Publication Of The Summer Session


WPA Relief Agent
Aceepts University
DepL-'artmental Post

Administrator For State
NYA-WPA Funds, Haber
Is Named To Faculty
Member Of Labor,
Industrial Groups
To Teach In Economics
Department On Social
William R. Haber, for the past year
deputy administrator of the WPA
and administrator of the NYA in this
state, has °accepted a position as a
professor of economics here and will
assume his duties in the fall, it was
announced yesterday.
Professor Haber recently resigned
his position as deputy Works Pro-
gress Administration administrator.
It was not announced as to whether
he would retain his post as adminis-
trator for National Youth Adminis-
tration funds.
A Member of 2 Departments
The thirty-seven year old professor
will be a member of both the econom-
ics department and the Institute of
Social and Public Administration
here and will teach courses in social
insurance and public administration.
Practically every important posi-
tion on labor and industrial commis-
sions in this state has been held by
Professor Haber, having been a mem-
ber of Mayor Frank W. Murphy's
commission on unemployment in De-
troit in 1930-31, the Governor's com-
mission on employmnt in 1932, a
field representative for the Recon-
struction Finance Corporation in
1933,State Emergency Relief Ad-
ministrator from 1933 to the present,
and labor manager in Hart Shaffner
and Marx clothing company in 1923-
24, as well as being a consultant for
the government in industrial rela-
tions during the year 1925-26.
Has Taught Elsewhere
Professor Haber's position here is
not his first teaching assignment. He
was an instructor in economics at the
University of Wisconsin in 1926-27.
From there he transferred to Michi-
gan State College, from which insti-
tution he received both his assistant
and associate professorships.
He received his A.B., A.M., and
Ph.D. degrees from the University of
Wisconsin in 1922, 1924, and 1927
respectively, and took graduate work
there as well as at Harvard. He was
also awarded the Wertheim Fellow-
ship for Research in Industrial Re-
Has Written Books
Among the books he has written
are "Unemployment and Relief in
Michigan," and "Economic Security,
Unemployment Relief." He has also
contributed to numerous technical
Professor Haber is a member of the
following professional organizations:
American Economic Association,
American Association of Labor Leg-
islation, American Association of
Public Planning Officials, American
Association of University Professors,
American Association for Social Se-
curity and National Economic and
Social Planning Association.
He was born in Rumania March 6,
1899 and came to this country when
ten years old. He is married and has
one child.
France Ready
To Neootiate
With Germany
PARIS, July 2.--(P)--France is
willing to forgive Germany's viola-
tion of the Locarno Treaty if Adolf
Hitler agrees to negotiate a new se-

curity pact, it was said tonight in
authoritative circles.
Premier Leon Blum, it was saidis
ready to abandon the French de-
mand that the Reich promise not to
fortify the Rhineland and to limit
troops in the region, in the hope of
getting Germany into a "vew Lo-
carno" lineup.
France's previous government, un-

Detroit News Praises
Haber, New Professor
This is a copy of an editorial
which appeared on the editorial
page of the Detroit News, Thurs-
day, July 2.
"Newsof the forthcoming resig-
nations of Harry L. Pierson and
William R. Haber as administra-
tor and deputy administrator, re-
spectively ,of the WPA in Michi-
gan is received with regret, not
unmixed with misgivings. The
State will be lucky if their places
are filled by men equally public-
spirited in their attitude toward
this work and equally determined
to keep it free of political manip-
This is particularly true of the
place occupied by Mr. Haber, who,
because of Mr. Pierson's necessary
preoccupation with private con-
cerns, has carried most of the ac-
tual burden of administration.
Thanks chiefly to these men,
the WPA program in Michigan has
been spared the scandals and
near-scandals that have afflicted
its administration in some other
states, where it fell into the hands
of the political bosses."
'36 Enrollment
Total Hits New
Alt-lime Hioh
6.9 Per Cent Increase Is
Recorded Over Former
Record Set In 1931
The 1936 Summer Session en-
rollment hit a new all-time high yes-
terday when with a handful of late
registrations still to come in, it was
,announced that 4,348 have enrolled
as compared to the previous 4,328
record of 1931.
Miss Marian Williams, University
statistician, estimated that the total
enrollment for this summer should be
approximately 4,500, as no registra-
tion figures have as yet been turned
in from the University's summer bi-
ological station at Douglas Lake.
A total of 1,582 women and 2,766
men have enrolled to date, an in-
crease of 165 and 313 respectively over
the enrollment at a corresponding
date last year. Last year's totals
were 2,586 men and 1,480 women for
a grand sum of 4,066.
In 1931, 2,762 men enrolled and
1,566 women for a total of 4,328. The
percentage increase of 1936 over 1931
is; for men seven per cent, for wom-
en 6.9 per cent, and the total 6.9 per
BAY CITY, Mich., July 2.-(A')-
Coroner Henry M. Simon pronounced
a suicide the death of Herman Ratz,
56, Beaver township farmer found in
his garage today.

Noted Statist iciani
Will Lecture Here
Prof. R. A. Fisher of the University
of London, leading authority on sta-
tistical methodology and theory, will
come to the University for a series of
lectures and conference during the
week of Aug. 4, Dr. Louis A. Hop-
kins, Director of the Summer Session,
announced yesterday.
Professor Fisher was the successor
of the distinguished mathematician,
Prof. Karl Pearson, at the University
of London and for the past ten years
has been director of the Galton sta-
tistical laboratory there.
In order to familiarize all interest-
ed students with Professor Fisher's
contributions to the statistical theory,
and to offer a background for his lec-
tures, Prof. C. C. Craig of the mathe-
matics department will deliver aser-
ies of four or more lectures on Pro-
fessor Fisher's work, beginning next
Tuesday and running through July
28. Thelectures will be given at 2
p.m. on Tuesdays in Room 3011, An-
gell Hall, and will be of a semi-pop-
ular character, to which all interest-
ed will be welcome.
Isbell Appointed
Head Of WPA
State Project
Dr. Egbert R. Isbell, instructor
last semester in the history depart-
ment in the place of Prof. S. Morley
Scott, who was on sabbatical leave,
has been appointed director of the
SWPA writers' project for the State
of Michigan, it was announced yes-
terday by Harry L. Pierson, State
WPA head.
Dr. Isbell, who succeeds Mrs. Cecil
Chittenden, has been associate editor
of the Michigan Law Review since
The WPA writers' project is con-
nected at the present time, Dr.Isbell
told the Daily last night, with the
compiling and writing of material
for a new Michigan Guidebook. The
guidebook will contain an essay sec-
tion describing various phases of
life in Michigan, a map section, a
department outlining various touring
possibilities in the State and a section
dealing with the more important
cities in Michigan, Dr. Isbell said.
The project now employs 197 writ-
Dr. Isbell graduated from the lit-
erary college here in 1922. He has
studied in Germany under a fellow-
ship granted by. the Institute of In-
ternational Education. In 1934 he re-
ceived an LL.B. and a Ph.D. in his-
tory from the University.
Dr. Isbell is expected to move to
Detroit to assume his new duties im-
Summer Directories
To Appear Next Week
Copies of the official Summer
Session student directory will be
ready for distribution late next
week, according to an announce-
ment made yesterday by Lloyd
Strickland, '37E, editor.
Strickland stated that names
and addresses of students will be
printed as filed on their registra-
tion cards unless requests for
change of address are entered at
the Student Publications Bldg. on
Maynard Street.

Mrs. Baker

Is Arraigned
For Murder
Examination By Reading
Set For July 8; Charge
Brought By Rapp
Colin, IDevine Will

3,000 Students Expected
To Attend Reception Of
Summer Faculty Tonight


As LawyersI

Dr. Weler


Need For

Local Woman
Shooting Wasy
H~eld Withiout I


Knowledge As Cancer Weapon

K Mrs. Betty Baker, held for the fatal
shooting of Clarence Schneider in an
argument with him last Monday, was
arraigned in Justice Court on a war-
( rant charging her with first degree
murder, less than two minutes after
the warrant had been signed by
Judge Harry W. Reading.
The warrant was still being drawn
up when Mrs. Baker was brought into
the court room by Mrs. Leora Andres,
matron at the County Jail, and Dep-
uty Sheriff David Gartman. Prose-
cutor Albert J. Rapp had ordered the
warrant issued with that charge in
the face of Mrs. Baker's insistence
that the shooting was entirely ac-
cidental. She was ordered remanded
to jail without bond pending the ex-
In the arraignment Mrs. Baker
waived reading of the warrant, but
demanded an examination, which was
set by Judge Reading for 2 p.m. Wed-
nesday, July 8. John W. Conlin ap-
peared as her attorney, and will be
associated with Frank B. DeVine as
defense counsel for trial.
Because of the swiftness with
which, at Prosecutor Rapp's insis-
tence, the arraignment followed the
signing of the warrant, Mrs. Baker's
policeman husband, who also in-
sists she is innocent of murder, was
not in the courtroom, but three rela-
tives of the dead man were seated in
the courtroom before the defendant
was brought in. They were his step-
father, William Phelan, his young
brother Harold and his sister-in-law,
Mrs. Della M. Schneider.
Mrs. Baker showed only a slight
nervousness, and occasionally as she
sat at a table awaiting arraignment
shielded her eyes by resting her
head in her hand. About a score of
spectators were present, and ap-
peared to cause a part of her ner-
In addition to Prosecutor Rapp
and Judge Reading, Sheriff Jacob B.
Andres was present at the prelimin-
ary hearing.
Simmons Stars
As Tigers Winl
In Sox Finale
Rowe Pitches Teammates
To 6th Straight Victory;
St. Louis Next Opponent
CHICAGO, July 2.-()-The sev-
en-hit pitching of Lynwood (School-
boy) Rowe and the slugging of Al
Simmons carried Detroit's Tigers to
their sixth straight victory today, a 7
to 1 conquest of the faltering Chicago
White Sox for a clean sweep of the
abbreviated two-game series.
As a result ,the Tigers stayed in
second place in the League standings,
still 101/2' games behind the New York
Yankees. Nine Detroit victories in the
last ten games have lifted the Ben-
gals from sixth position to the chal-
lenging role.
Rowe, winning his seventh victory
of the season, pitched scoreless ball
after the first inning when Radcliff,
safe at first on Rogell's fumble, was
forced in with the only Chicago run
as Kreevich singled and Rowe walked
Bonura and Appling.
The tall Schoolboy struck out five
of the Sox, and issued but one more
walk the remainder of the route.
Simmons had a perfect day at bat
as the Tigers pounded Johnny White-
head and Clint Brown for ten hits.
The Tiger center-fielder collected two
doubles and a single in three official
trips to the plate, and scored two of
fh n afrf nn

Increase In Cases Proves
Great Medical Paradox,
Speaker States
A slogan of the American Med-
ical Association, "Fight Cancer With;
Knowledge," was interpreted yester-
day for the 600 people who took every
seat, sat in the aisles, and crowded
the doorways of Natural Science Au-
ditorium to hear Dr. Carl V. Weller,
University pathologist,hlecture on,
"What Every Layman Should Know
About Cancer."
The lecture, the fourth on the
regular Summer Session series held.
at 5 p.m., was conducted by Dr. Wel-
ler on a self-directed question basis.-
In answer. to the question "Is Cancer;
an important disease?" he presented
statistics to prove that since tuber-
culosis has been tethered by medical;
Murphy Delays
Decision Upon{
State Race'
Democrats Hope To Draw
Philippine Commissioner
Into Battle For Governor'
DETROIT, July 2.-(1)-The big
question in State Democratic circles
-whether Frank Murphy will seek
the party's nomination for Gover-
nor-went unanswered today as the
high commissioner to the Philippines
gave no hint of his plans upon ar-
riving here for political interviews.
Murphy indicated that he would
not make his decision until he con-
fers again with national Democratic
leaders after returning to Washing-
ton Sunday night.
"I will have no announcement to
make concerning myself while I am
here," he told newsmen.
The change of mind shown by Gov.
Herbert H. Lehman of New York in
agreeing to run for reelection at the
request of national party leaders has
strengthened the belief in political
circles that Murphy will give up his
Philippine post and make the gover-
norship race in an attempt to swing
Michigan's 19 electoral votes in line
for President Roosevelt this fall.
Murphy admitted frankly that the
principal reason for his trip to De-
troit was to consult with Democratic
leaders about the party's state ticket
for the November election. He was
the guest of honor tonight at a re-
ception given him by the Detroit and
(Continued on Page 4)
Four Michian
Men Placed In
Olympic Trials
Stone, Watson, Etchells,
Brelsford Are On List Of
(Special To The Daily)
NEW YORK, July 2.-(A)-Four
members of Coach Charles Hoyt's
Michigan track team were among the
152 additional qualifiers for the final
American Olympic track and field
tryouts at Randall's Island Stadium,
July 11-12, named today by William
J. Bingham, chairman of the Olympic
track and field committee.
The list also included Rod Cox
former star hammer-thrower and
football end here, who graduated in
1933. Cox will compete for a posi-
tion in his favorite event, the ham-
Clayton Brelsford, a half-miler,

Walter Stone ,a -two-miler, Widmer
F'inrhano A lmr-th_+rwmm.n Wil-

science, cancer is second only to heart
disease in mortality rate.
The reason that cancer cases are
increasing, despite the great forward
steps in medicine, Dr. Weller said,
is one of the greatest medical par-
adoxes. "Cancer is a middle-age dis-
ease," he stated, "the ratio being from
35 to 70 years of age. It therefore
follows that when medicine saves a
greater number of the lives of babies
and young people from such diseases
as tuberculosis and diphtheria, more
people survive to become afflicted
with cancer in middle-age."
Pointing out several fallacies as to
what cancer is, the director of the
University pathological laboratories
stated that it is not a germ dis-
ease and, therefore, not contagious,
and it is also not a blood disease
and has nothing to do with "bad
blood" or "tainted germ plasm."
"Cancer is nothing more than a'
growth of one's own body cells," he
explained. "These cells, however, do
not grow normally, but are abnormal,
disorderly and uncontrollable."
The cancerous growths spread, Dr.'
Weller continued, by a part of the
primary cancer breaking off and
traveling through the blood stream
and establishing what is known as
a secondary cancer. "Any cancer can
be cured if the primary cancer can
be completely removed before it'
spreads through the body and de-
velops into one or several secondary
cancers," he declared.
The three causes of the disease, as
outlined by Dr. Weller, are an in-
herited susceptibility, (he quickly
added that cancer cannot be inherit-
ed; it is merely a pre-disposition), de-
velopmental disturbances, and chronic
Some of the chronic irritations he
listed which cause cancer are (a)
mechanical-rubbing tongue over a
jagged tooth, and sores resulting
from pipe smoking, etc.; (b) chronic
(Conthnued on Page 2)
GOP Chairman
Hits Planks In
Dem Platform
Scorns Administration For
Forcing Lehman To Run
In New York
CHICAGO, July 2. - (R) - John D.
M. Hamilton, chairman of the Re-
publican National Committee, said
in an address prepared for delivery
tonight that since the Republican
convention President Roosevelt "has
offered us the sincere flattery of im-
"Hardly was the ink dry on the anti-
monopoly plank of the Republican
platform," the sandy-haired Kansan
said, "when Mr. Roosevelt suddenly
deplored the evils of monopoly and
added our pledge on this issue to his
own platform.
"Hardly was the ink dry on the
civil service plank when Mr. Roose-
velt again followed our lead, to the
astonishment of the nation which is
well aware of his record on civil serv-
As "another accomplishment,"
Hamilton added:
"After reading the Cleveland plat2
form, Mr. Roosevelt decided once
more to promise a balanced budget."
Of the decision of Governor Her-
bert Lehman to seek another term
on the Democratic ticket, the 44-year
old attorney, who will direct the 1936
Republican campaign, remarked:
"Aand in the last few days sup-
porters of the administration have
been disheartened by the extraordi-
nary spectacle of their candidate for
President so uncertain of carrying
his own state that he must draft the
aid of a governor, whom he himself
placed in office, at the sacrifice of the

man's own personal preferences and
r-rnh h rr n -1 ii m .iiir 1

Receiving Line To Form
At 8:30 P.M. In Ethel
Fountain Hussey Room
Dancing To Be Held
In League Ballroom
Contract, Auction Bridge
Will Be Played; Fortune
Telling Offered
More than 3,000 students are ex-
pected to attend the annual faculty
reception of the Summer Session
which will be held tonight at the
Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, director of
the Summer Session, and Mrs. Hop-
kins will head the receiving line
which will be held from 8:30 to 9:30
p.m. for students and from 9:30 to
10:30 p.m. for new members of the
faculty and their wives. The line
will form in the Ethel Fountain Hus-
sey Room.
Members of the Women's Educa-
'tion Club and others will conduct stu-
dents through the line and introduce
them to members of the faculty re-
' A program of entertainments has
been arranged. Dancing will be held
from 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. in both the
ballroom and the Grand Rapids
Room. Al Cowan and his orchestra
will play for dancing and Jean Seel-
ey, former president of the League,
will sing several specialty numbers.
All students are invited to the dance
which will be free of charge. Host-
esses will be present to assist stu-
dents in becoming acquainted with
each other.
To Hold Bridge Contests
Bridge contests will be held in the
Alumnae Room on the third floor and
prizes will be given for highest scores
in both contract and auction. Last
year, the prizes presented were packs
of University playing cards with
President Alexander G. Ruthven's
signature across the backs.
Fortune telling will be offered in
the League Dining Room.
Members of the receiving line have
been announced as follows: Dr. and
Mrs. Hopkins, Regent and Mrs. Ju-
nius E. Beal, Vice-President and Mrs.
Clarence S. Yoakum, Vice-President
and Mrs. James D. Bruce, Dean and
Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley and Dean
and Mrs. Herbert A. Sadler.
Dean and Mrs. Henry M. Bates,
Dean and Mrs. Clare E. Griffin, Dean
and Mrs. James B. Edmonson, Dean
and Mrs. Albert C. Furstenberg, Dr.
and Mrs. John Sundwall, Prof. and
Mrs. Earl V. Moore, Mrs. Byrl Bach-
er, Miss Ethyl McCormick and Prof.
and Mrs. Louis M. Eich.
Hostesses Are Named
Included in the group of women
who will introduce students and
members of the faculty to the re-
ceivingline are Genevieve Sproat,
Florence Bevill, Eileen Pawlicki, El-
len Foley, Helen McCarthy, Ruth
Rich, Dorothy Love, Marie Hartwig,
Alice Schleh, Ruth Parsons, Gene-
vieve Wilkowski,-Mairam Carey, Dor-
othy Seiferlein, Grace Hamilton,
Helen Siesle and Virginia Krieghoff.
Hostesses for the evening to assist
students in becoming acquainted
with each other include Mary Olive
Bartlett, Jane Biddle, Jean Braid-
wood, Helen Didock, Jeanette Duff,
Katherine Ferguson, Katherine Ma-
rie Hall, Mary Ellen Hall, Beatrice
Hopkins, Lucille Johnson, Marjorie
McIntosh, Elizabeth Mitchell, Bar-
bara Nelson, Elva Pascoe, Frances
Redden, Margaret Ridley,Betty
Scott, Margaret Sinclair, Evelyn
Stephen, Madeline Strong, Dorothy
Sutton, Ona Thornton and Eleanor
Padgett Will Leave

For Prison Today
William Padgett, alias "Shorty"
Hayden, convicted slayer of Officer
Clifford A. Stang in the hold-up of
Conlin & Wetherbee's colthing store
here March 21, 1935, will leave the
County, Jail this morning accompan-
ir WEa rn s 1nna nmfi ..e nn i. -

Osgood And Sto11er Leave With
Hoyt For Olympic Trial Finals

With the departure yesterday for
Princeton of Sam Stoller, sprinter,
and Bob Osgood, hurdler, accompan-
ied by Coach Chuck Hoyt, the Uni-
versity has sent two more Olympic
prospects to the final tryouts being
held in the East next week.
Stoller and Osgood both have been
training steadily every morning at
Ferry Field under the watchful eye of
Hoyt, who has undoubtedly seen that
the men are in the best possible con-
dition for the tests that may mean a
trip to Berlin this summer.
Stoller, who has been in constant
rivalry with Jessie Owens in Big
Ten competition, is training for the
sprint events, and Bob Osgood, who
won the Big Ten title in the high
hurdles, equalling the world record of
14.2 last May, is pointing for the
400 meter hurdles. Osgood placed
second to Glen Hardin of Louisiana
State in that event at the Princeton

At the AAU meet Stoller will have
to run against Ralph Metcalfe, form-
er Marquette star, Foy Draper, Frank
Wykoff, Ben Johnson and Steve Ma-
son in the 100 meters. Jessie Owens
is not expected to compete at Prince-
ton. Bob Osgood will have as his
opponents in the 400 metre hurdles
Glen Hardin, who took part. in the
1932 Olympics at Los Angeles, Erwin
of Penn, Hucker, former Cornell man,
Benke of Washington State, Nelson
of Oklahoma, Johnson of Southern
California and Fishback of Califor-
If Stoller and Osgood gain places
in New York next week, Michigan is
sure to be amply represented at the
Olympics this summer, for several
swimmers from the University are
practically assured of securing places
on the U. S. swimming team.
A contingent of Michigan swim-
mers are training at the present time
at the Yale pool in Drenaration for

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