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August 15, 1936 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1936-08-15

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§ATURDAY, AUG. 15, 19x0



Official Publication of the Summer Session -r
~ T~f~L~F~j

Published every morning except Monday diduring the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second clas matter. .upecial rate of postage granted by
Third Assstant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.50, by mail,
.00. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
Offices: Student Publications Bulding, Maynard
Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: Natinal Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York City.-400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, II
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director .................Marshall D. Shulman
-3ramatic Critic ........ ...........John W. Pritchard
Assistant .kditors: Clinton B. Conger, Ralph W. Hurd,
Joseph S. Mattes, Elsie A. Pierce, Tuure Tenander,
Jewel W. Wuerfel.
Reporters: Eleanor Bar, Donal Burns, Mary Delnay,
M. E. Graban, John Hilpert, Richard E. Lorch, Vincent
.Moore, Elsie Roxborough, William Sours, Dorothea
,Staebler Betty Keenan.
Telephone 2-1214
CREDITS MANAGER ...................JOHN S. PARK
4 rculation Manager...............J. Cameron Hall
Office Manager ............................Robert Lodge
eace Speech . .
at Chautauqua last night was a
good vigorous declaration for peace, and it is
comforting in the midst of 'the war games to have
our Chief Executive take a stand against imper-
ialism and for world armament reduction. Yet
his speech left certain vital questions unanswered.
The situation in Spain, except inferrentially,
was not mentioned by the President. In the State
Department instructions to diplomatic and con-
sular representatives in Spain, made public on
Wednesday, a clear policy of neutrality was indi-
cated, but that too left certain questions not clear
that European nations would like answered. Be-
cause a state of war is not existing, the United
States cannot legally prevent its nationals from
doing business with the beillgerent forces in
Spain, but Mr. Roosevelt did not say whether
he would protect shipments to Spain if they
were seized by either force, or even, conceivably,
by .a blockade established by European subscrib-
ers to a non-intervention pact. He did not
warn American citizens that if they travel on
ships which touch at Spanish ports they do so
at their own risk. He did not discourage muni-
tions makers from trade with what would ordi-
narily be legitimate for them, the Spanish gov-
ernment, and it is possible that if the non-inter-
vention pact is successful, the Spanish govern-
ment will be in the market for American muni-
tions and money.
The President said that we must choose peace
rather than profits, but the time requires a more
forceful, specific statement of the government's
position. It is interesting to observe too that in
the case of South America, peace is synonymous
with profits, for American business men have
been trying to establish strong pan-American
amity as a basis for taking away some of the
'trade now going to the Japanese.
In his statement of our relations to the League
of Nations, President Roosevelt stated that we
had not cooperated politically, but that we had
cooperated in the League's social and humani-
tarian activities. He neglected to mention that
the tremendous increase of our oil exports to Italy
virtually cancelled the effect of the Leagge's oil
sanction. We may consider ourselves one of the
good reasons why the League could not cope with
the Italo-Ethiopian crisis.
The conclusion of President Roosevelt's speech
was very effective but it was unfortunately
couched in such metaphorical language that it
cannot itself be the basis of any better interna-
tional understanding. In a speech in London
Thursday, George Lansbury, former leader of the

British Labor party who spoke in Ann Arbor sev-
eral months ago, asked that President Roosevelt,
as the head of a country whose disinterestedness
would guarantee universal respect, call together
the present League of Nations in a world confer-
ence to make the Briand-Kellogg pact effective.
Such action could be effective only to the extent
that it implied that, with a' reorganization of the
League of (Nations along certain lines, the United
States would be a willing partner in active eco-
nomic and political peace efforts.
These comments are not intended to disparage
Mr. Roosevelt's foreign policy as a- whole. He
has done effective work in South America, and
his State Department is working toward a basis
for economic cooperation between nations, one of
the soundest ways of establishing international
amity. His Chautauque speech, however, would
have been more effective had it outlined in spe-
cific terms a course of action for the United
'States government and its nationals in the
present situation.

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
To the Editor:
I am interested in having the following ques-
tions answered. I have noted several commenta-
tors who have contributed to The Forum who
have raised these issues without answering them.
Any aid you may be able to extend in obtaining
answers will be deeply appreciated.
1. What "personal liberties" have I lost dur-
ing the Roosevelt advinistration?
2. How have my "private rights" been invaded
ing the Roosevelt administration?
3. Does the fact that President Roosevelt
sponsored and signed unconstitutional leg-
islation mean that he attempted to nullify
and destroy the Constitution of the United
4. Does the fact that Governor Landon spon-
sored and signed unconstitutional legisla-
tion mean that he attempted to nullify and
destroy the Constitution of the State of
5. When Governor Landon openly supported
the A.A.A. did he know it was unconstitu-
6. When Governor Landon extended the farm
moratorium by executive order was he try-
ing to establish a dictatorship by abrogat-
ing the powers of the Legislature, since his
executive order was held unconstitutional
by the Kansas Supreme Court as usurping
Legislative powers? Does this attempted
misuse of office indicate fascist tendencies
in the Kansas governor?
7. Assuming that the Republican party and
the Constitutional Democrats are right
when they allege President Roosevelt is
un-American and anti-Constitutional, does
the fact that more legislation sponsored
and signed by Landon as Governor has

been declared unconstitutional by the
United States Supreme Court mean that
Landon is more un-American and more
anti-Constitutional than Roosevelt?
9. Does the fact that Governor Landon sup-
ported inlonst itul ional legislation mean
that he cannot tell the difference between
cnsti tutional and unconstitutional legis-
lat ion? If he cannot as governor, do you
think he could as President?
10. If Landon is elected to the Presidency will
he still hold the same hostile attitude to-
ward educational institutions as he now
does as evidenced by the 40 per cent cut
in the educational appropriation in Kansas
during his administration?
11. Is the Republican idea of sufficient relief
for a family of four persons. $1.08 per
week, as does their presidential nominee,
and is this what the unemployed have to
look forward to if Landon is elected?
-A Reader.
The Musicians In The Pit
To the Editor.
The writer wishes to inquire why both Mr.
Pritchard and Mr. Lichtenwanger exhibited a
very regrettable negligence with reference to Mr.
Mattern and the orchestra in their respective re-
views of "The Pirates of Penzance." Probably no
one element contributes more to the success or
failure of a performance of this type than the
musicians in the pit, and no one element suffers
greater neglect if the performance is successful,
or greater criticism if it fails. This is in no way
intended to detract from the evident excellence
of Mr. Windt and assistants, or of the cast. But,
inasmuch as it was elected to dignify the produc-
tion by calling it an opera, it seems only proper
to adhere to operatic tradition and at least men-
tion the conductor's name, no matter if the per-
formance were good, bad, or indifferent. The
writer will not attend "The Pirates" until later
in the week, but he has seen enough of Mr. Mat-
tern's work to doubt that Wednesday's perform-
ance was either bad or indifferent.
A pessimist is a fellow who thinks the telegraph
and telephone were invented just so we could get
the bad news quicker.
-The Daily Iowan.


A Conservative Views The Future
-Former Radical Summarizes A Program For Capitalism-

(George E. Sokolsky in
I ran, the gamut of revolutionary movements.
Anarchists, pacificist, I.W.W. sympathizer, I have
sought this path and that to a better, a more
commodious life, not only for myself, but for all
Let no man think of me as a Tory, as a Bour-
bon, as a heartless marauder in a predatory world.
For I have nothing to defend-not even chains
to lose.
In terms of goods, poverty has been most gen-
eral in non-capitalistic countries. For the imme-
diate objective of capitalism is that standards of
living shall ever be on the rise. More particularly,
capitalism seeks that the purchasing capacity of
a constantly increasing number of purchasers
shall ever be on the rise.
Mass production, modern merchandising, ad-
vertising, the creation of new commodities, the
popularization of old ones, have but one objective
-namely, increased usage, increased consump-
tion. And in pursuance of this single objective
it. has become altogether clear, beyond the barest
shadow of a doubt, that not the expensiveness of
a commodity but its cheapness makes it of greater
value to its producer. The less it costs to buy an
article, the more readily that article comes within
the purchasing power of an increasingly large
number of people.
This, then, is the only economic system in
which it is possible to give practical application
to the moral dictum of the greatest good for the
greatest number without utilizing political dis-
turbance as a means to that end. In this alone,
if in nothing else, capitalism justifies itself.
It is evident from this statement of the situa-
tion that in capitalistic production it is essential
for wealth, in the sense of purchasing power, to
be widely diffused. Thus, contrary to Marxian
theory, in the United States the ownership of
wealth is more widely diffused than in any other
country on earth.
Three specific characteristics mark the opera-
tions of the capitalist system at its best:
1. A higher return to the investor than he
can receive from economic passivity, as when he
invests in Government bonds for security alone.
2. Wages so scientifically just that the pur-
chasing power of the worker constantly increases.
3. An adequate return to the farmer so that
manufactured goods and the benefits of urban
living are more generally available to him.
These three characteristics are normal in the
United States.
The relationship between democracy and cap-
italism is not an inherent one, but this is a self-
evident truth: democracy continues to flourish
in countries where capitalism is most developed;
it declines and disappears in those countries
where the capitalist system is underdeveloped or
does not exist.
In Communist, Fascist, and precapitalist coun-
tries, democracy does not exist.
To those for whom political liberty as enun-
ciated, for instance, in the Constitution of the
United States has no significance, the preserva-
tion of democracy is futile. But the current view
of the world forces the overwhelming conviction
that for the individual man there can be no will,
no personality, no character, almost no value
in life, unless he enjoys that liberty.
The capitalist system is by no means perfect.

The Atlantic Monthly)
tendency to monopoly. Large-scale production,
the control of capital by banking groups, govern-
ment price-fixing as under the NRA, control of
operations during wars, the nationalistic stabili-
zation of essential industries, are but a few of
the causes which may result in monopoly.
2. The tendency to bureaucracy is not only
evident in government, but in business as well.
After the initial pioneering group has disap-
peared from an enterprise the organization tends
to become stabilized into a more or less self-per-
petuating bureaucracy in which seniority rather
than capacity marks men off for advancement.
In the capitalist system there is no room for
uncompetitive overhead, and that is what a bu-
reaucracy represents.
3. Excessive wealth often defeats itself in
Caligulan exhibitionism. Really the evil is lim-
ited to the individual. -In fact his excesses, in
economics, act as a means for a swifter redistri-
bution of wealth.
4. Under both Communism and Fascism, class
distinctions are inevitable, whereas we seek to
avoid class distinctions altogether.
As beneficial as this is to the individual in a
demcratic state, it has this essential weakness,
that when an attack is made upon the capitalist
system there are no capitalists to defend it, and
when an attack is made on democracy there are
no democrats to defend it.. That sounds like a
rhetorical inexactitude, but when we look at cur-
rent literature, at present lecturing, even at the
current drama, the emphasis is all in opposition
and the defensive forces are weak. Even the so-
called free press, even the great capitalistic
monthlies, publish vicious, unjustified and badly
conceived attacks on the very system which keeps
them alive.
The objective should be the improvement of
the capitalist system and the conserving of de-
First comes the whole problem of employment.
In the United States unemployment and re-em-
ployment during the depression and the recovery
have been considered politically. Both have be-
come political weapons for the destruction and
retention of political power.
The fact that no one in the United States
knows how many unemployed there are as com-
pared with the unemployed in 1929 is not only
astonishing, but a self-evident criticism of gov-
An employment census is the most essential
economic step which can be taken in the United
States today.
Secondly, in the United States we face the
specific task of restoring orderly processes of
democratic government. These processes have
become disorganized and confused by the depres-
sion and the assumtion of emergency permissive
Thirdly, we have ,et up a form of relief to
care for our marginal population. The problem
is so to reorganize relief activities that they be-
come focused on their own elimination.
Fourthly, restrictions, placed upon economic
activity, particully state-imposed rigidities and
exorbitant taxation, prevent private industry
from expanding sufficiently to re-employ the total
number of unemployed. These restrictions should
be removed as rapidly as possible.

Graduation Recitals
To the Editor:
So complete and excellent has The
Summer Daily, and particularly the
editorial page, been, that it was a dis-
tinct surprise and disappointment to
many of us to find that you neglect-
ed to review the Thursday evening
Master's piano recital of Miss Su-
zanne Malve.
One of the accepted, and often one
of the most useful, functions 'of a
good newspaper is artistic criticism.
In a University community, where a
large part of the artistic production
is undertaken non-professionally by
persons standing on the threshold of
careers that are often potentially
great, it is particularly true, it seems
to the writer, that both amateur ar-
tists and youthful audiences stand
to enjoy and to profit by considered
critical reflection upon the stand-
ards, viewpoints, and techniques ex-
hibited. The Summer Daily is to
be praised for having afforded its
readers well-expressed criticism of
almost all of the drama and of a
good part of the music produced in
Ann Arbor during the Summer Ses-
sion. But some of us feel that grad-
uation recitals of Music School stu-
dents have deserved more notice than
has been accorded them.
Over and above the fact of this
general need, however, stands the
unique excellence of the pianist whose
interpretations of Bach-d'Albert,
Beethoven, Franck, and Schumann
completely enthralled her audience
Thursday night the Music School
Auditorium. Miss Malve's work is
tremendously good, and, regardless of
The Daily's general policy concern-
ing graduation recitals, the concert
on Thursday was a ma-jor event to
which The Daily should have directed
some attention.
Hart Schaaf.
Thomas To Landon
(From The New York Times)
N A LETTER to The Los Angeles
Times, made public yesterday,
Norman Thomas, Socialist candidate
for President, further clairfied his
recent correspondence with Gover-
nor Landon concerning organized
labor and denied that Governor Lan-
don had fully answered him. Mr.
Thomas' letter follows:
"The Editor,
"Los Angeles Times,
"Los Angeles, Calif.
"In your issue of Aug. 1 there ap-
pears an editorial entitled "Landon's
Labor Position.' In the course of it
you say 'It must be said for Thomas
that he is man enough to admit that
his question has been fully answered.'
I never made any such admission.
On the contrary, I called attention
to the fact that Governor Landon
did not say specifically what he would
do about the C.I.O. organizing cam-
paign in the steel country or the
Southern Tenant Farmers Union
campaign in the cotton industry.
"I disagreed sharply with the Gov-
ernor's implied position in praise of
company unions, which are never
free unions, but always rest upon ac-
tual orimplied coercion. I criticized
very sharply the Governor's record
in failing to push labor legislation in
Kansas and in using troops so that
in effect he broke a strike.
"Whath I did say was that his state-
ment on the right of labor to or-
ganize in its own unions was definite-
ly in advance of his acceptance
speech. To this I may add that I
think it was as explicit a statement
as the President himself had given, at
least down to the time of his signing
of the Wagner Bill. -

"Landon is one of the many Gov-
ernors who have a bad record on
labor laws and on the use of troops
or other strike-breaking forces. The
other Governors are mostly Demo-
crats and in fairness to Governor
Landon it ought to be pointed out
that the Governors of most of the
Southern States, Governor McNutt of
Indiana and possibly Governor
Marland of Oklahoma have even
worse records from a labor stand-
"That is no praise for Governor
Landon. It is a description of a very
unsatisfactory condition, from a labor
point of view. Governor Landon met
one part of my question by a clear-
cut statement. He still has much
explaining to do on his general labor
"Sincerely yours,
"Norman Thomas.''
Crew Finds Last 2
Of6 bDead Miners
MOUNTAIN CITY, Nev., Aug. 14.-
'P)-A helmeted rescue crew recovered
tonight the last two bodies of six men
who perished in the gas-filled depths
of a copper mine.
Gxim-faced miners and their wives
and children crowded about the en-
trance of the Mountain City Copper
Mine shaft as the bodies of Albert
Atel. 41, and Frank Teizera, 44, both
of Mountain City, were lifted from
the 600-foot shaft.
The bodies were taken to a mortu-
ary and placed beside those of four

VOL. XLV No. 40
SATURDAY, AUG. 15, 1936
Pirates of Penzance: There are still
good seats remnaining for the matinee
this afternoon at 3 p.m.
The Pirates of Penzance: Telephone
reservations: Patrons who have or-
dered seats by telephone are request-
ed to call for their tickets before the
night of the performance and avoid
congestion at the box office. Patrons
cannot be seated after the show has
begun. Tickets are left in the box
office at the patron's risk.
The annual summer reunion meet-
ing of the Disciples' Guild will be held
this Sunday, Aug. 16. All Summer
Session students and those interested
in the guild during the rest of the
year are cordially invited to attend.
The group will meet at the Guild
House, 438 Maynard St. at 5 p.m.
Transportation will be furnished to
the Bluff where a picnic supper and
outdoor meeting will be held. A 20
cent charge will be made to cover
costs of refreshments.
First Methodist Church: Morning
worship service at 10:45 a.m. The Rev.
L. LaVerne Finch will preach on
"Dreams and Deeds."
Stalker Hall: Meet at Stalker Hall
at 6 p.m. to leave for a picnic supper
and an outdoor meeting. If you have
a car and could help with transpor-
tation, we hope you will bring it. For
reservations, call 6881.
Episcopal Summer School Stu-
dents: There will be the regular meet-
ing for summer school students Sun-
day. Car will leave St. Andrew's
Church at 5 p.m. This will be the
last meetng for the year. All Epis-
copal students and their friends are
cordially invited.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship Sunday are:' 8
a.m. holy communion; 11 a.m. kin-
dergarten; 11 a.m. morning prayer
and sermon by The Rev. Frederick W.
Mathematics 121: There will be an
informal review session conducted by
members of the class in Room 3011
A.H., Monday, Aug. 17, at 2 p.m.
C. C. Craig.
Graduation Recital: John E. Toms,
tenor, student of Arthur Hackett, will
give the following program in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the Master of Music degree, Mon-
day evening, Aug. 17, 8:30 p.m., in
the School of Music Auditorium. The
general public, with the exception of
small children, is cordially invited
to attend.
Non Piu ..................Cimara
I Pastore .................. Pizzetti
Ese un giorno tornasse .... Respighi
Stornellata Marinara.......Cimara
Nell .................. .......Faure
Les Roses d'Ispahan ........ Faure
Phidyle ...................Duparc
Auf dem Kirchhofe ........Brahms
Es traumte mir...........Brahms
Ach, wende diesen Blick . . Brahms
Meine Liebe ist grun ....... Brahms
O Thou Billowy Harvest Field m
Blue Are Her Eyes.........Watts
Thy Dark Eyes to Mine.....Griffes
The Lament of Ian The Proud Griffes
Mount Holyoke College alumnae,
students and faculty will meet for
dinner at the League, Tuesday, Aug.
18, at 6:30 p.m. Please make reser-
vations by phoning 6253 between 5
and 6 p.m. Saturday, 15, or between
4 and 5 p.m. Sunday, 16. The din-
ner will be 87 cents.

To All Students Having Library
1. Students having in their pos-
session books drawn from the Uni-
versity Library are notified that such
books are due Monday, Aug. 17, be-
fore the impending examinations.
2. Students who have special need
for certain books after Aug. 17 may
retain such books if renewed at the
Charging Desk.
3. The names of all students who
have not cleared their records at the
Library by Wednesday, Aug. 19, will
be sent to the Cashier's Office, where
their summer's credits will be with-
held until such time as these records
are cleared, in compliance with the
regulatidns of the Regents.
Wm. W. Bishop, Librarian.
The Graduate Club will meet at
Lane Hall on Sunday, Aug. 16, at 2
p.m. sharp where they will be taken
to Silver Lake for swimming, games
and picnic supper. The approximate
cost will be 50 cents. Those planning
to have cars call 4367. A refund will
be made to those furnishing cars.
All graduate students are invited.
I would appreciate the names of
the students who are here with their
families living in tents or trailers.

Students desiring pictures taken of
the excursion group at General Mo-
tors Proving Plant may call for them
at the Office of the Summer Session,
Room 1213, Angell Hall.
Seniors: College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: College of Archi-
tecture; School of Education; School
of Forestry and Conservation; School
of Music, who expect to receive de-
grees at the close of the Summer
Session should pay the diploma fee
not later than Aug. 21. Blanks for
payment of the fee may be secured in
Room 4, University Hall.
Students from other colleges, en-
rolled in the Summer Session, who
wish to transfer to the College of Lit-
erature, Science and the Arts for the
year 1936-37, should call at Room
1210 Angell Hall for application
blanks for regular admission.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received announcement of Detroit
Civil Service Examinations for:
Senior construction 'inspector
(heavy construction) $2,500 per year.
Assistant art curator (education),
$2,640 per year.
Applicants must be residents of
Detroit. For further information
concerning these examinations call
at 201 Mason Hall, office hours, 9 to
12 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
U. S. Civil Service examinations:
Public health nursing assistant,
$2,000 a year to senior public health
nursing consultant, $4,600 a year.
Bank note designer, $3,200 a year.
Junior agricultural engineer, $2,-
000 a year.
Asst. horticulturist, $2,600 a year
to senior horticulturist, $4,600 a year.
Asst. soil technologist, $2,600 a year
to senior soil technologist, $4,600 a
These notices are on file in 201
Mason Hall, office hours 9 to 12 a.m.
and 2 to 4 p.m.
Blue prints and directions for Sep-
tember registration for College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts;
College of Architecture; School of
Education; School of Forestry and
Conservation; and School of Music
will be mailed the first week in Sep-
tember. These reports will not reach
you .unless the Registrar's Office,
Room 4, University Hall, has your
correct address for that time. Please
report any change of address at once.
Visiting students and teachers en-
rolled in L. S. and A.; Arch.; Educ.;
Forestry; Music; Your credits for
this Summer Session will be sent
wherever you direct immediately af-
ter the grades are received if you will
fill in the proper request in Room 4,
University Hall, between now and
Aug. 20.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1214
Angell Hall until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.


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FOR SALE: Model A Ford coupe,
1931. Recent overhaul. Excellent
condition. Rumble seat. $160, phone
6710. 30
FOR RENT: Furnished five-room
bungalow. Phone 6805. 32
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 1x
ed. Men's shirts l1c. Silks, wools,
our specialty. All bundles done sep-
arately. No markings. Personal sat-
isfaction guaranteed. Call for and
deliver. Phone 5594 any time until

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