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August 14, 1936 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1936-08-14

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The Weather
Lower Michigan: Cloudy to-
day and tomorrow ,scattered
showers tonight and tomorrow.

i~E~fr iga


A Campaign
Paradox ...

Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Spain War
Centers In
North Area
Rebel Forces Concentrate
With Airplanes On Sector
Close To France
Government Drives
To Terminate Strife
Loyalists Hold Hostages,
Ward Off An Attack With
Threat On Their Lives
(By the Associated Press)
The Spanish civil war last night
(Thursday) centered on the northern
front, within earshot of France, as
rebel planes bombarded San Sebas-
tian and Irun and threatened attack
from the sea.
Eight persons were reported killed
in San Sebastian as bombs dropped
into the streets. The aerial attack
on loyalist San Sebastian resulted in
minor damage.
But a new and desperate battle
impended. The Fascist cruiser Almi-
rante Cervera anchored in the Bay of
Biscay off San Sebastian ready to
shell the city. Loyalists replied with
the ultimatum that 700 Fascist host-
ages would be executed if the cruiser
opened fire.
Government forces were ordered
to attack southern rebel strongholds
in a new offensive to crush the revolt
in that region.
The loyalist warship Jaime I was
reported damaged at Malaga by a
rebel plane, with one sailor killed.
France Cooperates
Four English and two Dutch air-
planes, believed en route to Spain,
took off from the British Isles and
inspired doubts in official quarters
that thedEuropean neutrality pact
ever would become effective.
France, seeking to placate Italy,
announced it would prevent mass en-
listment of volunteers who sought to
fight for the Madrid government, and
awaited anxiously for Germany's
reply to the invitation to join in the
"hands off" agreement.
MADRID, Aug. 13.-(A)- The So-
cialist government of Spain tonight
threw every force at its command
against the Fascist insurrection in a
mighty effort to end speedily the
death and destruction of civil war.
By land in the south, in the air
toward San Sebastian to aid loyalists
there, and into the Gibraltar straits
with warships, the government or-
dered its greatest offensive.
(From Irun came disquieting news
for the government-that five rebel
planes bombed San Sebastian and in-
flicted heavy damage in a renewed ef-
fort to gain that seaside resort on
the Bay of Biscay.)
The revolt, loyalists proclaimed,
must be stamped out "within a few
Algeciras Bombed
Men and women fought side by
side with antiquated- rifles and an-
cient cannon to hold San Sebastian
and Irun, the northern strip of great-
est importance because of its com-
mand of the Bay of Biscay.
An air armada speeded to the at-
tack on Seville, key city of the south
held by Fascists since the rebellion
began more than three weeks ago,
and to neighboring Cordoba and Bad-
Government warships again bom-
barded Algeciras.
Capture of four small towns near
Cordoba was announced by the Ma-
drid war ministry. The ministry als

dismissed Major Ramon Franco, air
attache at theSpanish embassy in
Washington and a brother of rebel
commander Francisco Franco.
(Rebel infantry pushed to within
eight miles of San Sebastian, before
which it fled yesterday in faceofor
surprise offensive by volunteer mil-
itia. Reinforcements were on the
way and occupied Cyarzun.
Planes Leave For Spain
(The main Fascist army concen
trated at Villabona, 12 miles distan
from the San Sebastian front.
(In the extreme south, rebel
marched on Etepona, 41 miles south-
west of Malaga. Two thousand rebel
were expected to reinforce Algeciras
raked by the fire of loyalist warships)
The government tonight assertedE
decisive battle at Estremadrura, in it
effort to force an opening from th
capital to the Portuguese frontier, wa
expected hourly.

Red Forces Are Blue, As Blues
In ThePink, Check Scarlet Foe

Headwriter Disappointed
By Absence Of News
About Friendly Browns
No 11 page 1 -RED ... ...con-re7aU
ALLEGAN, Aug. 13.-(')-Reports
from the battle front tonight indicat-
ed that the defending "Blue" army
had met and counteracted'swift
thrusts of the invading "Red" me-
chanized forces attempting to delay
its advance.
Major General Charles E. Kil-
bourne, commander of the second
army, said he was well pleased with
the speed and efficiency with which
both regulars and National Guard
troops of the Sixth Corps had func-
tioned under simulated battle con-
ditions during the first actual oper-
ations of the Western Michigan
The entire "Blue" army was in the
front lines," its left flank resting on
Dr. Sunderland,
Author -Pastor
Dies After Fall
Father Of Professor Here,
Formerly Local Pastor,
Expert On India
Dr. ' Jabez Thomas Sunderland,
father of Prof. Edson R. Sunderland
of the Law School faculty, died here
yesterday afternoon at the home of
his son from injuries suffered in a
bad fall four weeks ago. Dr. Sunder-
land was 94 years old.
A doctor of divinity from Tufts
college, and for 20 years a pastor of
the Unitarian Church here in Ann
Arbor, Dr. Sunderland was also active
as an author, publishing more than
20 books, and writing articles until
the time of his fall recently.
He was born in Yorkshire, England,
in 1842, and graduated in 1867 from
the University of Chicago, where he
took his master's degree two years
later. He was ordained in the Bap-
tist ministry in 1870, but changed to
the Unitarian Faith, and from that
date until 1920 preached from the
pulpits in the United States and Can-
ada, being stationed in Ann Arbor
from 1878 to 1898.
In 1895 Dr. Sunderland was sent to
India as a member of the British Uni-
tarian Association's commission for
investigation of the educational, so-
cial, and religious condition of the in-
habitants of India. He returned to
America the next year, but in 1913
was sent to the Orient again, this
time as president of the All-India
Theistic Conference, and as Billings
lecturer from the American Unitarian
Association to Ceylon, India, Japan,
China, and the Philippine Islands.
He was one of the best-known
Americans in India, and students
coming from that country to the
United States always made it a point
to call on him. During his service
locally, his church was packed with
some of the largest student audiences
ever drawn to a church here.
Best known among his books were
"The Origin and. Growth of the
Bible," written in1894, and "India i
Bondage," written in 1928. The latter
was translated into French and Jap-
(Contnued on Page 41
Tax Reduction
Is Suggested
By Morgenthau
WASHINGTON, Aug. 13.-(P)-Af-
ter a suddenly arranged White Hous
1conference today, Secretary Mor-
genthau and congressional leader
announced that no new taxes woul

be proposed at the next session o
- Congress.
They added that a survey was be
ing ordered to determine whether re-
ductions can be effected througl
elimination of some "nuisance
t taxes."
Their statements were given out a
s the White House but no comment o.
- the conference came from Presider
s Roosevelt, who left immediately afte
, its conclusion for his tour of the floo
. stricken regions of Pennsylvania an
a Southern New York.
s The Treasury secretary, Chairma
e Harrison of the Senate Finance com
s mittee and Chairman Doughton (
the House Ways and Means commit
rI tpp a vrticiyated in the disculssionl wit'

Diamond Springs and its right flank
on Swan Lake, its line extending
down the center of Allegan county.
Although the "Blue" forces, most-
ly National Guardsmen, apparently
had held their own against the me-
chanized regular army units thus far,
General Kilbourne said that "the
regulars are doing very well."
"They have covered most of the
critical points along the 12-mile front
and have blocked the most logical
points of approach," he continued.
"Thus they are in position to put up
a good delaying action considering
the haste with which they moved."
"This is not in any way a test of
the efficiency of the troops at the
present. The maneuver is designed
to put them in the field and give
them a chance to apply the lessons
learned in barracks and armories.
One of the greatest things we hope
to accomplish is to give every in-
fantryman a chance to see these new
weapons and learn how to adopt de-
fensive measures against them.
"The new weapons can be stopped
by certain weapons, if properly
placed, but this mechanization of
the army has dumped a novel prob-
lem into the laps of the infantry."
The maneuvers also are intended to
familiarize the troops with tanks and
armored cars, to prevent the disas-
trous panic that occurred when the
British first threw tanks into the
front lines during the World War,
General. Kilbourne explained.
League Holds
Second Annual
Formal Dance
Al Cowan Is To Play For
Last Time In Ann Arbor
At LeagueTonight
The second annual formal dance of
the Summer Session will be held from
9 p.m. to 1 a.m. tonight in the League
The formal will be the last dance
of the season. No dance will be held
Saturday. Al Cowan and his orches-
tra will play for the dance. This will
be the last time that he will play here.
Several additional pieces will enlarge
the band for the formal.
Charlie Zwick and his orchestra of
college students will play in his place
in the fall. Charlie has been featured
as the pianist with Sammy Kay's or-
chestra this summer.
The ballroom will be decorated with
baskets of flowers, and punch will
be served in the garden, which will
be lighted with colored lanterns.
The formal is not limited to couples,
both men and women being invited
to come singly. The admission price
is 25 cents a person. Hostesses for
the dance will be Lillian Sodt, Al-
berta Stein, Dorothy Vogel, Katherine
Bock, !Marjorie Mackintosh.
Other hostesses are Jacqueline
Kolle, Katherine Marie Hall, Frances
Thornton, Ona Thornton, Emma
Schmid, Helen Albert, Alice McCol-
lum, Eleanor Reed, Thelma Cooper
Katherine Ferguson, Helen Bidock
r Sarah Smith, Ruth Tobanz, Elva Pas
cow and Hope Hartwig.
Last year at the dance a campu
queen was elected. It was decide
that this feature would be dispense
with this year. Immediately follow
ing the Summer Session, the Leagu
ballroom will be redecorated for th
fall session.

3 Wolverines
Survive Heats
Taylor Drysdale Qualifies
In 100-Meter Backstroke
With 2 Other U.S. Men
Jim Cristy Places
In 1500-Meter Trial
Kasley, In Breastroke, Is
Third Michigan Star Of
13th Olympic Day
BERLIN, Aug. 13.-(P)-America's
chances of wresting men's team
swimming honors from Japan in the
Olympic games here brightened on
the second straight brilliant perform-
ance by Adolf Kiefer of Chicago in
the 100 meter backstroke semi-finals.
The Chicagoan was clocked in 1:06.8,
one-tenth of a second faster than the
new Olympic mark hetestablished
yesterday. America's other dorsal
artists, Taylor Drysdale and Al Vande
Weghe also gained thefinal with
three Japanese, Yashuhiko Kiyokawa,
Yasuhiko Kojima and Kiichi Yoshida.
Japan Places Many
In the 200-meter breaststroke, fea-
tured by Detsuo Hamuro of Japan
who swam his heat in 2:42.5 for a new
Olympic standard, America qualified
Ray Kaye and Jack Kasley of De-
troit, and Johnny Higgins of Provi-
dence for the semi-finals. The Amer-
ican 1,500 meter trio, Jack Medica,
Seattle, Ralph Flanagan, Miami, and
Jim Christy, Chicago, also gained the
penultimate round.
All things considered, however, the
13th day of the 11th Olympiad proved
somewhat of a jinx for many of
Uncle Sam's contenders.
Americans gained an even break
with Holland in the two womens'
aquatic titles decided; gained the
final of the basketball championship;
lost four of seven contestants for
places in tomorrow's rowing-finals;
were eliminated from the sabre fenc-
ing trials, and made disappointing
showings in the equestrian dressage
competition and in women's gym-
Mrs. Hill Wins Diving
The classification of diving as part
of the swimming program enabled
the United States to retain women's
team leadership as Mrs. Dorothy
Poynton Hill and Velma Dunn of Los
Angeles finished in that order in the
platform championship with Cornelia
Giliben of New York taking fourth,
off-setting Holland's one-two finish
in the 100 meter backstroke final by
Dina Senif and Rita Mastenbroek.
The Americans, Alice Bridges and
Edith Motridge1 Segal trailed the
Dutch aces in that order.
The women's 400 meter free style
trials produced another new Olympic
standard, 5:28, by Ragnhild Hveger
of Denmark, as Lenore Kight Win-
gard of Homestead, Pa., and Mary
Lou Petty of Seattle passed the pre-
liminary tests. Dorothea Dickinson
of New York withdrew due to a lam
America's single sculler, Dan Bar
row, Jr., and double scullers, Bil
- Dugan and John Houser, all from
Philadelphia, qualified for the regatt
s finals tomorrow, joining the Uni
d versity of Washington's highly-fan
d cied eight.
The United States defeated Mexic
e 25-10 and Canada vanquished Po
e land 42-15 to gain the basketbal
final tomorrow.

Foris sUnion
Radio Priest Aims To Keep
Out Of Entanglements In
First National Meet
Planning Resolution
To Endorse Lemke
'No Chance For Alliance,'
Coughhin Says On Last
Day Before Convention
CLEVELAND, Aug. 13.-()-The
Rev. Charles E. Coughlin charted to-
day a course clear of political en-
tanglements for his National Union
for Social Justice, opening its first
national convention here tomorrow.
"I'll step out," said the Royal Oak,
Mich., priest, "if the Union does not
retain its own identity. There is ab-
solutely no chance for an alliance
with other groups."I
He said a resolution would be of-
fered to endorse Rep.William Lemke
of North Dakota, the Union party's
candidate for president, but that it
would carry no endorsement of the
Union party.
Lemke is scheduled to address then
delegates Sunday afternoon.
Will Not Take Stumpn
Father Coughlin said he would not
make a stumping tour with Dr. Fran-o
cis E. Townsend, the Rev. Gerald L.b
K. Smith, aide of the late Huey P.a
Long, or Lemke in behalf of Lemke'sw
"It was anticipated at the time of
the Townsend convention (held ina
Cleveland a month ago) that we 1
would stump jointly in the campaigni
for Congressman Lemke," Fathern
Coughlin said at a press conference. h
"But when I returned home and t
found the speaking arranged for me,1
I found that such a joint campaign1
would be impossible."a
He added, that he would make sev-
eral joint appearances with LemkeF
and his running mate,. Thomas C.t
O'Brien of Boston.t
A disagreement over whether dele-b
gates should hear Dr. Townsend,e
founder of the old age pension move-F
ment bearing his nme, was settled3
by Father Coughlin upon his arrival
by boat from Detroit. Coughlin an-v
nounced Townsend and other "out-r
side" speakers would appear Satur-C
day after conclusion of the business
Walter D. Davis, convention mar-_
shal, had led opposition to the ap-
pearance of Townsend, saying:
"This is not an open forum. Father
Coughlin was invited to address the
Townsend convention, but that is no
reason why we should invite everyone
to speak at our convention."
Father Coughlin said he considered
President Roosevelt's appearance in,
- Cleveland tomorrow, which will co-
i incide with the opening of the Cough-
e lin convention, "an absolutely honest
The program laid down by Father
u Coughlin for his Union contains these
n four points:
a 1"1. That the National Union for
- social justice retain its own identity.
"2. That it stand by his 16 prin-
ciples of social justice.
o 1"3. That it refrain from amga-
- mating with any other organization.
1 "4. That it adopt no political party
as its godchild."

Coughlin Sets
Clear Course


Brief Summary Of The
Spanish War Situation
The situation at a glance:
Rebel planes bomb San Sebas-
tian in renewed attack.
Four English, two Dutch air-
planes believed en route to Spain;
Britain fears neutrality won't
France agrees to ban mass en-
listment of volunteers to answer
Italian charges she permits "moral
f upport" of loyalist government.
Rebcls march on Estepona near
Gibraltar; government warships
attack Algeciras.
Seville radio station says 4
loyalist aviators captured, ex-
cuted in battle at San Rafael Es-
Government lays siege to Ovie-
do; captures four small towns in
south; predicts quick end of re-


Summer Term I
French Groupn
French Faculty Men Guests
Of Honor At Gala Fete; to
Many Students Present p
The Summer Session French Club p
concluded its activities for the sum-
mer with a huge banquet attended s
by more than 50 guests, held last h
night at the Michigan Union. The o
menu was completely French, even j
to the extent that there was no butter s
on the table for the rolls. It seems to
be an old French custom not to eat p
any butter. The only thing missing
was the wine that the French are said
to drink like water during their meals. s
Grant Manson, graduate student,
acted as toast-master and introduced w
the speakers of the evening. They c
included the professors of the Ro- a
mance Language Department who is
had taken part in the activities of a
the French Club during the summer, ti
namely, Professors Canfield, Thieme, t
Talamon, Merlino, Patterson, Jobin A
and Koella. i
Gertrude Gilman, president of the t
French Club gave a speech of thanks w
to all those who had helped to make s
the French Club the success it has h
been. Mary Helen Jones played sev- o
eral selections on the flute accom- t
panied on the piano by Mary Lou i
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Koella, s
who took charge of all the arrange- l
ments for the banquet and who have
directed the French Club and French
House during the summer, were i
warmly congratulated on all sides t
for the success of their project. a
, t
Indians Blank t
Ti(,ers Behind
Allen's Hurling
Walker Ekes Out First Of "
Detroit's Only Four Hits t
In Sixth Inning
CLEVELAND, Aug. 13.-(P)-John-t
ny Allen, the Yankees' pitching cast-
off, limited the Detroit Tigers to fourf
hits today as he hurled the Indians
to an 8 to 0 victory, his ninth straighta
and 14th of the season.e
With the league-leading Yankees
idle, the win put the second place
Indians 11 games back of the pacers.
Allen fanned six Tiger batters toe
take over the league's strikeout lead
with a total of 121.I
The Tribe pounded Schoolboy
Rowe, Joe Sullivan and Clarence Phil-
lips for 18 hits in taking the odd game
of the series.
All of the Tigers' four hits were
singles. For five innings they wentt
hitless as Allen mowed them down
without trouble.
The Indians, meantime, got to
Rowe early, belting him out in the
fourth. They scored two runs in the
second on four straight singles by Roy
Weatherly, Billy Sullivan, Joe Vos-
mik and Bill Knockerbocker, and1
shoved three more over in the fourth
on Sullivan's double, Vosmik's fly,
singles by Knockerbocker and Roy
Hughes, and "Bad News" Hale's two-
Another three-run spree in the fifth
wound up the scoring, with Vosmik
doubling to score Weatherly, who had
walked, and Sullivan, who had
t singled, and Allen sending Vosmik
home with a bunt down the third
Ibase line. --


(nox Asks
k Sharing
)f Wealth
ice-President Candidate
Demands Workmen Own
More Corporate Shares
peaker Criticizes
Class Antagonism
oosevelt Administration
'Too Expensive Luxury'
To Last Any Longer
HUNTINGTON, W. Va., Aug. 13.-
)-Col. Frank Knox, Republican
ominee for vice-president, told West
irginia Republicans tonight he seeks
the future "a real share-the-
ealth development in this land."
He spoke before the mountain
ate's Republican convention, called
nominate candidates for the su-
reme court bench, and draft a cam-
aign platform.
The vice-presidential candidate
aid the "share-the-wealth" program
e hopes to see carried out consists
f greater ownership of corporation
hares by workmen.
He explained, in an address pre-
ared for delivery:
'Should Be No Antagonism'
"In our American society there
hould be no antagonism between the
orker and the stockholder. Our
apitalist system rests on .the corpor-
tion, large and small. This capital-
t system has grave defects. There
re inequalities in it. But it has built
he greatest productivity in the his-
ory of all mankind. It has given the
merican worker the highest wages
n all history. The man whQ .would
ear down this marvelous system
hen there is no equally productive
ystem to replace it is an enemy of
is country. I want to see our ec-
nomic system purged of its injus-
ices. I want to see it preserved for
s benefits.
,'I want to see in the future a real
hare-the-wealth development in this
"I want to see an increasing share
n the profits of this system going to
he workers. I want to see this come
bout, not by any suicidal scheme of
lestruction, but by an extension of
he ownership of corporation shares
y the workers. Unseen and un-
oticed, this process has been going
n a long time. There are 12 mil-
ion owners of corporate shares in
his country today. War and depres-
ion have temporarily set back this
great movement. It will begin again.
n this movement lies the prospect of
a genuine share-the-wealth program.
In it there is the prospect of indus-
trial peace in this country."
Criticizes Extravagances
The Chicago publisher also at-
tacked the present administration as
"too expensive a luxury to continue
four more years," saying:
"This administration embarked on
a series of blind, reckless, and cruelly
expensive experiments on the vital in-
stitutions of American economic life.
It inaugurated a policy of blind ex-
penditure of the people's money. It
established policies that undermined
credit and currency. It forced exper-
iments that harried business and re-
stricted production. It began at once
to create an enormous Federal bu-
reucayth ares n d an goen

ment in the history of the world."
He referred to "three years of con-
tinuous economic vaudeville," saying
"it has been a grand show.
"But the people have grown tired of
it. There are not enough breathing
spells between acts. It costs too
much. The people have grown ner-
vous, watching the glittering balls
juggled in mid-air. Too rhany have
been broken. Even the Democrats
are walking out on the show."
Taxes Hamper Recovery
Knox declared "the steady progress
of natural recovery is hampered by
the burden of taxes and shadowed by
the fear of inflation." He said wages
have increased since 1932 "from the
progress of natural recovery, living
costs have gone up," and the Ameri-
can. worker faces today the possibili-
t y of that "ruinous rise in the cost of
living which comes from inflation of

Huron River Valley Project Progress
Described Here In Its Various Phases

DURING the last three years there
has been carried on under various
Federal alphabets an intermittent
recreation survey of this county and
of the valley of the Huron River. This
survey resulted a year ago in the pub-
lication of a guide to the county,
which met with a considerable na-
tional notice and immediate local
approval. It was suggested that such
a guide to the Valley on a more elab-
orate scale might be worth while. This
is now being carried on under the
WPA as a Federal Writers Project.
At the University of Michigan are
specialists in every phase of the valley

is intended to serve two different pur-t
poses. The first type of materialh
aims to give a picture of the valleyi
from an early geological period to
the present. It shows how the river
as the highway of the Indians andf
trappers was used with the Grand asr
the main thoroughfare across theI
state, then how its trails, and waterc
power determined the early settle-c
ments and the series of saw mills,t
grist mills, wollen mills, and pulpt
mills, which furnished the industries1
that built the towns. These were
followed in due time by the power
dams, but traces of many of the early
mills and dams can still be seen.
There are studies of the University,

the use of the river for swimming,
boating, picnicing and camping, that
it drives away the better type of fish
and reduces the growth of. even such
fish as carp. It is often fatal to great
number of fish of different varieties.
It is repulsive to the aesthetic sense,
and it greatly depreciates the value
of real estate. Ann Arbor, has been
the greatest sinner in the valley in
this field in the past, but its disposal
plant is now nearing completion. This
will clear up the river as far as Ypsi-
lanti. None of the cities on the river
below here except Bellville have as yet
done anything.
2. Water Gardens. At present there

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