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August 09, 1936 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1936-08-09

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The Weather
Generally fair today and to-
morrow; warmer in extreme
east portion today, cooler in
extreme west tomorrow.


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The American Ideal
For University Freedom ...

Official Publication Of The Summer Session

VOL. XLV No. 35



Hangs Fire
Hitler Awaits Soviet Policy
Before Signing 'Hands
Off' Pact With France
Loyalists Continue
Battle On 3 Fronts
Algeciras Bombing Seen
As Threat To Transport
Of Morocco Rebels
BERLIN, Aug. 8.-()-Ensconced
in a luxurious car of French manu-
facture, former King Alfonso of
Spain entered Germany tonight as
Reich officialdom wrestled with the
question of neutrality in relation to
Spain's civil war.
Germany answered French queries
as to Reich adherence to a general
hands off with acceptance in prin-
ciple and with another question:
"Will Russia be neutral?"
Official voice was given to Ger-
man press allegations that Spain was
being "bolshevized" when the Foreign
Office made it clear that any action
committing Germany to a non-inter-
vention agreement awaited a clarifir
cation of Soviet policy.
As Alfonso was whirled along Ger-
man highways, ostensibly for a visit
to the Olympic Games in Berlin, the
Foreign Office denied any knowledge
of his arrival.
"We have no information on the
subject whatsoever," a spokesman
Earlier in the day the Foreign Of-'
fice had described as "foolish" re-
ports that Alfonso was coming to Ber-
lin to confer with Chancellor Hitler
or possibly with Count Ciano, the
Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Agreement in principle was the
limit in satisfaction the Nazi state
would permit French Ambassador
Andre Francois-Poncet when he asked
whether the Reich would enter an
eight-nation agreement to let Spain
settle its internal -quarrels with no
outside interference.
The Foreign Office, however, as-
sured the French ambassador Ger-
many was fully aware of the danger
.of war in connection with Spain's
civil conflict and was cooperating
with other European powers to pro-
duce a neutrality agreement which
would prove effective.
MADRID, Aug. 8.-(P)-Moroccan
rebel troops, hardened in North Af-
rican hill campaigns, tramped north-
ward toward beleaguered Madrid to-
night, with the Fascist Commander-
in-Chief, Francisco Franco reported
at their head.
That word, reaching the capital
from rebel headquarters in Burgos, to
the north, hastened, rather than
delayed, slashing government attacks
on three fronts.
The Fascists, said Leftist author-
ities, were losing all hopes of winning
the fight.
They pictured general Franco as
still in Spanish Morocco attempting
to land more troops on the Spanish
Already he had brought, by ship
and plane, an estimated 8,000 soldiers
from Africa to Spain.
(In some rebel quarters it was
feared Loyalist success at Algeciras,
southern seaport burned during a
government bombardment yesterday,
might upset defenses created to pro-

tect troop transport, especially since
the rebel gunboat Dato was burned
defending the city).
. While no reports were received of
major Loyalist activities in the thea-
ter of war in the Bay of Biscay sec-
tion held by Rebels, deadly attacks
in the province of Huesca, between
Zaragoza and the French border were
outlined in government dispatches.
All of the towns surrounding the
capital of Huesca were said to have
been occupied.
In the southwestern province of
Badajoz, the government asserted
it suppressed a Fascist revolt led by
-an assault guard named Fernando
Russian Aviators
Are Forced Down
SEATTLE, Aug. 8.-(A')-Nicholas
Sokoloff, representing Amtorg, Rus-

Prof.Pollock's Civil Service Bill
Is Submitted To Gov. Fitzgerald


First Draft Of Measure
Intended To End Spoils
System Is Completed
LANSING, Aug. 8-(AP)--The State
Civil Service Study Commission laid
before Governor Fitzgerald today the
first draft of a bill it claims will wipe
out the political spoils system in state
Governor Fitzgerald has agreed,
if re-elected, to submit the bill to the
1937 Legislature. It promises to be
the most controversial issue before
the coming legislative session.
Professor James K. Pollock, of the
University of Michigan, chairman of
the commission which drew the pro-
posed measure, contends its adoption
would provide a merit system for state
employment, eliminate inefficiency,
guarantee advancement to worthy
employes without political influence,
and result in substantial savings to
taxpayers. The commission esti-
mated in a preliminary report that
the spoils system costs Michigan "pos-
sibly $1,000,000" annually.
Pollock's critics, and they include
nearly every department head he
has attacked in a long series of

statements, point out the adoption of
the measure he proposes would result
state department at an estimated an-
nual cost of $200,000. They pointed
to provisions in the bill which would
exempt important positions in state
government from jurisdiction of the
proposed new Civil Service Depart-
These state department heads,
when asked to comment for publica-
tion on the proposed measure, has-
tened to declare they "are for civil
service in principle."
The bill, as it reached Governor
Fitzgerald's desk today, provides that
a civil servicevsystem for Michigan
shall be supervised by a bi-partisan,
four-member commission appointed
by the Governor for eight-year terms.
Not more than two members could
be of the same political faith.
The commission would choose by
examination a Civil Service Director
who would classify all employes in
salary brackets, maintain a central
personnel agency, and who could be
removed from office only on charges
preferred before the commission. The
director would be the administra-
tive head of the new department.
The following officers and employes
(Continued on Page 41

U. S. Sweeps
Three Places
Morris, Clark And Parker
Give America Triple Win
In Event For First Time
Iso-Iollo Victor In
Steeplechase Race
Controversy Arises When
Michigan's Sam Stoller
Is Benched In Relay

$53,000 To

Regents Report Gifts Of

r Appointed

{° - 4

Wilmot F. Pratt, Trained
In Malines School, Is
Choice Of Board
Comes Here From
St. Thomas Church

Song, Program
Arranged For
Last Program Of Summer
Will Feature Solos By
McGregor, Foster
A program of musical selections
will be held at the third and last Ves-
per Service at 7 p.m. tonight on the
steps of the General Library.
Congregational singing; solos by
Bernard R. McGregor, baritone; and
Warren Foster, tenor, and selections
by orchestra, glee club and chorus
of the Summer Session will be in-=
luded in the program. Prof. David
Mattern of the School of Music will
direct the singing.
The invocation and benediction will
be given by Dr. Edward W. Blakeman,
counselor in religious education of
the University.
"The Lord is My Light" by Allitsen
s the selection which McGregor will
sing. He is an instructor in the
school of Music at the University of
West Virginia. There he studied
under Louis Black and Frank Cuth-
During McGregor's senior year he1
was awarded first place in the Cap-1
itol District in the contest for student
artists sponsored by the federation
of music clubs. For the last year he
sang at the East Liberty Presbyterian
Church in Pittsburgh, Pa.
Foster, who is a student in the
School of Music, is soloist at the First
Methodist Church in Ann Arbor. The
two selections which he will sing are
"Build Thee More Stately Mansions"
by Andrews and "Sanctus" from St.
Cecelia Mass by Gounod. He will be
accompanied in these selections by the
Summer Session Chorus.
Electric Utilities
O'wnership Is
Graduate Speech Students
Will Argue Question Of
Government Control
The eight annual Summer Session
demonstration debate between teams
composed of graduate students of
speech will be held at 7:30 p.m. to-
morrow in Room 4203 A.H. The de-
bate is open to the public and no ad-
mission fee will be charged.
The question of the debate will be,
"Resolved: That all electric utilities
should be governmentally owned and
operated." This question will also be
used by all Michigan high schools
both in the Michigan High School
Debating League and in high school
State leagues throughout the year.
Dr. William P. Halstead, instructor
in the speech department and manag-
er of the Michigan High School De-
bating League, will act as chairman of
the debate, and Prof. Kenneth G.
Hance of the speech department of
Albion College at Albion. will act as

Olympic Point Scores g
Totaled For Yesterdays
BERLIN, Aug. 8.-(P)-Point P
scores in the unofficial Olympic
men's track and field team chain-
pionship at the conclusion of to- t
day's program:.f.
(On 10-5-4-3-2-1 basis).in d
United States 188; Finland
75 1/4; Germany 61 3/4; Japan
37 13/22; Great Britain 28 1/11;t
Canada 17 1/11; Sweden 16 1/11;t
Italy 15 13/22; Holland 11; Newf
Zealand 10; Switzerland 9; Poland
5/11; Norway, 5; Philippines 4
Lativa 4; Australia 4; Czecislo- h
vakia 3 1/11; Brazil 2; Greece 2; p
Argentina 1; Austria 2/11; Hun-E
gary 2/11.o
Knox Outlines
Party Pro ram (
For recovery
Opens G. O. P. Nationalt
Campaign With Address
In Connersville, In(.
CONNERSVILLE, Ind., Aug. 8.-(rP)
-Col. Frank Knox, Republican vice-4
presidential candidate, told "what his
party has to offer" tonight by out-
lining a program he said would "un-4
leash recovery" and return "mil-s
lions of unemployed to honest work."r
Addressing a statewide rally of In-p
diana Republicans, the candidate putc
forward the proposals and intentionsa
after charging that the governmentI
of the United States "is the worst-r
managed business in the world today"
under the present administration. 1
The speech was the opening ad-t
dress of the Republican national cam-c
paign, Col. Knox told his audience.t
To "drive out the sweat-shop andr
the exploiting employer" is one of
the party's resolutions, Col. KnoxI
said, if it is successful in the fall
election. Another is to battle monop-
olies, while encouraging and foster-f
ing "honest business." For a third he1
listed cutting taxes and shifting their
weight from "the plain man."
Col. Knox struck into this subject
after charging that "recovery began1
in 1932," and adding "we should have
been entirely out of the woods by this
"What has the Republican party
to offer?" he asked.
"We propose first of all to end the
waste of the people'ssmoney. We pro-
pose to make taxes less and to make
them fairer,
"Instead of NRA, we propose to
have freedom of enterprise.
The sweat-shop and the exploit-
ing employer we intend to drive out.
The man who adulterates goods or
sells dishonest stocks we expect to
put in jail.
"But honest business is to be free."
"With this program in operation
the forces of recovery will be un-
leashed . . . Millions of unemployed
will be restored to honest work and
earned wages."
Speaking to an audience of mixed
industrial and farm interests, Col.
Knox attacked both the NRA and the
AAA as failures. As for the AAA

BERLIN, Aug. 8.-(P)-Three far-
vestern youths swept the boards for
9merica in the Olympic decathlon
competition today, led by Colorado's
nagnificent Glenn Morris, who
amashed his own world record, scal-
ng Olympic heights as a climax to his
first year in all-around competition.
The Fort Collins automobile sales-
nan, who got the idea admiring
arring Jim Bausch capture another
ecord-cracking Olympic tussle at Los
gngeles in 1932, outstripped two Cali-
fornians, Bob Clark and Jack Parker,
,hile running up the amazing aggre-
ate of 7,900 points.
The 24-year-old former Colorado
State College football and track star's
erformance was capped by a sen-
ational stretch sprint concluding the
,500 meter run which carried him to
he tape in 4:33.2, and gave him suf-
icient points to beat his own world
mark by exactly 20 points.
Sets New Record
Morris' exploits in the strenuous
wo-day, ten-event test, enabled him
o wipe out the Olympic record his
ormer idol, Bausch, set by 502 points
under the new scoring system. Bausch
operated under the old system, but
his figures translated, total 7,398
Earlier in the day, Volmari Iso-
Hollo of Finland set the stage for rec-
ord-smashing performances. The
wift and durable Finn became the
irst champion to repeat as he paced
he field in the 3,000-meter steeple-
chase final to a 9:03.8 victory. The
next four finishers all lowered his
former Olympic record of 9:14.6.
Kaarlo Tuominen, another Finn,
trailed his countryman by three sec-
onds as Alfred Dompert of Germany,
producing a great stretch drive, took
third, followed by Martti Matilainen
f Finland and Harold Manning of
Wichita, Kans..
The semi-final day of the blue rib-
bon competition also saw Jesse Owens
return to competition to lead off the
400-meter relay team to a word-rec-
rd-equalling 40 second preliminary
triumph, and the American women's
400 and men's 1,600 metern relayers
survive the trials and qualify for to-
morrow's final.
Dusk settled down not only on the
weary decathloners but also on an-
other rip-roaring Olympic day in
which assorted developments included
Finland's domination of the obstacle
race and the latest "Jarrett case" de-
velopment whereby Avery Brundage,
president of the American Olympic
Committee and also the A.A.U., ruled
out the former backstroke queen, El-
under Iso-Hollo's 1932 mark. Tuo-
minen's time was 9:06.8; Dompert,
9:07.2; Matilainen, 9:09, and the
Kansan, 9:11.2.
Jewish Boys Omitted
Also there were repercussions over
the omission of two Jewish boys,
Marty Glickman and Sam Stoller,
from America's 400 meter sprint relay
Controversial echoes rocked the
press box all day while experts strug-
gled with an endless stream of de-
cathlon tabulations.
Mrs. Jarrett challenged Brundage's
authority to order her disbarred with-
out a hearing, while Glickmar
charged the track coaches with "poli-
tics" in shunting him and Stoller tc
the sidelines without a chance to ap-
pear in the games.
Head Coach Lawson Robertson vol-
untarily took the ap for deciding
to put the best available quartet int(
the spring relay in order to insur
triumph. The head coach viewed th
world record-equalling performanc
I (Coninued on Page 3,

The appointment of Wilmot F.
Pratt of New York City to the post of
carillonneur for the Baird Carillon
now under construction was an-
nounced here yesterday by Prof. Earl
V. Moore of the School of Music after
confirmation by the Board of Regents
during their summer meeting Friday.
Mr. Pratt, who is 24 years old
and a native of New Jersey, has been
until recently carrillonneur at St.
Thomas Church in New York City,
where he was also soloist in the choir
under Dr. T. T. Noble.
For the past year he has been
studying in the carillon school at Ma-
lines, Belgium, under M. Jef Denyn,
who was city carillonneur at. Malines
until his retirement in 1933, and, ac-
cording to Professor Moore, "the most
distinguished performer of that in-
strument in the world."
The Malines school was founded 12
years ago for the training of per-
formers on the difficult instrument,
and is the only school of its kind in
the world. Many$ of Denyn's pupils
hold positions in Belgium and Hol-
land, carillon centers of the world,
and the best artists in the United
States are also his pupils.
Professor Moore himself heard Mr.
Pratt play on his last trip to Europe,
and states that the young man has
played many concerts throughout the
Netherlands during his study period,
from which several reengagements
have resulted.
Mr. Pratt is unmarried. "He's the
type of man I'm sure the students
themselves will like, because he's
young enough to understand their
viewpoint," Professor Moore added.
According to Professor Moore, Mr.
Pratt will be the only American grad-
uate of the Malines school in the
United States. One other holds a po-
sition in Belgium, 'and a Canadian,
Percy Price, is carillonneur at Ottawa.
Profesor Moore said he had just
received a cable from Denyn giving
his pupil a very high recommenda-
tion, and informing him that he had
passed his examinations "with great
distinction." The examination con-
sists of paper work in music and a
performance on the big carillon at
Malines, one of the finest in the world,
before a jury of carillonneurs from
the Netherlands.
The new carillonneur is expected
to arrive -here Sept. 15, shortly after
the bells themselves arrive from Eng-

Here Sept.
Years Ol


Is 24

Fire of unknown origin last
night destroyed seven buildings
on the farm of John Zeeb, on the
Zeeb road two miles from the
Plymouth road, and four miles
east of Ann Arbor.
The blaze, which is believed to
have started shortly after 9 pam.,
had already engulfed all build-
ings on the farm but one shed
and the house itself, separated
from the remainder of the build-
ings by a gravel driveway, when
the South Lyons fire. department
arrived at 10:30 p.m., a few min-
utes after the fire had been dis-
Zeeb, who did not return until
11:30, said that he had lost a
large quantity of baled winter
hay in one of the barns which
was burned, but that his herd of
cattle had been rescued from the
burning buildings and led into
an adjoining field.
The barns were still blazing at
1 a.m., as the fire department
stood by to make sure the fire did
not creep into a field of dry
stubble nearby.
Teachers Plan
Fourth Annual
English Parley,


Ormond E. Hunt Presents
$35,000 In Property For
Needy Engineer
Grants Given For
Further Research
Medical Library Of Late
Dr. G. Carl Huber Is
Among Donations

Talks By Members
Summer Faculty To
Given Tomorrow

Wenger Given
State Post For
Poet Congress'
Prof. C. N. Wenger of the Engligh
department of the Engineering Col-
lege has been appointed by Gov.
Frank Fitzgerald as a delegate from
the state to the Congress of American
Poets which is being held in New
The Congress, which is under the
chairmanship of Edwin Markham, is
the first national conference of
American poets. Among the objec-
tives are to review the nature and
fundamental problems of the poetic
art, to discuss the new problems of
the poet arising from the conditions
of contemporary life, to investigate
the varied means by which poetry
may most fully serve its function and
to consider means for a closer cooper-
ation between poetry and education,
science, radio, motion pictures, the
other fine arts and the employment
of leisure.
Dr. Charles A. Sink, president of
the School of Music. is a member of

Five lectures by members of the
Jniversity summer faculty will be giv-
en at the fourth annual summer E
meeting of the Michigan Council of t
English Teachers, to be held tomor-
row, Prof. Clarence D. Thorpe of the 1
English department, president of the 1
Council, announced yesterday. 1
Prof. Hans Kurath of the linguis-
tics department of Brown University,
Lirector of the Linguistic Atlas of
New England, will give the opening1
lecture at 4:30 p.m. in Room 231 A.H.1
Iis subject will be "Folk Speech and1
Cultivated Speech."
The second program will be held
in the University Elementary School
Library, beginning at 7:30 p.m. Prof.
Roger P. McCutcheon, visiting pro-
fessor of English, a member of the
staff of Tulane University will open
the program with an adidress on
"Teaching Literature for Meaning
and Appreciation." Prof. McCutch-
eon is the co-editor of a book on
"Introduction to the Study of Poetry,"
with Prof. R. R. Kirk of Tulane which'
is used in English courses here.
The second talk will be given by
Miss Ruth Schoonover, teacher at
Negaunee High School, on "Testing
for Taste and Appreciation." Harold
Allen of the English department of
the University will speak on "Train-
ing for the Teaching of Language,"
and Mentor Williams, also of the
English department will close the
program with a lecture on "Coopera-
tion in Teaching Composition."
The lectures are open to the public,
and anyone interested is invited to
Tigers Divide
With St. Louis
DETROIT, Aug. 8t-(P)-The Tig-
ers and the Browns divided a double-
header here today, Detroit winning
the first game 9 to 7 and St. Louis
the second one 10 to 5 before a crowd
of 39,000.
Gerald Walker, Tiger outfielder,
drove in eight runs, hitting two home
runs, three doubles and a single and
drawing a base on balls during the
two games. He won the first game
almost single handed, driving in seven
of Detroit's nine runs.
In the nightcap the Browns fell on
Schoolboy Rowe and drove him from

The acceptance of gifts totaling
iore than $53,000, together with the
.aluable personal library of the late
. Carl Huber, by the Board of Re-
ents was announced at University
iffices yesterday following the Re-
tents' summer meeting at President
tuthven's summer home near Frank-
The greater part of that sum was
he gift of Ormond E. Hunt, vice-
wresident of General Motors, who
save his home and four city lots on
iighland Road here to the University,
vith the income from the sale or ren-
al to be used in setting up a trust
und for needy and deserving stu-
[ents in the College of Engineering.
The property is valued at $35,000,
nd according to Julius E. Schmidt,
Jniversity investment officer, hasal-i
,eady been put up for sale.
The fund will be known as the Har-
'iet Eveleen Hunt Trust Fund, as
nemorial to Mr. Hunt's mother, who
lied in April of this year.
$10,000 Also Given
Next largest gift announced by the
Regents, in a list which totalled $18,-
79, was a second grant of $10,000 by
he Earhart Foundation for the sup-
port of the Bureau of Industrial Re-
ations, established last year with
Prof. John W. Riegel of the Business
Administration School as director.
A gift of $5,000 from the Milbank
Foundations of New York for the
establishment of the Milbank Hyper-
ension Research Laboratory under
Dr. Max Minor Peet, noted University
Hospital brain surgeon, was also re-
Gifts of $750 each were made by
the Alumnae Counciland the Mich-
gan Gas Association, the first toward
the establishment of a $15,000 en-
dowment fund for the Alice Crocker
Lloyd Fellowship, anc the other for a
renewal of an annual fellowship in
gas engineering.
From the family of the late G. Carl
Huber, dean of the graduate School,
head of the anatomy department, and
director of the anatomical and his-
tological laboratories, who died Dec.
26, 1934, the Regents accepted the
gift of Dr. Huber's personal library
of medicine, containing fourteen
bound sets of periodicals;several hun-
dred books, and several thousand re-
prints, all on anatomy.
Receives Three $500 Gifts
A gift of $629 from the University
of Michigan Club of Detroit as an
addition to that organization's en-
dowment fund was also announced by
the Regents, together with three gifts
of $500 each. They were from Parke,
Davis, Inc., Detroit for a fellowship
in the College of Pharmacy; from Eli
Lilly & Co., Indianapolis, for use by
Dr. Walter J. Nungester of the bac-
teriology department in research on
pneumonia, and from the Milbank
Foundations for research in psy-
chiatry by Dr. Theophile Raphael,
Health Service psychiatrist.
The Class of 1913 Engineers gave
$40 as the nucleus for a loan fund,
and Kapp, Smith, Hinchman,
Grylls, Detroit architects, offered a
$10 prize for a sketch problem in ar-
chitectural design.
Aside from confirming the appoint-
ment of Wilmot F. Pratt as caril-
lonneur, announced yesterday by
Prof. Earl V. Moore, the Regents
made only one other announcement
on academic matters, which was the
approval of sabbatical leave for Prof.
Samuel Lawrence Bigelow of the
chemistry department for the school
year 1936-1937.

ionscheck Suicide
Is Laid To Worry
SEATTLE, Aug. 8.-(A)-The five-
story death dive of Rep. Marion A.
Zioncheck, Washington's sensation-
stirring congressman, was attributed
by friends tonight to worry over a
nsehiatrist's advice that he take a

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