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June 30, 1936 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1936-06-30

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Of The

(From The Associated Press) ,
Colahan Denounces
NEW YORK, June 29.-(/P)-Daniel
F. Colahan, who with Alfred E. Smith
and three other Democrats called
upon the Philadelphia convention
not to renominate President Roose-
velt, issued a statement today de-
nouncing Mr. Roosevelt.
"No leader," he said, "has ever
made on the eve of a fight such a
confession of fear and weakness as
that given by President Roosevelt in
Philadelphia last week, and since
that time."
The President, Colahan said, had
"veritably to grovel" before Governor
Lehman, whom' the Democratic na-
tional command has urged to run for
governor of New York again.
"Meanwhile, added Colahan, a for-
mer state supreme court justice, "the
Roosevelt-Farley group had better
give up their George III attitude and
let the Democrats of New York select
their own candidates for office in
the State of New York. The royal
family attitude of appointing a co-
lonial governor .. . will not get far
in New York state in 1936."
Mussolini's Daughter
TIVOLI, Italy, June 29.-P)-State
affairs have awaited two days and
nights as Premier Mussolini and his
wife tonight attended the bedside of
his youngest daughter, Anna Maria,
who is feared to be suffering from'
an attack of infantile paralysis.
Vittorio and Bruno, Il Duce's eldest
sons, were summoned also from Rome;
Saturday when lung, complications
were gravest for their sister, but the
official Stefani news agency said to-
night the crisis was over.
Townsfolk prayed in churches for
the health of the girl.
Fascist sources said Romano, eight-
year-old son of Il Duce also was ill,
but they did not specify the naturer
of his sickness.
A number of parents in Rome,
especially those in the foreign colony,
were, taking their children from the.
city because of rumors of an epi-
Storms Sweep
ST. PAUL, June 29.-(/P)-Wind.
and rain swept through portions of
the middle west late today, relieving
drought conditions in some sections,
but causing new damage to property.
Striking Rose Hill, Ia., the wind
flattened garages and unroofed sev-
eral buildings.
Property damage was estimated at
thousands of dollars in Clinton, Ia.,
where trees were toppled and small
buildings overturned. Sweeping
across the Mississippi, the wind hit
Fulton, Ill., and wrecked a large sec-
tion of the second story of the patent
Novelty Company plant.

Free Instructih
Wo men's A
Dr. Bell Outlines Wide
Variety Of Sports For
Summer Term
An extensive sports program for
the benefit of all registered women
on campus has been planned, ac-
cording to Dr. Margaret Bell, direc-
tor of Physical Education for Wom-
T he most interestingfeature of
this program is that there are ab-
solutely no fees imposed for instruc-
tion, the only requirement being that
each student interested receive a
thorough health examination.
Instruction in various sports have
been planned for women this sum-
mer. Among them are dancing, golf,
riding, swimming, tennis and bad-
minton. In case enough women are
interested, a course will be offered in
Offer Dancing Instruction
Dancing is offered in several forms:
Modern dance, which is of a creative
nature, will be offered at 4 p.m. Mon-
day, Wednesday, and Friday in Bar-
bour Gymnasium. Tap dancing for
women is given on Monday and Wed-
nesday at 5 p.m. at the same place.
Tapping lessons fornboth men and
women will be given at 7:30 p.m.
Rhythms, which includes theory and
practice of rhythmic activities in the
form of lectures and laboratory per-
iods, is given at 4 p.m. Monday, Wed-
nesday and Friday.
Tennis and golf will be taught at
Palmer Field and the Women's Ath-
letic Building. Participants will be
classified as beginners, intermediates,
or advanced players, thus adding a
competitive interest to the sports.
The advanced group of golfers will
be allowed to 'play on the University
golf course. Supervised instruction
in tennis is given at 4 p.m. and 5 p.m.,
Tuesday and Thursday, while golf
instruction will be given at 4 p.m.
and 5 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Wed-
nesday and Thursday.
Swimming Group Divided
Likewise the swimming is divided
into beginning, intermediate and ad-
vanced groups. It will be offered at
10 a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m., and 2 p.m.
on Mondays and Wednesdays, and at
10 a.m., 1 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. on
Tuesdays and Thursdays. There will:
also be open swimming from 10 p.m.
to 12 noon and from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.,
on Friday. '
Any students interested in riding
lessons may come at 7:30 p.m. Mon-
day to Barbour Gymnasium. From
there the group will be taken to the'
fair grounds where horses will be
obtained from Mullison's stables.
Mixed Badminton classes will be
held at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at
Barbour Gymnasium.
Lessons in archery will be given
in case at least 10 women apply for
it. This will be taught at Palmer
Field where facilities are furnished.'
Dr. Bell said that should the classes
in any of these sports exceed 10 stu-

n Features Coptic, Islamic
thletic Program Textile Display
dents, division would be made and To Close Today
assistants will be appointed to in-
struct the newly formed group. This The exhibition of the University's
insures sufficient individual atten- collection of Coptic and Islamic tex-
tion and instruction.
tion ainstrurpon. h ppIr-tiles which has been on display in the
The main purpose of the oppor-galreofAunMmrilHl
tunities offered in these sports is to galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall
tune .will be brought to a close at 5 p.m.
furnish recreational activity. It is today. It has been sponsored by the
also possible for undergraduates to Research Seminary in Islamic Art of
carry sufficient hours in Physical Ed-
ucation to work off the freshman re- the University.
quirement. The work may also be The Coptic textiles in the exhibit
carried by Physical Education majors are the work of the Copts, Christian-
to improve skill in certain sports. A ized Egyptians of the sixth century.
review committee has been appoint- zDuring the o the seventh centur-
ed to examine graduate students in-
dividually in regard to their back- ies the Copts brought the art of
ground of experience in gymnasium weaving to a high stage, using the
and athletic activities. Where out- technique of tapestry weaving in-
standing deficiencies are noticeable stead of the common shuttle method.
the candidate will be required to sup-
plement his graduate work with cer- The result was cloth of unusually
tain recommended activity courses beautiful texture and design, bril-
offered in the Summer Session. liantly and boldly colored.
It cannot be stressed enough, says The Islamic textiles, which were
Dr. Bell, that these courses are offered found at the sight of "Old Cairo," are
to any woman student on campus work of later centuries, showing the
free of instruction charges, regard- Coptic influence, but later developing
less of whether she is interested in a distinctive style of weaving designs
obtaining credit in Physical Educa- in linen, and such finer materials as
tion. silk. The textiles of both schools are
Further information may be ob- typically of the clothing worn by the
tained at Barbour Gymnasium, peoples of those periods, and are ac-
_____________________________tual parts of such clothing.
The exhibit will be open from 9
EVFNTN2 RA D1 II a.m. to 5 p.m. today.

(Continued from Page 3)
Summer Session French Club. The}
first meeting of the Summer Ses-
sion French Club will take place
Thursday, July 2, at 8 p.m. at "Le
Foyer Francais," 1414 Washtenaw.
Prof. Hugo P. Thieme will welcome
the members and Mr. Charles E.
Koella will speak informally on the
present political situation of France.
The Summer Session French Club
is open for membership to graduate'
and undergraduate students of the
French Department; to any student
on the campus; to faculty members
and faculty women.
The only requirement asked of the,
applicants for membership is thatl
they speak reasonably well the
French Language.
All those interested must see Mr.
Charles E. Koella, Room 200 Ro-
mance Language Building, Monday,'
Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday of
this week 9-11 to receive their mem-
bership card. The membership fee
for the summer is $2.
Charles E. Koella.
German Table: Students of Ger-
man and others interested in prac-
tice of oral German are invited to
take part in a German table or-
ganized by the Department of Ger-
man, meeting ill the Russian Tea

Room in the Michigan League daily
at 12 and 6 p.m., beginning Monday,
June 29. The only expense involved
is the cost of the meals, which will
be served from the cafeteria. Further
information may be obtained at the
office of the German Department,
204 U.H.
Sociology 51, Principles of Sociol-
ogy: This course will be offered this
summer. Through an error, the
statement regarding Soc. 51 appears
in the Summer Session catalogue
under 154s. Course Soc. 51 will be
given at 10, 1209 A. H. by Mr. Fuller
and at 11, C Haven Hall by Professor
Women's Education Club: There
will be a garden party and organiza-
tion meeting at the Michigan League
at 7:15 p.m., Wednesday, July 1.
Men's Educational Club: There
will be an organization meeting in
the Michigan Union at 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, July 1.
University Men and Women: Les-
sons in Contract Bridge begin Wed-
nesday, July 1 at 7:30 p.m. in the
Michigan League. Six lessons for
Foreign Students: The Counselor to
Foreign Students would appreciate an
opportunity to meet all foreign stu-
dents enrolled in the Summer Ses-
sion who have not been enrolled pre-
viously in the University. He will be
in his office, Room 9, University Hall,

TUEDA, UN 3, 9.

from 2 to 4 every afternoon this week.
J. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor to
Foreign Students.
The student health department is
open to Summer Session students. It
is located on North University Ave.
opposite the Museum. Students are
-entitled to very generous medical
service as part of their regular privil-
eges. The offices are open during
regular class hours and a physician is
available at all times for room calls
at student rooms. The University
makes a small charge for such calls,
telephone 2-3248.
Appointments for eye refractions
must be obtained before Aug. 7.
Warren Forsythe, M.D.
Seniors: All students in the follow-
ing Schools and Colleges who are
now attending the Summer Session
and who expect to complete gradua-
tion requirements during the summer
are requested to file their names and
addresses with Miss Louckes in Room
4, University Hall, not later than
July 1, 1936.
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts.
School of Education.
School of Music
College of Architecture.
School of Forestry and Conserva-
Plans are being made to organize a
Southern Club on campus this sum-
mer. This club will have a Water-
melon Cut July 10 in the garden of
the League.

6:00-WJR Stevenson Sports.
WWJ Ty Tyson.
WXYZ Easy Aces.
CKLW Phil Marley's music.
6:15-WJR Heroes of Today.
WWJ Dinner Hour.
WXYZ Day in Review.
CKLW Sports and News.
6 :30-WJR Kate Smith.
WWJ Bulletins.
WXYZ Rhythm Time.
CKLW Rhythm Moments.
6:45-WJR Boake Carter.
WWJ Albert Brothers.
WXYZ Rubinoff-Rea.
CKLW Song Recital.
7 :00-WJR Lazy Dan, Minstrel Man.
WWJ Leo Reisman's Music.
WXYZ Crime Clues.
CKLW Mario Braggiotti's Music.
7:30-WJR Laugh with Ken Murray.
WWJ Wayne King's Music.
WXYZ Edgar Guest in Welcome
CKLW Guy Lombardo's Music.
7:45-CKLW Red Norvo's Music.
8:00-WJR Fred Waring's Pennsylvanians.
WWJ Vox Pop.
WXYZ Ben Bernie's Music.
CKLW Evening Serenade.
8 :15-CKLW Cronoes.
8:30-WJR Rupert Hughes: Benny
Goodman' Music.
WWJ Ed Wynn, Graham McNamee.
WXYZ Goldman Band.
CKLW Jazz Nocturne.
8:45-WXYZ Ferde Grofe.
9:00-WWJ Chicago Safety Drive.
WXYZ Ferde Grofe.
CKLW Symphonic Strings.
9:15-WXYZ Michigan T. B. Association.
9:30-WJR March of Time.
WWJ Meredith Wilson's Music.
WXYZ Karl Spaeth's Music.
CKLW LaJoie's Music.
9:45--WJR Hot Dates in History.
WWJ Royalists.
WXYZ Police Field Oay.
CKLW Serenaders.
10:00--WJR Duncan Moore.
WWJ Amos and Andy.
WXYZ Sophie Tucker.
CKLW Scores and News.
10:15-WJR Rhythm.
WWJ Evening Melodies.
CKLW Hal Mallett's Music.
iO:30--WJR Joe Reichman's Music.
WWJ Dance Music.
WXYZ Xavier Cugat's Music.
CKLW Griff Williams' Music.




Swim Lessons

Rain and wind squalls broke over
Chicago . and its suburbs. Adam
Saraf in, 16 year old newsboy, was
killed when struck by lightning under
a tree where he sought shelter.
2 Former Students
Married At Owosso
A marriage of interest to students
here was that of Elizabeth Van Dyne,
'35Ed, of Owosso ,and Francis Arm-
strong, '35, of Chelsea. The wedding
was held last Saturday afternoon at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Van sDyne, the bride's parents, at
Miss Van Dyne was a member of
Alpha Phi and the groom belonged to
Beta Theta Pi. The couple will live
in Jackson when they return from a
trip to Montreal, Quebec and Ver-




Classes, Monday and Wednes-

day Evenings,

8:00 and 8:30

By Appointment - - - - $4.50
Classes Begin NOW!


I nstructor:




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