TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 2936
Stang Murder
Trial Opened
By Prosecutor
'Shorty' Hay den Cliarged
With Killing Of Local
The circuit court trial of William
Padgett, alias "Shorty" Hayden, on
the charge of murdering Officer Clif-
ford A. Stang in the course of a hold-
up of Conlin & Wetherbee's clothing
store on E. Washington March 21,
1935, opened yesterday with the im-
panelling of a jury of 14 and the
opening argument of Prosecuting At-
torney Albert J. Rapp, and was ad-
journed late in the afternoon until
9 a.m. this morning.
On the jury of 14 were 9 men and
5 women, after Arthur C. Lehman,
defense counsel, had exercised a per-
emptory challenge on three men and
one woman of the veniremen origin-
ally called.
The indictment naming Padgett
and a Richard Roe and John Doe,
"whose real names are unknown but
whose real persons are well known,"
was read by Judge George W. Sample
as he opened the trial with instruc-
tions to the jury.
In Rapp's opening argument he
outlined the facts of the case, stating
that at 3:05 p.m. on the day of the
slaying, Stang, who had just gone on
duty, entered the clothing store for
an unknown purpose, was disarmed
by the two bandits who had entered
the store, and shot to death when he
grappled with his armed opponents
as soon as he realized a holdup was
in progress.
Lehman postponed his opening ar-
guments for the defense until the
prosecution should close its case, and
Rapp then called as the first state
witness Coroner Edwin C. Ganzhorn,
who had seen the body of the officer
at St. Joseph's Hospital, and identi-
fled it as Stang's. He testified that
he had ordered an autopsy performed
by Dr. Stacy C. Howard, pathologist
of St. Joseph's'hospital, described the
bullet, wound, and identified two
photographs of the wound which
Rapp offered as evidence.
He was followed on the stand by
Officer Albert Heusel, who had an-
swered the call to the clothing store
only five or six minutes after sign-
ing Stang on duty at police head-
quarters. Heusel told of, finding
Stang, still alive but choking from a
hemorrhage, in the store, and stated
that he had attempted to assist the
dying patrolman, but had heard him
pronounced dead upon admission to
the hospital.
nU ighScool
Summer Term
Classes Begin
Non-Credit Courses Are
Offered During 7-Week
Registration for the Summer Ses-
sion for University High School was
held yesterday in the high school
auditorium according to the an-
nouncement made by Mr. Wesley C.
Darling, acting principal.
Classes in the Summer Session will
start tomorrow and continue for a
seven-week period until Tuesday,
Aug. 18. The school is operated on
a morning-session basis with classes
meeting from eight to twelve o'clock.
This plan leaves the afternoon free
for sports or recreation.
Courses on the junior high school
level (seventh, eighth, and ninth
grades) are offered in English, fine
arts, French, industrial arts, Latin,
mathematics, science, social studies,
and typewriting. These courses are
offered on a non-tuition basis.
The classes are taught by members
of the regular staff of the University
High School and all facilities of the
school-shop, studios,rlaboratories,
library-are available for this work.
Credit is not granted for the work
during the short term. The purpose
of the summer school is to offer to
students who have not had oppor-
tunity to peruse in the regular term
subjects which attract them as "side-
lines" and to serve as a period of spe-
cial aid for students meeting special
problems in the regular period.
The arrangements are quite in-
formal, and students unable o sign
up for the full term are permitted to
come part time and to stop work al-
together if necessary. Any students
residing in or near Ann Arbor for
the summer are eligible to attend.
Crowded Scene At Democratic National Convention
~Associated Press Photo.
This is how Franklin Field, football stadium of the University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia, appeared
as a crowd estimated at 100,000 filled the stands and occupied temporary seats on the gridiron to hear Presi-
dent Roosevelt and Vice-President Garner accept renomination by the Democratic party. The crowd gath-
e sed hours before the ceremonies began and braved intermittent showers. Canopy from which speakers ad-
dressed throng is at extreme lower left.
Fifty-Five Boys
Leave For SCA
Fresh Air Camp
75 Underprivileged Boys
Fram 1tDetroit Also Arrive
At Patterson Lake
Fifty-five underprivileged boys
from Ann Arbor left yesterday morn-
ing to spend four weeks at the Uni-
versity of Michigan Camp for Boys
at Patterson Lake under the spon-
sorship of the Student Christian As-
The youths will enjoy healthful
and recreational advantages under
the direction of George Alder, teacher
of social science and assistant prin-
cipal of Jones school. This is Alder's
fifth season as director of the camp.
Seventy-five boys from Detroit ar-
rived at the camp yesterday also ?
to spend four weeks there. After
four weeks, a second group of 30
Ann Arbor boys and 100 from De-
troit and Wynadotte will arrive at
the camp for the period between July
27 and August 22.
Offer Excellent Facilities
The program of the camp includes
swimming, nature studies and outside
athletics. The boys have facilities
which they might not otherwise en-
joy. The water supply and the food
are tested by the State Board of
Health, and fresh fruit, vegetables
and one quart of fresh milk per day
are given each boy. Free medical
and dental care is furnished.
Funds for the running of the camp
are raised chiefly by donations re-
ceived from students and townspeople
during the annual tag days, which
this year were held on May 15 and
In addition to George Alder, the
director, the staff of the camp will
include several young men and older
boys from Ann Arbor, some of them
working under NYA payrolls. All
staff members are University students
or graduates, and some were once
campers at Patterson Lake them-
Guidance Project Aids
Most of the boys who will go to
camp this summer have had one or
more previous seasons there and were
given attention throughout the past
year by the Ann Arbor Boys' Guid-
ance Project, under the direction of
Marshall Levy. Four counsellors con-
nected with the guidance project and
a half dozen others who have had
contact with the program are coun-
sellors at the camp this year.
About 260 boys are expected to en-
joy the facilities of the camp this
summer. During its existence, the
camp has taken care of 5,500 youths,
all between the ages of 9 and 14.
In Fighting Mood
--Associated Press Photo.
Preident Roosevelt is shown in
fighting mood as he made a scath-
ing assault upon "economic royal-
ists," who, he charged, fear a loss of
their power through the New Deal,
during his address of acceptance
of renomination in Philadelphia.
ROOSOVeCtI Confers
HYDE PARK. N. Y., June 29 .(P)
-President Roosevelt invited Gov.
Henry Horner of Illinois and Frank
Murphy of Michigan to the tempo-
rary White House today for a lunch-
eon conference which may have a
bearing on the coming election cam-
Murphy has been mentioned fre-
quently in recent political conversa-
tions--in Washington, New York and
Philadelphia--as a possible candidate
for governor of Michigan.
Rep. Zioneheck
To Quit Capital
For Home State
WASHINGTON, June 29.--P)-
With the aid of the House sergeani-
at-arms, Rep. Marion A. Zionchck,
who yesterday fled with leaping
strides from a Maryland mental hos-
pital, arranged tonight to return by
train to his Seattle, Wash., home.
While Kenneth Romney, the ser-
geant-at-arms, went to police head-
quarters to post $25 collateral in con-
nection with an assault charge
against Zioncheck, the Congressman
left his guarded suite in the House
office building and went to the mem-
bers' baths several floors below to
prepare for his departure.
Romney told reporters he would
confer with Zioncheck later and ar-
range the exact time for the latter
to leave the capital for Washington
State where he will be free of any
demands by Maryland or District
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Publication In the Bulletin i constructive notice to all members of the
ft'ersty. Copy received at the office of the Aurdstant to the President
j ' to 2:30: 11:00 . a... nSaudv
WM ;.W IW . M. O U ay.
VOL. XVI No. 2
TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 1936
Phi Delta Kappa: There will be a
luncheon meeting of Phi Delta Kap-
pa, today, at 12:10, at the Michigan
University Men and Women: The
Intermediate Dancing Class begins
this evening in the Michigan League
Ballroom at 7:30 p.m. This class is
open to students who know how to
dance but wish to learn new steps.
Six lessons for $1.50.
English 159s: This course is in-
correctly listed in the announcementI
of the Summer Session as Shake-
speare's Tragedies. It should be list-
ed as Shakespeare's Comedies.
Stalker Hall: Today, at 4:30 p.m.
Reception and Open House for Sum-
mer Session students and their
friends. You are cordially invited to
come in and meet other students.
Rotarians: All Rotarians who are
in Ann Arbor attending the Summer
Session are cordially invited to at-
tend the regular meetings of the Ann
Arbor Rotary Club held at the Mich-
igan Union at noon on Wednesday
of each week. There will be a spe-
cial musical program for Wednesday,
July 1, by a mixed chorus from
Chatham, Ontario. This special
meeting will be held in the Michigan
Union Ballroom.
Excursion No. 1. Tour of the Cam-
pus: The students will make an in-
spection of the Cook Legal Reseach
Library, Law Quadrangle, Michigan
Union, General Library, Clements
Library, Aeronautical Laboratory,
and Naval Tank. Those who wish to
attend should meet in the lobby of
Angell Hall, Thursday, July 2, at 2
p.m. The party will go in four sec-
tions, 2 o'clock, 2:10, 2:20 and 2:30.
There is no charge for this excursion.
Graduate students in mathematics
or any one of the sciences expecting
to become candidates for the doctor-
ate and wishing to take the required
French and German examinations
during the present summer session
or to have information concerning
the same are requested to meet with
Prof. A. O. Lee on Wednesday, July
1 at 4:15 in Room 306 U. H.
C. S. Yoakum.
Summer Session Orchestra: All
University students are welcome,
Mondays and Wednesdays, 2 to 3
p.m., Ann Arbor High School.
University Summer Session Chor-
us: All University students are wel-
come. Tuesdays 7 to 8 p.m., Morris
University Summer Session Men's
Glee Club: All University men are
welcome Thursdays 7 to 8 p.m., Mor-
ris Hall.
University Summer Session Band:
All University students are welcome
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2 to
3 p.m. Ann Arbor High School Audi-
David Mattern.
The Pirates of Penzance: Every-
one interested in trying out for this
musical to be given by the Michigan
Repertory Players together with thej
School of Music should report at the
Mendelssolm Theatre at 5 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon. Scores and
Libretto are available at Wahr's
Book Store.
Le Foyer Francais. Men and wom-
en students who wish to -practice
daily the French language- may do
so by taking their meals at Le Foyer
Francais, 1414 Washtenaw. As the
number of places at the table is
limited, those interested should ap-
ply at once to Mademoiselle Geor-
Waternian GyM Is
Open For Summer
The Waterman Gymnasium will be
open for athletics and shower baths
during the entire Summer Session,
Dr. George A. May, director of the
gymnasium, said yesterday.
Dr. May declared that the gymna-
sium would be open for men daily,
except Sunday, from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
A locker fee of 50 cents is charged for
the use of a locker for the entire ses-
sion and a towel fee of 50 cents is
also charged. This latter fee is re-
funded when the last towel is re-
turned, Dr. May added.
Facilities for a many sided athletic
program are available. Opportunity
is provided for the pursuit of hand-
ball, basketball, volleyball, badmin-
ton, squash, gymnastics, wrestling
boxing, tennis and indoor track.
gette Maulbetsch, Director of the
h-ouse. All rooms for resident stu-
dents are alreadytaken.
Le Foyer Francais is under the
auspices of the French Department
of the University.
Charles E. Koella.
(Continued on Page 4)
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