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August 06, 1936 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1936-08-06

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THURSDAY, AUG. 6 ,1936

Regime Of Boss
To Be Missouri
Election Issue
Parties Draw Battle Lines
In Fight Over New Deal,
'Big Tom' Pendergast
(By the Associated Press)
An election campaign in Missouri
on the issue-of the Pendergast organ-.
ization as well as the New Deal evi-

!esse Owens Given i a Ae ymp Victory

dently was foreshadowed by results
of the primaries Tuesday which also
left several thousand Townsend plan
advocates trailing in Kansas.,i
Major Lloyd C. Stark, a Roosevelt
supporter backed by Thomas Pender-
gast, of Kansas City, won the Mis-
souri Democratic gubernatorial nom-
ination while a campaign directed
almost exclusively against Pender-
gast brought the Republican nomina-
tion to Jesse W. Barrett.
Capper Leads
Senator Arthur Capper (Rep.,
Kas.) had a substantial lead for re-
nomination. Omar Ketchum, defeat-
ed by Alf M. Landon for the Kansas
governorship in 1934, headed three
others for the Democratic senatorial
Except for Thomas A. Ralston,
seeking the seventh district nomina-
tion to Congress, Townsend-indorsed
candidates for both national and
state offices were behind in Kansas.
Incumbent congressmen who sought
renomination held apparently safe
In Virginia, Representative Colgate
Darden lost out for renomination to
Norman Hamilton, a Roosevelt sup-
porter who has differed often with
Senators Carter Glass and Harry F.
Byrd: Glass is unopposed for reelec-
tion. Representative Andrew J. Mon-
tague was renominated for his thir-
teenth term.
Watch Closely
Party leaders watched closely com-
parative vote totals in the primaries.
With less than 800 of the state's
4,277 precincts to be heard from, 576,-
856 votes were reported cast in the
Missouri Democratic gubernatorial
primary. With 1,356 precincts yet to
report, the three contestants for the
Republican nomination had polled
Out of 2,690 precincts in Kansas,
the votes in 1,682 totaled 159,915 for
the three Republican senatorial can-
didates. The four Democratic sen-
atorial aspirants were given 92,465
votes in 1,680 precincts.
Other political developments yes-
terday in'brief:
President Roosevelt and Governor
Landon both received optimistic re-
ports concerning their chances for
election. Senator Dietrich (Dem.,
Ill.) told the Chief Executive at Hyde
Park, N. Y., that Illinois was "safe"
for the New Deal.
G.O.P. Chances Good
Senator Dickinson (Rep., Ia.), re-
porting to the Republican presiden-
tial nominee at Topeka on efforts of
the party to elect senators in mid-
western states, said to reporters "we
have a good chance of electing two
senators, a governor and a whole
state ticket in Iowa.
Senator Townsend, chairman of
the Republican senatorial campaign
committee, returned to Washington
from a mid-western trip saying he
had found "increasing sentiment" for
John Hamilton, the Republican
chairman, speaking at Cheyenne,
charged the administration with
"perverting relief and CCC activities
for political purposes."
Preparing to leave Westfield, Mass.,
for the meeting of anti-Roosevelt
Democrats in Detroit tomorrow, (Fri-
day), former governor Joseph B. Ely,
of Massachusetts, said those present
would discuss their campaign plans.
6:0o-WJH Stevenson Sports.
WWJ Ty Tyson.
WXYZ Easy Aces.
6:l5-WJR Heroes of Today.
WWJ Dinner Music.
WXYZ Day in Review.
CKLW Joe Gentile.
6:30-WJR Kate Smith's Band.
WWJ Bulletins; Tiger Talk.
WXYZ Dance Music.
CKLW Rhythm Ramblings.
6 :45-WJR Boake Carter.
WWJ Soloist.
WXYZ Rubinoff-Peerce.
CKLW song Recital.
1: 00-WJR Rhythm Review.
WWJ Rudy Vallee's Variety Hour.

WXY7 Homer S. Cummings.
CKLW Vincent York's Music.
7:15-WJR Portland Symphony.
WXYZ Kyte's Rhythms.
7:30-WXYZ Roy Shields.
CKLW Variety Revue,
8 :00-WJ P. Mark Warnow's Music.
WWJ The Showboat.
WXYZ Death Valley Days.
CKLW Stage Echoes.
8:15-WJR Musical.
9:00-WWJ Bing Crosby, Dorsey's
WXYZ Meredith Wilson'srMusic.
CKLW Grant Park Concert.
WWJ Bing Crosby: Dorsey's
WXYZ Big Broadcast.
CKLW Al Kavelin's Music.
9 :30-WJR March of Time.
CKLW Gems of Melody.
WXYZ Adventure Drama.
9.45-WJR Hot Dates in History.
10:00-WJR News.
WWJ Amos and Andy.
WXYZ Ted Fio-Rito's Music.
CKLW Scores and News.
10:15-WJR Baseball Scores: Rhythm.
WWJ Tiger Highlights; Evening
CKLW Horace Heidt's Music.
10:30-WXYZ Frank Winegar's Music.
CKLW Gruff Williams' Music.
10 :45-WWJ Jesse Crawford.

Officer Is Shot I
As Thug Flees
In Police Car,
State Line Is Blockaded;
Accomplice Dead In Gun
Battle At Kalamazoo
-unman escaped in a police cruiser
today after critically wounding a
oolice captain in a downtown street
gun battle in which the gunman's
,ompanion was slain.
The two gunmen opened fire on
Captain Dee Williams and Patrolman
Darrell C. Wicke when the officers
sought to question them about the
ownership of a car. Captain Wil-
liams fell, shot in the chest, abdomen
and leg, but Patrolman Wicke re-,
turned the fire killing the smaller
gunman. His companion escaped
without any apparent injury.
Throw Up Blockade
Southern Michigan law enforce-
ment officers threw up a blockade
along the Michigan-Indiana line to-
night after finding the police car
abandoned in Kalamazoo County.
State Police believed the gunman
was attempting to hitch hike to In-
diana. All automobiles, buses, trains
and railroad yards in the area were
ordered searched.
The dead gunman was identified

llares Kaufman Affair


-Associated Press Photo.
While a mammoth Olympics crowd at Berlin roarel its approval, Jese Owens (center), sensational Negro
star from Ohio State is shown on a platform built 'for champions after winning the 100-meter Olympic sprint
title. Back of him is Ralph Metcalfe, who finished secand, and in front is Martin Osendarp of Holland, who
finished third. Later Owens went on to make Olympic history by twice bettering the record for the 200-
meter dash, and twice the record in the broad jump. This picture was sent to New York by radio.

-Associated Press Photo.
Mary Astor, red-headed screen
beauty, is shown on the witness
stand in Los Angeles during session
in which she testified her ex-hus-
band, Dr. Franklyn Thorpe, knew
of her relationship with George S.
Kaufman, playwright, and con-
doned it.

Biology Camp
To Hold Annual
Visitor's Day
Everybody Invited To Visit
Douglas Lake Station 2
To 5 P.M. Sunday
(Continued from Page 1)
portant place in the Station's pro-
gram, but from the very first year,
much attention has been given to
the investigation of biological prob-
lemz. These studies result, in the
publication of 20 to 30 scientific re-
ports every year which are given
world-wide distribution to libraries
and biologists. About 380 such re-
ports on the plants and animals of
the Douglas Lake region have been
In addition to the teaching staff
which also conduct investigations,
seven visiting investigators are work-
ing on various biological problems
this summer. They are Dr. George
Avery of Connecticut College, Dr. Ed-
ward Boardman of Cranbrook Insti-
tute. Dr. Ernest Hartman of Johns
Hopkins University, Dr. A. M. Holm-
quist of St. Olaf College, Dr. D. B.
McMullen, Monmouth College, Dr.
Joseph Miller, Ohio State Univer=
sity, and Dr. S. B. Talbot of Davis
and Elkins College.
Four research assistants are help-
ing faculty members in their research
programs. They are Sterling Brack-
ett, University of Minnesota, Dr. D.
C. Chandler, University of Arkansas,
Ruth Gilreath, University of Mich-
igan, and Dr. Marion Raymond, Wi-
nona State Teachers' College.
The faculty has remained the same
for the past six seasons; a few mem-
bers have given more than 20 years
of service to the Station. Seven of
the staff are regular members of the
University of Michigan faculty:
George R. LaRue, professor of zo-
ology and director of the Biological
Station; Alfred H. Stockard, assistant
professor of zoology, secretary; Paul
S. Welch, professor of zoology; John
H. Ehlers, and Carl D. LaRue, asso-
ciate professors of botany; Frank N.
Blanchard, associate professor of zo-
ology: and Frank E. Eggleton, assist-
ant professor of zoology.

Detroit Loses
To Indians In
Extra Innings
Auker Wobbles In Tenth
To Allow 3 Runs And
Tigers' Rally Is Cut Short
DETROIT, Aug. 5.- 0) -The
Cleveland Indians defeated the cham-
pion Detroit Tigers 6 to 4 today in a
10-inning game that was a pitchers'
battle between Johnny Allen and El-
den Auker for the first nine innings.
The teams went into the tenth
deadlocked at three runs. With one
away for Cleveland Hale walked and
Earl Averill doubled, putting Hale on
third. Trosky, the Indian cleanup
man was walked purposely, and
Weatherly forced Hale at the plate.
Billy Sullivan then doubled, clearing
the sacks.
Allen Removed
In the Tiger half of the tenth Al-
len was removed when Walker
singled. Thornton Lee struck out
Burns but Gehringer singled and
Walker scored on Goslin's infield out.
Hildebrand then relieved Lee and
Simmons singled but Owen popped to
end the game.
The victory was Allen's seventh in
succession. Although Auker took his
eleventh beating of the season,
against eight victories, he managed
to finish the game, for the first time
since June 30. Since that date, he
had been knocked from the box six
times and failed twice as a relief
The submarine ball hurler who led
the American League in winning per-
centage last season with 18 victories
and seven defeats pitched his best
game insmore than a month, allowing
nine hits to 12 collected by the Tig-
ers off Allen, Lee and Hildebrand.
Allen, who beat Detroit all four times
he faced the Tigers with New York
last season, was credited with his first
victory over them this year. Detroit
has beaten him twice.
Al Simmons Hot
Al Simmons led the Tiger attack
with a triple and three singles in five
trips to the plate.
The Indians got to Auker for a run
in the first inning when Hale and
Averill singled and Hale scored on
Trosky's fly. The Tigers got two runs
in their half. Walker singled, stole
second and scored on Gehringer's
single. Gehringer went to third on
Weatherly's wild throw and scored
on Goslin's fly.
Cleveland tied the count in the
fourth when Trosky singled, stole
second ,took third on Sullivan's single
and counted on Burns' wild throw to
Auker, covering first. The Indians
went ahead in the sixth when Averill
walked, advanced to third on Weath-
erly's single and scored on Sullivan's
The Tigers deadlocked the game in
the seventh on Simmons' triple and
Owen' s single.
Neither team could score in the
eighth or ninth, and then came the
Cleveland rally in the tenth, which
the Tigers fell two runs short of
matching in their half.
Liberty League Will
Back No Candidate
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5.-(lP)-The
American Liberty League, which has
protested much of the New Deal in
the past two years, announced to-
night "it will endorse no candidate,"
or party, in the Presidential cam-
"The League is neither an adjunct

Glen Harden Wins 0 lympic Hurdle Title

from automobile and hunting licenses Labor Federation
in his clothing as Theodore Bergstedt,
29, of South Bend, Ind., a former Ousts Ten Unions
Indiana state prison inmate.

Patrolman Wicke said he killed thej
smaller man after the larger gun-!
man wounded Captain Williams.
In Critical Conditionj
Capt. Williams was in a critical
condition tonight. Although remain-
ing conscious, he had not been asked
to givean account of the shooting.
Attendants at the hospital where he
was taken said he had an even chance
to live. It was considered likely that
a blood transfusion would be neces-
Capt. Williams and Patrolman
Wicke had gone to question the two
men concerning the car after a man
who had rented them a garage earlier
this week became suspicious because
they had no key to the spare tire lock.

(Continued frou rage I)
ment must accept responsibility for
their action.
"Inspired by a sincere desire to
heal the breach which has been creat-
ed and to maintain unity and solidar-
ity within the ranks of labor, the
executive council pleaded with the
representatives of the organizations
holding membership in the commit-
tee for industrial organization to dis-
solve their dual organization and to
abandon the labor-splitting policy
upon which they had embarked.
"Every request the executive coun-
cil made was rejected and every in-
vitation extended to meet and con-
fer was refused."

- ti 11f

When You

-Associated Press Photo
This picture, transmitted from VZerlin, Germany, to New York, shows
Glenn F. Hardin of Greenwood, Miss., taking the last barrier to wih his
heat in the Olympic 400-meter hurdles event. Later Hardin won the
fnals to cop the championship in that event.

Power Delivered
Plants Almost
The aniual power delivery from
each of the large steam plants owned
by The Detroit Edison Company in
and around Detroit is practically
equal to that of the Muscle Shoals,
according to C. 0. Wisler, Professor
of Hydraulic Engineering. These
steam plants, located at Trenton
Channel near Trenton, at Conners
Creek and Delray in Detroit, and at
Marysville near Port Huron,*together
with the hydro-electric plants along
the Huron River, have had an in-
crease in power delivery from less
than 275,000 k.w.h. in 1887, to 2,-
534,000,000 k.w.h. in 1935.
The influence of The Detroit Edison
Company on the development of the
Huron River valley is discussed by
Professor Wisler in his article for the
forthcoming Huron River Valley
Guide. "In the 50 years of its ex-
istence the capital investment of this,
company has grown from $250,000 to
$263,000,000, and its services have
been extended from a few downtown
Detroit patrons to cover 37 cities, 87
villages, and a large rural district, a
total area of nearly 8,000 square miles
with a population of about two and!
a half millions."
The Detroit Edison Company, or-
ganized in 1886, and known at that
time as the Edison Illuminating Com-'
pany, extended their activities into
this area in 1905, when they pur-
chased the Washtenaw Light and
Power Company, and since then they
have acquired the Argo Plant in Ann
Arbor, and have built the Barton, Su-
perior Paper Mill, and French Land-
ing hydro-electric plants, all on the
Huron River, Professor Wisler said.
In order to secure flowage rights
along the river ,the company has had
Beautiful 8 rm. suburban home. Just
outside city limits. For 2 yrs. or longer
$100.00 per mo.
Campus (near) attractive 7 rm. house.

From Edison's
Equal To Shoals
to purchase whole farms to get the
few acres really needed, because of
the uinwillingness of many of the
farmers. At present, it possesses the
flowage rights along some 30 miles of
the river from French Landing to
Portage Lake, and several thousands
of acres of land.
"Their utilization of these farms
has been a valuable object lesson to
the county," continued Professor Wis-
ler. "In the area above the Barton
dam, they have developed a forest of
evergreens and an attractive resi-
dential suburb.
"Above the old dam at Delhi, they
have a large peach orchard from
which thousands of bushels of peach-,
es were sold in 1935. All these ven-
tures besides being an object lesson
in intelligent land use, have added
materially to the attractiveness of the
valley," he said.
t( CCC oys Sent
To Helpight Fire
HOUGHTON, Mich., Aug. 5.-(P)-
Two hundred and fifty CCC enrolles i
from camps at Mellen, Wis., Menom-
inee and Crystal Falls Mich., were
taken to Isle Royale, far out in Lake
Superior, today to augment an army
of 600 men fighting forest fires there.
The steamer Seminole, aboard
which the new fire fighters made the
trip, had not returned tonight. Meag-
er radio reports indicated that the
fires still were out of control.
- ----===
ab *
-- Now Playing -

Get the Right Size

Do you have small lamps where you need large ones for adequate

lighting, or large lamps where smaller sizes should be used?


Detroit Edison Company will gladly help you to get the right lamp
in the right socket by 'advising you on correct lamp sizes and by
exchanging large lamps for small and vice versa.
When you bring your BURNED OUT lamps to the Edison office
for exchange, tell us where the lamps are to be used and we will help
you to get the right sizes. There is no charge for lamp renewal service.
The only requirement is that you bring with you your most recent
electric bill for identification. This practice protects our customers
against renewals of lamps by people who are not customers of The
Detroit Edison Company, and provides our bookkeeping depart-
ment with the necessary records on lamps passed out.
For comfort and convenience, and to insure adequate light for safe
seeing, keep your sockets filled with lamps of the right size. When
you have burned out lamp bulbs, exchange them for new ones at
your Edison office.
Note: Lamps are renewed without extra charge only for
residential and commercial customers paying lighting rates
and in the following sizes: 25W, 40W, 60W, 100W,
150W, 200 W, 300 W, 500W, and three-lite lamp, 100,
200-300 We

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