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August 02, 1936 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1936-08-02

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IRY!"AV- ATM, 9t- 14M

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Official Publication of the Summer Session

Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
2ubscrption during summer by carrier, $1.50, by mail,
$2.00. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
mail, $4.50.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York City.-400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chica~go, Ill.
Telephone 4925
Editoial Director ..................Marshall D. Shulman
.ramatic Critic ........................ John W. Pritchard
Assistant Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Ralph W. Hurd,+
Joseph S. Mattes, Elsie A. Pierce, Tuure Tenander, Jewel
W. Wuerfel.
eporters: Eleanor Barc, Donal Burns, Mary Delnay, M. E.
Graban, John Hilpert, Richard E. Lorch, Vincent Moore,
Elsie Roxborough, William Sours, Dorothea Staebler,
-Betty .Keenan.
Telephone 2-4214
CREDITS MANAGER ....................JOHN R.' PARK
Circulation Manager ..................J. Cameron Hall
Ofies Manager ............................Robert Lodge

As Others See It__
Hand And Brain
(From the New York Times)
JOHN ERSKINE, in his remarks the other day
to Summer Session students of Columbia and
the Juilliard School of Music, was not the first
to criticize much of our modern education for its
merely passive quality. "The deeper objection to
culture, that is, to the knowing of the best that
has been :said," he declared, "is that it excuses
us all from living if we merely contemplate the
lives of other men." He contended that it was
better to get some paints and canvas and try
painting than to study the subject in books and
art galleries; better for students to write plays than
to take coli ses in the drama; better for them to
dance than to listen to lectures on the esthetics
cf the dance.
All this would doubtless be true enough if these
courses were merely alternatives, if the student had
to choose one to the exclusion of the other. We
do not want to stuff students with merely second-
hand knowledge, with what A. N. Whitehead has
j-appily ca~led "inert"' knowledge. The chief use
cf a knowledge of the past is to equip us more
adequately to live in the present. All sound edu-
cation must recognize the intimate relationship'
between hand and brain, between knowing and
doing. Fortunately, however, the student is not
confronted with an "either-or" choice. He may
try to point and he may go to art galleries too;
he may cry to play the piano and he may listen.
to great n.anists. If knowledge without active
practice is dead and inert, practice without knowl-
edge or great models lacks direction and a driving
force behind it. Indeed, only an art education
that teaches both participation and appreciation
can be complete. As few of us are Leonardos,
most of us can hope to participate usefully in
only one or two lines of human endeavor. In the
others we must be content to be spectators, trained,
let us hope, to tell the difference between good and






Labor: An Example
Of bInconsistency..
weeks since the national politica
conventions about the similarity of views, the con
gruency of platforms, of the Republican and Dem
ocratic parties.
Concrete illustration of this is found in th
statements Thursday of Gov. Alf M. Landon on
the problems of labor. "Public authorities," h
said, "should protect the right of labor unions t
promote by lawful and proper means the organi
zation of an unorganized industry . . . Freedom
froin interference, as pledged in the Republican
platform, means, as I read it, entire freedom from
coercion or intimidation by the employer, any fel-
low employee or any other person ... The worker
have the right to meet among themselves or with
others of their own choice to promote organiza-
tion, with complete freedom from interference
from anyone whatsoever. The workers should be
fully protected in this right by the public author-
Please bear these thoughts in mind, keep in
mind even their phrasing, when we recall for you
part of Section 7a of the National Recovery Act:
"Employees shall have the right to organize and
bargain collectively through representatives of
their own choosing and shall be free from the
interference, restraint or coercion of employers of
labor, or their agents, in the designation of such
representatives or in self-organization or in other
concerted activities for the purpose of collective
bargaining or other mutual aid or protection. No
employee and no one seeking employment shall
be required as a condition of employment to join
any company union or to refrain from joining,
organizing or assisting a labor organization of his
own choosing."
Do these almost exactly equal statements of
policy signify that labor may expect the same
treatment no matter which party is successful in
November? Emphatically, no, we assert-and for
these reasons:
1. One might say the very essence of Repub-
licanism is an emotional vituperation of "regimen-
tation under the New Deal" (although Section
7a was an integral part of the New Deal),
and an emotional plea for a return to the "Amer-
~can system," or "free private enterprise."
2. Any act of any public authority which in-
sures "complete freedom" for labor thereby re-
stricts the freedom of employers to treat their
workers as they please, limits their rights of hiring
and firing whomsoever they please. Any such act
is a direcc negation of the "laissez-faire" philos-
ophy of government.
3. To assume that. the Republicans are sincere
in their desire to protect the rights of labor unions
and thereby limit the rights of employers is to
assume that the Republicans are not sincere in
their desire to return to "free enterprise." To
assume that the Republicans want "rugged indivi-
dualism" is necessarily to assume that the Re-
publicans do not want labor unions.
4. The Democrats, or the New Deal, have recog-
nized the inevitable consequences of protection of
labor rights and have thereby sought to restrict
"rugged Individualism," limit "free enterprise,"
"regiment" employers into a compliance with the,
expressed demands of collectively bargaining work-
It seems to us, therefore, that those who support
the Democratic party know what they are sup-
porting, those who support the Republican party
must "flip a coin" to determine what they are
This is illustrative of one respect in which the
Republican platform has been designed to bring
together two groups whose political outlooks are


TE--r F R U M JI

-Program Notes-
Tuesay evening, August 4, 8:30 p.m. I
Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue, in D Minor, Bach a
--Of all the composer's compositions for the clav- s
ier, the Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue is perhaps t]
the most exceptional piece of writing, chiefly be- d
cause of its singularity of style. Bach has alwaysfh
been known as the greatest master of polyphonic t
music of all time; in him, this style, which de- y
veloped out of the monophony of the Middle Ages
and was for centuries the only kind of music in ex- c
. p
istence, reached its culmination. And, because of'p
the contrapuntal character of his music and the d
fact that it is essentially diatonic, the harmonic w
ignificance of Bach's writings was long over- d
luoked. A century after his death, however, mu- fu
sicians suddenly began to be aware of the subtle
harmonies which he imbedded in the polyphonic
frame of his music, and the world has now come s
to the realization that Bach's gigantic musical sta- p
ture is the result not only of his polyphonic genius, t
but of his harmonic mastery as well. It must be
remembered, nevertheless, that Bach's harmonies
were primarily the product of his polyphony; hem
conceived music horizontally, rather than ver- t
tically, *nd the beauties which resulted from his e
combination of tones found their chief raison a.
d'etre in the light which they cast upon the mel- o:
odic lines. lo
In the Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue, however,
Bach departs from his usual style and indulges in i
a bit of "harmony for harmony's sake," thus an-
ticipating the romantic attitude of the nineteenth p
century. The work possesses a brilliance which is v
reminiscent of the organ Toccata and Fugue in D t
Minor; and according to Spitta, both these works t
betray the influence of Vivaldi and of Buxtehude li
(an organist of North Germany whose playing o
Bach studied carefully). 'The Fantasy was written p
during the same period as the Well Tempered h
Clavichord, the English and French Suites, and y
most of The other clavier works-probably about p
the time Bach removed from Coethen to Leipzig, a
in 1723.
Sonata in A Flat, Op. 110, Beethoven-A period a:
of over ten years separated the composition of this
work from that of the Pianoforte Trio heard last
week. In that time (1809 to 1820), Beethoven's e
deafness, which is known to have been still partial y
as late as 1812, became complete-so complete it
that, in 1824, the prolonged and thunderous ap- I
plause which was accorded the first performance d
of the Ninth Symphony was revealed to him only o0
through his sight. Artistically, this decade saw t
the composition of the Seventh and Eighth Sym- le
phonies, plus a number of smaller works, and the t
publication of a number of compositions writteny
at an earlier date. But in regard both to qualityy
and quantity., the compositions of this decade can w
not compara to those of the preceding one. Beet- t
hoven was openly accused of having "written him- a]
.elf out," In reply to which, says Schindler, "he la
sat himself down to his table and wrote out the p
three sonatas, Opp. 109, 110, 111, 'in one breath,'
rs he expressed it."'
If that is true, then it must have been a power-1
ful inspiration, for these last three sonatas bear t
almost the same relationship to the preceding t
twenty-nine as do the three great symphonies
which make up Mozart's final triumvirate to their
precursors. Here, Beethoven is no longer con-
cerned with form or with music per se; in these
final sonatas, as in utterances of his soul, the
soul of a man "on the downward slope, deaf, ail-
rng, suspicious, mateless, who felt unjustly neglect-
Ad as an artist and convinced that all the world
was banded against him as a man." Yet the
fugue which constitutes the final movement of the
A Flat sonata is one of the few pure examples
f the composer's work in that form; for, although
Beethoven was a thorough master of the contra-
puntal style, his mastery found expression in
onnection with the mixed forms, rather than in
,he pure fugue. R. H. Schauffler, who was quoted

Etbove, says of this fugue, "it is as if the monu-
nental majesty of Bach and the poetic magic of
Brahms ha'i met halfway."
Schauffler further points out several interesting
hematic similarities between the opening passage
f the first movement and various works of other
omposers. He concludes: "Mozart to left of him,
iaydn to right of him, Bach behind him! It is
yard to look upon this meeting of the four mas-
ers as purely accidental. One shrewdly suspects
hat Beethoven's right hand knew what his left
land was doing."'

Home Developing CLASSIFIED
In reply to the eternal question ADVERTISING
Shall I develop my own films?" I am
ompelled to give you two different dacesadvertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
nswers. If you are just the casual The classified columns close at five
napshooter who takes pictures of o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
'he baby, family picnics, or occasional extra charge.
rips, then by all means don't try to Cash in advance lic per reading line
te~elO(on basis of five average words to line)
evelop your own films. Most photo for oneor two insertions. l0c per read-
nishers are well equipped and have ing line for three or more insertions.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
ad years of experience, and certainly Telephone rate - 15c per reading line
hey can do a much better job than for two or more insertions. Minimum
three lines per insertion.
ou can. 10% discount if paid within ten days
frm hedate of lsineto.
But if you are interested in your 2lroines daiytcolle year.nsertion
amera and not only know how to By Contract, per line -2 lines daily,
one month.............e
tish the button, but know what hap- 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months.........'.e
ens when you do, then there is no 4 lines E.O.D.. 2 months............c
100 lines used as desired.........9c
oubt that you should do your own 300 lines used asdesired..........c
'ork, to secure better results, cut 1,000 lines used as desired.........7c
2,000 lines used as desired ........ 6c
own the cost, and have a world of The above rates are per reading line
un. based on eight reading lines per inch
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
Home Developing Better 6c per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for
The pleasure of owning a camera bold face, upper and lower case. Add
houldn't stop with the taking of the 0lac per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
icture. You can secure much bet- The above rates are for 712 point type.
er results if you develop your own
lms, as you know what you have FOR SALE
pen trying to get and can develop
or the desired result. And much FOR SALE: Scottish Terriers, 7
nore important than this, is the fact weeks old, A.K.C. Sired by Wee
hat any good negative can be print- Swagger, judged best of breed in
d many different ways all of which last Cleveland and Detroit shows.
re technically correct, but only one Little beauties priced to sell. 1313
f them may show the picture as it S. State. 25
ooked to you when you shot it. FOR SALE: Conn B Flat trumpet.
Many of us discover after the film Just like new. Will sacrifice for
developed that the composition is quick sale. Also Deluxe Plymouth
not just what was wanted,awhen coupe, '33, radio and heater. Box
)rinting your own, you can mask the 163. 24
rints as you wish and create many 163-_24
aluable composition corrections. In
,he last few articles I have mentioned MAN KILLED BY CHAIN
,he difficulty of printing both high- ST. IGNACE, Aug. L.-(P)-A
ghts and shadows, in making your whirling chain that broke loose from
wn prints you can print for any a sprocket on a stone crusher beat
art of the scale that you wish. You Sidney F. Bush, 47, to death today
ave the further advantage in that as he worked on a conveyor. Bush's
ou can print light or dark, while the skull and arms were fractured.
hotofinisher has to print for the


C H A U F F E U R'S position wanted.
Handy man. Box 164. References.
Plenty of experience.
Class & individual in-
struction in all types
of dancing. Teachers
course. Open daily dur-
ing Summer Session
10 A.M. to 9 P.M.
Phone 9695
Terrace Garden Studio
Wuerth Theatre Bldg.




ed. Men's shirts 10c. Silks, wools,
our specialty. All bundles done sep-
arately. No markings. Personal sat-
isfaction guaranteed. Call for and
deliver. Phone 5594 any time until
7 o'clock. Silver Laundry, 607 E.
Hoover. 3x



LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. ;1x



Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
S Daly. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
o To the Editor:
L The World War: 10,000,000 known dead sol-
diers; 3,000,000 presumed dead soldiers; 13,000,000
dead civilians; 20,000,000 wounded; 3,000,000 pris-
oners; 9,000,000 war orphans; 5,000,000 war wid-
ows; 10,000,000 refugees.
2. Oh, it isn't cheerful to see a man, the
marvelous work of God,
Crushed. in the mutilation mill, crushed
to a weary clod;
Oh, it isn't cheerful to hear him moan;
but it isn't that I mind,
It isit the anguish that goes with him, it's
the anguish he leaves behind.
For his going opens a tragic door that gives
on a world of pain,
And the death he dies, those who live
and love, will die again and again.
--From "Only A Boche," by Rob't. W. Service.
3. What is it you call great?
The hero's head with murder for a crown,
Whose armed heel stamps the wind-
lown harvest down,
That send out of the earth their golden
This you call great?
-Franz Werfel.
4. "Responsibility for the war that all Europe
anticipates and dreads rests squarely on the shoul-
ders of half a dozen big armament concerns."-
The Living Age.
5. To meet the situation-the mania latent in
the old savage and rejoicing to be set free upon
its work of destruction-the realists in the war of-
fiees around the world are marshalling their planst
of defense: gas masks for everybody, huge "gas-
proof chambers" .to which people can flock as to
arks from the deluge of death, "the organization
of gas-fighting battalions of helmeted and masked!
nen carrying spraying appliances with which to1
dissipate the gas clouds in the sky." Thus will the
Aorld be kept safe from democracy! Thus do
Christian nations proclaim their discipleship of{
Him whose mission was to bring peace on earth,'
good-will to men!-Raymond B. Fosdick, The Old
Savage in The New Civilization.
-M. Levi.i
To the Editor:°
I would like to take this occasion to bring to an1
end all of the sound and fury concerning my letter4
to "Southern Gal."t
First, I would like to apologize sincerely to
"Southern Gal" for addressing her in a mannert
both rude and ungentlemanly, and I hope thatc
she will not judge Easterners as a whole by my7
letter. In an attempt to be witty and sarcastic, I
allowed myself to be carried away, beyond the
bounds of propriety, and I again apologize sin-
To the writers of letters chastising me I would1
like to point out that they seemed to be unabler
to improve upon my own ungentlemanly efforts.c
I would remind "X" that the term "unhousebroken 1
pup" might well have been modified to something,f


verage. And still another point, you
an print on any type of surf act that
ou care for, but the photofinisher,
or economic reasons, has to stand-
rdize on only one or two.
Will Take Spare Time
If you once manage to get interest-
d in the developing and printing of
our own films, you will probably find
so interesting that you will spend
ost of your spare time in the
arkroom, and your wife, husband,
r sweetheart will joint the ranks of
he camera widows or widowers, un-
ss, of course, he or she manages to
ake an interest in it too.
Remember when you pay to have
our work done, you are paying not
only for materials but for labor,
hich in this game is the biggest fac-
r. So in view of the fact that you
re not going to figure your own
bor, you can consider the cost per
rint as much lower.
BRIDGEPORT, Conn., Aug. 1.-(A')
Buddy Erich of-West Haven cap-
red the National Junior A.A.U..one-
ile swimming championship today,




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Sonata in C Major (K. 330), Mozart-No more
fatting program comipanion for the "three Bs"
of Classicism could be found than Wolfgang Ama-
deus Mozart, and no apter contrast to the awe-
inspiring "110" could be found than in this simple,
unpretentious sonata; it is as if Gluck's Orpheus
were to be played after Goetterdaemmerung. In
1777, when he was 21 years of age and already
well known as a composer, Mozart fell madly in
love with Aloysia Weber, a niece of Carl Maria
von Weber, and proposed to take her to Italy and
write an opera for her debut as a singer. The
young man's father, however, scarcely agreed with
this idea, and hurrendly packed young Wolfgang
off to Paris, there to forget "love's young dream."
It was during his stay there, in 1778, that this
Sonata in C was written.
Variations and Fugue on a Theme by Haendel,
Brahms-Onze of Brahms' achievements was the
lifting of the Variations form from the level of
pure science from which it was viewed by most
composers and the glorification of it after the
manner of Bach and Beethoven. Brahms used the
form quite a number of times, utilizing both orig-


It's the Big Picture of 1936 -

Le most exciting screen
reefiearts of the year in


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