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July 31, 1936 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1936-07-31

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AY, JULY 31, 1936


Of The

Complete Text Of Col.Knox's Chicago Acceptance Speech

CHICAGO, July 30O-.(P)-The text tion to keep. That obligation was to
of the address of Col. Frank Knox, fulfill the solemn promises of econ-
Chicago publisher, accepting tonight omy and moderation with which it
the Republican nomination for Vice- lured people in the campaign of '32.
President of the United States fol- How did it meet that responsibility?
lows: How did it do that job? How did it,

(From The Associated Press)
Three Northern Fires
Under Control
(M)-Three upper peninsula for-
est fires were brought under con-
trol tonight after 1,000 workers
had battled the flames for 24
A determined crew threw a
hand constructed fire line about
the blaze in the Robert Hunter
cuting near Newberry and
brought it under control after it
ate over 175 acres.
All WPA work was suspended
and the men were sent to fight
the blaze. Newberry hardware
stores were sold out of tools as
the fighters were equipped for
the field.
The workers attempted to halt
the blaze at the Newberry Lum-
ber and Chemical Company
grade. The flames roared through
spruce, pine and hemlock above
their heads and jumped the gap.
Fire destroyed two barns and a
home on three farms in Chippewa
County, but was believed under
control six miles southeast of
A hundred men from Pickford,
Trout Lake and Dunbar Forestry
School stood guard over a fire in
a four-mile square track that
threatened the Sand Ridge set-
At Calspar, south of Blaney,
a fire advanced to the Lake
Michigan shore on a mile front.
The Manistique fire department
made a 30-mile run to save a
school building.
Leonard Celluia
Charged With Murder
DETROIT, July 30.-(GP)-Po-
lice said today that Leonard
"Black Leo" Cellura, the prohibi-
tion era racketeer who ended a
six-year search for him by sur-
rendering Tuesday night, would
be arraigned tomorrow on a
murder indictment.
The indictment accuses him of
slaying George Collins and Wil-
liam Cannon, minor Chicago
Angelo Livecchi, Cellura's
former room mate, and Ted Piz-
zino, his partner in a night club,
are serving life prison sentences
for the slayings.
Cellura denied any complicity
in the slaying of Gerald E. Buck-
Deputies Suspended
After Killers Escape
CHICAGO, July 30.-(P)-
Three deputy sheriffs were sus-
pended tonight after three ac-
cused killers escaped from their
custody in a criminal courts
building elevator on the way to a
murder trial.
The prisoners pulled crude
daggers from their shoes, stabbed
one of their guards, and trans-
ferred their handcuffs to the
deputies' wrists before spreading
terror over five floors of the
building with blackjacks and
The deputies-Edward Tierney,
Louis Green, and Edward Wing
-were ordered removed.
The recaptured prisoners-
Frank (Bones) Korcykowski, 27;
Andrew Bogaci, 28, and Paul
Jenkot, 24-were placed in sol-
itary confinement in the jail.
Maor Leagues

Senator Steiwer, fellow citizens:
You have heard the eloquent words
of that stalwart statesman from our
sister state of Oregon, Senator Stei-
wer. You have heard him convey to
me the official notification of my
nomination by the Republican party
for the high office of Vice-President
of the United States. You have heard
his clear call to all citizens to join
in a crusade for so.und government
in America. You have heard his
friendly and flattering references to
.It becomes my privilege and my
duty to accept this call to service. I
am deeply conscious of the personal
honor that has been conferred on me
by the Republican Party. I am deep-
ly conscious also of the responsibility
that rests on me to bear this honor
worthily. But I am, above all, con-
sciois of the opportunity for service.
Even above and beyond my profound
appreciation of the honor and the re-
sponsibility that have been given me
is my appreciation of the opportunity
to serve not only my party but my
Refers To Career
It is customary in acknowledge-
ments of this kind to avoid personal
reference. Tonight, I am going to de-
part briefly from that custom. I am
a working man. I have always
worked. I began to work as a small
boy in a small town in Michigan.
Throughout my life, I have followed
one guiding principle. That prin-
ciple was to do as best I could the job
that. lay before me. That principle
carried me into life and work in a fine
New England town. It took me into
difficult and responsible work in the
great city of New York. It carried
me into the service of my country in
two wars. It brought me to my work
and my home in the great city of
Chicago, the metropolis of a great
state in a great Middle West empire.
And I am moved tonight by a real-
ization that in this crusade for the
restoration of sound government in
our land there is before me the great-
est opportunity for service that has
ever come to me. Long years ago,
I learned as a buck private the lessons
of duty and of loyalty. In the years
that have passed I have learned the
equally important lesson that the
greatest achievement of any man is
service to his fellow citizens. In this
spirit of s'ervice I accept the call of
my party. I pledge my loyalty to the
principles of the Republican party.
I pledge my loyalty to the policies
laid down at the Cleveland conven-
tion. I pledge myself to the principles
of sound and honest government. I
pledge my personal loyalty to that
great governor of a prairie state, the
next President of the United States,
the Honorable Alf Landon.
Examine Roosevelt Record
It is no ordinary campaign that
confronts us. It is no ordinary po-
litical choice that the country must
make next November. In this pres-
idential campaign, as in every other,
it is for the nation to decide whether
the administration in office has per-
formed its duty. There is always the
question whether the administration
in office has met its responsibilities
honestly and fairly and wisely. There
is always the question whether it has
fulfilled the stewardship entrusted
to it arfd earned thereby a renewal
of its direction of government for
four more years. In every election
the people must decide whether they
shall say: "Well done, thou good
and faithful servant."
In this first and ordinary issue the
present administration is found want-
ing. It has failed to meet its respon-
sibility for ! the orderly, economical,
and impartial administration of the
affairs of the nation. More than
three years ago the present adminis-
tration tooli command of the Amer-
ican government. No administration
in the history of the nation has had
so glorious an opportunity. The
country had already begun to emerge
from the bottom pit of a grievous
world depression, caused by a calami-
tous World War. A sore and wounded

nation needed pathetically a wise and
far-seeing government. The millions
of stagnant enterprises needed only
the encouragement of sensible gov-
ernment policies to take on renewed
Recovery Needed Little Aid
A stricken agriculture needed only
the encouragement of sound agri-
cultural policies and wise legislative
assistance. The timid beginnings of
renewed investment needed only the
encouragement of sound laws of
banking and credit. The spirit of
American enterprise, discouraged by
vanished markets and reduced con-
sumption, needed only the encourage-
ment of economy and moderation and
helpfulness in government. No ad-
ministration in our history since Lin-
coln's time has had so grand an op-
portunity to lend aid to a distressed
The present administration in the
winter of 1933 had just one immediate
responsibility to meet. That respon-I
sibility was to promote the little
flame of recovery that had begun to
-. i, n h e , ,. rf 1'9 hc ..f r

keep that moral obligation? From
the day that it took office it embarked
on a series of hysterical experiments
on the economic life of a burdened
people. At a time when universal
cooperation was a necessity it in-
itiated a campaign of abuse and vilifi-
cation of business men. At a 'time
when the credit of the country should
have been strengthened it inaugurat-
ed a policy of credit adulteration and
currency experiment that demoral-
ized foreign trade and frightened do-
mestic finance. It set up a system of
regimentation of industry that re-
duced production and prevented re-
employment. By coercion of Con-
gress it forced the passage of reform
measures so recklessly drawn that
they hamstrung the revival of enter-
prise and paralyzed the renewal of
investment. It installed a regimen-
tation of agriculture that destroyed
food and reduced foreign markets
and increased the cost of living and
multiplied the expense of relief.
Administration Hindered Industry
At a time when private industry was
struggling desperately for a new start
it set up governmental enterprise
to compete with private business.
At a time when the burden of taxa-
tion was already hard to bear it em-
barked on a policy of squandering
public funds and increasing the
weight of taxes. At a time when unit-
ed effort and mutual good-will would
have completed recovery it promoted
sectional hatred and class strife. At
a time when returning business confi-
dence was ending depression it began
a campaign to terrorize business and
subjugate the banks. At a time when
confidence in the character of gov-
ernment was vital, it established a
spoils system. At a time when the
economic system was worn and ema-
ciated it performed major surgical
operations upon the industrial body
to see what was inside. It adopted
an economic philosophy of scarcity
and forced it upon a hungry and dis-
tressed people.
New Deal Ignored Duty I
The present administration ignored
its responsibility, failed in its job,
defaulted in its obligation. I do not
need to tell you the results. The in-
evitable recovery could not be perma-
nently blocked by governmental error.
It is still on its way. But it was re-
tarded and discouraged. And we
slowly emerge from its thralls with
the menaces of governmental insol-
vency and nondescript currency and
business disturbance shadowing the
future. You see the results in the
fourth year of mounting deficits, in
the chaotic condition of our currency,
in the bloated reserves of our banks,
in the swollen expenditures for relief.
Above all, you see the results in the
millions still unemployed. I charge
the present administration with de-
laying recovery, in the United States
and in the world. I charge the pres-
ent administration with responsibility
for the ten million still unemployed.
It would not be truthful to say
that all the measures of the present
administration have been failures. In
the mad whirl of economic experi-
ments there have been a few sound
and desirable measures of regulation.
That must be freely conceded. But
in the major measures of recovery
and in the task of administration it
has failed completely. It has not kept
faith with the nation. It has not ful-
filled the duties of its stewardship.
Of this one issue, that it has not con-
ducted the affairs of government ef-
ficiently and economically, it should
be condemned and rejected by the
'Government By Guess'
This endless succession of inter-
ferences and experiments were inaug-
urated under the deceptive slogan of
a New Deal. This policy of govern-
ment by guess, officially explained by
President Roosevelt as founded on a
philosophy of try-anything-once, was
initiated under the title of economic
planning. No one of its proponents
has even been able to define the New
Deal or to explain what it is aimed
at or where it is going. No one of
them has been able to make clear

what the economic plan is. It began
with a proposal for a belt of trees
in a territory that nature had de-.
cided should not have trees. It is end-
ing with the use of public funds to
conduct classes in tap-dancing. No
one can explain the New Deal, or{
economic planning, but everyone
knows what came from it. The ma-
jor measures were the NRA, the AAA,
the PWA, the CWA, the WPA, and
devaluation of the dollar.
Such measures are not new. They
were old in history before America;
was discovered. They failed in Baby-
lon and Rome and England centuries
ago. Not one of these New Deal
measures is mentioned in the 1936
platform of the Democratic Party.
There is no reference to the fate of
of these strange experiments. There
is no reference in all that platform
to the New Deal or to economic plan-
ning. But in this omission they are
entirely consistent. There was no
mention of them in the 1932 platform
either. They are a strange interlude

Republican Party has always stood
for a strong Federal government. The
assertion is correct. It still stands
for a vigorous Federal authority. But
it advocates this authority within
the limits set by the Constitution. It
has always exercised that authority
by legislation constitutionally passed
and constitutionally executed. It
always will. It has always exerted
that authority without passing the
boundaries of states rights and local
Need More Federal Activity
The Republican party recognizes
that changing social and economic
conditions call for increased Federal
activities. But it always insists that
such new activities shall be legalized
by proper constitutional amendment.
It always will. It approves the horse-
and-buggy method of changing the
constitution, and it disapproves of
a philosophy that laughs at the horse-
and-buggy method and wants to use
only the buggy whip. It condemns
the abuse of Federal power to invade
local rights. It does not believe in
putting a New Jersey pants-presser
in jail for charging less than the
amount dictated by a board in Wash-
ington. It disapproves a government
of men instead of a government of
law. It prefers a government guided
by constitutions to a government
guided only by caprice.
The Republican platform of 1936
lays down in simple language the
program of Federal regulation and
legislation to which it commits itself
on many issues. Where the specific
program is not definitely outlined the
details will be presented in the com-
ing campaign. On certain matters
Governor Landon made the issues
clear in his telegram to the Cleveland
convention. In his acceptance speech
one week ago he presented specific
policies in reference to other import-
ant issues. Whatever concrete
measures the Republican party has
in mind will be presented to the vot-
ers before election, not after. And
whatever measures the Republican
administration may urge upon Con-
gress, not one will flout the consti-
tution of the United States. Not one
will violate the obligation of con-
tracts. Not one will break a promise.
New Deal 'Failure'
I have already said that this s no
ordinary campaign. On the mere is-
sue of efficiency in administration
the present government stands con-
victed of failure. But there is a
larger issue, an issue that goes to the
heart of American life. It is the is-
sue of the kind of economic system
the American people will live by. For
more than three years the economic
life of the country has been at the
mercy of a crew of amateur experi-
menters, hacking at the vitals of
American industry, agriculture, com-
merce and finance. Driven by a
fanatic impulse to shape our econom-
ic structure to their fantastic designs,
they have usurped the powers of
Congress, insulted the authority of
the courts, invaded the powers of the
states, and undermined the institu-
tions of local self-government.
As one experiment after another
has ended in ignominious failure or
repudiation by the courts, new exper-
iments have been attempted, from
laws to put producers of potatoes in
jail, to proposals to cut Florida in two.
Driven to desperation by failure, the
present administration undertook to

gamble with fate. Realizing that re-
covery was inevitable, in time, it un-
dertook to overcome the depressing
effects of its experiments by an arti-
ficial prosperity to be created by the
squandering of public funds. It is
now a race between the exhaustion of
Federal credit and the coming of
natural recovery. It is a race be-
tween inflation and the revival of
normal business activity. The race is
not yet decided.
The fundamental issue is now clear.
No one can define the New Deal or
even describe it. But we know what
it means. It means Federal control
over local business, over local bank
credit, over local wages, over local
conditions of work. It leads to Fed-
eral regimentation of the labor, the
business, and the home of every
American citizen. It leads to price-
fixing and production control by Fed-
eral authority. It leads inevitably to
the extinction of the small business
man, to the end of free enterprise in
There is no half-way house in
which American enterprise can take
shelter. The coercive control of bank
credit leads unavoidably to control of
investment and that leads to the end
of competitive industry and free en-
terprise. The country must choose
between the regimentation of the ec-
onomic life of a hundred and thirty
million people by politically appoint-
ed Federal bureaucrats and the con-
tinuance of the American system of
free enterprise under a government of
constitutional powers.
'Verdict of History'
It is not a question whether Fed-
eral regimentation of the economic
life of a great nation can be success-
ful or not. It is the verdict of history,
from Diocletian in Rome to Mr.
Roosevelt in Washington, that no one
man can successfully guide the course
of industry for a great nation. All
the major New Deal experiments have
ended in failure and economic loss.
There are known and true principles
of economic life. There are, for that
matter, competent economists, if you
will look for them outside of Wash-
ington. There are limits to the abil-
ity of government to regiment the
economic life of a people. When it
blindly passes these limits, it does
not encourage industrial production;
it destroys it. Such interference al-
ways encounters a drought or some
other force beyond the control even of
a New Dealer. There are limits be-
yond which Federal regimentation
should not ,go, even if it could be
efficient. When it passes these limits
it destroys personal initiative and in-
dividual liberty. The American peo-
ple do not want Federal regimenta-
tion of their economic activities even
if it could be efficient and fair. As Al
Smith has expressed it, the American
people do not want a dictator, not
even if they could get a good one.
Here we have the issue that must
be decided next November. It is
whether the American people shall
have an orderly and economical gov-
ernment recognizing the limitations
of Federal power or a government de-
termined to reorganize the American
economic system by experiment. We
know what the decision will be. The

people want recovery, not rhetoric.
They want economy, not waste. They
want work, not relief. They want co-
operation among the partners in
production, not industrial strife. They
want order in economic life, not an
occasional breathing spell. They
want dignity in government, not a
merry-go-round. They do not believe
that all bankers are scoundrels, that
all employers are exploiters, that all
business men are motivated by greed,
that all working people are victims of
oppression. They do not believe that
the American system was a failure
until the New Deal came along to
save it from its sins. They do not.
believe that American industry is a
jungle of cut-throat competition
dominated by intrenched greed. The
people know that with the election
of a new administration next Novem-
ber the dammed-up forces -of recovery
will burst forth in a magnificent pros-
U.S. Can Face Adversity
The American people know that in
man's long and troubled journey
through the ages he has faced flood
and famine, pestilence and drought,
conquest and slavery, tyranny and in-
justice, poverty and depression. They
know that he has overcome these
savage enemies through his unrelent-
ing determination to work out his own
economic salvation. Poverty and in-
security are not yet exterminated in
our land. Economic hardship and ec-
onomic injustice are not yet elimin-
ated. But in the United States, in
the last hundred years, the American
people have come nearer to these
goals than any other people anywhere
in history. Brave pioneering and
hard work and patient saving have
made this the richest and fairest civ-
ilization in history. It has not been
made by sleight-of-hand tricks. With
the American system preserved, we
shall in due time have a free people,
living in plenty and security, without
exploitation or destitution. The
American people are not going to
surrender this prospect to the regi-
mentation of visionaries and amateur
economic planners. They are not go-
ing to exchange our economic system
for the rainbow millenium of politi-
cal magicians.
'Rendezvous With Destiny'
The President has recently told the
American people that they have a
rendezvous with destiny. As I un-
derstand the term, a rendezvous is a
date. What is this rendezvous? Un-
der present conditions, the most like-
ly rendezvous is with a receiver for
the treasury. After the acceptance
by the people of the promises of the
1932 platform, what unexpected ren-
dezvous did the people have? They
had a rendezvous with the NRA.
They had a rendezvous with Farley-
ism. They had a rendezvous with the
tax-collectors. The American people
want no rendezvous with a destiny
plotted on blue prints in a Washing-
ton office. When they have a date
with destiny they want to know what
the lady looks like. They want to
have a word to say about it.
The issue before the country is the
preservation of free enterprise. On
this issue the Republican party ap-
peals to the whole people. It appeals










~ _



New York ..........
Cleveland ...........
Boston ..............
Chicago .............
Detroit ..............
Washington.,... .
St. Louis ....,......


. L.


Detroit 5, New York 4 (10 innings).

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Cleveland 11, Washington 8.
St. Louis 4, Boston 3.
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New York at Cleveland.
Boston at Chicago.
Philadelphia at St. Louis.
W. L.
'icago ............57 36
. Louis...........57 38
ew York..........53 44
ttsburgh..........50 46
ncinnati..........46 47
oston ..............45 51

is immortal, encouraged in the
people tf his generation-the late
fifteenth and the early sixteenth
centuries-a keen appreciation of
education through his uncovering of
buried classics and his publication
in Greek and Latin of the New
The Associated Press holds a par-
allel position in world history, for
through its dissemination of accu-
rate and unbiased news of world
events it is a powerful educational



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