_ _ _
Auto Fatalities
For Half Year
Figure Is 500 Less Than
In Corresponding Period
For Last Year
Travel Is Increased
Accidents During June
Reach High Point; Local
Deaths Climb
CHICAGO, July 28.-()-The first
six months of 1936 added 15,390 fa-
talities to America's long list of high-
way dead, 500 fewer and three per
cent less than the corresponding 1935
figure, the National Safety Council
reported today.
Despite the fact motor accident
deaths last month reached a high
point for the year, the Council lead-
ing a five-year campaign to reduce
mortalities 35 per cent held the out-
look was "anything but discouraging."
"Actually there has been a large in-
crease in travel this year," said Sid-
ney J. Williams, director of the Coun-
cil's public safety division, "a thing
wetdid not anticipate when the ob-
jective of the five-year campaign-
to save 38,000 lives-was announced.
Decrease Despite More Travel
"Gasoline consumption is up ap-
proximately 8 per cent. Thus while
the number of accident deaths de-
creased only three per cent to July 1,
the death rate in terms of travel' de-
creased 11 per cent, which is very
grThe Council's figures showed that
June motor deaths numbered 3,020,
an increase of 140 and a jump of five
per cent from the June, 1935, total.
May produced a six per cent rise in
fatalities, most of the improvement
for 1936 having come in the first
three months.
But cities showed both a six-month
and a June reduction in deaths. For
the half-year period the decline was
nine per cent from last year and for
June two per cent. The Council said
that urban areas from 25,000 to 250,-
000 population recorded a 25 per cent
decrease in fatalities from June, 1935.
18 States Show Decrease
Of 37 states reporting to the Coun-
cil, 18 had fewer deaths the last six
months thanlast year. The decreases
ranged from seven per cent-the an-
nual national goal set by the Council
for the five-year period-in Tennes-
see to 30per cent in New Hampshire.
States reporting reductions and the
percentages were:
South Dakota 28; Nevada 26; Vir-
ginia 24; Wisconsin 21; New Jersey
16; Iowa and New York 13 each;
Colorado 11; Maryland 10; Connecti-
cut 9;' North Carolina and Utah 8
New York City's six-months total
of 339 deaths was 86 under its toll for
the same period last year, the best
showing for the large cities. Chicago
was the only one in the group of
more than 500,000 population to reg-
ister an increased death total. Its
aggregate this year was 367, one more
than the same period last year.
Ann Arbor Deaths Up
In Ann Arbor, which joined the
National Safety Council only this
year, the death toll from autombile
accidents has skyrocketed, rather
than keeping pace with the descent
in national figures.
The local record of only one death
in 1935 for a population normally
nearly 30,000, and swollen to more
than 37,500 by University students,
would have made Ann Arbor the out-
standing safety center of the' nation
for its size in the past year, had it
been a member of the council at that
But in the first six months of the
year two deaths were recorded in
Ann Arbor, and since then, in the
past 28 days of the current month,
six more have been added, to bring
the total to eight for the year, a
record unsurpassed in the police files.
Previously a total of six deaths in
the city in 1931 had been the record.
One of the two deaths in the first
half of 1936 came as the result of a
freak accident, but was nevertheless
classed by police as an automobile
fatality. While workers were lowering
a sign hung across Main Street dur-
ing the Christmas season, an auto-
mobile hit a low rope and dragged
one of the men from his ladder. After
extended treatment of a severely
mangled arm, the man died of a
blood infection.
Costumes Problem
For 'The Old Maid'
(Continued from Page 3)
King Unveils Memorial To Canadians
-Associated Press Photo.
King Edward of England, standing bareheaded before a silent throng
at Vhny, France, is shown pulling a card to unveil a war memorial atop
Vimy ridge as a symbol of British-Canadian-French friendship. The
monument was a gift of the Fre'nch government to Canada and the
unveiling ceremony was witnessed by a throng of more than 100,000
persons. This picture was radioed from London to New York.
R. C. Fitch Files
For Republican
Governor Race
Former Employe Of State
Department To Oppose
Fitzgerald Nomination
Continued from Page 1)
for lieutenant-governor. Luren D.
Dickinson, of Charlotte, will oppose
Read in the primary. Opposing Case,
Voisine and Hemans will be John F.
'Hamilton, of Detroit, Henry C. Glas-
ner, of Charlotte, and Leo P. Nowicki,
of Detroit.
Former Governor Wilbur M. Bruck-
er will oppose Senator Games Couz-
ens for renomination to the United
States Senate. Congressman Brown,
John H. Muyskens, of Ann Arbor,
Judge Ralph Liddy, of Detroit com-
mon pleas court, and Louis B. Ward,
of Pontiac, will contest for the Demo-
cratic senatorial nomination.
DETROIT, July 28. - (P)--One
hundred and seventy-five candidates
filed for office here today, in an un-
precedented last-minute rush that
swamped an augmented county clerk's'
staff. Approximately the same num-
ber of candidates had filed previous
to today.
In the thirteenth congressional dis-
trick, John McLeod filed for the Re-
publican nomination for representa-
tive in Congress against the incum-
bent, Rep. Clarence J. McLeod.
All incumbent representatives are
seeking renomination.
In he second state senatorial dis-
trict, Paul Wilkowski filed against his
brother, Senator Anthogy J. Wilkow-
ski, Democrat, who has appealed his
conviction of ballot fraud during the
1934 recount.
LANSING, July 28.-(A)--Following
is a partial list of candidates who
filed with the Department of State
to qualify as candidates for State
and legislative office in the Sep-
tember primary election:
United States Senator: Republi-
cans, Wilber M. Brucker, Detroit;
James Couzens, Detroit; Democrats:
Prentiss M. Brown, St. Ignace; Ralph
W. Liddy, Detroit; John H. Muyskens,
Ann Arbor; Louis B. Ward, Pontiac
Governor, Republican: Frank D
Fitzgerald, Grand Ledge; Roscoe
Conkling Fitch, Detroit; Democrat:'
George W. Welsh, Grand Rapids;
Frank Murphy, Detroit.
Lieutenant Governor, Republican :
Luren D. Dickinson, Charlotte;
Thomas Read, Shelby; Democrat:
Henry C. Glasner, Charlotte; John
F. Hamilton, Detroit; Leon D. Case,
Watervliet; William W. Voisine,
Ecorse; Leo J. Nowicki, Detroit;
Charles F. Heans, Lansing.
Representatives in Congress:
Second District, Republican: A. C.
Gaston, Ann Arbor; Earl C. Michen-
er, Adrian; George H. Millage, Ypsi-
lanti; Democrat: Charlts E. Downing,
Willis; Redmond M. Burr, Ann Ar-
bor; William C. (Win) Sterling,
State Senators, Twelfth district:
Republican: George N. Higgins,1
Ferndale; Ralph T. Keeling, Pontiac;
Fred M. Greenstreet, Ypsilanti;
George P. McCallum, Ann Arbor;
George O. Ross, Ann Arbor; Demo-
crat: John D. McGillis, Ferndale;
Clarence R. Horkey, Hazel Park.
Landon Receives
Warm Support
Of Vandenberg
Michigan Senator Believes
Republican Nominee Has
Proper' Tariff Policy
(Continued from Page 1)
Roosevelt-Tugwell thought-the par-
adox of opening up 30,000,000 Amer-
ican acres to foreign products and
cutting down American acreage."
He termed Mr. Roosevelt's order
extending the civil service in the post
office department a "counterfeit" or-
der to give "life jobs to Farley's boys."
While naming relief the major issue
ot "perhaps 25,000,000 people," Van-
denberg said "I have no idea the re-
lief group will all go to Roosevelt be-
cause the Roosevelt program has
created a privileged class within the
Mentioning the race of Frank Mur-
phy for the Michigan governorship,
Vandenberg said "with democracies
toppling all over the world, the threat
of potential dictatorship runs through
this campaign."
Constitution Issue Vital
"It presents this idea," he said,
"that the governors of the states
should be chosen by the President in
Washington. It is a demonstration
of the willingness of the Roosevelt
machine to run the whole show. It
is a specie of carpet-bag government
which evidences the New Deal phi-
losophy to do everything for us."
Murphy offered to resign as high
commissioner to the Philippines to
make the race in Michigan. Instead
President Roosevelt held the resigna-
tion in abeyance and Murphy will
start a two-month leave of absence in
The constitutional issue, Vanden-
berg said, "to probably 5,000,000 peo-
ple is the most living, vital, throbbing
thing since 1776."
Taft Visits Landon
Among callers at Landon's office
during the day were Michael Gal-
lagher, Cleveland coal operator, and
Allen T. Gilbert, Chicago attorney.
Christian S. Hutter, Jr., Forest, Va.,
invited the governor to make one of
his campaign addresses at "Poplar
Forest," a colonial home built and
occupied by Thomas Jefferson. Hutter
said it was six miles from Lynchburg.
Visitors expected tomorrow include
William J. Donovan, assistant attor-
ney general under President Hoover
and 1932 Republican candidate for
the governorship of New York, and
Hulbert Taft, editor of the Cincin-
nati Times-Star.
Mrs. E. N. Blair
Speaks Friday
Emily Newell Blair, one of the
prominent women in the circles of
the Democratic Party, will give a lec-
ture at 8 p.m. Friday in the Masonic
Temple under the auspices of the
Washtenaw County Democrats.
Mrs. Blair has been very active
in political circles, serving as chair-
man of the national committee for
six years. In the campaign of 1932
she was director of many Democratic
women's clubs and also took the
stump on speaking tours.
In addition to her activities in the
political sphere, Mrs. Blair is a writer
and editor. She is the author of sev-
Yank Sluggers
Hammer 20 Hits
To RoutTigers
16-To-6 Victory Preserves
Nine-Game Lead; Gehrig
Poles Out 31st Homer
DETROIT, July 28.-(U)-The New
York Yankees' "Murderers' Row,"
paced by Lou Gehrig's 31st homer,
went on its biggest rampage in near-
ly three weeks. today and walloped
the Tigers 16 to 6.
Gehrig's homer, two doubles and a
single; four singles by Tony Lazzeri;
three each for Joe Di Maggio, Myril
Hoag and Red Rolfe, and George
Selkirk's four-bagger were outstand-
ing in the 20 assorted hits the Yanks
collected off Tommy Bridges, Vic
Sorrell and "Red" Phillips to hold
their nine-game American League
A freak homer by Goose Goslin, on
what should have been an ordinary
outfield fly, featured the Tigers' at-
tack, with which they clubbed Monte
Pearson off the mound, only to fall
afoul of Jimmy Murphy in his best
performance since his return from a
lengthy illness.
Di Maggio and Hoag, running after
Goslin's fly to right center in the
sixth, collided after the latter had
caught it. Both were knocked out,
the ball rolling away, and before it
could be recovered, Goslin circled the
bases. Di Maggio remained in the
game, but Hoag went to the showers
with a minor neck hurt.
Murphy Stops Tigers
After Murphy came into the game
in the middle of a three-run Tiger
rally in the fourth, the Detroiters
were unable to do any consistent hit-
ting. He held them to three hits the
rest of the way, striking out three
batters and walking but one.
The Yankees failed to score only'
in the third, sixth and eighth frames,
but made up for that by shoving
across four runs in each of the first
ton. He walked Crosetti to start the
two innings, and three each in the
fourth and fifth.
The Tigers got 11 hits, enough to
win an ordinary ball game.
Al. Simmons got three hits out of
four times at bat, while Owen and
Goslin each collected two hits. Bill
Rogell again was at shortstop, and
again he failed to hit.
Bridges was shaky from the start
and was knocked out in the second
inning, as he was Saturday by Bos-
game. Singles by Di Maggio and
Gehrig, a fly by Selkirk, a single by
Hoag, a fumble by Gerald Walker and
a single by Lazzeri accounted for
the four Yankee runs in the first
In the second inning, Pearson
walked, only to be forced by Crosetti.
When Rolfe also walked, Sorrell re-
lieved Bridges. Di Maggio singled,
Gehrig doubled, Selkirk sent out a
long fly and Hoag singled to put over
the second burst of four runs.
Lazzeri Scores 2
Simmons singled in the Tiger sec-
ond, but Owen hit into a double play.
Hayworth and Sorrell walked and
Burns singled, scoring Hayworth.
Rolfe beat out a bunt to open the
Yankee fourth. Di Maggio singled,
but was forced by Gehrig. Selkirk
walked and Rolfe scored on Hoag's
grQunder. Lazzeri's single scored
Gehrig and Selkirk.
The Tigers got three runs in the
fourth, driving Pearson from the
mound. Simmons tripled and scored
on Owen's double. Hayworth singled
and so did Jo Jo White, batting for
Sorrell, scoring Owen. Hayworth
scored as Burns forced White.
Murphy replaced Pearson after Geh-
ringer had walked, and Goslin fanned
to end the rally.
The Yanks added three runs off
Phillips in the fifth. Rolfe beat out
a roller, Burns threw wildly on Di
Maggio's grounder and Gehrig hit a
home run into the right field bleach-
Singles by Simmons and Owen, a
pass to Hayworth and Crosetti's
fumble of Phillips' grounder gave the
Tigers a run in their half. They got
another in the sixth on Goslin's freak
homer, to wind up their scoring for
the day.
Pair Who Shot
Chief Of Police
Flee To Toledo
Fugitives Paid Him For
Ride, Farmer Explains;
Hitch-Hiker Is Held
GRAND RAPIDS, July 28.-(,)-
Search for two men who wounded
Police Chief Fred Bosma, of Zeeland,
turned to Toledo, O., tonight when a
young Allegan county farmer re-,
turned to his home and told of taking
the fugitives to the Ohio city.
Although first reports indicated
that the farmer, Everett Stedman, 20,
of Bravo, Mich., had been kidnaped
and his automobile commandeered by
the men, Stedman said upon his re-
turn he went willingly, not knowing'
that his passengers were sought.
The men paid him to take them to,
Toledo, he said, after their own au-
tomobile was wrecked near the Sted-.
man farm home.
State Police took Stedman to Hol-
land for questioning. They said they'
believed the young farmer acted in
good faith in helping the men.
Chief Bosma was brought to a hos-
pital here for treatment when he
collapsed at a street intersection in'
Holland after trailing the two men'
there in his car. A bullet shattered
his jaw.
Officers detained a hitch-hiker here
after he told them he rode with the'
men from Spring Lake Monday af-
ternoon to Zeeland. He gave his
name as Jay L. Candiff, 27, and said
he was trying to reach Ionia, where'
his wife was employed.,
Officers said Candiff apparently
was not in the car at the time of the
shooting. State Police planned to
question him further about the de-
scription of the men.
Bosma was unable to describe the
fugitives, but told officers his atten-
tion was attracted to them when they
sought to hide as he drove by their
parked car. It bore Ohio license
The men drove away hurriedly as
he approached the car to question
them, he said. Bosma followed them
to Herrington, where he tried again
unsuccessfully to halt them. At Hol-
land he overtook the car and one of
the men fired at him, the bullet
striking him in the jaw. Police found
Bosma slumped to the pavement near
a street intersection.
The fugitives' automobile was
found wrecked in a ditch a mile and
a half south of Fennville, in Allegan
County, early today.
Mrs. Jarrett Pays For
Swim For First Time
BERLIN, July 28.-(EP)--Eleanor
Holm Jarrett, dismissed member of
the United States Olympic team, had
to pay to get into a swimming pool
Wanting to practice, the World's:
backstroke record holder visited a
downtown pool, where members of
the German girls' team were also
practicing. It cost her 20 pfennigs
(eight cents) to get in.
The German frauleins, recognizing
her, introduced themselves. Mrs.
Jarrett tried to teach them some of
her tricks, especially the art of turn-
Eleanor said it was the first time in
her life she had paid her way into a
Bromage Predicts
U. S. Centralization
(Continued from Paae 1)
gress, have travelled a rocky road
and even in the past 15 years have,
proven unsatisfactory, Professor
Bromage maintained, and give slight
prospect of ever becoming more ef-
fective. Professor Bromage illustrat-
ed this contention by citing several
America's cities are therefore
reaching for Federal relief from the
uncompromising state legislators, the
speaker said.
The fiscal advantage of the Federal
government, which is typified by the
grants-in-aid, is a club that the Fed-
eral government wields over the states
and which promises to become more'
important in the future, Professort
Bromage concluded.l
Mrs. Jarett Before Dismissal From Team
-Associated Press Photo.
Mrs. Eleanor Holm Jarrett (left), deposed member of the American
Olympic team, is shown in a jovial moment while tramping the desk
of the liner Manhattan with Olive McKean (center) and Dorothy Poyn-
ton Hill, teammates, a few days before her expulsion for breaking of
training rules involving late hours and drinking en route to Germany.
H. M. asks me to explain how film
is desensitized and wants to know if
any undersirable results are ob-
There are several film desensitizers
on the market. The only ones that
I have used myself are the "tabloid"
and "Verebest," but I have never
heard undesirable reports from those
who have used the others. There
are also seveal formulas available if
you wish to make up your own.
To explain how a desensitizer works
would involve an explaination of the
latent image and nobody knows just
what the latent image is. Several
theories have been offered, but to my
knowledge none of them are backed
up with sufficient proof. Therefore
I can only tell you the results and we
will have to skip over the reaction
By soaking the exposed film in a
desensitizing solution it is made in-
sensitive to futher exposure. The
image fomed by exposure previous to
the treatment is not affected in any
way, but the formation of more latent
image is prevented. This does not
mean that the desensitized film could
be exposed to direct sunlight or
bright Mazda light, but it does mean
that it can be developed under a
much brighter light than usual.
Pan film thus treated may be de-
veloped under an Ortho safelight, and
Ortho film when desensitized may be
developed by candle light or weak
Mazda light. The greatest advantage
is that you can work without any
worry if your darkroom is one of the
many improvised darkrooms that leak
light badly.
Furthermore you can inspect the
film under a stronger light and if you
are developing by inspection, which
is by far the better method (unless
you are developing by a fine grain
pocess) you will be able to watch de-
velopment much better and stop it
at the right time.
The only noticeable result that
might be considered by some as
harmful, is a slight stain. On the
contrary, however, this stain causes
no harm and in the case of a very
thin negative it may even help. If you
follow the directions that come with
the formula or prepared product you
should have no trouble at all.
Some prepared developers on the
market contain desensitizer, and in
the case of most formulas you can
add a desensitizer to the developer.
When used in the developer it serves
to decrease for and after the develop-
ment has been narly completed it is
possible to increase the amount of
Ann Arbor Boy Takes
'Top' Honors At Oxford
Word has just been received that
Wilfrid Sellars, son of Prof. and Mrs.
R. W. Sellars, has "taken a first" in
his examinations at Oxford where he
has been a Rhodes scholar for the
past two years. This means that
Mr. Sellars has received highest hon-
ors in his class.
Mr. Sellars received his A.B. degree
from the University in 1933 and his
A.M. degree from Buffalo University
in 1934.
For the past year Mr.' Sellars has
been secretary of the Society of Jow-
ett, a philosophical society at Oxford.
and Edgerton Shoes
95 to45
Enl-of -the-Month
Dresses - Coa-ts-Suits
All White and Pastel Crepes - Light Prints
Knits - Strings - Laces and Cottons
Sizes 1 1 to 46 - 161/2 to 26 Values to $16.95
String and Novelty Fabrics
Sizes 12 to 20=- Values to $16.95
$2.95 Values . . $2.00 Mostly Darker Shades.
$1.95 Values .. $1.39 $1.35 Values ... 95c
Nets and Laces not included. $1.00 Values . . . 69c
played too extravagantly with poke
bonnets and stock ties in the way.
Miss Peirce's three petticoats and
voluminous skirts enables her to
completely shield little Flora May
Slosson, the younger "Tina," and
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Slosson, in
real life, who had to stoop to fix a
Detroit Dusts Off Bowls,
Shears, -As Barbers Quit
T_ _ _ 1T- _ __ -_ A. ! l - - _ ___