)AY, JULY 29, 1936
Father Coughlin Takes Stump For Can didate Lemke
Of The
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy recetted at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213
Angell Hall until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
Conservationist (Farm Planning),
Soil Conservation Service, Depart-
iment of Agriculture, salary, $2,600 to
$4,600. For further information con-
cerning these examinations call at
201 Mason Hall, office hours, 9 to 12
a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m.
VOL. XLV No. 25
The Finnish students will meet
the lobby of the Women's League
6:30 p.m. this evening.
This afternoon at 4:05 p.m. Dr.
Leonard Power, Research Associate
in Teachers College, Columbia Uni-
in versity, will speak on "Tenures and
at Salaries of Teachers," in the Uni-
versity High School Auditorium.
(From The Associated Press)
Reformed Jail Fugitive
Gets 30-Day Parole
CLEVELAND, July 28. - (P) -
Carlton B. Chilton, 41, who es-
caped from an Oklahoma reform-
atry 23 years age, received today
from Gov. E. W. Marland, of Ok-
lahoma, a 30-day parole.
Chief Police Prosecutor Perry
A. Frey said Marland, by long dis-
tance telephone, paroled Chilton
to him for that period.
"Nothing will be done about
this man until I have had an op-
pertunity to make a thorough in-
vestigation," Frey quoted the gov-
ernor. "That will take about 30
days. Meantime I will place his
welfare entirely in your hands."
The prosecutor, in requesting a
parole, said Chilton's record since
walking to freedom from the re-
formatory, where he had served
part of a two-year term for bank
burglary, proved he hadrestab-
lished himself "as a respected,
law abiding citizen."
"If you feel you can commute
Chilton's sentence and parole
him to me," said Frey, "I'll be
glad to take the responsibility."
The prosecutor wired Marland
a request last night for an abso-
hue pardon for Chilton.
At Least Seven Die
As Freight Is Derailed
CLAY CITY, II., July 28. -()
-At least seven persons were
killed today when a west bound
Baltimore and Ohio freight train
was derailed here.
Two were members of the crew,
the others were transients.
Rescuers were told by one of
the transients who was not hurt
that he knew of a dozen men and
boys riding in one of the 14 over-
turned cars who had not been ac-
counted for late today.
The identified dead, two of
whom died in a Flora hospital of
their injuries were:
Wayne Caldwell, head brake-
man, Washington, Ind.
Robert May, student fireman,
Washington, Ind.
Fletcher Acrold, Newport News,
Va., transient.
L. H. McNeail, negro transient,
Alexander City, Ala.
Other crew members were un-
injured. They were: Arthur Mc-
Vole'ngineer Charles Potts, fire-
man; C. N. Condray, flagman and
R. Wright, conductor. All lived in
Washington, Ind.
A split switch was believed to
have caused the wreck. Traffic
was rerouted while wrecking crews
proceeded to the scene to clear
the right of way.
Clark Names Lions'
Squad For All-Star Game
DETROIT, July 28. - () -
Coach George (Potsy) Clark of
the Detroit Lions, National Pro-
fessional Football League cham-
pions, named a squad of 22 to-
day for the game in Chicago
Sept. 1 against a team of all-
star collegians.
Training will start August 13,
and Clark said he might add
three newcomers to the squad if
they show sufficient promise.
The men he named today are:
Glenn Presnell, Ace Gutowsky,
Clare Randolph, Ernie Caddel,
Frank Christensen, Buddy Par-
ker, Dutch Clark, Bill Shepherd,
Ed Klewicki, Harry Ebding, John
Schneller, George Christensen,
Jack Johnson, Elmer Ward, Re-
gis Monahan, Ox Emerson, Sam
Knox, Tom Hupke, Jim Steen,
Red Stacy, Ray Morse, and Ken-
neth Petersen.
Two Get Life Terms
For Killing Neighbor
HARRISON, July 28-(IP)-Cir-
cuit Court Judge Ray Hart sen-
tenced Albert Spencer, 54, and
his son, Alvin, 26, to long prison
terms today for slaying their
neighbor, Oliver Campbell, after
repeated quarrels.
The father was sentenced to
life imprisonment in the Mar-
quette branch prison. The son
was sentenced to serve 25 years
in the State Prison of Southern
Michigan. They pleaded guilty
to murder charges.
Campbell was found dead of a
broken neck in his automobile
last Wednesday. Charges were
brought against the Spencers
after they had submitted to tests
with the state police "lie detec-
tor" at Lansing yesterday.
During a court hearing today,
the Spencers testified that, after
a aqarrel over their use ofadders
Women's Education Club is spon- Summer Session French Club: The
soring regular Wednesday Tea Dance next meeting of the club will take
at the Michigan League today be- 1 place tomorrow, Thursday, July 30, at
tween 4 and 5:30 p.m. Everyone is 8 p.m. at "Le Foyer Francais," 1414
cordially invited. jWashtenaw Ave. Prof. Warner F.
Stalker Hall: Swimming party and Patterson of the French Department
picnic leaving today at 5 p.m. Do will talk on "Louis XIII." Miss Mary
yicni hav ing r youayantdr emI. soLou Mitze, Grad., will play French
YOU have a car you can drive? If so.,Irnsr
--Associated Press Photo.
The Rtev. Charles E. Coughlin (right), Detroit radio priest, and Rep. William Lemke (left), Union party
prey idential nominee, are shown addressing the Lemke homecoming picnic at Hankinson, N. D. Later Father
Coughlin denied he had urged farmers to repudiate their debts in event Lemke is defeated, but instead said he
had declared that unless something was done to aid them they would be "forced" to repudiate.
Antique Shops Raided In Hunt
For 'The Old Maid's' Properties
Major Leagues
(Continued from Page 1
Never before has so much research
into portraiture and history been so
"The Old Maid," is a poignant story
of little old New York when 90th St.
was considered a long ways out into
the country and Grammercy Park
was the dwelling place for the aris-
tocrats. This period,. when women
wore hoop skirts and immense bon-
nets and men wore brightly colored
tail coats and top hats, make a very
charming and romantic background
for a drama.
It was thle day of illuminating gas
and brownstone houses, of beautiful
but proper ladies and descendants of
those sturdy Dutchmen who came
over with Peter Stuyvesant. At that
time the poor people lived around
14th St. and 12th St. and the paupers
lived in Greenwich Village. They
were people who had made them-
selves a force in business by always
doing things properly. They believed
in formality and the strict adherence
to conventions. Their society was
rigid and impregnable-and into the
midst of all this came "Charlotte
Lovell," 'a young girl who was indis-
creet enough to have an illegitimate
Accordingly, "The Old Maid," is
not "old" throughout the .tragedy.
Two thirds of the play is devoted to
her youth. The story opens upon
the boudoir of Delia Lovell as her
maid arranges her wedding dress on
the eve of her marriage. At that
time, her cousin Charlotte Lovell is
21 years old.
That is in 1833. In 1854 the two
women have grown old: Delia grace-
fully and beautifully, while Charlotte
has developed into a sour, bitter old
maid as the result of her earlier mis-
Alexander Wyckoff, the Art Direct-
or for the Players, unlike the New'
York production whose sets featured
the late fifties and seventies, has
moved his sets back into the original
period of the play, which is in the
thirties and the fifties. Mr. Wyckoff
did this because he feels the original
period captivates the mood of the
simple life to better advantage.
"The period itself wasn't half so
cluttered up," Mr. Wyckoff said. "It.
was a more reserved style."
Still, the period was one almost of
elaborate painting and Mr. Wyckoff
has used a design of Chinese wall-
paper, which was a descendant from
the Colonial days, in the Ralston
hallway, while, in Delia's boudoir, he
has used French wallpaper. Since
the old Lovell home on 91st St. and
East River was out in the country,
and was probably of Dutch colonial
design, Mr. Wyckoff imagines it to
be big and rambling, but not high.
Therefore, one can get an impression
of its stokiness from Delia's boudoir.
On the other hand, in the grand
salon of the luxurious Ralston home
in Grammercy Park, Mr. Wyckoff
has designed a huge, quite spectacular.
room whose austerity is accentuated
by enormous columns.
"It is very simple to get the austere
quality of such an upholstered life,"
Mr. Wyckoff continued.
Charlotte Lovell conducted her day
nursery above the Lovell stables in
the rear of her grandmother's house
in Mercer Street. News of this sort
still exist in New York. Mr. Wyckoff
has tried to make the woodwork, and
the type of windows just as Char-
lotte Lovell might have had it done
when she converted it into her
nursery. According to the novel, this
structure would have been a block
from Broadway at Canal Street.
The period costumes for the show
demanded an enormous amount of
three needles were broken when the
stitching was first begun on it. The
original stitches were so tiny that
they were entriely invisible to the eye.
Ruth Le Roux as "Delia," will wear
it in the last episode. The dress was
completed in five days.
The costume made in record time
was another gray one to be worn by
Sally Pierce as "Charlotte Lovell." It
was made in less than two hours,
having been cut in the afternoon of
the first dress rehearsal and ready
that evening for the performance.
Both ,Miss Pierce and Miss Le Roux
will change for each of the five epi-
Miss Cohen herself tailored two of
the men's suits, worn by Robert
Campbell as "Joseph Ralston"; and
one with powder-blue trousers and
a bright blue tail-coat, one a deep
brown tail-coat with beige trousers,
worn by Karl Nelson as "James Rals-
The entire cast had difficulty in be-
coming accustomed to their grand-
parents' wearing apparel. It took th
girls three dress rehearsals to learn
how to walk in long hoop skirts with-
out tripping. The actors also learned
that even affection cannot be dis-
(Continued on Page 4)
6:00-WJR Stevenson Sports.
WWJ Ty Tyson.
WXYZ Easy Aces.
CKLW Phil Marley's Music.
6:15-WJR Heroes of Today.
WWJ Dinner Music.
WXYZ Day in Review.
CKLW Sports and News.
6:30-WJR Sports On Parade.
WWJ Bulletins.
WXYZ The Lone Ranger.
CKLW Rhythm Ramblings.
6:45-WJR Boake Carter.
WWJ Soloist.
CKLW Song Recital.
7:00-WJR Cavalcade of America.
WWJ One Man's Family.
WXYZ Folies de Paree.
CKLW Jazz Nocturne.
7:30-WJR Burns and Allen:
WWJ Wayne King's Music.
WXYZ Lavender and Old Lace.
CKLW Music Box Review.
8:00-WJR Kay Thompson: Andre Kos-
teianetz' Music.
WWJ Town Hal Tonight.
WXYZ Kyte's Rhthmeers.
CKLW Pancho's Music.
8?15-CKLW Joe Sander's Music.
WXYZ Concert Music.
8:30-WJTR Come on Let's Sing.
WXYZ Harry Heilmann.
CKLW Grant Park Concert.
8:15-WXYZ News for Voters.
9:00-WJR "Gan Bursters."
WWJ "Your Hit Parade."
WXYZ "Your Hit Parade."
CKLW Symphonic Strings.
9:30-WJR March of Time.
CKLW Mart Kenny's Music.
9:45-WJR Rubinoff-Peerce.
CKLW Bill McCune's Music.
10:00-WJR Duncan Moore.
WWJ Amos and Andy.
WXYZ Herold H. Reinicke.
CKLW Scores and News.
10:15-WJR Baseball Scores.
WWJ World Peaceways.
CKLW Lloyd Huntley's Music.
10:30-WXYZ Ben Bernie's Music.
WJR Don Bestor's Music.
WWJ Studio Hour.
CKLW Griff Williams' Music.
10:45-WJR Christianson and Presnell
11:00-WJR Jan Garber's Music.
WWJ Troupers.
WXYZ Shandor Johnny Hamp's
CKLW Nat Brandewynne's Music.
11:15-WWJ Dance Music.
CKLW Mystery Lady.
11:30-WJR Bernie Cummin's Music.
WWJ Dance Music.
WXYZ Luigi Romanelli's Music.
CKLW Joe Sander's Music.
WXYZ Les Arquette's Music.
12:00-WWJ Dance Music.
CKLW Barney Rapp's Music.
12:30-CKLW Joe Sander's Music.
1 :00-CKLW Horace Heidt's Music.
New York ..........
Cleveland ..........
Detroit ...........
Chicago ............
Washington ........
Philadelphia ........
St. Louis . . ........ .
. 5!
. 4'
W. L.
53 33
54 42
53 44
50 45
49 45
[9 46
32 63
31 63
we would appreciate your bringing it.
For reservations, call 6881. All Sum-
mer Session students and their
friends are cordially invited.
Pi Lambda Theta picnic at Portage
Lake, today. Meet at 4:30 p.m.
at the University Elementary School,
Library. Please make reservations
with Margaret Behringer, phone 9533
by Tuesday noon. When making
reservations, indicate whether you
will furnish transportation or wheth-
er you will need it.
The Physical Education Weekly
Luncheon will be held today
at 12 noon at the Michigan
Union. Dr. Cox, Director of Physi-
cal Education and Recreation, of Al-
bany, New York, will be the speaker.
Mathematics Club: The second
summer meeting of the Mathematics
Club will be held at 4 p.m.
today in Room 35 . Angell Hall.
Prof. H. C. Carver will speak on
"Common ground in the infinitesimal
and finite calculus" and Prof. R. L.
Wilder's subject will be on "On
solvability of mathematical prob-
lems." All interested are cordially in-
The.Michigan Dames will hold the
second in their series of bridge teas
this afternoon at 2 p.m. in the
League. They cordially invite the
wives of all students and internes to
attend. Contract and auction will be
played. As the galloping prizes last
week met with so much approval
there will be more of them this week.
Mrs. Joe Wagner will have charge
of the bridge, and she will be as-
sisted by Mrs. Paul Crampton, Mrs.
Kenneth Hodge, Mrs. Newton McFad-
en and Mrs. Ford Graham. After
the bridge tea will be served. Every-
one should be there promptly at 2
p.m. and avoid losing part score.
The Southern Club: The Southern
Club picnic will be held in the Michi-
gan League Garden today.
music. jongs, games, refreshments,
Thursday, July 30, at 5 p.m., in the
Natural Science Auditorium, Prof.
Hayward Keniston, University of
Chicago, will give a lecture entitled
"Modern Poets of Spain and Spanish
Tickets for Visitors' Nights at the
Observatory are still available for
Friday and Saturday evening. There
is no charge for these.
Graduation Recital: Alma Abbott-
Lundgren will play the following pro-
gram in Hill Auditorium, Thursday,
July 30. 8:15 p.m., in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the
Master of Music degree, to which the
general public, with the exception of
small children, is cordially invited
to attend.
Pelurdio.. ...............Corelli
Sonatina "God's Time is Best" .Bach
St. Anne's Fugue .............Bach
Chorale in B Minor ......... Franck
Carillon ................... Sowerby
Finale (First Symphony) .... Vierne
Sportive Fauns .......... d'Antaliffy
Primavera ................ Bingham
Noel ........................M ulet
Carillon-Sortie ............... Mulet
Comprehensive Examination in Ed-
ucation: All candidates for the
Teacher's Certificate (except gradu-
ate students who will have received
an advanced degree by August) are
required to pass a Comprehensive
Professional Examination covering
the Education courses prescribed for
the Certificate. The next examina-
tion of this kind will be given in Room
1022, University High School, on
Saturday, August at 9 a.m. The
examination will cover Education
A10, C1, special methods, and di-
rected teaching.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received announcement of United
States Civil Service Examinations for
Senior, Associate, Assistant and Soil
Graduate School: All Graduate
School students who expect to com-
plete their work for a degree at the
close of the present Summer Session
should call at the office of the Grad-
uate School, 1006 Angell Hall, to
check their records and to secure the
proper blank to be used in paying the
diploma fee. The fee should be paid
not later than Saturday, Aug. 1.
C. S. Yoakum, Dean.
Reading Examinations in French:
Candidates for the degree of Ph.D.
in the departments listed below who
wish to satisfy the requirement of a
reading knowledge are informed that
an examination will be offered in
Room 103, Romance Language Bldg.,
from 9 to 12, on Saturday morning,
August 8. It will be necessary to
register at the office of the Depart-
ment of Romance Languages (112
R.L.) at least one week in advance.
Lists of books recommended by the
various departments are obtainable
at this office.
It is desirable that candidates for
the doctorate prepare to satisfy this
requirement at the earliest possible
date. A brief statement of the na-
ture of the requirement, which will
be found helpful, may be obtained at
the office of the department.
This announcement applies only to
candidates in the following depart-
ments: Ancient and Modern Lan-
guages and Literatures, History, Ec-
onomics, Sociology, Political Science,
Philosophy, Education, Speech.
Summer Session Students: Re-
quests for transcripts of the work of
this Summer Session in the College
of L.S. & A., and Schools of Arch.,
Educ., and Music would be filed in
Room 4, U. H. on or before Aug. 10.
Requests received after that date
will of necessity be delayed.
Excursion No. 9: Schools of the
Cranbrook Foundation, Bloomfield
Hills. Reservations for this visit to
the finest group of private schools in
the Middle West must be made be-
fore 4:30 p.m., Friday, July 31, in
Room 1213, Angell Hall. Busses leave
at 8 from in front of Angell Hall,
State Street, and will rturn to Ann
Arbor soon after noon. Round trip
bus tickets cost $1.25.
Northern State Teachers College
picnic at Portage Lake Friday, July
31. Meet at 4:30 p.m. in front of
Angell Hall. Please make reserva-
tions with Dorothy Johnson, phone
8694, between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.
Thursday. State whether or not you
will need transportation.
New York 16, Detroit 6.
Boston 5, St. Louis 2.
Cleveland 6, Washington 3.
Chicago 19, Philadelphia 6.
New York at Detroit.
Philadelphia at Chicago.
Boston at St. Louis.
Washington at Cleveland (2).
W. L.
Chicago .............57 34
St. Louis ..... . .....55 37
New York ...........51 44
Pittsburgh ..........48 45
Cincinnati...........45 46
Boston.............44 49
Philadelphia .........36 56
Brooklyn ............34 59
Philadelphia 5, Chicago 3.
New York 5-11, Cincinnati 1-3.