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July 27, 1933 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1933-07-27

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of the Summer Session


. I



have elected to serve as executives. Shortly after
the close of a presidential campaign marked by
numerous nation-wide radio addresses, President
Roosevelt was forced to appeal to the people for
aid in settling the difficulties which had brought
about a crisis in the banking situation through-
out the country. This he did, frankly and fear-
lessly, explaining, through the medium of the
radio, the actual conditions surrounding the
affairs of the larger banks and just what steps
the government was taking to satisfactorily quiet
matters. Thus the people were able to be on the
"inside" regarding governmental activities.
Since that time Roosevelt has always attempted
to keep the public informed on the many prob-
lems which have arisen at Washington. Utilizing
the radio, newspapers and every other possible
channel, he has frankly attempted to keep the
cards above the table that the voters might
follow every play.
During administrations of the past, executives
have not had the benefit of modern methods of
news dissemination and have not therefore been
given the same opportunities that have been ac-
corded President Roosevelt. And yet it is for-
tunate that, coupled with the modern mechanical
means, we also have at the helm a man who is
taking the fullest advantages of his opportunities
to "play ball" with the public.
The national recovery program now under way
depends for its success upon full acceptance and
support by the people of the nation. Leaders,!
standing alone, are powerless to accomplish de-
sired ends if they work without the backing of the
millions of individuals who go to make up the
electorate. Daily headlines and radio addresses
do much to keep everyone informed of the plans,
hanges, and progress of such a program.

Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
-ontrol of Stuident Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited In this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
itered at-the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
in~il, $4,50.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214.
4,epresentatives: College Publications Representatives.
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Vtreet, New York City; 8Q
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Phone: 4925
AjS80IATE EDITORS: John C. Healey, Powers Moulton
Y d l!4. Jerome Pettit.
REPORTERS: Edgxr H. Eckert, Thomas H. Kleene, Bruce
anley, Diana wers Moulton, Sally Place.
office Hours; 9-12, 1-5
Phone: 2-1214
Detroit Motorists
Get A Break .
ETROIT police department offi
cials have announced the testing
of a new plan to reduce the number of arrests for
trffic violations in that city. Believing that
drivers of automobiles will respect the presence
of police officers, two cars have been put into
exiperimental service in an attempt to determine
tfie reaction of the public.
These two cars are boldly painted in such a
ma±ner that motorists will be able to easily and
4iuiekly distinguish them as belonging to officers
of the law. Officials believe that, through the use
of suchr vehicles in the place of cars which an-
not be so easily noticed, there will be fewer tickets
passed out by officers for traffic law violations,
especially speeding. If the two experimental cars
now in use pro've effective in reducing speeding
and accidents it is probable that 'all remaining
scout cars will be decorated in similar fashion.
Motorists always have felt a certain resentment
for the polie cars and their drivers who "swoop"
from a side street to make arrests on unsus-
pecting motorists. This has been a common prac-
tice 'among traffic officers in Detroit, as 'well as
in most other cities. There can be little doubt
cencerning the inadvisability of this method of
making arrests. It breeds contempt in the minds
of the motorists, it places the officers in a "sneak-
mng" position and it results in the passing out
of an unusually large number of "tickets."
On the other hand, painting police cars in such
a manner as to make them easily distinguishable
also has its disadvantages. It is difficult to under-
' and, for instance, just how such a practice will
reduce speeding among motorists. Perhaps it will
reduice the number of arrests for speeding since
no sensible driver will be willing to break the law
when he knows he is in the presence of police
officers. And yet, realizing that he will be able
to distinguish a police car when one happens
to come along, the average driver will be tempted
to drive a bit more recklessly than in the past,
when he had to be forever on the watch against
isolice cars which resembled the other vehicles in
the traffic maze. It is' easy to create the picture
of a string of cars, traveling down a Detroit
boulevard with no regard for trffic ordinances
U4til a white-striped police car appears on a
side street. Then of course, aware of the presence
of law enforcement officials, all the motorists will
slow, down to a reasonably safe speed. It is true
that there would be fewer arrests under such'
Circumstances, but the speeding and reckless-
ness will have taken place. ,
Perhaps, with a large enough number of scout I
cars on duty to keep the larger traffic veins well
patrolled, the above condition would not' result.
With a well-defined scout car in prominence most
of the time it is true that motorists would soon
be. educated to properly observe. ti-affic laws. Per-
haps this is what the Detroit police, officials have7
in mnind. And at any rate they are attempting, in]
their efforts, to serve the public in the best pos-
sible manner. If nothing else can be accomplished
through their recent efforts it wil be gratifyingl
to know that the practice of "lurking" on side1
streets in order to make arrests will have been
abolished. And that is something.
Keeping The Public1
Well Informed. . .

When Noel Coward goes about trying to put
over a thesis in a play, as he does in "Design for
Living," he makes a definite point first of all of
accomplishing two objectives. He makes the char-
acters who are to demonstrate the truth of his
thesis thoroughly likeable, completely acceptable
to the audience as models of correctness and
charm. Further, he causes his philosophy to seep
through the action and creep upon the audience
gently, rather than pouring it out in great, long,
George Bernard Shaw orations.
We do not imply that Coward's way is the
only way, but we do say that it is a more effective
way than that which W. Somerset Maugham used
in writing "The Circle," which opened last night
on the Michigan Repertory Players' season at
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Quite aside from the specific merits of this
production, which, generally, was good, none of
Maugham's characters has any great personal
charm. "The Circle" concerns the problem of a
young couple about to elope in defiance of tile
lady's matrimonial obligations. They are con-
fronted with the example of an older couple who
followed a similar plan in their youth, with dis-
couraging results. The keynote of the play-"it
isn't what you do, but what you are"-is carried
out in the decision of the young pair to go
through with the elopement in spite of all.
Maugham's approach, permitting one of the
characters to speak the theme in the last act, is
cbvious indeed. Unfortunately, he fails to follow
it in the execution of his play. If, as a matter
of fact, this young couple is of better, more de-
pendable stuff than is the older pair, there should
be no doubt about it in the mind of the audience.
Here, however, the observer cannot feel that
there is anything intrinsically better about the
first than the second. To all appearances, Lady
Kitty and Lord Porteous are merely Arnold and
Elizabeth grown old, and grown old as they have
lecause of their manner of living.
The Players' production contains three excellent
characterizations. Frederic Crandall, as Lord Por-
teous, the aged tippler who ran away with his
secretary's wife in his youth, is prime. Mr. Cran-
dall, whose success here in "Hay Fever," "Jour-
ney's End," "The Play's The Thing," and "Uncle
Tom's Cabin" has been sufficiently lauded, once
more gives a performance that is very nearly
The other old man of the show, Clive Champion-
Cheney, who staye.d young when his wife had left
him, is almost equally well done by Richard
Humphreys. On the basis of this production alone
it is clear that Mr. Humphreys is an actor of
considerable finish and intelligence. Theie is,
however, some doubt that he may not have made
his character too sympathetic. Throughout the
play he alone has the audience enjoying his per-
sonality, only to be proven ridiculously in the
wrong at the final curtain.
To Ella Haith also, who played Lady Kitty,
fighting unsuccessfully to remain young, must 'go
a good measure of praise. Miss Haith is to be
congratulated upon refraining from following the
Violet Kemble-Cooper tradition in the playing of
silly old women. For Lady Kitty, though her soul
may be "just as painted as her face," is not by
any means completely shallow. She - and this
Miss Haith brought out clearly --is much more
pitiful than she is ridiculous in her attempt to be
just one of the girls.
The rest of the cast was scarcely more than
passable, with L. Wayne Smith somewhat more
proficient than the others. In general, "The
Cricle" as produced by the Players is rather doubt-
ful entertainment, with hardly sufficient comedy
and good characterization to carry the tiresome
philosophy and hackneyed love sequences.
-K. S.
Screen Reflections-

tional outlets of the young pupil should serve as
a standard by which the piinciples of the picture
might be judged.
Christa Winsloe, the authoress, is a German
by birth and training, but the daughter of a
Scotchman, and the wife of an Hungarian noble-
man. Her father was a German cavalry officer,
although of Scottish birth, and her husband is a
famous publicist.
Frau Winsloe's experience as a child in Darm-
stadt, where her father w4e in command of
the troops of the Grand Duke of Hesse, and later,
after the death of her mother, as a lonely, for-
lorn youngster in one of the famous Prussian
boarding schools for girls of the aristocracy, af-
forded her a rich and detailed background for the
story of "Maedchen in Uniform." She had often
said that it was something that she had to write
in order to get rid of the dreadful memories of
her childhood.
"It is true," Frau Winsloe wrote in a letter to
her producers, "that the school in which I was
first placed . . . between the- ages of eleven and
seventeen, was quite a unique institution. To fit
the 'daughters of officers' to become the wives
and mothers of soldiers, a regime comprising iron
discipline, a starvation diet, and the rigid repres-
sion of every emotion, was rigorously enforced.
"How we unhappy girls feared and hated each
inhuman spinster on the staff, from the head mis-
tress downward . . . with one exception! For a
short time we had one adorable teacher, whom
we all worshipped, but she left the place after
a few months.
"I left that school an unbalanced and imma-
ture creature, in whom fits of intense shyness al-
ternated with periods of unnatural boisterousness.
It required the best part of two years in the
relatively human atmosphere of a finishing school
at Lausanne before I recovered my natural con-
"The Manuela of 'Maedchen in Uniform' is I,"
Frau Winsloe states. "The adored Fraulein von
Bernberg is the teacher who was with us for so
short a time, and who was possibly forced to
leave because of my tragic love for her. I wrote the
story the way I did because that was the way it
was." .
The theme then, by the admission of the au-
thoress, is too well recognized and too normal
to be considered psychopathic unless carried to
extremes. It is probably a well-known fact that
young persons when repressed 'too much, will
seek love and, emotional outlets wherever they are
obtainable. The lonely beauty of the young pupil
in the harsh, hard atmosphere of the Prussian
school is beyond simple explanation or justifica-
tion therefore.
Frau Winsloe had a 'definite story to tell
through the writing of "Maedchen in Uniform"
but had it not been for the excellent direction
and fine acting in this film her light of reset-
ment towards the school of repression would have
become but a feeble flicker.
The theme is remarkable, to be sure. It is none-
theless true in its picturization of the beautiful
love of a young girl for"a sympathetic instruc-
tress. And the restraint with which the story is
put forth is rarely found on the screen today.
The acting in "Maedchen" is superb. Hertha
Thiele, as the central figure of the young girl,
establishes her right to a screen position in the
foreground. Likewise, Dorothea Wieck, playing the
part of the instructress, presents one of the most
beautiful performances we have ever witnessed.
If we have any adverse criticism of "Maedchen"
it is in the one fact that the English subtitles
are not numerous enough, since the dialogue is
in German. For the film is undoubtedly one of the
most extraordinary and arresting pictures yet pro-
duced. It is a beautiful cinematic achievement.
-E. J. P.
A Washington
WASHINGTON-The New York ship news re-
porter who shot an ironic query about the city
sky line at Professor Ray Moley as he landed
from his rush trip to London seems to have
gauged correctly the Moley publicity complex of
the moment. The usually affable and talkative
Roosevelt "brain truster" would not even talk

about that.
The return was in contrast with his departure.
What with naval destroyers and airplanes expe-
diting his flying visit with the President and then
setting him aboard his London-bound liner, it is
not to be wondered at that the news men scented
a sort of message-to-Garcia quality in the trip.
Sent To Explain
If there were ever any justification whatever
from any authoritative source close to Mr. Roose-
velt for all of that, the Bystander never heard
of it. Subsequent developments tended to show
the Moley mission was exactly as described by Mr.
Roosevelt-that of a messenger to explain to the
delegation in London the happenings at home
after the delegation's departure.
Painful as the tart editorial comment about
his London activities may have been to Moley
himself, there seems no good ground now for
supposing that he did not fulfill his mission en-
tirely to the President's satisfaction.
What happened was that commentators over-
looked the seemingly obvious fact that if Mr.
Roosevelt had felt it necessary to supersede Hull,
directly or indirectly as head of the delegation
in London, he probably would not have chosen
Moley for the job.
The professor has been a valuable lieutenant
to Mr.' Roosevelt ever since the start of the
presidential campaign, but his help has been in
a restricted, advisory field. The fact that a place
close to the White House was found for him in
the state department as an assistant secretary
by no means meant that he was to play any role
in regard to foreign affairs generally.
Like A Presidential Secretary

Excursion No. 6, General Motors
Proving Ground, Milford, Wednes-
day afternoon. August 2. This ex-
cursion was originally scheduled for
July 15, but was postponed for the
Niagara Falls excursion. Members
in the party will have opportunity
to see automobiles of the General
Motors Company put through 165
severe tests at the 1,268-acre labora-
tory. The party leaves from in front
of Angell Hall at 1:00 p. m. and will
return to Ann Arbor about 5:30 p. m.
Reservations must be made by 5:00
p. in., August 1, in Room 9; Uni-
versity Hall. Bus fare, the only ex-
pense on the trip, is $1.00.
Observatory Nights: The Univer-
sity Observatory will be open to stu-
dents of the Summer Session Mon-
day, Tuesday, and Wednesday, July
31, August 1, and 2, at 8:15 p. m.
Admission will be by ticket. Tickets
may be obtained in the office of the
Summer Session upon the presenta-
tion of the treasurer's receipt.
German Reading Examination for
Ph.D. Candidates: The examination
for the required reading knowledge
in German for all candidates except
those in the Natural Science and
Mathematics will take place Wednes-
day, August 2, at 2:00 p. M., in Room
203 University Hall. Only those who
have left their names at the depart-
mental office can be examined. This
will be the only examination given
during the Summer Session,. The
next' examination will be at the end
of October. Walter A. Reichart
School of Educatlion: All students
completing requirements for gradua-
tion at the end of the present Sum-
mer Session should paj diploma and
Teacher's Certificate fees before the
end of the Session. Blanks for this
purpose may be secured at the office
of the Recorder of the School of Edu-
cation, 1437 University Elementary
C. 0. Davis, Secretary
Reading Examinations in French:
Candidates for the degree of Ph.D.
in the departments listed below who
wish to satisfy the requirement of a
reading knowledge of French duringt

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30;
11:30 a. m. Saturday.

the present Summer Session are in-
formed that examinations will be
given on Saturday, August 5, from 9
to 12 a. m. in Room 108, Romance
Language Building. It will be neces-
sary to register at least one week in
advance at the office of the Depart-
ment of Romance Languages, be-
tween the hours of 11 and 12 a. m.
and 2 and 4:30 p. m., or 9 and 12:30
on Saturday morning.
This announcement applies only to
candidates in the departments of An-
cient and Modern Languages and
Literatures, Philosophy, History, Po-
litical Science, Economics, Business
Administration, Sociology, and Edu-
Candidates for Teachers' Certifi-
cates: All students who expect to be
recommended for a Teacher's Certi-
ficate at the end of the present Sum-
mer Session should pay their fees be-
fore the end of the Session. Blanks
for this purpose may be secured at
the office of the Recorder of the
School of Education, 1437 Univer-
sity Elementary School..
C. O. Davis, Secretary
University High School Demon-
stration Assembly: The fourth dem-
onstration assembly of the Univer-
sity High School Summer Session will
be held Friday morning, July 28, at
ten o'clock. The program will be
given by pupils of the French, type-
writting, and social studies depart-
ments. All Summer Session students
who are interested are welcome to
attend the assembly.
M. A. Degree Candidates in His-
tory: The reading. examination in
French, German, and Spanish will
be given Friday p. m., at 3 o'clock,
in Room 1009 A.H. A. S. Aiton
"Some Phase of Psychology" is the
title of a talk which Professor John
F. Shepard of the Psychology De--
partment will give at 4:10 in Room
1022, University High School. This
is one of the talks'sponsored by the
School of Education.
Notice: Health Service Eye Exam-
inations: Students wishing their
eyes tested for glasses at the Health
Service should receive their appoint-

ments by calling the office before
August first. Warren E. Forsythe
What Has Roosevelt Accomplished?
will be the topic of a talk by Nqeil
Staebler, to be given at 5 p. m. Fri-
day in Natural Science Aud. for the
Socialist Club's Public Lecture Series.
Chinese Student Club: A picnic
will be held at Island Park Satur-
day afternoon. Members desiring to
attend should assemble in front of
Lane Hall at 1:00 p. m. Food expen-
ses will be shared.
Torn Mooney Mass Meeting: The
Michigan Socialist Club announces
a mass meeting on the subject "Free
Tom Mooney" in the Natural Science
Auditorium tonight at 7:30. Mr. Al
Renner of ,Detroit will be the princi-
pal speaker.
There will be a game in the Edu-
cation baseball series today at 4:00
at South Ferry Field.
Students of the Literary College
and Law School are invited to at-
tend a lawn party at the Michigan
League today from 4 to 6 o'clock.
The Lutheran Student Club invites
all Lutheran students of the Summer
Session to a social gathering at the
Boch hone on Jackson Avenue, to
be held this Friday evening. All who
are planning to go are asked to meet
at the Zion Lutheran Parish Hall
at 7:00. The hall is located on the
corner of East Washington and South
Fifth Avenue. Transportation will be
provided from this point to the Boch
home. Married students are asked
to bring their wives or husbands.
Michigan Repertory Players: "The
Circle," W. Somerset -Maugham's
modern comedy, will be presented to-
night in -the Lydia Mendelssohn
theatre. The final perfoFmance will
be given on Saturday night. Seats
are now on sale for every perfor-
mance. The box-office is open from
i9:30 a. m. 'to 12, and from 1:15 to
9 p.' n. The telephone number is
' Public Health Nurses: There will
be a picnic supper at the Fireplace
Friday, July 28, from 5:00 to 7:00
p. m. A fee of 25 cents is being col-
lected. Meet at the north door of the
Michigaii League, not later than 4:45
P. m.

MJnUyA urkishltnot
Turkish tobacco is to cigirettes what seasoning is
to food.. , the "spice," the 'sauce." You don't want
too much seasoning in food. Or in a cigarette. But
you do want enough!
R Chesterfield uses just the right amount of Turkish
tobacco. Not too much, but just enough to give to
Chesterfield the finishing touch of better taste and
..,,,_ aroma.

AXPUBLIC WRK'S program ex-
plained through a radio address by
'resident Roosevelt and seconded by Hugh S.
ohnson, his key man in the general program for
etter times, serves as an excellent illustration of
ae many benefits to be derived from modern
rnovations and recent improvements f6r the
eneral welfare.
T no .+ ,oo,'cr. the n'mih'ir ne o nn,+nt 4'n, ia-

Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good: two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.

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