The Weather
" Fair Thursday and probably.
Friday; not much change in
ow ,
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
Keeping The Public Well In
formed; Detroit Motorists Gf
A Break.
Session Here
On Education
Is Concluded
Caverly, Thiesen Discuss
Financial Management
Of Public Schools
Trow And Keeler
Act As Chairmen,
The Lindberghs Shown Shortly Before Take-Off
Moehlman, Fisher
On Relation Of
To Community
Concluding the special three-day
conference on readjustments in edu-
cation, two sessions were held yes-
terday, at 9:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Each
meeting featured addresses by two
At the morning session, revolving
around the general topic of "Read-
justments in the Financing of Public
Education," Dr. W. W. Thiesen, su-
perintendent of schools of Milwau-
kee, Wis., spoke on "Suggestions from
the Experience of Wisconsin;" and
Prof. H. L. Caverly of the economics
department chose "Recent Michigan
Experiences in School Finance"' as
his topic.
Moehman Speaks
"Readjusting the School to Other
Community Agencies" was the gen-
eral topic for the afternoon meeting
at which Arthur B. Moehlman, pro-
fessor of school administration, spoke
on "Is Fiscal Independence for Pub-
lic Schools Necessary?" He was fol-
lowed by Charles A. Fisher, assistant
directof of the University Extension
Division, who spoke on "Co-ordina-
tion of Various Community Agen-
Professors L. W. Keeler and Wil-
liam C. Trow, of the School of Edu-
cation, were chairmen of the morn-
ing and afternoon sessions respec-
tively, and discussion was led in the
former sesion by Superintendent
Otto Haisley 6f Ann Arbor and i the
latter by Superintendent E. F. Down
of Ferndale.
Two Major Phases
Professor Caverly opened his talk
with the statement that there have
beeen two major phases during 'the
past year in the development of the
financial emergency confronting ed-
ucation in Michigan: First, the fi-
nancial pressure caused by the dras-
tic curtailment of local tax revenues,
the joint result of growing tax'delin-
quency and constitutional limitation
of the property tax rate to fifteen
mills; and second, the disappointing
response of the State Legislature in
the last session to the problem thus
"In the past Michigan has meas-
ured up very well with other Ameri-
can states in the extenst to which the
state government has participated in
the financing of local education. In
1931 some 25 percent'of the revenue
receipts of local school districts de-
rived from various forms of State
New. York Exceeds 4
"Among states enjoying somewhat
similar educational conditions, only
New York exceeded this proportion.
In Michigan state aid for local
schools came principally from the
Primary School Interest Fund into
which all proceeds from taxes levied
on centrally assessed public utilities,
insurance companies and inheritances
are paid," he said. "The scheme is
constitutionally established, and con-
sequently is safe from legislative in-
terference - but inflexible.
"The money in the Primary Fund
is annually distributed on the basis
of ,a census of children of school age.
At the peak in 1931, it provided over
$24,000,000, but the basis of appor-
tionment prevents this sum from ac-
complishing all that it seems to
"School membership is not a fac-
tor in the distribution, nor the ability
or inability of each district to sup-
port its own educational costs. Con-
sequently the fund does not serve
to equalize educational opportunities
among districts of varying wealth.
This fact made it necessary four
years ago that the Legislature appro-
priate an additional $2,000,000, the
so-called Turner Fund, for the spe-
cial assistance of the poorer school
.districts," Professor Caverly said.
"While the volume of State aid in
(Continued on Page 3)-
Grandson Of Ruthvens
-Associated Press Photo
Col. and Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh are here shown as they bade
goodbye to officials at St. John's, Newfoundland, before taking off
for Labrador. Adverse weather conditions have kept them in Labra-
dor, and they do not expect to complete their charting of the north-
ern airlines.
Horses, Planes
Cause Contrast
In Village Tour
Members of the university excur-
sion to Greenfield Village yesterday
experienced the distinctly novel thrill
of riding in horse and carriage. As
if to trace out the course of techno-
logical history some members of the
party flew over the city of Dearborn
in a Ford Tri-motor plane.
During the group's visit to the ori-
ginal laboratory in which Thomas
Alva Edison invented the incandes-
cent lamp and the phonograph, the
members were addressed by Francis
Jehl, Edison's first assistant at the
time that the late inventor made
most of his great contributions to the
,world-of science.. In his talk, Mr.
Jehl displayed several of the origi-
nals of Edison's inventions.
To make the inspection of the Edi-
son laboratory complete, the stu-
dents heard the first phonograph in
The trip today will be taken by
83 Summer Session students, it
was announced last night by Wes-
ley H. Maurer, director of the
tours. The party, under the di-
rection of Prof. Laurence M.
Gould, leaves the Natural Science
building at 7 a.m. today.
history play the first recording ever
to have been made which was the
voice of Edison recitirng "Mary Had
a Little Lamb." Mr. Jehl gave one
member of the party a recckd of the
type used in the first machine, made
by Edison.'
Greenfield Village is an exact rep-
lica of an early American hamlet
with a church, tavern, cobbler's shop,
and other institutions which were al-
ways found in the typical American
community of the earlier period in
the history of our nation. To facili-
tate the visit of the guests to the
village the Ford company has pro-
vided transportation in keeping with
the age of most of the buildings of
the village. There are horse vehicles
of various types prevalent in the days
when the horse was the chief meth-
od of rapid transit.
LOS ANGELES, July 26.-()-
Louise Closser Hale, New York and
London' stage actress who recently
scored successes in motion pictures,
died here today.
By the Associated Press
W L Pct.
Washington..............59 33 .641
New York...............58 34 .630
Philadelphia .............47 46 .505
Detroit........46 48 .489
Cleveland ...............46 50 .479
Chicago .................. 43 50 .462
Boston ................41 51 .446
St. Louis................ 35 63 .357
Wednesday's Results
Detroit 9, St. Louis 7.
New York 2-4, Boston 0-9.
Cleveland 7, Chicago 1.
washington-Philadelphia, wet grounds.
Thursday's Games
St. Louis at Detroit.
New York at Washington.
Cleveland at Chicago.
Philadelphia at Boston.
w L Pct.
New York ...........55 36 .604
Chicago.................53 42 .558
Pittsburgh .................51 43 .543
St. Louis ...........48 45 .516
Boston.s................47 54 .511
Cincinnati.. .. .. .41 54 .432,
Brooklyn.........37 52 .416
Philadelphia ..... . 37 52 .416
Wednesday's Results
New York 5-4, Brooklyn 3-3.
St. Louis 3, Cincinnati 2.
Chicago-Pittsburgh, rain.
Only games scheduled.
Thursday's Games
Bostonat Philadelphia (2).
Brooklyn at New York.
Cincinnati at St. Louis.
Chicago at Pittsburgh.
Boston Brewer
Given $150,000
BOSTON, July 26.--(P)--Threaten-
ed with kidnaping unless he paid
$150,000 to the "Beer Barons Protec-
tive Association, Theodore C. Haf-
fenreffer, 53, wealthy Boston brewer,
today was in seclusion as the joint
law forces of Massachusetts, New
Hampshire and the postal depart-
ment sought the extortionists.
The threats, as revealed by police,
were contained in two letters written
earlier in the month and mailed, in
Boston, one on July 12, and the other
on July 18. A proposal that the
money be paid in a Nahant hotel
last Saturday night was met with a
carefully laid plan of police to cap-
tured the extortionist's representa-
It failed, police said, when the sus-
pected representative recognized of-
ficers who played the part of bar-
tenders in the hotel.
The extortionist informed 'Haffen-
reffer that his name was on their list
"as requiring protection, which we
trust you have sense enough to re-
(Continued on Page 4)
Anti - Slaery
Movement Is
Lecture Topic
Says That Civil War Was
Not Fought To Abolish
Slavery In U. S.
Finney And Weld,
Campaign Leaders
Asserts Westerners Were
Real Leaders In Action
Against South
The Civil War was not fought to
prevent the expansion of slavery into
the territories, declared Prof. Dwight
L. Dumond of the department of
French yesterday afternoon in an-
other of the series of special lectures.
His topic was "The Twelve Apostles
of the Antislavery Movement."
Contrary to the popular belief that
it was a war fought to wipe out slav-
ery, in a nation that had boasted
that it was a free country, he said,
"slavery had reached the limits of
ultimate expansion and was already
in the course of ultimate extinction"
and that rather the war is a "classic
example of the fact that men will
fight for ideas, for honor and self-
Professor"Dumond also routed the
opinion that the "cradle of the anti-
slavery movement was in New Eng-
land and that William Lloyd Gar-
rison was both its inspiration and
its chief exponent in the days of its
infancy and unpopularity." He as-
serted that. in 1830, America's atti-
tude on the question was ridiculous:
applauding liberty a n d 'eeping
slaves. "Through it alld noved p
champions of the freedom of men-
refusing to permit their cause to suf-
fer fromhpride of accomplishment or,
from. the blunders of its friends."
And they came out of the West and
not from New England.
- The real leaiess of the movement
were Finne "ho had begun his
great revivalin the West and had
finally, in 1830; moved into New York
itself, sweeping all before him, and
Weld, who had been converted from
a supporter of slavery, Professor Du-
mond said. Weld soon enlisted the
support of Birney, who abandoned
a prosperous law practice to join the
Birney established a theological
seminary at Cincinnati, but all but
two or three of the faculty and trus-
tees were so blinded by race pre-
judices as to drive ut almost the
entire student body and thereafter
throw every possible obstacle in the
way of the work they were seeking
to accomplish, Professor Dumond
Forced to go elsewhere to preach
their doctrines, they went to Oberlin
College where Finney became presi-
dent, while a dozen others canvassed
Ohio towns for the anti-slavery
He said that, due to his continuous
efforts in behalf of the slaves, Weld
came to be known as the most mob-
bed man in the United States, and
he was forced to guard his health
carefully in order to preserve his
Italian Ship* Is
Damaged; Fleet
Made To Wait
SHOAL HARBOR, Newfoundland,
July 26.-(A)-General Italo Balbo,
leader of the trans-Atlantic air
armada, landed here today with 23
of his Italian seaplanes, finishing the
third lap of the homeward journey
from Chicago.
A mishap to one of the fleet. of 24
ships caused his planes to descend
at Victoria Harbor, Prince Edward
Island, shortly after the expedition
left Shediac, New Brunswick, today,
and threatened to delay the depart-
ure of the fleet for its eastward flight
back across the ocean..
It was learned that the 24th sea-
plane, commanded by Captain Rovis,
would require possibly two days to
obtain a new water pump before it
would leave Victoria Harbor where
it remained tonight.
General Balbo was not discouraged
by the mischance to one of his planes
and remained optimistic that the
great fleet would continue on time.
Roosevelt yr11Parley Delegates Plan
Adjournment Thursday
Send NotesTo LONDON, July
ers of the World Economic Con-
ference laid their plans tonight for
ll E m / ri~ys indefinite closing down of the par-
ll Employers leytomorrow with a final round
of speechmaking in which Amr-
ican delegates will plead for inter-
Five Million Letters Are national cooperation and continu-
Ready To Go To Heads ation of efforts to solve outstand-
Of Idustiesing problems.
Of Industries The steering committee, com-
posed of the first delegates of the
Is I gest Economic more important powers will sub-
mit to the plenary body a resolu-
Effort In History tion'empowering Prime Minister
.1 MacDonald as chairman, and
other officers of the Congress act-
Administration Is Certain ing as a bureau, to keep the inter-
national negotiations alive and
That Many Unemployed summon the Conference to meet
Will Receive Jobs. again when they deem it ready to
WillReceve Jbs.produce useful results.
There was little expectation to-
WASHINGTON, July 26-0P)-Five night, however, that the Confer-
million letters, representing the most ence would reconvene, certainly
stupendous economic effort in the not at an early date, for most of
history of the nation were ready to- the delegations were displaying aX
night to go out to all employers ask- spirit of defeatism with regard tot
ing them to raise the wages and international economic action, t
shorten the laboring hours of their t
Under the signature of President Sy
Roosevelt, an accompanying note S
asks the employers to sign the en- - n
closed agreement under which they SloW rTRS I
would covenant with the President to
lift the purchasing powersf sthePrices Shownt
United States and restore business.
Even before the letters went out, _
there were expressions from Presi- NEW YORK, July 26.-()-Finan-
dent Roosevelt and Industrial Ad- cial markets today had fewer but ap-,
ministrator Hugh S. Johnson of con- parently more selective followings,
feed. Johnson predicted that the for both stocks 'and staples ralliedI
campaign would put between 5,000,- substantially in the lightest trading
000 and 6,000,000 jobless back to of the past several weeks.t
work by Labor Day. While share transactions were at a
Ship Code Approved rather low ebb throughout the abbre-r
The President, meanwhile, put his viated session, which started at 11c
signature on the higher wage-lower a. m. and finished at 2 p. m. undert
hours code for the shipbuilding in- the new Stock Exchange schedule,a
dustry, the second to pass through many issues recorded gains of' $1
the Johnson. organization. Early in to $6 or more in a turnover which
the month the cotton textile indus- totaled onlyr2,044,262 shares. The As-
try pioneered the way by getting ap- sociated Press-Standard Statistics
proval of its code, and other affiliated average for 90 stocks advanced $2.10
industries, including rayons, silks and to $84.10. Bonds were firm and,the
the like, have been placed temporar- dollar rallied ir foreign exchange .
ily under this code pending adoption transactions.
of one for their lines. In the restricted grain market ati
The shipbuilding. o. e trovide.for C .ago. eat,, coats,. an rye
a maximum work week of 32 hours spurted 2 to 7 cents a bushel, and t
for yards doing Government con- in the unrestricted trading at Winni-
struction, and a thirty-six-hour aver- peg wheat was up more than 2 cents. l
age over a six-month period, not Cotton here advanced 75 to 90 cents
more than 40 in any one week, for a bale and rubber, cocoa and sugar
other shipbuilding and repairing futures steadied.
plants. Wall Street was highly pleased atx
Johnson also ended hearings on the slowing down of the recent wild
widely divergent proposals for bring- speculative pace and hopes were ex-
ing the oil industry under a trade pressed in various quarters that a
agreement by informing them that more oderly progress in security1
his Administration would write for prices would be shown for a while
submission to the group an agree- at least.
ment to control the production and trb
montto ontrl te poducionand Market observers generally attrib-,
refining divisions. The Administrator uted the day's recovery to the clear-
said he hoped to have the plan ready ing up of many of the cloudiest mar-
by Monday. ginal accountsoresulting from last
Wool Pact Nearly Ready week's drastic break.
There was every indication that a
third code-that for wool textiles- WASHINGTON, July 26.-(P)-
soon would be ready for submission Wholesale commodity prices reported
to the President. to the Bureau of Labor Statistics
Johnson opened the hearing on the continued their rise during the week
code for men's clothing today by tell- ended July 22, the index figures for
ing the assembly, "you have the op- that week standing at 69.7 as com-
portunity to stabilize industry and pared with 68.9 for the week ended
get away from abuses hurtful to the July 15, an increase of approximately
workers, manufacturers and the peo- 1.2 per cent.
ple who buy." The week's figures bring the in-
He reminded that the hearings crease for the last five weeks to more
were not battlegrounds, but were than five per cent. The index figure
"places for public-spirited people to for the week ended June 24 was 65.1.
try to arrive at something without The slump in commodity prices on
doing violence to anyone and see if the exchanges during last week had
we can reach some median way to no apparent effect on wholesale
meet the situation." prices. The index figures for farm
NAVY PROGRAM BEGINS products were 62.7 for the week
WASHINGTON, July 26.-()-In ended July 22, as compared with 61.1
the greatest bid-opening in history, on July 15; foodstuffs, 66.5 against
the Navy Department today received 65.9. Other products showed similar
offers for constructing 21 ships at increases.
costs ranging froth $3,000,000 to $25,-
000,000 each, to bring the Nation's Football Star
sea power closer to treaty limits. Michigan
A dozen firms submitted estimated Marries Ann Arbor Girl
for aircraft carriers, heavy and lights
cruisers, destroyers or submarines. Al Steinke, football star here in
Immediately, naval experts went to 1929 and 1930, is married. The par-
work on the bids, pressing for speedy ents of Gladys Gray, of Ann Arbor,
awards to give employment in ship- announced yesterday that the pair
yards. have been married since July 11.
By Pollock
Teachers Are Advised To
Take Active Interest In
Limited Programs
May Injure Youth
Believes That Profession
Should Unite To Form
Strong Minority
Teachers were advised to partici-
pate actively in political matters if
they wished to protect their own in-
terests and the iterests of the na-
tion as a whole by Prof. James K.
Pollock of the political science de-
partment who spoke last night at the
annual education banquet sponsored
jointly by the Men's and Women's
Education Clubs.
"Teachers have not had the poli-
tical influence that their numbers
and general intelligence should war
rant," he said. "Realtors and high-
way contractors have not, relative-
ly speaking, been hit as a result of
political action by the depression,.
Yet they are less numerous, less es-
sential, and less intelligent than
He explained this by the fact that
realtors and contractors are highly
organized politically whereas the
teaching profession does not take an
active part in government.
Expenses Cited
"In 1932," Professor Pollock said,
"the state government in Michigan
spent $46,000,000 for construction and
maintenance of roads. It spent only
$37,000,000 for public education, al-
though there is no doubt which is
the more important of the two
"Why haven't we been able'6-o tell
the state that schools are a good
thing on which to spend money?"
he asked. "Why haven't we been
able to tell the Reconstruction Fi-
nance Corp. to spend money to 'edu-
cate the idle instead of providing
problematical work by building so-.
called. self-liquidating projects?
;"Why? Because we have been boob?
in politics. We have had things put
over on us. W have considered our-
selves too decent to play in politics.
We have not played the game in a
successful way."
Organized Minorities
He said that we are living in a
nation that is controlled by organ-
ized minorities and that it was noes-
sary for any group that wished to
see that its rights were not curtailed
to play the political game and to
exert political influence at the time
and place where it would count.
"Administrators in education," he
said; "have spent more time devising
sliding scales to cut salaries than
they have making sure that the in-
comes that their instutitions receive
will not be cut."
Pointing to the effect of deflation
in education, he said that we are
mortgaging the future of our young
people by not giving them the proper
advantages of schooling. As an ex-
ample of the deleterious results that
this may cause, he pointed to the
generation of young voters in Ger-
rpany who raised Hitler to his power
It was the young men, men who were
not receiving the proper educatior
in the disorganized schools dring
the war, that were largely respon-
sible for the Hitler support.
Municipal Body
As Model Citys
Dr. Bell Calls Curtailment Of
Physical Education Dangerous
The physical education program
has been drastically limited by the
recent action of the Chicago Board of
Education. This is a terribly serious
matter-as serious a matter for the
educational development of our girls
as of our boys.
I am prepared to say at the outset
that economically we are wasting
money educating women if we do not
at the same time undertake the re-
sponsibility of increasing the vigor of
these women so that they can carry
realized' for generations), so there'
is no impetus to the cultivation of,
organic reserve or physical vigor.
Witness the high incidence of tuber-
culosis at adolescence and the malad-
justment of women from this age on.
Women have higher sickness rates
than men. There are more neurotic,
women than men. Women have less-
earning power than have men, yet
60 to 70 per cent of all women are
going to work for self-support aal
the support of dependants.
Our future citizens need healthy,
robust minds and bodies. Agility aid.
Hauptman Is Both A Literary
And Civic Figure, Says Wahr
"A local, national, and interna-
tional figure"-that is how Prof. Fred
B. Wahr describes Gerhart Haupt-
man, and how Breslau held the au-
thor at its celebration of his 70th
birthday last November.
Professor Wahr, who will speak on
Hauptman in his talk at 5 p. m. to-
day in Natural Science Auditorium
nn the Sume~r Session speial series,
discussing Hauptman not only from
the literary point of view, but as the
pre-eminent figure in German life
he has been for so long. Professor
Wahr has made a study of Haupt-
man and his works for years and has
collected a number of Hauptman
first editions. He has also published
widely on the subject.
Professor Wahr's lecture will be
There is a lurking suspicion am
the comparatively few people '
bother to give the question
thought that many-perhaps moc
of the villages in. Michigan are
being operated as efficiently as is]x
sible. And perhaps this condition i
extend to small cities of the si
As the consequence, the Michi
Municipal League which convened
cently in Ann Arbor is launcl
an experiment in which it is to m
a small city the subject of lab
tory work, an experiment that :
run for a year or more. The cit