llAI essAIL Y
of the Summer Session
rather than decrease throughout the years. Those
students who could afford to do so would be.
given an opportunity to contribute to such an ac-
count and thus aid their fellow students. Alumni'
who have a sincere desire to aid the institution
from which they graduated will also be given the.
chance to lend their support where it is most
needed. Faculty members would have an oppor-
tunity to contribute to a fund which would aid
the institutions concerned in a very material
" r1. .
-6 f TtE WARD MU T Or5 N U n N f1i AHYLI i /. ~urn+"[
Published every morning except Monday during the'
University yearand Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Stl'dent Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or,
t otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
.Entered at the P~ost Office at .Ann ,Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
.Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
mail, $4.50.
Offices:rStudent Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann. Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publications Representatives,]
,c.. 40 East Thirty-Fourth treet, New York City; 80
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Cohicago.National Advertising service, Inc., 11 West 42nd
St., Iew York, N. Y.
Phone: 4925
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: John C. Healey, Powers MoultonI
and E. Jerome Pettit.
I RPORTERS : Edgar H. Eckert, Thomas H. Kleene, Bruce
MLanley, Diana Powers Moulton, Sally Place.
Ofice Hours; 9-12, 1-5
Phone: 2-1214
TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1933
A Lot Of Money.
lot of money. To an individual it is
an almost unbelievable sum. To an institution
it is quite sizable. To 700 educational institutions
it wQuld appear a nominal sum. And yet, properly
handled, such an amount could accomplish many
The American Alumni Council mentions this
figure as a probable sum to be raised through that
orgalization to provide loan funds to more than
one hundred thousand students attending 700 edu-
cational institutions throughout the country.
The present financial status of the educational
world, at a lower ebb than at any other period
during the depression, is the primary reason for
the suggestion of such a plan. Due to lowered in-
comes in most colleges and universities, more than
6,000 professors will be thrown out of work and
nearly 100,000 students will be prevented from'
starting, or continuing, their higher education.
Members of the council proposing such a loan
fund on such a gigantic scale propose to raise
funds to establish a credit union backed by alumni
and faculty and by those students who have
ample enough means to aid their fellow students
who are not so fortunate.
As a consequence, much good would be accom-
plished from all sides. The prospective sponsors of
such a, fund would be solicited in such a manner
that everyone in a position to aid could do so.
The beneficiaries of such a fund would be selected
on the basis of their worthiness and their need.
And higher education would have taken a forward
step of great merit. We look with hope to a mate-
rialization of the plans offered by the American
Alumni Council.
Musical Events
Palmer Christian will open this evening's Fac-
ulty concert with a group of four numbers by J. S.
Bach. The first is a Fantasie and Fugue in C minor,
clear and comprehensible in structure and thema-
tic development. The fugue, short, and building to
a strong climax makes this an excellent concert
work, although it is seldom played. The second,
inserted in the program by request, is the Air
in D, originally for a small orchestra. The Trio
from the cantata "Tis My Pleasure" is extremely
brief, lasting only one minute, but its pleasant
musical quality compensates for its brevity. The
last of the group, also short, is the Sonatina which
serves as an introduction to the cantata "God's
Time Is Best," originally written for two flutes and
viol da gamba. Having heard this Sonatina for the
first time, Felix Mendelssohn wrote to his father
that it reminded him of "Bach's pure mild and
vast power."
The second part of the program will feature
Arthur Hackett, who is to sing the "Benedictus"
from the B minor Mass of Bach. This is the
only tenor aria in the Mass, and is accompanied
by the organ ,with a violin obligato, to be played
this evening by Professors Christian and Bese-
kirsky, respectively. Professor Hackett sang this
aria in the Bach Festival performance of the
Mass two years ago at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
Wassily Besekirsky will play the Brahms' Violin
Sonata, opus 78, accompanied by Joseph Brink-
man. This Sonata is charming in its unpreten-
tiousness, delicate in its thematic &'aterial, yet
colorful in harmony and, fluent in melody. It is
in three movements, the scherzo omitted, though
the third movement, after a regal adagio, has
piquancy that lends its scherzo qualities. The
whole is full of Brahms attributes, complex
rhythms, overlapping phrasing between piano and
violin, and broad, flowing figures in the accom-
paniment such as are characteristic of the Inter-
Professor Hackett has chosen a group of modern
French songs for the next section of the pro-
gram, beginning with "La Fountaine de'Carrouet"
written by Laterey, based on a poem of Edmund
Rostand. The second of this group is "Les Trois
Jours de Vendange," by Rinaldo Hahn,- composer
and conductor of the Opera at Nice. This song
is in .three distinct moods, following the thread
of story concerning the meetings -of a lover and
his lass. The first time she is gay, the wind is
blowing through her hair, the second time she is
sad and walks with lagging steps, the third she is
in her coffin, draped in dark velvet surrounded
by the Sisters of Avignon, weeping. Cesar Franck's
"Nocturne" continues this group and is in the
spirit of an invocation to night, done in Franck's
pure style. His "La Procession," next in order con-
cerns the route of a religious cortege. Closing
the group is a vigorous sailors' song, "Le ciel
est gai" by Gaubert, conductor of the Conserva-
toire orchestra in Paris.
Professor Christian is to conclude the program
with the famous Passacaglia and Fugue in C
minor by Bach. "The word passacaglia (which
properly denotes an old Spanish dance) indicates
a composition constructed on a recurring bass
theme; in a chaconne-also a series of variation.
on a given theme-the theme may be introducer
in any voice. In this work there are several an-
nouncements in an upper part, so that it partakes
the nature of both the passacaglia and the cha-
conne." This is intellectual in its appeal, primarily,
but its intensity and sweep of emotion, its gran-
deur, have "caused it to be considered as probably
Bach's greatest work for the organ."
than similar activities at .Middle Western and
Western institutions. several times resulting in
egg-rioting, mass demonstrations, and miniature
wars between radicals and police in which night-
sticks and tear gas bombs wee liberally called into
play. Michigan has seen nothing of this, but it has
been treated to the oratory of National Student
Leaguers who have, evidently, disguised them-
selves as something they definitely are not. The
National Student League advances the claim that
it represents a student opinion- but this is1
scarcely possible if Communism is behind the
organization. The average student at Michigan, as'
elsewhere, is notably conservative in whatever pol-
itics he professes. The writer doubts that there
are a dozen Communists on this campus among
the more than 8,000 students enrolled in the
regular session.
The National Student League should declare
itself for what it really is, and stand on its own
merits, rather than slide along while radiating the
atmosphere of a representative student protest
Scree Reflction
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
ao stars keep away from it.
It was a very gratifying job that Columbia did
on this show, which, based on a bank run as it is,
could have slopped over the edges and smacked
loud enough to be heard ,around the world, just
as easy as that.
The way they did it was this. They transplanted
the police chief from "The Beast of the City" and
the star reporter out of "Front Page" and built
a bank story around them. Logical or not, Walter
Huston and Pat O'Brien, whatever else they do,
will always be a police chief and a Hildy Johnson,
respectively, as far as pictures are concerned.
It works out swell. Huston, kind to old ladies
and generous to a fault, is still a fightin' chief
of police dressed up like a bank president, but
the only conclusion is that if bankers aren't really
that way they ought to be.
And O'Brien, just a boy with a police record
trying to show his boss that he's really on the
up and, is really only a court reporter in the
getup of an assistant cashier. We'll bet the buttons
off our other pants that every paying teller who
sees this show would give his bridgework to do it
the way Pat does.
Right on through the evening's entertainment
Huston and O'Brien spend most of their time out-
barking and outsnarling each other. Or at least
that's what 'they're doing when Walter isn't
honeybunching Kay Johnson and Pat isn't being
sweetiepied by Constance Cummings.-
Here's the plot: Walter runs a bank. The bank
gets tapped, and all the suspicion falls on little
Pat, the Boy With A Past. The same blond switch-
board operator who garnished "Five Star Final"
starts the rumor that the snatched cash is plenty,
and the storm breaks. Irate depositors litter the
lobby like flies on a beer bung and things begin
to look tough.
The directors, three wolves and a couple coyotes,
put the fist down and want to put the skids under
Walter, whose money pals won't help him pacify
the suckers shaking their fists in his face. By
that time all is well with the boy Patrick and he,
with the shackles off again, calls up a lot of lads
that Walter has helped meet the mortgage. Right
when arm-waving is ready to turn to fist-swing-
ing among the depositors, the parade of banana
salesmen, pawnbrokers and notions dealers begins.
All these boys line up and scream for a chance
to shove some hay into the till, so the under-
takers up in the directors' room begin to feel sort
of silly and call up Emma and tell her to send
two or three million around to help save the
When the first drayful of greenbacks rolls up
in front, the teeth-grinders in the lobby get sheep-
ish and slink home, still without anything they
can shove into a sock, but a lot happier. After that
Pat and Constance get married.
There is another show at the Whitney this week.
The name of it is "Flame of Love" and somebody
oy the name of Anna Mae Wong is in it. But you
zan't blame her; 'blame British Independent Pic-
tures. -. S.
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30;
11:30 a. m. Saturday.
Excursion No. 9: Greenfield Village
(Second Trip) - Wednesday After-
noon, July 26-Scheduled for stu-
dents and citizens who were unable
to go on the tour, July 19. Buses
leave from in front of Angell Hall
at 1 p. m. Party returns to Ann Ar-
bor by 5:45 p. m. Nominal entrance
fee of 25 cents will be charged at
the village. Round trip bus fare $1.
Reservations must be made by 5
p. m., Tuesday, July 25, in Room 9,
University Hall. Wesley H. Maurer
Excursion No . 10: Put-in-Bay,
Lake Erie--Thursday, July 27. Under
direction of Laurence Gould, profes-
sor of geology and renowned antarc-
tic explorer. Chartered buses leave
from in front of Natural Science
Building at 7 a. m. Steamer leaves
Detroit dock at 9 o'clock, arrives at
Island at 12:30 p. m. Tours under
guidance of Professor Gould. Steamer
leaves Island at 4:15 p. In. and ar-
rives in Detroit at 8:15 p. m. Await-
ing buses will return party to Ann
Arbor by 10:30 o'clock. Bus fare,
round trip, $1.50. Steamer fare, 75
cents. If party consists of more than
100, a rebate of 20 cents will be
made, thus bringing the net fare to
55 cents. Total expenses under $5.
Make reservations by purchasing bus
and steamer tickets before 5 p. m.
Wednesday, July 26, in Room No. 9,
University Hall. Wesley H. Maurer
Observatory Nights: The Univer-
sity Observatory will be open to stu-
dents of the Summer Session Mon-
day, Tuesday, and Wednesday, July
31, August 1, and 2, at 8:15 p. m.
Admission will be. by ticket. Tickets
may be obtained in the office of he
Summer Session upon the presen ,-
tion of the treasurer's receipt.
M. A. Degree Candidates in His-
tory: The reading examination in
French, German, and Spanish will
be given Friday p. m., at 3 o'clock,
in Room 1009 A.H. . A. S. Aiton
On account of the meetings of the
Conference on Readjustments in
Public Education which some mem-
bers of the class wish to attend, the
class in Education B131s will not
meet today. This session of the class
will be held on Monday, July 31.
Edgar G. Johnson
Faculty Concert: Wassily Besekir-
sky, Violinist, Joseph Brinkman,
Pianist, Palmer Christian, Organist,
Arthur Hackett, Tenor, and Hanns
Pick, Violoncellist, will unite their
services in presenting the third pro-
gram in the Summer Session Faculty
Series this evening at 8:15 o'clock,
in Hill Auditorium. T h e gen-
eral public is cordially invited to at-
tend, with the exception of. small
children. Bach. Fantasie and Fugue
in C minor; Trio from the Cantata,
"Tis my pleasure"; Sonatine from
the Cantata "God's Time ,s the Best
Time" (Palmer Christian): ach,
"Benedictus" from the B minor mass
(Messrs. Hackett, Besekirsky and
Christian): Pizzetti, Trio for Violin,'
Violoncello, and Piano (Messrs. Bese-
kirsky, Brinkman, and Pick): Leto-
rey, La Fontaine de Caraouet; Hahn,'
Trois Jours de Vendange; Franck,
La Procession; Gaubert, Sur la Mer
and Le Ciel est gai- (Arthur Hack-
ett) : Bach, Passacaglia and Fugue in
C minor (Palmer Christian).
Charles A. Sink
School of Educaaon Stuaents: All
students now in residence having
courses recorded as Incomplete (I),
or absent from Examination (X)
must complete their work in these
courses by July 26. If, because of
extenuating circumstances, a student
is unable to complete his work by
this time, a request for an extension
of time, with the written approval
of the instructor, must be presented
at the Recorder's Office of the School
of Education.
In cases where neither a supple-
mentary grade nor a petition for an
extension of time is received, the
courses will be recorded with -grades
of E-
History 33s: Assistant Professor
George B. Brigham of the College
of Architecture will speak this
evening at 8 o'clock in the audi-
torium of the Architecture Building
on The Transition in English Do-
mestic Architecture from the Middle
Ages to the Renaissance. The lec-
ture is open to students in other his-
tory courses who may be interested.
R. G. Ramsay
Education Conference Luncheon,
sponsored by Phi Delta Kappa will
be held today at the Michigan
Union, 12:10. Speaker will be Profes-
sor Raleigh Schorling.
'i'eacher's Certificate: All candi-
dates for the Teacher's Certificate in
August (except graduate students
who will take a degree at that time)
are required to pass a Comprehen-
sive Professional Examination in
Education. This examination will be
held on Saturday morning, August
12th at 8 o'clock in the Auditorium
of the University High School.
All students planning to take this
examination on August 12th should
leave word with the Recorder of
the School of Education, Room 1437
U. E. S., at once.
C. 0. Davis, Secretary
The Summer Session Play Reading
Group of faculty women will meet
promptly at 2:15 today in the Alum-
nae Room of the Michigan League
Building. Mrs. Lowell Carr will be
in charge of the play. Wives of non-
resident faculty members of the
Summer Session are cordially in-
Michigan Repertory Players: Open-
ing Wednesday night at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre is W. Somer-
set Maugham's modern comedy THE
CIRCLE. The production will run
through Saturday night. Tickets may
now be reserved for any performance.
The box office is open from 9:30
a. m. to 12 and from 1:15 p. in. to
5 today. The telephone number is
Conference on Education: The
Conference on Education is continu-
ing at the Union with a program at
9:30 and another one at 2. Leaders
in education are discussing the cur-
rent situation at both programs.All
interested are invited to attend.
Education Banquet: The annual
}banquet of those interested in Edu-
cation will be held Wednesday at
6:30 at the Union. Tickets at 75
cents may be secured at 4017 Uni-
versity High School.
University Women: All signing out
slips must be turned in to the un-
dergraduate office by Friday noon.
All Albion College alumni are in-
vited to attend a picnic to be held
on the evening of August 3. The
supper will be a potluck. A later
announcement will appear in regard
to the place. For further informa-
tion call 4010.
Southern Students Club: There
will be a special called meeting of
the Club Wednesday evening, July
26th, at 7:00 at the flagpole to make
final arrangements for the picnic
next Monday. 'All members are urged
to be present.
D. L. Smith, President
COLUMBUS, 0., July 24.-(P&--
The man who robbed Eugene Cody
of $30 couldn't let him go home
Cody said that the robber stopped
him as he walked toward home
shortly after the holdup.
"How much money you got?" he
"None now," Cody replied.
"Well," the robber said, "I never
let a man go broke. Here's $2."
NEW YORK, July 24.-(/P)-Joseph
Nicosia, who tried the Conservation
Corps and quit because he couldn't
see any big future in it, now has a
new idea. He's lying in a hammock
and plans to stay there for a month
and a half. Nicosia hopes.or fame
and fortune -which he will take ly-
ing down.
_ 1
Tpat there is a definite need for such funds
annot be doubted. Loan funds already in exist-
rice have proven inadequate. Surveys made by
he American Alumni Council among the more
hian 700 institutions in question demonstrate,
his fact. At MichiganG, where conditions are!
ctually much better than at many universities of
.e size, student loan funds have already been
hausted. The Student Good Will Fund, spon-
oed by The Daily during the past year, was in-
Ututed for the purpose of "supplementing the
unds already in existence.
The late Mr. Rackham, the state's noblest phil-j
athropist, though not a graduate of this insti-
ition, recognized this great need and established
fund for needy students through his will, en-
wing it with $100,000. In doing this he not only
°monstrated his generosity but also gave evidence
his far-sightedness, his understanding of con-
tions. Certainly no other donation which he
uld have made to the University could have
en more wisely allocated.
The advisability of establishing loan funds
tlier than gift "scholarships" was pointed out in
recent editorial of The Daily. At that time it
as explained that less than ten per cent of the
ore than 2,000 loans which have been made
stulents are now in arrears. And this of course
es not mean that they are non-collectable but
ly that, due to economic conditions, they are not
ing repaid at present. Often gifts are looked
on as charitable offerings; loans are considered
their true light, as business contracts. Con-
quently student loans not only enable many
idents to acquire an education who would not
Ierwise be able to do so but. they also aid
the building of character, the proper attitude
ward serious responsibilities.
What is true at Michigan is likewise true at
ber universities and at many colleges. Student
an funds have always had a definite place in
e field of higher e'ducation. There have always
en deserving young men and women who would
ofit by a college education but who would not,
thout outside aid, be able to continue after
itting high school or the first year or two
college. The present democratic make-up ofI
)st universities has come as a result of the trend
ward "education for all." It will never be actually1
ahed however until the student without funds1
s the same opportunities to continue as the1
althier student who is often not so deserving.,
ir present system of loan funds is doing much
bring this about.4
Fifteen million dollars, though a large sum of
ney. would not mean much to any one school
Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of
The Daily. Anonymous communications will be ,dis-
regarded. The names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential upon request. Contribu-
tors are asked to send in only typewritten or legible
articles, using one side of the paper only. Contribu-
tors must be as brief as possible, confining themselves
to not more than 400 words. -The Editors.
To The Editor:
Through all their mass meetings, petition-
circulating, and campaigns against tuition in-
creases and the R. 0. T. C., and the firing of in-
structors and assistants, members of the local
chapter of the National Student League have in-
sisted on one thing when closely pressed for an
answer-that they are not a Communist organiza-
tion, have no affiliation with the Soviet, and are
representative of student opinion and so cannot
be classed as "agitators," or, more kindly, "or-
It appears, however, that these statements are
by no means truthful, for Frederick B. Robinson,
president of New York City College, writing in the
Detroit Sunday Times "March of Events" section,
has this to say:
" . .but by the National Student League,
an adult-directed propaganda organization, head-
quartere'd in New York City, which announces that
its "inspiring guide" is the Soviet Union
Clark Gable and Jean Harlow, appearing in
roles comparable to the ones afforded them in
"Red Dust," have in "Hold Your Man" perhaps
the best opportaunity yet provided for portraying
the type of personalities which they here repre-
sent. Due to the fact that her part- was created
especially for her and that it is the only one
character portrayal of which she is capable, Miss
Harlow here demonstrates her position in the
screen world.
As Ruby, the young not-too-refined woman who
falls in love with a smooth, easy-going confidence
man, Miss Harlow is quite adequate. The part is
hers. The lines provided in the script by the hu-
morist Anita Loos are . hers. The confines of a
reformatory, with its loose talk, disregarded dis-
cipline, and spinster matrons serve as a perfect
back-drop for her street-girl mannerisms and
swaying walk. As a consequence, we consider her
work in "Hold Your Man" the best of Miss Har-
low's entire career, except perhaps, her perform-
ance in "Hell's Angels."
Gable, as the small-time racketeer, does not
here have the opportunities which are afforded
Miss Harlow. The part is, if anything, beneath
him, since he has long since proven that he can
act when given the opportunity (witness "The.
White Sister"). Nevertheless Gable gives a lot
to this role which would certainly not have come
from a lesser light. There are a few shots requir-
ing the best which Gable can offer and not once
does he let down his producers.
The story doesn't amount to a great deal. It is
too typical of its many predecessors in which
either a man or a woman (both in this case) goes
a term that signifies first rate
in laundry as in sport
First Rate Quality
First Rate Economy
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Each Handkerchief ......c Extra
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Through this offer we are able to make a possible
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placement and mending is done free of charge.
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