of the Summer Session
1 r,.,.y
creating among leading figures of the state by
openly associating with such a man as the above-
described attorney. Democratic leaders, state offi-
cials, and others have attempted to aid the gov-
ernor by moving to break up this unsatisfactory
connection with a man who has started gossiping
tongues to wagging.
Unless Mr. Comstock proceeds to follow the
warnings of his friends he will soon find that he
is politically doomed in the State of Michigan. He
has had ample opportunity to make up for his
grievous error in consorting with such a man in
the first place, but if he doesn't take a step
backward very soon it will be too late.
Already the Legislature, composed of many men
froi his own party, has expressed an opinion
upon this matter and now it is time for Mr. Com-
stock to do soniething about it.
qI 1 .. .NMwto~Or a
VPublished every morning except Monday during the
Vpiversity year and Summer Session by the Board in'
Control of Student Publications.
Sember of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
Tae Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use.
.fr republication of all news dispatches creditedto it or
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as.
second classm atter.Special rate of postage granted by
Thirxd Assistant Postmaster-General.-
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
.mail, $4.50.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann. Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214.
epresentatives: College Publications Representatives,
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Phone: 4925
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: John C. Healey, Powers Moulton
and E. Jerome Pettit.,
REPORTERS: Edgar H. Eckert, Thomas H. Kleene, Bruce
Manley, Diana Powers Moulton, Sally Place.
.Office Hours; 9-12, 1-5
Phone: 2-1214
FRIDAY; JULY 21, 1933
'Father' Iden
Is Gone..
N OT MANY .of the students now at-
tending the University have occa-
sion to remember the late "Father" Iden. But
there are thousands of Michigan graduates scat-
tered about the world who will long remember,
him as head of the "Upper Room" Bible class.
Coming to Ann Arbor in 1913, "Father" Iden
became head of the Bible Chair, under auspices of
the United Christian Missionary society.r He then'
proceeded to devote all his time to religious teach-
ings. He organized a Bible Class among the stu-
dents here comparable to the one he founded at
his alma mater, Butler College, in 1887.
At the same time that he was carrying on his.
activities among the students he also edited the.
"Upper Room Bulletin" and conducted a Bible
class in an Ann Arbor church. He never married
He devoted his entire lifetime to the one supreme
purpose of furthering the instruction of religion.
It was very fitting that, in appreciation of his
work here, he was sent, in 1924, on a world tour
in order that he might visit his many former
"pupils" who were then scattered in far-away
places about the globe. The fund which enabled
him to make this trip came from contributions
made by Bible students here.
"Father' Iden has delivered his last address to
students. No longer will they gather in the "Upper
4oom" of Lane Hall to. listen to his teachings.
But thousands will always remember him for the
great good which he accomplished here and the
University and its students will forever be in-
debted to the man who devoted his life to a pur-
pose which he considered the most beneficial on
The Theatre
(Author of "The Servant of Two Mas-
ters" which the Repertory Players are
playing this week).
Voltaire, who thought very highly of Goldoni,
called him "the Italian Moliere." In the sense
that he is his country's greatest literary figure
this is true. It is also more accurate than such
wide comParisons generally are. Goldoni, while u-
perior in imagination, in spontaneity, deals with
the more superficial aspects of humanity. Mo-
liere, on the contrary, probes deep into the 'hu-
man soul, and has greater elegance of form. In
return Goldoni is more genial and kindly in his
judgments, and, while lacking none of Moliere's
keenness of observation, is devoid of his bitter sat-
ire. But Moliere lived in an age when his coun-
try was passing through a glorious epoch of na-
tional history. Goldoni, in the century. after Mo-
liere, lived in the darkest period of political de-
gradation that Italy has ever known.
Goldoni's first aim was to bring to the Italian
stage people and situations that were true. He
wrote his plays to be acted without the traditional
masks of the commedia dell' arte type of drama.
This fact made his early efforts rather unappre-
eiated by his native Venetians. It was in a fit of
discouragement at the reception of his plays that
he left Italy for the position of playwright of
the Italian Comedy Company in Paris.
He never wrote a play that was not suited to
the actors who were going to play it. He studied
the players, and knew them intimately both as
to their mental and physical makeups.
"My heroes," he said, "were men and not demi-
gods. Their passions had the degree of elevation
suitable to their rank, but they appeared with the
properties of human nature with which we are
acquainted, and their virtues and voices were not
carried to an imaginary excess. This is precisely
what was requisite to bring back to reason a
public accustomed to hyperboles, antithesis, and
everything ridiculously gigantic and romantic."
This quotation, written late in life, in his "Mem-
oires," explains his revolt against the old time
"The Servant of Two Masters," like many
other Goldoni plays, was written at the request of
an actor. In this case it was Sacchi, the famous
comedian, who even suggested the plot to him.
Goldoni was not ashamed to admit that many
of his works were written for the love of money.
"I never thought of composing any form from
taste or choice, and I never labored on them from
motives of complaisance or interest. When we are
possessed of talents, we must turn them to some
account; a history painter will not refuse to draw
a baboon, if he is well paid for it." For all his
commercial attitude, he enjoyed his position in
France where he had a comfortable pension from'
the Court.
Screen Reflections
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very,
good;, two stars good; one star just another picture;:
Ino stars keep -away from it.
Entirely in technicolor, "The Mystery of the
Wax Museum" is a bit harder on the eyes than
the usual type of picture. But, if you can sit
through it-and it really is a beautiful bit of
photography-you will certainly enjoy the effects
which can be obtained by coloring up a mystery
Glenda Farrell plays the .part of 'a newspaper
reporter who, braver than the average woman,
steals into the wax museum to clear up one of
the wierdest mysteries to be conceived by a scen-
ario writer for some time. Miss Farrell is a fine
little actress and this picture well proves it. She
has a perfect knack for portraying the clever,
self-contained, ambitious type of young lady with-
out making you sick of it all in the first reel.
In fact she makes you like it. And that is say-
ing a great deal. Of course Fay Wray is in the
picture too but has little to do besides look pretty
and scream now and then-and we suspect that
the screams come from a double.I
apparently. She does quite well as "Blondie" in
this film of the gang world.
The story is one of the most far-fetched we
have had occasion to witness for some time. It
concerns the activities of the young moll who
worked up to the leadership of the largest gang in
Chicago (a real tough spot for any girlie, if what
we've heard about it is true.) Chester Morris hasa
a role which, recently, has become r'ather typical
for him. As the hard-boiled gangster (you know,
cigarette in the corner of the mouth all the time
and that sort of thing) he seconds Miss Blon-
dell's actions very well.
But the sequence is almost too much for us and
if it were not for the fact that the whole thing
is obviously farcical we would not have cared to
see it through. As things turn out however, the
picture has a few nice points.
HOLLYWOOD--To scores of Hollywood come-
dians, Mickey Mouse-no matter what his public
may think of him-is a villain, a scoundrel, a
wolf in disguise, an evil-does-a rats-cal!
And all because Mickey Mouse practically has
ruined the once thriving business known as slap-
stick comedy. He is the best slap-stick comedian
in the world and no one in Hollywood can equal
Beaten At Their Gamn.
All this from Edgar Kennedy, who says Mickey
Mouse is the reason human comedians are growing,
old and gray with worry. They can't keep up with
him, they can't imitate him-in fact, they can't
do anything successfully that even resembles good
old slapstick comedy because Mickey has moved
into and is completely dominating that once fertile
The situation, says Kennedy, who stars in and
directs two-reel comedies for R. K. 0., is indeed a
serious one. It is so serious that it is revolutioniz-
ing the two-reel metier.
"Once it was funny when a character was shown
jumping uphill or running rapidly backward
(which was accomplished by camera trickery), but
Mickey can jump so far and run so fast in any
direction that a human comic hasn't a look-in
any more," said Kennedy regretfully.
"The chase was always good for the finish,
but it isn't any longer because Mickey can run
faster and farther and be chased by a Digger.
angrier mob than any of us.
Comedies Changing
"Those who manufacture short comedies have
had to devise new means of being funny. These
consist chiefly of inventing situations which are
plausible and in which fairly plausible things are
said and done. The secret of the dear, departed
slapstick comedy, so popular a few years ago, was
that it went completely outside the realm of pos-
Excursion No. 8: Schools of the
Cranbrook Foundation, Bloomfield
Hills, Saturday morning, July 22-
Round trip bus fare $1.35. Buses
leave at 7:45 a. in. from in front
of Angell Hall, and will return to
Ann Arbor soon after noon. The
schools, erected through the Cran-
brook Foundation, are considered the
finest private schools in the Middle
West. Assistant Head Master C. J.
Keppel will personally conduct the
party through, the buildings and will
explain the educational methods used
in the schools. Reservations should
be made by 5 p. m. Friday, July 21,
in Room 9, University Hall.
Wesley H. Maurer
Excursion No. 9: Greenfield Village
(Second Trip) - Wednesday After-
noon, July 26-Scheduled for stu-
dents and citizens who were unable
to go on the tour, July '19. Buses
leave from in front of Angell Hall
at 1 p. m. Party returns to Ann Ar-
bor by 5:45 p. m. Nominal entrance
fee of 25 cents will be charged at
the village. Round trip bus fara $1.
Reservations must be made by 5
p. m., Tuesday, July .25, in Room 9,
University Hall. Wesley H. Maurer
Graduate School: Students en-
rolled in the Graduate School will
not be permitted .to drop courses aft-
er Saturday, July 22. A course .is
not. officially dropped until it is re-
ported in the office of the Graduate
School, 1014 Angell Hall.
Students who have changed their'
election.isince submitting election
cards should call this week at the
office of the Graduate School. This
involves the dropping and adding of
courses, the substitution of one
course for another, as well as the
change of instructors.
G. Carl Huber
Excursion No . 10: Put-in-Bay,
Lake Erie-Thursday, July 27. Under
direction of Laurence Gould, profes-
sor of geology and renowned antarc-
tic explorer. Chartered buses leave
from in front of Natural Science
,Building at 7 a. m. Steamer leaves
Detroit dock at 9 o'clock, arrives at.
Island at 12:30 p. m. Tours under
guidance of Professor Gould. Steamer
leaves Island at 4:15 p. in. and ar-
rives in Detroit at 8:15 p. m. Await-
ing buses will return party' to Ann
Arbor by 10:30 o'clock. Bus fare,
round trip, $1.50. Steamer fare, 75
cents. If party consists of more than
100. a rebate of 20 cents will be
made, thus bringing the net fare to
55 cents. Total expenses under $5.
Make reservations by purchasing bus
and steamer tickets before p. M.
Wednesday, July 26, in Room No.. 9,
University Hall. Wesley H. Maurer
School of Education Students:
Please note the following announce-
ment which has previously appeared
incorrectly in the D. 0. B.: Permis-
sion to drop courses without "E"
(not "C" as previously printed)
grades will not be given after July
22. No course is considered officially
dropped unless it has been reported
in the Recorder's Office, Room 1431,
University Elementary School.
C. O. Davis, Secretary
University High School Demonstra-
tion Assembly: The third demon-
stration assembly of the University,
High School Summer Session will
be presented this morning at eleven
o'clock in the high school auditor-
ium. The program will be given by
classes in the science and fine arts
departments. The pupils of the sci-
ence class will show the development
of astronomy from astrology. In the
part of the program entitled "Tab-
leaux Vivants" the fine arts classes
will show examples of the various
schools of art. Introductions will ac-
company each "living picture." All
Summer Session students who are
interested are cordially invite dto
attend the assembly.
An Illustrated Lecture on Munici-
pal Housing in Vienna will be given'
by Dr. F. S. Onderdonk at 5 p. m.
this afternoon in Natural Science
Auditorium, for the Socialist Club
Public Lecture Series.
Latin 216 and 215: Will the mem-
bers of these courses please consult
the Bulletin Board in Graduate
Reading Room 1 as soon as possible.
The information asked for in that
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30;
11;30 a. in.Saturday.
:ulletin shouw
the end of th
at the latest.
The Cosmopolitan club is invited
by Dr. and Mrs. Fisher to a tea-party
today at 4 p. m., at their
house, 1430 Cambridge road. The
meeting is arranged to bring the
students from other campuses into
contact with the students here and
also the foreign students with the
native students who are only here
for the summer. Both members and
non-members are invited.
B. S. Samra, President
Cosmopolitan Club
Michigan 'Repertory Players: "The
Servant of Two Masters," the fa-
mous Italian comedy of Carlo Gold-
oni, will be presented tonight at the
Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. The
theatre box-office will be open from
9:30 to 12 and from 1 to 9 today.
The telephone number is 6300.
Business and Professional Women's
Club Picnic: The Ann Arbor Busi-
ness and Professional Women's Club
extends an invitation to all out-of-
town club members in the Summer
Session who might enjoy attending
the club picnic to be held Saturday,
July 22, at Mrs. Peel's cottage, Win-
ans Lake. Supper will be 40 cents.
Meet at the north door of the Mich-
igan League at 3 p. m. for transpor-
tation. Please make reservations not
later than Friday noon calling tele-
phone number 9861.
Women, Students: There will be
a swimming party today at the In-
tramural pool, followed by a supper
at the Women's Athletic Building. A
small fee will be charged. Reserva-
tions should be made by calling 4121
Extension 721, before Friday noon.
The party will leave Barbour Gym-
nasium at 5:30 p. m.
A mid-summer showing of etchings,
pencil renderings, ceramic sculpture
and water colors by students and
young alumni will commence Sunday
at 3:30 p. m. at the Student Art
Exchange in the League.
In addition to this showing of new
work, there will be a One Dollar
Show in which a wall of. the 'Ex-
change' is devoted to a collection of
wood-cuts, water colors, etchings etc.,
to be sold for one dollar each. Fac-
ulty and students are cordially in-
Editorial Comment
Radio and television promise to give birth in
the not far distant future not only to phenomenal
advances in communication, but to some of the
most perplexing problems with which society has
been compelled to deal.
With the development of the radio to its pres-
ent perfection and the recent invention of the
"iconoscope" by Dr. Zworykin, the mechanical dif-
ficulties have at last been sufficiently well over-
come that the problem now is not whether we
shall have television, but What we are going to do
with it.
The implications of this new adjunct to radio
are so extensive that one hesitates to speculate
as to their exact nature. Not only has this mir-
acle of electricity supplied us with sound which
reaches us instantly from almost any part of the
globe, but now it does the same with sight. Speedy
capture of criminals looms as an immediate bene-
fit; in combination with newspapers, news cover-
age and dissemination are promised on a scale
never before dreamed. It is difficult to see the
limit of benefactions promised.
But as in every new discovery, difficulties, not
the least of which is the question of control, are
seen to mount. At present the public's chief in-
terest in radio its in its entertainment. Yet even
today with the supply of licenses limited, the air
is flooded with programs best forgotten.
Government owned and operated stations have
been suggested and have .been fought by private
enterprise on the basis that the public demands
greater variety than the government could supply.
The argument can, of course, be met with the
thought that the public would probably be even
better satisfied with fewer stations and improved
Be that as it may, the problem will not have
to be met today or even tomorrow. But it is one
whose complexities are constantly mounting and,
which must be met eventually.T
-The Daily Iowan.
nn Arbor's
ew Buses.
AFTER a number of weeks without
local buses, Ann Arbor will welcome
iew service in the city next Monday. On that
v a fleet of new machines will provide trans-
tation for students and townspeople.
n the 'good old days"-'-when students drove
ir own automobiles-the bus situation was not
much significance on the campus. But now that
is the only practical means of getting from
nt to point in the city, students will welcome
return of bus service.
t is to be hoped that the new concern will
sper. Without any- type of service 'whatsoever
students are the great losers in Ann Arbor.
ey are the ones to benefit from a speedy, con-
ient, comfortable means of getting to and from
campus. The news service is supposed to
vide this type of transportation. It is up to the
:ent population to lend full support in making
undertaking a complete success so that a repe-
on of the recent difficulties will not occur.
wvernor Comstock
. -..
i' "
' y ','.
a . ..'',,
s. b
Wfe are offering you subscrip-
tiOns for the remainder of the
Summer Session at a special
rate of-
This is the price for a copy de-
lered to your residence each
Law Session
Students.. .
w . ....
C RITICISMS of Governor Com-
stock's disregard for the advice of
nds in his recent need seem to be well-founded.
i'rst it appeared that the executive had merely
le a grave mistake which would be righted as
i as he discovered his error. But now that he
refused to listen to the advice of well-wishers'
> have only the welfare of the state and the
ernor himself in mind it is time to wonder if'
has not perhaps carried this thing too far.
e openly aligned himself with a man whose'
itation is extremely distasteful to the people
[ichigan. The out-of-state character concerned
a background that is very questionable and he
hermore has openly professed connections
As a mystery story however, the film is quite
novel. Though it has the usual attributes of such
a story it also contains just the proper amount of
awesome crudity, the perfect dose of intensity.
And at the climactic moient, when the young-
sters in the balcony are applauding with glee the
timely arrival of the police and the breaking down
of that last door which hid the innermost depths
of the museum from the eyes of the world, as
the girl let out one last spine-chilling scream, our
neighbor-critic poked us in the ribs. "Ah," he
said, "the troops from Fort Dodge."
Well, maybe we do like the sensational a bit or
perhaps "The Mystery of the Wax Museum" did
take us back to the blood-and-thunder days of
the movies, but we still liked the picture very,
much. There is some excellent mask-work and
some fine photography contained therein, as well
as the fine acting of Glenda Farrell and the sup-
Coupled with renewed statements from Wash-
ington concerning the federal government's deter-
mination .to put an end to racketeering, news
comes from Hollywood this week that steps are
being taken to organize an extensive movieland
"Scotland Yard" in self protection against the
depredations of kidnapers.
Joseph W. Reilly, chief of police of the Fox
Film corporation is said to be the sponsor of the
plan by which the major studios would combine to
form a $100,000 fund for the organization of a
far-reaching secret police system. Meanwhile or-
ders were said to have been issued by municipal
police to shoot to kill in dealing with kidnapers.
Al this is exciting reading, but it reveals a sadly
inadequate system of law enforcement. Perhaps
kidnapers are an especially difficult tribe with
which to deal. Considering their contempt for the
law and the police, it is certain that they are too
unruly for the present enforcement agencies.
The hlst statement from AttorneyGeneral Cum-
The Michigan Daily
mtudent PublicationsBuilding