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July 21, 1933 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1933-07-21

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The Weather
ostly cloudy Friday follow-
y scattered showers and not
arm. Saturday fair.

<Y G-

Sftr igan


"Father" Iden Is Gone; Ann
Arbor's New Buses; -. Governor
Comstock Is Slipping.

Official Publication Of The Summer Session

VOL. XIV No. 22



a N I U -


Post Crashes
'Winnie Mae;'
Can Continue
If Plane Is Ready To Go
On This'Morning Flier
Can Still Break Mark
Rush Repair Parts
To Alaskan Village
Bad Wind Which Bounced
Ship On Landing Was
Cause Of Crash
FLAT, Alaska, July 21.-(A)-
Wiley Post, globe girdling flier,
crashed his plane on the Flat
Airport Field at 3:30 p. m. Fair-
banks time (8:30 p. m. E.S.T.)
today, but he escaped injury. Ex-
tremely. nervous, he had been
"lost" for seven :hours over
Alaska, he said.
Within a short time, communi-
cation was established with Fair-
banks, and arrangements made
for a plane to rush repair parts
here. It was believed that the
Winnie Mae might be ready for *
the air again Friday morning. If
he. did that he still would have
an excelent chance to break the
Post-Gatty record to New York.
Flat Is a small settlement on
the Iditarod River, 150 miles
south of Nulato.
After circling the field several Y
times, Post put his fast plane,.
the Winne Mae, down in an east
wind, which bounced the ship
three times. Then it was nosed
over. The propellor was bent,
and the landing gear damaged.
NOME, Alaska, July 20.-()-
Wiley Post flew back to the North
American continent today on his
solo round-the-world flight, and
pofrited his bullet-shaped monoplane
for Fairbanks, 500 miles inland, after
a hazardous crossing of the Bering
Sea:from Siberia.
In passing over Nome at 7:30 a. m.
(1:30 p. n. Eastern Standard Time),
he was 30 hours and 29 minutes
ahead of the time established in 1931
when he and Harold Gatty circled
the globe in eight days, 15 hours and
51 minutes, His elapsed time since
the take-off at New York was 130
hours and 20 minutes.
Post passed over Ruby, about 200
miles west of Fairbanks, at 4:30 p. in.,
Eastern Standard Time, the United
States Army Signal Corps Office at
Seattle was advised today.
Ruby is slightly south of a dcir ,t
course from dNome to Fairbanks.
Fliers- believed thlat Post was folow-
ir, the Yukon river as a guide.
From Fairbanks he planned to t}op
1,450 miles to Edmonton, Alberta,
and then make a flight of 2,000 miles
to New York to complete the 15,400
mile globe-circling journey. Post con-
quered fog and rain on the perilous
jump across the Bering Sea after
leeving Khabarovsk, Siberia, at 9:58
p. m. Eastern Standard Time Wed-
He flashed over Nome 16 hours'and
32 minutes later. On the flight two
years ago Post and Gatty flew from
Khabarovsk to Solomon Beach, near
Nome, in 16 aid three-quarters hours
and continued to Fairbanks after r
Western Alaska wireless stations
of the Army Signal Corps sent out
continuous directional signals to
direct the aviator from Siberia.

Post flew through low-hanging
clouds and fog that, have been de-
laying the take-off from Anadyr, Si-
beria, of his American rival, Jimmie
Mattern, in a Soviet plane sent to
carry him to Nome. Mattern crashed
his own plane in a forced fai.ding
after, taking off from Khabarovsk fer
Alaska last month.
Dr. Onderdonk
To Lecture On
Vienna Slums
An illustrated lecture on "How
Vienna Eliminated Her Slums," pic-
turing the municipal housing proj-
ects of that socialist city, will be
given by Dr. F. S. Onderdonk of the
College of Architecture at 5 p. m.
today in Natural Science Auditorium.
This is to be the second of the So-

Larry' Gould To Lead Another
Student Expedition Next Week

For the second time this season
University students are to have the
opportunity to engage on a tour of
exploration under the leadership of
Prof,. Laurence M. (Larry) Gould,
famous polar explorer and second in
command of the Byrd Antarctic Ex-
pedition in 1928.
Professor Gould, teaching in the
geology department here this sum-
mer, will conduct a party of students
to Put-in-Bay Island in Lake Erie,
July 27, when the tenth Summer Ses-
sion Excursion, plans for which were
announced yesterday, takes place.
The first tour under Professor
Gouldrthis summer was a trip to
Niagara Falls, July 15 and 16, when a
group accompanied the explorer on a,
two-day series of geological excur-,
sions at the Falls.
The Put-in-Bay trip, which will
be made by bus from Ann Arbor to
Detroit and by steamer through the
Detroit River and Lake Erie, will
begin ,here at 7 a. m. Thursday. The
island, which is historic in connec-

tion with the Battle of Lake Erie in
the War of 1812, is also noteworthy
from a geological standpoint, being
undermined with numerous lime-
stone caves.
Reservations for the trip must be
made before 5 p. m. Wednesday, July
26, according to Prof. Wesley H.
Maurer, director of the excursion
Two other tours on the excursions
programs are scheduled before the
Put-in-Bay trip. Saturday morning
a group of students will go by bus
to Bloomfield Hills to see the Schools
of the Cranbrook Foundation, and
July 26 a party will make a second
tour' of Ford's Greenfield Village, at
The trip through the Cranbrook
schools will be personally conducted
by C. J. Keppel, assistant headmast-
er. The schools are considered out-
standing among the private schools
of the Middle West. The Greenfield
Village tour is a repetition of last
Wednesday's excursion.

U. S. Is Given
In Debt Strife
Professor Knudson Says
America's Demand For
Gold Is To Blame
'Feelings Obscure
Real Case At Hand'
Speaker Declares French
Are Especially Bitter
About Moratorium

Wet Victory
Is Conceded
In Tennessee


Early Dry Returns
Overbalanced By
Memphis Precincts


Would Be 19th Of
States To Repeal


Drys Admit They
Small Chance To
Wet Tide

Federal Raids
On Kidnapers
Net 6 Arrests,
National Government To
Take Part Even If No
U. S. Law Is Involved
WASHINGTON, July 20.-(AP)-
The government today substituted
action for verbal blasts against kid-
naping by participating in raids that
resulted in the arrest of six persons
near Madison, Ill.
The six were wanted for question-
ing in connection with the kidnaping
of August Luer, Alton, Ill., banker,
who was freed by his captors after
being held for several days. Attor-
ney-General Cummings said Percy
M. Fitzgerald, arrested yesterday,'
had confessed he took part in Luer's
The part which justice department
agents took in the Madison raids
was evidence that the department
intends to assist in running' down
kidnapers, even if it appears no Fed-
eral law was involved.,
Federal agents lack authority to
prosecute kidnapers unless the vic-
tim is taken across state lines. The
department, however, apparently is
proceeding on ,he theory that there
will be no certainty that persons
have not been carried across state
boundaries until the kidnapers are
Typewriter Stolen From
Office Of Professor Rice
Prof. Warner G. Rice of the Eng-
lish department reported to local
police officert late yesterday that his
office on the second floor of Angell
Hall has been entered and a type-
writer stolen. This is the second
time within a fortnight that a room
in Angell Hall has been looted of
valuable property,.
Two weeks ago the office of Prof.
William H. Worrell of the Semetics
department was robbed and a type-
writer and a clock were stolen.
Oldest Williams College
Alumnus Dies At Home
ONTARIO, Calif., July 20.-(R)-
The oldest alumrkus of Williams
College, Williamstown, Mass., Charles
E. Harwood, 102 years, old, is dead at
him home in Upland.
He was president of the Upland
Lemon Growers Association, which
he founded.

Gov. Comstock
Recall Petitions
H. J. Bowersox, Jackson
Business Man, Said To.
have Given Order
LANSING, July 20.-VP)-Word was
received here today that H. J. Bower-'
sox, said to be a Jackson business
man, had ordered petitions printed
proposing the recall of William A.
As yet administration leaders ap-
peared little perturbed over the re-
port. More than 404,000 signatures
will be necessary to initiate a recall
election. Rumors have been preval-
ent for some time that petitions were
about to be placed in circulation.
0. K. Fjetland, secretary to the
governor, and officials of the Demo-
cratic State organization, claimed
the move is backed by "a few dis-
grunted Democrats who haven't been
able to get everything they wanted,
and Republicans who are anxious to
discredit the administration."
Ivy Williamson Is Still
Walking On Crutches
Ivy Williamson, Wolverine captain
last football season, who played in
every game but who never practiced
during the week because pf an in-
jured leg, still is on crutches.
Williamson suffered an injury be-
fore the start of the season last year,
but played in every game despite the
injury. He was forced to quit basket-
ball despite a rest and this summer
yielded to a surgical operation. He
expects to recover in time to assume
his duties as coach of a high school
team this fall.

The United States has been chief-
ly responsible for a game of eco-
nomic "ring around the rosy" played
by the leading nations which has
prevented any real resolution of the
debt question, in the opinion of Prof.
Charles A. Knudson, who lectured
yesterday afternoon on the special
The war indebtedness, he said, rep-
resents only goods shipped to the
Allied countries during the war, not
gold, and the United States has de-
manded payment in gold rather than
products since imported good would
hurt its own manufacturers. Ger-
many has paid gold to the Allies in
reparations, the Allies have it to the
United States, and the United States
has completed the circle by lending
it back to Germany.
"Feelings displayed on both sides
of the Atlantic have obscured the
real reasons for international prob-
lems," Professor Knudson said. "The
French are especially bitter about
the Hoover Moratorium, claiming-
that they were not properly consult-
ed about it since full debt payment
was made to the United States short-
ly before it was proposed." In post-
poning demands on Germany in re-
turn for a moratorium on what it
owed to the United States, France
lost heavily, he maintained.
"In the spring of 1932 the Allies
took steps which virtually abandoned-
claims on future German payments,"1
he said, "and in return demandede
the same treatment from the UnitedL
States. Refusals from President Hoo-1
ver resulted in England's paying un-
der protest and France's paying
"The United States won't take pro- -
duce in payment, and hasn't much1
cliance of getting anything else,"
Professor Knudson said. "A small1
lump settlement has been talked of."1
In discussing disarmament and
the chances of further territorial wars
in Europe, in the relation of those
problems toward the conflicts be-
tween America and France, he
pointed out that the French army,
instead of being 979,000 strong, has1
a reported fighting strength of 350,-
060 men.' "And whatever peace we
have in Europe," he said, "is attrib-
uted by many to the French army."E
Wilson's principle of the self-de-r
termination of peoples, he said, had
largely missed its idealistic goal and'
resulted in "international ill-feeling
and the establishment of nations
which are economic absurdities." To
map out nation by racial boundaries,
Professor Knudson contended, was'
about as easy as to determine wheth-
er a checker board is all black or
all red.
The territorial impasses which are
likely to precipitate the next war, he
said, are the Polish Corridor and the
check on Italian expansion which
France controls in Africa and its
Slavic allies. The growth of unofl-
cial armies in Germany and increas-
ed tension in all Europe, he said,
make it plain that "armed preser-
vation of the status quo is the only
peace, vicarious though it may be,
to be hoped for in Europe."
By the Associated Press
W L Pct.
New York................ 54 32 .628
Washington..............54 32 .628
Philadelphia.............. 45 42 .517
Chicago.................43 44 .494
Detroit..................43 46 .483
Cleveland' ................43 47 .478
Boston ..................36 50 .419
St. Louis.................34 59 .366
Thursday's Results .
Detroit 1, Washington 0.
Cleveland 3, New York 1.
Philadelphia 6, St. Louis 5 (10 innings).
Boston 5, Chicago 0.
Friday's Games
Detroit at Washington.
Cleveland at New York.
St. Louis at Phiadelphia.
Chicago at Boston.
W L Pt.

New vok-------------------50 35 .5881

NASHVILLE,,Tenn., July 21.-
(RP)-Tennessee today became the
19th state to vote for repeal of
the prohibition amendment in a
sea-saw battle that left repealists
with a scant 10,000 majority
when most of the returns had
been reported and gave the Drys
the satisfaction of the closest
fight of any to date since repeal
voting started.
With 1,892 of the state's pre-
cincts reported, the vote for re-
peal was 120,197 against 110,-
444 for those favoring retention
of the 18th amendment.
The 336 scattered precincts
unreported were not believed to
carry enough votes to carry the
Swinging across tie mountains
from the Republican stronghold
in eastern Tennessee, the pro-
hibitionists jumped into an early
lead which once went as high
as 90,000 votes. Rural precincts
which closed at 4 p. m. Central
Time also helped the dry cause.
The lead looked good after ap-
proximately 100,000 votes had
been counted, but when the cities
started recording, the trend
changed rapidly.
NASHVILLE, Tenn., July 20.-()
-A heavy repeal majority from Shel-
by County (Memphis) put repealists
out in the leal as returns were tab-
ulated by the Associated Press at 8:30
p. m. from today's referendum in
Tennessee on the 18th Amendment.
With 1,437 precincts out of 2,252
reported, the count stood at that
hour: for repeal, 83,103; against re-
peal, 81,213.
The first East Tennessee county to
report complete in today's prohibition
referendum gave 400 votes for repeal
and 1,245 against. It was Unicoi
County, bordering North Carolina.
Voters of Memphis, the largest city
in the State, started off with a rush
and thousands of ballots were placed
in the boxes during the first few
Heavy rains in the eastern portion
of the State kept voters at home
early in the day, but later they were
reported going to the polls in a steady
stream in Knoxville, Chattanooga
and other eastern cities. Nashville
also reported a good vote.
Repealists, noping to make Ten-
nessee the nineteenth state to ratify
the Twenty-first Amendment, were
cheered by a report' given President
Roosevelt in Washington by Post-
master General James A. Farley that
repeal would be a fact by Christmas.
Mr. Farley previously had predict-
ed that Tennessee would vote wet,
and party leaders who urged the
Democrats to support the Roosevelt
program of repeal predicted that
their majority would reach 50,000
votes and possibly go to two to one
or over.
Dry leaders took the opposite view
and said that they were assured of a
sweeping victory.
PORTLAND, Ore., July 20.-)-
Confident that Oregon will vote for
repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment,
anti-prohibitionists concluded their
campaign today. Tomorow the polls
will open for the special election on
repeal of National and State pro-
Prohibition leaders conceded pub-
licly that they had little more than
a "fighting chance." Privately, they
said that if Oregon gives a wet ma-
jority no greater than in the Novem-
ber election they will consider it a
"victory." Last November Oregon re-
pealed the State prohibition enforce-
ment acts by vote of 260,619 to 138,-
Floods, Famine, Rats,
Reds, Cholera-China

NANKING, July 20.-()-Officials

-President Roosevelt tonight
apprcved a general voluntary
code of minimum wages and
shorter working hours for Amer-
ican industry.
Mr. Roosevelt promulgated the
new order after Hugh S. John-
son, industrialrecovery adminis-
trator, had read it over to him
alone in the White House.
CHICAGO, July 20.-(P)-Fol-
lowing thefrenzied trading ses-
sion in which grain prices took
one of the worst hammerings in
history of the exchange, directors
of the board of trade tonight
decided to suspend trading in
grainand provision futures to-
Market Takes,
Worst Tumblek
In Three Yearsf
NEW YORK, July 20.-(P)--Stocks
and commodities went down with a
thud today, awakening echoes of the
violent crashes that occurred threew
or four years ago.E
Selling swamped the New York.
Stock Exchange and the Chicago
Board of Trade. Shares plunged $2
to about $23-distillery and whiskey
issues were again very weak-while
wheat had extreme losses of approxi-
mately 17 cents a bushel and cotton
was spilled for a maximum break of
more than $5 a bale.
The average loss for stocks in a
turnover of 8,122,500 shares was $8.20
a share on the basis of the Associated
Press-Standard Statistics .compositet
embracing 90 issues. This was the
widest crack since June 16, 1930,
when decline was $9.80 a share.
Volume reached a new high since
May 5 of the same year and was notl
far from that day's total of around
Declines were more severe than
Wednesday's, for offerings found
markets thinly supported with buy-
ers' bids and appeared to be in a
highly nervous state of mind. Public
psychology, bankers suggested, had-
undoubtedly been dented badly by,
yesterday's break; furthermore, in,
the case of stocks, at least, the tech-E
nical position seemed very weak1
since the short interest had been re-
duced greatly during the long up-
turn of prices*
Charles Thomas Takes
One More First Place
Charles Thomas recorded his
fourth consecutive intramural vic-
tory of the summer yesterday, tak-
ing first place in the 50-yard free
style event. He has taken firsts in the
last three meets also.
R. Beal captured second in the
freestyle, Alan Smith third, and R.
Levin fourth. The 50-yard breast
stroke for men will be run off at the
Intramural pobl Monday.
Yesterday's results in softball
league are as follows: Chemistry 5,
Educational Research (Faculty) 1;
Superintendents 5, Teachers 2.
Services For
'Father' Id en
Are Tomorrow
Funeral services will be held at 4
p. m. tomorrow afternoon for Dr.
Thomas M. Iden, affectionately
known to Michigan students over a
period of two decades as "FTather"
Iden, who died at 8 a. m. yesterday
at his home here.

Death came, after almost a year of
illness, at the age of 77. A relapse
just a week ago destroyed all confi-
dence in his recovery, although hope
had been held when he rallied
strongly during June.
The services tomorrow will be con-
ducted by Rev. Frederick Cowin, at
the. Church of Christ Disciples. In-
terment will be at Forest Hill Ceme-
tery. Father Iden is survived by a
brother, William Iden, of Chicago;
and two sisters, Mrs. Lona Lacy of
Los Angeles, and Mrs. Mary Calkins
of Ann Arbor. Mrs. Calkins has lived
with her brother for 50 years.
Father Iden's Bible class, known as
the "Upper Room" met regularly
ever Saturday evening in Lane Hall
for 20 years, and countless Michigan
students attended its gatherings. It
was recently, estimated that more
than 10,000 young men had received
instruction from him here.

Employees At
State Given'
Agriculture Board Sets
Cuts As Heavy As 13
Per Cent
Must Make Saving
Of Half A Million
President Shaw Believes
Institution Is Falling
Below Standard
EAST LANSING, July 20.-()-
Salaries of Michigan State College
employees were reduced from 4 to 18
per cent to meet a $500,000 cut in
the budget, it was announced late to-
day by Robert S. Shaw, following a
regular meeting of the State Board of
The scale decided . upon by the
Board is .four per cent on the first
$1,000 of salary and one per cent on
each $500 of salary thereafter.
Salaries were cut a total of $127,000
in effecting the half million reduc-
tion in the college budget. Mainten-
ance was reduced 22.1 per cent, or
$220,000. Unfilled positions account
for a $28,000 .cut and the remainder
will be taken from the labor payroll.
This makes a total salary cut of
from 11 to 25 per cent in the past
year for college employees.
The new budget is $850,000 less
than that of two years ago.
In commenting on the adoption of
the new budget, President Shaw said:
"We have cut the budget just .as
much as possible and still hold the
organization together without turn-
ing employees away. The schedules
have been rather below the average
when compared to other institutions
of our class. It will be necessary to
carryson with a curtailment of activ-
ities of the institution in order to
meet the rest of the amount neces-
sary to balance the budget."
E.. L. Anthony, acting dean of the
agricultural division of the college
and head of the dairy department
was confirmed by the board as dean
of agriculture and will continue 'as
the dairy head.
Wilson Speaks
About Far East
To Conference
George Grafton Wilson, professor
of international law at Harvard Uni-
versity, addressed the delegates to
the Summer Session on Teaching
International Law last night in the
first of a series of eight public lec-
tures. Professor Wilson's topic was
"The Far East."
He stated that the United States
was brought into Eastern affairs to
a greater extent than ever before
with the proposal in 1900 of "the
open door" policy by U. S. Secre-
tary of State Hay ankthe signing
of the Treaty of Portsmouth, which
ended the Russo-Japanese War, in
1904. The speaker then proceeded
to sketch a brief history of the at-
titude of the United States toward
the Far East through the World War,
the Treaty of Versailles, and the
Washington Conference of 1922.
Manchukuo Not Recognized
Because of the American policy
of non-recognition of states acquired
by aggression, Manchukuo, which was
taken by Japan in 1932, has as yet

not been recognized by this country
as an independent nation. Professor
Wilson 'stated that, in, the elvent
that both China and Japan, offi-
cially recognize Manchukuo, the re-
action of the, United States would
be an interesting matter of inter-
national policy.
Professor Wilson then went on to
discuss the problems of the great na-
tions of the Orient. He quoted sta-
tistics to show the difficulty of com-
municating with the rest of the
world in China. Their present rail-
road, telegraph, telephone, and high-
way facilities are far inferior to those
in America. He also brought out the
fact that, because of the extremely
dtfficult productive methods of the
far east, the wheat raised in their
own country is more expensive than
the wheat raised in Nebraska.
"Model Paper Government"
In comparing the governments
employed by the nations of the
Orient, he declared that China has
a nodel government on paper. It is

Cosmopolitan Club
Give Student Tea


All students, and foreign students
in particular, have been tendered a
blanket invitation to attend a tea
to be given at' 4 p. m. today at the
home of Dr. Frederick B. Fisher by
the Cosmopolitan Club.
B. S. Sawra, president of the or-
ganization, last night expressed the
wish that a large number of stu-
dents would accept the invitation.
The club, which has for its pur-
pose the. idterminglin~g of foreign
and American students, annually
plans a series of social functions to
that end.

New Maize And Blue Buses To
Run In Three Ann Arbor Routes

Monday morning will see the bed
ginning of bus service on three routes
through the streets of Ann Arbor,
according to an announcement is-
sued yesterday by the Ann Arbor'
Transportation Co.
Five new buses will commence run-.
ning before working hours Monda#,
giving the city a transportation sys-
tem for the first time in more than
a month. Sewell H. Platt, owner of
the company, announced that the
ndw vehicles will be slightly =- '
than standard passenger-car size, a

designat d as No. 1 and No. 2, will
operate on a 20-minute "headway"
or schedule while the third will oper-
ate on a 30-minute frequency. The
base of operation will be Main and
Washington streets for all loops.
Two buses on the schedule will be
placed in the No. 1 route leaving
Main and Washington at 6 o'clock in
the morning. They will operate on
Main St. to William St., to State
St. to Packard St. to East University
Ave., to Prospect St. to Wells St. to
Baldwin Ave. to Granger Ave to

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