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July 09, 1933 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1933-07-09

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licial Publication of the Summ6r Session

The Theatre

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Published every morning except Monday during the
niversity year and Summer Session by the Board in
'ontrol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
on and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
or republication of all news dispatches credited toit or
ot otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
ublished herein. All rights of republication of special
lispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
econd class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
nail, $4.50.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
nn Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
[c., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; o
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Chicago. NationalAdvertising Service, Inc., 11 West 42nd
it., New York, N. Y.
Phone: 425
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: John C. Healey, Powers Moulton
and E. Jerome Pettit.
REPORTERS: Edgar H. Eckert, Thomas H. Kleene, Bruce
Manley, Diana Powers Moulton, Sally' Place.
Office Hours- 9-12, 1-5
Phone: 2-1214
SUNDAY, JULY 9, 1933
Tuesday's Concert
And Mass Acceptance.
UESDAY of this week marks the
opening of the summer series of
concerts presented by the School of Music. Under
the auspices of this organization, which in the
past has presented the most notable talent the
music world knows, a group of outstanding artists
wil give recitals here during the summer months.
Unlike the, concerts which make up the Choral
Union series and the May Festival programs, the
current presentations are open to the public. Such
a large-scale offering upon such a noble basis
should not go unrewarded. It is to be hoped that
all students and faculty members of the Summer
Session will respond to this excellent oportunity
by attending each of the concerts and offering
their full support to the Music School in making
the series a success.

Author of "The Servant of Two Masters"
to be Produced by the Michigan Repertory
So intimately related are the name of Goldoni
and the term "Italian Theatre" as to be well nigh
synonompus. Before the birth of Carlo Goldoni
in Venice in 1707, and until his hand was felt in
the theatre of the time, Italy's efforts in this di-
rection were far behind those of England, France
and Spain.
In love with plays and players from childhood,
he did not however enter the business of the thea-
tre immediately. His father destined him for a
more noble career, and he studied theology, medi-
cine,law, and government in turn. But upon the
death of his parent, he joined a strolling com-
pany, and settled on his true and life-long career.
Deciding that his talent lay in comedy, he set
about the task of revising the traditional com-
media del' arte type of play. In those plays of his
day, classical and mediaeval models served the
playwrights, masks were worn, and stock char-
acters were always portrayed. The characters,
Pantaleone, Dottore, Brighella, Arlecchino, Co-
lumbina, may be recognized now in puppet shows.
These characters were always dressed in their
typical costumes, and the actors simply impro-
vised, a mere outline forming the plot to work on.
The Italians had become so passionately fond of
these old-time characters that the struggle be-
tween the old comedy and he new was hard, slow,
and long. Elementary and defective as was the
old comedy, it had the advantage of imposing
almost no strain upon the imagination.
Goldoni wrote plays out, word for word, and
though many of the players of the day added
their own particular burlesquings, the play form
definitely imposed a restriction upon them. His
amazing fertility was what really sounded. the
death note of the old comedy. In all, Goldoni
wrote over one hundred and fifty pieces. The
slightest incident often furnished the nucleus of an
entire play. His plays were written partly in Ital-
ian and partly in the Venetian dialect, and at
best deal with the humble classes of Venetian
life. "The Servant of Two Masters," which will be
produced by the Michigan Repertory Players next
week, is one of Goldoni's earliest plays. It has al-
ways been a favorite, and was so greatly admired
by Mozart that he once contemplated turning it
into a comic opera.
After fourteen years as playwright, actor, and
producer in his native city of Venice, he was led
to accept a life place in the court of France. He
worked as playwright for the Italian Theatre in
Paris, and in time became tutor of the daughters
of Louis XV. He was undisturbed by the events
of the French revolution, to which he seemed a
.stranger, until in 1792 his pension of 3,600 francs
was swept away. The following year, just before
the pension was renewed, he died in poverty.

to allow his imagination to follow the obvious
paths of speculation lest the prospects"become too
Probably the most important of the body's
glands is the pituitary, whose apparent duty is to
keep all the other glands working in co-ordination.
Lying safely in a bony case at the base of the
brain, the pituitary manufactures a number of
hormones which control to a remarkable degree
the development and characteristics of "homo
sapiens." Other glands, whose activities are to a
large extent controlled by the pituitary, are the
thyroid and the parathyroids, the adrenals, the
ovaries, and the testes.
Already some of the secretions manufactured by
these glands have been produced chemically in the
laboratory and utilized in experiments to produce
giants and pygmies at will. Although not all the
hormones of the pituitary are known, at least ten
have been positively identified.
Knowledge already at hand points to the time,
probably in the not far distant future, when a
gland expert will be able to direct the development
of children according to the parents' desires, not
only as regards stature and other physical char-
acteristics, but as to temperament and disposition
Perhaps -here the imagination goes on its
own ---it will become necessary some day to set up
a national board to determine standard specifica-
tions to control the develpment of a perfect race.
Well, there have been wilder notions based upon
fewer facts.t-The Daily Iowan.




Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30;
11:30 a. m. Saturday.


Excursion to Niagara Falls: July
15 and 16--The Excursion to Niagara
Falls which was scheduled by bus
for July 7, 8, 9, will instead be con-
lucted July 15 and 16. The party
will leave in a private coach on the
Michigan Central Saturday morning
at 7:05 and will arrive at Niagara
Falls, one block from the hotel, Sat-
urday afternoon at 2:27 Eastern
Satndard Time. Under the direction
of Professor Laurence Gould of the
Department of Geology, the group
will be given the opportunity to view
the falls from the American and
Canadian side and the immediate
vicinity both Saturday afternoon and
Sunday morning. Late Sunday aft-
ernoon the party will leave Niagara
Falls for Buffalo where a private
coach, open at 10:00 will be waiting.
The party will arrive in Ann Arbor
on the Wolverine at 8:35 Monday
morning. The railroad fare willdbe
a special rate of $7.00 and the total
expenses of the trip, including the
fare, should not exceed $15.00. Res-
ervations should be made not later
than 5:00 p. m. Friday night, July
14. It is advised that students make
the reservation as early as possible.
The Milford excursion, scheduled for
July 15, will be postponed until some
later date. Wesley H. Maurer
Excursion No. 5-Ford Plant, River
Rouge, Wednesday afternoon, July
12. ( Repetition of Excursion No. 3).
This second Ford Plant Excursion is
arranged for those students who were
unable to go on the trip July 5. The
nominal bus fare of $1.00 is the only
expense for the trip. The party
meets in front of Angell Hall at 12:45
Wednesday afternoon and arrives in
Ann Arbor at 5:30 p. m. Reservations
must be made before 5:00 Tuesday
July 11, in Room 9, University Hall,
Excursion No. 6-July 15: The ex-
cursion to the General Motors Prov-

ing Ground at Milford scheduled for
July 15 will be postponed until some
later date, probably Wednesday, Au-
gust 2. The trip is being postponed
on account of the change in sched-
ule of the Niagara Falls excursion.
Students interested in the Milford
tour should watch for future an-

appear on the list, should report at
the Recorder's Office immediately.
C. 0. Davis, Secretary
Jewish Students: There will be an
open house of all Jewish students in
the Sumlner Session Monday night
at Hillel Foundation, corner Oakland
Avenue, and East University. Rabbi
Bernard Heller will speak on AIMS

Education E101: The
cational Guidance will
of next week instead of

class in Vo-
meet Friday

Screen Reflections


Dr. William G. Carr, Director of
Research, National Education Asso..
ciation, will speak on "Former Na-
tional Figures ineEducation" Monday1
at 4:10 in Room 1022, University
High School.
History 33s: The class willmeet on
=Monday, 11:00 a. mn. in one of the
class rooms of Hill Auditorium. Pro-
fessor Earle V. Moore, Director of the
School of Music will give an illus-
trated lecture on the music of the
17th century.
R. G. Ramsay
Special Lecture: Professor J. H.
Van Vleck of the University of Wis-
consin will lecture on "Recent De-
velopments in the Theory of Magne-
tism" on Monday, Wednesday and
Friday at 10 o'clock in the West
Physics Laboratory.
School of Education-August Sen-
iors: All students registered in the
School of Education (undergraduate)
who expect to complete the require-
ments for graduation by the end of
the present Summer Session will
please note the tentative list of sen-
iors posted on the bulletin board of
the School of Education in Room
1431, University Elementary School.
Any person expecting a degree from
this School, whose name does not

The Summer Session Play Reading
Group of faculty women will meet
promptly at 2:15 Tuesday afternoon
in the Alumnae Room of the Mich-
igan League Building. Mrs. Robert
Carney will be in charge of the play.
Wives of non-resident faculty mem-
bers of the Summer Session are cor-'
dially invited.
Pi Lambda Theta: All members of
Pi Lambda Theta desiring to attend
the supper meeting at Dr. Katherine
Greene's on Wednesday, July 12, call
Miss Pogue, telephone number
2-1055, by 7:00 p. m., Monday, July
10th, to make reservations. All mem-
bers both of Xi chapter and. all
transfers cordially invited. Miss Lin-
dell will speak on her experiences
abroad in Norway and Sweden.
Women's Education Club: Profes-
sor Thomas Wood Stevens, Guest Di-
rector of the Michigan Repertory
Players, will speak to the members
of the Women's Education Club on
Monday evening, in the Alumnae
Room at the League. His subject will
be "The Theatre of the Year." The
meeting will begin promptly at 7:15
p. m. and will be dismissed at. 8:15
I. m. Plans for future meetings
will be announced.
Men's Education Club: 'Will meet
'Monday night at the Union.
Faculty Concert: Arthur Hackett,
tenor, Palmer Christian, Organist,
Wassily Besekirsky, Violinist, Hanna
Pick, Violincellist, Joseph Brinkman,
Pianist, will give the following pro-
gram Tuesday evening at 8:15 o'clock
in Hill Auditorium, to which the
(Continued on Page 4)

Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.
Frederic March, Paramount star who won the,
1932 prize for the best motion picture performance
of the year in "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," has
the leading role in "The Eagle and the Hawk"
which opened yesterday at the Majestic theatre.
The supporting cast includes Cary Grant, Jack
Oakie, and Carole Lombard. The story concerns
two war-time aviators, connected with the British
forces, who are comrades on the field of action'
but bitter enemies on the ground. March and
Grant play the two character roles about which
the story is woven.
Grant is a hard-boiled soldier who does not
become a pilot because his superior officer, March,
refuses to recommend him. Later, in active serv-
ice in France, Grant becomes observer for March
and the two make an unbeatable combination
at securing valuable pictures for general head-
quarters. But they dislike each other to the extent
of each regarding the other as a coward.
March becomes a hero and wins his medals but
later loses his courage and takes his own life.
Grant, who (you've guessed it) really has admired
March all along, disguises his death in such a
manner that his heroic reputation does not fade
and-the world is made safe for democracy.
The picture contains some excellent shots of
March in emotional scenes, and of course he
handles them acurately and decently. 'Grant
makes a fine runner-up for March and, between
the two, the picture is not only entertaining but
dramatically worth-while.
Oakie plays a typical wise-cracking role and
Carole Lombard has a part that might as well
have been dispensed with entirely, except for the
fact that the films just must have some sort of
love interest, however incongruous. E. J. P.

lk*i III 1 11 iov

A Washington


Yesterday there appeared in these columns an
itorial which remarked upon the recent wide
ceptance of good music. Certainly, if the theory
ere presented has any basis at all, it will be
me out in this instance. For the School of
Isic Faculty concerts in the summer not only
:vide the best in the realm of good music, but
ey also provide an opportunity to attend.
In the past these concerts have been a remark-
le success. There can be no doubt that this
,son will be the sane in that respect as its pre-
cessors. But, inasmuch as Hill Auditorium
its 5,000 persons, there is little reason why
ery person in any way affiliated with the Uni-
sity should not attend. Townspeople, students,
d faculty members alike are welcome. A large
endance means bigger and better programs in
future. If for no other reason than to bear
the truth of yesterday's editorial in The Daily,
ry interested person should be in Hill Audi-
jum Tuesday night.
,n Excursion
Y ESTERDAY afternoon, twenty-
five students, suitcases in hand,
ed out of a bus in which they had intended to
:e a trip to Niagara Falls. Elaborate plans had
n made for this fourth excursion of the Sum-
r Session. Hotel reservations had been made
the falls; one of the nation's leading authori-
on geology had planned trips and talks,
ticipants had made complete arrangements
be out of the city for the week-end. And all
ause of a "default in contract" by a bus com-
iy, the entire excursion was necessarily post-

WASHINGTON - Madam Secretary Frances'
Perkins of the Labor department has contributed
her own novel chapter to all the strange and un-
precedented goings on in and about Washington
officialdom since President Roosevelt took over to
set the pace.
She is, for that matter, an innovation herself
as the first of her sex to attain cabinet honors,
but that honor has not changed her fundament-
al sociological preoccupations-or her ways of
evidencing them.
The thought is prompted by sight of a column-
length letter from Madam Secretary appearing on
the editorial page of a newspaper.
It had to do with progress among the states to-
ward ratification of the child labor amendment
on restrictive state legislation.
Miss Perkins' communication was interesting
enough on its merits. Aside from that, however,
her action came close to being a precedent for
cabinet officers.
Only one or two other cabineteers in the past
decade or so have taken the unusual course, open
to almost anybody, of a letter to an editor. when
governmental publicity machinery was available.
And Miss Perkins' argument that restrictive leg-
islation as to child labor had a legitimate place in
the vast governmental program of economic re-
covery now getting into motion, because of its
automatic effect on what she termed "sweated in-
dustries," perhaps would have justified an attempt
to reach a nationwide audience.
A Storm Center
Madam Secretary Perkins was the first storm-
center of the 30-hour-week bill which died in the
house to make way for the administration's far
broader national recovery act.
At that time and in relation to suggestions she
made in her testimony before a congressional
committee much was printed about the possibility
of a feminine federal industrial czar materializ-

Off The Record
00A S



discovering "cousins." In the last campaign
she classified the President as her fifth cousin.
Recently she met Bronson Cutting, suave, New
York-born senator from New Mexico.
"You know, you're closer to the White House
than I am," said Mrs. Longworth. "You've a
fourth cousin."
And he is.
* * .



I "-



the Last Day



Of Campus Sales .. .
1933 Sunmmer


"Q __ _____ 1


he trip will be made next week. In a com-
able railroad coach, those making the journey
bably will not be sorry that the trip was not
de. by bus. The railroads,, who need all the
ronage they can muster at this time, will be
sed. And yet the University and those who
e made such an effort to plan the excursions
have been grievously wronged.
is generally understood that the company
fault had wrested the contract for the pro-
d trip from another company by offering
'ice at lower rates. Ic is slightly possible that
r original plans had included the "default
contract" in order that they woud not lose
ey and that their competitors would not gain.
D, it is far from an admirable manner in which
onduct a business. And whether or not this
ue the fact remains that harm was done when
company "backed down" on their original
ement with those University officials in charge
ae tours.
erhaps it is time for the Interstate Commerce
emission to pay greater attention to the oper-
as of bus companies. Perhaps it is time for
public to appreciate fully the dependability

FIRST prize for the best nickname hereabouts
goes to the young John Caswells of Cleveland,
New York and Washington.
They have named their young son "Ditto."
* * *
SHORTLY, prognosticators say, "the beautiful
Isabella Greenway"-and she is always "the
beautiful" in the conversation of those who know
her-will be here. She is candidate for the seat
in the house of representatives formerly held by
Budget Director Douglas of Arizona.
If she comes it will bring together two girlhood
chums-Mrs. Greenway and Mrs. Franklin D.
On Mrs. Roosevelt's recent trip west by plane
she stopped at Santa Fe to see Mrs. Greenway,
but she couldn't coax her to go on to Los Angeles
for the evening.
Later, arrived at Los Angeles, Mrs. Roosevelt
found such a pleasant dinner party planned that
she phoned Mrs. Greenway to "come on." Mrs.
Greenway hopped a plane.
The next morning the two were up to catch an
east-bound plane sailing out in the rosy dawn
at four o'clock.
GOLF FANS hereabout maintain that "Charlie"
Michelson, press contact man for the Ameri-
can delegation at the London economic confer-
ence, deserved all of the scare he got on his last
foursome before he sailed.
Michelson has been playing these past several
years 'with A. J. Montgomery of the American
Automobile association. And every time "Monty"
shoots a pretty birdie, "Charlie" is reputed to slice
just as prettily.

That disappeared from the news and editorial
pages with the presentation of the industrial re-
covery-public works bill, backed by its upward
of three billions in government money. Blunt-
speaking General Hugh Johnson was named to
organize and administer the act. A whole corps
of assistants and advisers has now been selected
to aid him.
May Have Big Role
Yet if the Bystander correctly understands
what is involved, Madam Secretary Perkins is to
play a vital part in government acceptance of
industrial codes so far as labor conditions are
concerned. She may find herself in a position to
bring much of her own view as to child labor re-
strictions into effect without benefit of a consti-
tutional amendment or general state legislaion.

The last copies of this summer s Directory are
being offered Monday to those people who were
unable to obtain them last week.
The Student-Faculty Directory carries the names
of all registered students with their Ann Arbor
addresses, phone numbers, home towns, and
the schools in which they are enrolled, as well
as the names and addresses -of the entire sum-
mer faculty.




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