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July 09, 1933 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1933-07-09

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The Weather oo*tTu
Fair Sunday and MondayAte
with moderate temperature. 47 "t tp
Official Publication Of The Summer Session

Esday's Concert And Mass
idance; An Excursion Is



PARIS, July 8.-()-A huge pool
of gold for defense of their curren-
cies was formed today by six chiefs
of central banks of gold countries
who threw down the gage of battle
to the world.
The National Banks of Italy, Bel-
gium, Poland, Holland and Switzer-
land joined the Bank of France in
the formation of this gigantic fund
to maintain their respective coun-
tries on the gold standard.
The agreement for this concerted
action was proclaimed as solely for
self-protection and in nowise direct-
ed against the dollar or the pound.
The fund will be operated as a vig-
orous attack against speculators.
Technical arrangements were
worked out by the gold bloc bankers
at their meeting in the Bank of
France, including a common fund
to maintain their monies at parity.
A Fight Against Time
Experts at the close of the con-
ference frankly recognized that their
battle was a fight against time and
they admitted that if it continued
for several months some of the
weaker countries still on gold prob-
ably would drop out, although the
six conferring nations are sure that
they can hold out. .
It was learned authoritatively that
t-oMe wil ~e'embargo n gold
exportations by the countries in-
It was expected that Germany,
Czechoslavakia and the Free City of
Danzig would join the agreement
The gold situation will be reviewed
at the next meeting of the directors
of the Bank for International Set-
tlements on July 7.
The six countries participating in
the meeting and the agreement hold
40 per cent of the world's supply ofi
gold. Their action was declared to1
be designed to "maintain unhin-
dered the functioning of the goldl
standard in their respective coun-
tries, at present parities."1
Hull Attempts To Keep
Economic Parley Alive
LONDON, July 8.-(P)-Cordell
Hull, American secretary of state,,
sought tonight to rally the forces of
the World Economic Conference,1
sorely divided over the monetary is-t
sue, by issuing a challenge to states-t
manship and pointing to various
major problems which he said the1
nations might yet attack.
In an appeal which was inter-
preted as aimed primarily at regain-
ing the co-operation of France and
other members of the gold bloc, Hull
urged the summoning of "fresh reso-
lution to surmount immediate ob-
stacles" and called for better under-E
standing of opposing viewpoints.
Armed with fresh amplifications ofE
President Roosevelt's policies, re-1
ceived by cable today Hull endeav-
ored to enlist as many nations as
possible in a price-raising programf
on an internationalhscale similar to
that under way in the United States.E
J. H. VanVleck
To Lecture On,

Boxing Gloves Balance
For Scales Of Justice
CRISFIELD, Md., July 8.-()')-
Algie Crippin and Louis White, two
Negroes, were brought before Mag-
istrate Fred N. Holland on a charge
of being drunk and disorderly..
The Magistrate conferred with
Sheriff Luther Laugherty, and they
agreed it would be futile to put the
county to a $30 expense for impris-
oning the Negroes five days, the cus-
tomary penalty.
The county officials then decided
that justice could be satisfied, the
county funds protected and the
argument settled all at one time.
The Negroes were provided with
boxing gloves, a ring marked off on
the water front and the pair told to
fight it out. For more than an hour,
all commercial activity in the neigh-
borhood was stopped while a crowd
watched the fight. Crippen was de-
clared the winner on' points.
Professor Bohr
Ends Series Of
Lectures Here
Prof. Niels Bohr, Nobel prize win-
ner who finished his series of lec-
tures here last week on the funda-
mental concepts of physics, is now on
his way back to Copenhagen; Den-
mark, it was announced yesterday
by members of the physics depart-
Professor Bohr is the most im-
portant theoretical physicist of the
present day and nearly all the' prog-
ress -made in experimental as well as
theoretical physics in the past 15
yearsecan be considered. as adirect
result of his work, authorities said.
He stated before leaving AnntArbor
that it was a great pleasure to him
to have taken part in the Physics
Symposium of which he had already
heard so much from colleagues and
friends who had attended previous
successful sessions.
That this Physics Symposium,
unique in this country, has become
a tradition at Michigan makes the
possibility of success greater each
year, he said. It attracts the inter-
est of scientists throughout the
country and has no doubt an influ-
ence on the forming of theoretical
physicists here. To the advantage
of those who attend these Symposia,
as well as for this University, Prop:
fessor Bohr expressed the hope that
it will be possible to continue the
annual meetings for many summers.

Community Sing
To Be Held On
Campus Today

Varied Programs Will
Offered At Services
Ann Arbor Churches


As an outstanding feature of to-
day's religious services, combined
groups from. Ann Arbor's churches
will meet at 7 p. m. tonight in front.
of the General Library on the cam-
pus for a community sing. A brief
address on "Songs of Progress" will
be delivered by Rev. Frederick B.
Fisher, of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, and 'the Ann -Arbor- negro
baritone, Floyd Anderson, will offer
two solo numbers.
Among the morning services at
local churches, Rev. Ray Allison
Heaps, Congregational minister, will
address the combined Presbyterian
and Congregational groups at 10:45
a. m. at the Presbyterian Church.
His subject will be "What Is Right
with the Church."
"A New Commandment" will be
the theme of a sermon by Rev. Theo-
dore Schmalle, at the Bethlehem
Church, and Rev. Father Allen J.
Babcock will conduct Mass at the
customary hours at St. Thomas
Church, the student chapel being
closed for the summer.
AtCSt. Andrew's Protestant Episco-
pal Church, Rev. Henry Lewis will
deliver the third of his series of talks
on "Things We Tend to Overlook in
Religion." His subject for today will
be "The Place of the Old-Fashioned
in Religion." Today will also mark
the last appearance of the men and
boys' choir until September.
"Maintaining Our Courage" will
be the theme used by Rev. Walton
Cole, of Toledo, when he delivers the
address at the Unitarian Church.
Dr. Fisher, at the First Methodist
Church, will preach upon "Getting
Into Harmony with Oneself" .and
Rev. R. Edward Sayles, at the First
Baptist Church, will initiate a series
upon "Ideas of Christianity."
At 6 p. in., Prof. Howard Y. Mc-
Cluskey of the department of educa-
tional psychology will lead a discus-
sion at Wesley Hall upon "Religion
and' the Problems of Mental Hy-
giene." "The Last Year in Germany"
will, be the subject of a lecture by
Mr. Kendall Wood, at 7:30 p. m. at
the Liberal Student's Club.

Roosevelt Is
Adding Force
To Wet Votes
Three Southern States'
Impending Balloting Is
Cause Of Message
Telegrams Sent As
Reminders Of Aims
President's Message Is
Restatement Of Speech
Made At Convention
WASHINGTON, July 8--(A)-With
three southern states approaching
votes on prohibition repeal, Presi-
dent Roosevelt today put his force
behind the Democratic campaign
pledge to expel the Eighteenth
Amendment from the Constitution.
Pointing out that he had had in-
quiries from Tennessee, Arkansas,
and Kentucky as well as Alabama,
Mr. Roosevelt sent a telegram to
Leon McCord, the Democratic na-
tional committeeman for Alabama,
repeating again his stand on repeal:
"I have made it clear ever since my
nomination a year ago that I sub-
scribe to the Democratic platform
one hundred per cent," it read.
Alabama, Arkansas, and Tennessee
vote this month on repeal.
This is one of the first utterances
of Mr. Roosevelt on prohibition re-
peal since he took the oath of office.
In his acceptance speech at Chicago
a year ago, he said he was whole-
heartedly in favor of the Democratic
platform and would work to see that
it was fulfilled.
Mattern Rescue
Parties To Go
Soviet Government Takes
Immediate Steps To
Reach American Flyer
(By The Associated Press)
Rescue parties seekingsJimmie
Mattern directed their attention to-
day to a point in the Siberian wil-
derness 50 to 80 miles from the tiny
village of Anadyrsk.
A wireless message from Anadyrsk
relayed through the coast guard cut-
ter Northland to San Francisco said
the 28-year-old Texan had crashed
80 miles from ther. Fragmentary
reports received in Moscow indicated
he went down 80 .kilometers (50
miles) from the village.
Irving Friedman, backer of a res-
cue airplane expedition from New
York, informed of Mattern's where-
abouts, said William Alexander, chief
pilot of the expedition, would carry
on into Siberia.
Message Is Confirmed
The Texan who set out alone to fly
around the world and who had been
unreported three weeks, got a mes-
sage through to civilization Friday.
It read:
"Safe at Anadyr, Chukotka, Si-
beria, Gemmy Mattern."
Sent by wireless from the Soviet
station at Anadyrsk, July 5, it was
received in Moscow Friday. The
Soviet government issued a com-
munique confirming the message.
Neither the misspelling of Mat-
tern's first name nor that of Anad-

yrsk created doubt of authenticity.
The Soviet governmenthtook imme-
diate steps to reach the flyer and
care for his needs. Moscow ordered
the officials of four eastern provinces
to check definitely on his where-
abouts and take care of his wants.
By the Associated Press

Michigan Men
Will Swim In
Chicago Meet
National A. A. U. Outdoor
Titles To Be Decided At
World's Fair Event
Cristy, Schmieler
Degener To Enter
Former Captain Will Make
First Appearance For
Detroit Athletic Club
Three star performers of Coach
Matt Mann's Big Ten Championship
swimming team, John Schmieler of
Pittsburgh, 1932 captain, Captain-
elect James Cristy of Ann . Arbor,
brilliant long distance free-styler,
and Richard Degener of Detroit,
champion fancy diver, will compete
in the National A. A. U. outdoor meet
to be held as a sport feature of Chi-
cago's Century of Progress Exposition
next Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Schmieler, who graduated in June,
will be wearing the colors of the D.
A. C. for the first time. He is a prob-
able place-winner in his favorite
event, the 300-yard medley swim.
Cristy, like Degener, will compete un-
attached in two free style races, the
800 and 1600 meter. It is expected
that the lanky Michigan star will
have difficulty in outdistancing three
strong competitors, Wiget, Flanagan,
and Medica, but he will undoubtedly
place high in both events. The third
Michigan man, Degener, is a top-
heavy favorite to win the two div-
ing titles, from the platform and the
10-foot springboard. The blond diver
has won four 'major titles this year,
and two victories at Chicago would
give him a perfect record for the sea-
Both Cristy and Degener were
members of Uncle Sam's Olympic
swimming team at Los Angeles in
1932, and each of them was a point
winner. The former placed third in
the 1500-meter swim behind two Jap-
anese school-boys, while the Detroit
boy also won a third in the spring-
board diving event with two of his
own countrymen ahead of him.
Local Residents Injured
In Whitmore Lake Crash
Seriously injured when the car in
which they were riding yesterday
morning crashed through a guard-
rail on the north approach to the
Whitmore Lake road bridge near the
city limits. Mr. and Mrs. Guy E.
Pratt, residents of Whitmore Lake
and this city, were in St. Joseph's
Hospital last night
Mrs. Pratt suffered a fracture of
the spine and lacerations about the
body. Mr. Pratt, driver of the car, re-
ceived several rib and leg fractures.

Will Study Russia

-Associated Press Photo
Lawrence Steinhardt, newlyap-
pointed minister to Sweden, was
chosen by President Roosevelt to
make an official study of the prob-
lems involved in the recognition of
Soviet Russia.
Directory Sale Ends
On Campus Tomorrow
Students of the Summer Session
will be given a final opportunity
to purchase summer directories in
a campus sale Monday, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Byron C.
Vedder, editor of the 1933 direc-
The directories, which contain
the name, address, and phone
number of each summer school
student and faculty member, will
be on sale at the Union and
League, and at campus bookstores
in addition to various points about
the campus, Vedder said. After
Monday, directories may be pur-
chased at the Student Publica-
tions Building on Maynard Street.
Shute Wins In
Play-Off Held
At St. Andrews
Philadelphia Professional
Defeats Craig Wood To
Take British Open Title
ST. ANDREW, Scotland, July 8.-
(A)-H. Densmore Shute, 28-year-
old American professional from Phil-
adelphia, today captured the British
open golf championship, beating his
countryman, Craig Wood of Deal, N.
J., in an all-American 36-hole play-

First Concert
Of Season To
Come Tuesday
School Of Music Faculty
Trio And Two Soloists
Will Be Featured
Sink Plans Varied
Program Of Music
Christian, Organist, And
Hackett, Singer, Are To
Be Starred Artists
The first of the summer's School of
Music Faculty Concerts, to be pre-
sented at 8:15 p. m. Tuesday in Hill
Auditorium, will see five prominent
musicians featured, two as soloists
and three comprising the School of
Music Faculty Trio, according to
President Charles A. Sink.
The soloists will be Arthur Hackett,
professor of voice, and Palmer Chris-
tian, University organist, while the
trio includes Wassily Besekirsky, vio-
linist; Hanns Pick, violoncellist; and
Joseph Brinkman, pianist.
Professor Hackett, before coming
to the University, had filled New
York and Boston church positions
and has appeared 23 times as soloist
with the Boston Symphony Orches-
tra. He has also sung with the New
York Philharmonic, Philadelphia, De-
troit, Cleveland, St. Louis, Los An-
geles, and San Francisco orchestras.
In addition, his engagements in-
clude appearances at the Ann Arbor,
North Shore, Worcester, Springfield,
Bach, and Lindsborg festivals. Pro-
fessor Hackett made his operatic de-
but in "Rigoletto" at the Grand
Opera of Paris and toured extensively
with Geraldine Farrar when she was
at the height of her career.
Studies in Paris
Professor Christian supplemented
his organ training under Dickinson
with extensive study under Schreck
and Straube of Leipzig and Guilmant
of Paris. He served as organist of
the Fourth Presbyterian Church of
Chicago for an extended period of
time, and was municipal organist at
Denver and concert organist at Grove
Park Inn at Asheville.
On numerous occasions Professor
Christian has been heard as soloist
with the Chicago Symphony Orches-
tra, the Detroit Symphony Orchestra,
as well as the New York. Philhar-
monic, the Philadelphia, and the
Rochester orchestras,
Professor Besekirsky was trained at
the Moscow Observatory, made his
debut in Berlin with the Philhar-
monic Orchestra, was professor of
violin at the Conservatory of Odessa,
and has appeared as soloist with the
New York Philharmonic, the Russian:
Symphony, and 'the Philadelphia
Symphony orchestras.
Graduates From Budapest
The career of Professor Pick in-
cludes graduation with a master's
diploma from the conservatories of
Karlsruhe and Budapest, study under
David Popper, and appearances as
solo cellist with the Philadelphia
Symphony Orchestra, He has also
been a member of the Rhode Island
Trio, and has made extended tours
of Europe, where he played in virt-
ually all the major cities, including
Leipzig, Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich,
I Vienna, Trieste, Amsterdam, Haag,
Zurich, and Geneva.
A number of years ago Professor
Brinkman won first prize in a con-
test for young American musical ar-
tists. He has played frequently with

the Chicago Symphony Orchestra,
and has toured extensively through-
out the United States with Madame
Chemet and in association with Jac-
ques Gordon, Lee Pattison, and
Tuesday Night's Program
Tuesday night's program follows:
Carillon Sortie, Mulet;Benedictus,
Reger; Pastel (Chorale) Op. 92, No.
3, Karg-Elert; Auf dem Kirchhofe,
Brahms; Feldeinsamkeit, Brahms;
Wahrend des Regens, Brahms; Im
Zitternden Mondlicht Wiegen, Haile;
Liebesfeier, Weingartner; Trio in E
flat major, for Violin, 'Cello, and
Piano, Andreae.
Allegro Moderato, Motto Adagio,
Scherzo and Finale.
Government. Refuses To
Ask Bankers To Testify
DETROIT, July 8.-VP)-The Treas-
urv Department of the United

BRIDGE, Mass., July 8.-()P)-In a
record battering competition that
saw Jack Lovelock, one of England's
greatest college milers, run a four:
twelve three-fifths race to break all
competitive mile marks for this his-
toric track, the combined Harvard-
Yale track team today gained its
third consecutive victory over the
Oxford-Cambridge forces in the
eleventh meet waged by the famous
international rivals.

Shute led from the first hole to
the last and defeated Wood by five
strokes with a fine exhibition of all
around shot-making.
The new champion shot the, double
round in 75-74-149, only three
strokes over par for the 36 holes.
Wood's score was 78-76-154.
Wood and Shute finished the reg-
ulation 72 holes yesterday tied at
292 after one of the most exciting
finishes in the history of the tour-
Shute succeeds to the title won
last year by another American, Gene
Sarazen, who failed by only one
stroke to tie the leaders. This is the
tenth successive year the classic tro-
phy of British golf has gone to a
representative of the United States.


Michigan Wins Large Share Of
'Big Ten' Titles In Minor Sports

Faculty And Students Welcome
Nation-Wide Return Of Bicycle

Physics Monday
Prof. J. H. VanVleck, of the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin, will start his
series of lectures in the Physics
Symposium at 10 a. m. tomorrow, in
West Physics Laboratory. The series
will be continued at the same time
on Wednesday and Friday mornings.
The contents of Professor Van
Vleck's lectures will be the recent
developments in the theory of mag-
ri tiwtsr"l ais la l, _ _n .- ,_ _nIT 17i1"

With a nation-wide revival of the
bicycle, University of Michigan stu-
dents and faculty members are
among the first to enthusiastically
welcome it back.
"It's both a practical and econom-
ical sport," said Dean G. Carl Huber
who in the "old days" was in the
habit of doing 100 miles every Sun-
day, "and I'm glad to see it coming
back to Ann Arbor.

transportation problem has been
It started with several sorority
girls who lived too far out to make
coming to classes convenient. One
of the girls found herself at mid-
semester time with several "warn-
ings." She sought out her profes-
"Buy yourself a bicycle," said one
unsympathetic prof. from England, "I
don't know how any of you students
get around without them." The sug-

washington............49 25
New York ...............45 30
Philadelphia...........38 38
Detroit............38 39
Chicago...............38 39
Cleveland...37 42
Boston......31 43
St. Louis..............30 50


Michigan has gathered in far moreI
than its share of Big Ten champion-
ships in football, track, baseball,
swimming-in fact it could forget
championship aspirations in most of
these sports for some years to come
if an agreement were made to rotate
the titles among the rest of the
schools, and still be along way
But Wolverine teams have been
coming along in the newer intercol-
legiate sports as well as in the old.
Swimming is a new sport, of course,
but achievements in this branch
lead those in any other. It may

the third season of competition, Wol-
verine teams lost more games than
they won, but only in those years.
As the consequence of its being in the
black every other season, it now has
piled up a total of 187 games won to
96 lost. It has scored 7,845 points
to 6,258 for opponents, a margin of
nearly 1,600 points or 800 field bask-
ets. On the basis therefore, it has
been three baskets or six points per
game better than -opponents.
In the Big Ten, Michigan holds
third rank in the standings, having
won 109 games and lost 78 for a per-
centage of .583. It won only eight
and lost 24 games during its first

Saturday's Results
Chicago 11s Philadelphia 6.
Washington 6. Cleveland 2.


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