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July 07, 1933 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1933-07-07

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FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1333

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The News Of The World As Illustrated In Associated Press Pictures


Most Perfect Back

Judith Allen, movie actress, was
selected as owner of the "most
perfect back" in a California
health show contest at Los Angeles
in which 100 girls competed.

In preparation for his flight to Greenland with Mrs. Lindbergh,
Colonel Lindbergh made a test flight at North Beach airport, Long
Island, with George Post, they are shown just before they took off.

Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at three
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance-Ilc per reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
10c per reading line for three or more
Telephone rate--- Sc per reading line
for one or two insertions.
14c per reading line for three or more
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
By contract, per line-2 lines daily, one
4 lines E. 0. D.. 2 months.........3c
2 lines daily, college year..........7c
4 lines E. O. D., college year ........7c
100 lines used as desired..........9c
300 lines used as desired.........8c
1.000 lines used as desired........7c
2,000 lines used as desired..........6c
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eight reading lines per inch.
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
6c per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for
bold lace, upper and lower case. Add
10c per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 7% point
Seven Cents a Page
PHONE 241636
Leave Name and Address
Quick Service
HOME COOKING--For Jewish boys.
611 Hoover St. Phone 2-3478. 18c
LAUNDRY-- Soft water. 2-1044.
Towels free; socks darned.
WASHING-And ironing wanted.
Guaranteed satisfactory. Call for
and deliver. 611 Hoover. Phone
2-3478. 17c
-Good soft water; will call for
and deliver. Telephone 4863 12c
RENT A BIKE-Russell Reed. Ray-
ment Radio. Next to Witham's,
South University. Phone 2-1335.
FOR RENT-Double room for rent
single, first floor $2.00. Call Health
Service, Mrs. Groves between 9 and
12 and 2 and 4. 19
Fifty-seven varieties of bananas
are grown in the Philippine Islands.

ommercial fields and in various
)ranches of art.
The problem of training adult il-
iterates was called a difficult one by
)r. Keeler because of the lack of
iethods available, such training de-
elopments having been largely lim-
ed to those for children and per-
ons becoming naturalized. "It was
.a the face of this problem that
rison authorities called on the Uni-
ersity School of Education for ad-
ice and assistance, Dr. Keeler said,
resulting in members of the staff
naking a study of the situation."
The selection of naterial for those
earning to read was one of the im-
-ortant problemswthat the investi-
ators faced, it was explained. "Be-
ginning readers find their interest in
:he reading process motivated by a
growing sense of mastery of the art
f reading and by pleasure derived
om the matter read. However,
ith adults already familiar with the
lnguage the content factor is neg-
ligible compared to the learning rec-
gnition of the word form."
With these considerations in mind
m~aterial was selected for them, usu-
fly consisting of situations familiar
t the readers, and evolving gradual-
lyfrom sentence to paragraph forms,
'Dr. Keeler said.
"In general the men showed great
interest and made good progress in
he work," he continued. "In all cases
they were anxious to do 'home work,'
which meant taking their lessons to
their cells to prepare for the next
meeting of the class."
From this beginning, it was shown
how other divisions of the prison
"chool took up the work begun in the
selection of reading material for
their grades. The purpose of all
these undertakings was said by Dr.
Keeler to be the construction of
rading material of interest and of
alue to the men. "The outcome of
tis experiment should give at least
partial answer to the question,
* hat should the prison school
Coach inmates and how should it be
mght?'" Dr. Keeler concluded.
tudent Art
Exebange To
Rem'ain Open
The Student Art Exchange at the
eague will remain open during the
ummer, it was announced yester-
ay. Painting, sculpture, and crafts
pork of students and young alumni
.re on display.'
Among those exhibiting who have
chieved distinction in various fields
f art are Jonathan Taylor, winner
f the Booth Traveling Fellowship,
and Alexis Lapteff, who had won
>rizes for his ceramics. Taylor has
everal plates which show his keen
bservation for detail, especially his
;tudy of Angell Hall and the Law
3uilding. Lapteff has several of his
:nest pieces, the Sleigh, Dancer and
the Black Panther on exhibit. Terry
Fisk is showing some water-colors,
and Kenneth Hildreth and John


This map shows the proposed route of the squadron of Italian
seaplanes on their 6,100-mile flight from Orbetello, Italy, to Chicago.
After leaving Amsterdam, they stopped at Londonderry, North Ire-
land, and Reykjavik, Iceland; from there they. plan to go to Cart-
wright, Laborador, and from there to Shediac, Montreal and

Gen. Italo Balbo (left), air minister, and Gen. Aldo Pellegrini,
second in command, are the leaders in the mass flight of 24 Italian
seaplanes now en route to Chicago from Orbetello, Italy. Above pic-
ture shows one of the planes rising from the water.

The sole reason for the closing
of two national banks in Detroit
was, in his opinion, "A Plot to Get
Henry Ford," Herbert RL. Wilkin,
general manager of the Guardian-
Detroit Union group, told a grand
jury investigating the Detroit
banking situation.

Menefee Says World's
Fair Is Well Conducted
(Continued from Page 1)
form the completed automobile,
ready for sale. He said that statistics
indicate that 50 per cent of the peo-
ple attending the Fair go to the
General Motors Building.
The Building of States, with a pic-
torial representation and dramatiza-
tion of the history of each of the
states, the Hall of Science, the Sheed
Aquarium, the F!-nci :-useum, the
Midget Village, a complete city, run
by living midgets, and Ripley's "Be-
lieve It or Not" Museum are features
of the Century of Progress, which
should not be missed, he added.
Professor Menefee concluded by
saying that he was very much im-
pressed by the orderliness of the
Fair, and the ideal location of the
To Be He or
Student Women
The department of physical edu-
cation for women has announced a
series of courses planned to instruct
women of the Summer Session in the
various branches of sport. The first
classes will be held Tuesday evening,
July 11.
Lessons in swimming, tennis, tap-
dancing, archery, riding, and bad-
minton will be offered. The swim-
ming class will meet in the Union
pool; the riding class will meet every
Saturday evening at Mullison's
Stables; and the other classes will
meet at the Women's Athletic Build-
ing. All of them will begin at 7.15
p. m. Of especial interest is the fact
that women will be given an oppor-
tunity to swim in the Intramural
Pool from 6 p. m. to 7 p. 9n. every
Any women interested in enrolling
in these classes are asked to register
by Saturday noon in Room 15, Bar-
bour Gymnasium.

U. S. To Study Problems Of
Recognition Of Soviet Russia

United States is going to make an
official study of the problems in-
volved in recognition of Soviet
Today, Lawrence Steinhardt, min-
ister to Sweden, starts to Europe for
that study. The announcement of
his specific mission was made at the
White House. Many held it added
force to arguments that America's
more friendly relations might bring
official recognition of the land of
Just a few nays ago, the Recon-
struction Corporation, quasi-federal
agency, with the President's approval
announced loans of around $4,000,000
to finance the sale of cotton to Rus-
sia. Some months past, Mr. Roose-
velt addressed to Russia, along with
other nations, a plea for peace. It
was the first time in many moons
that there had been such an admis-
sion of Russia's existence.
When Steinhardt begins his sur-
vey, he will find Russian debts and
propaganda activities heading rea-
sons for non-recognition in the past.
After the last czar was overthrown,
the United States extended an $187,-
000,000 credit to the provisional gov-
ernment which took over. That was
repudiated along with around $400,-
000,000 of czarist obligations held by
American citizens. The provisional
government floated an additional
$86,000,000 in bonds which also were
Russia, now, may offer to do some-
thing about these debts. If so, the
Soviet may be granted a place on
the list being drawn by the state de-
partment of other nations which
have asked opportunities to discuss
their debts.
Only those nations which have
recognized their obligations by par-
tial payments are on that list. Some
officials here say that a payment by
Russia would qualify her.
Not in years have there been offi-
cial negotiatoins about the Russian

debts. The more recent administra-
tions have held that the obligations
must be admitted. In fact, since
Charles Evans Hughes was secretary
of state the American attitude has
been that:
1. A settlement must be made.
2. The Soviet must cease spread-
ing propaganda designed to bring
the overthrow of the American gov-
Churches Will Entertain
Summer School Students
Presbyterian and Methodist stu-
dents in the Summer Session will be
entertained at 8 p. m. Friday at Wes-
ley Hall, immediately before the fac-
ulty reception.
The committee in charge, headed
by Helge Hansen and Justin Kline,
plans to present a one-act play by
the Wesley Players in addition to
formally introducing the ministers
of the two churches. Refreshments
will be served.
Further programs planned for
these students include a speech by
Prof. Howard Y. McCluskey on the
subject, "Religion and Mental Hy-
giene," at 6 p. m. Sunday, and a reg-
ular weekly recreation feature, the
first one of which will take place at
5 p. m. Saturday at Portage Lake.
SPARTANBURG, S. C., June 30.--
(R)-H. M. Stackhouse, 94, received
his diploma at Wofford College, here,
this year-72 years after he first en-
tered the school.
For discriminating dancers
Who like the best in dance
Entertainment ...
Island Lake

Cone Talks At
Garden Party
Held At League
Sixty-one members of the Women's
Education Club met at a garden
party Wednesday evening, July 5, in
the garden of the Michigan League
with Miss Ethel Wooden presiding.
George Carroll Cone, professor of
landscape design, talked on gardens.
The speaker emphasized the fact
that the present period of gardening
is characterized by democratic gar-
dens and that there is an immense
variety of plants at the gardener's
disposal due to the close communi-
cation maintained with all parts of
the world. Professor Cone also told
of the need for the study of design
before planning a garden in order
to secure the necessary unity.
Following the speech, the meeting
resolved into a discussion group with
the speaker in charge.
Relics have been placed in the
little brick house where James K.
Polk lived at Columbia, Tenn., be-
fore he became president of the
United States.
fresh lake trout
deep sea scallops
small sirloin steak
fresh white fish
complete dinners



ho wing-pig eon!
That's how pilots on the country's major air
lines fly today. With remarkable regularity,
they bring planes through on time -aided by
Western Electric Radio Telephone which serves as a guiding
hand through darkness, clouds and fog.
By providing thoroughly dependable communication apparatus,
Western Electric has played an important part in the rapid growth
of air transportation. In other fields, too, this company is con-
stantly meeting new sound transmission needs by drawing upon
- n ___ r"_1 u 1


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