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July 07, 1933 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1933-07-07

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Y 7, 1933


_ ..M._ __ ,, _ .. -..--

State Medical Society Shows
That 17 Counties In Michigan
Are Without ASingle Hospital
Editor's Note: This is the fifth of a scries of articles written
for the newspapers of the state by Wesley I1. Maurer of the De-
partment of Journalism concern ng a survey of medical services
and health agencies made by a g-oup of physicians for the Michi-
gan State Medical Society. The committee is comprised of: Wr.
W. H. Marshall, Flint; Dr. F. C. Warnshuis, Grand Rapids; Dr.
L. G. Christian, Lansing; Dr. Bert U. Estabrook, Detroit; Dr. C. S.-
Gorsijne, Battle Creek; and Dr. 1. A. Baker, Pontiac. Dr. Nathan
Sinai, professor of public health at the University, served as direc-
tor for the study.
Seventeen counties in Michigan are without a single registered hos-

Separation Ends Famons Film Romance Of Doug And Mary


Intramural golf
To urnament To'
BeginJuly 11
Final play-off in the all-campus,
Summer Session golf tourament will
start Tuesday, July 11, accordinI to
an anouncement issued yesterday by
the Intramural Department.
Qualifying rounds are now in prog-
ress and will close July 10, the an-
nouncement stated. More than 40
students have entered the tourna-
ment and entries may still be listed
at the club house on the course. Final
play will include one championship
Right to determine the winner of the
annual summer event.
Extensive programs including in-
dividual competition in tennis, hand-
ball, and .swimming, will also be in-
cluded in the summer program of-
fered by the department. A second
baseball series, for members of the
Summer Session faculty, will be
started in the near future to follow
the Education, School series which is
now in progress.
'. t

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Inhabitants in forty counties of the state live outside a radius of twentyI
miles from a hospital.
Michigan has less than half the number of hospital beds for tubercular
patients required for good medical care.
Although one bed to every 179 persons is required, the state has one
bed for every 281 persons for mental and nervous disorders.
These are the facts brought out in a survey made by a committee of
the Michigan State Medical Society, to be submitted to the society in its
annual convention, July 12, at Lansing, which led the committee to con-
clude that "there is need for regional >-----
planning in the location and develop- both governmental and non-govern-
ment of hospitals." ' mental hospitals."
The 233 hospitals in the State of Largely Governmental Function
Michigan, exclusive of the Federal That hospitalization in Michigan
hospitals, provide a total of 42,041 is largely a governmental function is
beds, 21,497 of which are in general clearly shown in the survey. About
and special hospitals, 17,453 of which' 96 per cent .of all the hospital beds
are in hospitals for mental and ncr- for mental and nervous disorders are
vous disorders, and 3,091 of which owned by local, county, or state gov-
are for tubercular patients. ernments, and 83 per cent of the tu-
berculosis hospital beds are govern-
For the state as a whole, the ratio menit-owned. Not only this, but 54
of beds to population is one to every per:cent of the general and special
240 persons, which is better than the hospital beds are owned by the gov-
average for the territory comprising ernmental units. Of the three sour-
25,000,000 persons in Ohio, Indiana, ces of incomes for all hospitals-tax
Wisconsin, Illinois and Michigan, funds, charity and endowments, and
and very near the requirements for receipts from private patients-the
good medical care, one bed to every first far outweighs the others.
216 persons. But the averages hide Data dealing with hospital income
the fact that seventeen counties in and costs per patient day are of lit-
the state are without registered hos- tle value, the committee concludes,
pita facilities. These are: Alger and except to show that there is "pres-
Mackinac in the upper peninsula; sing need for the adoption of some,
Cheboygan, Antrim, Otsego, Mont- standards of accounting by hospital
gomery, Leelanau, Benzie, Kalkaska, administrators." From the reports
Oscoda, Missaukee, Roscommon, Ios- the committee received, it is esti-
co, Lake, Clare, Gladwin, and Mid- mated that the cost per patient day
land in the upper half of the lower is, on the average, $5.35. The aver-
peninsula. Nine counties are really age cost ranges from $5.80 per day
responsible for the low average for for the upper peninsula to $3.43 a
the state as a whole. These are: Del- day in the upper half of the lower
ta, Gogebic, Marquette, Emmet, Cal- peninsula.
houn, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Washte- So great has become the influence
naw and Wayne. The remaining 74 of the hospital, declares the commit-
counties all have more than 250 per- tee in its report, that often the de-
sons for each hospital bed. ciding factor in the location of a
Washtenaw Best Equipped physician is its presence or absence
The figures for counties range all in a community. In a real sense the
the way from one bed for every 48 hospital is a public utility and it is
persons in Washtenaw County, seat apparent that more and more this is
of the University Hospital with 1,280 becoming the attitude of the public.{
beds, and one bed to every 67 per- One of the important questions
sons in. Calhoun County to one bed facing the various medical societiesI
to every 2,740 persons in Sanilac in the. state is concerned with the'
County. This, of course, excludes the operation of the University Hospital.
counties where there are no register- The conclusions of the committee
ed hospitals. pertaining to this problem will be
Nor are the hospitals in the state discussed in the succeeding article
used to their fiull cani1-t a dP~n- iof this series. I
of this series.

Half-Price License Plate
Sale Will Start Aug.

-Associated Press Photo
Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford, for many years regarded as Hollywood's happiest married couple, have reached the endto
of their rom'nance. In a brief statement Miss Pickford aAnounced that a separation and possibly a divorce is contemplated. Here are glimp-
ses of them together and in film roles which contributed to their fame.


LANSING, July 6. - The ' half-
price salefof 1933 license plates will
start August .1, it was announced by
Secretary.,ofd State (Frank {D: Fitz-
gerald following the governor'side-
cision to veto the Raymond 'bil'
which provided for four different li-
cense plate prices, according to time
of purchase.
Defects in the bill in not properly
specifying the times when plates
should be sold at half and at quarter
prices were one of the reasons given
for the veto.

Work Is Under'
Way At Camp
Fili -t Roth
MUNISING, July 16.-(Special)-
Work at Camp Filibert Roth, head-
quarters here of the University of
Michigan field division in forestry, is
well under way now with students
enrolled in three courses of study
under the direction of Prof. Robert
All the students now at the camp
have previously completed two years
of pre-forestry training as prescribed
by the School of Forestry and Con-
servation. Besides Professor Craig,
Prof. L. J. Young and Ralph R. Wil-
son, who graduated from the Univer-
sity this year, comprise the teaching
Those who are enrolled in the be-
ginning course are now doing field
work in the measurement of logs,
trees, and whole stands of timber.
Considerable time is being spent in
forest mapping and gathering infor-
mation for the preparation of forest
working plans.
Work in the forest fire prevention'
course has been going forward also.
Students have been doing field work
in the causes of forest fires and
methods used to prevent them, as
well as the means of detection and
methods of suppressing fires.
. Those working in the forest im-
provements course have been getting
practice in planning and construct-
ing telephone lines, lookout towers,
roads, and trails, and making com-
prehensive improvement plans for
large forest areas which can only be
completed over a period of years.
Work in the identification of native
trees and shrubs is going forward as
The location of the camp in Alger
County, in the Upper Peninsula of
Michigan, makes it possible for the
students to see forestry as carried on
by the Federal government and the
State Conservation Commission. Log-
ging operations are within easy
reach, as are also lumber mills, a
paper mill, and other wood-using in-

Possible Problem
For Clergy Is Seen
By Dr. Walton Cole
Crushed public morale will be the
greatest problem ever faced by lib-
eral clergymen should the Roosevelt
recovery program fail, according to
an opinion expressed by Dr. Walton
Cole, summer pastor of the Unitarian
Church, in an interview. "One fear
of liberal pastors," Dr. Cole said, "is
that changes made by President
Roosevelt will either be not far
reaching or will come too late to be
Dr. Cole stressed the fact that he
greatly admires the President, and
that he feels that the program is a
step in the right direction. However
in his opinion liberal leaders must
be prepared for a reaction against
the present popular liberal senti-
ments in the event that the recovery
plan does not restore the nation to
a state of normalcy. In elaborating
this point Dr. Cole referred to a
statement recently made by Dr. John
Haynes Holmes, noted liberal pastor
of New York, who said:
"It may be the duty of liberal min-
isters to restore the broken public
morale after the failure of the
Roosevelt 'new deal.' "
Brings Repetition Of History
Contrasting the present popular
spirit of liberalism with that which
prevailed during the muck-raking
era which culminated in the famous
Bull Moose campaign of Theodore
Roosevelt in 1912, Dr. Cole said, "a
short time after the real recovery
from a period of economic unrest
such as we have recently been
through history repeats itself and
social reformers settle into the com-
placency of restored prosperity. But
in an era of reform like that of 1912,
which was not produced by abnormal
economic unrest the results are likely
to be of more permanent effect."
College Student Conservative
Placing the responsibility for the
failure of current liberalism to be
permanent in influence squarely at
the door of our educational system,
Cole stated, "Our educational system
has not prepared young people to be
socially minded. From kindergarten
to the university there is no attempt
to arouse interest on the part of stu-
dents in social problems."
Dr. Cole emphasized the fact that
the college student is conservative.
He is not, according to Dr. Cole, the
radical that magazines and news-
papers describe for the benefit of an
imaginative public.

Stone Carver Finds earned 25 cents a weekindthesold
;ountry, learning his trade as a
His Art Appreciated stone carver. He is doing much bet-
ter in this country and newspapers
MARION-Sam Tjalama, native of have brought him business from as
the Netherlands, living near here,far away as Oklahoma.





uacu~~ ~ u I 1 l Uj4jy, eSp1j e
the lack of facilities, the committee
found, which is further evidence of
the gap between the demand for
medical care and the need of it.
The average occupancy rate for gov-
ernment-owned (local, county, and
state) hospitals in 1931 was 67.4 of
their capacity and of non-govern-
ment-owned (private, charity, en-
dowed) hospitals was 60.3 per cent
of their capacity.
This, the committee believes, ex-
plains both the deficits of hospitals
and the high cost of hospital service.
"Hospitals operate," declares the
committee, "under certain fixed costs
designated as 'readiness to serve'
cost. The fixed costs per patient
day decrease as the occupancy rate
increases until a rate of approximate-
ly 80 per cent is reached. Therefore
a hospital with an occupancy rate
appreciably lower than 80 per cent
falls short of a full realization upon
these fixed costs. The only recourse
of the hospital is either to spread the
fixed costs over the smaller number
of patients, thereby balancing the
budget, or to adopt some device for
increasing the number of patients
using the hospital services. The
magnitude of the problem facing the
hospitals may be more fully appre-
ciated when it is realized that the
occupancy rates for counties include

Education Sorority Hold
Initial Summer Meetii


Xi chapter of Pi Lambda Theta,
education sorority, held its organiza-
tion tea Wednesday afternoon in the
library of the elementary school. The
following officers were elected to
head the organization for the cur-
rent season: Gertrude Layton, Ann
Arbor, president; Lewelta Pogue,
Newcastle, Ind., vice-president; Mar-
guerite Hall, Ann Arbor, secretary-
treasurer; Barbara Andrews, Three
Rivers, corresponding secretary.
Plans for a supper meeting to be
held at 6 p. m. on July 12 at Dr.
Katherine Green's residence were
also made. Invitations have been is-
sued to alltmembers, including those
belonging to the Ann Arbor chapter
and transfer members.
Squeaky Motor Cars
Annoy Paris Police
To make Paris, France, "the noise-
less city, at least as noiseless as
possible," the police have prosecuted
no fewer than 8,216 persons within
the last six months.' Of this number
3,956 persons were prosecuted for
having squeaky cars. Exactly 1,188


persons were arrested for honk-
ing their automobile horns too as-
sidously during the daytime, and 1,-
460 at night. For first offenders,
mild fines or a reprimand are the
only punishment but if they persist,
the fines increase in size.
Greek farmers can have their land
plowed by the government at a fixed
charge, per acre.



+: Wines

.:o Food

Sandwiches and Soft Drinks

Spend your afternoons and evenings
in this cool and. refreshing restaurant


Names local and home addresses,
and telephone numbers of "Il1 stu-
dents in the Sujnmer Session.


Names, addresses and telephone
u a .gym a u



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