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August 18, 1933 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1933-08-18

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of the Summer Session



elected president of the American Engineering
Council of the Federated American Engineering
Societies at a time when that position was faced
with problems of unemployment, government re-
organization, elimination of industrial waste, and
other matters equally pressing. Two years later he
resigned as Council President of the Board be-
cause of ill-health. A month after his resignation
he was honored at a Detroit banquet attended by
more than 500 noted engineers from all parts of
the world.
His resignation from the University came five
years later, effective June 30, 1928, after 47 years
in the service of the engineering school.
For a year, 1890-91, he had been president of
Ann Arbor's common council; in 1924 he was
Democratic candidate for United States Senator
U from Michigan. His defeat by Senator Couzens,
the was the most glorious ever accorded a political
In aspirant. Dean Cooley was more famous and be-
- loved throughout the state after that election
than he was before.

every morning except Monday during'
year and Summer Session by the Board
Student Publications.
:f the Western Conference Editorial Assoc
he Big Ten News Service.

he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
'otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
'ished herein. All rights of republication of special
patches are reserved.
ntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
and class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
rd Assistant Postmaster-General.
ubscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
0. During. regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
4,, $4.50.
frrces:Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
a Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214.
*pz-esentatives: College Publications Representatives,
40 East Thirty-Fourth Ctreet, New York City;.80
'ston Sreet, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
cago. National Advertising Service, Inc., 11 West 42nd
New York, N. Y.
Phone: 4925
OCIATE EDITORS: John C. Healey, Powers Moulton
nd E. Jerome Pettit.
PORTERS: Edgar H. Eckert, Thomas H. leene, Bruce
[anley, Diana Powers Moulton, Sally Place.
Office Hours; 9-12, 1-5
Phone: 2-1214
asst Looks. .

"No more pencils, no more books,
No more teacher's sassy looks,"

THIS is the song we used to shout
on the last day of school as we
Led out of the front entrance of the building,
the forbidden grass, toward the playground-
ing over our shoulders every sooften to ae
that teacher wasn't watching and' wasn't go-
to. call us back to write "I will not walk on the
' 100 times on the blackboard-carrying our
ner Method writing book in one hand and
e drawings of bluebirds in -the other-stop-
every 50 feet to hike up one leg of our
e have matured. We walk out of our last ex-
nation and we walk across the grass without
ng a damn if teacher is watching or not. We
w our writing book away and we do not care
save our bluebirds. We wear long trousers.
we have not changed. We still shout the
o, but we shout it to ourselves, We can't help
shout it, because the song is a part of the
day of school, still as much a part as the
e grown up associations of packing suitcases
saying goodbye to friends.
hbe general feeling of relief and elation at the
day of school is a natuial one and conse-
Otly is not to be scorned by those who talk
yalty to one's Alma Mater. It is natural be-
e it marks the conclusion of a job begun and
hed, the attainment of a definite achieve-
ie feeling of loyalty to the Alma Mater-that
es later when the general elation of finish-
has worn off and is covered over by other
itions and other tasks to be completed.
it today-today we think of marbles and fish-
md lying in the sun. Today we mentally pull
ne kicker leg and rush over forbidden grass
our bluebirds and sing, sing at the top of our
s, shout it from the house-tops, the song
t pencils, books and sassy looks.
an Cooley Is
SQualified. ..
T H; Public Works Administration
did an advisable thing in appoint'-
Dean Emeritus Mortimer E. Cooley to the
ion of State Engineer recently. Not only is he
'ving of the post and well qualified to serve,
Ms former experiences in govern-mental posi-
provide him with a background which few
deers possess.
ber his graduation from the United States
1 Academy, back in 1878, where he' was sev-
highest in his class, he served on the U S. S.
nebaug in Mediterranean waters, returning
us country on the U. S. S. Alliance. This
V service was followed by six months experi-
in the Bureau of Steam Engineering. He was'
detailed to the University of Michigan for,
years by the Secretary of the Nvy.
the end of his four-year stay here he was
ed to Pacific Station but at the request of
oard of Regents resigned to accept the chair3
echanical engineering in 1885. At the same
the University awarded him the honorary
e of M. E.
1904 he became Dean of the College of En-1
ring and in 1913 Dean of the College oft
.tecture. He served the University then for
ayars, with only one break in service, at the
of the Spanish-American War.
ring -that 'far, Dean Cooley served as the
engineer of the Yosemite, a converted Mor-
liner manned by Michigan State Navalt
a. He was attached to- League Island for tent
Ls following the war. He returned to thet
rsity in 1899, and during the years following,

Despite his many honorary degrees and the
many positions of importance which he has held,
Dean Cooley has always enjoyed the reputation of
being "a man among men" and was distinguished
during his years at the engineering school here
for the pleasant manner in which he was received
by all the students with whom he came in con-
His new position is in keeping with the many
services he has given his country and his state in
the past and Dean Cooley takes over this new
responsibility with the congratulations and the
well-wishes of all those who are acquainted with
his many accomplishments.
A Washnvgton
WASHINGTON-Under army pressure Gerardo
Machado has gone his way into history as the
first Cuban president to be driven from office
in flight for his life. That same army's rigid non-
participation in politics had served to keep him in
the presidency eight troubled years.,
The question arises, then, whether in future the
Cuban military forces can content themselves with
a non-political role, supporting constituted au-
thority but not as an organization using their
power politically. A taste of power such as the
army has had, abruptly terminating Machado's
rule, is a heady drink.
West Point Ideals
T HE organization, training, equipment and in-
doctrination of the Cuban army with the West
Point ideals and ideals played'a vital part in the
American effort to erect "Cuba libre" as a sov-
ereign entity. It had to do with the stability of the
new country, its protection from the unending
tound of revolutions that so marked the history of
many other members of the pan-American family
xwhen armies became the machines of aspiring
The great North American republic had its own
upheaval in the sixties. Officers trained by the
government led the armies that rose against it.
Yet it was a notable fact that the men of West
Point then, like Robert E. Lee, scrupulously
avoided any effort to carry with them into the
ranks of the' southern confederacy the federal
army units they commanded. They formally re-
signed their federal commissions to cast their lot
as individuals with their native states.
THE inculcation in the minds of Cuban army
officers and men of that West Point theory
of the non-political characted of the armed forces
of a republic was a 'major consideration in Wash-
ington's planning for a free and independent
Cuba. It has stood the test of three decades. Even
in the ousting of Machado it seems a dominant
factor. No effort to put a soldier in the presidency
A Diplomat For President
HE provisional president, De Cespedes, is any
thing but a soldier, although bearing a name
great in Cuba's long fight for freedom from Span-
ish dule. The thing that pointed to him as the
personality through whom a transition back to
popular rule from the force and terrorism in Cuba
for - the last few years was his utter aloofness
from all political factions. Most of his adult life
has been spent out of Cuba -in the diplomatic
American officialdom, including President
Roosevelt and Ambassador Welles, who both know
De Cespedes personally from Washington associa-
tion, is banking much on that fact. The history
and characteristics of the provisional president
are an intimate part of the "new deal" econolni-
cally in and for Cuba at which President Roose-
velt is aiming.
CUBA does not need an ad interim strong man
as Washington sees it. It needs a diplomat
and patriot without personal political ambitions,
and De Cespedes looks the part.
WASHINGTON-All-but-simultaneous changes
in the Roosevelt professorial corps of "new
deal" assistants conceivably could mark a definite

inile post in the President's program.
His heretofore chief lieutenant of the brain
trust group, Professor Ray Moley, was detoured
for various reasons into a highly specialized side-
line, the anti-crime drive. Before folks had talked
that out completely, Professor William F. Ogburn
resigned from the consumers' advisory board of
NRA due to a difference of view as to procedure.
THERE remain still on the "new deal" job plenty
- of professors, some score or so in fact, all so-
ciologists or economists. Yet the implications of
the Moley and Ogburn incidents seemed to be that
the time of theorizing and scientifically guided
planning so far as the main "new deal" objec-

Editorial Comment
Almost in the class of the so-called "white
collar" workers as far as being without honor
from the world in general, those who labor year
in and year out over the test-tube stand high in
the ranks of the unsung.
They discover a new serum, find a way to check
a dread disease and their praises are sung vaguely
and somewhat faintly. If a physician or a surgeon
is enabled to save a life through their handiwork,
murmurs of "Isn't science wonderful?" are heard,
but, as far as the world in general is concerned
the man who really did the trick is nameless.
There comes now a discovery by the test-tube
workers that is, perhaps, as significant as any
yet found. Had it been known during the dread
epidemic of influenza during and shortly after
the World war, thousands of lives might have
been spared.
Announcement was made recently in London of
two cures of influenza pneumonia by serum simi-
lar to that .for immunizing ferrets against "flu."'
Dr. Ronald Hare, who made the announcement
said he had treated two women, one of whom was
to all appearances, dying. Both "cases reacted
in a very dramatic fashion," and recovered, he
The Lacet, British medical journal in which
the discovery was reported, credited Dr. Wilson
Smith, Dr. C. H. Andrews, and Dr. P. P. Laid-
law with the discovery of the' reaction of the
serum on ferrets. This serum was prepared from
human beings convalescing from influenza.
We hope that these physicians through whom
two lives have already been saved will receive the
full credit of their discovery and that, the con-
tribution by these "workers with the test-tube"
will prove as valuable to medical science as nok
-The Daily Illini.
Buried below columns of dull type, stuck down
among the advertisements on the inside pages of
newspapers, are stories that most readers never
see. "Space fillers" they are called. But often
they are more interesting than the articles on
page one.
Notice, for example, this item found on page 16
of a metropolitan daily. It tells how department
of commerce employes, at Washington wishing to
honor a retiring associate, hunted for a $20 gold
piece. Finally they went to the treasury and ex-
plained their case. Sentimentality won over Roose-
velt's decrees .and the treasury loaned them the
coin.; They had to sign a promise to have it back
by 4:30 p. in., however.
And there was another little story which an-
nounced, from an inconspicuous position among
the want ads, that the Balbo flight to Chicago
cost the Italian government about $3,000,000.
While back on the sports page (of all places)
there are three paragraphs about roller skating.
This ancient industry, the three paragraphs relate,
is picking up, and factories are running 24 hours
a day. All because movie stars started having
their pictures taken on roller skates.
Which proves nothing, perhaps, except that it is
sometimes profitable to wade through the massive
editions of the metropolitan dailies.
-The Daily Iowan.
"Yet me be frank in saying that the United
States of America seeksthe kind of dollar which a
generation hence will have the same purchasing
and debt-paying power as the dollar value we
hope to attain in the near future," President
Roosevelt declared in his message to the world
economic conference.
Thispronouncement came as a considerable
surprise to the people who have always looked
for experimentation with the currency to keep its
purchasing power always at the same level, but
have never seriously thought that the government
would undertake such regulation.
Theoretically such would be ideal. The great
difficulty nowadays is that money is borrowed-
or loaned-in times when it is cheap and must be

repaid when it is dear, or vice versa, thus work-
ing a considerable hardship on either the debtor
or the creditor.
American economists have advanced schemes
to solve this. Notable was the managed dollar,
suggested by Irving Fisher of Yale university. Dr.
Fisher would vary the amount of gold in the dollar
to adjust its purchasing power.
However, this is not the scheme the President
intends to use, according to a recent article in
The Wall Street Journal, "Following Keynes."
This writer discusses the British economist Keynes
and his ideas in the light of the President's activ-
-Here is what Keynes suggests: Devaluate at
once all currencies by, say, 33 per cent of their
present gold values. Stabilize the resulting ex-
changes in terms of each other subject to read-
justment to correspond with domestic cost and
price levels in the various countries.
Appropriate for the treasuries of each country
the increase in the "currency volue" of the central
bank gold stocks. Put into circulation at once the
equivalent of the "profit" thus appropriated
either by remission of taxation or expenditure for
public works. Abolish all restrictions on imports,
exchange, and gold movements between coun-
The writer in The Wall Street Journal feels
that the United States will probably take the
wager of the Keynes' plan and'"go it alone." The
other nations will almost certainly not follow, al-
though Great Britain may. -
He also points out that this program, which
results in cancellation of debts by devaluating
the currency, would hurt the creditor class, which,
he says, is the middle class. The debtor classes
are the lower classes, the top classes, and the

Automobile Regulation: The Au-
tomobile Regulation will be suspend-
ed at 12:00 o'clock noon, Friday, Au-
gust 19, for students enrolled in all
colleges and departments of the Sum-
rner Session. W. B. Rea,
Assistant to the Dean of Students
To All Students Having Library
1. Students having in their pos-
session books drawn from the Uni-
versity Library are notified that such
books are due Monday, August 14,
before the impending examinations.
2. Students who have special need
for certain books between August'-14
and 18 may retain such books for
that period by applying for permis-
sion at the office of the Superintend-
ent of Circulation on or before Au-
gust 14.
3. The names of all students who
have not cleared their records at
the Library by Tuesday, August 15,;
will be sent to the Recorder's Office,
where their credits will be held up
until such time as said records are
cleared, in compliance with the regu-
lations of the Regents.
S. W. McAllister,
Associate Librarian.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information: The
Bureau has received notice of the
following Civil Service Examinations:
Assistant Director of Social Work,
(Warden's Asst.) in Penal Institu-
tions: $2,600 to $3,100; Junior Direc-
tor of Social Work (Junior Warden's
Asst.) in Penal Institutions, $2,000 to
$2,500. For further information,
kindly call at the office, 201 Mason
The Intramural Sports Building
and swimming pool will close at 6
p. m. on Friday of this week. Lockers
must be renewed or turned in by that
Examination for University Credit:
All students who desire credit for
work done in the Summer Session
will bie required to take examinations
at the close of the Session. The ex-
amination schedule for schools and
colleges on the eight-week basis is as

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30;
11:30 a. m. Saturday.

ary School, or should telephone the
University, station 326.
The General Library will be closed
September 4-7 inclusive to permit
the making of necessary repairs. Per-
sons desiring the use of library books
during this period should consult
in advance with the Chief of Circu-
lation or the Librarian's office.
S. W. McAllister,
Associate Librarian
Exhibition: S u m m e r students'
work in architectural design and in
drawing and painting is hung in the
ground floor corridor of the Architec-
ture Building. Open through the end
of this week, daily from 9 to 5. The
public is cordially invited.
Truck Driver
Searehes Sky,
Finds A Nova
(Continued from Page 1)
on in the sky and from time to time
reported them to the proper author-
ities. Most of them surprised the
professional scientists and in 1922 a
six-inch telescope was loaned him
by Princeton University. It's the only
piece of professional equipment in
his home-made observatory.
After he got his eye set to the new
telescope things began to happen. He
made his first comet discovery in
1925 and it's down in the books as
"K-Peltier." In 1930 astronomers
added "A-Peltier" to their records;
in 1932, "H-Peltier" and last Febru-
ary, "B-Peltier."
Throughout the years other inter-
ests have claimed him but always he
has kept a watch about 35 degrees
above the southern horizon, not far
from the Constellations Sagittarius
and Scorpio where the nova shines.
Wednesday night he saw something
that caused him immediately to get
the town's night telegraph operator
busy sending a message to Harvard.
Scientists there turned their
glasses on Nova and found that from
the eleventh it suddenly had come
up to the sixth magnitude. Light
travels at 186,000 miles a second and
10,000 light years ago, they said,
something tremendous had happened
to Nova.
An internal explosion is only one of
the theories brought out to explain
just what, but every one agreed that
it probably would have remained long
undiscovered if a Delphos telescope
hadn't been looking for it.
"Les" lets the professionals argue
about that. It will keep them busy
for a while and he's got a lot of
things to look for even if his latest
discovery does result in some far-
reaching new theory.
"Well, I did it again," he laughed
when townsfolk asked him what all
the excitement was about. Meanwhile
he's hoping that the NRA results
ink a sudden improvement in the
trucking business.

Couzens T(


'Inside Story'
At Bank Quiz
(Continued frotn Page 1)
ation" called the Wolverine Mort-
gage Corp. to relieve them of "their
contingent liability." The R. F. C.
loan to save the Union Guardian
Trust Co. was to be made to this
corporation, he said.
The group's plan was denounced
in the White House before President
Hoover as "immoral" by Charles A.
Miller, then chairman of the R. F. C.,
on Feb. 9, Couzens said.
Security Inadequate
"The law says very explicitly that
every R. F. C. loan must have 'full
and adequate security" Senator Cou-
zens testified. "'Every single Federal
official having to do with the De-
troit banking situation, from the
President down, was of the opinion
that the security offered by the rep-
resentatives of the Guardian Group
was adequate only for a loan up to
$37,500,000. The.law prohibited loan-
ing more.
"Mr. Miller, at a session at the
-White House, at which I was pres-
ent, denounced the loan to Presi-
dent Hoover on other grounds.
"He declared the proposed group
was offering the assets of its strong-
er units to get money to bolster its
weaker banks. Depositors who had
punt their savings in the stronger
banksonrthe strength of their repu-
tations were to be left unprotected.
"I told President Hoover that if
the loan was allowed on that basis
I 'would denounce it from the house-
"An Absolute Untruth"
Senator Couzens branded as "an
absolute untruth" the statement of
A. P. Leyburn, former chief bank
examiner for the Seventh Federal
Reserve District, previously introduc-
ed in testimony, that "Couzens'
alone is opposing the loan."
Couzens said Washington official-
dom was united against the loan
both as to form and as to security
As soon as the Senator was sworn
by -Judge Harry B. Keidan of the
Wayne Circuit Court, who is presid-
ing, Prosecutor Toy began asking
questions but had not gone far when
Couzens. asked. to be permitted to
read a statement.
Judge Keidan and Prosecutor Toy
were of the opinion that Senator
Couzens be on the stand the remain-
der of the week. The senator has in-
dicated that he has a great deal of
ground to cover and wishes to go into
in detail.
First, it is understood, he wishes
to deny from the witness stand that
his wife, Mrs. Margaret Couzens,
withdrew "smart money" from the
Union Guardian Trust Co.

Hour of Recitation
8 9 10
Time of Examination
Thursday Friday ThursdayF
8-10 8-10 2-4
Hour of Recitation
1 2 3 All



Time of Examination
Thursday Thursday Friday Friday
4-6 10-12 10-12 4-6
Enrollnent in University Element-
ary School: Membership lists in the
nursery, kindergarten, and grades of
the University Elementary School
are now being made up for the year
1933-34. Parents interested in mak-
ing application for the entrance of
their children should inquire for in-
formation at the Office of the Direc-
tor, Room 2509, University Element-

[_o10 A--GL~~~od/eG~~
1 eao

A Few Copi~es

of the


On Sale





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TODAY The Associated Press dis-
seminates through its member news-
papers the achievements of modern
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