Teacher's Sassy Looks; Dear
Cooley Is Well Qualified.
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
Couzens Says
Mills Turned
On Bank Plan
Senator Accuses Former
Bank Heal Of 'Double-
Crossing' Group
Tells 'Inside Story'
Before Grand Jury
Claims Approval Of
To Chicago Bank
'Political' Move
-Associated Press Photo
A giant manhunt by 300 Federal, state and Chicago officers on the outskirts of Chicago came to
naught as several kidnap suspects, linked with the John Factor case, eluded the possemen and fled in a
DETROIT, Aug. 17.-'P)--Before
a jammed courtropm, United States
Senator James Couzens today related
his own "inside story" of events-
ranging from the White House to the
Dearborn office of Henry Ford-that
preceded the Michigan and national
bank holiday, and charged that
banker witnesses before an investi-
gating jury had not "told all they
The- jury for several weeks has
been investigating the closing of two
large national banks in Detroit.
At one point during his stay
on the witness stand, the senior
Michigan senator veered from the
Michigan banking situation to say
that during the last national poli-
tical campaign former president Her-
bert Hoover had asked him to issue,
"for political purposes," a statement
approving the Reconstruction Fi-
nance Corporation's $90,000,000 loan
to the Chicago bank headed by
Charles G. Dawes, former R. F. C.
DETROIT, Aug. 17.-Accusing Wil-
son W. Mills, former chairman of
the First National Bank-Detroit, of
*the "double cross," Senator James
Couzens today told the bank grand
jury that when Mills was not in-
cluded on the board of the new Ford
banks proposed to replace the closed
banks here, "he set out at once to
kill the Ford plan."
It was Mills who this week testi-
fied that Couzens' opposition to a
$45,000,000 R. F. C. loan to the
Guardian Detroit Union Group had
precipitated the bank holiday in
Couzens Denies Charges
Senator Couzens told the crowded
courtroom today that he had never
opposed a loan of $37,700,000 to the
group, offered by the R. F. C., but
did oppose the larger loan because
all Washington officials, "from the
President down," had said the col-
lateral offered was insufficient. Un-
der the law the larger loan could
not be made, he said.
His testimony bristled with typical
Couzens' counter-attacks against his
accusers, chiefly Mills, who in pre-
vious testimony had blamed him for
the bank crash here.
George W. Davison, chairman of
the Central Hanover Bank & Trust
Co., of New York who had come here
shortly after the bank holiday be-
gan and suggested new banks here
instead of reopening the old ones,
"took Mills up a high hill, promised
him the world, said he would head
a big New York bank if it was creat-
ed here, and then dropped him,"
Couzens charged.
"A Fair-Haired Boy"
"The director of the First Na-
tional said he was Davison's fair-
haired boy," Couzens said. "Stair
(E. D. Stair, former president of the
Detroit Bankers Co.) told me Mills
was sold on the idea of a big new
bank by Davison."
The senator also charged that di-,
rectors of the Guardian Group pro-
posed to form an "iniquitous corpor-
(Continued on Page 2)
v ictim Of Second
Torch Slaying Is
Just A Rag Doll
The victim of Ann,Arbor's second
torch murder last night turned out
to be a rag doll and police today are
looking for a crank.
It happened like this: At 4:30 p.m.,
Chester Dunn, 71, city watchman,
saw a well dressed man descend into
the foundation of an old house on
Cedar Bend Drive, pour a gallon of
gasoline over a large bundle of rags
that he had brought with him, light
the bundle and disappear. A half an
hour later he returned and then
again disappeared.
Just why, Mr. Dunn asked himself,
would a fellow carry a big bundle of
rags to the foundation of an old
house and burn them? The question
bothered him for some time, so much
in fact, that a little after supper he
decided to call the police.
The police, the coroner, and news-
papermen investigated. Wrapped in
the center of the bundle, charred
almost beyond recognition was the
body, a small child, probably an un-
wanted baby.
The police started a man hunt,
newspapermen telephoned their city
desks, the coroner took the corpse
over to the hospital to get a look at
it in the light. It was a rag doll.
Just who, the police want to know,
would be crazy enough to lug a doll
to a deserted cellar and set fire to it?
So the police are looking for a crank.
The Daily Will Cease
Publication Until Fall
With this issue The Daily sus-
pends publication "for the sum-
mer. The regular publication
schedule will be resumed with the
opening of the fall semester of
the University.
1st Sales Tax
Returns Bring
Expect Figure To Reach
At Least 2 Million For
First Month
LANSING, Aug. 17.--R)-The first
tabulation on Michigan's new 3 per
cent retail sales tax today revealed
collections had reached $1,500,000
with July returns still incomplete.
On the basis of these figures and
hundreds of tax forms still in the
mail, James E. Mogan, managing-di-
rector of the State board of tax ad-
ministration, said the first month's
collections will reach at least $2,-
000,000 and possibly more. He pre-
dicted that the revenue bill will jump
to $3,000,000 a month by September.
Terming the sales tax "an unqual-
ified success," Mogan said there is
little doubt in his mind that the leg-
islative estimate of $31,700,000 on
the sales tax revenue will be reached.
This amount is expected toLtake care
of the operating; expenses of the
State government, $12,000,000 for wel-
fare, and $700,000 for the University
of Michigan and Michigan State Col-
Educational leaders, seeking $15,-
000,000 for schools from the retail
levy, gained encouragement but no
definite assurance from the figures.
If collections reach the $3,000,000
mark in September and hold to that
figure, the demands of the educators
may be reduced.'
Mogan said returns have been re-
ceived to date from about 32,000 tax-
payers, possibly not more than half
the number in the State that should
file. Many are in the mail including
some of the largest retail establish-
ments doing business in Michigan.
4,000 Citizens
Meet To Hear
Of NRA Plans
Cars, Marching Units I.n
Parade-Through Streets
To Hill Auditorium
Detroit Minister Is
Evening's Speaker
Mass Meeting Sponsored
By Local Committee To
Awaken City's Interest
More than 4,000 Ann Arbor citizens
gathered last night in Hill Audito-
rium to attend the NRA mass meet-
ing arranged by a committee to fur-
ther interests in local attempts to
co-operate with national officials in
ending unemployment.
Following a long parade of gaily
decorated cars, trucks, floats, and
marching units which threaded
through the business section of the
city on its way to the auditorium,
the thousands of interested persons
thronged into the huge building to
hear discussions by local leaders and
Dr. M. S. Rice.
'Dr. Rice, Detroit Methodist pastor,
told in stirring terms of the great
problem with which the nation is
confronted at this time.
United Front Needed
"The country is facing a situation
which, though dissimilar, is never-
theless comparable to many situa-
tions faced by it in the past," he
said. "Little can be said for any na-
tion which does not. possess a sense
of responsibility. The United States
has always proven that it can face
its difficulties as it should, and with
a united front.
"A new war program of a patriotic
nation which is now aroused to deal
with a national emergency has been
considered necessary. The program
has been planned and offered to the
people and now it is up to them,. not
as indtyidua s91e-y°gt as mjited.
group, to do their full share to end
the depression and the unemploy-
ment which is a part of that depres-
Problem Is One For All
"T7e present problem is one of the
nation at large-every man, woman
and child is concerned in it-and we
must all take a part in the action
which is necessary to overcome the
depression which has set in through-
out the country."
"We cannot fail," Dr. Rice con-
cluded. "Never in the past in- the
case of a national emergency have
the citizens of this country failed to
co-operate in overcoming difficulties."
Frank B. DeVine, chairman of the
citizens' advisory committee for the
local NRA organization, presided at
the meeting, introducing Dean James
B. Edmonson, general of the local
NRA forces, who introduced Dr. Rice.
Preceding the addresses, the Ann Ar-
bor Community band, under the di-
rection of William R. Champion,
played as the audience assembled in
the auditorium.
Many Organizations Present
Among the organizations whih
took part in the parade were the
American Legion drum and bugle
corps, the local unit of the National
Guard, the Washtenaw chapter of
the Sons of the American Revolu-
tion, Ann Arbor Trades and Labor
Council, Zal Gaz Grotto, Schwaben
Verein, Women's Relief corps, and
Parent-Teachers groups and' school
Commerce Department I
.Asks Cheater' Reports
Page The Keeper-Girl Battles
With Octopus For A Movie Shot
MENLO PARK, Calif., Aug. 17.-
()-A girl has to have the proper
scientific spirit-or maybe just plain
spunk-to dive into a tank with an
octopus and stage a wrestling match
for a periscope. underwater movie
But Florence Douglass, 17 years
old, did just that for her father,
Leon Douglass, inventor of a peri-
scope camera and enthusiast about
deep sea science..
Douglass decided a spectacular reel
would be one of a "death" struggle
with an actopus. He got the octopus
Mrs. Douglass gasped. Douglass
demurred, but Florence won. It was
an anxious moment when the slim
girl dived into the tank, and the ten-
tacles of the ocean monster wrapped
around her, fastening their suction
cups whenever they touched her
flesh. Mrs. Douglass didn't watch;
she went for a walk in the garden.
Douglass ground his camera as
long as he dared, then signaled the
"actors" it was time to stop. But
the devil-fish was unused to stage
directions, and kept right on suck-
ing. Men stationed about the edge
Department of Commerce regi
lations for the handling of NR,
"cheaters," made public yesterda
foallow :
1. All NRA violations should 1
reported to the Department
Commerce, 801 First Nation
Building, Detroit.
2. Complaints will not be r
ceived over the telephone.
3. The department invites cor
munications in person or in wril
ing from individuals, regardi
what they honestly believe Is
violation of the President's r
employment agreement or a ter
porary or permanent industri
4. The written signature ar
address of the complainant mt
appear on all complaints. Whe
tha r_-nav nnno.r r _an, i ..fL,