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August 17, 1933 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1933-08-17

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Season Is Success


* - --- - -
Successful In<
Stock Project
Vacation Theatre Reports
Sell-Outs; Actors Are
Well Known Here
Complete success has attended the.
work of Amy Loomis' new Vacation
Theatre in its first summer at Tra-
verse City and Nortport, Mich., ac-
cording to reports received yester-
day by The Daily.
Miss Loomis, who has appeared for
a number of years in campus plays,
was director of the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre, and helped found
Robert Henderson's seasons here,
took a troupe composed largely of,
actors known on the Michigan cam-
pus to the resort section of.Northern
Michigan, with the idea of "grad-
ually building up a public." She has
done that and more; recent weeks
have brought sell-outs and near sell-
outs for the Vacation Theatre.
Closing next week with C. L. An-
thony's "Autumn Crocus," seen here
recently, the Vacation Theatre has
tentative plans for seasons in Lan-
sing, Grand Rapids, or other Mich-
igan cities during the winter.
Plays- of high calibre have been
presented throughout the summer,
among them being "Three Cornered
Moon," Shaw's "Arms and the Man,"
Paul Osborn's "The Vinegar Tree,"
John Van Druten's "There's Always
Juliet," and S. N. Behrman's "The
Second Man."
Alan Handley, oif the Bonstellge
Civic Theatre of Detroit, last seen in
Ann Arbor opposite Jane Cowl as
Orsino in "The Merchant of Venice"
last spring, has played leading roles
in the Vacation Theatre plays, along
with Mildred Todd, Arthur Davison,
and Doris Rich, also of the Botstelle
Paul Showers of the Grand Rap-
ids Civic Players, Mary Power, and
Hobart Skidmore, all former mem-
bers of Play Production, are also fea-
tured actors, Ruth Ann Oakes, who
has directed a number of campus
plays, and Olive Mathews, also of
Ann Arbor, are connected with the
theatre in technical capacities.

In New York
Go On Strike

Mother Nature Found Guilty Of
Causing That Painful Backache

NEW YORK, Aug. 16.--A)-Sixty
thousand dressmakers in New York,
New Jersey and Connecticut received
a call to srtike today.
The strike, begun at 9 a.m., was
aimed at what union leaders de-
'2ounced as .'sweatshop conditions."
The demands included a 30-hor
week, enforcement of existing wage
agreements and.limttations upon con-
A statement by the National Dress
Manufacturers' ,Association, jobbers'
organization,, said:

Because Nature has not completely
perfected the spinal column of man
to fit his upright posture, the human
race suffers from sciatica and other
low back pains which probably do
not bother the four-legged members
of the animal kingdom, study of the
cause of such ills at University Hos-
pital indicate..
For the last two years, every pa-
tient at the Hospital who complained
of sciatica or other pain in the lower
back, was x-rayed to study this re-
gion. In 74 per cent of the cases the
intervertebral disk, the pad between
the stationary first sacral vertebra
and the movable first lumbar verte-
bra, was squeezed fiat, allowing the
bony joints to pinch sensitive nerves
which branch out from the spinal
column, Dr. Paul C. Williams, of the
surgery department, found.
The real damage found in most
cases was the collapse of the little
gelatine filled sac in the center of the
disk, the nucleus pulposa. In three-
fourths of the cases this sac had been
broken and its contents squeezed out,
so that it no longer served as a hy-
draulic shock absorber between the
bony sections. Men are affected more
often than women, probably because
of heavier work or violent exercise.
There are several reasons why this
accident happens most frequently to
the disk and nucleus pulposa at this

point. The first, or upper sacral
vertebra tops the immovable series
attached to the pelvis. Its upper
surface slantsdownward and for-
ward at an angle. This is satisfac-
tory when the backbone is supported
at both ends, as in four-footed ani-
mals, but in man the whole weight
of the spinal column bears down on
this slanting joint.
As a result the padding is subjected
to what engineers call a "shearing"
stress on the membrane of the nu-
cleus pulposa, this may rupture and
the hydraulic shock absorber deflates.
In addition, faults in growth may
occur, since the angle of the top of
the sacral vertbera alters from 70
to 80 deg'rees from birth until the
age of upright carriage and through-
out life most twisting and bending
movements involve action at this
Heavy lifting and too sudden bends
and twists are often found in the
case histories of sciatica patients and
probably often were the last straw'
for the normally well burdened nu-
cleus pulposa. Treatment usually aims
merely to help out nature, which in
time will usually join the vertebra
in an immovable segment. Casts and
bracing corsets help this to be done
with a minimum of pain, while in a
few cases an operation to join the
two vertebra was resorted to.

Modified NRA.
Program Given
To Newspapers
WASHINGTON, Aug. 16-(A')--The
way was opened today for American.
newspapers to join the parade of
business organizations marching un-
der the Blue Eagle..
A modified Presidential re-employ-
ment agreement providing for tempo-
rary minimum wages and shorter
hours for newspaper workers was ap-
proved Tuesday night by Hugh S.
Johnson, recovery administrator.
As approved, the temporary sched-
ule, submitted by the American News-
paper Publishers' Association, left
open several controversial questions,
including insistence of the publishers
on their constitutional riglit to a free
These questions will be determined
before a permanent code is agreed
upon after public hearings and Pres-
idential approval.
A major provision of the temporary
agreement provides a 40-hour work
week for reporters and other workers
receiving less than $35 weekly.
It also provides:
A 40-hour week for accounting,
clerical, office, service or sales em-
ployes except a limited number of
circulation and delivery men and
outside salesmen.
The same schedule for mechanical

however, employ these latter a maxi-
mum week of 44 hours for any six
weeks within any six months period
during the period of the temporary
agreement, but not more than eight
hours in any one day.
The agreement exempts hours and
wages under contracts on or before
July 1, 1933, which cannot be changed
except by mutual consent. In other
cases a 40-cent an hour wage was
fixed for mechanical workers or arti-
sans, except apprentices.
Minimum wages for office and sales
employes were prescribed at from $12
weekly in towns of less than 2,500 to
$15 in cities of more than 500,000.
CHICAGO, Aug. 16.-(AP)-The in-
ternationally famous painting "Naz-
arene" which portrays Christ as a
blond, blue-eyed triumphant person,
is on exhibition at the Hall of Re-
ligion of A Century of Progress-the
Chicago World's Fair.
Col. H. Stanley Todd, painter of.
the masterpiece, in describing the
painting, said:
"From my earliest recollection an
earnest desire possessed me to por-
tray on canvas our Master, Jesus
Christ. I desired to represent. Hiim as
One who was sure He was about His
Pather's business giving His strength
and His joy to all.
Missouri's largest trout hatchery.
near Springfield, has a. capacity of
more than 1,000,000 baby fish.

two=MileD e
Race Program
CHICAGO, Aug. 16.-A two-mile
aerial high dive was added to the'
program for the International Air
Races and Gordon-Bennett Balloon
Race to be staged here September
1-2-3-4 as the aviation climax of A
Century of Progress-the Chicago
World's Fair.
Capt. Merle Nelson, chief ofacro-
batic stunts and technical advisor
to the Pennzoil Company, one of,
the sponsors, announced that H. E.
(Spud) Manning, 27-year-old Los
Angeles parachute jumper, will per-
form the leap daily at the Curtiss-
Wright-Reynolds airport, where the
air meet will be held -
Nelson will take the parachute
jumper aloft in a plane to a height
if more than 11,000 feet. At this
altitude, Manning will leap out into
space, falling free until he is less
than 1,000 feet above the ground
cefore pulling the rip cord of his
chute. He will carry a bag of flour
.in his arms, spilling it to form a
trail of dust so the spectators may
follow the course of his descent.
According to .the former Army
pilot, Mannin's technique is as per-
feet as that of a championship diver.
He is said to be the only man in the
world who actually swims through
the air. On his descent he can glide
a mile sideways and can loop at will.
He can also increase or decrease his
Ted Nobriga, Hawaiian hurler,
started off with three straight vic-
tories for the Springfield (Il:) Red
uipment presents many
Lhe engineers of Western
~r the Bell System.
rying of telephone cable
:ective lead sheath. This
nce, for the tiny copper
>ice properly unless their

ghly dried. To this end,
rs devised special drying
s thirty times drier than
d thoroughness go into
ble, telephones, switch-
nds of telephone equip-
pparatus that results is
n service is dependable.

"Any impression that we are deny-
ing to labor a satisfactory return for
its efforts is misleading and errone-
Meanwhile the United Dress Man-
ufacturers' Association called for a
shutdown of more than 2,000 con-
tractors' shops.
The strike, which comes at the
height of the.rush season, was called
by the International Ladies' Gar-
ment:Workers' union. The workers'
leaders, by focusing attention on the
industry, hoped to have a pending
code for the business drawn in such
a way as to eliminate conditions of
which they complained.

.. Y t r
1 1



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