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August 10, 1933 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1933-08-10

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Publication of the Summer Session

ical and in all probability would have been put
behind the bars.
And yet a short time ago the d::tire populace
accepted without a why or wherefore the pas-
sage of a law which would have been formerly
consideredesocialistic, communistic and entirely
out of order in the American set-up.


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Practically everyone of imnportance favored
the changes which went into the National Re-
covery Act. Business and industrial leaders
heartily endorsed it and the public at° lalrge
gave it approval.

p~G K FT Ji- - - R AN
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
Tle Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it. or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
'ntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
s eond class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Tird Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1'.. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
mail, $4.50.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214.
,epresentatives: College Publications Representatives,
rtd., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Ctreet, New York City; 80,
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Chicago. National Advertising Service, Inc., 11 West 42nd
St., New York, N. Y.
Phone: 4925
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: John C. Healey, Poiwers Moulton
and E. Jerome Pettit.
REPORTERS: Edgar H. Eckert, Thomas H. Kleene, Bruce
Manley, Diana Powers Moulton, Sally Place.
Office Hours; 9-1, 1-5
Phone: 2-1214
Local Retailers
Are NotWithNRA...

There can be no question that it was a de-
cided change from the old established Amer-
ican system. We had formerly held on to cer-
tain ideas and ideals which were proven to be
useless undger present standards. In most re-
spects we had reached the point where some-
thing had to be done and the changes effected
through the National Recovery Act were that
something. Following the old route would not
do, so we accepted the new road when the
fork was reached and left the old without a
The time-worn American custom of allowing
every man to look out for himself was dis-
carded. Co-operation became the new watch-
word, supplanting commercial warfare. Civili-
zation had reached the point where its many
attributes had to be accepted in their true
light. Our opinions regarding big business had
to be altered.
The anti-trust laws, which never had a proper
place in our economic machinery, were out. It
was demonstrated that if profit could accrue by
allowing businesses to become larger then it was
sheer futility to keep them small. If large organ-
izations could help to settle the unemployment
problem in this country then it was recognized
that we needed large organizations. If the legis-
lation which formerly prevented combinations be-
tween industrial, magnates also withheld good
jobs and decent wages from thousands of persons
it was naturally a set-back to proper living con-
ditions in this country. Consequently the old leg-
islation was thrown out.
Price-fing was formerly considered one of the
greatest evils in American business and was not
tolerated. Those in charge of arranging our af-
fairs for us at present saw that prices would
obviously have to be fixed .at certain levels in
order to maintain decent wages. They are to be
The government also agreed to recognize the
usefulness of labor unions, promising that any
worker might join any union without fear or
Of course over all this metamorphosis is the
guiding hand of the government. Unfair prac-
tices will not be tolerated. The rules will have to
.be obeyed.
Yet the changes have taken place. Changes for
the better. The 1933 Industrial Revolution is
underway in this country and, regardless of the
radical nature of the many changes which it im-
poses, it is receiving the unqualified support of
the American people.

NRA statements, in which he de-
(lares most emphatically that staggered employee
Working hours, shortened store hours, and en-
forced rest periods are measures constituting sand
in the gears of the national recovery program, are
well worth the attention of Dean J. . Edmonson
and Mrs. Edgar C. Edsill, Ann Arbor's NRA "gen-
eralissimo" and lieutenant-general.
In a dispatch emanating from Washington, D.
C., dated Aug. 9, the Associated Press has this
to say:
.F" .: ..Johnson insisted that while the agree-
mients signed by retail stores and groceries pro-
vided that no store open less than 52 hours a week
before July 1 could reduce the store hours at all,
the intent was that store hours of operation
should not be curtailed in any way .
-"In other words, while 52 is a set minimum, it
was explained that if a store had been operating
60 or more, it should not curtail its time of being
open but rather should employ more people to do
the work.
"That agreement is a solemn covenant and its
purpose is explicit," Johnson said.
- If this agreement is, indeed, a solemn covenant,
and the blue eagle which is awarded to retailers
and others is symbolic of their intention to co-
operate with the government, then there is no
further room for argument. Ann Arbor has no spe-
cial prerogatives which entitle her to enforce the
NRA covenant in her own way, and, furthermore,
she has no right to co-operate in "spirit" but
"perhaps not in absolute fact," as some have been
inclined to express it.
Remember, too, that the "compression" of trade
which is popularly supposed to result from the
Saturday night closing, with subsequent re-hiring
ot employees, is largely mythical. Most of Ann Ar-
bor's retailers will be able to manage without re-
hfrlng, for the simple reason that the "com-
pressed" trade can be taken care of by the em-
ployees who had jobs before the advent of NRA.
They may have to work harder, and more stead-
ly, granted, but still-where is the re-employ-
ment? 'r
We call Dean Edmonson's and Mrs. Edsill's at-
tention to the following paragraph of the Asso-
ciated-Press article in question:
'"The insignia of the blue eagle must be with-
drawn from those stores which either collectively
or individually flagrantly attempt to frustrate the
,Oub ose of the Presidential re-employment agree-
inent." ,
And this: (Gen. Johnson is quoting from Sec-
tion 8 of the retail code).
", ..to increase employment by a universal
covenant to remove obstructions to commerce, and
tJ shorten hours, (employee work hours, not store
hours) and to raise wages for the shorter (em-
ployee week) week to a living basis."
. :Do. Ann Arbor retailers think Gen. Johnson
'wants, in addition to a short employee work week,
a short store week? Nothing could conceivably be
farther from the administrtor's intentions. Gen.
Johnson would have retail stores in this city and
everywhere open 24 hours of the day, if this
were possible.
Frank B. DeVine, loal attorney, is quoted as
saying for the Ann Arbor NRA, "We welcome con-
uctive criticism." He is further quoted as say-
ingthat the public attitude is tending toward de-
structive criticism. We submit that this editorial
constitutes constructive criticism, and hope that
.* has pointed out to Dean Edmonson and Mrs.
Sdsill one non-co-operating unit-Ann Arbor-in
Gen. Johnson's nation-wide drive to keep store
hours at a maximum, and outlaw short store
hours, staggered employee hours, and similar sub-
terfuges which will inevitably drug the return to



Campus Opinion
Ua us'
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of
The Daily. Anonymous communications will be dis-
regarded. The names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential upon request. Contribu-
tors are asked to send in only typewritten or legible
articles, using one side of the paper only. Contribu-
tors 'mustbe as brief as possible, confining themselves
to not more than 400 words. -The Editors.

cant when one considers that it was printed when
the new republics had taken definite boundaries.
As evinced by the Royal Charts the Spanish
monarchs clearly and definitely incorporated the
Chaco in the Government of Charcas (present
Bolivia.) ThesehCharts are numerous and conclu-
sive and I shall name only the years of their
issue: August 29, 1563; October 1, 1455; December
16, 1617; 1661, and December 17, 1743. As an ex-
ample I shall quote a portion of this last docu-
ment in the Spanish monarch's words: "All the
nations or portions thereof that are between the
Pilcomayo and Paraguay Rivers, extending be-
yond the community of Santa Cruz de la Sierra
do belong to Charcas."
Such are the documents upon which Bolivia
claims the Chaco and which Professor Reeves
utterly ignored. No wonder that he so graciously
granted the Chaco to Paraguay in his verdict.
-Luis E. Angles, Grad.
The Theatre
It is not every day that a student dramatic
group has the opportunity to produce a Broad-
way smash hit almost immediately after the orig-
inal company has closed in New York; such a
chance is rare indeed. With the opening in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre last night of C. L. An-
thony's "Autumn Crocus," the Michigan Reper-,
tory Players seized upon such an opportunity,
and, to put it pointedly, the Players didn't miss,
"Autumn Crocus" is about a frustrated little
English school teacher who falls in love with a
romantic young Tyrolean inn-keeper. The play is
a compromise between romance and sheer festiv-
ity, with a good share of excellent comedy to ac-
centuate the holiday character of the setting. As
theatre entertainment it is undeniably of the best.
To be absolutely categorized, it must fall about
midway between Maugham and Coward. Its com-
edy is gay, flippant, rare, but built upon a much
more logically constructed plot thfn common
farce. Yet it carries ith it no weighty philosoph-
ical conclusions or observations. "Autumn Crocus"
is simply grand romance in a stimulatinglyexotic
setting, plus excellent humor.
In this review there need be no omission of
names to indicate inferior performanceshbythe
Repertory Players. Indeed, because of the great
number of delightfully accomplished parts, it is
hardly possible to do more than merely mention
those who stood out. Considering the highly laud-
able work done by most of the actors in last
night's opening throughout the summer, it would
almost suffice to observe that some of the season's
best work was, at least, equalled, and that several
players previously almost unnoticed here were
doing distinguished acting also.
Despite all these despites, Lauren Gilbert, Ella
Haith, Nancy Bowman, Dorothy Crane, Jack
Nestle, Frederic Crandall, Uldean Hunt, and Mor-
ris Greenstein deserve to be praised individually
and collectively for a good night's work well done.
To bring in comparisons and contrasts would in-
volve the micrometric splitting of some very fine
hairs; it would, if we may be permitted the pro-
nouncement, be dogmatic and futile. -K. S.
ditoral Comment
With little fanfare, all the producers, actors,
and general employes of the legitimate theatre
got together in a love feast through the National
Legitimate Theatre committee in New York last
week and drafted an agreement, under the watch-
ful eye of one of General- Johnson's agents, that
gives everyone exactly what he wants and what
no one has been able to get for these many years.
If the committee can get general compliance.with
the code there will be an end to abuses of long
According to the code's provisions all actors
are to get a minimum wage of $40 and chorus girls
will have no less than $30. Even press agents are
taken care of, and office employees and scrub-
women and dramatists, who will be guaranteed
$500 on the acceptance of their plays. There will
be no more gyping of the public by the ticket
brokers, because a certain proportion of seats

-for every performance must be held for box office
sale. The complimentary seat nuisance will be
stopped and plays will begin at the time adver-
tised. That is, if the code receives -general ac-
The problem of gyp brokerage sales in itself
has been a matter that has worried the stage
and the public for many long years and appeared
to be insolvvable .after the supreme court ruled
some years ago that ticket sales were not a matter
vested with a public interest and could not be
regulated by the state. Now it, along with innu-
merable other problems, is being settled by the
industry itself.
Of'course the code has no provision for guaran-
teeing the production of good plays. This seems to
be its only failure.
-The Daily Iowan.
Following Chicago's latest shooting, the murder
of a police officer by a gunman who fired while
he was attempting to escape from the courtroom,
an official of the City of Chicago made a state-
ment, the essence of which was that hereafter
criminals who resist arrest and endanger the lives
of others should be fired upon first and questioned
A dead criminal, he inferred, is less likely to
endanger the public than a live one.
Many members of the sob sisterhood and even
well meaning, voters who question the principle of
taking the lives of criminals at all, will rise up
indignantly at the "brutality" of such a statement.
"Why-that's murder!"-they will cry.
Perhaps it is, friends. And yet, while we are not
in favor of violence, ordinarily, we are in hearty
accord with the method urged by the Chicago

Examination for University Credit:
All students who desire credit for
work done in the Summer Session
will be required to take examinations
at the close of tie Session. The ex-
amination schedule for schools and
colleges on the eight-week basis is as

Hour of Recitation
8 9 10 11
Time of Examination
Thursday Friday Thursday Friday
8-10 8-10 2-4 2-4 1
Hour of Recitation
1 2 3 All other

Pubiication in the Bulletin is. constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30;
11:30 a. m. Saturday.

Time of Examination
Thursday Thursday Friday
4-6 10-12 10-12


Enrollment in University Element-
ary School: Membership lists in theI
nursery, kindergarten, and grades off
the University Elementary School
are now being made up for the yeari
1933-34. Parents interested in mak-t
ing application for the entrance oft
their children should inquire for in-E
formation at the Office of the Direc-9
tor, Room 2509, University Element-
ary School, or should telephone the
University, station 326.
Teacher's Certificate: All candi-
dates for the Teacher's CertificateI
in August (except graduate students3
who will take a degree at that time)
are required to pass a Comprehensive
Professional Examination in Educa-
tion. This examination will be heldt
on Saturday morning, August 12th
at 8 o'clock in the Auditorium of
the University High School.
All students planning to take this
examination on August 12th should
leave word with the Recorder of the
School of Education, Rgom 1437
U.E.S., at once.
C. O. Davis, Secretary
University High School 'Demon-,
stration Assembly: The sixth- and
last demonstration assembly of the
University High School Summer Ses-
sion- will be presented Friday morn-
ing, August 11, at 11 o'clock in the
high school auditorium. Pupils tak-
ing instrumental music lessons will
be responsible for half the program,
while members of the stage crewf
have prepared the other half. All
Summer Session students who are
interested are welcome to attend.
Students' Recital: The final pro-
gram on the Summer Session Con-
cert Series, which will be presented
in H i l l Auditorium, today at
4:15 o'clock, brings together the
Summer Session Mixed Chorus, the
Summer Session orchestra, several
vocal soloists and the class in con-
ducting. Professor David Mattern,
director of the department of music
education has designed a program
full of musical interest, and yet suf-
ficiently varied to provide opportun-
ities for the presentation of a num-
ber of soloists and conductors. The
soloists are:
Genevieve Dunne Smith, Soprano;
Edgar Headley, Tenor; Mark Bills,
Baritone; Allen Callahan, Organist.
The program in full is -as follows:
Gounod: St. Cecilia Mass-Kyrie,
Conducted by Lois Mackey; Gloria,
Conducted by William Miller; Credo,
Conducted by C. B. Kendall; Sanc-
tus, Conducted by James Young;
Benedictus, Conducted by Chester
Channon. Gretry: Ballet Suite;
(Conducted by Eugene Edmonds);
Busch: Omaha Indian Love Song
(Conducted by Marguerite SHenry);
Purcell: In these Delightful Pleasant
Groves (Conducted by Ione Ward);
Hahn: If my Songs had Wings (Con-
ducted by Chester Channon); Gla-
zounov: W a 1t z (Conducted by
N a t h a n Rosenbluth); Jarnefelt:
Praeludium (Conducted by Guy
Joy); L i s z t: Second Hungarian
Rhapsody (Conducted by- Gilbert
Waller). Charles A. Sink
Dr. S. A. Courtis, Professor of Edu-
cation, will speak on the subject
"Theories of Discipline" in the last
,conference of the Summer Session
sponsored by the School of Educa-
tion. The meeting will take place
at 4:10 p. m. in Room 1022,Univer-
sity High School, today.
Gandhism vs. Socialism is the topic
of a talk to be given by Gordon Hal-
stead at Natural Science Aud., 5 p. m.
Friday for the Socialist Club's Public
Lecture Series. All opinions are in-
A meeting of the Mathematical Club
will be held at 4 p. m. today in Room
3017 Angell Hall. Professor L. A.
Hopkins will speak on, "Keeping
Track of the Asteroids."

Exhibition of Recent Housing: A

Michigan Repertory Players: "Au-
tumn Crocus," C. L. Anthony's recent
Broadway success continues tonight
at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre.
Tickets are available for al perfor-
mances. The telephone number is
Unversity Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information: The
Bureau has received notice of the
following Civil Service Examinations:
Assistant Director of Social Work
(Warden's Asst.) in Penal Institu-
tions: $2,600 to $3,100; Junior Direc-
tor of Social Work (Junior Warden's
Asst.) in Penal Institutions, $2,000 to
$2,500. For further information,
kindly call at the office, 201 Mason
Women Students: There will be a
picnic swim and entertainment given
by the Women's Physical Education
Department on Friday, August 11.
The party will leave Barbour Gym-
nasium at 5:30 p. m. Please make
reservations in Rodm 15, Barbour
Gymnasium by noon Friday. Bring
swimming suits and thirty cents.
JERSEY CITY, Aug. 9.-VP)-The
sight of hardy engineers working un-
der the shelter of sunshades aroused
many persons to tittering comment.
County Engineer Radigan explained
that the umbrellas were for the pro-
tection of the instruments, not the


collection of views and charts illus-
trating European Housing projects is
now hung in the ground floor corri-
dor of the Architecture Building. The
exhibition will continue through
Monday, August 14.

Summer School Chorus and
chestra: Rehearsal t o d a y,
o'clock, Hill Auditorium.



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fried fillet of sole............... .
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Dry Defeat Is
Predicted For
Missouri Next
State Will Vote On Repeal
August 19; 2 Others To
Ballot During Monih
(By Associated Press)
The tide of prohibition repeal, hav-
ing overwhelmed physically arid Ari-
zona, swept on toward Missouri Wed-
nesday with its advocates ostensibly
in sight of their goal.
Repeal elections yet to be held this
year in 16 States will bring the total
voting to 37. That is one more than
the 36 required to expel the Eigh-
teenth Amendment, should all favor
the measure.
Arizona's margin of three-to-one
in Tuesday's referendum made it the
twenty-first to express oppositiontto
the liquor control amendment. Not
one has favored retention.
Missouri, where prohibition forces
did not put forward slates of dele-
gates at any recent precinct meet-
ings, votes Aug. 19. Texas, which last
year was recorded two-to-one for
submission of prohibition to the peo-
ple, follows Aug. 26. Washington
winds up the August elections with a
vote on the 29th.
Through action of the Colorado
Legislature this week, its citizens will
express their sentiment Sept. 12,
electing delegates to a convention
Sept. 26. Formal proclamations have
not been issued in Colorado or Utah
-scheduled to vote Nov. 7-but these
are considered certain to be forth-
Other states to vote in September
are Vermont, Maine, Maryland, Min-
nesota, Idaho and New Mexico. Flor-
ida will be at the polls Oct. 10, and
the Carolnas, Pennsylvania, Utah
and Ohio will vote Nov. 7, complet-
ing, under the present arrangements,
this year's balloting upon the Twen-
ty-First Amendment.



To The Editor:
Last Monday's lecture of Professor Reeves be-
fore the lawyers on the boundary dispute between
Bolivia and Paraguay was highly enlightening.
Nevertheless some of his appreciations and con-
clusions were not convincing to even the most
casual student of the Chaco question.
Professor Reeves began by pointing out that
Brazil's boundaries touched every country in
South America except Chile and Uruguay. The
latter country .is bound by Brazil on about half
of its border, and as a matter of fact Spain and
Portugal had their only armed clashes in colonial
America at this boundary line.
Entering into the Chaco question, he asserted
that Bolivia first claimed, that territory only
after losing to Chile her ports on the Pacific
Ocean during the war of 1879. This assertion is
far from being the truth, for the records of the
Bolivian Congress show that previous to 1879 that
legislative body had authorized many land grants
to Bolivian and foreign colonizing companies.
I shall cite only a few. In 1833 one Manuel Olin-
den was granted 25 leagues of land for the estab-
lishment of a port on the Otuquis River. This
portion was seized by Paraguay in 1885. In 1843,
the Belgian Colonization Company obtained a mil-
lion acres of land on the Paraguay River and
tributaries. In 1864 one Victoriano Toboas first
was authorized to colonize Bahia Negra, (seized
by Paraguay in 1885).
The legend that Bolivia wants to substitute
her lost Pacific ports for new ones on the Para-
guay River is perfectly absurd, just as absurd as if
the U. S. were trying to obtain outlet to the sea
through Alaska. Bolivia has three lines of rail-
roads to the Pacific Ocean and the most advan-
tageous treaties with Chile by which Bolivia is
allowed to maintain its custom-houses without
any interference. Then, how is it possible that Bo-
livia seeks a port on the Paraguay River where
distances are enormous and roads lacking? Boli-
vian trade and commerce through that river
would be simply too expensive and impracticable,
when shorter and more economical routes are open
to her on the Pacific Coast.
The perplexing note of Professor Reeves' speech
was his acknowledgement that he knows of no
Royal Charts that haintain the Bolivian preten-
sion for the Chaco. It is our contention that if
he is lecturing about as delicate a question as a
boundary dispute, it is his duty to know the sub-
ject by heart and to back his assertion by docu-
mentation. What is very regretable is the fact
that he has given a sort of verdict, asserting that
historical facts show that Paraguay has a right
of possession of those territories, even though he
never read or mentioned a single document that

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